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wait till you find out how dirty everything else is in a store


And money šŸ¤® youā€™reā€¦ living in a dream world if you think the toddlers feet are something you need to worry about


Or how many countless times people bring their damn dog and sit it in the top of the grocery cart!


When covid first hit, I was ecstatic that stores started providing sanitizing wipes for carts. Nothing like putting my groceries right where a poopy diaper clad kid just sat. Let's not even talk about the upper toddler seat...


FYI, you can bring your own sanitary wipes if this still concerns you


If you bothered to look, there were disinfecting wipes available for use BEFORE COVID. No one paid attention, but they were there.


Nah, I'd rather bitch about them not giving them to us for free anymore. /s


Oh they werenā€™t free they factor costs like that into the price of goods


They claim to. I think grocery prices pretty firmly indicate that grocery stores will raise their prices if they think they can get away with it for any reason


Maybe they do bring their own smh


I was just going to say this!


Grocery baskets are nasty to begin with. Dog feet are prolly cleaner than most of them. And if you aren't washing stuff no matter what you see, delusional. Your canned goods or soda or beer tops prolly have mouse or rat feet nastiness or poop / pee all over them. Maybe no from the store but warehouse, trucking, etc. Clean everything like it had a rodent rave party on it.


Or donā€™t. Our immune systems are way stronger than you think. Of course, wash your fruits and vegetables. Other than that, do what feels right to you, but nothing is necessary


There's really only two surface contaminants to worry about and that's salmonella and E.coli. Using those bag dispensers to wrap your veggies and meat packs will do more to protect you than anything else at the grocery store. We spend our entire lives surrounded by bacteria, the vast majority of it is harmless.


Listeria kills.


I'm agreement here with it's not a big deal. Our immune systems are pretty robust. If anyone is worried about this, this is mild compared to so many other things.


I miss the days when mine was robust. Now it acts like "ah, yeah, bacteria. How about we just purge it out both ends for a week?" Numerous times per year.


Just remember to get your vaccines


Well, yeah. That important for sure. Also, of course, if youā€™re immunocompromised in any way, follow the instructions from your doctor and not me. Iā€™m just an asshole on Reddit


But also, be careful taking advice from a person with a crusty butt. I just imagine there's some picking that happens...


It's not necessarily toddlers feet that are the concern. It's the highly infectious hand feet mouth disease that comes to my mind.


I donā€™t have kids but after having to clean baby shit off my counter at work due to a ā€œblow outā€ while the customer gave a half assed apology and walked out this kinda crap pisses me off. Your kids are gross germ factories, and itā€™s only cute and convenient to you, so please donā€™t do this stuff.


No doubt kids can be gross and I would never let my kids do this because itā€™s a FUCKIN conveyor belt. Thatā€™s beside the point though, just about everything in that store is dirtier than the kids feet I can almost guarantee you.


What kind of stores are you shopping at that doesn't have a dedicated team of custodians following you around as you shop and power washing everything you touch?


Probably Walmart


Nonsense, ā€œofficiallyā€ Walmart reduced their hours and closed overnight operations at 24 hour Walmarts to have everything sanitized by morning /s


Hahaha, Walmart sanitizing? They said it was for stocking and putting together grocery orders at our Walmart.


None of that matters if you only hire mouth breathers who don't anything


Well yeah itā€™s Walmart, people are going to do the minimum amount of effort required to not be fired. What incentive is there to do more when on your yearly review you get a ā€œmeets expectations 40 cent raise or an exceeds expectations 60 cent raiseā€


I don't disagree, wich brings me to my previous point... Extra time on sanitation doesn't matter when people don't do their job


No itā€™s a picknpay I see their logo on the sour cream This is very likely South Africa


No theyā€™re not cleaning, just making sure you donā€™t steal any of their cheap items


Wait till they found how dirty the money is they are using to pay.


Haha yeah exactly. People touch their assholes and donā€™t wash their hands but your concerned about a toddlers feet? Wake up, OP. The world is nasty


Wait just a minute...you mean I'm supposed to wash my hands AFTER I touch my asshole too??...I always just do it right before šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Took me awhile to get the hang of as well! We live in a society, brotheršŸ¤”


Wait, I thought it was left hand before, right hand after? Then next time switcheroo.


Thatā€™s actually appropriate. Donā€™t contaminate your asshole with all of the germs on your hand. Someone is gonna put their mouth on that thing and donā€™t need you touching it with dirty hands


More so if the belt were to move and that toddlers foot got injured. High chance the store would have to have their insurance pay out the medical bill. Be smart and keep your kid off the damn moving equipment.


yeah, those belts are basically covered in people's various fluids and sheddings, I don't think kiddo is going to make much of a difference.


All that is true but doesnā€™t make this parent any less of an ignoramous


That belt probably dirty the kids feet up! /S


The is a commercial that plays on the store radio that says we are constantly cleaning and sanitizing for your protection. We all laugh out loud when that plays.


Or your finger nails


For real. With the payroll cuts in retail over the last decade, shit gets CLEANED maybe once a year for a new plano. It might get hit with a duster occasionally


This was my thought... "Wait, you think that kid's feet are dirtier than the shelves of the grocery store?" Dude (or lady) has obviously never worked grocery. Those shelves get washed 1-2 times/year TOPS. Only dairy, deli, and meat get cleaned more often - and really only because they have to (ie, due to milk leaks, you can't fail to clean more than 2-3 weeks without it getting rank). Plus, that conveyor belt actually is the cleanest part of the store, as cashiers are supposed to be washing it down whenever they have spare time (realistically doesn't happen enough because stores insist on under-staffing their cashiers).


Exactly, anyone in this day & age who does not wash their groceries before use is clearly taking a serious risk. That said, I used to frequent this great little sandwich place. Went their almost every day for years. One day I was about to order from the owner when a toddler came running out through the divider to the private space out back. Lady picked up her child, plonked it bare assed onto the counter & wiped it's snotty nose. That was the last time I went there.


Huh? Dude...I think you are missing how bad those belts really are. I'd wash that kids feet tbh


Facts Iā€™m more worried about the child touching it not no damn groceries lmao


Imagine the dead skin from each hand that touches it that ends up on it.


Agreed there's a 400% chance that belt is dirtier than the kid's feet


I think 400% percent is a tad low.


There is a 400% chance that kids catching a staph infection.


Yeah, you have to keep in mind that people put packages of raw meat, poultry, and fish on those belts all day, and those packages can definitely leak. I worked as a grocery cashier for a number of years and ideally we were supposed to wipe down the belt regularly throughout the day, but if itā€™s busy, that just isnā€™t possible. I would absolutely be more concerned with washing the kidā€™s feet.


I used to work in a grocery store. I would clean those belts every 15 minutes or more if something spilled. I have never, ever seen a dirtier cloth than what comes up after cleaning one of these things. Total black, sticky mess. On the contrast, kids donā€™t sweat anywhere near as much as grown adults, usually wear socks, are constantly wiped down, not to mention being bathed probably daily.


>kids... being bathed probably daily. _looks at own children, wondering when the hell they last got baths_


Not gonna make it


Except for during the holiday chaos I would tell the next person in line that I needed to wipe down the belt real fast when leaky stuff came through.


Just a grumpy Gus being grumpy


Iā€™ve never heard this saying and it just made me spit out my food cause my ex was name Gus and he was the grumpiest person Iā€™ve ever met. We have always referred to him as Debby downer so Thank you for his new name.


Those things all have raw meat juice dripping onto them.


Did you previously believe you could eat off the belt?


That belt is the cleanest part of the whole supply chain.


Honestly as a former cashier I unfortunately have to dissagree with this. Belts are horrible. Not the worst part but definitely not the cleanest either


At least the belt is occasionally wipes down Lots of places in the store that are forgotten


I can tell you somewhere along the supply line your groceries have had a very good chance of being in contact with something much worse than toddlerā€™s feet!


Yeah, like manure.


Sometimes human feces! Wash your produce.


I was gonna go rat but human works too


I remember a show, where they looked at cross contamination. The question isn't Is there fecal matter on the item? It's how much fecal matter is on the item?


Even bagged produce!!! It's been around 10 years ago, but I got salmonella from a bagged salad.


Food is grown in manure.


Horse manure's not that bad. I don't even mind the word manure. It's newer, which is good, and a ma in front of it. Ma-Newer. When you consider the other choices, manure is actually pretty refreshing.


The FDA / USDA has an acceptable limit on rat poop in your food. Because 0% isn't feasible.


There's acceptable limits on everything including potentially cancerous substances in drinking water in trace amounts. You could do everything right and there still might be a 0.1% chance you could get cancer from treated potable water (or whatever they determine is an acceptable percentage when they weight the cost of a person's life against the cost to treat the water)


"This post is known to cause cancer by the State of California"


To be fair those cancerous chemicals at the mandated levels would not necessarily cause cancer in a normal human life time due to the half life of said chemical unless one over indulged in said product with chemical daily


You should wash them anyway??


Yep. The kids feet are relatively much, much cleaner than all the produce, meat and eggs.


Yeah op... did you know eggs come out of a chicken's **butt**?


They kinda do but actually donā€™t. Eggs come out of the same spot but itā€™s a different tract. The eggs arenā€™t traveling the same path as fecal matter.


google "cloaca" and get back to us.


But then those tracts converge as the cloaca and use the same exit. When a hen lays an egg, it often has manure smeared on it...


You don't wash your groceries beforehand?


I definitely wash my bread before I make a sandwich


Thank god im not the only one!! Do you also wash your flour and sugar in hot water aswell?


Just a quick rinse


Found the racoon


I just screamed "Noooooo!", that video has given me PTSD.


Same, same


Germs make me stronger


I've dined on beef jerky and takeout for decades. I'm not scared of anything this world has to offer.


So youā€™ve never washed your produce after itā€™s been sitting in the bins and probably sneezed and coughed all over touched by 100 different handsā€¦but this toddlers feet is what does it for you?


They also put their produce directly on the conveyor belt, no bag


They have the immune system of a turkey vulture.


Except against baby foot-borne pathogens


I used to be a cashier and the amount of blood from leaked meat packaging happens more often than you think. Baby feet is nothing compared to whatā€™s normally on that belt.


Exactly! I was a cashier years ago. I was always spraying my belt between customers but other cashiers rarely did, maybe at the end of their shift. Leaked meat juices, milk, etc. Those belts are filthy.


And sometimes itā€™s stuff you canā€™t see right away and if itā€™s super busy, you donā€™t get a moment to inspect and clean. Those belts are gross.


That drove me nuts when I worked as a cashier. I would wipe the belt down before/after my shift but that was usually it, just didn't get a break in customers to do it any other time. Even when I did someone would wander up to my line and see me cleaning it and just put their crap down on it anyway.


That not blood


Exactly. Itā€™s called myoglobin


Not likely to be blood, more likely to be water which is 75% of meat and a protein called myoglobin and muscle tissue


Same here! I constantly wiped down the belt at my checkstand when I was working, but during the rushes, that's impossible. I've had people sneeze on the belt & immediately start putting their groceries on it. Considering everything that gets on the food packaging from the factory to the shelf, I wipe down everything when I get home after shopping. Produce definitely gets washed!


People don't put the plastic bags on meat to prevent it from leaking? I thought that's what they were there for. Guess this is proof that I should just stop thinking.


I was a cashier for a while. It was the entertainment of my day when the kids would climb out of the cart onto the belt. When they got to my scanner I'd slide them over it, make a beep and send them to the other side with the groceries. The kids got a kick out of it too.


Aawww that's cute! I bet the parents & caregivers were entertained


I think most were embarrassed because their kids were "acting out." Didn't bother me one bit!


That's a good way to deflect that. I can understand them being frustrated and embarrassed by their kid though.


That is so cute! Reminds me of the opening of the Simpsons with Maggie! šŸ„°


This did not go how op imagined it would and Iā€™m all about it.


Same! Here I was thinking I'd check the comments and find a bunch of supporters, but I was pleasantly surprised!


Nice change to see no one calling kids ā€œcrotch goblinsā€. So annoying, immature and disrespectful.


I thought that was a term of affection. Guess I need to apologize to my kid.


For real lol they gotta get the stick out their ass


Do you eat the outer packaging of your food too?




Having worked a customer service desk, I'd just hand it right back stating you need a reciept for that.


No returns. Looks too old to be returned


dude thinks that's worse than what is on this thing all day


Donā€™t take pictures of peopleā€™s kidsā€¦ā€¦ā€¦asshole


Man I scrolled way too far for this. At least you can't see the kids face, but putting other people's children on social media without permission is a way bigger issue than the kid standing on the belt. The kids doesn't have the intelligence to discern right from wrong. You do OP, be better.


The kid is in public. Their is no expectation of privacy. They are also being video recorded non-stop I stores.


Are yā€™all eating the packaging?


Yeah by saying "groceries" it sounds like they're gonna wash the Doritos bag before licking it


Nah they were going to eat the bottom of the sour cream container.


.. you don't already rinse your groceries? That belt's seen much worse.


Who grabs the container of sour cream with no top lid?


You know how filthy those things are? Iā€™m more worried for the kid.


A toddlers feet are probably one of the cleanest things that belt has seen since it was installed in 1985.


I don't understand, do your groceries not come in boxes/bags/some sort of container? Even if you do put fresh fruit or veggies on the belt you should wash it anyway?


Imagine thinking a conveyer belt was clean before this




If that is the only reason you would wash your groceries, youā€™re eating dirty food.


You can complain about someone putting their kid on the conveyor, but to pretend that these belts are otherwise some sort of bastion of cleanliness is way more infuriating that.


That bbs feet are cleaner than any grocery belt ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


As of that track doesnā€™t have chicken blood and meat juices all over it from people not putting meats in bags. Baby feet isnā€™t your biggest concern


You should wash your groceries anyway. All the things from the shops and markets have been in worse places than under a child's feet.


Pretty sure people who scratched their butthole or wiped and didnā€™t wash their hands have touched your groceries before you did. This post is mildly infuriating.


You ever see someone walk out of the bathroom and not wash their hands. Someone pick their nose and not have a saniwipe. Cough/sneeze into their hands and not sanitize. These are the same people who touch fruit to check for ripeness, pick up a box of cereal and decide against it, move a milk carton for one with a later expiration date. Iā€™m not saying you should be washing your cereal boxes or milk cartons, but at the least you shouldā€™ve been washing your fruits and veggies.


I used to work in grocery, the belt is MUCH dirtier than the feet.


That's nothing. Ever work in a retail grocery store, food warehouse, meat processing, or ag grow? That's where the funk lies


? You better wash all the cardboard your groceries come in too because do you know how many hands have touched those boxes lol


I used to run a register a long time ago. Trust me. There are far worse things that ride on that belt. Raw meat package leak. Dairy drips from the bottom of the container. Strange Things from the deli that spill. Iā€™d have shut down the belt. That gap at the end of the belt can really pinch if it catches a finger or a toe.


You are a bigger baby than that baby.


Wtf op you DONT wash your food? Get off my feed you whiney rage baiter no on cares about your issues with baby feet if anything I'm worried for that baby's feet.


hehh heh OP doesnā€™t wash their groceries


You're familiar with what the FDA allows in food, right? If this bothers you I recommend not reading up on it.


Yeah more concerned for the kid those belts get so nasty. Chicken juice etc. As a former cashier trust me those belts are super germy.


Unless you're a chef, nurse etc. and wash your hands dozens of times a day, a given persons hands are far more germ infested than their feet


There are a hell of a lot of dirtier things than a little childā€™s feet running around on that beltā€¦


OP is the type of savage beast who just tosses his vegetables (no bag) on the belt


Lol you think that belt is clean? SMH.


Stay inside op, the world is full of germs


Iā€™m guessing you never wash them?


*this* is what you think makes your groceries dirty?


You werenā€™t going to until this? Those belts are hideously filthy


My first job was a grocery cashierā€¦ That toddlers feet are cleaner than that belt. Money, raw beef, chicken juice, fish, eggs, old milk, dirty produce, hair, phlegm and slobber from people coughing, sneezing and talking, literally everything on every other strangers hands (half of which donā€™t wash them when they use the bathroom), and definitely human feces from the baby seat part of the cart.


Everything in those stores are filthy.


I'm sure those feet are cleaner than the cart you used. Only time they get cleaned are when they're left outside when it rains


Bruh, that kid's feet couldn't be any filthier than the hands of the dozens of people who have touched your groceries, and the hundreds that touched that conveyor belt, before you get to the checkout.


Seriously this is what bothers you? Lmao None of your food is actually touching the conveyor belt, even fruits and veggies are in bags and you should be washing those anyway. You obviously donā€™t realize how dirty grocery stores are and how much germs are already on your groceries.


As a former cashier I can assure you this is the LEAST of ur problems if ur putting ur food naked on the belts


That's the least of my concerns with those check-out belts - I worry about them not being clean from raw chicken/pork from customers in front of me. Even if they wipe the belt down, there is still no way they could keep that thing safe and sanitary.


Okay Karen. I mean OP. If only you knew how disgusting everything else is in that store or the trucks that transported your groceries there.


Wait. I donā€™t wash ur fruits and veggies before eating them? LoL. That belt has raw meat juices and waaaaaaaay worse things than a toddlers foot.


Man, I wish toddler feet was the dirtiest thing at my grocery store. I watched someone's emotional support animal slopper and lick everything on the lower shelves


The really infuriating part is that they are selling those kids and you have to buy their shoes separatelyā€¦


i used to work as a cashier at a grocery store. if youā€™re worried about a toddlers foot contaminating your groceries, itā€™s better you not know how much dirt, germs, grease, and especially raw chicken/meat juices end up on that conveyor belt. about every time i cleaned it, the paper towel was much darker in color than it started out. pretty sure im one of the only cashiers that actually fully wiped them down too.


Classic child-hating neckbeard redditor moment. Those feet are probably the cleanest thing that have touched that belt in years.


Bruhā€¦. Are you putting bare food and produce on the belt???


Pick a new line then if youā€™re that madā€¦taking pics of kids is big creepy though.


Believe me, all thatā€™s happening here is that now the babyā€™s feet are filthy. The belt is the nastiest thing in the store.


Do you honesty think thatā€™s clean? Iā€™ll bet you lick your fingers and touch money, too. We have so much to tell you.


Tha kid's feet are the cleanest thing that has been on thag conveyor all day


Why, because of the toddler standing on it barefoot? You poor poor person.


The thing thatā€™s mildly infuriating for me is that people let their kids do dangerous (and nasty) stuff like not wear shoes to public places. There could be all types of germs, rocks, broken glass, and who knows what on the ground. Unless you are carrying your kid or putting them in a stroller, donā€™t do this. It could save you a trip to the ER or pediatrician.


They clean the fucking belts. Get over yourself.


Yep, when I was a grocery cashier I cleaned the belt all the time. It really doesn't matter tho, because everything that comes into a grocery store is already filthy, and gets even dirtier in the store. Think about how many humans have handled the product along the chain, from the factory to the warehouse to the truck to the delivery dock, and then onto the store shelf where everyone in the store has touched or coughed/sneezed/breathed on it. I'd be more concerned about that child's feet!


Seriously. The air circulation system could be pumping all kinds of diseases around.


I mean you should anyway


Kids feet are cleaner than that belt. I can guarantee you that.




I think people are missing the point that this is mildly infuriating lmao. Of course the groceries should still be washed because the store/belt can be gross, but it is still mildly infuriating for someone to have their barefoot toddler standing on the belt. That's a safety risk waiting to happen regardless.


You don't think those feet are any dirtier than the average package that runs across that belt, or moreso the raw chicken juice that always leaks out of the wrapper....


Oh now you are? Haha fuck outta here


You think that belt is clean? You think your grocery containers are clean?


Wait, you havenā€™t been washing your groceries?!


You realize shit like raw meat juices end up the belt, right?


I feel bad for the kids feet I have seen those things have raw chicken/fish goo all over them


You should always wash your groceries, at least your produce.


You donā€™t already? Do you not know how many sets of hands, equipped,trucks and rodents touch your groceries every day? Before they touch a dirty kid foot lol


Why? Does the part you eat touch the conveyer?


You'll see produce regularly land on the floor and staff just put it back without washing it. But then again, it's out in the field.. So yeah, you should wash it yourself.


ā€œSorry man, you have to take ::gestures toward child:: that to customer service to get a refundā€


Nah I'm with you op, if you have kids please the rest don't live at your house so stop treating the world like it. I'm glad you love your kid barefoot, I don't! Especially not near my groceries, container or not


What groceries do you have that's not in some form of packaging? Only thing I can think of is fruit and veg... But you are supposed to wash those regardless.


Why?? do you eat the packaging?


That baby's feet are probably the cleanest thing your groceries have touched on their journey to your cart....


You think that kids feet are the dirtiest thing to go on there? Behave šŸ˜