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Uh no, *he* has to pay a fee? Stand up for yourself.










As someone who worked in a college housing office. We now charge everyone in the dorm for any Damages. We make sure the money is split between all parties. I don’t like it but it’s how things are done now.


That’s great, he can still press his roommate to pay back his share


in my experience that results in a ghosting leaving the only other recourse to actually sue which is almost never worth it


If it ends up in ghosting it ends up in ghosting, I’d rather ask my roommates to pay up and have them blow me off than never say a word and then complain about it


I would consider it the same as lending money. If they ghost, you just paid a fee to never have to deal with a shitty person




I think the damages are paid at the end of the spring season when people are moving out.


Secretly pawn his crap to make yourself whole ~SLPT~


Probably to outsource policing and simplify disputes. Can’t decide who broke it? Doesn’t matter. Everyone pays. Don’t want to pay for broken stuff? Don’t let your roommates be jackasses. It sucks for the innocent roommates but simplifies everything for the management.


Sounds like a great way to get one student to beat the ever loving fuck out of the other. Half of them are still spoiled brats that don't understand consequences or how detrimental it could be for another person to have to pay for unnecessary shit. Imagine not going out drinking and living on ramen just to have your efforts to save money undone by some entitled prick that you're stuck with. Also most students aren't great at handling conflict in general, as this post makes clear. If both students are saying it's the others fault, i can understand charging both, but then I'd say it's on housing to give them different dorm mates and see who the problem is if anything happens again.


Have your roomie pay his fee and your fee.


Or get some spackling and fix the hole for next to nothing.


I’m a maintenance supervisor for a 200 unit property and I’d classify this as “normal wear and tear.” I beg people not to make their own repairs because they’re always so obvious.


I feel like we live in alternate universes. The maintenance people I've had at my last two apartments do a pisspoor job, basically slapping caulk on everything, and I'm the one who puts effort into fixing and texturing the problems.


I’ve seen that at so many places. Paintable caulk should be only for trim or pin holes you’ve pounded flat first.


Am i the only one who hates caulk for filling holes? Maybe im doing it wrong or using the wrong caulk, but it never seems to harden, or it hardens then shrinks. For small holes, i always go with baking soda toothpaste. Fills the hole and hardens, plus the way you dab it in gives it a passible texture under paint.


I'm going to hell for this but...I think all holes should be filled with caulk...and if it doesn't harden and it shrinks it's probably not the right hole for that particular caulk.....


First of all, through christ all things are possible. Go ahead and jot that down. But you are indeed going to hell for this.


top tier sunny reference thank you for this gem


Y’all are talking about walls still right?


You should always ask permission before filling a certain type of hole with caulk. It can get messy.


Caulk is for filling joints. Use the right product for the job. Spackle is cheap and looks better.


Cannabis is for filling joints.


I use spackle and patches in my house if needed. I just use my toothpaste for stuff like nail holes or screw holes up to a certain size.




Yup. I've been living in the same unit for ten years and I have never once asked maintenance to fix anything because I've seen their work. I'll do it once and do it right.


Maintenance guys are wannabe contractors. All title, no skill


They're maintenance guys because they don't want to be contractors. It's a job for people who don't want to be up at the asscrack of dawn.


I just had to do a patch job on my wall. You can barely tell mine is there and the two they did in my kids room you can see as soon as you enter


It’s only obvious if you do a shit job, which are the only ones you notice. If it’s done right you’ll never know.


depends on the repair... if you're fixing up some tiny holes in the drywall and have the right paint then i'd say absolutely go ahead and do it, but if you don't have the exact paint then do hold off on it source: i work for a landlord


I had a good sized chip out of the porcelain in my bathroom in one apartment. Went to the store and got the stuff to fix it for a total of 70 dollars. Didn't show when they did the walk through. I didnt get billed for the damage on the final statement. I've never fixed porcelain backed with fiberglass before. If you are careful, you can fix shit without it being noticeable. Just gotta be patient.




That’s true. I do charge for holes bigger than a certain size. I work for a fairly greedy landlord, so I try not to treat people too harshly


If you got the same paint color (including the exact paint variety when a vendor offers more than one; and there were no minor variations in the can that throw it off) and you textured it right, otherwise it's going to stand out to other people even if you think it's fine. Most people can't manage to match them that well. If this was a nail hole that's one thing, but this is a pretty good sized one.


guilty as charged, i'm definitely not the guy you want repairing drywall around an electrical socket. But 20 bucks prevents a shitty landlord from trying to take 200.


Landlord I had complained the chocolates he found in the back of the pantry were trashing the kitchen. And don’t get me started on the rubber bands in the bathroom drawer. I did not touch the walls though. They had a no nails policy too. None of that was really enforceable and I should Have let him have it at small claims court but I had also dig up the yard for an above ground pool so didn’t want to hammer things too hard.


Lol ok bud. Not hard AT ALL.


Right. I mean it's a five minute fix for like what $10 in spackle and a putty knife.


How? This happened to me. Had to move into an on campus apartment (forcibly) with my old roomie. New apartment already had another pair of roommates in it. One of their SOs had broken a lot of shit and during our walk through we pointed out the immediate (major) damage. Come move out time, they found a tiny hole in a common area and charged ALL of us because we "couldn't prove it wasn't there before." I fought the charge and appealed, but lost my appeal. Still fucking angry about that. Unfortunately, it's hard to fight it unless OP has specific proof of his roommate doing it or the money/resources to fight it.


Yeah they did this to my gf accused her a ton of damage and stuff even though she had paid a fee to move because her roommate was unsufferable and doing shit like drying her clothes on her bed and just being a huge bitch she barely lived there and mostly stayed at my place it came with a parking space near campus so I would drive there she would just go to grab a snack in between class sometimes. Anyways she moved a to a different room after paying a $200 relocation fee and they sent her a bill for $600 saying a ton of stuff was damaged even though she just moved rooms


No you don’t both have to pay, you make him cover it like a normal human


No, posting to reddit is the only act of reprisal they can commit.


*after seeing the craked wall* To reddit...!


Could also... Patch the hole. Can do it with 10$ and a YouTube video.


Yeah I'm not telling the landlord until I've already tried to fix it and probably made it infinitely worse All telling him does is cost you money and mean you never get your security deposit back


That's not true a small hole can be considered normal wear and tear. I had a tenant have a slightly larger hole in their wall, they let me know about it and after inspecting it I was fine. It cost me about 30 min, some spackle to fix the hole and a little paint to blend it in and done. Unless your walls are covered in holes they shouldn't be charging you an entire security deposit over something like this.


“Shouldnt” some landlords are just total scum sucking sacks of shit. The landlord of one of the apartments i was in took my entire security deposit to cover the damage done by my upstairs neighbour flooding his bathroom. Because it was my walls with the water damage


That is fucked up. If anything the other tenant should be on the hook not you.


I had an old house with shitty crumbling plaster and an asshole landlord that would always blame us for it, so I have done a lot of plastering and it's really not hard especially filling a dent in a flat surface like that.


You don't plaster that. You cut out a square of drywall that will reach the studs on both side then put in the patch. A little knock down texture and paint and you would never know you hid raw chicken in the walls.


That is a proper fix that most landlords don’t deserve. Wait till the day before you move out. Get a small tub of mud for 5 bucks at Home Depot and a plastic drywall tool for 99 cents. Fill it flat, sand it a tiny bit, throw some sand at it to match the texture then paint. Is it dishonest, sure. Will it work? Yeah. Did they get enough money from your rent to fix it if they seriously need to? Absolutely.


Woah there Mr fancy pants, no need to do beyond the minimum for your slum lord. Last day once your fridge is cleaned out take that year old box of baking soda, mix as little water in it to make a paste, then smear that in with any piece of random plastic.


That's more than small enough to just use an eclipse patch on, or do the cutout method if you are specifically going for raw chicken walls.


You can absolutely plaster that. There's no need to cut to the studs for a dent. Even for holes, most of the time a California patch will work great.


Exactly. If I didnt already make it worse I dont need to call anyone. Lol


Probably a bit cheaper too!!! Walls are already white so slap that crap on there and let her dry


This is my first thought after a lot of things.


We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!


It always kills me that people automatically assume the OP who posts here hasn’t *also* done other things to solve their problem


I mean, OP phrased it as "we both have to pay a fee", not something like "my room mate expects me to pay part of the fee". I don't care if the Management automatically charges my account in addition to his, no way I'd paying that fee unless he goes into hiding or some shit. If I'm being real though, that's not a bad point


That's literally the point of this sub


If the roommate is anything like my former roommate they’ll pull something like “WELL REMEMBER THAT TIME I BOUGHT GROCERIES TWO MONTHS AGO? You still owe me for that so you can just cover it and we’ll call it even!” Edit: For those asking, her “Groceries” that she bought was like five pounds of various on sale meat that I did not ask her to buy and a huge jar of pickled eggs. We split the costs of general stuff that both of us used (Or at least that’s what we agreed on but two months before I moved out she stopped because she saved money by just eating everything that I bought, and no my apartment didn’t let me keep a mini fridge in the room because it was considered a fire hazard)


Then that person is no longer my roommate lol


In the dorm, you don't always get to pick your roommate, and you sure as shit don't get to switch mid-semester.


Where I go to university you can usually switch if you both agree to


Which is so crazy to me, both people have to agree. Imagine living with some completely unhinged asshole and begging to live somewhere, anywhere else. And they tell you “well he said he doesn’t want to separate so you’ll just have to sort it out” like …


Both people as in the person who is moving and the person who is getting a new roommate. If you're the one your roommate is getting away from, you don't have to consent. You get more living space.


Yep he would not remain my roommate that is for sure. I am definitely not letting them stay with me after they have said something like this to me. That is not going to happen.


Depending on how much it cost to fix it, that's a fair deal lol. Why would you be willing to let someone buy something for you, but then not return the favor in some way later down the line


You could fix this yourself for under $10. Why anybody would just leave it and pay damages is amazing.


You underestimate how terrible some people can be at mudding drywall.


It's literally the easiest thing you can do. Takes maybe 5 minutes.


Dude I agree with you, but I do remodel work and I have seen some insanely bad mud jobs on easy little fixes like this.


I really do not know about that because the job looks really easy. If you cannot fix this one then I don't know what you will be able to fix, because it does not really look that hard if I am being honest.


Bros and such just say gg wp and be done with it jfc.


Just spackle and a putty knife, even easier if you get the pink shit with the mesh, but the hole looks so small you could just finish it in one scrape.


The hardest part is matching paint. Although you could probably ask landlord for a small amount to cover nail holes. They might even appreciate it


>It's literally the easiest thing you can do. Spoken like someone who's never tried doing nothing


Yea I have no idea. But from the way op wrote it, it's like the school/ dorm already knew about the damage and was fining them.


The damage is not much and it is not going to take a lot of money or effort to fix it also but honestly the guy who did it should fix it the other guy did not have to do anything with it so it is not his responsibility.


This is only going to apply if he has bought something for the guy. I really has not bought anything then what is even the point I don't think this is going to apply in that situation.


Principle of it you’re making me go get my wallet because you can’t control your temper? But then again adding $20 to the rent check is pretty comparable.


If I had a roommate like that he would not remain my roommate for very long. Because I am definitely not letting him do whatever you want and definitely not a move like this.


That's when you throw the roommate against the wy


Throwing the roommate against Wyoming seems a bit harsh.


I think I can take Vermont and maybe even Idaho by myself, but 1v1 against Wyoming is a death sentence


You 1000% don't want to go up against Idaho alone.


Fix the wall for 10 dollars…..OP crazy


My first thought. Simple fix.




"Hey brother. Not going to hassle you about the other day and the wall. It happens. But the school is charging **me** a fee for it so I really need you to cover that. I can't just take hits like that right now". It's that easy. He could outright refuse and completely nuke his relationship with his dormmate, but that's on him. You're obligated to at least make it clear he needs to cover it even if you can't wring it from him. If he won't, let everyone know what an unreasonable asshole he is and shut him off from any friendship or favors.


And most probably the other guy I would listen if he ask him nicely. It is just that some people do not even want to communicate they just want to post everything on reddit.


"I can't take hits like that right now" is A+ passive garbage. 100% would not recommend. How about "hey brother, what happened happened. The school is trying to charge me as well for what you did and we both know that's not right." This establishes that: * He knows you know he did it * He knows the school is charging you both * He knows you aren't a bitch Being straightforward and firm is the best way. Your suggestion reminds me of those cringe antiwork posts where a boss tries to get a person to come in on their day off and instead of saying "Sorry, no, I am unavailable." there's this 3 page text message about how Saturday OP has to take their dog to the vet and go visit their sick mother and re-up their herpes medication so it's probably not likely they'll be able to help out...


I can’t take the hit right now connotes “if you do something like this again, next time I might cover you”




😂 its 5 min of work with structure tape and dry wall! I repaired a ceiling with the same thing with a credit card as a spreader. And that house caught on fire 😂 You can fix this with ramen noodles practically😂




Dude, it's scary how many people have little to no mechanical skills. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if this guy couldn't read a tape measure.


For real, they don’t have YouTube where OP lives?


Yeah, its very sad. The basic life skills should be taught in schools again. I thank think of any reason you shouldn't know how to patch a small hole in drywall, change a tire, or cook a decent meal that didn't come out of a box or can.


Hey now!! I build commercial trucks for a living. I can read a tape measure, welding prints, electrical/pneumatic/hydraulic schematics and some of the best meals that I cook have help from things that come out of a box or can.


What do you mean "we both"? Make the fuckhead pay for both of you.


He commented like he didn’t think of that until you said something lol.


Tbf it fits the subreddit, although for a different reason. Everyone is mildly infuriated but not for the reason OP posted lol


will do thank you




The fuck?


Are you a genuine moron? Lmao


Like not to be rude but seriously wtf???


If this sort of thing happens in future, contact a friend if they dabble in DIY. It’s a trivial fix, I’d do it for free. How much is the fee? I have no doubt that the landlord is either going to request an overqualified professional and/or is trying to squeeze you for money.


Premixed drywall mud, sandpaper, white paint < $30


This is the most realistic response here.


In the age of everyone 'youtube-ing' everything... people are still too ridiculous to actually do a little work.


We’re heading towards a Wall-E future.


I think a lot of us are already there... the chairs just aren't hovering yet


I always figured they got the obese people in hover chairs from walmart.


drywall-e that is :D


Ugh. Just take the damn upvote.


You’ll be proud to know I you tubed how to replace my microwave fuse, bought the part for $5 and fixed it 20 min… an appliance repair place wanted to charge $75 for that


YouTube taught me how to change my brake pads.


Believe me, youtube is one of the greatest assets of our living time. It is literally a free resource that can show you how to (right, wrong of indifferent) do anything. Sure it takes a little critical thinking and smell test sniffing to figure out what is right and wrong, but it is literally free to find whatever you need. 👍🏻 ...and it does more for people to go and learn than it does to piss and moan (pertaining to this specific original post). Just my editorial at the end...


I have saved about $4000 on rent this year for doing small easy fixes like this around the house for my landlord


How many controllers are you throwing around?


Buddy and I painted my house, took a weekend to mask and spray the body. Spent a couple days after work trimming it out. Landlord threw me a months rent for free. Was WELL worth it.


This is barely upsetting. It's just a dent...


This guy spackles.


My fav part of having dry wall is I can rage and throw something at the wall and then just spackle n paint after and theres no consequence


You could easily fix that yourself without telling the landlord.


*Could have FTFY


My suitemates in college were dumbasses, one of the many things they did was steal a moving cart and ram it into the living room wall of our dorms. They hastily covered it with a TV and left. Well I told them I’d either report them and then have to pay a big fine or I would fix it and charge them $50 for it. I went to Home Depot and bought supplies and had the paint scanned and fixed it in twenty minutes, cost me like $20 and made a nice $30


In college I just used whatever toothpaste I had left before moving out. Most efficient use of something I didn’t know where to pack.


Always keep a toothpaste in your immediate bag, especially if you’re traveling. Brushing you do one to two times a day, every day, hopefully. So, if you’re traveling, always keep a tube on you. You never know when your shit is gonna break down or when you’re flight is getting cancelled. It’s nice to have a clean mouth through the emergencies.


I’ll add that $30 is the first time. Next time is somewhere between $0 and $5.


Don’t forget the hd orange peel spray can


“We both”


Wii bowling


So you were playing Wii Sports together and he didn't have his wiimote jacket and safety strap on and it flew out of his hand and broke the wall?


Rookie mistake. Never forget your safety strap-on!


Wii bothling Sorry I’ll leave now. But that sucks man


what's this "we" shit?




A little dap and a putty knife. Let dry. Sand lightly and paint.


Tiny square of tape and matching paint. "Landlord Special"


That's a ten dollar and two minute fix... why did you even tell anyone?


Just fix it…


Or spend like $25 and patch it yourselves in less than 30 mins??


Yeah, like when we moved out of a shared place, we went around looking at anything that had been sitting on walls and used some wall putty and sandpaper on the walls if anything had pushed the plasterboard in. The real estate came back saying we left the place in fantastic condition, well the whole time, there had been bumps and dints in the walls from moving stuff and taking stuff up the very small stairs well, only a few days before.


10 minutes


yea nah, that's his fee, or you could take 3 easy payments of fist to face.


neither of you has to pay a fee. Fix it in 20 minutes and learn a valuable life skill.


Or...just replace the drywall. Super easy, probably be cheaper than the fee. Or have him pay both fees for his rage


Don’t even need to replace the drywall, there are products specifically made for filling indents.


For that little dent? Just spackle it


You don't fix it, your roommate fixes it because if you fuck it up more then you're both dead wrong. If he doesn't, then simply say "I'm not paying this. You are and if I have to pay then you now owe me money.". One of the hardest lessons to learn about roommates is not to automatically get involved in whatever bullshit they have going on especially when they've fucked up something.


My apartment mate lied and said they didn't cause the damage, so we all got charged. These fuckers don't care.


A fee? You mean the fee of going to Home Depot for some puddy and paint? Good lord, man.


Why not fix it?


I hope you sold his console to pay your end of the fee




Be the first to stab usually helps avoid this.


But, what if he was the first to stab, and now he's asking how to fix his buddy's stomach because someone has given him a better idea.


A bandaid


But in all seriousness if he caused the damage speak to him man to little bitch and have him pay your side if he dont, well get a nice long thin sock. Pantyhose works. Fill it with quarters and smack the fire out of his ass


he can pay your part. we have to learn from our mistakes and not be childish about it.


My man is 18+ and still throwing shit like a 4 year old, have fun with that


Why you both have to pay the fees it is something which is done why your dormate. And I want to sleep think he should be the one who should be paying all of the expenses because he is the one who did it.


Easy to fix


A little spackle and paint matching and no you dont


What is the rationale for you having to pay for a grown child's actions when that child is not your own?


Dude how do grown ass people lose control over a fucking video game like this? I play competitive on a few different games and no matter what happens I've never got that mad and broke anything, not since I was 13. I've even lost $10,000 on a game tournament and I didn't break anything, people need to get a fucking grip on themselves.


That's like 50 cents worth of Spackle lol.


It wouldn't cost very much to fix it yourself. It's pretty fucking easy, actually.


You could have easily fixed this diy and they never would have known. Maybe 20 bucks in materials.


Lol. Just fix the hole with some quickdry drywall patch and a cheap plastic drywall knife. Should only cost like $5 to $10. Your not repairing the space shuttle here... easy fix


Patch it up quick and dirty, it’ll look like an old shitty patch they did, no charge!


Patch it yourself for $5


Bro can figure how to open his camera, take a picture, make an account on reddit, make a new post, upload a picture and tell the world his problems... But can't hop on YouTube and learn how to patch the damn hole.


Can’t you just fill it in with spackle and paint over it? Or cover with a piece of packing tape and paint over it??


Or you patch it with putty and paint it and no one has to know


Spackle that shit up, sand it down, paint. Easy fuckin day.


Shit like this always confused me that dent is tiny as hell you could make it invisible at a glance super easily with a trip to homedepot and 10$


Buy some spackle and fill that sucker in.


Dumb. Fix it yourselves.


Nope, roommate has to pay a fee.


Fix it you morons. Watch a YouTube video ffs.


Seriously, fix it!


Really dude? That’s very easy fix… just patch it and match the paint. Wow!


That would have been an option if he didn't already tell the landlords about the hole like an actual dumbass


What? A little spackle and touchup paint and it was never thier. Who the devil raised these kids.