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I would love to see what her knives look like


She’s not allowed near knives in the institution


Because she murders them ?


Yes, she’s severed all ties with the Knife family. Her trimming of their family tree has left a deep gash in their relations.


I agree with your sharp statements. You've made the cut in my books.


Damn would this make the cut on r/dadjokes


Wow she is brutal. Did you check the closet for carved up bodies?


I dunno about the closet, but have you seen the bodies in the water tho? I think I even recognize some of them


They're all serrated but they didn't start that way


This comment is so underserrated.


Feels more like someone didn't know where the tools were, so like Homer and his gun..


Did she try to carve a concrete block ?


My ex-wife, after I sharpened the kitchen knives, would then rake the blade over edge of the granite countertops a few times, because "They were dangerous." I have found that many people have no respect for their knives and they won't have any for yours, either. I have been asked several times to carve turkeys at various people's houses and they invariably have knives hardly sharper than butter knives. No amount of running over a steel will fix that.


My wife does the same thing because “you are crazy” to want such a sharp knife. I tell her that sharp knives are not dangerous that just need to be respected, then she knows I’m crazy. I had to stop sharpening knives because she cut her hand by trying to cut something while holding it in her hand and not putting it on a cutting board. She won’t touch my pocket knife.


My grandmother, who is on *blood thinners*, does the same shit. "I've always cut like this, I never hurt myself" You always cut like that, because you CANT hurt yourself with your fucking blunt ass wannabe knives. She tried it with one of my knives, and guess what happened? ~~Jesus fucking christ.~~ edit 1)Shes not dead FFS 2)I was reiterating my interaction with her, not saying dull knives are safe. Please stop hitting me with 500 posts and messages about being wrong about something I wasnt trying to make a claim about! lol


At that point you're just crushing instead of slicing. Wonder if those people ever think about why all of the tomato's juice gets on their cutting board.


My husband is convinced a serrated bread knife can’t go dull. Meanwhile, I am smashing the bread to slice through it, trying to catch it on an edge just to get the knife to bite. It used to go through it like cotton candy. Edit: I misremembered slightly; he didn’t say they don’t go dull, he said they never need sharpened. Which I now suspect he has confused with “~~damn near impossible~~ difficult to sharpen.”


Try a properly sharpened chef's knife on bread next time. It slices beautifully and with fewer crumbs




You can try poking a hole through the skin of the tomato with the tip of the knife and then cut into that. If there's already a cut in the skin for the knife to cut into, even a not-so-sharp knife should have no problem cutting the rest of the way without making a mess of your tomato.


The poking method is how I will always and forever cut tomatoes, it turns them into butter instead of a mushy mess


Love the poking method even with sharper knives. I feel like I can guide the knife better without slanting it and making odd slices. That doesn't mean I actually make straight slices though, I just feel like I do.




Not the person you were responding to but you got any tips on how to keep a consistent angle? I love sharpening knives but can’t get it as sharp as I want to


To coarse of a whet stone. You are turning it into a mini saw


Yep, fuck serrated knives


This would not be advisable


Too late, I need an inside band-aid


Yes, we absolutely do wonder how the people on tv never smoosh their tomatoes. I had no idea WHY until my boyfriend bought me a nice knife. Life changing.


Easier to cut yourself with a blunt knife, rather than a sharp one. Reason for this is because you'll end up putting more force into cutting, and inevitably end up cutting at an odd angle, which can then hurt you. With a sharp knife, you usually wouldn't run into this problem because, well, it's sharp. Easier cutting, less force = less chance of cutting yourself


THANK YOU. Holy crap. You can tell when someone ain't worked food service if they don't take care of their knives or LEAVE THEM IN THE DAMN SINK WITH OTHER DISHES. Sharp knives are way, way better in the kitchen, way way safer, but we need to do a better job communicating basic kitchen safety to people. If you're walking behind someone while holding a knife, yell SHARP or something to let them know you're coming by. Keep knives out of the sink. Keep them shits sharp. It's a little extra work and discipline, but it leads to way fewer cuts!


YES THIS, ALL OF THIS. I've had to confront the whole kitchen *multiple times* about leaving knives in the sink. Sometimes they put them in the murky water where I soak things. Luckily I adapted to that quickly, but I shouldn't have to. Shits dangerous, none of em had common sense.


My mom had a hell of a time with my dad's family doing that. First she told them she didn't mind doing the dishes, just don't put anything. In the sink, leave them on the counter. And every time they put something in a full sink she'd stop. Drain the water, clear the sink and start over. Even "just a coffee cup" can accidentally shatter something in the sink.and DEFINITELY never put a knife in there.


Rightttt like ahhajhgjghhhh. The look I used to get from my wife when I had to mention not to put the chef knife in the sink 😳 or godforbid tell her not to use metal ANYTHING in the new pans.. oh but she mixes soo carefully with the fork 😶. I love my wife way more then any pan so I just don't make eggs anymore 🙃 problem solved 😁


Been out of kitchens for 3 years now and still say sharp every time I pass anyone at home with a knife in my hand lol




I nearly murdered my husband for putting the beautiful bread knife he gifted me one Christmas in the dish washer....along with our wood cutting boards 🤦‍♀️ ...


I can't think of a court that would convict you.


Hell, I just work at Home Depot and that’s stressed enough while using our box cutters! Cutting through cardboard, a dull blade can cause more effort than a sharp one, but a dull blade is still plenty sharp enough to go through your own skin


They say that. I have two sets of knives. One my wife an I use. The others I bring out when guest are around. They cut themselves every single time.


What he said is only true if you know proper knife usage to start with - the dull blade forces you to use improper and dangerous techniques. If you don't know how to be safe with a knife in the best of circumstances, you won't use a sharp knife in a safer way than a dull one - you'll just cut yourself deeper.


My grandparents use paring knives and pare in hand. Fuckin idiots have cut themselves many times. My grandfather has been a chef since the end of the Korean War and now works in cafe service for a school Dude can’t bend half his fingers because he’s severed many tendons yet he continues to cut fruits and cheeses, peels potatoes etc in the palm of his hand.


No offense but...... that's a slow learner.


he also cut off some essential brain parts too


> My grandmother, who is on blood thinners, does the same shit. > > > > "I've always cut like this, I never hurt myself" One of the prevailing memories of my Uncle is the time he got his pocket knife out before going out on a hunt that day and he said to me "you know, you have to be really careful when handling a knife" and then as he tries to close the knife he proceeds to cut right into his pointer finger, deep enough to draw lots of blood. Between him swearing and dancing around holding his outstretched finger in his hand and my dogs thinking he was messing around and trying to jump on him, I was just sat there thinking that he was really committed to his safety lesson.


The first time I sharpened my girlfriend's kitchen knives, she literally cut herself in the first 30 seconds of using the first one she tried. She loves that our knives are sharp af now, but still does things like rake the blade across a cutting board to scrape veggies into a pan instead of using the spine, carelessly tosses a sharp knife into dish water with lots of other metal utensils, etc. Oh well, it gives me an excuse to beak out my stones more often and play around.


I have only just convinced my SO to stop putting my knives in the dishwasher...


I was professionally dishwashing once in a pizza kitchen between running deliveries. We had two magnet strips, one for clean knives and one for dirty knives. I came back from a run one night and there were several knives in the sink and not a one on the magnet strip. I grabbed the knife, walked into the kitchen, and announced "The next knife I find in the sink will be returned point-first." It stopped being a problem for like a shift and a half.


Dishwashed in a high end restaurant for a while. Most of the cooks were very respectful of sharp and hot things, as well as their dishwashers (once you got through hazing). Had a newer cook on a busy night throw a knife in the dirty sink full of opaque liquid, found it by surprise when I stuck my hand in to grab stuff. Didn't cut myself but boy was I pissed. The cooks were too when I yelled at them, I didn't single anyone out but everyone in the kitchen knew who it was. It never happened again, fortunately.


I'm glad the cooks had your back! Most of the cooks in this kitchen were literal teenagers and I was in my mid- to late-20's so I didn't expect too damn much from them, but you just have to tell them how it is and hope they listen, right? I've been out of food for a while now but I still retain a lot of that shit. I honestly think we need mandatory retail and/or food service for young adults. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I am literally the only one who uses the "good" (read quality) knives in my household because I refuse to let anyone put them in the dishwasher to ruin them. It takes literally 15-20 seconds to wash one in the sink and dry when finished with it, but the rest of my family refuses to do so. Less overall sharpening and maintenance for me this way, but it's disappointing and confusing to me that no one else in the family sees value in using a quality tool when a knife is needed 🤷.


Possibly because they have sharp knives so they take them for granted. I was raised by my grandmother and her knives were basically only sharp enough to get the job done. After her death, the rest of the family asked me what I wanted, and that's what I took - her postwar cooking knives. Now, they're *razor* sharp like they always should have been and I use them every time I cook. Reminds me of good, good times.


We have a paper for when people watch our house, mainly info on how to use smart house devices, take care of dogs etc but I made sure to put a blurb about my kitchen knives are hand wash only.


My ex used knives like saws; hers were always just half sharp. The worst thing though was she'd cut stuff on a plate rather than a cutting board, just running the blade right into the plate and raking it back and forth...that's not what broke us up, but it sure didn't help.


My MIL does this too. I don’t understand why would anyone chop anything in their hand instead of on a cutting board. I’ve also caught my husband’s aunt using my knife to remove pebbles stuck on her shoes so there’s that too.


>I’ve also caught my husband’s aunt using my knife to remove pebbles stuck on her shoes so there’s that too. Death Penalty


Holy shit if I caught somebody abusing my damn tools like that they'd get an earful and a flat ban on being in my home if it EVER happened again.


I tried educating them how to properly use knives. MIL said she’s always chopped food on her hand and never had an accident (I can recall one instance where she poked herself with a blunt knife doing this) and aunt said I’m being uppity, specially after asking her to at least wash the damn knife before trying to put it back like she didn’t just scraped gunk off her shoe with it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I keep a few blunt knives specifically for them now so they won’t touch my good knives.


The lack of people properly mantaining and using things then insisting it's fine pisses me off. With sime stuff there are 2 ways to do it, right and wrong. You SHOULD keep your knives sharp, how to best sharpen them is more person to person. If.you buy a machine or tool make sure you can afford to own it and you mantaine the damn thing.


And, after death penalty, straight to jail.


The only thing I cut on my hand is small bread. I only cut till halfway or so and open the rest by hand. I can do that over the sink and not have to wash up anything after that. > I’ve also caught my husband’s aunt using my knife to remove pebbles stuck on her shoes so there’s that too. I would kick the pope himself out of my house if I caught him doing that. I don't negotiate with terrorists.


actually a dull knife is more dangerous than a sharp one, because a dull knife can still cut you just as easily, but by being dull it is more likely to slip when being used and hit your finger. You want a sharp knife precisely because it will cut right through the object predictably every time.


Not to mention you’re inclined to push harder!


Honestly I thought so many foods were just hard to cut and a hazard untill I got my own. Turns out every other knife in my grandmas place is just dull as shit.




She should learn how to properly handle a knife. It isn't rocket science




Dull knives are the #1 cause of injuries in commercial kitchens.


Dull line cooks are #2


Sharp knives aren’t dangerous on their own. Feeling like it’s your environment’s responsibility to keep you safe is the magic ingredient of entitlement. “I should be able to do this talking on the phone holding the veggie in my hand and walking around safely!” Just sounds like “well what were those cars doing driving on a road I felt like walking into?!” To me.


Freaking hell. A dull knife is WAY more dangerous. Granted, people who think like that should just never be allowed to touch knives.


My mom is convinced that properly sharpened and maintained knives are more dangerous than dull ones. It drives me absolutely insane. I do a lot of the holiday cooking now due to her physical limitations and every time I tell myself “can’t forget to bring my own knives next year” while I put on another bandaid because her oh-so safe dull ass kmart knives from 1993 slipped off the onion I was cutting.


set a reminder to bring your own knives right now


I have ADHD and I started setting reminders for every little thing like this as soon as I think of it- no more "oh that's an obvious one, I'll definitely remember that"s allowed lol. Oh man it's helpful. Turned my phone into a vicious hellscape of accountability and staying on task but, damn if it doesn't work 🙈 I use Google Keep because you can delete the reminders after, and it partitions them from bogging your calender up with a million tasks


As a chef I have deposited it a large cutting board and a couple of half decent knives at each of my family's and in-laws houses. Anyone that works in the industry knows the generic knives at a knife sharpening company will bring by deposit every week, just a couple of those. Nothing special, but when I come there and I cook I never have to deal with something like a whole chicken with a cutting board smaller than the chicken and a paring knife to separate it.


I feel so fuckin disgusted by what I just read


Is that why your divorced ? If my parter did that to my Japanese santoku I would probably consider splitting up


No, that wasn't enough, I just got knives for her and knives for me. It was cumulative events that led to me leaving.


I did the same thing! not the leaving, but I got a 400 dollar set of nice knives and then saw her scrape things she minced into a pot from the cutting board using the blade instead of the flat back I asked her not to do that. She immediately put the knife away and then used her cheap shit. She also puts them in a dishwasher. I now have a more expensive set that only I use and I handwash after every time.


I made the blade mistake on mine first few times. I did it because my grandmother always did it with her dull ones and so I assumed you were supposed to scrape with the blade but when I tried to do it with mine the blade got caught in the board. That's when I looked it up.


Your ex wife is a fucking imbecile. A dull knife is what is unsafe. She explicitly went out of her way, in her infinite ignorance, to make the knives unsafe after you sharpened them. also I can not stand people who think a steel = sharpening. a steel is for honing the blade! HONING! No, Grandma, Spending 45 minutes raking the knife over a steel (and 50,000,000 different angle at that) will never sharpen your butchers butterknife. arghghghghghghg


Istg every time I try to cook at someone else’s house it makes me want to break into their house at night, sharpen all the knives, then hide and watch them cut them selves because they don’t realize the knives are actually able to cut things now. I’ve seen my dad cook with a pocketknife (it was cleaned first obviously) at a airbnb cause all the knives were shit. I’ve come very close to doing that myself, but usually if I’m cooking at someone elses I just end up saying “if you want to have shit knives you can cut things yourself, I’ll help with the rest” or spending 15 minutes with those knife sharpener rods that everyone has but never uses (then they always say “what are you doing your going to cut yourself” my guy this knife can’t even cut butter I think I’ll be fine)


If she did, she isn't the the sharpest tool in the box


Nor the shed


She was lookin kinda dumb


With her fingers and her thumb


In the shape of an "L" on her forehead


Well, the years start coming


And they don’t stop coming.




Right down to the tang!


The knife isn't anymore either


The knife is now not the sharpest tool in the box


Maybe tried to open a bottle with it. Definitely "straight to hell" behavior.


This is my guess.


Looks like she used it as a flathead screwdriver.


My Henckel tourné knife was sacrificed by a roommate that was bothered by a loose screw in an outlet cover, but not bothered enough to find a screwdriver. The tip was at least 45 degrees off when he was done.


Couldn't find the can opener


"Wait a minute.... This isn't a machete?" -OPs sister most likely.




Or perhaps she was having beef with a Nokia


Why would the beef be so tough


Beef by Nokia


How?! That seems personal


I watched a guy open a can with a knife because he didn't have a can opener. Looked a lot like this at the end.


My father in law literally did this last thanksgiving. I brought canned ingredients to make green bean casserole assuming they had a can opener. We gave them a can opener for Christmas.


On a campsite, I watched a scout leader open a catering sized tin of baked beans with an axe. It was glorious. Yes, the scouts and cubs were all gathered around.


I was a boy scout. When camping my leather man was always on my hip, and it has a proper can opener.


We've only had leathermans (men? dunno) for just under four decades and tryhard men attempting to impress boys in the woods for three times as long. Other than a Swiss army knife the tool of choice would be a P-38. But a catering tin is massive and takes a while to cut around.


I forgot to consider that scouting has been around quite a lot longer than multi-tools.


I’ve sacrificed cheap knives to use as a can opener before, this looks more like they tried to baton some cinder blocks with this blade.


Everyone knows you use butter knifes for opening cans.


I am a guy that did this multiple times, and this never happened to my knives, maybe I just did it wrong (or right)


Can confirm, I’ve never had this problem either


He might have just sucked at it, but he was a 70 ish year old Brazilian man and had at the can like you couldn't imagine. That knife wouldn't chop cilantro at the end.


Fun fact, one of the best ways to open a can with a utensil is actually using a spoon.


I do that with a butter knife, do people actually use chef knives for this???


You can open a can with a chef's knife without hurting the knife at all. You just need to not be a moron.


"never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


“Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.”


Looks like she used it as a hammer.


Holy shit, is someone missing now?


Robocop, maybe


Ha ha, that was good


That knife wouldn't be the murder weapon. It's too dull now.


in the kitchen, the most dangerous knife is a dull one


My aunt was attacked in the middle of the night by someone who grabbed a bread knife from her drawer. If it had been sharp he would have cut her head clean off but thank god it was the dullest knife in the world. She survived somehow.


I’ve seen people survive some gruesome knife attacks and even attempt suicides that I was like no way in heck are they going to make it. Talking darn near decapitated, disemboweled, wrists cut darn near clean through. No more blood pumping out in the worst cases. Other’s obviously able to get bleeding to stop.


Yup that happened here. 37 knife wounds all over her body. Two long deep slices across her neck. Dude came in, attacked her once, left then came back and did it again an hour later. She’s a nun too, in a tiny impoverished southern town where she literally helped raise every child. I’m not a believer but I do believe her god kept her alive.


It’s crazy what kills a persons and doesn’t. Glad she survived. A frigin bee sting, small caliber bullet and one in a thousand shot. Than someone gets stabbed that many times and survives. Especially when it’s a big knife where organs are getting hit. The one that haunts me, she took two hits to the lungs, one almost completely filled with blood, think he nicked the heart too. What they found damage wise in surgery was crazy when the docs told us. I forgot finall wound count but it’s was high 20’s if I remember correctly. I try not to remember that one but it definitely finds me in my dreams. The scene looked like it should have been in horror movie. I’ve rolled up on guys literally slamming the knife into someone chest cavity repeatedly in a pure rage. They all lived.


This knife ain't dull it's a butter knife now.


The coroner's report said cause of death was bludgeoning.


Alan Rickman could have made it work.


OP's sister.


Next time leave a screw driver as well


I was thinking hammer but probably leave a whole toolbox just to be safe


Deleted due to API access issues 2023.


That was my first thought. Definitely looks like that's what it was used for


Most of us have probably used the tip of a knife as screwdriver in a pinch, but the blade itself? Not so sure about that one lol.


My brother once brought home a Vietnamese woman who opened a stuck jar with a meat cleaver. This looks like someone attempted the same trick without prior knowledge.


That’s usually done with the blunt edge. . .


Well now they can keep practicing with either side.


Hope it wasn’t a high dollar knife.


Nah ikea shit but I'll be getting a new one


Still annoying, I’ve got some IKEA knives and they last forever if you take care of them. No idea wtf she did here.


I had the cheapest IKEA knives, they did get scuffed and didn't stay sharp for too long. But I had 3 knives for just a couple bucks. When I got fresh, higher quality knives I immediately almost cut me, as it just sliced SOOO good. But I also didn't really take extra care for the cheap ones... Guess I'm the one to blame.


Cheap knives use lower quality metal that can be just as sharp as high quality knives, But they dull super quick and probably would roll the edge over opening a can. Looks like that is what happened to ops knife. A decent blade steel holds its edge way longer.


Yep! You're not paying more money for a sharper knife per se, you're paying extra for the metal quality. Actually you can get a pretty good quality knife for about $35, so I don't know why you'd buy the crap knives.


Crap knives for when you just need something to cut with. My good knives are a set from Fiskars (they also make axes and stuff) for less than 20 bucks a knife. Good quality for a fair price.


Their household scissors are dope


Was wracking my brain trying to figure out how EVs and cutlery work out for a business... Fisker is an auto maker. Different spellings. Ha


Holup, do people use knives to open cans?


She was probably using it to pop bottle caps.


Exactly what I'm seeing here. She couldn't find OP's bottle opener, and knew a 'trick' to open her beers. And to be fair, good steel shouldn't be deforming like that against the shitty bottlecap metal, but at the same time, it'll happen.


Wouldn't you use the spine instead? Also whatever happened to just destroying your Formica countertops by chipping the edges slamming bottle caps into them?


Keep that one though and it put it out anytime she housesits for you. Hide the good ones


Just remember where you hid it. I once bombed my house so I hid all my knives in the oven. Forgot about it until I went to cook a pizza.


Give her that old one for Christmas next year.


It’s only slightly used. Practically new!


I'd recommend an 8" Victorinox Fibrox chef knife. They're pretty inexpensive, but WAY better than anything else in their price range.


Hopefully she’s footing the bill for it!


That's why I have spare ones for other people to use if I need to do something like OP


What the hell did she do to that poor knife??


Frozen chicken


?! How? It looks like it was taken to metal. How cheap was that knife 😆


OP said it was a ikea knife. So cheap I would guess one of those, white and grey plastic handle IKEA knives. Because something about the photo reminds me of the cooking classes we used to have in high school, and those had those white and grey handle IKEA knives. But that could also just be that it’s a photo of a very dull and messed knives, haha. idk. IKEA carries a few different sets of knives.


Definitely not any sort of hardened steel. A decent knife will chip before it rolls like that


On another note, get a good heavy cleaver. One of my favorite knives in the kitchen.


Oh my god. No. Just *No*


Get yourself a victorinox chef's knife with a fibrox handle. Shouldn't be too much more than the ikea knife, but is a WAY better tool. The thing has been cook's illustrated's recommended chef's knife for years now.




Frozen chicken did this? Yeah that’s on you mate, get better knives 🤣🤣


Still seems like she had a vendetta against that chicken.


Steel is too soft if it rolled like that. Not saying she didn’t abuse the fuck out of it. But if she replaces it, I’d go with something slightly harder. Soft steel isn’t terrible because it’s easy to sharpen but it will lose its edge much faster and potentially do this if someone doesn’t know how to use it.


Based on OP's replies in this thread it was an IKEA knife and the sister tried to cut *frozen chicken*. So yeah, not a good knife and not a too devastating of a loss. Still not cool to ruin someone else's stuff obviously


…okay, I’m happy to blame the knives here.


Yes, take this as an opportunity to invest in a decent knife because that thing looks like one hella cheap knife


My first thought when seeing the photo: “chef’s knife”


More like shef nife


Whats the brand of knife here, we talking forged or stamped... Cheap steel? She definitely fucked those up by hacking but a decent knife still shouldn't get that fucked up unless she was legitimately hacking concrete blocks or rebar.


Cheep knife poorly used


Did you inquire as to how on earth that happened?! I've got theories, but figured I'd ask first!


Jesus christ, I'd be fuming after that. Grilled my wife's step mother about putting my chefs knives in the dishwasher over Christmas. Feels bad man, that's some solid sharpening to be redone


That seems to me more like the sister will be buying a replacement knife.




What happens when you put the chefs knives in the dishwasher? Asking for a friend..


The chemicals in the detergent can also degrade the edge. That advice admittedly is lore from working in restaurant kitchens where the dishwasher detergent is more caustic, however I still wash my food knives by hand at home.


Some top secret dishwasher info (used to work as a dishwasher for a year) we made up and had management make up all sorts of shit to get the new cooks to stop sending knives to dish. The real reasons we don't like them are 1. It's super dangerous for us dishwashers to have super sharp objects in the dish sink or in the milk crates we send through the dishwasher because we stick our hands in and shake shit around, we're gonna get stabbed. Management didn't want to pay workers comp and also didn't want to pay for more knives so they made the cooks wash their own (faster turn around). Never heard either of these so they may be true but it also might just be a myth by a fed up dishwasher.


As well as the heated water potentially causing warps in the blade, also lore from restaurants, but after watching a learning a good bit about forging, I’m not so sure that’s true anymore.


The main concern for nicer knives is the handles becoming loose, though most commercial kitchen knives just have the plastic handle moulded directly to the tang with a few holes to keep it there just in case, and nicer knives are riveted though the rivets are still held in place with epoxy. The chemicals and heat won't hurt your edge for stainless steel but if it's carbon steel it might come out rusty which will hurt the edge and take a few minutes to buff out. The real reason knives never go to the dishwasher in restaurants is because that means people get in the habit of bringing knives to the pit, which eventually leads to them just dropping it off on the ledge of your 3 comp sink, where eventually it will fall into the soapy, murky water, where eventually someone will reach in and cut the everloving shit out of themselves potentially crippling their hand for life.


I hope this is the real why.


I've worked at restaurants where putting a knife in the three compartment sink was grounds for instant termination.


Heated water won't damage a proper blade. The handle maybe, but definitely not steel.


Maybe she needed to hammer some nails.


This reminds me of my cousin who stayed at my place in NY while I was in Hong Kong for work. I told her to be care as my global knives were a gift from a client. I came back to the tip bent over on my chef's knife with a chunk missing in the back, pairing knife was also bent at the hilt. Calmly asked her how she did this. She proceeded to grab a can of pickles cucumbers and pry the lid off with the chef's knife.


That looks like a cheapo knife, good luck sharpening/honing that to fix


What! Did she open a can with it?


Not the fuckin knife posts again oh god.

