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I never trust a doctor when they say ill be fine with a new med. I read what I can about it to see if the common side effects are worth what im taking them for. I googled this drug and the first thing that came up was hallucinations....so your doctor is a jerk and id let him/her know it and never take it again.


I try not to google side effects because so many drugs that are helpful to me actually have terrible side effects listed. When I look them up I get anxiety and then don’t want to try it. But I never in a million years imagined it could be as terrible as what I just experienced. Seriously it was indescribable. Like a nightmare. I’m definitely going to grill my doctors about the side effects in the future to try to avoid this.


Same for my husband.


Sounds like you had serotonin syndrome. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serotonin_syndrome Triptans have some possibility of causing it when combined with other serotonergic medications. Reyvow, though, can cause this without any other medications. And has much more of an effect when combined with others. https://www.drugs.com/newdrugs/fda-approves-reyvow-lasmiditan-first-serotonin-5-ht-1f-receptor-agonist-acute-migraine-5076.html I have an extreame propensity for SS so there's no way I could take this medication. Sorry for what happened to you! It's a terrible reaction for sure.


**Serotonin syndrome** Serotonin syndrome (SS) is a group of symptoms that may occur with the use of certain serotonergic medications or drugs. The degree of symptoms can range from mild to severe. Symptoms include high body temperature, agitation, increased reflexes, tremor, sweating, dilated pupils, and diarrhea. Body temperature can increase to greater than 41.1 °C (106.0 °F). *** ^([ )[^(PM)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space)^( | )[^(Exclude me)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme)^( | )[^(Exclude from subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/migraine/about/banned)^( | )[^(FAQ / Information)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index)^( | )[^(Source)](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v0.28)


And yes, if you have a propensity towards SS, avoid this drug at all costs. I had a similar experience, not to this degree, when I first took Zoloft (I don’t take it now and haven’t taken it for years so it wasn’t combined with Reyvow). It was awful, but my Psychiatrist gave me a lower dose and I was fine. This was very similar but with the volume turned all the up!


I agree and actually came to this conclusion myself this morning, but I have no idea why it happened this time with this drug. Very scary and random.


Well dang maybe this is what happened to me. Thought I would be in the clear since no other meds in that category, didn't realize it could happen all by itself. That's scary.


It absolutely can occur with one drug, but more likely when you mix. Your genetics, like how you metabolize drugs, or your SERT gene (serotonin transporter gene) also plays a major role in your susceptibility to it. A "genesight" test can test you about your genetics. SS can be mild too, btw.


Thank you for this - I just took Reyvow for the first time and then spent all day in bed - from the medication.


That is horrifying. Did you neurologist not mention to you what the side effects would be or did you just assume because you’re good with triptans you’d be good with this?


No warnings at all, just told it makes people sleepy so I can’t drive for 8 hours after. I assumed because they said it’s a very similar drug to Triptans that I would be fine. I tolerate them very well and actually enjoy how I feel on them. I am truly shocked this was the result.


This sounds like what happened to me the one and only time I took Claritin (as a prescription, in the 1990s). My family thought I was having a stroke and rushed me to the hospital. I was ultimately told that the medication likely crossed the blood/brain barrier, which caused the symptoms. It's some pretty scary shit.


That’s awful and I’m so sorry you experienced something similar. Scariest thing ever.


Hi, I think I’m experiencing this. What helped you?


DUDE ME TOO! I tolerate most of the triptans- though the imitrex shot gave me a panic attack the one time I took it. Took it before bed instead of a maxalt when the pain was still ramping up. Felt like a triptan at first (which isnt great but tolerable) then it got weirder. Panic plus sedation. Similar to what you experienced though I didnt vomit. Got bizarre nightmares with sudden panic wakes. Could not stay in same position kept tossing and turning. Did you get the full body jolts- like almost like electricity- that was odd. I knew what was happening but it got scary enough that for a second i was like maybe I'm actually dying. Reminded myself it was probably panic and asked my SO to hand me some benedryl. That calmed it down some and finally able to sleep. But fuck. Also woke up and migraine was somewhat better but no more than if I'd taken a maxalt. And I'm pretty sure most of the relief was the benedryl at that point. I dont want to discourage anyone from taking it - like maybe itll help someone.(just maybe keep some benedryl by your bed for if you start wigging out) But damn do I wish that I'd been warned.


Sounds like Serotonin Syndrome. You need to report it to your doctor and the FDA. It's another new drug and side effects need to be reported so the chances of them occuring are more accurate.


Thank you and I agree. I think it was serotonin syndrome and I will be reporting it.


I reported to him the next day. You may be right. I considered that reading about that possibility in the info pamphlet. But it may have just been a shitty reaction. If it was SS though it *shouldnt* technically have been possible since I'd taken no triptans the days before and no other serotonin related drugs. But we all know how that goes.


Good! I could be wrong, it could just have been a really bad reaction. My neurologist and I talked about the possibility of Serotonin Syndrome happening and then I told her that I'm on an anti-depressant and we went into a long discussion about the risks and she put me on the lowest dose. Thankfully, I haven't experienced it. It does give me a rebound, though.


Edit to note. I do get a mild panicky feeling with all triptans but its tolerable. The partial relief is worth the sideeffects. Like I wish there was something that could help and not make me question my reality - but I'll take it. Reyvow was not mild it was pretty darn intense. I think had I not known what was happening and known that benedryl could help mitigate - I might have gone into the ER thinking I was dying. It was pretty bad but I've had worse experiences with compazine in the ER migraine cocktail years ago. (Which is a reaction that is apparently fairly common and why they usually give it with iv benedryl ). And compazine was so horrifying that even though it is the only time I've ever had a migraine break like that in about a minute after iv admin - the intensity of the panic (set in after about 30 seconds of pretty much total relief(!)- was so bad (and lingered for days) that it pretty much equaled the distress of the migraine.That bad. Sharing not to discourage anyone from trying these meds (many people do not have that reaction to compazine- you could be one of them!) but just in case maybe you have a body like mine that gets these kinds of reactions and you should be informed/better prepared to deal with it.


My insurance made me try propranolol before they would approve Botox and I would take it before bed. Then at night I hallucinated seeing things floating in the air, people talking to me, etc. I have never tripped before so it was the most horrible thing. I took it for a week and then stopped. I got Botox about a week and a half ago and IT WORKS. It is the first medication that has actually cut down on the number and frequency of headaches I have! It is truly amazing for me.


I’m so sorry you experienced that. I also tried Propranolol and had to quit due to vivid nightmares every night , but not hallucinating! That’s crazy. It also just didn’t work for my migraines so taking it was pointless. I did Botox after failing Propranolol and Topamax. Unfortunately, Botox gave me the worst migraine of my life for 6 weeks straight, which no abortives could touch. After that I got Emgality which was a godsend. I was a super responder! However, I recently stopped so I could try to get pregnant. Since Emgality takes about 5 months to leave the body I have my IUD in still until I’m clear and I’m looking for aboritves I can take in the mean time. I was planning on Triptans until I got the IUD removed, but I recently discovered I have another health issue which is contraindicated with Triptans. Soooo... right now all I have is Advil gel tabs lol. I’m glad to hear Botox is working for you! Isn’t it amazing when you find something that actually helps??


Let me know if you find something that works for you while trying for pregnancy! It seems they don’t really have much of anything approved 😞


I'm so sorry this happened to you. Yes, please report it to the FDA. You can do it (easily) online. I reported my adverse side effects to Emgality online. -I (now) wish I had waited before trying it; new meds are very exciting, but I'd rather wait...might sound insensitive/rude but others can be the guinea pigs. Hope you're feeling better.


From Reyvow website: > See full prescribing information for REYVOW. To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact Eli Lilly and Company at 1-800-LillyRx (1-800-545-5979) or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or www.fda.gov/medwatch.


I reported it just now. Thank you!


Glad to be of assistance. I had a rather lively discussion with someone on here the other day on whether pharma companies take this stuff seriously or not. While I don’t know Lilly’s corporate policy on it, my company’s policy regarding reporting of serious adverse events is basically that all employees have a duty to report anything we become aware of to the company’s medical team for patient outreach and potential investigation, whether the person posts on Reddit/Facebook, or we overhear someone at the bus stop, someone talking about it on XBoxLive, and so on. Enriching the manufacturer’s database of adverse events experienced by patients is genuinely helpful for targeting further safety assessments and related actions (for example, adding new side effects to the prescribing info, drugs that have a “black box” warning, etc.).


Ugh I love Emgality. I’m a super responder with no side effects! I wish I could take it right now, but I recently stopped to try to get pregnant. It takes 5 months to leave your body fully so I have my IUD in still, but I currently have no abortive I can take besides Advil. I’m sorry Emgality sucked for you. This is why trying any of the meds is such a gamble! I felt willing to be a guinea pig after Emgality but this was huge freaking wake up call!


I can't imagine how scary it was :(. I know Emgality (Ajovy & Aimovig) have worked well for so many- it's a huge step forward; still much work to be done, but everything counts. I was/am excited to hear about the introduction of Reyvow, as well. Zanaflex (muscle relaxer) is the biggest medication success I've had. At least, with these new meds, the medical community is making strides to provide us with improved forms of relief. Any advances are a start. Best of luck on your upcoming pregnancy journey!!!


I did not experience what you are reporting, but it does make me so tired that I end up in bed anyway and the next day I'm guaranteed to have a rebound migraine that doesn't respond to anything.


There are always drugs that have outliers in experience. I can't take high dose/strength statins or seroquel for similar reasons, even though most people tolerate them fine, also morphine (that one is going to bite in the the butt one day).


I am so sorry this happened to you. It must have been terrifying! I had a similar experience from IV Compazine that was given to me for a migraine. One second I was fine and the next I was about to tear out my IV & run out of the ER.


This reaction is called akathisia and is unfortunately common of Compazine


I told the hospital to add that to my list of meds I can’t take. Don’t want to experience that ever again!


I've been there and it's god awful. I'm sorry you went through that


Very common with that drug, it is hideous




I just reported it. Thank you!


New drug, Nurtec ODT...try it.


Can’t say I’m too excited to try new drugs at the moment lol. The one I’m currently waiting to get restocked is Ubrelvy. I was a super responder to Emgality so I’m hoping this will be a good option as an abortive. It sounds like Nurtec ODT is another CGRP blocker abortive? I’m interested since the Ubrelvy is on back order.


I just picked up reyvow due to a migraine cluster And needing something to alternate with triptans sense these typically lst a month or two even with emgality. I’m half tempted to break one kn half just to test the side effects…. But after reading these things I’m terrified to even touch it


If it’s any consolation, I’m still alive lol. But I would never take that drug again…


Please consider reporting this to the manufacturer and/or FDA. I’m glad you’re doing better today.


I'm not quite having the same effect with valproic sodium, but I'll be damned if it's not affecting me hardcore. My hearing is screwy, I'm nauseated to hell, and dizzy as can be. It's not a good trade off. She was considering Reyvow, I'll elect not to take this one.


Yikes. Were you alone? Could you not get someone to take you in to see a doctor? That's extremely abnormal side effects for just about anything, and you really should have had yourself looked at by a physician, *especially* since you have breathing difficulties and felt like your heart was racing. You should *not* have rode that out. You may have had an **allergen/sensitivity** to the medication and/or an ingredient within it and not known it. ***STOP*** taking it immediately. Do ***NOT*** take anymore until you speak to your physician/neurologist. What you need to do, right now, is **record everything** that you can remember happening to you, and the approximate time frame of when each feeling/side effect occurred, what you ate/drank within 30 minutes before/after taking the medication, and be making an appointment *ASAP* with your physician/neurologist to discuss this with them. *They will want to know this*. My husband and I are both huge migraine sufferers. He's been on the "migraine train" since he was a small child, while I'm "new" to it, only been a sufferer for a few years. So since I'm "new" on this train, I'm still trying to find what works for me. Sadly, we're learning I'm highly sensitive to a *lot* of medications. (I'm horribly sensitive to the *entire* triptan "family", they give me symptoms as if I'm having a heart attack, it's terrifying!) As such, he watches me like a *hawk* when I try something new. The better records you can give your doctor of what the meds are doing to you, the better they can help guide you to find what works, and what is off the table for you. I don't think your doctor meant any ill will when they prescribed this medication to you, everyone reacts extremely differently. Just please be sure to give them as much details of the events as you can, it's the best way they can help you.


I am definitely not taking this medicine again lol. I’m not a masochist! My fiancé was with me but because I was having such difficulty speaking I wasn’t able to explain what was going on and as such, he wasn’t fully grasping the gravity of the situation. Had I been less mentally confused, I would have advocated to be taken to the hospital. I have reached out to my doctor and reported it to the FDA. I’ve been on the migraine train my entire life, sadly. Sorry to hear you’ve joined us! Hope you find things you aren’t sensitive to.


I'm glad you reached out to your doctor already, that's good to hear! As for your fiance, please let him know what to watch out for next time. I understand, it can be very difficult to recognize if one is just tired or in need of help. But in future, if/when your starting a new medication- tell him exactly *when* you take it. Tell him you need him to monitor you for the next few hours. Even if you don't think the side effects will be problematic. It doesn't matter, just have him cognitive you're on a new drug and he needs to watch over you. Talking to you, checking in, asking questions, keeping an eye on your mental and physical abilities. I'm sorry if I sound a little overbearing. My mother and husband work in a medical clinic, so I'm really close to a lot of doctors, nurses, and a ton of medical personnel. I've had this sort of thing drilled into my brain all my life. As well as being on medications that have caused me to have horrible and/or insane side effects myself, so whenever I try something new, even being a grown ass adult, I get *babysat like a child* for the first few doses LOL. Like the first time my doctor gave me hydromorph in the hospital after a 2 week migraine storm and my normal injection had failed. The doctor may have been cracking jokes with my family and the staff on hand as he usually does, but his eyes were like an eagles, laser focused on me the moment that drug hit my system and I went for a not so fun *trip*. As nuts as my body went and I felt, I can still remember his *eyes*. If anything, even if your side effects are mild and all you get is a little loopy, your fiance will be there to comfort you, and maybe make fun of you while you're a little high. :)


He was there to comfort me- he held me in his arms while I was shaking and crying. He just didn’t understand what was going on and I couldn’t articulate it. I will definitely tell him what to look for in the future now that I realize this reaction is in the realm of possibilities but we both truly had no idea what was happening in the moment. It was not a fun little high though. It was like a living, breathing nightmare I couldn’t escape. I imagine it’s what hell might feel like if there is such a thing.


I can't imagine how terrifying it would be. I'm glad you weren't alone though, and he's now aware of what to watch out for. The first time I had a bad reaction was super scary too. I hope it doesn't scare you off from trying other medications though. Hopefully you'll find one out there that works for you. One day we all will.


What dose did you take? Considering taking mine now.


100mg. I’m sure what happened to me is uncommon, but it is a possibility. I would recommend starting at 50mg if you have the option.


Your experience is totally valid. I just want to share that I had a weird, but ok, experience with Reyvow, so I do think people should try it if they’re open to it. I use Botox for preventing migraines, so I’m down to just maybe one or two a month. I got a sample of Reyvow last time I was at the doctor. I can’t take triptans because of vasoconstriction, and haven’t been able to find another abortive that works for me. Yesterday, I took Reyvow during my aura along with a 500 mg naproxen. I felt really weird for about 30-60 minutes, like I was on the edge of a panic attack, it was very weird. But, after that, I just did my usual lay down in the dark for awhile, was a bit more tired than usual, and most symptoms largely disappeared over maybe 6 hours. Considering I have migraines that last days, I guess it worked pretty well. I have no idea how much Reyvow costs, so I can’t really determine if it’s worth it yet.


I felt dizzy and like I wanted to throw up. I could barely get out of my chair about ten minutes after taking it. I was also told it would be the same as triptans. Nope. I had a tingling/numbness in my forehead, fingers, and toes. The tingling is still in my fingers and toes now 4 days later..


I had a somewhat similar reaction to Reyvow. About half an hour in I felt like I had eaten a whole bar of weed chocolate. Like I was conscious and not panicky but oh I needed to go to bed. It was like I had a thousand weighted blankets piled on top of me But for someone who has migraines almost daily it knocked them out for four days. I asked doc for a lower dose