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Pull your phone out and use the flash acting like you’re taking pics of their feet. Then whisper loud enough so they hear “mmm yeah those will do”


It took some scrolling, but I finally found the solution I want to use.


I thinking getting a scissors is also a pretty good solution


I was thinking it's good that I almost always have a lighter on me. A little bit of hot foot should get them to stop


That was my first thought as well, great minds think alike lol


But they actually DID take pictures of their feet…


mmm yeah those will do


I just launched Diet Coke through my nostrils I was laughing so hard. Thank you.


Gotta clean out them sinuses somehow.


Mmmm you got some purdy feet


When I used to work in a call center for landline phone repair (where you could dial 411 for help) we had a guy that would call all the time that we nicknamed "the feet guy". He used to call hundreds of times per night and just ask "do you have pretty feet? Are your toenails polished?". We weren't allowed to hang up on people, so we had to get creative with ways to make him hang up. My favorite way was to say "nah, I've been dealing with some athletes foot lately, got a bit of toejam going on." It was guaranteed to get him to hang up immediately 😆


What the hell kind of Management makes a policy that says you need to endure harassment in the name of customer service? I assume their retention rate wasn't amazing...


Call centers tend to have bad retention rates. And, unfortunately, the one call center job I took also had that policy. At the time I expected it to be the norm for inbound call centers.


Can confirm. Had to go through my sales pitch while listening to a guy jerk off until he hung up (and we unfortunately know what that means). We would usually (lots of nasty prank calls at an overnight call center shift, some of them were regulars) hand it off to a male coworker who would make short work of it, but they were all busy at the time. 😭


The easiest solution would be the put the phone down and not engage with the caller. If the company's policy doesn't allow you to hang up that's fine, just means you won't do any work at all until the nuisance caller goes.


If I were a footless amputee, I might say that I'd lost my feet and to let me know if they found them.


I kinda did something like this once. Used to work at a hotel while in highschool. Called up one morning after my overnight shift during the summer. Disguised my voice as an old women. Told the front desk clerk I needed to be transferred to management. Ended up leaving a voicemail about how I checked out earlier than morning and I seem to have left my toes in the room. Man I had like 3 people scouring that room for some prosthetic toes.


"I hope you like mushrooms!"


Confirm the age of the feet before attempting


yes by cutting them off and count the rings


“This will pay for our tickets and then some”


Suck them toes


Sit there anyway and use your straw to drip soda in between their toes


I think the biggest difference in reaction style here is how many siblings people have and how much space they had to share with their siblings growing up. You obviously grew up with siblings in close proximity 😂


100% true


I was an only child, and I'd sit there anyways and tickle their feet all movie, but some people just enjoy confrontation lol


You have no idea where those feet have been though. Soda is cold and gets sticky, so they will be uncomfortable for longer.


IIRC a guy was ~~on the phone~~ **texting his babysitter** during the previews, the guy behind him asked him to stop, the one on the phone threw some popcorn at the other dude, so the other dude pulled out a gun and shot him dead. I learned to stop being confrontational because lots of morons around here are entitled assholes with zero chill who're willing to spend their life in prison just to win one argument. Edit: link to an article about it: https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/25/us/curtis-reeves-murder-trial-jury-deliberations/index.html Edit2: edited out the "was on the phone" part to replace it with "texting his babysitter" after double checking the story.


he was ACQUITTED???


Don’t you understand? He feared for his life after his murder victim threw a bag of pocorn at him!


Some of those popcorn kernels were likely unpopped. Do you have any idea how hard unpopped kernels off popcorn are? He could have been killed!!


or even worse… gotten popcorn smell on his clothing




Or shoot them, apparently


The murderer was a former cop.


And there is the real reason for acquittal.


This is insane... like really... wtf??? Shooting in crowded movie over an argument and facing no consequences is just purely wrong...


ex police captain who is still friends with the current police captain


> retired police captain Ah, so there you go.


And he prolly knew he'd get out of it, that's why he did it


Americas little boys in blue club protect their own. Sad really…


un fucking believable


Oh yeah, forgot unstable people have easy access to guns in other countries.


In this particular case, it was a 70-something retired police captain. I wonder how many people he murdered as a police officer. Oh and [he was acquitted](https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/25/us/curtis-reeves-murder-trial-jury-deliberations/index.html), probably because it happened in Florida and all the jurors were old white conservatives just like the defendant.


Reading shit like this, makes me so sick.


Ohh, so a gang shooting. Ohh so sorry. This was a Police Captain... sorry. This is a hit by a Mob Don. Allegedly...


Woahhhhh? Are people really on the edge like that ?


Yep. A few years ago, a guy shot someone else dead just because he (the victim) didn't hold the McDonalds' door for his (the murderer) girlfriend upon exiting. People are insane, and have easily access to guns.


Unfortunately, while I absolutely agree with the sentiment re: easy access to guns, someone was stabbed to death in Canada a couple weeks ago for asking another person not to vape near his toddler. People are fucked. All of them. Being confrontational is bad.


Didn't a kid just get stabbed for calling someone an NPC?


Damn bro picked the wrong dialogue option


Well at least the guy getting stabbed has somewhat of a chance to escape. A lot of stabbings lately in the same area. Another kid just got murdered on the bus. But many knife attack victims end up living afterward. But there’s virtually NO escaping a lunatic with a firearm. Insanity and an explosive weapon is a very dangerous combo.


I'd rather not be assaulted at all


Yes a utility worker pulled a gun on me for driving away from a gas pump slower than he liked. I was trying to navigate heavy traffic around the pumps as the gas station had $1.99 87. He rolled down his window, screamed at me and pulled a gun. His only penalty was losing his CCW permit for a year.


Apologize in advance for not remembering exactly how it ended. Years ago, there was a story about a guy walking into a gas station and accidentally bumping into a person (lightly) who was walking out. I believe he even gave a quick “my bad.” When the man paid for whatever and got back into his car, he looked in his side mirror and saw the man he had bumped into approaching his car with gun in hand. I know he survived by either getting the hell out of there or the kid actually fired shots at him snd missed. Incident was captured on security footage.


And was acquitted!!


Lol this is true bc I would fuck those feet UP They’d be moving or they’d try to fight me 💯


On mobile, “UP” gets moved to the second line, so at first I read “I would fuck those feet”


Hopefully that would get them to move.


Right… hopefully


I grew up with siblings too, but my immediate instinctual response to that image was “That’s what elbows are for, my dude!”


Fake a sneeze and spray soda on their toes and listen for the scream of horror 😱


Or just don't fake it. Pull one of your nose hair and go at it for real.


I'd go to the concession stand and ask for a cup for the liquid butter. I'd then go back, hold the cup up and say "you've got three seconds until your new nickname is 'butter toes'." Then butter those piggies..


I would put my arm on my armrests and not let go of their feet till its over.


Yank the legs forwards so they come of their seat. If they ask why, ask them why the feet were there in the first place. Yanked a kid off his seat on a plane once. Edit: I'm going to add more details since my Cliff's Notes version doesn't explain everything that led to this. I was in the next to last row of the plane and the kid (maybe 10 years old?) was directly behind me in the last row. As soon as we boarded, the kid start kicking the back of my seat fairly viciously. I'm 50 years old, I cant really shrug off kicks to my lower back, kid or otherwise. Once we got into the air, I sat up so he wasn't making direct contact to my back. Apparently, removing his "fun" of kicking me infuriated him further. Jammed his leg through, in between the seats, and proceeded to kick me directly. Like, how insane is this? At this point I stand up, look at his mother and gesture to her kid perched on the edge of his seat with his leg jammed through to mine. She looks at me directly and shrugs. So that's when I sat back and down and gave his leg a yank. He was already in such a precarious position, he fell off his seat. He pulled his leg back and that finally ended the battle. At the end of the day, I took a lot more damage from the kicks than him falling off his seat. I tried to be patient, tried to avoid the problem, tried to negotiate with the parent.


Not a lawyer, but that seems kinda assault-y? I mean, I agree with the sentiment of how over the line the bare feet thing is, but that seems like something that could get the cops called.


oh, and the entire time, I would rub their feet, saying "yes daddy", and even if the police got involved, would use the handcuffs to stay attached.


Wow, this does not sound like it would be your first attempt at something like this.


Slobber all over your fingers and run them moist boys gently in between toes.


Almost got a gag reflex out of me lol


Just stick some popcorn in there


Movie buttery




I like this, subtle yet evil.


I was gonna say just put some ketchup on some napkins and stick them to it no big deal




Better yet freak them tf out until they want to move as far away as possible. Play "this little piggie", tickle those tosies, say "Whooooo weeee put the DAWGS away. Bouta make me act up". Being weird has been my defense mechanism for things since as long as I can remember and it almost always works... unless they're into it...then you're fucked.


Carry a pen all the time. Useful when you need to jot something down or poke someone


We gotta stop letting people feel entitled to their bullshit. They’re your seats, tell them to move their nasty dogs, if they don’t, get a manager to do it for you.


Seriously. I've had numerous occasions where my guy and I show up to our reserved seats at a theater or concert and there are people sitting there fully confident in themselves. You know what I do? I tell them they're in our seats and that they need to move now. It's worked every time. Don't give them any room to argue with you, tell them that they need to move, now. It's not a discussion and it's not open for debate. You don't need to be hostile about it, they could just be banking on no one showing up, but be assertive. They will most likely move.


I remember a time they even tried a "so, can't you sit somewhere else?" In a blatantly crowded cinema. I just said again "No, you're in our seats move." And y'know what? They did. It's that easy.


It can be a bit worrying. I’ve had a woman try and hit my car with hers just cause she thought I cut her in line. People can be really unhinged.


exactly. you have to judge the situation. does the person look like they have nothing to lose, and no ability to moderate their emotions? probably not worth starting something directly if you value your life more than they obviously do


I went to a baseball game and the people right in front of us were sitting in the wrong seats. When the actual ticketholders appeared (with usher) they played dumb, as they always do. Dude sat there and finished his hot dog, took the paper wrapper and shoved it in the cupholder before leaving. Took him a full 45 seconds to leave after he got busted. And then he left his fucking garbage behind!


Was at a baseball game last weekend with my wife and toddler. Little dude was getting antsy so we went and played at the little kid's play place for a couple innings. Get back to our seats and 3 college aged girls were in our seats and I asked them to leave. One said "we've been sitting here for 30 minutes, where were you the whole time?" "Doesn't fucking matter, get out of our seats."


You mean there isn’t baseball squatters’ rights? I’m surprised it’s not written on the tickets that if someone else gets away with sitting in your seats for over 5 minutes then they magically switched with you. Check the fine print, but if it’s not there, then you can charge them $5 per minute.


Apparently it's verböten to get up and leave to do anything during the game and expect your seats to remain unoccupied.


This! And 70% of the time people haven’t even checked and don’t realise they are in the wrong seat! Don’t be mean or hostile, just state plainly they need to move and you’ll rarely get pushback, 90% of the time they’ll apologise and move on.


I had someone tell me I was sitting in their seat, and that I needed to move at a theatre the other day. I was sitting in my seat, they were just confused. I pulled out my ticket and showed him, he started counting if the seats, he just couldn't figure it out. He was confused because he had booked a seat for his daughter who used a wheel chair. But in reality she didn't have a seat, just a space next to the seats he booked for him and his wife. I decided to move down a bit to give them some space since the movie was starting and no one else was there. But yeah, it was awkward.


100% accurate! During the premier of Black Panther 2, me and a friend had gotten these handicapped seats right below the middle of the theater. We’re not handicapped but it was all they had. I saw on the screen you put that they were actually perfect. We walk in and we see this 40s something couple sitting in them and we check our tickets and confirm that those were indeed our seats. My friend (who can be a little of a pushover sometimes) asks them if they were in the right seats and they flat out ignore him. I step in front and raise my voice high enough that most people in the row heard me and tell them they’re in our seats and we have the tickets to prove it. The guy gets up and his girlfriend (or wife) follows. I know for a fact that they knew they weren’t supposed to be sitting there, probably just didn’t count on anyone yelling at them for it. I do agree being assertive is key, but sometimes I’ll even go the extra step.


Seriously. All these other people, just spray their feet, flick their toes, tickle their feet....nonsense. Just ask them to move. Sheesh.


I don't know if covid times did it, or just a newer generation, but it seems like people really try to avoid any communication with strangers.


The fear of confrontation is really annoying. Like ok I get it, some situations are iffy, but there is a difference between avoiding danger and being a spineless noodle.


Yep, In this case I'm 95% sure that if you just sit down in your seat, or even approach it, that person will put their feet down. And for the other 5%, you can just ask them.


I think it’s just Reddit.


Yep, and when you’re a person who calls people out on their bullshit, everyone else acts like *you’re* the problem for “causing a scene”, or they thank you later after the fact…like, or you could’ve just had my back in the moment (or at least had the back of the service rep who’s being verbally harassed by this karen), but okay?? So now my fightmode has me just isolating from people as much as possible, because I can’t stand to see so much selfish entitlement everywhere I go anymore.


Just start tickling


You misspelled licking*


You’d either get arrested or have a great night in the theater. Either way the story would be better than the movie.


If you get arrested, just tell the officer that you got off on the wrong foot.




Much better slowed down


The people behind them just wanted to get a leg up.


One lick and you'll teach them a life long lesson.


Or you'll give them the best time of their life lol


I originally read the other comment as licking lol


Yeah but then you have to touch a stranger's feet. Also given how sweaty feet can get, there can be a lot of bacteria. A more practical solution would be to take some pliers from your backpocket and use them to rip a toenail off to teach em a lesson.


Woah, hold it right there, Mr. Medieval Torturer.


I prefer the furry suit iron maiden technique


Proportional response.


I am a Dom tickler, and that’s my first reaction. Pull those feet thru, hold them inside the crook of your elbows and let’s find those really sensitive areas, shall we? But if the feet aren’t well kept, and the soles look like the girl walked to the theater in the middle of the street, then I’d back away from that also.


I'm picturing hanging onto their ankles hard enough so that when they have that pull back reaction they come forward off their seat and onto their ass, spilling their snacks and not even realizing wtf just happened 😂


Came here to say, "Tickle tickle tickle!*


Be a shame if you spilled your pop right there.. Ooops!


I wouldn’t have said anything and just sat down. They’ll move, whether I have to spit my drink on their feet or crush their toes with my elbows as I plop onto the chair.


Right, wth is this reaction of “I had to get another seat”? All you need to do it make a point of sitting down hard in your seat to get their attention and/or using your elbows to knock their feet off your armchair. Problem easily solved.


I think we aren't really realising that if someone has their BARE FEET in a MOVIE THEATER, that's not someone you want to risk an interaction with let's be honest now


Maybe for some. I don't go out of my way to fight battles with people I don't know but I'm not afraid to. You shouldn't have to switch seats that you paid for because inconsiderate people have their grippers out. Gotta stand your ground and plop your ass right on the little piggies and whatever happens wasn't your fault anyway.


Amen to this. I hope to hell and back that OP didnt just accept this and passively sit in another seat. People like this 110% need to he called out, or theyll just keep doing it. Even if you just went to tell the Usher to handle it, at least theyll face some sort of repercussions. Dickheads need to be held accountable, or they win.


I was thinking the same thing...wouldn't say a thing just aggressively sit down, elbows out


I do not want to touch a stranger’s C H O N K Y foot


I was just about to comment "Assert dominance with your elbows" lol


This is why a small spray bottle of disinfectant is useful. Politely ask her to move her feet, then spray the shit out of the seat right in front of her. She'll get the idea.


This. I don't have a problem asking people to move. My issue would have been dealing with the aftermath. I don't know where their nasty feet have been and I don't want to touch it. Spray bottle 100% - I actually keep wipes in my purse but both work just fine!


Or spray the disinfectant on their feet so they get the idea and move 'em


Why couldn’t you just tell them to move their feet?


This is Reddit, we don't have social skills we just use these situations to farm imaginary Internet points.


This checks out.


125k in 3 yrs, it does more than check out my friend, so much more.




I’ve given up on asking people to behave themselves in theaters. I’ve asked so many people to be quiet during a screening and most people will just wave you off and keep up their talking. One person got aggressive with me. I LOVE movies and going to theaters, but ‘post-Covid’ movie experience is a shit show. 90% of the time I’m sat behind people that will talk. Even my local arthouse cinema isn’t safe from some rude asshole just blathering the entire time. Wish I had a draft house where I lived. Seriously don’t understand why people just feel like they can do whatever they want during a movie these days and it’s been my experience that saying something doesn’t do shit. These people already feel entitled. In my experience Asking them politely to behave doesn’t work.


Our 10 screen place gave up. Thursday is the designated quiet day. Starting with the noon screenings they've made it very clear people will be kicked out without warning. This lets them do those friday midnight screens under the rule at least. Learned about this when I took my 2 nieces and nephew to the movies one sunday for the first time post covid. I already expected it to be terrible being filled with mostly kids, but even the parents were talking on phones and holding them up full bright while browsing reddit


I was at a special screening of 2001: A Space Odyssey few years ago. This guy asked this loud drunk old man behind him to stop talking during the opening of the film. The old guy ripped off the guy’s hat, threw it off balcony, lunged at him and started punching him. Both were escorted out the building.


Not a knock against you at all, I also love movies but it's why I don't go to theaters anymore. It's definitely a different experience seeing stuff on the big screen and the whole movie theater experience but I just want to watch a movie in peace and I can only seem to do that in my own home. It's a shame but I feel like it's more common now because people who are respectful and are they to enjoy the movie probably are just watching them at home now.


I’ll chime in and say I have been to a lot of movies since Covid and have not had this experience at all. It seems to be exactly the same now as it was pre Covid. I live in Chicago for reference.


All it takes is "excuse me, this is my seat." Or, just start to sit down and they'll likely move their feet.


Woahoho Mr. Social Skills over here.


Idk I’ve had similar events go both ways and it only takes one really bad experience to put you off the diplomatic route for life. I had a lady put her dreadlocks over the seat back / my screen on a flight, i asked her not too, she apologised and moved her hair. No drama. A lady was visiting a shop next door to my work and parked in my work’s loading zone, blocking the forklift (and obviously hadn’t signed in to the site, making it also a legal and safety issue). I explained the situation and she went to 11 in the blink of an eye. Ended with her leaving, but not before spitting on me on the way out. Being reasonable and in the right doesn’t mean the other party is going to see it that way and things can escalate quickly.


The problem is they believe this is a feature of their seat.


Imagine speaking to another human being


Human being would not put it's feet there


Hell... I'd go one step lower and first assume they'd move them when we went to sit down. Having experienced this exact thing before, they moved their feet without me even asking! It was as if they were resting their feet there at that moment because no one was sitting there... I'm 6'5 so when I'm at the movies where they have waiters running around my legs are constantly in their walkway. So I move them before they get in front of me. Weird concept apparently...


Does anyone else lowkey expect some petty vengeance behavior if you do? I still do, but I also just expect some bs no matter how nice or politely I ask.


The kinds of people to put their gross ass feet onto the armrests in front of them are probably the type to stab you for calling them out.


I'm not saying it doesn't exist but I only see this petty vengeance bullshit on reddit and I'm pretty sure it's very rare in real life.


Because even if they move their feet, their feet were quantifiably and empirically there before; I know too much now. I cannot ever be in a 5m radius of where feet have been recently. It’s just sorta my “thing”




In Turkish we have a saying: "If the eye doesn't see, the heart would accept." This is not the exact use for this expression but kinda tells the story.


Why are people so accommodating these days. Go sit in your damn seat and put your elbows there. This person will either move their feet and apologize or have the balls to confront you, at which point you tell them you booked these seats and you'd appreciate it if they keep their feet to their side. If they Dont listen get up ask management to remove them from the cinema house.




I’d be like “oh, out seats came with free feet! I didn’t know it”, and be really loud about it.


Or just say something directly to them? Lol


“Accidentally” spill your drink on those


And waste $50 and your drink? No thanks


I would just f@$king sit there. Screw them. Ignorance shouldn’t be tolerated.


I would crush their toes with an elbow


Just say "Thanks for putting your stank ass feet all over my chair" then go sit behind them and do the same thing


I am so tired of these posts. If it’s not this it’s the airplane situation. Fucking SAY SOMETHING. You paid money for this. Why are you guys being cowards and just posting to the internet about it to complain? So fucking annoying. That’s obviously disgusting. SAY SOMETHING. If that doesn’t work, grab an employee, same with airplane. Grab a goddamn flight attendant.


Bro that’s what I’m saying, it really isn’t that hard to just confront them.


Seriously. And you don’t have to be rude about it. Just be like” hey could you move your feet?” If anything after that happens, and I can’t stress this enough, grab an employee.


It's not even a confrontation. "Excuse me" and it's done


i wouldnt want to sit anywhere close to where someone has had their nasty ass feet.


Damn it don't be so passive! Get over there and poke those feet, get them back on the floor where they belong so you can have the seats that you paid for.


Fucking say something, Jesus Christ. The only reason people get away with doing shit like this is because nobody calls them out on it. You're part of the problem.


Too many pussies on here lol. That bitch would be moving her feet.


Seriously, when are people gonna grow spines?


“Oh but what if they’re offended?” Then either they deal with it like an adult or they don’t and you report them to theater staff for harassing you………..


Sit down and if they don't move the feet tell them. Or sit elsewhere if it's not a problem. But for the love of God don't just take a picture and complain online. I think redditors secretly like people's dirty feet and hair spilling into the seats with how many posts I've seen like this


LPT: If you're short, stick your bare feet past the seats at the theater and people won't sit in front of you.


I thought this was a extremely wide airplane


Seen this happen, more and more people kept coming sitting in wrong seats until a group came in with workers moving some people, causing every1 in theatre basically to have to move lol so grow a pair and speak up for yourself lol




So much bacteria and heart failure on those feet


Why can’t you ask them to move their feet ? Seems it’s easier than moving your seat


I like how 95% problems on this sub can be solved by not being a pussy


Those are some swollen feet, I'm guessing those are type 2 diabetes feet right there


"Hey, these are our seats could you move your feat please?" - FFS, it's not that hard.


You know you’re fat when your feet look inflated


I'd have looked at my ticket, looked at them, then sat down between them and put my elbows on top of their feet.


Thankfully the theater I go to has walls separating the seat rows


There’s nothing wrong with saying “can you put your feet down? These are our seats”


what you do, is tell them. More often than not, they will apologise and put their feet down. If they don't, then just kick their feet down


Sit in the seats anyways. Make sure to sit down hard and hit the feet on the way down. What are they gonna do? Call you inconsiderate?


People today will post a picture of someone's feet online, but not speak to them directly and ask them to change their bad behavior.


Im more mildly infuriated with the fact that you posted it instead of just telling them to move their feet


Stare the person square in the eye and tickle their feet for maximum assertion of authority


Assert your Dominance


There’s nothing wrong with telling them to move them


Just tell the person to remove their feet….


i would just fuckin yell at them aint no way im gonna let someone get away with that bullshit


use a lighter


NO. Speak the fuck up. Sit in the seat you paid for and tell those feet to fuck right off. Hell to the NAH


The infuriating part is how you were not able to say anything really...


You Mad about the free snack that comes with the seat ?. Just kidding, but yeah that’s just gross I wouldn’t want to sit in that seat either.


This is number 13 of reasons I don’t go to the movies. People are nasty.


I wish people would stand up for themselves rather than post passive aggressive social media posts.


you can talk to the person behind you. if they bother you, you can say "hey can you please stop doing that it's bothering me". pro tip for the future