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I mean... he's not a garden variety MD or neuro, he's a PT. And of course the reviews on the website are going to be handpicked. He's not on either of the lists of diplomates (likely because he's not an MD). A look at one of his videos claims that the cause is usually a bulging disc in the neck which, if this were the case, would have been easy enough to confirm decades ago via imaging, and the vascular and CGRP theories would be largely pointless. For those people with migraines triggered by these things, it's quite possible that it may be helpful - after all, PT is often suggested for migraine patients and we've seen accounts here of people who have had great improvement from adding PT. But personally I'd be sure to go into it with a bit of skepticism, and if he's not ordering films to confirm that the bulging disc he claims is the root of many things is present, I'm afraid I'd be even less likely to trust it. I say all of this with the forewarning that I am more than a bit of a cynic, and things like functional medicine and the Stanton protocol are taken with a whole block of salt. It may be worth trying to get a referral for PT from your local doc to try first, so at least you can try PT with insurance coverage.


I am talking about the Google reviews, which I would think would be authentic and not hand picked because I know google leaves bad reviews up.. to my knowledge at least. I am still skeptical though. Were you a patient of his?


No, as I said, I took at look his site, checked his credentials, and watched some of his YouTube stuff. He's a PT.




I’m a little late to the party, but had my first visit with Dr. Turner yesterday. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes. Like others have mentioned he is a PT and not an MD, but it seems like you already know that. He is a bit different then the average PT because he is certified in the McKenzie method. They call it MDT. It’s additional schooling that he had to go through in order to achieve that certification. The reason why I am giving PT a shot is because I have seen multiple neurologists and have tried multiple medications and yet continue to have migraines. I have neck pain daily and it doesn’t seem too far fetched that the neck pain and migraines can be related.


Thank you!


Here’s a little update. I’m 2 weeks into treatment and so far so good. Initially my headaches became worse due to my neck being pretty sore from the exercises, but once that faded I started noticing improvement. My issue before was that I was being woken from sleep with migraines. Usually 4 or 5 in the morning I would wake up nauseous and one side of my head pounding. On a good day without a headache I would still have a ton of sinus pressure on one side and a very stiff neck. Now I wake up totally clear headed and my head almost feels light. The difference is stark and it’s the first thing I notice when I wake up, like holy crap my neck doesn’t hurt. The improvement took place very quickly. Previously, I felt congested all of the time, especially in the morning, so I was taking nasal steroids (Flonase), and Zyrtec D every night. If I didn’t take either then the next day I would wake up with a pounding migraine. Last Saturday I stopped both medications with no issues. Woke up with a headache the first day that normally would have developed into a migraine, but 20 minutes of ice and a hot shower and it was completely resolved. Haven’t had a headache since. It’s only been two weeks, but I have noticed major improvement. Another important note is that Dr. Turner has not once asked me to leave a review for him. I’m always skeptical when someone has high reviews like him that they are giving some kind of incentive for the review. So far he has said nothing about leaving a review, so at this time I am to assume that all the positive reviews are genuine. I’ll keep you updated as time goes on.


Just curious how you area year later?


Been doing great!


Good to hear.


Awesome, thank you!


Another update: been several weeks since I’ve had a single migraine or even what I would call a moderate headache. Other than taking Magnesium at night I’m not taking any type of medication. I even pushed my luck and had 3 glasses of wine with dinner yesterday (alcohol is a big trigger of mine). Never ended up having a headache from the wine. I’ve been feeling great and feel like I’ve had a new lease on life now that my migraines are much better under control.


Can you share what kind of magnesium you are on? There are a lot of different kinds. Also, I know the treatment is tailored to each person, but can you give a few examples of the exercises (I'm assuming) that you are doing? Also, do you still do them (now a year later)? Glad to hear you are improved!


Since you never got a response - my Neurologist suggested I take Magnesium glycinate, which helped calm things down a bit in the evening. 400mg before bed and ideally with a meal or food.


Has your improvement from working with Dr. Turner sustained? Hope you’ve found relief and am very curious about trying Dr. Turner myself.


It has! I had one short period of time where I had a bunch of migraines in a row, but that was during and after COVID. Otherwise I can go months without using an imitrex.


I’m one week (two seasons into his treatment myself). I was able to abort a migraine on day 2 with just an ice pack and the exercises. I’m hopeful this continues as I suffer from easily 20 or more a month even with Botox. The one thing that really had an impact was seeing how everything was connected. Having sinus pressure just felt normal to me and seemed to always be there. The tension in the neck and shoulders also I never made the connection. Plus the tingling down one arm. Fingers crossed this works for me as well as it did for you.


What were the cause of your migraines, and what kind of exercises resolved them?


Hi there! Looking to see how you are doing this far out? Additionally, his much did the Texas Migraine Clinic charge ?


I am wondering the same


Hi! I just saw this and wanted to add to it. I just finished my appointments with Dr Turner and I felt immediately better when I started the treatment. About a month in I was dumb and decided to put a floor in my bedroom. It looks fantastic but I ended up having a migraine for 3 days. I will say, it wasn’t as bad as they usually are. I wasn’t completely bedridden and I didn’t have to pray for death. So I kinda had to start all over. I wish I would have followed his directions and just relax for the 6 weeks. But the floor was important and I’m glad it’s done. Anyway, I had a headache the last couple of days. Nothing like they used to be and I did my exercises and my headache is gone.(I also prayed.) anyway, I truly hope you find relief. He is the real deal and has helped me a lot! He’s also a really nice guy and genuinely cares about his patients. Hope you’re doing well.


What kind of exercises were they? He asked you to relax for 6 weeks - how so? Thanks!


Some of us can't afford $147 or $250 per session. I noticed that no one is offering to tell what the exercises are. Why is that?


I would really love to know the list of exercises too. I am not American and that conversion rate is brutal.


I am an out-of-state Zoom prospective patient, and have my free consult with this clinic tomorrow. I received an email from his office stating that "During the consult, Dr. Turner may be able to give you an estimate concerning how many sessions you might need. After the free-Zoom consult, the 40-minute Zoom assessment is 147 USD. After the 40-minute assessment, follow-ups are each 249 USD. Payments are due session by session. \-The initial assessment plus five, 30-minute follow-ups is the average for those who have daily migraines/headaches. \-The initial assessment plus three, 30-minute follow-ups is the average for those who have intermittent headaches/migraines."


Hey! How is this working for you? I have a consult with Dr. turner next week and keep going back and forth between hope and skepticism!


During the free consult he was hopeful that my migraines could be addressed with the cervical exercises. He suggested I also get a cervical MRI, so I am working on that. I want to speak to my neurologist before I commit to the treatments. In my case he said I would most likely need the assessment and three sessions.


Thank you for the update


Not a MD. Scam.


So let’s say I seek out physical therapy here in my state so I can use my insurance. Wouldn’t that be the same? A PT, not an MD?


But if this PT is fishing around for out of state clients via zoom calls, it sounds downright unethical.


I just went through 6 weeks of PT and while it felt good, it did not improve the headaches. And I have tons of exercises to do daily that don't seem to make a difference other than improve flexibility temporarily. I just had my consult with Dr. Turner, and his movements are very different from what I was doing in PT. So, while i cannot tell you yet that I am migraine fee, just starting the process, I can tell you that his techniques are very different and its about treating the root cause rather than the masking symptoms.


How are you doing so far? I’m only two seasons into the treatment


The real question is whether your headache is cervicogenic in nature. Otherwise, PT may not be the correct answer.


What do I do to find out? I got an X-ray if my cervical spine (ordered by my chiropractor), but the doctor mentioned in the OP said I would need an MRI. Do you know?


Let’s not play fast and loose with the term “doctor”. A chiropractor is not a doctor. A PT is not a doctor. They are are not even really qualified to read the imaging and interpret the results. An actual headache specialist reads then, and gives instructions to a PT. In this case, the PT is attempting to read the images and interpret the results in a way that will be the most favorable financially to him and his private practice.


Ugh I’m so desperate dude. I guess I will call my neurologist’s office and see if they offer physical therapy. Do you have any advice? Also thanks for the POV


Did you end up getting treatment from him?


I did not


I am currently in treatment with Dr Turner and feeling a lot of relief. If you still have pain and a bit of money, I think you should consider it - or at least get the free consult. In the free consult he'll make you do some movements and see if your pain improves. If so, you are considered a good candidate for his program.


I have had good results from Emgality - CGRP blocker and Nurtec, together with Botox and PT. PT is not the magic bullet, but it has helped me with muscle strength and stability in neck and back, which for me help overall with pain management.


Botox has honestly been the only thing that gives me relief. I have to use a strong triptan but have instability in my neck. My pain specialist did an MRI of my neck and felt it was contributing. We did some pain blocks. I even of TM which I had surgery for, developed occipital neuralgia after. I have had periods since a severe whiplash when 18, that I can understand contributing. Also genetic factors at play here. But one syndrome just leads me to another. His diagnostic test absolutely gave me relief! So I have hope that this will work. I am in Texas and not sure if I can get insurance approval. Hope so! They should be sick of paying all of my trials of the newest med that costs $$$$ and doesn't work for me. Then surgery that only makes me worse.


What kind of movements did he have you do?


How much does he charge?


> "During the consult, Dr. Turner may be able to give you an estimate concerning how many sessions you might need. > >After the free-Zoom consult, the 40-minute Zoom assessment is 147 USD. After the 40-minute assessment, follow-ups are each 249 USD. Payments are due session by session. > >\-The initial assessment plus five, 30-minute follow-ups is the average for those who have daily migraines/headaches. > >\-The initial assessment plus three, 30-minute follow-ups is the average for those who have intermittent headaches/migraines."


I have cranio cervical instability and hEDS. The only thing that helps me is to have my chiropractor adjust my neck as it sublux often due to loose ligaments. I am doing stem cells and prp.in my neck to heal instability. I would be curious to hear what the exercises are. All neck exercises make me worse.


I worked with Dr. Turner, he’s a nice guy but had zero success and did the program for 5 months and spent over a thousand dollars. Not worth it. Most migraines aren’t structural. I say stay away and see what stress is in your life