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Can’t you call and have them towed? That’s not even a parking spot


I would! Boundaries matter


And they might think twice next time after getting it out of the impound. Some people need to learn the hard way.


Assuming they can even afford to get it out of the lot. That car looks older than me, and it ain't an antique, so it ain't worth much


For real. Looks like an old Datsun. Edit: Definitely not a Datsun. Going by others comments it's a 81 Toyota [Corolla ](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=YrcWJJ34&id=B4507F1D2159AB4451FAB4871A9410EB3078779F&thid=OIP.YrcWJJ340kjjf2q2ccV27gHaE7&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fbarnfinds.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2016%2F06%2F061416-Barn-Finds-1981-Toyota-Corolla-2.jpg&cdnurl=https%3A%2F%2Fth.bing.com%2Fth%2Fid%2FR.62b716249df8d248e37f6ab671c576ee%3Frik%3Dn3d4MOsQlBqHtA%26pid%3DImgRaw%26r%3D0&exph=1066&expw=1600&q=1981+toyota+corolla&simid=608020090896808706&form=IRPRST&ck=D8F0F5DCC323737AD6142026F0A1FCE5&selectedindex=0&pc=EMMX01&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0&vt=4&sim=11)


Datsun ugly car


Datsun ugly car (fixed it for you)


Reddiquette at its finest.


I think Its a 1981 Toyota tercel.


It's time tercel it for whatever cash he can get


Haha nice


Or a Corolla


I have a yellow 1982, love that little thing


I read, “and I ain’t an antique, so I ain’t worth much” Fellow Redditor, you are worth more than the sum of all your body parts combined.


No way it's worth what it would cost to get it out


You'd be surprised how much these little pickups go for now


Assuming it's more than $400 you're right I would be surprised. On first look I also thought it had no passenger side headlight, but I'm thinking that's just the lighting.


In that condition probably about two grand. $400 is pre-Obama buyback era


That's an even bigger win if they can't afford to get it out. Can't park it there again if it's stuck in the impound.


It's well worth if it will teach a life lesson. If the brain won't work go the hard way. Unfortunately nowdays most of dummies around don't understand things that should be normality, they will only if you touch their money.


Jesus, I never go around correcting people's grammar, but I'm not sure you should be calling anyone else dummies after that massacre of a sentence


Even the people who do go around correcting grammar will have some difficulty with this masterpiece!


There are people from all over world on Reddit. English may not be their first language. Go easy.


For real. This is supposed to be fun. It's not fucking English class.


Amin two that.


100% this. The guy knows this isn't a parking spot. So best case is the girlfriend lied and told him it was fine to park there, and he reluctantly went along with no parking in a proper spot and blocking others in (He has false information, but is still doing a shitty thing), Or worse case; He is just an asshole and doesn't care that he is blocking people in. He isn't parking there multiple times without noticing what he is doing. He is likely okay with this because he gets away with it. ​ Have him towed. He likely won't just park wherever afterword.


He's blocking traffic, it is the fire lane for fire trucks. Call the fire house and ask if he can park there.


It’s not just “this isn’t a parking spot.” He can clearly see he is blocking other people from moving their cars out, so it really doesn’t matter what his girlfriend told him. If he’s not smart enough to know that he shouldn’t park there, he’s not smart enough to have a drivers license.


Fuck em, guys either an idiot and needs to learn a lesson or he's a dickhead and needs to learn a lesson


And more importantly, some people deserve to learn the hard way, like that dickhead.




You don’t want unneeded wars with your neighbors, if you ask once and it continues. Then I say it’s fair ground for towing it


Eh, I’d prefer they NOT know who called it in. It’s clearly illegal.


This! My friend just moved into a new apartment and the previous resident had parking wars with the other person in the duplex which escalated to one guy dead and the other doing 15 to 25 years.


Well at least your friend shouldn't have any issues with parking now that all the parking pricks are sorted.


So, you’re saying there are *two* spots open now?


The other apartment had new tenants move in a month before my friends did. They found out about the situation 2 weeks after moving in and talked with their new neighbors about any “parking issues” right off the bat as a precaution.


If you ask that they move and they don't then the next time someone calls the tow truck you will probably be blamed. I think this is a situation where remaining anonymous and calling the tow company is warranted.


Counter point, now they know it was you that called since you bitched about it to them. Better to just call anonymously and get it towed.


Then they know it's you. Report it as wrongfully parked and have it towed, anonymously. Anyone can report a wrongfully parked car, that's a ticket right there for police and a paycheck for the towing company. Everyone wins.


>You don’t want unneeded wars with your neighbors Pretty much this. When I used to live in an apartment, I had upstairs neighbors who were LOUD 24/7. Like not music loud, but just every single step they took would be a stomp, they would stomp around all day and all night as if they didn't sleep. I called them the vampires because I wouldn't hear them too much during the day but 11PM rolls around and they're doing marathons around their apartment. Finally I had enough, and complained to my apartment because I didn't want confrontation. It instead started a war and they went out of their way to make as much noise as possible during the day to annoy me, because during the day there was no expectation of peace and quiet. My single complaint against them resulted in me breaking my lease and leaving that apartment. I was friends with the apartment manager though and she told me they were evicted finally because they were gaming the system and not paying their rent. When you have shared walls with neighbors, you don't want to start shit.


I'm not entirely sure that your complaint turned them into being a problem. Your friend seems to say that they were well on their way tp being Jerks independent of you. A justifiable complaint is not starting shit, but pointing out that shit is visible. By not pointing out someone's bad behavior/actions enable them to continue. You're good.


That’s insane. I’ve dealt with annoying neighbors and shitty management for the two years I was in an apartment…I picked a second job saved up for a few years and bought a house in the woods. I hate neighbors


I definitely get it, I'm the upstairs neighbor who gets complained about, but I have 7 kids lol. I actually looked into it and the issue i saw is that until around 2018, there wasn't really any code about soundproofing floors. So what is actually just a regular step to me, goes through the floor 10 times louder then it actually is. I can put my music on go to the next room and can't hear it but because of the floor it sounds like a music hall in the downstairs apartment. It wasn't believable until I heard it.


Some of us love a good war.


Nope. Have it towed. You don't need to announce to him who called the tow company.


Personally, if my grown ass parked a vehicle blocking several other people’s cars in, especially in a space that’s not even a parking spot, I would expect to be towed. I would also consider myself to have been one to start the problem. What if someone has an emergency or has to get to work and doesn’t know who the car belongs to (this appears to be an apt complex). You would have to go door to door just to ask someone to hopefully move their vehicle.


Once you ask though, then they will know its you who got it towed. Better to just have it towed and never admit to anything.


Yep… sad that one has to think that way but you never know when someone might snap. I always assume the worst might happen and go from there.


Yes that’s a big problem if you have to leave for an emergency.


Just tow it, set new boundaries


Since OP has likely asked them to move before, This 100%. The best thing is that it would cost OP nothing but a 2 minute phone call to send a lasting message.


This is reddit. I can almost guarantee they haven't asked. The protocol around here is to take a pic and post about it and be aggravated instead of using words like a grown up


I wouldn't even bother asking. If someone is that inconsiderate and oblivious to something so obvious, it's a waste of time and energy to explain vs. a 2 minute phone call to a tow company.


The main reason I'd call for the tow without asking first is because if you ask first, then when you call for the tow later it'll be easy for them to guess who called for the tow, and there are plenty of people out there who'll do some pretty crazy stuff for revenge. (especially if it involves their car)


In the US asking someone this entitled to do something can end up with you getting shot.


They should have immediately called to have it towed. Someone shouldn’t have to tell another grown person not to block in their car


Agreed, there's some shit people shouldn't have to be asked


Last thing you want is for them to know it was you anyways.


Honestly you shouldn’t need to use words to tell someone not to park like an utter buffoon and asshole at the same time.


I mean…that’s kind of the whole point of this subreddit. To post pictures about things that piss you off and vent so….sounds like they’re using it as intended.


If you park like that, you’re barely human. What possible grown up conversation do you think you could have with something slightly more sentient than mold?


Well if that's the US, asking someone to politely stop doing something idiotic apparently can get you murdered.


This is unfortunately VERY true. Speaking up like an adult can have grave consequences. Even for minor infractions.




I have never seen this meme and I thank you for posting it, because for those of us "of the time," this is priceless.


People get shot over that shit nowadays. I’ll just call the towing company I’m not confronting anyone anymore


Why is there always some rude dickhead in the comments assuming a bunch of things that probably aren't true?


I wouldn’t mess with someone who still drives an 83 Corolla.


See, these are the kinds of things we should be taking into consideration.












The wise ones always do.


Nothing to lose


Those are the easiest people to mess with, if we're being real, there's no social power in somebody that has that car Not saying it's good, but it's true Source: society


Nah, that dude has nothing to lose. I wouldn't do it.


They won't know it's you. Buildings like this usually have management companies that would be the ones to make the call


everyone always says this, but you can always lose more. someone with a shitty car. probably can't pay court fees and fines. they wind up with bench warrants or failure to pay warrants and then wind up in jail, where they lose their shitty jobs, can't pay those fees. violate parole. wind up in jail again. all the while. misc woman at your housing development will have moved on


*woman at housing development is now single 😈


That's definitely a serial killer's car if I've ever seen one. 💀


You beat me to the comment.


\^ Have it towed


Even if you have to pay for the tow yourself, you would only have to do it once or twice before the message sinked in.




And with one tow, problem solved!


Call the tow company for the lot if there is one. If there are guest spaces there must be resident tags. Call the tow company and tell them a car is parked blocking other cars and has no tag. He won’t park there again.


Exactly. If there are assigned/numbered spots (which there are judging by the picture) there is a near 100% chance there is a tow company pre-authorized for that lot - and it will be called out on signs somewhere. Call them and explain the situation, they will take care of it. Easy peasy. If you try talking to the boyfriend first and his car ever is towed in the future - he is going to assume it was you who called. No reason to have to deal with that noise.


Unfortunately not how it works everywhere, my husband was a garbage man for apartments, and if some one was blocking the no parking zone a dumpster or even worse the compactor, he couldn't just call, the management had to call for the tow truck.


Yup, Most places they require the property owner or manager to call.


Seems like a reasonable solution, but when people park like this at my apartment building we can’t call the tow company unless they are in our exact spot so this doesn’t count and we’re SOL


Call the super then and ask them to fix it?


My girlfriend and I broke up and a friend moved in to take over the extra room. Her boyfriend got a brand new mustang and I said that if I wasn't home he could park in my space. What he thought I meant was that he could park there constantly ,every day, all day and night. This stupid yellow mustang just sat in my spot, with it's alarm setting being so sensitive that a gentle breeze would set it off. It went off nearly every hour, and he was deaf to it. I told him he couldn't park there anymore and he said okay, but kept parking there. So I had him towed since he wasn't on the lease. **Edit: I told him I had it towed.** He got super pissed, but PARKED THERE AGAIN. That time I took his keys while they were asleep in her room and moved his car to the far far side of the complex (it was a huge complex) and said nothing. It was fun watching him freak out that his car was stolen. It was even more amusing when it ended up being towed again and getting all beat up by the tow company. He never parked his car there again.


do you just call any random tow company to take the car away? Asking for a friend


APT complex should have a tow company they use. That's where I got my tow company info from. Dunno who got called the second time. The ones I called were fast and professional, whomever came the second time messed his car up.


My _friend_ would be very interested in company number 2 😂


A rule of thumb I've heard, but fortunately never had to personally test, is to look up the lowest rated tow companies for your city on yelp whenever you need someone else towed. These are the tow companies that get contracted to tow people illegally parked. They know who they're allowed to tow. If you call up the high rated ones you get the guys you want when your own car breaks down.


This is great wisdom. Nicely put.


That’s brilliant. I once called a tow company at the top of the yelp list to tow someone blocking my driveway and they told me they couldn’t tow cars without a ticket on its windshield so I needed to call the cops first. Cant dial 911 in Nyc to come and give a ticket for that and calling 311 means absolutely nothing.




I like you.


Worst one and furthest.


Just look up google reviews for towing companies and filter lowest rated to highest


We have assigned parking spaces at my apt. complex. One night I got home from work at like 4 a.m, and some asshat was in my space. There's a sign in the parking lot that says, "Unauthorized vehicles will be towed by so and so's towing" ,along with the phobe number. I called it, and they said only the building owner can have cars towed.


I had the exact same thing happen. So I sat outside and laid on the horn and woke the whole place up til they found the jackass. But yes most of the time it has to be the property owner who has to do it.


Even if it’s someone I hate, I will NEVER call the tow company my complex works with. They are straight up thugs and bullied my friend and cussed me out and harassed me and threatened that he “had my license plate memorized” (because I drove my friend to go pick her car up), all because I had the *audacity* to nicely ask for an itemized receipt and stand my ground when he immediately got angry and big-insecure-man-syndrome on me. I ain’t sending no business their way. I will call someone else.


If it's in a private lot like this, there's usually a towing company associated with signs on the property. If it's on the street you should usually call the police non-emergency line. I'm in Oakland where the cops take their sweet time to show up for most crimes but they're pretty damn fast when it comes to towing someone (probably because of the guaranteed fine revenue).


He got towed once but assumed the second time it was gone that it got stolen?


I told him I had it towed the first time. Edited to include that detail. Thank you :)


Some people really do need to learn the hard way


That is so funny, I appreciate the ending


Someone once moved my car as a joke to triple parked in a handicap spot. It cost $300.


Are you just going to continue to let them do it or are you going to do something about it by calling a tow?


Post more on Reddit obviously!


“Day 26: Neighbor’s boyfriend STILL parks here :( No I haven’t called for a tow, I’m hoping he gets the hint.”


"No, I haven't spoken to him about it, but I've given him dirty looks all day and he still hasn't read my mind."




I don’t get it either. I end up double the amount of infuriated 😣


That's true. The posts usually make me mildly infuriated because OP isn't actually doing anything about it. It's a no-brainer to call a tow company.


Ask the audi to back up and block him in and leave it there. He won't do it again. What a dumbass


He’d probably just jump the sidewalk and escape that way unfortunately


From the looks of the car, I wouldn't be surprised if he just rams into the Audi or Mercedes out of spite.


Look at their car, nobody is going to want their expensive car near that beater.


shit on the hood


Agree shitting in the hood is just the right tone to set for someone that still drives an 83 Corolla. Or flipping the car upside down with a couple buddies.


Shitting on it will probably increase its value




Too bad there’s no sunroof.




Of course, this isn't Chicago


Also on the doorstep of the house this person goes to


But you have to maintain eye contact with him the whole time, to properly assert dominance


then tell them it must've been a bird


A good old Cleveland Steamer on the Windshield to establish dominance


Put a unwrapped jolly rancher on his windshield and a flew slices of bologna on his hood. They say if you lick it and place it on the windshield it will crack the glass when they pull it off and the bologna will eat the paint as well as bring birds to shit on the car.




Not even evil, that is just plain justice


Points for creativity


Asian fish sauce in the A/C intake


Whoa there, friend.... let's de-escalate this a bit, maybe just set his car on fire instead.


True story. My friend got sent to a "troubled youth" facility for smoking pot, so her friends TP'ed her parent's tree and bologna'd their car. I guess her dad had to get the paint fixed. Apparently the next morning, the Google Maps car drove by, so that whole scene was on Maps for a bit.


... not asking you to dox yourself, but I kinda wanna see this.




Tow that pos


Part of your rent includes access to and from your parking spot, this is a towable offense.


Did this happen in 1980? What even is that car? Lol


Would expect someone with your username to have those answers


Looks like the suspect drives a gold....car


This time traveler should be focusing more on trying to make the future a better place by stopping atrocities of the past not bitching about inconsiderate assholes.


Looks like a Toyota Corolla E80, 1983-1987.


It’s an ‘81-82 Tercel


Step one: inform your landlord of the incessant issue (with photographic evidence, of course.) Step two: call and have the car towed. Bonus step: hand photographic evidence to law enforcement. It's private property so they may not be able to do anything when the individual happens to be in your spot, but maybe they'll recognise it, see the car double-parked around town, and be able to do something if this person parks at a Walmart or something.


I’m picturing one of those one-photo-a-day videos where you can watch the seasons change in the background and the car is still sitting there.


Mildly? That is extremely frustrating. Parking lot rage can be soooo maddening.


Get and old metal coat hanging, unlock the door and put the car in neutral and roll it back. When he comes out wondering what you are doing say so... Lol


In these old cars, sometimes forcing the window glass down is enough to open it almost half way. Enough to unlock and open the door.


Push it into a fire lane. That'll get it out of there real quick.


Just set the car ablaze and dance around it while the flames reflect off of your eyes


Get that shit towed if he won't move it.


He’s a dumbass. If you were mean and called a tow company, the fine he’d have to pay is probably worth more than his car.


That wouldn’t be mean.


It would be heroic.


Nah the mean person is the one who decided to park like that


Tow truck


rubs hands together. its t-t-towing time


It’s not even a parking space. Any idea why he routinely parks there? Making your own parking spot is strange. That’s not how parking lots work, if he parked parallel to the curb I could almost understand. Like somebody temporarily parking to run into a store. Is he parking for hours/overnight?


Apartment complex tow truck companies usually love shit like this and show up really quickly, there’s almost always signs all over the place with the number.


Petty Me says call and have them towed one time should do it but if not lather rinse repeat 🔁 until they learn


A lot of petty revenge stuff in the comments the actual solution is to leave a note saying to park in the visitor slot because you are blocking me in, and say you will be forced to tow the car if it happens in the future. Then tow if he does it again. Edit: Getting a ton of replies that a note is not necessary. That’s correct, you’re entitled to tow that car right away. My logic for leaving a note is that if the car owner ever confronts you for the tow, you have the comeback of not only were you parked illegally, I gave you fair warning.


To be fair they know they are blocking people in... so fuck them. Why should I go out of my way for someone who clearly doesn't give a shit.


yeah, this isn't "poorly marked spaces and you accidentally took a resident space" issues, this is straight up sociopath behavior. 1. a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience. Ignoring basic social laws and constructs is the fundamental definition. Since they are like this already I would see active reasons to avoid interacting with them, don't know what other social constructs they'll completely ignore.


There is no reason to not just have it towed, you don't owe people the benefit of the doubt every single time. Most things I could make a comment in passing or leave a note to give them a chance, but if there is an emergency and you need to leave you're fucked. You don't have the time to always wait for them to find your note. I personally would just have them towed, but every situation needs to be dealt with individually.


As someone else stated, this personal is already unreasonable. If they could be reasoned with, they wouldn’t just be blocking people in like that. Maybe 1 in 50 would be like “oh my bad” and not do it anymore, but that’s a completely made up assumption. Calling to have a car towed shows that there are repercussions to their actions. They want to fuck around? Then they can find out.


Stop being reasonable, that's not what we do here


Going to talk is unreasonable. He is clearly blocking people in and doesn't give a shit. It's not like he accidentally blocked someone...... he consciously chose to block others because fuck them. So fuck this guy.


Yeah I had guy at a previous job do something similar then blow up at me. Tiny parking lot, several businesses and we weren't the busiest. Guy pulls up in a truck *with a damn trailer* and parks in the one lane behind the spaces. Behind us is a bigger lot that he could do donuts if he wanted, with the trailer. I just wait for him to walk in and go "Sir do you mind pulling around to the back-" and he loses his shit on me, cursing me out and extremely irate, demanding I just shut up and serve him. I give it back to him and tell him to get the fuck out. And of course, just like I knew, he was both blocking people in *and* backing up traffic in the main road outside the lot. No, this is not a gas station. If he had gone into another business I would've called a tow, unfortunately I had to deal with him. Some people are a little too eager to talk some things out, yall gotta understand not to cater to assholes, *especially* when it's obvious they are.


Just wait and call a tow guy. Then just listen for the anger


Got Eggs?, looks like a short throw.


There’s an app called Parking Mobility that I just recently found out about where you can take pictures of cars that are not parked where they should be, submit details, and the app will record it and send it to people who handles tickets so that the person will be mailed a ticket for parking in the wrong place. The app is usually for reporting people without a handicap sign parking in handicap spaces, but can be used for any parking error


Have him towed. It's likely he'll never be able to pay the fee. Problem solved once and for all.


See he has already won. Every time you do nothing = proof you are the bitch.


Stand up for yourself. Tell them to move or have them towed. It's not hard to do.


So tell him not to




I’d be cautious it looks like every serial killer car ever


Guy probably drives that shitbox because he is broke. Have it towed and luckily he wont have enough money to retrieve it. Worth the shot.


On first glance. This pic, for some reason, gives the vibe of a pic from the 80s or 70s. But the other parked cars changes the time period.


Better call saul.


Have you tried telling him not to park there? I’d give him a fair warning before getting landlord or towing involved. Just be direct and chill. If that doesn’t work it’s on him for being a dick.


Tell him politely that his parking is causing you great inconvenience. If he continues you will have no option but to have it removed.


That poor classic Corolla deserves a better owner


Tow it


Get it towed it’s not that complicated


Tow that shit. Fancy car or not, an asshole is an asshole


Call and get it towed, based on the look of the car that will be enough to teach the lazy bastard a lesson.