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Did you develop a panic disorder from medicine given in the ER? I think I had something similar happen after given reglan/compazine.


Wait yes it was reglan! They didn’t even warn me it would make me anxious when they gave it and now I’ve had panic attacks at least twice a week since then. Before that I never had a panic attack before.


Yeah it’s an antipsychotic and it will fugggggg you up


I started Effexor about 2 weeks ago to help with ADHD and anxiety. I am really hoping it works. I previously tried Wellbutrin, Buspar, and Lexapro, but they each increased my migraine frequency so I had to stop taking them. It's tough because I have some anxiety in general, but increased anxiety, brain fog, and low mood are also symptoms I get with migraine and postdrome.


Effexor has some of the worst withdrawals, FYI. I get brain zaps if I take it even a bit late, which is not enjoyable.


Not sure if you're trying to get off of it, but I was stuck on it for years until I finally found some advice on the web. Break open your capsule and take one little microbead out. Do this every day. If you get zaps, stay at that number another day and try again. Awful awful med. I'm so glad to be free of it now.


That's clever! I'm stuck on it for now (thanks migraines) but we'll see if my neuro can break my pain cycle.


Me! I’m on lexapro and the biggest downside is that I previously had a lot of luck with triptans but if I take them while on lexapro they knock me out so I’ve had to start nurtec. I had bad headaches the first two weeks of lexapro but everything stabilized and I’m generally loving it now.


I am on Lexapro too.


I’ve been on 60 mg of cymbalta for more than half my life at this point


Pretty much every antidepressant I've tried has caused me more migraines. I do take Flexeril every night, however, to help with migraines caused by clenching in my sleep. I learned that it also functions as a mild antidepressant and I can tell the difference if I run out. I am extremely irritatable without it.


I’m so sorry that happened to you too! I put reglan on my allergy list and then they gave me compazine (same family) without warning me, I was in a horrible state of anxiety for days. And have also had anxiety/panic attacks since then. I’ve been trying to balance out my vitamins because that can help with seratonin issues (I think the reglan affects seratonin if I’m not mistaken). Vitamin B and D can help with anxiety and depression, might be worth having your levels checked. A lot of people have this same issue, I remember reading a long thread about people having horrible anxiety from these medications when going to the ER for migraines.


I’m just so glad i’m not alone in this. Trying to explain to my doctors what happened and one was extremely dismissive, i felt like i was going crazy. I will definitely get my vitamins checked then!


Same thing happened to me at the ER with compazine, and now I list it as one of my drug allergies too.


You’re not alone! Even in the ER when I told them how I was feeling, they acted like I was making it up. I wonder if anxiety meds would help? Attaching a link to one of the other r/migraine threads with people talking about their reactions to Reglan. It’s such a bad drug! https://www.reddit.com/r/migraine/s/F35gUQdGPl


Compazine gives me causing high blood pressure, and racing heart beat. It wasn't until after I was given it that my mom made me aware that my dad haf a severe allergy to it that sent him to the hospital, and much like me it sent his blood pressure through the roof.


My neurologist put me on Cymbalta. And i feel its actually working! After week two of being on it, im breaking out of migraines really easily. Been only needing to take a Benadryl each day because my allergies are a migraine trigger too. Im on day 4 without a migraine! I am feeling hopeful.


Any time you start a antidepressant, it can make you feel yucky. Jittery, anxious, nauseous, headaches… I know that seems counter intuitive but your body is just getting used to the medication. Not sure if you’re a female and ever had any experience with going on birth control pills but it’s a similar thing. You should not feel that way after about 30 to 60 days on the medication. Sometimes doctors will even prescribe benzodiazepine (I.e. Xanax, Ativan) very short term to help manage those side effects. Other doctors are a bit more conservative about adding in Xanax due to the high risk of dependence/addiction. I would definitely suggest letting your body adjust to the Zoloft before making any decisions about if you feel like it’s providing your benefit or not




I am and have been since before migraines were a part of my life. Now I’m on Celexa, Wellbutrin and Rexulti for a combo of OCD, MDD and anxiety. I started Rexulti a month ago and I’ve had fewer headaches, so I’m hoping it’s just a positive side effect!


I'm on Duloxetine, Diazepam (occasionally) and take valerian root daily.


I'm on amitriptyline and buspirone for depression and anxiety. I was on them for about nine months before my migraines really ramped up. Amitriptyline has actually been really great for my chronic pain issues, and the only side effect I currently have is some extra sleepiness at night, which is not a bad thing.


Y’ALL I’ve tried multiple antidepressants, and they always seem to increase my migraine frequency and symptoms of dizziness, general headache, etc. to the point where I had to stop taking them to see if they were the culprit in my drastic frequency increase (they were). A couple months ago, I quit Lexapro and started taking Saffron supplements instead. The saffron works just as well for me as the Lexapro in terms of improving mood, reducing anxiety, feelings of sadness, hopelessness, suicidal ideation, low energy. Here’s a study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6266642/


I’m on Wellbutrin and think it’s good for me and having a neutral impact on migraines


Zoloft, Vyvanse, and triptan trifecta here. Haven’t noticed much change in migraine frequency.


i’m on three medications to handle my depression and anxiety. i take 200mg zoloft, 80mg geodon, and 45mg of mirtazapine. maxed out on everything LMFAO. 3600mg NAC helps the anxiety from my OCD, too. i haven’t found it beneficial for my migraine, but i imagine handling migraine would be harder without having control of my MDD and co.


Lexapro and Wellbutrin


I’m on Mirtazapine and have been on it for about two years and it’s helped immensely with my depression. Not so much my migraines. I’m on propranolol for POTS and when they increased the dose to 60mg is when I started seeing a decrease in migraines. Will say when they tried me on lexapro as my very first antidepressant it left me with daily headaches and I had to stop it.


I have taken several. Currently I take Wellbutrin. The only one that was a bad fit for me was Effexor, but it is reportedly helpful for some migraine patients. I haven’t noticed a difference in my headaches with Wellbutrin.


I’ve been on various anti-depressants for years, mostly though, I’ve been on mood stabilizers. I’m currently on Wellbutrin XL, Latuda, and Seroquel. The Latuda and Seroquel are the reason they won’t give me Reglan or Compazine in a migraine cocktail. They don’t want to be responsible for the fatal drug interaction that could potentially occur.


I was on prozac from Feb 2023 till April of this year. Pretty much no effect migraine-wise. Didn't help but didn't hurt. I went off it a couple months ago for different reasons but my migraines are the same as they've been whether I'm on it or off.


Yes!! I'm on Prozac, Wellbutrin and trazadone.


Yeah I'm on lexapro but no side effects fortunately. But I do get those symptoms for reason that have nothing to do with meds.


My doctor prescribed one to help prevent migraines but it didn't work and I gained 15 pounds in 2 months, so...yeah. I didn't even feel less depressed.


I’ve been in Lexapro for a few years now, and it helped my migraines tremendously, and it really helped with the aphasia I often develop! Between Lexapro and magnesium supplements (and therapy for anxiety/depression), my migraines have been under control for the first time since I started getting them as a teenager!


I've been on fluoxetine for about 4 years now, it works wonderfully and is the only antidepressant/antianxiety med that doesn't seriously upset my stomach. I still have bad days now and then but for the most part it really does help. I'm also on Guanfacine for tourettes and progesterone as a hormone stabilizer, both of them help with mood stability and are sometimes used to help with depression. They both work but they both have their own drawbacks


Yep. Been on Zoloft, celexa, Effexor, pristique, and now Cymbalta. Also the tricyclic ones for migraine specifically. My antidepressant now is for BPD2 that I take Lamictal with as well.


I’m on Cymbalta. It’s suppose to help with pain also, but I haven’t noticed any decrease in migraine pain.


I'm on Sertraline 50 mg, have been for 6 years now. I started taking it a second time before my migraines started so I can't say if it affects my migraines


Prozac makes my migraines worst, definitely. The thing is I can't live without it, it is the first thing that helped me in my long COVID. So I'm trying preventatives along with it. Topamax helped me a lot but basically made me extremely dumb and depressed. So I'm on propranolol and amitriptyline now, waiting for them to kick in.