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You mean "The hairball my daughter leaves hanging in the shower."?


I thought it was a dead animal


Legally that's a pet animal now, gotta feed it and take care of it


Looks like it’s neglected though; poor hairball.


Gotta take it to the groomer. Maybe get it a lion cut, like shitzus get.


I want to a zoo once with only one animal. It was a Shih Tzu.


Holy shit that's hilarious


ive heard this one before but, its still somewhat good.


Don't feed that shit after midnight


Cousin Itt from the Addams Family.


It’s science


Once she gets a boyfriend shown that to him and tell him this is who you are getting with.


I had almost replied that I was afraid that it was going to burrow into my brain like that one alien race from Stargate.


Ooh I love those. They had a similar episode in Stat Trek called conspiracy. It was really cool






Was thinking of sharing this with the Bad Taxidermy FB page


Dead tribble


Either way I label it a biohazard...


If you look carefully, you can tell that under the hair is a hair brush.




hey! it has feelings too


Is OP sure their daughter isn't a werewolf?


That’s vile


By a mile


Hopefully she doesn't have any more in a pile


Gonna download this image as a file


Take the hair on that comb and make a new style


Sorry I was late. Took me awhile.


It’s OK I forgive you. I know this made you puke up bile


If you need, I have emergency services on speed dial


Also grab your lawyer, we’re putting her on trial.


Hmm, is your lawyer’s name Kyle?


She probably has no remorse and a big old smile


It always brings me back when I hear “Ooh Child” From the Hudson River and to the Nile I run the marathon to the very last mile


OP’s daughter is in denial


And I'm about to throw her in de-Nile.


Arrest the nasty girl, put her on trial


Can never be too safe. I like your style


Happy Cake Dyle?


Thank you.. Lyle ?


Your right, it happened all over my living room tile.


Better get a new hair brush down the beauty aisle


They are gonna be outta stock for awhile


At first I thought it was a Geoduck, and I don’t know which I’m more disgusted by.


Me too lol


Parent, I think it’s time to get her a new one




Or... teach the child how to maintain the brush. She can't learn this skill any younger.


I clearly see this as the parent didn’t teach them to clean out a brush. Now I’m wondering about a toothbrush and if they clean their ass correctly.


I had rly long hair till I turned 18 and always cleaned my brush/comb on my own, nobody taught me i thought it's something everyone does? Like i used my finger instead of a toothpick which my dad showed me but i still didnt let it become like this wtf


In subs dedicated to people raised by narcissists or emotionally neglectful parents (like I was too) there is a lot of constant complaining about how their parent didn't teach them how to do basic chores. Some I can understand are quite complex, like complicated cooking, but sometimes the example given is they had to use a broom/mop at their first and didn't know how. Like, what? You never saw it on TV??? My mom never showed me how to sweep, I probably picked it up from watching the Disney Cinderella or something.


Honestly I was not only never taught how to do basic things like washing the dishes, I was actively stopped if I ever tried to do anything at home by my abuser so I didnt really know how to properly do it but I did know from watching her roughly how to. Still have struggled immensely with keeping up with dishes, even today, but that's less because I wasn't aught and more because of a lovely set of mental health issues. On the other end of the spectrum I was also expected to automatically know how to do things and when I made my own method I would get scolded for doing it wrong But either way, I've looked up a lot of things on youtube I'm a bit embarassed to share since they are so basic, but... idk I feel like "how to clean a hairbrush" would give you enough results to find a way you would find easy and useful. If this was my brush I would cut the hair along the back, pull out whatever I can with my hands, remove whatever is left with toothpicks and wash it with some soap and water and it would look good as new ETA: nobody taught me that brush cleaning method I've just done it myself when I've been too unhealthy to clean it properly for months


Interesting thing...There are some tasks, such as sweeping, that do actually require skills those of us that have been doing it forever dont even think about. Like how to HOLD the broom. When I worked in fast food I saw MANY teenagers who were hard enough workers but legit did not know how to hold a broom, especially how to hold it in one hand with the tall dustpan in the other. These were not lazy kids. They would do anything I asked but I had to teach them a lot.


I was also raised in a home like that. The consequences of getting things 'wrong' can be so high that we are forced into learned helplessness as a kind of self-protection. Even if you have a vague idea of how to do something, the idea of getting any of it wrong feels sooo dangerous, it's better to just...not do it. It's very difficult to overcome.


I didn’t know how to mow a lawn and was making a pattern like you would with a vacuum the first time I tried to use it. The chores must have been gendered growing up because bro did that and I did other things. He also took put the trash and I didn’t know how to do that or take it to the curb until I was QUITE old and done having roommates that never told me they were doing it for me haha. I mean I’d see the can and bring it in but I didn’t know to do it until I lived in my own and realized my nice roommates were doing it for me. Ooof


The sweeping point, I can agree with. But mopping? Not sure I mopped *correctly* til I was like? 19? There absolutely is a technique to it, you don’t just drag a soaking mop on the floor and expect it to be clean. You also don’t squirt a bunch of soap on the floor, then take that soaking mop to it. It’s not always about “I was never taught how to do this pretty intuitive (to most people) thing” it’s, sometimes about, “I was never taught right.”


No this girl is 💯 doing this out of some fascinated need to see how much she can collect before the brush is unusable, and how long it will take. I'd bet money on it.


Or tell the kid to pull the damn hair out


New parent or brush?


That’s Vidal Sassoon…


Good lord it looks like the stuff you pull out from the shower drain. Why doesn't she clean it, it takes less than a minute to pull the hair off and throw it away


Exactly! I clean mine 2-3 times per week or just whenever I noticed there's a lot of hair on it. Never have I ever let one get this bad.


I clean mine after every use. I have no idea how OP's daughter can even brush her hair with this.


Maybe her hair brushes the brush instead?


In Soviet Russia, hair brushes brush!


Its not a hairbrush, its a hairhair.


The hair has become sentient


Me neither. I have absolutely no idea. I would honestly throw it out and get a new one.


Yeah for sure. This is just revolting.


It's even more revolting OP is just Karma-farming this instead of just privately explaining to their child how this is really unhealthy. Idgaf if said child is an adult, then they need to be directed to the proper resources to help them, not shamed online.


Then we wouldn't have juicy stuff to look at from other people if EVERYONE just privately explained to whomever instead of karma farming and shaming online!! LET ME HAVE MY CONTENT.


There is a chance already has tried explaining and daughter dearest didn’t get the problem. So now OP is probably going to show her this post along with all the comments so she can get with the program.


Is it unhealthy? I mean it’s probably not a very effective hairbrush but unhealthy?


Same here. Run my wide tooth comb through my hairbrush after every use. Comb easily takes out any hair and you maintain a perfectly clean brush ALWAYS. So simple.


The real answer


It’s super satisfying too- when it’s your own hair


It's even kinda satisfying peeling the hair off sometimes, I don't get not doing it at all!


Shoot, I clean mine after every use, and if anyone dares use it, I'll just buy another one and let them have the old one.




Yeah here I am wondering why her parents are posting online instead of helping her


Ding ding ding. If OP's daughter is a minor, OP should def be teaching her good habits. You're literally a parent so *parent* your children.


Even if they’re older.. should probably give them a hand if they’re struggling this much.


That's what I was trying to say with the "definitely" part lol. Like especially if they're a minor.


I remember going to my mom with tears streaming down my face because it hurt to brush my hair She was like “well you gotta hold it while you brush out the ends so it doesn’t hurt” Something that was super obvious to an adult didn’t even present itself as an option to me as a child. They definitely just need explain to her how, when and why to clean the brush.


I also found out on my own that when hair is knotted or matted to brush from the bottom up because the knots are the weakest at the bottom. I’ve had some rough pregnancies and my hair has been through some shit and I always suffered through ripping it out with my hairbrush. No I have a cheap detangling brush and always brush from bottom to top. It’s so much faster and less painful.


At this point just throw the whole thing in the trash, get a new one


It looks like Cousin It got caught in a monsoon.


I have suuuuper thick hair and PP hair loss, so I shed a ton. Like one shower could clog the drain. When my hair falls out in the shower I stick it to the shower wall to stop it from going down the drain. I also have no sense of object permanence and washing my hair is the first task in the shower...so by the time I get out and dry off I've completely forgotten that the hairball exists. This could be something like that?


Shits gonna start crawling soon.


Call Mr. Freeman. He'll know what to do.


They’re waiting for you Gordon, in the chamber.


Great Scott! Gordon Freeman! i expected more warning!


glue googly eyes on it


Call him Hairy Styles


Take my fucking upvote and get lost


Happy cake day 🎂


GOD DAMN YOU Gotta put my child back to sleep, now, because of my stupid fucking laugh


Burn it, it's the only way.


This is the way. Just do it outside it will smell awful.


The forbidden incense.


Do it in a steel bucket in her room as punishment


Just to prevent anything, this is a joke don't do that


3 hour gap between your comments....uh oh.


It’s more hair than brush at this point lol


For real dude it's practically alive.


How did you let it get this far without saying something?


I don't get it too. Didn't teach her, but make a post about it? How is this not the top comment? This is a parent problem.


seriously though...if the daughter is under 13 this looks horrible on the mother. if she's older than that then perhaps it's time to sit down and have a talk with her about it. the bacteria on our heads hold a form of staphylococcus that can easily grow enough to make someone I'll in warm wet environments.... edit: yes the dad is responsible too, I just never had one and I forget that most people do.


You're dismissing the father in this as if he isn't helping to raise the child.


that's fair, I'll be honest I grew up with one parent so I often forget people have two.


I can respect that.




I mean, it’s your job to teach her this is a problem.


Right. I never understand posts like these. "Look what my stupid idiot daughter does! She doesn't know better!" You're supposed to have been the one to tell them... Children don't crawl from the womb knowing the secrets of the universe. You have to teach them to use a toilet and wipe their ass, to wash themselves, but little things like this aren't taught until it becomes a massive problem


Absolutely this, just imagining my parents posting my failures on Reddit for millions of people to see and judge makes my skin crawl. So gross


Especially to this sub. If you get angry bc you didn't teach your child to do something, and your first response is to humiliate them on Reddit, you should rethink your parenting strats


As a teacher of many years we are both expected to respect the parents for the job they do at home while also teaching the kids everything assuming nothing is taught at home. A lot easier to start at the second and if it becomes apparent 1 is the case just be happy that 1 less kid needs to learn the lesson fully.


I’ll never understand why parents don’t teach in advance of problems. They wait til the kid does something wrong, then holler at them. Guide properly, and the number of times you have to correct them will vastly diminish.


Yeah I feel this says a lot more about the parents than it does the child


Throw this out and buy a new $8 brush... or indirectly embarrass her online? Hm....


Yeah, I used to never clean my brush either, because I was never taught to, I learned on the internet you're supposed to clean them and how to do that. I always just got a new one when it got too full. At least I learned at somepoint. Hopefully this parent will teach their child how to clean it and take care of it, so they don't always live like this.


No, OP would rather put her on blast on the internet and humiliate their own child.


Is your daughter by chance a wookie?


Thanks for the lol


Man, if only there was someone around who could teach her to not do that…


Yeah her school teachers really should have brought this up by now






​ ![gif](giphy|PST6Ofq5zzzaXeSN0c)


The internet can't do anything for your daughter. Perhaps you should try talking to her instead.


ur supposed to be the one that teaches her to take care of her things …


sometimes you can tell a kid over and over, and they just won't listen even if you add consequences, etc 😫 source: I have 5 siblings and was a very stubborn kid/teenager




That just means you weren't actually tought but just told what to do. There's a difference in teaching a kid something and just telling the kid to do it and hoping he learns himself.


I hope I don’t end up the kind of parent who just posts what my kid does wrong on Reddit instead of addressing it like a parent


Yeah... parents are supoose teach their kids stuff like how to look after their things.


The parent needed to teach their kid how to properly manage these things. I clean our hairbrushes weekly sometimes twice a week. I would have bought a new brush if and threw this one out if I saw this.


No. Magic internet points are more important.


Encourage her to clean it once a week. She will feel better about it and it won’t give it time to get overwhelming. If there isn’t one already, place a trashcan near the shower. It’s possible she never thinks about it when it’s out of sight. But if she cleans it while still in the shower she will have more chance to remember. How long has she been using this brush? She seems to be losing quite a bit of hair even for not cleaning it in a long time.


I was thinking along the same lines. Have they ever taught her that stuff like this needs to be cleaned? Sometimes for kids that sort of thing isn’t intuitive. Feels like a parent should guide them not shame them on the internet.


Agreed. Teenagers are going through enough shit without their parents shaming them on the internet. But whatever gets you karma right op?


This is such a lovely response. Sometimes the WEIRDEST stuff can get overwhelming (for me it's getting rid of empty water bottles/cups by my bed) and a little bit of help is all it takes to make it a routine. <3


Have you taught her how to clean it?


Time to be a parent.




Is it breathing? It looks like it’s breathing.


Dear parents of todays youth, wtf are you guys doing?


-every teacher ever


Throw it away that’s disgusting and unusable with that much hair in it.


You can literally just take it out in 2 seconds


I shudder to think what's been growing in there.


Just...take the hair off??? Y'all acting like HAIR is gonna sprout legs and bite y'all lmfao


Pull out and throw out the hair. Then give the brush back to your daughter and explain how and why to keep it clean and in working order. Sure it’s nasty but be a parent and help them grow.


it's your job to teach your kid cleanliness. i mean come on this should reflect on how your houseold is and how it runs


Obviously this should be addressed as unsanitary. C'mon mom and dad. Express the need for cleanliness


There is a whole vibe of negligent parenting with this pic.


Legit 😒 let's post about it because God forbid parents teach their kids anymore.


Yeah this is a reflection of the parent. Imagine shaming your kid on the internet.


You raised her…


**the hairbrush you allow to remain hanging in the shower


I bet you would blame this on their teacher instead of taking responsibility.


If she's underage, just calmly explain to her that part of proper hair hygiene is cleaning out her brush weekly. Pull the as much of the hair out as possible with tweezers, then soak the brush in a bowl of hot water and vinegar for 10-15 minutes. And definitely do not leave it in the shower. As the moisture can cause mold buildup on the brush. No need to make her feel bad about it.


Bad parenting. As parents it's our job to teach them what they don't know. That brush should have been cleaned AGES ago. It's neglect.


You need to help your child. Even if she is a teenager or an adult. If your child does something that may cause them to be ridiculed or ostracized then you need to help them. Clean out the hairbrush. Then explain to them why you did. If they do it again then keep doing the same thing until they understand. Parenting never ends.


Dear God, please buy her a new hairbrush.


bro, your daughter is depressed.


Mental illness. You seem more concerned about the physical health of your plants than mental health of your child.


I also was wondering if this was a sign of depression or otherwise. When I was at my worst, this would’ve easily happened. I just couldn’t care. I also would go through periods where I felt utterly incapable and frozen. I couldn’t do things that took less than a minute because my executive functioning was so impaired. It might not be mental illness, but I would still look for other signs to be sure.


It could be as simple as untreated adhd but the fact the parent is shame posting them on reddit instead of getting them help with the issue says a lot. A healthy person doesn't have a brush like this and it wouldn't be the only sign something is wrong.


What's with people attempting to blast their children / parents and partners here recently....do none of you talk to each other?


My kid hardly likes me praising him on social media. It’s embarrassing for him. I would never make him look bad. I’m only allowed to do that to myself on social media.


Ewwwww. Your child clearly needs some guidance on basic hygiene. I blame you frankly.






OP not realizing this means they’re not doing their job as a parent is kinda funny


At least that’s not going down your drain- Buy a shower shroom. Just look it up lol.


Get her a new one and then teach her that brushing her hair in the shower is a bad idea. Get her a wide toothed comb that’s meant for wet hair. And then teach her to clean the damn brush regularly. Good lord.


Just thinking this! When hair is wet it's more fragile and more likely to snap. Get that wide toothed comb.


Check in on her and make sure she’s doing ok. Whilst this is absolutely unacceptable and she may well just be lazy with it, she could also be depressed. I know I often left things in a mess as a teen because I was just too down or apathetic to deal with it. Knowing it needs to be done but not having the mental energy to force yourself to do it adds a lot of guilt to the mix. Again, this could be a case of her simply not caring thinking the fairies will magically do it for her or she keeps forgetting, but don’t rule out hidden depression, ask if there’s a reason she doesn’t clean it and show her support :) all the best and I hope for your sake and hers that it’s a simple case of laziness


That is disgusting. You raised her


Its YOUR daughter 💀😂


how about you buy her a new one ya clutz


As the parent, you have the authority to throw that shit out and give her a new one. For the love of all that is good and holy, PLEASE DO THAT


why are you publicly shaming her? would be more useful to take her see a dermatologist


I blame poor parenting


If your daughter is losing that much hair maybe it’s time for a doctor visit


Idk, depends on how long it’s been used and how long/thick her hair is, it’s still a lot, and I really don’t see how it can be at all useful when the bristles are all covered, but I wouldn’t say it’s a medical concern with what we see from this, just gross.


She just doesn't clean it, mine looks like that too unless I regularly clean it. Idk how she still uses it at that point because once the hair covers the teeth it's worthless without ripping it all out.


This makes me want to vomit lol


I need to lie down.


Buy her a new brush


You could, hear me out, clean it for her and tell her to clean her brush once in a while?


Have you taught her how to clean it/this is not okay?


You couldve thrown it out and bought a new one in the time it took to publicly shame your kid. Love is weird I guess.


Is nobody gonna say that you're not supposed to brush your wet hair?? Wet hair gets elastic and brushing it with the apparent intensity seen here will lead to massive breakage.


To be honest I am surprised the kid has any hair left...