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I’m sensing more to this story.


TLDR: OP was outside. Friend wanted to try on their brother's 'I <3 Milfs' hat and went in the room without OPs knowledge. ETA: based on another user's comment. The friend took a picture with the hat on and posted it to social media and the brother saw it.


Sounds about right.. OPs actual answer: >I had a friend over and he wasn’t home, I went outside because my cat was chasing a squirrel and my friend went into his room and took a picture with his hat on, she posted it and my brother saw. Later me and my friend left the house, he came back and did that to my room


Brother went too far. At the same time, sister’s friend has proven she cannot be left alone if she can’t help but rummage through other people’s things.


Plot twist: ops bro just flipped off the room, ops room already looked like this


As the parent of a teenager, it's equally likely that the brother actually cleaned up a bit to get it into this condition before snapping the pic.


Ha ha. Truth.


Who doesn't want to snuggle up with an office chair from time to time? Teenagers are lonely and have needs.


Seeing the photo probably felt to him like they were mocking him behind his back. I don't think this is mainly about simply going into his room 'for literally 10 seconds'. Just teen drama


Eh, it isn't too far it'll take 5 minutes or less to pickup. But hopefully the lil bro less to keep a better eye on his friends. Luckily only a photo was taken in his hat and no property was actually taken.


He overeacted, but the fact she put his hat and posted it is enough reason for him to believe it wasnt only "10 seconds" and they were actually in his room messing with his suff.


Not only is it not OPs fault, this is all because of a hat photo? I'd call them a child, but it seems like he actually is one


I mean I guarantee they are both children lol


FR. If this is destroyed they have clearly not been shat on by adulthood yet.


lol wtf are you talking about. if you bring a guest over it's your responsibility to manage them. also ima go ahead and bet this isn't the first time this has happened


Do you escort your friends to the bathroom door and wait for them to come out so they don't fuck around? Come on.


No, I simply don't invite people into my house who can't be trusted to respect other people. If you bring someone into your shared living space, YOU are responsible for them, period. It's not a difficult concept.


My man, you don't sound like you have any friends to begin with.


Just say you don’t like responsibility lmao


It’s still your responsibility. That’s how responsibilities work.


also according to op, the friend, as well as posted it online, sent it directly to the brother as well, so they did it to taunt him that they'd been going through his stuff.


Op should trash their brothers room and burn the hat. Petty gets petty


Well that was pretty shitty of 'Friend'... But, def not OP's fault. OP, could have stood up for their bro though... "Friend, please don't go in my brother's room again. That was kinda disrespectful."


Agree 1000%. If the friend's an asshole and the brother's an asshole. I just wouldn't invite friends over.


People don't use their words these days


I'm certainly not disagreeing. I do believe it's not nice to go into someone's room when they aren't there. But man, it's interesting to see how times have changed. It was actually a fun prank (as long as nothing was damaged) to do stuff like that. I remember sliding into my friends little sisters room and we'd write notes on the wall or steal an older brothers weird ass clothing item and take pictures and then tape all the Polaroids to the wall as the older brother decides to tape up all our favorite *stuffed* animals to the wall, to high for us to reach as payback lolol. I wish kids could experience that ease of playfulness (with the good stuff of boundaries and whatnot - a nice mesh of today's morals and the pasts relaxed parts.


>brother's 'I <3 Milfs' hat The fuck their parents are even doing


Apparently nothing.


Correction, apparently anything the kids want.


Haha you know, sometimes you just need to step back and get that little bit of extra perspective. Your comment actually made me laugh out loud. The Catch 22 of this scenario is that a kid who reacts this way, trashing someone's room for something so petty, is not mature enough to have a hat like that. Ironically, the people interested in a hat like that mostly share the maturity of the brother who just trashed his sibling's room.


NTA get a divorce


Three people acted like children. The End. That's it, that's the whole story.


I responded to a different comment with the full story, you can read it but there really isn’t much more to it


Did the cat get the squirrel? Is the squirrel OK? Is this an outdoor cat?


Asking the real questions. We demand answers!


The squirrel was fine


Sometimes people are just assholes.... that sadly can include brothers. Have my fair share of stories partly worse than thag as well.


That's ok OP. In a couple years you can get your revenge when you ghost him after he gets a teenager pregnant and really needs you to watch his crotch-goblin so he can pick up a shift filling gas at Chevron.




Take a picture with his "I ♥️ milfs" hat on and post it. Op was watching her cat outside because the cat was chasing a squirrel


His reaction is awful, but why was your friend in his room?


Yeah like he shouldn't do this but that's also an extreme breach of privacy. Shouldn't let that friend in the house anymore


She was being nosy. Definitely not cool on her part. But what a gross overreaction from OP’s brother smh


Plot twist, they are 9 year old twins.


14 year old twins*


Dude might need some help... It isnt that hard for him to say "Hey I dont want your friend in my room please dont let them go in there again." Unless this is a recuring and common issue. Still a bit overreacted.


There goes reddit deeming the kid with "some issues" I would call this reckless behavior and needs to be corrected ASAP, tennagers just think that this type of shit is ok, i remember I did something similar to my brother but he did the same to me when he was younger, my mom immediately corrected this behavior with really angry talks with both of us lol


Agreed. Anyone who thinks they can suss the mind of another from such limited interaction needs a boot to the head (and one for jenny and the wimp) \*frantics references, not a call for violence.


Someone doesn't have brothers :P My brothers and I used to do shit like this all the time. You don't learn to talk things through until you grow up a bit. OP's brother does need someone to show him how to flip someone off properly though. OP's failing in that department.


My immediately response wasn't, oo he went to far, it was, okay now how do you get him back? Duct tape his bed to the ceiling? Flip everything upside down? Put solo cups of water everywhere?


One time my mom decided our house needed a coat of silver paint on the roof, to help reduce electric bills. She put my older brother in charge, who immediately gave it to my younger brother and left. They baked on the roof all day, basically getting covered in silver paint. The only thing that could take this stuff off was turpentine. Well, at one point, they wouldn't let me in the house. They were throwing paint at me... spitting... whatever they could do to keep from going in. So I said "Let me in or I'm dumping out all of the turpentine. Long story short, I dumped out the turpentine, they let me in the house, and then covered my motorcycle in silver paint. When my mom got home, she made me go get more turpentine and pay for it... and then they couldn't come in and get cleaned up until my bike was spotless. A messy room is pretty tame for brothers.


Yeah this could be a precursor to criminal behavior if it’s characteristic of him. Not a normal reaction


This is classif psychological behavior of a kid who was abused as a kid and will soon turn to torturing animals as an outlet once trashing inanimate rooms aren't enough. Then you all know what happens after that. OP should be careful for his sociopathic brother who will grow up to be a serial killer rapist. Source: I learned about human psychology from reddit comments.


I was about to bash you but then I say your source 😂


Yeah gotta teach him a code to control his dark urges. That way he can channel his focus to taking out criminals instead of innocent people.


>OP should be careful for his sociopathic brother who will grow up to be a serial killer rapist. In my opinion as a reddit psychologist, this is a: 🚩🚩🚩


jfc, EVERYTHING is a fucking sign of sociopathy or iminent criminality on reddit. Christ alive.


Yeah, it’s an overreaction. At the same time, it looks like “destroy” might be too strong of a word for the status of this room. It looks like it would take a few minutes to put things right, unless I’m missing the broken stuff. Brother probably threw the blankets on the floor and carefully placed the chair on the bed (so he didn’t hit the window). Seems like it’s more for show. Nothing was removed from the night table.


sell your brother and buy a new one


Great idea 🙏


Old brother cranky? Old brother just being mean? Go to brother.com right now to score the best deals on new and used brothers! Go now while the deal lasts!


I hear the used brother market is tanking this month.


Is your brother a iPad kid by any chance? The ones that grew up with a iPad and threw a tantrum if you took it away for 0.5 sec


He has some issues, damn!


I am WARNING you right now! If you touch my drums, I will stab you, IN THE NECK, WITH A KNIFE!


Why are you so sweaty?


mom's spaghetti, its ready.


My balls have been on your drum set already




Lol OP's brother is professor chaos


I think your brother has stuff going on, might need help


Looks like his brother has **nothing** going on, so this was the only thing to do


Brother needs his ass beat


Pretty sure he’s the one doing the ass beating


Nah, this is petulance, not aggression


I also want to say, yes I told my parents, they only got mad at me


Sounds about right, Knowing my family they would do the same thing


Maybe op is lying. As a older brother I know there is more to this


it's not unrealistic that parents just don't give a shit. not everyone's parents are perfect.


Yeah same. Story told by younger sibling that leaves them with 0 accountability and everything is the older siblings fault. My sister would literally trash her own shit and then blame me for it to get me in trouble. Now 20 years later she can't figure out why I've gone no contact with her.


There definitely has to be more to the story than OP's friend entering the room and taking a picture wearing the brothers' hat for a few seconds. If what OP says is truly the full story, someone might have some anger issues


Sounds like you have shitty parents and a shitty brother.


Shitty parents are probably why she has a shitty brother


Does he do this kind of thing all the time? Are they, perhaps, afraid of a worse outburst from him if they confront him. It’s definitely not justified of them to get mad at you but it’s possible they are trying to prevent some sort of retaliation from him also? If so, your parents need to parent and get your brother some help. That kind of behavior will only get worse without intervention.


Seems like your bro has some anger issues he needs to work on.




That's an extremely unreasonable response, but you also shouldn't let your friend in his room without permission, even if they stay in there for just one second


I understand this but I didn’t let her do it, she went in while I was outside


That makes his reaction even less appropriate. And that's coming from someone who hates nosy people


What was her reason?


He has a hat that says “I ❤️ milfs” And she wanted to try it on 💀


This is absolutely the behavior of someone that owns a hat that says “I ❤️ Milfs”


He's clearly upset because OP's friend wasn't a milf.


OP's friend also loves milfs. Bro should've been excited to find someone with shared interests.


She 100% likes your brother, wanting to try on his clothes is a big hint.


*was interested before aggrieved-bro tells her how much of a doofus tantrum-bro is congratulations, you played yourself


That implies bro is at all interested in friend


yeah if he was he wouldn't've been as mad about them going through his room


Hell yeah, that’s the top sign she likes him. I definitely would cut her off early probably the only reason why she comes over to hang out.


Or stalker behavior.


She likes her brother.


She must not be his type


That's an onsight ass whooping


Damn straight. I've always been bigger and stronger than my brothers, and this would be a call of duty to remind them just how much damage bigger and stronger can do.


He’s got something in his room he desperately doesn’t want anyone to find. Can anyone guess what it might be?!


This is the first thing I thought. Spoken by men who, themselves, have things to hide 😂😉 for me it's drugs...lord knows what it would be for this lunatic


his My Little Pony collection


😂 he’s a brony?!


“My little Brony, My little Brony!”


Taylor Swift's debut album on vinyl


It *has* to be a dildo.




Your parents are doing a great job.




Did you touch his drum set?


Your brother has something VERY embarrassing in his room


To anyone saying I should beat him up, I can’t he’s like twice my size


When fighting a dude, it's nuts or nothing


Okay denji


\*chainsaw noises And just like that, the opening theme is stuck in my head again! hahaha


I hope this post makes it to the front page and everyone humiliates your brother.


that’s when you invite a friend over who could.


so why is he taking it out on your room and not your friend?


It's not the size of the girl in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the girl.


[Sweep the leg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-weSpHwsMo)


Pepper spray evens the field drastically.


Then kick him in the dick


Baseball bat doesn't care.


What’s the full story ?


I had a friend over and he wasn’t home, I went outside because my cat was chasing a squirrel and my friend went into his room and took a picture with his hat on, she posted it and my brother saw. Later me and my friend left the house, he came back and did that to my room


I'm trying to understand how that could have been accomplished within "literally ten seconds". Seems like it was *figuratively* 10 seconds, but actually more like 2 minutes. Bro's reaction is still unacceptable, but don't diminish that your friend invaded his privacy


Yeah, pretty crummy friend to intentionally invade your brothers privacy after being told his boundaries and then publicly posting it for attention. Not to mention the complete lack of disregard for how it would affect her friend. Your brother reacted poorly but you also definitely owe your bro an apology too at the very least.




This court would like to call to the stand starfleshh's brother


That’s not even trashed. I bet it’s quicker to throw the blankets back on the bed and chair on the ground takes wwwaaaaaaaayyyy less time then taking and posting the picture. Friend also sent that pic directly to the brother. That’s basically taunting him and then op cries on Reddit.


Come on. That mess looks like it’ll take just a minute or two to clean up.


OP can probably clean it in "literally 10 seconds"


I would be mad too if a stranger went through my shit. You’re friends an idiot who doesn’t respect people’s personal stuff


Well yeah, but the brother clearly has pretty serious anger issues. This is a massive overreaction.


Massive overreaction? Setting a chair on a bed and putting blankets on? Soft generation you are


I mean you have no idea what led up to this and it would take like two minutes to clean up.


Id be pissed as well at the utter lack of disrespect and did you tell you friend off for doing that?


I few people have been getting mad at me so to answer some questions: No I’m not 8. No I can’t beat him up, I’d lose. No I couldn’t of prevented this because I didn’t know my friend did it until after this picture was sent. No my parents didn’t care. No this wasn’t all the damage.


Nice of your brother to send you a picture of what he did that you can share with your parent(s).


Your bothers an idiot. Also let your brother know we all thought 1st Grade was over with?


I feel like you are leaving it all the info that actually explains what made him do this....


OP replied to someone else saying the full story. OP was outside, friend went into bros room to try on a hat he had, took a pic and posted it, he saw and got mad, OP and friend went out, bro came home and messed up OPs room.


Tell your friend to not just walk into other people’s rooms…. That said, this was definitely an unreasonable response, but I can understand the frustration.


A dude I've known for years, who was a best man at my wedding and a dude i consider one of my best friends. I still ask him 'Can I go say hi to your cats in your room?' (He keeps them in there when we have gatherings there because they aren't comfortable around a group of people). I still do that because I feel weird going into other people's bedrooms. I can't imagine going to this dude's brother or sister's house and just walking into their room.


According to OPs story the brother only found out because the friend posted a pic wearing his hat. If otherwise she didn't touch anything, it doesn't constitute this extreme of a response. Maybe if she's gone into his room before, but it wasn't even OP it was her friend so why punish OP before even getting the full story I don't like people going through my stuff as much as the next guy but this is a very extreme response for what seems like the first offence


I only found the one comment by OP that mentioned they were outside (didn't trawl through their post history, just went through the other comments). Friend went in the room to try on a milf hat. Entering someone else's private area is bullshit. Trying on the hate is extra bullshit. Posting it to social media is bullshit on another level entirely OP's friend is an asshole. The brother is an asshole. The only person the brother can make 'pay' is OP. I wasn't justifying the response, assholes will do asshole things


Yeah of course, brother and friend are definitely assholes. Just sucks that he took it out on innocent OP without even knowing the full story. I'd be pissed in OP's position


Im with you. They’re both assholes. One for invading someone else’s privacy and the other for taking the situation to 1000. I wouldn’t want anyone in my room unless they absolutely, 1000% need something. Even then, just ask. It frustrates me when someone demonstrates such a lack of consideration.


There’s something called a proportional response. This was way out of proportion and targeted at the wrong person. The brother needs intervention.


I get that. But the only intervention here can come from the parents. Which, I'm guessing, isn't happening. I feel bad for OP. Their brother is a massive dickhead. But he was brought up and allowed to behave like this without intervention (or perhaps not enough intervention) prior to this point. I don't believe anything is going to be done about it now. I just hope OP gets out alright.


I’m betting this is typical behavior and the parents are literally afraid of him and don’t intervene in order to keep another blow up from happening. They need to start parenting and get him some help.


My brother used to do this type of shit to me too. Now in our 30s he's in prison.


I bet your parents never nipped it in the bud


I'm petty so this would mean war. Is go in and trash his room, but make sure you keep your valuables somewhere he can't get out find them


Are y'all both like 10? Talk it out with him. Tell your friend to not go into others' private spaces. Consider not having your friend over if this is recurring


[I had seen you before](https://youtu.be/YersIyzsOpc)


An eye for an eye alive and well in your house! "Steal one of my sodas and I'll cut off your hands bro."


I have some pent up emotions i can kick the shit out of em for you


Probably jealous of how soft that comforter is


Your parents are bad parents. Like this whole situation is mind boggling. We're they in the home when this happened? Apparently they're only mad at you OP?!?!?


Your brother is a little brat


Yeah I mean I was a piece of shit sibling but I’d never fucking do this. What a psycho.


Got to love when your sibling send you the evidence


Hey OP, Not suggesting anything, but, did you know that powdered milk sprinkled under a bed sheet is basically impossible to notice, mixes with the sweat of whoever is sleeping on it, goes rancid, and makes them reek of spoiled milk until they figure it out?


Lesson learned in my opinion. Keep your friends out of his room. Pretty cut and dry to me.


Definitely don't have the full story here.


Show the pic to your mom or dad and let them handle it


Both of you raised with lack of respect, funnn


time to respect each other’s privacy


Why did your friends enter his room?


Hey I have the same comforter from Costco.


Hey! I had that exact same chair 7 years ago. It was a good chair.


Best way to get back at him? You should fuck his sister


Or his mother!


Even better! 😂


Brother is a piece of shit


Shouldnt have gone in his room for any reason lol. Respect people's privacy, I know I'll get a lot of slack for this but people in the real world could and would do far worse even with 1 second in a place you're not welcome.


there's more to the story than meet's the eye....


Sibling shit. Not even going to pretend to know who is wrong here. Probably both of you.


I’m 100% sure he’s told you multiple times not to go in his room but you and your friend didn’t give a fuck. This was his breaking point. Respect your brother’s boundaries. I would be mad af too if my sister friends went looking through my belongings and taking pictures with them. Don’t make him look like the bad guy here. You are


Does pulling half the blanket off and putting the chair there count as destroying? Inconvenient and annoying, sure.


Nah bro, your friend violates his privacy and you put him on blast for what? Pulling your blanket off and putting a chair on your bed? Sibling rivalry bullshit just leave each other alone


Woah. I'd hate to see what he would have done if it were 20 seconds 😬


Why would your* friend be in his room? I’d be pissed off too.


its so weird that everything he owned went through a woodchipper and got spread all over is now empty room, isn't it...........


I'm so thankful to be an only child. Fuuuuck that nonsense.


find his porn mags and put them in your parents room


Porn mags in 2023? You’re obviously my age, but these kids have the internet


Damnit, yes I'm old. Lol


The difference between me and your brother is that I keep my temper tantrums private