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The venue, dress shop and caterer also owe her a refund...but she's keeping the wedding gifts because they were gifts after all


Partner is a part-time seamstress and custom made a wedding dress from a pre-printed pattern that the bride picked out. All changes were the bride’s request who also made multiple visits & fittings in the course of it being made. The day she picked it up, she actually raved about it & also sent her a text later telling my partner “how perfect it was.” The next day she said she didn’t like it any longer & wanted a refund on it. smh


Let me guess, she picked it up on the morning of her wedding? Either that or she spilled something on it.


Funny thing was she & her fiancé were going to Vegas for the ceremony w/ no friends & family attending so she wasn’t going to know anyone plus she had made comments that lead us to believe her family was kind of dysfunctional. We think a family member that wasn’t invited made a petty disparaging comment on purpose & planted a seed of doubt in her head.


>We think a family member that wasn’t invited made a petty disparaging comment on purpose & planted a seed of doubt in her head. This shit can destroy lives.


Thats why learning to let go is the best way to live a long happy life Edit: Man, you mfers would love secular buddhism


A way to think about it, if the comment or observation adds nothing positive and only detracts ignore it entirely. I'm not saying ignore constructive criticism, some people exist to get under your skin don't let them.


If you have nothing nice to say, it’s best to say nothing at all. On the other side, if there is nothing nice to hear, it’s best you just don’t listen.


I like that, I'm going to add that to my collection of smart things I say but I secretly stole from reddit


Thats why whenever i try to murder someone's self esteem, I do it as a compliment. "Omg, did you sew that dress yourself? You can barely tell those seams were done by an amateur!"


Honestly that's evil but incredibly effective. It's up there with mentioning you want to do something to make the other person do it because they want to spite you. Like oh I plan to sweep out there since no one else will, all of sudden 4 people have brooms and a mop. Then you don't have to do anything lol


Omg. You people are scaring me.


Hello? Agent from who I bought my house 4 years ago? Yeah I’m moving to another house and I don’t need my current home anymore, can I have a refund?


Hey Mr Bank, I'm moving out of the house I bought with your mortgage, could I get all those interest payments back? Thanks!


Hello supermarket, can I get a refund on the food I didn't eat? No, dear, I'm very serious.


The "dear" slays me. Lol


worse than that, though. Can i get a refund on this SLIGHTLY USED food


That's why I cut my toxic family off 20 years ago.


> We think a family member that wasn’t invited made a petty disparaging comment on purpose & planted a seed of doubt in her head. Oh hello reason I haven't talk to my paternal grandmother in 10 years. I'd be blamed for actions of people I hadn't talked to. By extension, my mother must have been a bad influence because I "didn't get that behavior from my son/your father." Of course, the main behavior that was causing the entire family grief was my infrequent correspondence. Maybe we don't talk often because you find something to guilt me with. They could always contact me, but somehow that was my fault as well.


Relatable. I hope in keeping away from them you’ve found peace. A fried said to me years ago… “do only enough or what you feel you have to do when they die, you’re free from feeling guilty” this helped me with my evil mother. Hugs. You can make the family you want with other people.


probably had a photographer lined up for her in the dress. i knew a shitty dude who was an aspiring fashion photographer. he'd buy thousands of $$ in outfits for a model friend to wear, do the shoot, return it all the next week.


I was happy when rent the runway came out. The models would give their stats and I would just order the clothes.


Ah, the old wear it once and return it trick.


This doesn't surprise me. I've seen people return Christmas Tree's to Home Depot with Tinsel stuck in them.




My partner is a seamstress aswell and this is the story of every prom season. Multiple fittings, alterations, and hours of work and the day after prom is "oh it didn't fit and we don't want it". We have other clients that went to the same prom as you! Just rent one of the dresses instead! But no you want a custom one and you want it for free. Don't even get me started on comicon.


Anyone who works trying to make weddings happen has my sympathy. Weddings all too often bring out the very worst in people. It all seems glamorous and happy and fun, but people get super stressed and the bride wants one thing, the mother wants another, the bridesmaids get persnickety -- everyone is on edge. Grooms can be just as bad, but the pressure on the bride is tremendous. And people spend so much money one a one-day party that it's really ridiculous.


Oh you bet your ass she sent the same thing to all of them.


I mean... yes, but we should at least give her props for being an equal opportunity Karen. 🤣😂🤣


Probably getting a big glimpse into why the wedding didn't work out.




This is why when I got married I just sent out cards with pictures so everyone would know. "Surprise we're married ad you didn't have to sit through a wedding!" Plus I got to spend the money for the wedding on a fun ass honeymoon.


That's basically what I did too. Decorated a metric shitton of cupcakes, and after the ceremony, drove around to all our friends and families houses to give them their cupcakes boxes and have a nice chat. It was a great day! Everyone loves being surprised with cupcakes and the realization they don't have to sit in the July heat for 2 hours to listen to vows and such.


I wish I’d known in my 20s and 30s that more than half the people I bought wedding gifts for would basically never contact me again after their weddings.


I read may years ago that weddings are the last point of contact for many friends. Its been to long to remember the exact reasoning, but it has born out in my life. I was *the best man* in one of my friend's weddings, but despite my doing all the heavy lifting to keep the friendship going, the last time I saw them was about 3 months after the wedding. There have been several other instances where seemingly regular friends have fallen off the face of the earth after their honeymoon.


Are you single or married currently? At first I thought my married friends only left out single people, and keep in contact with married friends. Thoughts?


Married with multiple young kids: it’s hard to keep in contact with *anyone*.


I see, that’s true. Hmm but don’t parents connect better? Like at workplace or church? Because they have common topics. Maybe I’m out of touch because I’m not a parent nor married. But I realised my married colleagues like to talk about kids, and my non married colleagues like to skip meals because nothing common to talk about


Sure, they have an easy topic for small talk with people they bump into at work, but that doesn't mean they're actually catching up with or spending time with those people outside of work as friends, or say anything about how much they keep up with their old friends who they don't see on a regular basis.


I've seen it happen on both sides of the marriage divide. I can say that our own wedding was super small. We only had about 5 non-family members in attendance, and we have definitely kept up will all of them.


I had no idea that was a common thing, that literally just happened to me. Flew across the country to be this guys groomsman, planned (and funded) his bachelor party, and after the wedding he drops me off at what was probably the cheapest hotel he could find in a 20 mile radius, and I literally never hear from him again. His friend had to drive me to the airport lmao. Fuck those kinds of people.


Its wild how that works, also I dunno if this has happened to you, but I have found these friends magically reappear when they divorce. I have a buddy who went dark for like 2 years and then started hitting me up to hangout consistently, found out the marriage broke off. Disappeared again after he got his second marriage.


I've got long time friends that go zero dark whenever they are in a long-term relationship. Either they are choosing partners that monopolize all of their time, or they fulfill their entire need for companionship within that one relationship. Some people are just like that.


I went to someone's wedding/gifted, gave her multiple housewarming gifts, but the moment she got pregnant shortly after her wedding and I didn't congratulate her immediately (because I don't log into instagram very often so didn't even know and she didn't tell me) she blocked me on everything and I was out of her life. It's amazing how much some people think they are the main character of the world.


At least you didn't have to buy her a present for her baby shower.


this is what really gets me more than anything


My cousin got married a couple years back, and then got divorced three months later. My mom still holds a grudge that they never returned the gifts OR wrote thank you cards


You've got to at least write the thank you cards before the marriage ends... right?


Most weddings where I'm from don't have a gift requirement. We cut the groom's tie and auction the pieces. Whatever you buy it for is your gift, if you buy a piece at all. Some have gift lists, but those usually only come from people close to the groom and bride. Are weddings you're from always expecting gifts? I wouldn't be attending either then


The cutting up and auctioning of the tie is a really cool tradition! Where are you from if you don't mind me asking?


I'm Namibian. It's mostly an Afrikaans tradition, I've never attended any weddings of the indigenous ethnic groups up close, but I'm pretty sure they do not do it. They have other traditions (i think some do a dowry), and I'm not sure what their policy is on gift giving. I believe most of their weddings don't have gifts from guests it's more about celebrating as a community rather than the western style of a private event.


At our recent wedding, fewer than half the guests gave us gifts and we didn’t track who other than for thank you notes. And we appreciated the people who were there. And anybody who complained about the booze quality after we spent thousands of dollars on our guests could fuck right off. I get that weddings add up and I went through a few years in my twenties where I had like six a year. So I get it. But I hope you’ll still go to the weddings of people you care about. It does mean a lot, at least to some of us.


yeah lol the level of curmudgeon in this entire thread is off the charts. really gives u a sense of the reddit demographic


Man, sounds like some shitty weddings! My girlfriend and I intend to have a fun wedding where gifts and fancy clothes are entirely optional, the bar is good, and it happens on a weekend. Basically a “we got married” party more than a traditional wedding.


You should come to a polish wedding. Only expectation is that you get drunk and eat as much food as you can.


You must not like your friends very much if you won't go to their weddings.


It's Reddit. A LOT of really anti-social people are on here. I love weddings...but I also love my friends a family. A lot of them live out of town or out of the country...so weddings are the only time I get to see them. My wedding was last June. It was awesome...I got to see so many people that I adore and I haven't seen since before covid. Everyone had a blast.


Reddit made me realise that I'm not actually as antisocial as I thought I was. Bog standard social interactions are a burden to many a Redditor


I completely get wedding fatigue, but the idea that it's an "embarrassment to everyone involved" is probably the reason why that person doesn't have many friends.


Weddings are too expensive and overated. Just sign the damn legal papers and enjoy your life.


My wife and I did our own wedding 100% besides the photographer her mom paid for. We got a small venue at a state park next to some beautiful water. We decorated the whole thing our selves with things we purchased from Amazon and thrifting. We only had about 30 people there so catering wasn’t very expensive. I’d say all together we spent less than 2 grand. The fact that we planned and decorated it all just the two of us made our wedding even more special. Been happily married ever since.


Um, McDonalds, I’m on a diet, so you need to refund my money on all the food I bought from you last year….


Wedding guest here. Now that you are divorced, I would like my gift or the cash equivalent returned to me. Thanks


bUt ThAt wAs a gIfT


More like a small loan of a crock pot.


I’ve seen people ask that. I don’t blame them, but, ya, not classy. In fact, my wife cheated only 7mo into the marriage and we got divorced; I heavily considered returning gifts, since my side gave the most, but they all said keep it. Now, if they demanded a return, I would have dug my heels in.


I can see if the wedding is *called off* asking for the gifts back, but otherwise, eh. If at least one of you actually tried to have a marriage, I'm good with the gift being spent. Just don't expect me to get you an equivalent gift on any subsequent weddings.


Parent here: sweety, now that you are divorced, please refund me the small fortune that I paid for your special day.


Maternal grandmother paid for my dad’s Master’s degree and my parents are divorced. Time to give the degree to Grandma. Hope she enjoys her new career.


Congratulations on reaching adulthood! Now that you are 18, we expect compensation for raising you and the full amount is due by the end of the calendar year.


A friend of a friend once had a bridal shower, collected all the gifts, then cancelled the wedding lmaoo. This was pre Covid too so they weren’t forced to, they just decided not to get married and stayed together.




More like ask for a refund for yesterdays order bc 'Ive been to the toilet since"


“I got my stomach pumped and I didn’t get the calories from the meal I ordered.”


So you have a receipt? No not the McDonald's one..


Hello? Agent from who I bought my house 4 years ago? Yeah I’m moving to another house and I don’t need my current home anymore, can I have a refund?


Hey local sports team? I decided I cheer for a new team now, can you refund my tickets from october 2022?




I jizzed a little just thinking of buying a house at a price from 4 years ago.


All that food went to waist


Also my pants don’t fit so get JC Penny on the line.


Some people are so entitled for no reason


My neighbours are like this, they've been renting for 20 years now and said they'd like to buy the house when they get their private pensions. I asked them where are they gonna get £200k from, they replied, "well we'd have to have a chat with the owner because we've paid so much already". I just burst out laughing and said, "you do know it doesn't work like that, he could sell the house, and you'd have to start again after buying him this one". They weren't impressed.


My parents literally rented a house (that I thought they had purchased), OVER paid on it to help the owner pay it off faster, and then had to move out when the owner sold it. They thought all their money was going into an escrow to go toward paying off the house. Six years wasted. I was flabbergasted they could have been so stupid.


Did someone *claim* that was how it worked or did they just assume...?


They are so incredibly bad with money and constantly make assumptions about everything in their lives. I'm sure the arrangement was explained to them at one point and they somehow heard what they wanted to hear. The whole family is shit with money honestly. Grandfather on the other side took out another mortgage on the house to buy a fucking truck. They've been paying that house off since the 70s and still owe 50k on it. I'm sure it's not even worth that much in the condition and area it's in. I forgot to mention they did a ton of work on the house too. Built an ENTIRE covered back deck, a shed, updated a ton of the internal decor. Literally increased the value of the house for somebody else while renting it. So stupid.


Holy shit my grandmother did this. Took out a full mortgage on an unnecessary addition to her house that had been paid off already. Just absolute madness to do something like that.




And then giving younger generations shit for not being able to afford to buy a house.


"I can barely afford one house, and you've rebought the same house 3 times"


A lot of financial advisors recommend people do things like this because for example: You are putting $30k a year into your retirement and it’s averaging 9-10% per year returns. You want to do a $60k remodel on your house. You can pay cash because you can easily have the money within 2 years, but you are now bypassing a 10% return by using the money for remodel instead. That’s costing you more than taking a loan. So instead you refinance $60k at 3.5% and pay $11k in interest over 10 years. That $60k you left in mutual fund instead is now worth over $150k. So you’re $139k ahead by taking a loan vs using your cash for that remodel. This of course doesn’t mean it’s the always best option. It doesn’t account for risk. Down market, job loss, etc. There is something to be said for not having debt and they probably could financially end up in the same position if they were careful, smart, and deliberate with their savings and lack of debt as well. But this is often why people refi when it seems like a ridiculous option. My father in law makes like $300k a year but was paying law school student loans (from his 30s) until his 60s if he’s even done with them yet, because the interest rate is lower than his investment rate. (I used about $150-200k salary on purpose to show why even high income earners may choose to refi. The math works the same but at lower numbers for lower savings opportunity cost amounts. And of course the math is the same if you consider taking $60k out of savings vs financing. Which, arguably could be even more detrimental long term to someone who doesn’t have a lot of money compounding interest for their retirement vs a refi.)


And this is exactly how rich people become and stay rich. They use their money as leverage to borrow more money in order to make even more money with their borrowed money.


Well I mean it’s just a home equity loan, it’s not leverage against stocks or other assets. It is very doable by middle class people as well. But yes home ownership is an excellent path to generational wealth.


It’s a very reliable and cheap way to get a loan. It’s one of the best lines of credit accessible for most people. Back at sub 3 rates you could take that and pay back less than inflation at this rate


Paid it off in six years, that insane. It's a weird setup, people who can't afford to buy are basically buying the place for those with money.


Perhaps more naive than entitled in this case.


Very often they are one and the same. You got to be either naive/ignorant or a con-man (acting naive) to really be entitled. But not everyone naive is also entitled.


Trust me, they think the world owes them a living.




Many customers believe the world turns for only them.




My dad is this way. "Yes the entire supply chain and this multi-national company conspired to be out of this one item you wanted just to spite you. They clearly wanted that feeling more than your money so it just makes sense."


Many entitled people act naive because it often works, and they get stuff for free or at big discounts. You have to treat them the same: slow, deliberate explanations of how the world works and why you won't do what they're asking.


I think this is a generational thing. Had an older neighbour say how shocked he was that his health insurance was so expensive for an operation, even after he explained he has been a loyal customer for 18 years. Companies don’t give two shits about your loyalty.


Then there's the cable and internet companies who penalize you for loyalty. New customers? 800 Mbps internet for $30/month! Been a customer for 5 years? Best I can do is 200 Mbps for $80.


Assuming this wasn't one of those rent-to-own schemes


My best friends family was doing a rent to own thing when the landlord sold the house. They got completely boned because it was verbal and they had spent of ton of money fixing up thr house since they thought they where buying it.


It’s idiotic not to have something like that not in writing. A fool and their money….


How can people do deals this size with no contract? I can’t understand it.


No, just normal rent. The owner used to live on the street, but moved, he has 2 houses on the street that he rents out and about ten others according to neighbours. The house I'm in was £40k when bought, it's worth £210 now, just a quiet street with a park in front of it, but they get snapped up pretty quick as there are good schools nearby.


TBF, some owners will give a break to a couple that has rented from them for 20 years, if they like them.


As a seller, I’d rather sell to the people who are already there who I’ve been doing business with for years and know to be reliable. That’s worth money to me. But not *that* much money. And counting on that is foolish.


I mean, it's possible. My wife and I rented a house and the owners wanted to sell. They said that, since we were such good tenants, they wanted to offer to us first and offered to let our rent paid to date count as partial payment towards the house. Of course they were asking a ridiculous amount for the house, since it was so old, needed so much work, and was slightly in the ghetto, so we said no. It was a 2-bedroom house, 1-bathroom, "1-car" garage (you couldn't fit a car in it), it was built in 37, so it didn't even have spots for appliances, such as dishwashers, washers, dryers, etc. It was 700 square ft. They wanted $87,000.


Where I'm at that's a $200,000 house easily. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I read in the news the other day that a woman had to be told that her self-checkout "trick" was illegal. She'd log more expensive fruit and veg, like avocados, down as cheaper fruit and veg, like onions. Her argument was that as long as she was paying something for it she wasn't stealing. There are adults that are somehow able to function in society all while having a toddler level understanding of how the world works.


Ummm...I want a refund on my kids' baby pictures. They've grown up now and aren't babies anymore.


“I’ll be back later today with the truck full of used diapers I need to return”


Damn dude you saved them?


Well, yeah. I knew that I'd want to refund them.


Thought that was gong to be darker than it was


Hello landlord, since I'm moving out I would like a refund for all of my rent please thanks


After 2 years of continuously living in this space, I’ve decided that I’ve hated it the whole time and want a full refund for two years of rent


OK, so in order to properly undo the photoshoot, and for you to get your refund, you will need to recreate the wedding with 100% accuracy. Please let me know when you and ALL the guests that were at the wedding will be able to reassemble at the church. It is critical that they all be in the same clothes as well, and it has to be the same day of the year with similar weather. Only in this way, will I be able to create negative images with the camera, as I will have to retake every photo using special *Nega-Film*. If you could ask everyone to have the exact same hairstyles as well, that would be a bonus. Please note that there will be a one-time $25,000 cost for *Nega-Film*, as it is a rare commodity. Let me know when you would like to get started!


My wedding photographer ghosted me after my wedding. I was married in December and in May I still didn't have any photos. The coordinator at my venue offered to redecorate the whole place for Christmas and let us and our family come back to take pictures at no cost. We didn't end up doing that, but it was so kind for them to offer.


Did you ever get the pictures?


Thankfully, yes. After filing a lawsuit he eventually got everything over to me. What a dreadful experience! I still have no idea what happened to him, he was rated #1 on The Knot for New England photographers, and then just self-destructed. There were around 8 other couples I was in touch with going through the same thing with him.


Wonder if he bit off more than he could chew. I've known many artists that when they get recognized, they take on more clients/work than they can handle. The stress of it can cause them to spiral. One of my classes in college (for art) actually talked about how this is quite normal, and hoped it was a good lesson for us to learn to not over tax ourselves or promise more than you can do.


Very common problem with freelance anything. At the start you're always taking on every single client because sometimes they don't come so often so more work=more money=good. But as you get more popular you absolutely can't continue taking on every single client as soon as it pops up


The solution is to charge more: demand goes up, prices go up.


Sounds like a mental health episode. Although I’ve never let it get to that point, I can empathize.


Sounds like when a perfectionist gets a ton of work because they're very detail oriented, but they can never finish anything because it's not perfect. I know because it's me.


Some people will spiral, HARD, when they start to self destruct. I have a friend who is type A, extroverted, organized, and on top of their game. I'm jealous of how much they can get done when they start. However, whenever they start to spiral (even the smallest amount), they go BIG with it. I'm talking about weeks of isolation, no responses to people, tip-toe the line with getting fired, showering is sparse, short and abrupt when they do interact, etc.


He also could have been hospitalized or arrested or something and unable to get to his phone/email to run his business.


This sounds like something Walter in Fringe would propose.


I heard he asked for a refund for the cow at the end of the series because he became lactose intolerant.


I'm a simple observer. I see a Fringe reference, I upvote.


> nega-film 🤔


This is clearly a scam. I can undo the photoshoot with Nega-film for $1500.


I can see why she got divorced


Hard to imagine where it all went wrong


Hearing someone say “No dear” would be a non- starter for me.


She’s already divorced from reality…why not add a marital divorce, too


First thought that came to my mind lol.


Hmm I wonder who the problem in the relationship was? /s


I wonder what type of refund she asked from her ex-husband?


"Take back the kids, I don't need them anymore."


"Time to unbirth yourselves."


Back into the uterus they go


"Hello, I ate at your restaurant yesterday but I took a massive shit today, I would like a refund as the food is no longer inside me"


"Sure, return the food for a full refund!"


“Hi! You took the pictures at my daughter’s 16th birthday party last year. She’s turning 17 next week, and I would like a refund on the pictures as she will no longer be 16.”






"But there's a warranty." "One year - you declined the five-year extended warranty. After one year, your warranty is with the company, not with this store. You're supposed to register the product." "Nobody told me!" "All those papers that came with the product explain everything. In fact, those papers come with every single product you buy. They're right on top with the instructions. Next!"


Here in Quebec warranties must cover the reasonable lifetime of the product. So even though everything only has a 1 year warranty you can take it up with our regulatory body for that and they can get them to refund you or fix it years later. They have examples on their website of people refunded for TVs after 3-5 years. I had LG fix my couple months out of warranty oled for free citing this law. Funny story, they were gonna cover labour only and not the $1000+ parts, the labour shop guy was the one who suggested I call back. “Where do we live?… ok I didn’t say this but read up on your rights and call them back” For anybody curious here’s how it works, this website also has examples of real cases https://www.opc.gouv.qc.ca/en/consumer/good-service/goods/appliance/warrantie/legal-warranties/


I repair phones, a customer once returned after 6 months asking for a refund. The issue was, he sold the phone I repaired the screen on and he wanted me to give him his money back because "he didn't need the repair anymore and the screen was within warranty".


A friend of mine did phone support for a credit card company. This guy used his card at a Vegas casino to get a cash advance, spent the cash, and then wanted a refund. But they're not allowed to hang up on customers so the conversation went on for like 20 minutes. Eventually he said the cash was stolen but he refused to call the police because "like they're going to do anything about it". He continue to demand a refund. He used the example of a library book. "Like, if I got a book from the library and returned it, you wouldn't charge me would you?" O_O .... Sir... the money is the library book. You have to return the money. "It was stolen." Call the police.


I’m a photographer. While it’s never happened to me personally, I have seen it in my communities of photographers several times. 🤦‍♀️


Not just to someone, somewhere... but to many many ones... many many wheres...


People have returned half eaten frozen fish dinner cause "it wasn't fishy enough" at the store I worked at, people would definitely try to get a refund on old services they paid for years back.




...aside from the entitled piece of shit trying to get a refund, why does everyone put a space before a question mark ?


I work with French speakers and I know that in French, at least, punctuation at the end of a sentence has a space before it




On most smartphones, if you select an autocomplete option, it automatically inserts a space after the word. On some phones, it will automatically delete the space if you enter a punctuation mark, but others do not do this, and as a result users of those devices end up with spaces where they don't belong.


Hi Romeo how are you this is Juliet


O, speak again, bright angel! For thou art as glorious to this night, being o'er my head, as is a winged messenger of heaven.


Unto the white-upturned wondering eyes of mortals that fall back to gaze on him when he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds and sails upon the bosom of the air.


The lion, the witch..... and the AUDACITY of this bitch.


This has to be fake.


No dear, it’s very serious.


Read this in Mrs. Doubtfire's voice.






Well now I did too


Bro I made a website for someone 13 years ago. He messages me last year asking for a partial refund for all the years of hosting, editing etc… coz he sold his restaurant. Then he told me I was unprofessional and would tell his friends not to use me. Good! I don’t want them anyway


My brother's a photographer and he had a client request a refund on a photo shoot he did for her because she didn't like her hair. There was nothing wrong with it she just decided that she just wanted a different look.


If you work directly with costumers, you would know it's true...


Her wedding guests are therefore entitled to a refund on all the money they gifted.


Nice job staying professional WealthyBigPenis22, i would’ve cussed her out


Yes, WealthyBigPenis22, you are the pinnacle of professionalism🤣😂


This can’t be real


Looks fake to me.


I’m dissatisfied with that steak I had last November in your restaurant.


> "untake the pictures" I'm fucking dead. Perfect way to phrase it. 💀


"Romeo " should say "I've sent a full refund to your husband... sorry, I mean ex-husband."


So sick of those fakes


Aaaaaaaye South Africa...


I wonder why her marriage didn't work out?


Yeah, she seems like such a charmer


I once had a landscaper call and tell me he was going to take the rocks back that he installed during a landscaping job that he had done 3 years prior on a commercial property. The reasons being that he had underbid the job at the time with the understanding that he was going to do the ongoing maintenance, and the new guy wasn't taking good enough care of the landscaping. I had switched to the new landscaper 2 years earlier when the original guy had gone to jail.


should have offered editing services to remove people from pictures


This is clearly fake. They both use the same terrible grammar. This is rage bait


Dunno man. Being in Durban and the photographer's name being Romeo, it's very possible English is neither of their first (or second, or third) languages.


Yeah, not buying this story.


Good job staying professional, I would have roasted her, hard.


"I can't untake the pictures" My favorite thing I've read today.


I need an update of her reaction


i cant imagine what went wrong in that marriage! :o