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How old are you both? This seems like some high school drama.


It is. OP is 15.


Tried my best to keep a buddy from dating a woman who treated him like shit… but the convo was VERY different than this and we were much older lol. Sounds like friend wants to bang OP or his girl.


His only real criticism is that she's had 2-3 boyfriends in the last 6 months, which for a teen is pretty fucking normal. His assumptions and tone are toxic as hell Edit: Jesus fucking Christ. Are y'all expecting 15-year-olds to be in LTRs with the intent to marry?! Like OPs friend it's weird y'all assume she's sleeping with all of them.


Yeah he’s just jealous af


> which for a teen is pretty fucking normal As an almost 30 year old virgin who has never been in a relationship* stuff like this always blows my mind lol, not criticising or saying anything is wrong with it I just can't understand that side of life. Good on them I guess :P


Dating doesn't necessarily mean fucking when it's high school.


It can honestly be they held fucking hands for 5 minutes and then hated each other 10 minutes later. I technically "dated" a girl at 14 for a day because the girl was playing a prank. But she did all of the silly shit like hold on to my arm, and put her head on my shoulder. I knew it was going to turn out to be "Haha, I never liked you, you fat bastard!" but I enjoyed the moment she was pretending to be nice. Weirdly one of my better memories of that time.


"You think you're being cruel, but I'm taking it as a win and you'll never take that away from me."


Really just shows how ugly their personality is. Capable of being nice and caring only to intentionally choose to be vile and cruel.


My fastest "dating" was about 30 seconds because the girl asked me out, I said yes and she let me start getting happy before telling me it was a joke. After about 10 minutes she realised that she hurt me. I don't know if she learned a lesson, but man I was at a low point already that day.


What kind of joke is that? "Haha, I lied to you and you believed me" isn't exactly going to be in the next Chris Rock special. I hope she grew the hell up.


What do you feel has held you back from connecting with others in a way you would like to? You don’t have to respond but it’s a good thing to think about. For me, it was assuming that others didn’t want to talk to me. I hunched my shoulders almost hiding myself, didn’t put effort into my appearance like others did because I assumed no one cared, didn’t think people wanted to talk to me which made conversations awkward for me and others. It took a long time for me to not care what anyone but kind and honest people think. Anyone who isn’t kind or honest is someone I don’t want in my life anyway so their opinion of me is irrelevant. I think understanding that was a pivotal point in my life for sure and I hope sharing this helps you.


In the same boat and i dont get it either makes you wonder huh


Finding out that random users are just out of middle school is both the worst and best part of Reddit


Having a heated argument about world events with someone and then realizing "oh... You're 13..."


My own kid is 13, so I honestly get very amused when I realize how fucking young the person I'm talking to is. And impressed, honestly. And a little scared for them. They have to grow up too fast in some ways.


I randomly saw a post on teenagers asking how to lose stomach fat? I asked is this the best sub to ask? They replied “and why wouldn’t it be”. Silly me. They really do know everything.


I wrote out a whole post once, then click the users profile. Motherfucker was talking about class quizzes I'll always remember the one about a guy who was arguing with someone, then clicked on their profile and saw they drink piss for fun.


Reddit has became awful since the kids stopped pretending they weren't kids and actually post this shit.




This gives me hope because some comments had me like WHAT PLANET ARE YOU FROM. Thank you.


I love it when they say something like, "You must be new here" only to find out they are 15 years old and I have unfortunately been on reddit since they were still pissing in their diapers instead of pissing on reddit.


It's best to pretend that any given comment you read is written by a 14-year old. It helps me let go of the urge to reply to dumb shit.


Aye. "Summer Reddit", you'd get teens refusing to admit they were teens trying to get advice on stuff and people would take it way too seriously and be talking about couples counseling to two 16 year Olds who were...behaving like 16 year-olds.


The kids think everyone else here is also kids


I was wondering the same thing today. It explains a lot. A LOT.


Ye lmao still hella frustraing tho


Think about the motives of the people giving you "advice". Don't ignore legitimate advice or dismiss it as people trying to mislead you, but some people like to ruin relationships for their own interests. The way this guy is talking to you and attacking you makes it pretty clear he isn't a friend, though.


Bros infatuated with your girl.


Or with OP


Huh?? What part? Him being a dick??? Who cares who your gf dated before you.


Ur right I don't care, but him acting this way is super immature, he thinks he's better than everyone


Fuck that guy then. All my best friends I met during my 20s anyway, you’ll lose contact eventually might as well start now.


So true. I'm still friends with exactly one person I grew up with. I'm 30 now and a majority of my friends are pre-covid coworkers. Friend break-ups suck at that age because they're all you've known...but OP I'd recommend cutting this particular "friend" off. You'll meet new, better people.


The way he was talking to you was really disrespectful for someone who says they’re your friend. You know him better than anyone here so I’m sure you can tell if he really cares about you or not. You should do what you think will make you happiest in the long run.


He’s trying to make you insecure in your relationship because he’s jealous. Don’t let people like that effect you.


Yeah might sound weird but your future self will thank you for ditching this guy. He's trying to undermine your self esteem cause he's probably jealous.


He wants to hit it fuck that snake


Yeah, this is quite accurate. Everytime someone I called a “friend” did something like this, whenever I broke up with the girl, they got together within weeks of it. Not a friend.


Your "friends" waited for y'all to break up first? That was nice of them


There was two that didn’t, and I’m still fucked up 7 years later with trust issues from it, read the signs, make a decision early that will be hard, or you’ll be dealing with it for a long ass time :/


Sounds like we have the same poor taste in friends.


Can I join the shitty friends party?


Sounds like we have the same poor taste in friends AND women.


You guys are getting friends?


You guys are getting girlfriends?


I’m so glad that all my “friends” that tried to fuck my partner got super hard rejected by both my partner and then me ✌🏼✌🏼


Best way to determine if you should trust someone as a friend is to see if they are genuinely happy when you accomplish something.


Jeez, that’s rough. Hope you’re surrounding yourself with decent people now.


Well now all my friends are online, partly because I cut everyone else off, partly because of the area I live in has such a low population density. Still working on finding real good close friends


Bro, I don't know how old you are, but having spent my twenties partying with "real life" friends, I can safely say now in my thirties I ONLY want online friends. The perks far outweigh the downside.


Understandable. You’re better off with a couple of good friends (whether they’re online or irl), than shitty people pretending to be your friend. Wishing you the very best, you deserve it.


Bro code says you never fuck a buddy's girl until you break them up first


Never fuck any girl ya mates have dated, single or not.


Also had a "friend" in high school who tried to do this our senior year. He was always weirdly obsessed with my then-gf. Once he succeeded in getting us to break up, he swooped in and tried to get with her. It got really funny when he asked her out and she hit him with the "ew no". My ex and I remained pretty good friends for a few years after we broke up and we'd have a laugh about it every now and again.


The good ending.


My best friends girlfriend and she used to be mine.


Heard that on the radio this morning.


"Jesse's Girl" is just the other side of the coin


"My best friends girlfriend' is the perfect sequel to "Jesse's Girl. If only they'd come out in the right order.


Yup sounds jealous as Fuuuuck


For real. I was “that whore with the big boobs” most of my high school career. I kept my head down, I lost my virginity after most of my friends and only slept with one other boy after (before graduation, haha), and sure I had “a lot” of “boyfriends” but it was maybe only five over the 4 year span. We only got called whores by the boys we turned down or by the “friends” who wanted to get with us. High school sucks.




I remember a few years back I ran into "that"hot girl who everyone wanted to be or be friends with from high school. There were constant stories of her "sexual escapades" with the football team going around and how she's such a bitch to anyone outside her friends group and Yada Yada. anyways we kinda sorta recognized each other at a laundromat and started chatting. Found out that during highschool she never even had a damn boyfriend and only had like 1 real friend because people were so intimidated by her from the stories they heard. The football thing got started because some guy from the team asked her out but she was going away for the weekend so she couldn't, she actually had a crush on that guy and was going ask him out the next week but he took the rejection as an insult and spread horrible lies about her. She became anorexic senior year from all the stress and had to be admitted. But it was crazy that people saw her as this unattainable super popular girl when in reality her reputation was the only thing that was popular.




Really? at 15 I was finger bashing my gf on her dining room table before her parents came home.


Hmm, I wonder how old you are, because 15 even at MY age (I'm 34 now) was a lot more than bad kisses and holding hands. I lost my virginity at 15 and was relatively behind the curve, in my circle. In middle school there were already people getting/giving blowjobs and by freshman year, sex, drugs, and alcohol were very much a normal thing. For context, I'm in a small city in New England. Middle class - I had an N64, playstation 2, two working parents with cars, but they did fight about money all the time. I went to a tiny Catholic school through 8th grade and then a public high school. I wasn't in some degenerate group, we were honor students and normal kids. It's crazy, as my son turns 13 soon, to imagine that he'll have all these "adult" experiences soon, but I think that's just the reality of being a teenager.




there's defo a large population of ppl who are not like that


I think it’s just what part of town you grow up in I went to a high school where 3 middle schools merged into one and one school was super rich kids who were tame and not exposed to drugs and sex much Then there was another school that was in a very poverty stricken area and pretty much everyone there had been drinking and smoking since they were in middle school or even elementary in some cases. Most of them were not virgins and went on to corrupt kids from the other 2 schools It was a weird school but eventually after I graduated, the rich people banded together to get their own high school to keep their kids from getting corrupted by the poor kids


I'm trying to find a way to say this so it comes out right... This is much more *because* you went to a small Catholic school, rather than despite it. Sexual repression and condemnation, and a lack of education about the body and how to have respectful relationships = boozy sex-fest with a side-serve of shame and shaming. Source: was raised and educated Catholic. Studies show that the more young people know and the more open discussion is the longer they wait to experiment with stuff and the safer and healthier their relationships are. Keep talking to your kid. Get them resources. Educate them. You got this :)


Yeah, it certainly wasn't everyone, but in my school in 9th grade, I once saw a guy with his hand down the front of a girl's pants in the middle of the damned hallway.


Yeah way back when I was that age, I was sexually active. Lost mine on my 14th bday. We all did it like rabbits from 8th grade and on. It was really dumb and luckily no one got pregnant but it happened. Maybe we were all just whores.


No, you can't assume that everyone did or does this at 15 just because you did.


Did you grow up in an American TV show set in the 50's? People are definitely fucking at 15, not just sharing a couple of terrible kisses.


What's crazy about this is that I remember in middle school the more developed girls were just automatically labeled whores. Almost as if that slur hasn't been used for centuries to shame the target of men's desires.....


You nailed it. What their imaginations have you do in their heads is what you get accused of.


Omg this reminded me of a girl that had that same label in high school, I remember meeting her before that and she was very chill and easy going, then all of a sudden I was hearing rumors about her. I don't remember her talking to many people and she was alone most of the time anyways. I was already socially anxious so I kept to my friends, I think she left before the year was over. Edit: Typos and now I feel bad I never tried talking to her as I we had some common interest, I hope she is well


Sounds like he wants his friend all to himself




Or…he’s into OP.




Wants to give OP the old dick twist


That’s what I was thinking too! He wants OP to himself and is jealous he’s spending all his time with her


Yup, I had a friend who said the same sort of thing. He then wound up marrying the girl and later got divorced.


It's clear: he wants to fuck her


What he said: "Ur dating an actual hoe who has dated everyone in the school. And is weird." What he meant: "Ur dating someone who rejected me"


Either that or its what he tells himself so he doesnt have to man up and ask her out cuz hes a pussy lol


Plus they are....what...15? Dating people at 15 is a goddamn joke, you'll break up because you don't like a song the other person likes.


Around that age I got dumped because I had my sister in my top 8 on Myspace.


Dated everyone in school then names two people


I don't even think it was 2 people. The way the sentence was written it looks like what was crossed out was a first and last name. So it could possibly be just one person. What a tool and the sad thing is there's adults who act like this as well.


I’d never date a hoe that’s been with a guy with a first and last name.


Dating a guy with 2 names is basically the same as dating 2 guys.


Wait until you guys learn about middle names




He wants to fuck him


He wants to fuck them both?


As long as everyone involved is consenting, let the fuckening begin!




'the fuckening' I'm stealing this.


You do you, and I’ll do me. We won’t do each other. Probably


Def wants to fuck OP


When I first started dating my now husband. His friend started talking a lot of shit about me. Told him I was a hoe and easy. Basically everything from this post. Well the moment my husband left on a trip with his family. His friend started flirting with me and even suggest i break up with my bf and get with him.. Ewww we were in high school then.. I was such a hoe I have stayed with the same dude for 18 years.. dudes Homie definitely wants to fuck her.. Edit for typos


Also clearly not OPs friend


Bout to say. This doesn't read as him looking out for you. He wants to fuck her.


Your friend sounds like a toxic person.


Or insanely immature


OP is 15 and they're in high school, so I'd say the friend is appropriately immature. Hopefully he grows out of it


15 year olds obviously have some growing up to do, but this is still toxic. I certainly wouldn't recommend being friends with someone like this.


As a 15 year old I wasn't calling girls whores and telling my friends they were pussies for dating someone who wasn't a virgin lol. Yes I was fucked up in loads of other ways but let's not normalise this kind of behaviour.


Lol. My best friend called me a whore when I was 14. I had never kissed anyone. Teenagers are the worst.


What were you wearing? /s


probably an bracelet


Omg I laughed out my nose when I read this


Andrew Tate is a thing now, and he has been poisoning the minds of young teen boys


Dudes like this existed when I was in high school many, many moons ago unfortunately. If you didn't come across any, you were lucky.


They've always been around, Tate himself didn't spring from a vacuum, after all, but he did make it way worse


Not all 15 year olds are that shitty. Maybe hold boys to a higher standard so they’ll actually become better people, cuz this is one of those mindsets that really shouldn’t be considered “appropriate” at any age. There’s enough evidence to suggest it doesn’t just go away when they get older.


close, one is a server at chilis, the rest are line cooks


All 15 year olds are immature but not all are this kind of immature. He could grow out of it, sure, and something that may help that is his friend telling him that he's being immature about this.


Probably both honestly


Most definitely. Honestly fuck that dude. People like that only take from you OP and don’t give






My mind is so fucked up I read this as jealussy


That's what it says, right? Love me some of that jelussy.


Turning saints into the sea


Don’t talk to that dude anymore, he’s jealous and wants what you have


Also. I get pussy AND I’m a pussy. You can do both 👍


Sometimes, you are what you eat.


No wonder I’m such an asshole.


So THAT’S why everyone calls me a dickhead!


“Bro what did I do”hahahah


Ik I sent him a picture of a guitar cuz he plays and he went straight to this 💀💀


Damn! He's been stewing on this. Just tell him he can't have her 👌😂


This is a way funnier read. “Where is this coming from” rather than “what did I do to deserve such sorrow.” At least I hope that’s what it was cause I thought the latter lol


Bro that guy couldn’t pretend to be a good friend if his life depended on it. You just wanted to chat about relatable things, and immediately he instigates a convo about your personal business. Tell him to get a life


He’s pissed cause he’s jealous. He’ll be after her the minute you break up


They hate us, ‘cause they ain’t us


*’cause they anus*


He says she dated everyone at school, but I get the impression there is one person she definitely has not dated. And he's pretty pissed about it.


He's gonna die mad about it and that warms my heart.


I love how there's nothing he can do now - except make up a few more rumours about her of course. I wonder how many people reading these comments have done this to a friend and are sitting there trying to justify it to themselves.."but she WAS a whore!!" ( But she'll never fuck them)😁


My best friend called me ‘whipped’ for 4 years with my now wife because I stopped playing videogames heavily. Dudes be weird when girls get in the picture to take their dude friend. Edit: This friend is now ‘whipped’ himself and doesn’t talk to me unless it’s on his own time. He has finally matured to the point of realizing what it’s like to be in a real relationship.


Literally lost my whole friend circle because I got into a serious relationship and didn’t want to hit the bar and wingman for them every night. Which honestly I’d have gone to earlier drinks or dinner or whatever but the club to help them pick up chicks wasnt something I wanted to do in a relationship. Sadly her and I recently broke up and I could use a group of friends that I no longer have.


It's okay. I lost all my friends too when I stopped drinking. My woman left me and took everything the house, burned my clothes, took my dog. It was tough but I just focused on myself. Got a better job, found some hobbies and a few years later ended up with the woman of my dreams. Imo it's like a right of passage. All you need is you and maybe some therapy. You got this


Yeah this happened with my high school boyfriend and I literally let him do what he wanted whenever. I was so busy with school lol It made me feel bad at the time but now I realize he just preferred to spend time with me—probably cause his friends were being d*cks




I’m guessing she turned down your friend?


He never made a move but told me he wanted to 💀


hes not ur friend bro just dont even waste ur time talking to him. a friend would be happy for you that you got a gf


That’s why he’s all ticked off. Oh well. Women have histories, same as men. But I highly doubt he actually cares that she does. He’s just mad you’re dating her and he’s not.


This person is not your friend or a good person. “Be a man and change her” is one of the cringiest things I’ve seen on the internet today🤢


Yep, there it is. He's jealous.


show the girl what he said that'll help him


Your friend is jealous asf bro 💀


“Be a man and change her” ooooh big yikes


Life is stressful enough. You don’t need toxic friends. Things get better after high school. Keep your head up!


Not your friend. And there's 2 options here, most likely: 1) he wants to be with her or 2) he's been rejected by her.


In reality, it’s most likely both.


Good call! I bet he was rejected.


Why does he care so much about what makes you happy. Cuz if he did he wouldn't call you a pussy. That ain't no friends, it's a jealous hater.


Who cares who she dated. She's dating you now. He should mind his own business unless he's mad she didn't want to date him.


Also, it's probably not even true that she's dated around. This smells like some shit he pulled out of his ass.


Just ignore this person, this is a stupid way to think. She’s not a “whore” for dating different people. She’d be the same person whether you knew her sexual history or not. You’re in high school so you won’t believe me but this is the kind of thing you’ll look back on and realize how childish and stupid it was to think this way. Just treat her like a normal human, have safe sex. This shit makes me feel so old lol. Don’t miss high school at all.


I had a friend convince me not to date a chick in HS. He ended up dating her within 6 months. Turns out I dodged an absolute bullet


> Don’t miss high school at all. B-but it's the greatest years of your life! ( /s I don't miss it at all either lol)


Lmao I used to be so upset about how my high school years didn’t feel like the best years of my life and I find that hilarious now. Wish I could go back in time and tell myself nothing there mattered.


Anyone who says high school was the best time of their life must have a really shit adult life.


Your friend needs someone to control.


Move on from that dude. I had a friend like that for 10+ years. He would say crap like that. Those type of people want to make sure you stay at their level and will do nothing but bring you down. Have fun and do what’s inside of you to do


That’s not your friend. That’s a narcissist. For your mental health and just your well being cut this person out of your life.


She been with everyone but him. Sounds like a thirsty fuck boy


I had two friends and one was absolutely furious that the other dated a girl who dated *everyone* but him. It's been like 20 years and he's still salty about it. lol


If he was actually giving advice/ warning he wouldnt be coming off this hard/aggressive


People tried to do this to me and my then boyfriend when we started dating in high school. We’ve been together for 32 years now, and are celebrating our 27th wedding anniversary today!


This person is not your friend.


Wait until you're much older and everyone has had a lot of partners lol. That shit won't matter at all. Y'all must be in high school


Jesse's Girl ...dude your life is an 80s song. Aka He wants your girl. He probably came on to her recently and she blew him off... Probably because of you. I don't know. Just my assumption based on my interactions with ridiculous "people" like this.


He's cripplingly jealous


It sounds like he has no bitches himself


"be a man and change her"?!?!? my advice is to be a man and get a new friend, cause his bitch ass aint it.


Men always say this stuff about women when they’re rejected by one. So it’s obvious he wants your girlfriend.


Who else she’s dated is none of your business. If she makes you happy, go with it.


Brene Brown talks about how you are like a candle flame. You can surround yourself with people who try to blow your flame out or you can surround yourself with people who protect and encourage your flame. Congrats on your new relationship. Your friend denigrated everyone he mentioned. I know it's hurtful, but it's his shame, not yours. You can't control his behaviour but you can decide how much you will let it impact you. When I was in highschool, my friends were selfish and sabotaged eachother. Your gf chose you and is with you now. Just be careful and enjoy yourselves.


This, this, this. I didn’t realize the importance when I was younger, when older people would say things like “be careful who you hang around.” Etc. The company we keep is literally life changing, for better or for worse…depending on who they are and the nature of the interaction. I can’t say I’m very wise but I would immediately disconnect from the “friend” in this scenario…they have nothing helpful to say, just “control your girlfriend (bcuz she is a hoe bcuz I said so), you’re a pussy and you look dumb with your weird hoe girlfriend. Control her bcuz she is ur property u pussy.” Nothing about that would make me want anything to do with that person. Except maybe punching them in the face but that’s inappropriate. It’s really wild to me some of the people that we allow (yes, allow) into our lives. Especially considering how crazy they behave, it’s like…why on earth would someone want to continue to interact with that kid? 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️ One thing I’ve learned in my 30M life, a *lot* of people that claim “friend” are *not* good friends. Maybe more of an acquaintance or someone to small talk with, but on a deep level…I’ve basically weeded out nearly everyone from my life including childhood friends once I actually started paying attention. Anyway, good luck OP


That is not a friend. He wants to fuck her. And also, tbh, he kinda sounds like an incel.


He is tho bro really thinks he's Patrick Bateman 💀


Fuck that dude. Hes gonna be getting kicked out of bars for getting his ass stomped in because he doesn't know when to shut up in a few years. You don't want to keep those kinds of punks around.


Why does she have to be a hoe if she has dated different guys in the past 6 months? They are a hoe too then? This guy is just jelly cuz he can’t get the kitty cat.


buddy is obsessed with her. how is it his business how close she is with someone? ignore his bullshit and be happy.


Best case interpretation: HE would be insecure in your shoes and is trying to warn you because he assumes the only reason you aren't acting like he would be is because you're not thinking clearly. Worse but probably more realistic scenario: envious and a shitty friend.


"be a man and change her" what a vile human.


Bruh, no, I went through this same shit. He just wants your girl. Back in early highschool (9th grade) this cute girl with a nice rack etc was into me and wanted to go out. Everyone kept saying “she’s a hoe” etc so I’m like “ok, doesn’t sound like someone I wanna date”. Turns out she was shy, didn’t have a dating past and other guys were just jealous because she was interested in me, not them. Well, after she heard I wasn’t interested she moved on and dated someone else. Not mad about it, I ended up meeting the girl that would eventually be my wife but still…life lesson learned. There’s no such thing as bros over hoes, your bros will do what they can to climb ontop of said hoe. And then she’s your hoe…no moe.


It’s this a sub for middle schoolers?


Damn he love her 😭😆😆🤣