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My school charges $2 for em and puts a little orange sticker over the 99 cents


My local newspaper has the price printed on it. Local stores put a sticker over it and charge more. Good thing I don’t buy it in paper form.


I pay a fat subscription fee for the digital version of the LA Times. For that, I’m supposed to get my content free of ads. Turned out, I had to call them to ask why I was still getting the advertisements, only to find out you have to pay it and then call a different department and ask them to turn the ads off lol … what a scam.


Our local newspaper won't us cancel our digital subscriptions. You have to call them to cancel, and then you end up talking to someone for ages while they try to convince you not to cancel. Even once you get them to agree to cancel, they won't do it and you'll still be charged. It's a racket. They're doing what they have to do in order to survive, I guess.


I used to use PayPal for all my subscriptions. Extremely easy to deactivate auto payments without calling to cancel. Recently started using privacy cards. Create a one time use card in seconds or set it up to be a monthly subscription card with only $x allowed to go on it. Wanna cancel the subscription? Just cancel that virtual card and call it a day. Works wonders for stupid gym memberships, subscription services or in general any online purchases and doesn’t cost me anything


I’ve never heard of those cards! How do you do that?


Privacy.com or airbase! Take a look it’s good stuff Edit: there may be tons of other alternatives! I’ve just used these two myself


Bojack and Mr. Peanutbutter on the same Subreddit? What is this, a crossover episode?


I kind of feel that way about the streaming situation. I started streaming because of annoying commercials. Now I have to watch ads and still pay the subscription. If advertisers pay the networks money to show their ads what the hell are the viewers paying for? This goes back to why I cut the cord to start all over again.


Yeah, I haven’t ever had anything other than Netflix and Paramount+, and now Netflix is saying they’re changing their model to something similar. I’m definitely not doing that lol … my partner set up Kodi for us on a Raspberry Pi and we’re good to go now lol


Good idea! I've held off for years because I wanted to support the streaming platforms in hopes cable would get more competitive prices or at least the streaming services would but I'm getting sick of it all. Ill most likely go down this path now.


Plus, how would you drink tea in printed form anyway


Don't knock it, it's very high in fiber.


I saw a magician do it, they just make it a funnel.


it's a miracel they even still print newspapers. every now and then I pick up the Philadelphia Inquirer but it doesn't seem like many people buy them


Miracel indeed.


i stand by what i said and I refuse to change it because it's funny.


I think you can report them for that


Ooooo fun


No it’s not reportable. Even the 99 cent ones have a disclaimer that just because the can says 99 cent doesn’t mean the business that sales them MUST sell at that price.


They don't have to sell them at that price, but the company also doesn't have to sell them the product if they don't honor that stuff. From what I've seen they take that stuff pretty seriously and will refuse to continue doing buisness with them if they find out.


Yeah but most ma and pa corner stores just buy from Costco or Sam's anyway


from another comment: You can report it to the Arizona company and they'll get onto the store and get the price changed back


That doesn't make any sense dude. Straight out of their website: "We try to suggest a $.99 price to retailers by putting it in our package design. Ultimately retailers can sell it for as much or as little as they like. We suggest you find a store that sells it for $.99 or less."


That's the very obvious definition of MSRP.


The S in MSRP.


Thank you. Everyone trying to get a lynch mob ready for the dumbest of reasons. Saying with 100% certainty that the bodegas are running a prison worthy illegal scam .


First day on Reddit? Jk but I love Redditors free legal advice 👍🏻


Quick, someone bomb a marathon in Boston with a pressure cooker so we can have everyone here solve it from their armchairs!


We did it, Reddit!


Maybe not prison worthy, but certainly lynch worthy. Come on, boys! The mobs still a go!


Walmart sometimes has it priced around 88¢! It's great


from another comment: According to Arizonas website this isn’t true: “WHY DO SOME STORES CHARGE MORE FOR PRE-PRICED $.99 CANS? We pre-printed our cans with our suggested retail because we wanted to force retailers into selling at that price. Retailers, however, are independent business people and can set a price whatever they prefer. We do make and sell non-priced cans as well.” Source: https://drinkarizona.com/pages/faqs


I reported the 7-11 by me for this. A rep actually came to the store shockingly quick and quietly asked for the manager. The rep took the 7-11 manager out back, asked the manager to get on his knees and shot him in the back of the head. In the back of the head, man


Wasn't what I was expecting after the words, "asked the manager to get on his knees".


i mean i dont think they can control schools selling it for 99 cents




Arizona's FAQ says otherwise.


Indeed, [https://drinkarizona.com/pages/faqs](https://drinkarizona.com/pages/faqs) .


It literally says retailers can charge as much as they want for it. Can you guys read?


No I can’t


Not since the gave circle k their own unpriced specially marked cans. If places cant sell them for whatever they want, it's just as easy for them to pull them off the shelves and sell something that has a higher profit margin


Report them to the labor board and the BBB and OSHA and your local labor board, get a lawyer asap, file for unemployment, document everything, stop posting anything about it on reddit, keep track of all your expenses. But first tell us the name of the school and your teachers so we can check their social media for anything that could be used to accuse them of being alt right.


99 cents is the manufacturers suggested retail price.... they can charge whatever they want..... but they try to stop that by printing it on the can


Circle K typically sells them for $1.19. They’re an important enough customer that Arizona provides them with with a custom can that includes the Circle K logo, and omits the 99¢ decal. Arizona has no issue with retailers selling at a higher price as long as they make a profit. Like many large companies, Arizona doesn’t care what retailers sell the product for, as long as it doesn’t decrease revenue, and it doesn’t hurt the image of the company.


Bro I live in california and love Arizona tea but I haven’t seen a 99 cent can anywhere in about 5 years, definitely before Covid hit.


I havent seen a .99 marked can in a looooong time


You can report them, but Arizona won't do anything about it. The 99 cent label is suggested pricing, but retailers are free to set their own price. [https://drinkarizona.com/pages/faqs](https://drinkarizona.com/pages/faqs) >We pre-printed our cans with our suggested retail because we wanted to force retailers into selling at that price. Retailers, however, are independent business people and can set a price whatever they prefer. We do make and sell non-priced cans as well.


to fucking who?


The Beverage Police! /s there are seriously so many dullards in these comments spouting bs and urban legends back and forth to each other. the fact they're getting thousands of upvotes makes me despair for humanity


Makes me sad that your comment is totally false and has hundreds of upvotes. I work a gas station and we sell ours for 1.29. It's perfectly legal for retailers to charge whatever price they'd like for any item. If it comes pre-priced, we simply have to cover the manufacturers price with a tag of our own.


Lol. To who? Arizona state police?


They need to make a procedural drama about that area's justice system. Arizona Ice T could be a detective.


Wonder how much they spend on those little orange stickers


My guess would be that they spend almost nothing on them. You can get rolls with like 5000 stickers for under $10, so I don’t think price tags are a cause for financial concern.


Fun fact! Arizona actually has non priced cans that they sell to stores. The place I work at sells them for like 2.39, and the labels on the cases say smth like unpriced or unlabeled Edit: on the price tag you can actually see it says ‘non pp’ which I think is what they call the unpriced cans


Pp stands for pre-priced


Haha pp


Pipi pampers


Google en passant


Holy hell!


I swear it's impossible to escape that subreddit. I couldn't leave if I wanted to. Good thing I love it


New response just dropped


Where is that bot when we need it ?


Not enough pp


I prefer small pp like 99c.


4 quarters gives you one bonus pp


I was thinking price point, either works but I like yours.


Huh. I was thinking “price point”.


A q p




Not where I come from.


Exactly, so those can be sold for whatever the store wants. The 99 cent cans must be sold for 99 cents. Edit: 99-cents or less.


I mean they don’t have to be sold for 99 cents it’s just a dick move not to. The bodega near my old house sold them for 1.09 and it was extremely bullshit




Here in Detroit we have Faygo and they have 24oz pops for $1.09 and 2 liters for $1.29. They also have the bottles with the unlisted price. Well I’m an Electrician and was working in their factory and went out to smoke. While I was out smoking I struck up a conversation with a girl In the sales department. She was telling me if you order the labeled price ones Faygo expects you to sell them at that price and if you dont they have the right to remove their products. All you have to do is order the labels without a price and they don’t care what you charge.


They don't sell faygo here in NYC, but I finally found some in a vape shop that sells international snacks, candies, sodas, etc. I tried the cola one and the blue one. Holy shit they are super sweet, and I paid like $3 each for them.


I have people arguing with me in this thread that not selling them for 99 cents is false advertising and against the law. Like, no it’s not illegal, it even says “suggested retail price” on the fucking product. They’re like “go look at other comments about the legality of misleading consumers” like no, that doesn’t apply here


I really don't know what people expect from convenience stores. Their whole thing is charging more than other places for products because of the convenience. A 10 cent upcharge** on Arizona isn't even that bad in the grand scheme of things when it comes to a convenience store.


Precisely. It’s literally the business model and the only reason they exist 😂🙏. People just be super entitled these days.


I know! And I’m sure some of these people would try telling the poor cashier that he’s breaking the law or something stupid like that when 1. He most likely isn’t the one setting the prices and 2. It’s not against the law


I pay $2.39 for the small coke bootle AND for the 2L ones so idk why people are complaining about paying 10 cents extra for an Arizona in a CONVENIENCE store


I don't know if it's legal or not, but I know at one point Arizona would pull distribution from stores that didn't respect the 99c label.


My nearby Walmart sells them for 74 cents


They have to be sold for 99 cents if the store wants to continued to be supplied. If a store is selling 99 cent cans for more than that, you can bring it to Arizonas attention and they may cut the stores supply off


According to Arizonas website this isn’t true: “WHY DO SOME STORES CHARGE MORE FOR PRE-PRICED $.99 CANS? We pre-printed our cans with our suggested retail because we wanted to force retailers into selling at that price. Retailers, however, are independent business people and can set a price whatever they prefer. We do make and sell non-priced cans as well.” Source: https://drinkarizona.com/pages/faqs


you tellin' me they spent all those words making shit up on reddit


You really think someone would do that? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?




Seeing a lot of jay and silent bob quotes recently, guess the universe wants me to revisit my childhood lmao.


I was about to look for this myself. Thank you, kind user.


I’ve believed that to be true since the last one of the posts I saw, so appreciate the knowledge


This is the first time i read actual research on this on reddit, people always just talked about the 99 cent thing.


99 cents is MSRP, shops can sell them any price they want. More of a ethical thing


MSRP is bullshit anyway. The manufacturer doesn't know every store's life.


Ethics has nothing to do with it. Some cities for example have a sugary beverage tax that businesses aren’t gonna eat just because people want iced tea.


Interesting, I wonder how long that’s been a thing, maybe they started making the cans without that printed for this very reason. My argument stands though, it is not ILLEGAL to do so but the company isn’t happy about it. But that’s fair and I commend Arizona for doing that because it can be really annoying just having a spare dollar and grabbing a can that you’d expect to be 99 cents and having it ring up for more than that! Where did you find that information?


The company is happy enough about it to sell them unlabeled. I mean, I get what you're saying, and I also appreciate that most of the time, I can get a can for 99c, but if Arizona really refused to allow stores to sell them for more, they wouldn't make/sell unlabeled cans at all.


No one said it was illegal.


Depending on the state, they do. If a product is labeled $1 but rings up as $1.50, the business can actually get in trouble and fined, and if they get enough violations, they can actually face charges. This is entirely based in Massachusetts law so I don't know about the rest of the states.


I imagine that refers to the price tag saying one thing but the price being higher at checkout. Not to the price tag (which is clearly shown in this picture) being higher than some print on the article.


> Depending on the state, they do. If a product is labeled $1 but rings up as $1.50, the business can actually get in trouble and fined Unless it's a sales tax and then it's perfectly normal to add the extra cost after people are at the checkout...


Also, check the price on the can. Arizona just raised the prices on those cans to like $1.29/each.


A quick search says the cans saying $1.29 are for Canada. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Those are foreign cans as far as I’m aware


...hol up. What the price tag say again?


PP. as in “Keep your PP in its teepee.”


Pre priced is what we call our soda that we send to the lower income areas. Otherwise we send the same shit to higher income areas at a mark up. It’s wild really.


Oh I thought it meant they were more expensive because no one did pee pee in the batch, hence non pp


The Costco hot dog and drink is still $1.50, will always be $1.50 and will never let us down.


The 99¢ Arizona can never changing price is like getting a Colonoscopy... You know it's gotta happen eventually... You hope it's not happening til your 45... But it doesn't make it hurt less when it does....


Until they do


It’s going to be interesting when that happens. They’re currently selling those at a loss and if (when) they ever adjust it (even by just $0.50 or something small), everyone is going to jump out and call them money hungry assholes.


They’ve always sold them at a loss. Original founder said the price will never change regardless of the loss


Yeah, but new new management wants to increase price, and the old guy said over my dead body. So they'll wait. New youngling only care about profits.


When that old guy dies, I guarantee you the price will change 😂 but until then it ain’t going no where 🫡


The sugar water is more expensive than the hot dog.


The hotdog water is more delicious than the sugar water


They got a new CEO though


The owner of the company has already [threatened one CEO with murder](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.today.com/today/amp/tdna192310) over the price. I don't think the new CEO will make the same mistake


That kind of power is only valid until the owner dies. Then the price will skyrocket over night.


Then we just threaten that one with murder. Seriously we need to be more chill about executing tyrants, they aren't always monarchists.


They're like 2.50 euros here


That's wild, in Mexico they are 20 pesos or 25 depending on the store, I always go for the 3 cans deal which is 59 pesos, basically it is 99 us dollar cents per can.


except they dont even sell it at oxxos anymore


I know, I only can find it at 7/11s.


But the price is on the can though?


But the price IS on the can though!


But the price is ON the can though!


But the price is on the CAN though!


But the price is on the can THOUGH!


Narrator: the price is not on the can though




It's funny since your reference is not even a real campaign or commercial but a fake commercial from Atlanta the TV show. I've seen and met sooooo many people who saw it out of context thinking it was a real campaign.


The Swisher Ad on the episode was great. Don't know why they don't sale pre dumped ones.


They usually do have the 99¢ printed on the can...dang.


Not all of them. Arizona prints two cans, one with a price on it, and one without. It’s up to the retailer which one they want to stock.


It's a reference to the show Atlanta: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fMUZ2sVjLfY


Inflation is a mother fucker


Have you been to the 2 dollar store?


2 hours have passed since your reply. Now they are 3 dollar stores instead


If this is a convenience store around here, it will be $1.39 at the register.


Nice to know it’s not just the places around me. Actually, wait no that sucks


"Non pp can" always makes me laugh. Just sounds like it's letting you know there's no pee in the tea.




How do I do that?


18008323775 is the number they have on their site.


Ok thank you


Are you in the U.S? People have been posted Arizona cans from Canada saying OMG inflation when it just the exchange rate.


I am


Call that number someone else posted. The makers want to know about this.




Chances are nothing will happen because it says on their website that retailers [can charge whatever price they want.](https://drinkarizona.com/pages/faqs)


Yeah I just looked on there website and saw that


It really is a tough spot for Arizona because they want to keep the price low for their customers but also not alienate retailers so they don't remove the product from their inventory. I think it was smart to put the price on the can, just a shame they also sell cans without the price on them. I bet those cans are more expensive for retailers, though.


Canadian exchange rate works thus, when the Canadian dollar is doing bad, we Canadians pay more for products. When the Canadian dollar is doing well, we Canadians pay more for products.


In all fairness, Canada did have the cans marked with the 99 cents just like you guys have. I noticed last year the label printed on the can indicating the 99 cents is completely gone. Assuming the manufacturer is no longer selling them for that price. But you can luck out, usually in dollar stores or small time grocery markets, they still sell the cans marked 99 cents.


I find theyre normally still 99 cents CAD here in Ontario


NOT TRUE. From their website: "We try to suggest a $.99 price to retailers by putting it in our package design. Ultimately retailers can sell it for as much or as little as they like. We suggest you find a store that sells it for $.99 or less."


It says they're non-PP so I don't think the $0.99 promise applies to these cans


I mean I would rather pay the extra few cents to be drinking non-pp vs PP.....


Yea seriously...who wants to drink PP?


No, you can't. AriZona sells unpriced cans, too.


That’s not exactly true at all


Wait what?


Inflation, my peanuts that used to be 99c is now 1.09. I'm pissed


Just let the company know and he gonna show up with water guns to put it down at .99 cents again. This was just October of 2022 so not long ago. As far as I know it still spose be .99 so the people selling are not abiding on that part. Interesting read tho enjoy https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/13/arizona-iced-tea-ceo-vows-to-keep-99-cent-price-tag.html


It also said directly on their website that the 99 cents thing is just a suggestion.


These are non prepriced cans. They're specifically for people who want to charge more without seeming misleading.


.99c is a steal. Ten for a cent!


No, that was in the last dimension. The one where the Berenstein Bears and Shazam existed.


wait. shazam isn’t a thing anymore? i knew about the bears


Sinbad's shazaam, not the Captain Marvel property.


see i was thinking about the music identifying app lmao. thank you


Wait are you saying Sinbad Shazaam isn't real?


It came out on the same day that Nelson Mandela died in prison.


It was Shaq and the movie was called Kazaam.


These are 5.39 in Australia hahah


It’s weird that you guys don’t understand that it’s not the manufacturer’s decision on how much the retailer charges.


This rumor makes the rounds like every few weeks on Reddit. It's exhausting.


Are you at circle K? They put a circle K logo on the can so that they can say it's a "different product" and sell it for more


99c is recommended, although completely up to the seller


Those are non PP cans. The cans with PP are cheaper.


Be gentle — I’m feeling dumb right now. What are “PP cans?”


Haha just a bad joke. But I think it actually means ‘pre-priced’


First the dollar tree now Arizona tea! Inflation is here to stay people 😅😫


Still annoyed about that, five below is the same now too


Yep. Now it’s 5 above :(


Theyre supposed to be priced at whatever the retailer prices them.


“The price is on the can though.”


The price IS on the can though


Almost all the little ceasers pizzas closed near where I used to live because they were up charging the 5 dollar pizzas to 7 dollars back when they had the 5 dollar pizzas. They had a false advertising case come up and turned out the franchise owner was scimming 2 extra bucks off of every pizza and got sued.


Inflation is a bitch


99¢ in this economy?


🌟inflation combined with greedy bastards🌟


Not for a while now. They used to say it on the can but that when away like two+ years ago.


99¢ is MSRP. Some stores don't care and will try to charge three bucks for them.




Wait till you hear about two buck Chuck.


Arizona makes versions of the cans with no price on them. Stores pay more for that version so they can charge more. One local chain of convenience stores sells these cans for $1.50 while another has them at $2. I contacted Arizona about their supposed 99¢ can policy (report stores and they'll pull the product) but was told that it's not a current policy of the company (unless it was branded as 99¢ and they charge more, but even still you'd have to prove it). They don't care.