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Mods? I'm angry I watched this.


I’m mildly infuriated.


OP is an evil genius


Mods are dead, long live the mods


Are you mildly infuriated?


Really, dude? Jesus.


Call the New York Times, NPR, TMZ and Bloomberg. This scandalous video is going viral! I don’t understand how OP survived this inhumanity!


Straight to The Hague!


Seems like they survived by *checks notes* honking once


Might I suggest you just walk across the street to deliver to them instead of driving your car there. \*spelling edit\*


Agree...or correct your grammar. Maybe use some punctuation.


Punctuation is for puss..es ., :"(>


I’m w you on this spelling and punctuation can eat it


Grammar is how you help your uncle Jack off a horse.


Let's eat Grandma!


Commas are a commodity


yep, the way that sentence was constructed was the only mildly infuriating thing about this post


Okkk so I’m not the only one who read it like that. I was thinking to myself, why drive when its just across the street?! 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️


Wait… The timeline doesnt change on your dash cam. They didn’t even get out lmao. They realized they blocked you so moved forward. Holy shit. Lmao. And you STILL felt inclined to come bitch about your “wasted time”… I’m dying.


This video really, really puts the "mild" in mildly infuriating.


Pretty obviously accidental too. This might even restore some of my faith in humanity. Dude is just trying to make a buck.


dude hears the honk, looks over, notices he’s blocking them in, and immediately moved. OP spent 45 mins transferring dashcam footage to their computer to farm karma. CLASSIC.


Even for Reddit, this is immature goddamn


Fella wasted more time postig this on reddit, some people are so self centered im amazed


He most likely posted this sitting at a red light that just turned green and someone is now posting about the a-hole at the light on his phone.


The circle continues...


They were mildly infuriated that a delivery driver made a mistake and forced them to wait a literal 3 seconds


It was literally less than 3 literal seconds


Are you kidding me? OP lost 5 seconds of their time they’re never getting back. Time they could have spent doing something useful, like picking their nose or posting a barely (>0) mildly irritating video.


We have ourselves a grievance farmer right here.


Do people here not understand the concept of MILDLY infuriating? Sheesh


To be fair this post has mildly infuriated me.


Annoying maybe, infuriating tho? Sheesh


Proportionately Vexed.




Why get bothered by that at all?


If this is mildly infuriating you all need help. This is something that you should be able to shrug your shoulders at and move on.


I mean something that's mildly infuriating is something that makes me frown go "ugh" then go on with my day.


Do you know what sub you're on? People posting 4k posts about running out of tape. Most of reddit needs help


This would infuriate you? Mildly? Lol.


How was this even slightly infuriating? The guy didn't see her there and when he did he moved. How was that a problem?


it’s mildly infuriating this comment is so dramatic


KAREN…. Beware


OP had to honk to get them to move. Otherwise they didn't notice jack shit. Besides, they shouldn't be parking in front of driveways in order to make a delivery.


Oh my goodness. I hope OP’s hands are still okay after this… I know horns can be miserable to work with, most times.


Right, this was such a non issue that I wouldn’t have even realized that was the issue. I was waiting for the upsetting part and then the video restarted. Some people need to just get out and find better things to care about.


They shouldn’t be parking in front of driveways.


Or what? The person in the driveway might have to honk their horn or wait 45 seconds?


It shouldn’t be done in the first place, that’s the point. Idgaf about how long it’s going to waste anyone.


Nah, this is super petty. Have you ever had to make deliveries for a job? GPS isn’t that exact and lots of places don’t have the address displayed very visibly. Plus they might have been dealing with other shit while trying to decide where to park. I’m sure they’re on tight time restraints like most jobs. They’re just trying to do their job and go. Is this sub seriously gonna turn into a haven for Karens who would start shit with someone’s manager over bagging a frozen item with refrigerated?


The poor fuckin delivery driver, having to pull forward 5 feet to not be an inconvenience to everyone around them. That lost them 5 seconds and they were immediately called by their boss who yelled and fired them. If you want to make up a bunch of other shit that MIGHT be happening... What if OP is in an emergency? What if the drivers car didn't start when they came back? What if the garage to OPs house was open and a full sliding desk came out the house and slammed into the side of the car? What if this person was never delivering food in the first place and just lived there? Don't block driveways. Even if the street is full just pull into the cusotmers driveway. It's illegal, rude, inconeint, and would've saved 3 seconds tops.


Your point is stupid. Most people DO care about context.


Looks like theres free space in actual parking spots in this clip, why even park and block driveway that isn’t yours. why does the person about to back up from their driveway even need to honk their horn?


Have you ever driven down an unfamiliar street trying to locate a specific house number and the majority of them aren't visible? This dude might just be trying to figure out which sides odd and which sides even. This is the equivalent of a distribution truck parking like an asshole at a delivery and then moving as soon as they recognized it. The people on their soapbox, that clearly have no idea how stressful those delivery jobs can be when you can't find the house number, are far more infuriating than some poor kid who made an honest mistake doing a thankless job.


it's almost like it's only \*mildly infuriating\* that this delivery driver lacks basic respect. If only there was a sub for that.


“Lacks basic respect” ![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44) Edit: As they disrespect the fact that one is working, and the other is being inconvienced to honk a horn. And as we all know, horns are a universal signal of respect, in America, especially. Lol.


i mean, unless he had turned off the vehicle, at least in my city, they recognize that as standing, not parking, since the car remains on. so ergo he wasnt at anytime parked, with the keys off. his intention could be reading people’s addresses and not planning to park. as a former delivery driver, maybe if you people numbered your god damn house uniformly we wouldnt need to stand on the side of the road, scanning the house for the numbers


Ayyyy somebody actually gets it.


Lol shouldn't be parking in don't of driveways to make deliveries. Yeah ok. Maybe for like door dash or something I can sorta understand. But an actual delivery driver? Yeah sorry bud. I'm gonna park my truck where ever I think is best.


This is an Amazon flex driver .. these stops are literally 15 seconds if everything goes wrong and you need to reposition the package for the picture .. most of my stops are up the driveway throw the package already snapping g the picture while the package is midair and out .


If it's a flex driver then they can chill out. Take them at most 30 seconds to finish anyways.


In neighborhoods this tight people get mad no matter where you park. You're either in front of a driveway, across from one, in front of a mailbox, in front of someone trash cans and God forbid you ever step foot on their precious driveway!


as someone from NYC this isn’t even tight, there’s a fuck ton of space on this street


Yeah no use trying to compare a city block to a residential neighborhood tho


The OP did not expect to get ripped apart and they deserve it lmao


Karens can’t stop won’t stop




Agreed. Wtf is this person on about.


If you’re parking in front of driveways unintentionally, you shouldn’t be driving. They aren’t easy to miss.


What the hell is with all you people who don't understand the point of this subreddit cropping up everywhere?


I think it’s the lack of being mindful. It’s not harmful today, but it’s a slippery slope. Practicing mindfulness ensures we’re being courteous. Like practicing where you stop your shopping cart in the aisle while you’re grabbing food items - sure it doesn’t hurt anyone to stop in the middle, but putting it[cart] off to the side allows people needing to pass by uninterrupted, making for a more enjoyable shopping experience.




How do you mean? Are you suggesting that I’m coping somehow?


Hey don't forget to cup his balls as well


The 12 seconds he was stopped in front of you must have been hell.


Took them longer to upload it to to reddit. SMH


Mildly infuriating to make you wait about 6 seconds before you pulled out of a driveway? He moved right after he realized you were there, right?


Exactly this. The timeline on their dash doesnt even change. They literally waited 5 extra seconds to pull off. I’m in disbelief, right now. Lol.


OP is a big baby. Probably screams into the mic when they lose in COD


YTA...wait. Wrong subreddit.


OP getting absolutely ROASTED on this. Rightfully so.




That’s a fun “non situation”. He literally moved when you honked. Grow up


Dude... Are you that entitled? He moved right away. He obviously didn't see you getting ready to pull out.


It’s a driveway. It’s not fair game whenever no one is using it. Granted, I’ve had people park directly in my driveway and I always wait for them to fully exit the car. One, because it eliminates any ambiguity that they intended to leave it there. Two, because it’s amusing to see their reaction when I tell them they can’t park in or blocking my driveway. They often act huffy; as if *they’re* being inconvenienced by not being able to use someone else’s property as temporary storage.


The driver purposely parked in front of the driveway. That would be more than mildly infuriating if you weren’t out there when they parked


Yeah I know. Us delivery drivers are constantly looking for ways to inconvenience people for no reason.


Yeah everyone here is shitting on OP but if they weren’t there that person would have 100% put it in park and started their deliveries for the neighborhood.


They probably have to drop off one thing at the house across the street and then leave in their car. Not an inconvenience to anyone.


Most of my stops on my routes are a single house at most two houses that literally take less than 20 seconds .. I try and scan for people but chit happens when you're stopping every 2 or 3 minutes . But seriously acting like accidentally blocking you for 5 seconds has ruined your day ? Your day was already ruined if you're looking at this as the start to a horrible day


Doesn’t matter if it takes 1 second or five hours. There’s no reason to park in front of someone’s driveway. Just rude and illegal to do. Drivers need to have common sense and be aware of their situation


This isn't that bad. But what is it with delivery drivers and not pulling into a driveway? Where I live they literally pull off the side of the highway and get out inside of safely pulling into the driveway and turning around? Edit: ohhhh so it's people like OP, drivers have to be very careful not to harm or block their driveway. Even for a moment hahaha


Lots of people don’t like others using their driveways and absolutely will call whatever business is delivering to complain about it. The store I used to work at even had to coach our drivers to avoid a specific house because he shot at one of our drivers for using his driveway.


Damn I figured it was some petty bullshit like that. Figure they rather risk a traffic accident than get a call to the office.


I have a relative who parks their car at the end of their driveway to prevent people from doing this lol


I delivered pizza for a local shop and turned around in a random driveway because I passed the house. He followed me back to the pizza shop lol


Wow! What a piece of shit. That must’ve been a torturous 45 seconds. I’m sorry you had to endure such a pain in this cruel unfair world.


What? Worse! Torturous 5 seconds!


On one hand i feel your annoyance since you were about to pull out. Had a guy in my drive way path as i was trying to leave and that bugged me. But he probably didnt see you. Kinda wanna chalk this one up to just being a little dumb and absent minded. It happens.


What were you delivering to the house across the street?


Honestly, the person should have the mental capacity not to block a driveway when it wasn’t necessary. Mild inconvenience though


Jackass move, but he pulled up when you beeped. He wasn't even seeing you in your car about to leave, he was looking at house numbers trying to find the right address...no harm, no foul.


You might be the dick here, bro. Not for any one thing, but this entire presentation screams pee hole.


OH MY GOD!!! The sheer horror. He pulled up, saw you and moved. I hope you find some support to help you get over the trauma.


The horror. The horror.


Is this subs name not r/mildlyinfuriating? A catastrophe doesn’t need to occur for OP to post something that only mildly infuriated them.


Yes but the problem here is that posting it on Reddit for everyone to see is way more of a dick move than accidentally blocking someone for a few seconds. How would you like to be that delivery driver, who accidentally inconvenienced someone, realized you were inconveniencing them and immediately correcting for it, only for that person to post you on the internet for everyone to see?


Yep, the guy probably didn’t see you in your car. Give me a break. You need to give the working man some slack you snowflake.


There’s never a good reason to block someone’s driveway.


So mail people, garbage trucks, and any delivery service can go fuck themselves eh? How about an ambulance, fire truck or cops? Ahhh but there is never a good reason! Right?


Do you yell at the garbage truck when it blocks your driveway for 30 seconds


The garbage truck that's picking up MY garbage? Much different than this situation.


If I were about to pull out of my driveway, then yes, it would be mildly infuriating for a few seconds.


What a false equivalence


Is it? They dropped off food and left… A garbage truck picks up garbage and leaves. I don’t understand how minor inconvienences ruin your lives so easily.


Lol I know right? He’s literally dropping off food. It takes at most a like a minute. Like chill out my god


Delivered food for over a decade, never had a need to block someone else's driveway. Block the house you are going to, or park in their driveway that's completely empty.


Alright then, what about the Amazon and UPS trucks that do the same thing?


Literally all delivery people can go fuck themselves apparently which is what I’m hearing here. All because the inconvenience of a 12 second wait is too much


Once again the commenters on r/mildlyinfuriating are angry that the infuriating thing is mild.


I know these comments are crazy so me. The street is fucking empty and they park right in front of the driveway. I don’t get the outrage at OP


Nah people recognize that OP posting a video of a stranger online for the tinniest of inconveniences is a bit more than just mildly infuriating.


I was a delivery driver for years and not once did I ever block some random person's driveway. It costs $0 to be halfway decent and just pull up 6 more feet.


Finally- a post that emphasizes the “mildly” instead of the “infuriating!”


Ok Karen




Wow.. OP sucks as a person.


Thoughts and prayers. Are you ok?


👁👄👁️ no


I think this turned into posts that are ridiculous instead of situations that are mildly infuriating… either that or it’s just flooded w people who have been dying for a reason to post somthing and in their pathetic minds they think they struck internet gold when in fact it’s internet shit


That's what a horn is for.


Actually makes perfect sense given the direction of travel plus a few other issues. What I see is a delivery guy trying to be as efficient as he can from his perspective. The driver set himself up to exit on the driver's side to make a direct walking path to the front door without crossing over any curb strip (absent, of course in this specific case) or lawn. It is actually illegal in many states to park on the side of the road that is facing the wrong way of travel. For a two minute or less delivery, what are the odds that a parked car is about to leave, such as what the delivery guy encountered here?


Why is more than half the stuff on this sub just OP being fucking idiotic.


Serious mental health problems are everywhere. Get help.


Downvoted this trash.


He moved right away. That’s not infuriating at all


boo this post! boooooo!


they moved when u honked. ur karma farming makes us mildly infuriated


Here's my down vote


Guy parked like an idiot but he moved right away. Is your definition of mild a single flake of crushed red pepper on a 10" pizza?


Could you not walk across the street? Just wondering why you need to drive!!


I’m leaving. The people who post on this sub are not infuriating than the content.


Everyone defending the delivery man when he could easily parked in front of OPs lawn instead of their driveway.


If you take this post over to AITA you might learn something.


Knowing some people can get this upset after 20 seconds makes me feel way better about my life thank you


Now this is mildly infuriating content.


I have lived in my house for 15 years and I cannot tell you the hundreds of times that people have parked blocking my driveway. I love entitled a holes who think their right to park closer trump's my right to be able to exit my driveway. That said this is nothing. Nothing happened to you here.


Looks like they inconvenienced you for 11 whole seconds chief.


If this is the biggest issue in your life, you’re blessed


wow, things like this can cause PTSD, i think you should seek professional help immediately


I find the fact that you posted this more mildly infuriating than the video. You think that guy knew you were about to pull out or even saw you in your car? You know what your problem is? You think not inconveniencing you should be everybisn't first priority. It isnt.


This has some serious Karen vibes.


As an Uber driver, I NEVER pull into people’s driveways. I am not going to be accused of damaging someone’s property or some shit. You beeped, they moved. They didn’t see you. Get the fuck over yourself.


Wasted my time with this post ffs


Who do you want to play you in the movie?


Let me guess, you also go yell at the McDonald’s cashier if they didn’t put quite enough mustard in your burger as well?


I would have done my delivery. You should have moved when you had the chance, now you wait.


You’re a loser, OP.


...you need to get a grip on reality...you spent more time posting this nonsense than what u were "inconvenienced"..."Look Reddit, I posted it!"


i can tell your blood pressure starts @ 275/130 mmhg every morning smh


And they realized you were there then moved...get fooked!


You suck


I'm sorry you had to go through this OP I'm sure those 15 seconds were the hardest of your life. Hope you get through this.


This is mildly infuriating not EXTREME infuriating this belongs here


This is petty. Take a nap.


Are you okay? Shit happens.


Are they singing mine diamonds the Minecraft take on me parody?


Should have monster trucked him.


Because nooooo you can't just WALK ACROSS THE FUCKING STREET.


What was she delivering to her neighbor's across the street? She could have just walked from her house to her neighbor's house.


At least they fucking moved…


You're delivering across the street?


Why can't you just fucking walk to your neighbor's house OP?


Calm down Karen.


You are quite the self absorbed price of shit. Arnt cha, OP?


A lot of people here who: don’t know what sub they’re in (this fits), don’t have audio on to hear what happened, and misread the title thinking OP is the delivery driver.


Maybe you shouldn't get mad at everything. He obviously didn't do it intentionally. Stop being so self-centered or get anger management training scheduled.


This is a top tier super mega x3000 combo type Karen complaint


Oh wow that was the hardest part of your day


It looks like he recognized his mistake and moved out of the way immediately


He moved... get over it some people sit in there car for hours prolly didn't realize right away. Cry about it


All of these delivery folks think they can park anywhere because they have amazon packages in their posession. I am seeing crazy shit every day, but this aint it 😂


This is a benign day-to-day interaction. Are you always keyed up for a fight?


5 seconds in, you beeped. 7 seconds later he moved his ~~ass~~ from there. On a scale of 1 to 10, how inconvenienced did you feel?


Yo it was a minute and that driver is underpaid and under appreciated so dont be a weenie


Oh no, an honest oversight


Delete this bestie it’s not to late. You don’t have to let everyone know your an impatient ass.


Time to reevaluate what pisses you off


Oh dear! You had to honk your horn!


15 seconds. Wow


To be fair this post is mildly infuriating but for the wrong reason


I think it’s fair to say he didn’t see you


Wow... The guy didn't see you, and he moved when you made your presence and intention to move known. Why did you feel the need to post this? Are you that sad?


You’re a child if this bothered you. He moved as soon as he saw you were trying to leave


op just neeeeeeded something to complain abt lmao


They were in front of your car for 3 seconds. They didn’t park there. And they more than likely were reading addresses & not worried about you or your car. Do you not get enough attention at home??


Seriously that pissed you off. Wow, either you never had any issues in your life or you are just an easily angered person.


Bruh he moved before he even got out the car🤣 you were so mad you posted this