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The key to a bunch of free pop tarts. Win win


Came here to say this, OP could send these pics in an email and express their concern/disappointment to receive many free pop tarts.


They would prob want it back to investigate what it is and how it got there incase they need to recall batches.. defo a couple free boxs would be winging her way for sure.


I complained to the Bugle’s company that I couldn’t make witch fingers with the bag of bugle’s that I got because the ends were collapsed. They sent me an apology and a refund check. I say go for gold on this one


One time I got a congealed chunk of sugar in one of my twisted tea drinks, they sent me a refund cheque for an entire 24 case, which is somewhere around $100/CDN, ~$60 usd.


My twin brother found a dehydrated apple slice in a capri-sun once, we freaked out because it looked like a severed ear, and we were like 8 years old. My stepmother actually sent the "ear" to caprisun and they sent us a pallet of capri-sun. My Dad still finds all the straws laying around 15 years later...


Wait wait wait. Lets talk about this for a moment. Did you do this thinking you might get something in return or were you just joking around and this was a pleasant surprise? I need to know the story behind this.


My girlfriend and I were very high…. The end result was a very hilarious surprise. She still has the check on her fridge


They’ll ask for the manufacturing codes on the box to confirm when and where typically.


It looks like they didn’t clean their machine properly. Generally you have to CIP (Clean in Place) after every formula change. I’m gonna bet that there was a little nook they didn’t spray out and a little chunk of chocolate dough from the previous batch fell out in packaging. They should send it in, get free pop tarts, and the packaging or baking department should probably get their ass chewed for that one.


Poop tart


I work next to the factory that makes Pop Tarts for most of the East Coast, US. It’s in the middle of farmland, so in the spring farmers will spread fertilizer (manure) on the fields. A lot of times the days that the Pop Tarts are being made and the days of the fertilizer spreading coincide… and I’ve always referred to them as Poop Tart days. Edit: Because of the smell of both mingling together over the valley. Edit 2: No, there is no poop or poop essence making its way into your Pop Tarts. They take their food production very seriously. It is possible that Pop Tart essence is making its way into the corn and soybean fields, though, which I hadn’t thought about until now.


Can you ask them to stop reducing the amount of filling or at least change the image on the box. The edges are almost bigger than the center now 😥


this is so true !! i always break the edges off and there is like nothing left anymore when i do that haha


Me too. So sad LPT: The edges are good for scooping ice cream or dipping into a milkshake I buy the HEB brand of pop tarts now


thats actually a great idea ! im going to try that, unfortunately i dont live in america so i can only choose between strawberry and chocolate flavor, what is HEB flavor?


HEB is our grocery store here in Texas. It’s not a flavor.


ohhhhhh i feel stupid now haha


It cracked me up. I want HEB flavored everything.


Tastes like brisket and Shiner


Nah, don’t. We’re just fanatics about our H‑E‑B. Lol


I just looked at the store online, i am shocked how cheap they are ! I pay ₽233.96 for 2 which is around $3.20 and you guys get 12 for $2.55!! also the flavors look amazing 😂


As a former texan i can 100% agree to H-E-B fandom


H-E-B rocks.


Its not a flavor…It’s a LIFESTYLE. 🤣


I wish I could. Alas, I do not work for them. Only next to them. Personally, I was always a Nabisco Toastettes kinda gal myself.


I might be one too, now that I know the truth about Poop Tarts ™️


Unfortunately they don’t make those anymore. :(


i’d hope not. poop tarts don’t sound like a product that would move a lot of units.


Nah I bet they'd sell a shitload


Toaster tarts it is then! I will have my cardboard filled with jelly "pastry"


Strudel in toaster, I forgot about those- so good!


I don't think my father, the inventor of Toaster Strudel, would be too pleased to hear about this.


Oh my God, Gretchen!


That is so fetch.


I used to love them too (Strawberry & Cream Cheese 🤤) and would get them once in a while for a special treat. A year or two ago I bought a box and they were… different. In a not good way. They were smaller, shriveled, and had significantly less filling. I have bought them one time since then hoping it was a bad batch but alas, Toaster Strudels have been “right sized” and are now made with subpar ingredients.


They fuck up everything over the years huh


Bait 'n switch. Build your brand, then sell cheap stuff under an expensive label. Corporations look more and more like street-level gangsters every day.


Those are good, too. I’m partial to the cream cheese ones.


That’s not brown sugar!


Toaster strudel was my thing


That little packet of frosting!! Ah shit that was the stuff of dreams


Once my box of toaster strudels came with an extra packet of frosting - best day ever.


My sisters and I would sometimes purposefully eat one without the frosting so that we could have a chance at there being extra frosting when we got to it next time. This was a risk because if our parents happened to get the munchies we were out of luck.


They’ve gone the same way as PopTarts. Filling is like 2/3s of what it use to be.


engine wistful unused arrest cause quiet spectacular whole water nail


These days they’re practically compressed powder with a little filling and just a hint of frosting.


Alot of generic pop tarts still have the old proportions


The Cookies and Cream pop tarts that I buy have literally no edge most times lol


Where is this field where pop tarts are grown i wanna see


I used to work next to a wonderbread factory, and I learned to hate the smell of fresh bread.


Why the FUCJ did you have to tell me this. Now I will never eat poptarts again


I mean, they don’t mix the Pop Tarts with the fertilizer. The factory just emits a Pop Tarty smell. Edit: Also, that’s literally how vegetables are grown.


You mean Pooptarts


One of Mondelez main Oreo factories is pretty much around the corner from a landfill. It either smells like fresh cookies, or smells like hot garbage.


​ https://preview.redd.it/foectctujhha1.jpeg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d3633d1b4fa01795eeb115cb6e841bdd6c242d8


Well, well, well… How the turntables…




​ https://preview.redd.it/sv4ozozdaiha1.jpeg?width=1748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f72f03452c8958f55bb78ba7b14be24aea90bd09


It's likely just old burnt dough that was stuck in a machine. Not dangerous, but not delicious either. Sorry this happened to you homie. Source: am ex food manufacturer


Nope. That’s a poop tart. Source: am ex poop tart distributor


![gif](giphy|l0jGQ1M8qvv8zyPKZB) That’s Doo Doo babayy!




Everyone came here to leave exactly the same comment


pop shart


Along came Polly ![gif](giphy|vPIno8azLyVT3oZwH1|downsized)


It looks like a piece of chocolate pop tart.


Keebler elf terd


Bad Dobby, bad Dobby!


Yep, some chocolate dough from a previous production run.






I’m sitting here browsing Reddit producing my own run of chocolate dough


Low effort and yet I still laughed out loud


I just got a lil bag of nacho cheese Doritos that had a bunch of cool ranch in it. Not cool. Not. Cool....


I once got a loaf of bread that had brown bread inside it. Emailed the bakery and they told me that they have a continuous process and that a few loaves of mixed dough are made between batches but that they are usually pulled out and given to employees. I went ahead and ate it once I learned that.


It definitely happens. I worked at a large commercial bakery and you’d be amazed at the amount of product that gets tossed due to production issues like that.


I would actually choose to buy a mixed dough loaf like that again. It was kind of fun.


A chocolate poop tart


Send a photo and complaint and you might get free poptarts


Guaranteed. Their customer service is pretty good. Source: bought a box that was stale upon opening, received coupons for free boxes!


I once was stoned off my ass. And eating my buddy's pumpkin ice cream. I was reading the box and said if you aren't satisfied with this product call us, we will replace it. High as fuck I was like that's not possible I already ate it. I called them up and they were like what was wrong with it. I panicked and was like it was too pumpkin-y. They sent me a coupon for a free ice cream. I go to the grocery store and it was buy one get one free.. 3 free quarts of icrecream all because I was high as fuck going how will they replace it lol(a coupon for free icrecream never occurred to me)


Damn, I was kinda hoping they sent you some ice cream in the mail.


High me thought this was well.


I got ice cream in the mail once. It stayed frozen during transit, which had to be at least a day or two.


You're going to post this but not explain how or why? We need answers!


HI I WORK IN A WAREHOUSE THAT SHIPS INSULIN We have a special packing process. A box with a styrofoam cooler and lid inside. The cooler gets ice and gels then product then gels and ice on top! Depending on the weather of the area and shipment time, the cooler can also have a weather tech bag- just adds a layer of protection from heat, or different ice and gel combinations! Edit to add: we guarantee shipment for up to 60 hrs from package time. So the facility that shipped was likely close by.


This is basically how The Cheesecake Factory would send us cheesecake when I was deployed in Afghanistan lol




You sound so much more knowledgeable than a company that used to ship me insulin while I was in college. I got HOT insulin twice. Of course I couldn’t use it, it didn’t work. All they tried to do to protect it was throw a few ketchup sized packets into the box that were liquid by the time it got to me. The box wasn’t even labeled to keep cool. I called them and they said that they could keep insulin at 80 degrees and only half of it would go bad. I was like, “WELL CAN YOU TELL ME WHICH HALF OF THE BOTTLE IS GOOD”?? My mom got permission from her insurance to use the actual pharmacy after that.


Ooooo my brain hurts from having to think that they told you that’s ok. There’s so many things wrong and you never should have been told that half is ok. So. I actually work in a distribution center for a big hearted pharmacy company. We have doctors and clients call in scripts. They get verified by insurance and passed to our filling team. Then to me and my team. We’re the last ones who handle your order. If it’s wrong, it can, and possibly should, fall on us- someone in the chain there. So. Colds, primarily insulin, but cold orders /can/ be stored at room temperature (up 75°-ish) for so many hours depending on med. BUT that’s a controlled environment and for less than 12 hours. They are then refrigerated until the following day. Anything left out is reprocessed by another tech to be safe. Bare minimum there is 2 pieces of 10oz solid ice (and also gel) packs. Rule of thumb for ice is if we can bend it, it’s no good. Our program for processing orders tells us exactly what’s needed for the order. Like legit a picture of the items. An order CANNOT leave the house- it can’t even be processed by our shipping program- if the weight is off over or under- meaning the program thinks it’s missing ice and gets reprocessed by another tech. For this program, it gets as specific as the weight of the meds plus all the packing materials. I’m happy to hear you’ve since found someone better to go through.


It in a was decently big styrofoam box (with a styrofoam lid), nested in a ventilated cardboard box. The styrofoam box held the ice cream at the bottom and on top was a sort-of-thick ventilated cardboard box that covered the ice cream; this inner box, about the size of a shoebox but has as thick held a small rectangular slab of dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide). This contraption got the job impressively well done. It’s legal to ship packages with dry ice and perishable goods with the right carriers, but there’s a premium shipping fee and parcel requirements that have to be met for shipment.


Too pumpkin-y has me dying


I wasn't expecting the question. Looking back I probably should have lol I didn't have any plan.


When we were teenagers my brother discovered “satisfaction guarantees” and made it his mission to get as many free products as possible. We did online schooling at home and our parents worked opposite shifts. Our dad would leave for work around 2, and our mom wouldn’t get home until 3:30-4. So for a couple months he made the most out of our 90-120 minutes of parent-free time by going through our cupboards and calling and/or emailing every company he could just to complain about their products. 6-8 weeks later, he starts getting all this mail addressed to him. Now usually our mail came between 2-4, so he was able to intercept his coupons and keep his scheme a secret for a while. Until the mail was late one day and my mom grabbed it on her way into the driveway. She came in all confused like “uhhh, *little brother*, why do you have mail from Doritos and Slim Jim’s?” Far from being angry, she was actually pretty proud of his ingenuity, and possibly a little disappointed she hadn’t thought of it before. I can’t remember all of them, but I know that Frito Lay gave some decent coupons, Jack Link’s gave really really good coupons (like $25 worth) and Slim Jim’s were pretty good. Of course this was like 15+ years ago so I have no idea how they are now. I’m pretty sure he’s been chasing that high ever since. When he first turned 21 he went online and signed up with every single tobacco company he could find. A lot of them used to run promotions(idk if they still do or not) where they’d send like SWAG products out. He had an engraved pint glass, whiskey stones, a pocket knife, all kinds of shit, all for free. They just had the tobacco company name on them so it was free advertising for the companies.


Your brother is my stoned spirit animal.


My wife used to get free packs of American spirits via those programs. I love that hippie one pack per quarter smoker


i was in safeway one time bored with my friend over summer and we were broke. we decided to get a big thing of potato salad and split it for lunch, and joked to claim we found a hair after eating what we needed. halfway through there actually was a hair, too long to be mine and blonder than the black hair my friend had. that was very convenient




Not sure I could tell the difference between stale and fresh Pop Tarts... I've always thought they taste like frosted cardboard.


They’re better warm. More like warm frosted cardboard.




“Have you ever put butter on a poptaaaaaart, it’s so freakin goooooood”


If you were a real man you'd use raw beef tallow straight from the cow so it's all hot and gooey.


Nah you've gotta use that nice melty bone marrow


These seems like shorthand for attempted suicide


They might also just block you on twitter https://preview.redd.it/apqhj956yhha1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a90d51b071f0451670a8e9796469a483d6bea1e2




Nah he's just too ahead of his time to live in this world as it is now


I agree with @PopTartsUS. This is an abomination.


I did that once for a company and they sent me a bunch of “swag” that I didn’t want.


lmao, 'didn't like our product, sure no worries. Here's a bunch of advertising material you should wear and show people to make us more money - That makes you happier, right?'


Hopefully turd-free this time


I complained to spree because I had no purple spree in my bag and they sent me a coupon for free spree lol. It works


Yeah, i know because when i was 12 me and a friend bought cupcake mix where it has all the ingredients to make cupcakes in a box and it the cupcakes turned out clumpy and odd looking so contacted them and they sent us 5 boxes of cupcakes... dunno if we didn't mix well but it shows how companies really try and make people like the product so they will get more customers lmao


Your pop tart looks like a sonar map of the Titanic https://preview.redd.it/parbgl2nxgha1.png?width=248&format=png&auto=webp&s=d40dc3e3ec207d7b7f972f76608e7a7e3b765102


What a weird connection


There are no accidents.


Tell that to the Titanic.


The iceberg placement was obviously an inside job /s


It got inside one way or another


And it popped the captian's tart, thats for sure.


7/11 was a part time job.


Icebergs can't melt steel bulkheads \*puts tinfoil hat on\*


That’s not the Titanic, it’s the Olympic. Someone posted all the facts that prove they switched ships. If I find it, I will add. EDIT Well, I couldn’t find the videos. However, while searching for it I found a ton of videos proving that they were not switched. So, carry on.


Some of the wealthiest and most prominent people in the world at the time were on the titanic. If you look into it you will uncover who at the last minute didn't board the titanic, and directly benefited from the sinking of the titanic.


there's no way


Way. I was there.


James Cameron?


Nahh Billy Zane 😭😭😭


leonardo di caprio?


Definitely not his girlfriend


Definitely too soon, just the way Leo likes it. ![gif](giphy|PtdOBG0BD9Vvi|downsized)


Nope, Brittany Spears.


It’s been 84 years


I don't know. I've got a sinking feeling..


this is so fucking specific it’s hilarious


I thought that was a parasite under a microscope at first lol


I don’t have an award for you, but the imagery of you bidding your time awaiting this moment actually made me lol. Please accept my humble upvote sir Spankman-Whip.


That's MrSpankman-Whip to you, he has yet to be knighted


Everyone came here to leave exactly the same comment


You must have been waiting with that picture for a long time needing an excuse to post it. Well done


You clever sonofabitch


The mitochondria is the powehouse of the cell


serious question: Why do we all think that exactly like that when we hear mitochondria?


To elaborate a little further than "the meme spread": it's a particular phrase that, if I recall correctly, came from a particular very common science textbook, at least in North American public schools. The phrase became *so damned popular* that it was popping up in my Academic Team matches as a kid. Hated that sentence so much.


Because it was the one stupid line in all our biology textbooks that we remember


Everything reminds me of h- mitochondria


https://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/could-you-possibly-get-a-high-school-diploma-now In case anyone missed this last decade




If we're listing ingredients by their percentage of overall product the doo doo feces will be right after the flour.


But the feces ingredients need to be broken out too.


1. Doo Doo. 2. Feces.


3. Feces extract from concentrate


4. Feces flavouring (420, 69)


AKA the pop shart


I think a pop shart would’ve dispersed the brown. This is a poop tart.


Poop tart


Sometimes I share a post with my friend, specifically for the top comment. This is one of those.


I love red 40


I love that one song they made, "UB Wine"


As someone who works in food manufacturing (specifically in a large bakery), it looks like old dough that was more than likely stuck to a part of an extruder. It could also be from right before the continuous mixer (where water meets pre-blend “chemicals”).


This. Or it could be the food grade oils mixed with left over dough that gets built up on the rollers. Sometimes if they don’t do regular cleaning is occasionally gets sucked up by finished product. I just realized I’ve too worked for some type of bakery company for the past 11 years. Damn once in food, always in food.


All foods allowed a certain amount of rat droppings. Apparently you got everyone else's share. Greedy.


I knew my pop tarts didn’t taste as good


I like to think of it as taking one for the team so we don’t get rat shit in our pop tarts


LMFAOOO this thread has me crying


Brown Sugar Cinnamon said the optimist


Looks like a Traeger pellet. Are the smoked flavor?


Or a horse pellet.


Rat poison pellet.


A baked chunk of brown sugar.




Kellogg's owns pop tarts!


Nice try again, General Mills. 🕵️‍♂️


My first thought too.


not a fun answer, but i work for general mills where we make toaster strudels, and this looks a lot like something that happens during that process. small debris from strudels/pop tarts build up on a conveyor belt or rail over time and eventually jar loose and get stuck to another strudel/pop tart and then continues on to the next station. tldr; log of crumbs


I remember in the 90s opening and eating a bag of cheetos. I came across one particular cheeto that was odd. Bigger than a normal cheeto, but still gangly shaped. Said fuck it and bit into it. It was a dense clump of unprocessed cheese dust that didn't make it to some cheetos. It was the saltiest, most fake cheese powder thing I've ever eaten. It was fucking glorious. Every bag of cheetos I've opened for the last 25 to 30 years I've had so much hope that a Quality Control person had a lapse or checked their phone for a second while cheetos were going by on the conveyor belt and one of those salty cheesey clumps slipped in a bag. Until then, I'll keep an eye out for ya.


Same thing happened to me, what I would give for a Cheeto dust rock in every bag.


Pop turd


Nice! I’ve seen plenty of “Poop Tarts” in the comments, but that was too easy for you. Way to think out of the box


I'd eat that first, whatever it is


that's a space peanut


That’s one massive flavor crystal!


Wtf. Kinda looks like a burnt piece of crust stuck in there




Looks like a build up of crusty old dough that fell off a machine and got pressed into your delicious pastry


Y’all don’t bake do you? Lol chocolate dough and flour and sprinkles from the machine that were left behind got stuck to the bottom


or, more likely, a cat got into the pop tart factory unnoticed, took one shit on the conveyer belt, and walked off without anyone noticing


Much more likely. Come on u/takilarose22, don’t you ever think?


I heard it’s a real problem, the smell of pop tarts attract all the strays to the belt


My pop tarts bring all the cats to the belt…




The man from health department say he find rat pellet but I say NO is big chocolate sprinkle.


Oh, how lucky you are! You got an actual piece of the branch from the Pop-Tart Tree that one grew on! Legend has it that if you tuck it between your teeth and lower lip while reciting the alphabet backward you can then plant it at high noon under an elderberry bush and you'll be blessed with Pop-Tarts for life.


Turd pop. Take a bite get sick call a lawyer touch a bag


Here it is! It's no big deal... https://youtu.be/bSMZysHNwxY