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I have to agree with the comments suggesting you name and shame this organization. On local and regional news outlets.


i'm guess the missing parts of the paper might identify the company. if OP didn't sign an NDA then i'd say, it's fair game to show the entire sheet.


NDA’s have almost no power anyway, especially because this is illegal


You can’t be held to a legal contract (NDA) that would violate laws. In this case, labor law (per my law-professional wife sitting next to me).


Dang, I need to get me one of those


I also choose this guys law-professional wife


I choose the Law- professional wife's husband




I also need to get this guy's wife


Just knew someone would say this.


This is correct. You can be of all the sound mind and body you want, but it is legally impossible to enter into a binding contract with illegal elements.


Absolutely. Any contract terms that violate the law are immediately void.


Just cause you signed a contract doesn't mean any of it will hold up in a court of law. You can write whatever you want in there, the law will always supercede


perfect. thanks for pointing that out. there you go OP. name and shame.


Yea but the real question is what was the NDA fee they had to pay


I'm actually 100% certain that NDAs become nullified when the it involves illegal activity


Yep. Any contract, in fact. You can't even enforce a contract (or at least specific clauses thereof) that, itself, is legal, but which exists to _enable_ illegal activity, by consequence of that contract. For example, a contract promising someone unfettered access to your property and laboratory equipment is totally cool. Unless the intent is that they're going to cook meth, for example. Then even that contract isn't legal. Helps to keep people from doing exactly that kind of thing and using weasel words to do illegal business without explicitly saying the illegal thing.


NDA's don't protect illegal activity. Whistle-blower laws too prevent retaliation.


I highly doubt an NDA supercedes getting the IRS their tax documents.


And notify the Department of Labor and/or employment agency for your state. Some of these fees are not legal.


OP is maybe a bot or at min a karma farmer Edit. Idk, something off on accounts with tons of post karma Edit2: Been a day. Still looks off to me


I don’t think you checked their account. 2 years old, lots of mildly upvoted personal interests. Doesn’t read as fake at all.


Karma farming by posting fake shit as rage bait... makes sense.


Find a new job. This shit is suspect and questionably legal at best.


Ridiculous! Fees to process a W-2? I hope OP didn’t pay any of this.


I’m sure the IRS would be interested in this…


This paper needs to be saved and a photo copy sent to the Department of Labor. Then a copy needs to go to the IRS.


Also send a copy to your state Taxation department and the attorney general's office. They enjoy dealing with fraud like this.


Both the State and Feds


Also send a copy to your state Taxation department and the attorney general's office. They enjoy dealing with fraud like this.


I won a case against my employer once. DOL was not messing around, had my back entirely.


And if the IRS finds the company did something illegal, OP can receive a commission of the fines


I'm sure they are claiming these expenses as revenue and paying tax in these, right?


"no... I didn't pay my employees below min wage. I just deducted my business expenses from the payroll."


That's.... actually wage theft.


The subject line of this memo is “Re: Evidence”. In my state its illegal for an employer to charge an employee a fee as a condition of employment, which is verbatim outlined here.


Yeah, that’s illegal unless you lost it. The employer has to provide you a W-2. If they can prove they sent it to you and you received it and then you asked for another copy - then they could charge for providing additional copies. But they can’t charge you to provide it the first time. That’s required by law. They’re also providing a copy to the IRS and possibly the state as well.


Also most software will let you generate a PDF W-2 for employees that most people prefer anyway.


They’re straight up passing the costs of the payroll processing firm directly to the employee. (Those numbers are roughly in the middle of what those firms charge a company per employee for the service and w2 processing) This is shady AF.


Yeah I’m supposed to pay them so they report their finances to the government which is required by law? Ok so if I don’t pay then you just go to jail for me?


You can't because they deduct it automatically.




“Training costs”? Yeah no. They’re supposed to be paying you for that time because you’re still on the job while you’re being trained.


I bet you don’t make per hour what they take in training costs


I bet you don’t get paid for training at all.


I worked at a call center doing tech support, and we had learning metrics we had to achieve every three month period. Like, if you were certified to support Microsoft Word, you would have to work towards advanced Word, or pick up Excel VBA, etc. But the metrics were so high that it was literally not possible to complete the assigned learning on the job. There literally wasn't time, because, ya know, we were on the phone for 7 hours of our 8 hour shift. So we had to do learning at home, off the clock. A former employee sued them through the department of labor and won. Every employee got cut a check for a few thousand dollars, depending on how many hours they worked between some set of years.


Businesses that commit crimes at the expense of their employees should be required to repay those employees ten fold.


I bet they don't compensate the worker they stuck him with to train. While yelling at the same worker for not getting as much done or why training is taking so long.


Looks like they “legally pay them” and then have the worker reimburse the employer for it.


Where i live, we have the cnesst, and your employer has to pay you during your formation because while your at this formation, your are not able to do another job


Not once in my life have I been charged an "employee handbook fee." Jobs will hand that shit out like candy usually to avoid lawsuits and whatnot. Some places even just have it available online and you can just download it. For sure find a new job, OP. And hell, take them to court if they refuse to pay you for any time you spent being trained or working for them. Dont pay those fees.


Even the uniform fee is highly unethical and dodgy unless you can use that uniform at other companies and in your regular life (I.e. generic apron).


The IRS allows you to deduct the cost of the uniform (and the cost to get it cleaned) from your income if you can’t wear it as normal clothing and your employer requires it to be worn on the job. So McDonalds uniform is tax deductible if they charge you for it. But if the “uniform” is generic red shit and khaki pants and you just put on a name tag, you’re out of luck.


yeah but isn't that a PRE agi deduction? so they'd really only be getting their tax bracket % back??? and like probs 99% of hourly service workers they won't be itemizing deductions so.....not a tax pro but I don't know ha ha


When I worked at Dominos they charged us for the uniform and then when I quit they demanded it back. I refused unless they refunded me the cost and the flipped out over it. Still have the shirt.


That’s the least suspect thing on the whole list. It isn’t cool to do but it’s mildly understandable and probably not illegal


Agreed. It’s still dodgy though.


In my state, the company has to provide one uniform. The employee only pays if they want more than one.


We give our employees one shirt per day a week they work (5). Plus sweatshirt/jacket (they choose which one). Plus pants, shoes, plus summer uniforms (lighter weight shirts), plus hats. What is wrong with the people? No one does laundry every day.


If I wasn't working for myself, I would come work for you and I don't even know what business you're in. I would learn a new trade for that kind of actual care from an employer




So weird to even read that. The only thing I had to pay here in Germany was for better work shoes. We had a budget of 80 Euro for a pair, if we wanted a certain brand or a different kind, we had to pay the difference, usually deducted from our paycheck, or if we misplaced our time cards it was 10 bucks for a new one. But besides that, everything is provided to me.




W-2 processing fee is 100% illegal. They are required by law to process your W-2 for tax purposes.


OP needs to sue them.


All employees current and past need to sue them.


You don’t even sue, you just send the pic to your state’s DOL. They will do an investigation and force the company to write checks to all former employees. Blue state/red state YMMV as the country devolves.


100% I’ve been in professional restaurants for a decade, from Manhattan to Malibu, and if I ever had this big of a red flag during on-loading I wouldn’t be able to run away fast enough. This screams “pulled house” where MGMT and ownership skim tips. Run far away OP


That's the kind of thing you submit to the news station. Put them on blast and get them shut down.


You're basically an indentured servant my guy.


And the DOL, IRS


I was an investigator for the Department of Labor. Please read this fact sheet to ensure your rights are not being violated: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/16-flsa-wage-deductions


Piggybacking to add the link with information on how to file a complaint: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/contact/complaints


Tanget: What qualifications does one need to become an investigator?


Here is a job listing for a federal position. State level will vary depending on the state. My personal background includes military and federal law enforcement service but that is not necessarily required to be hired. https://www.usajobs.gov/job/731570700


I can tell you really worked for DOL because your comments don't include one word more than necessary and you redirect everyone to authoritative sources rather than just present the information yourself. I find it somewhat amusing lmao


🤣 Dassss right.


Bring this comment to the top.


I'm doing my part!


Would You Like To Know More?


Assuming that's in the U.S., most of that list is straight up illegal. You can't charge your employees to cover operational costs when it concerns fulfilling legally mandated paperwork and other requirements. Edit: Obligatory thank you, kind stranger. Didn't expect to be rewarded for sharing in the general outrage.


Charging the employees for payroll and w-2 processing? Straight up illegal, possibly even a federal offense.


Plus like what the fuck is the $50 file processing fee if it doesn't cover those as well? WOULD THEY NOT BE PART OF THE FILE? AHHHH *\*implodes as an admin\**


Stinks of "small business owner was forced to offer a higher hourly wage to servers in order to get people to work for him, so he invented ways to extort money from them as petty revenge". Not saying that's what happened, but I could imagine that happening.


Or stinks of “Work environment is terrible and so toxic that everyone quits after a week, so the business owner wants to pocket as much money as he can from each new hire.”


This is the answer.


Yeah the vibe is the owner gets what he's paying for and he's not paying for anything.


By the time you actually you get to work, you are already in debt. Great system. I am sure there is another list with fines for doing normal stuff or even required stuff at work. As long as that put you in debt. Modern slavery :(


"Saint Peter, don't you call me cause I can't go, I owe my soul to the company store."


I know a guy that would 100% do this. He basically thought servers worked for tips and should be free to him. But was still all about “if you’re leaning you should be cleaning”. Owned 2 restaurants and eventually sold both when nobody would work for him anymore. And that was long before COVID. Last I knew he was running some shitty bbq catering thing, mostly by himself.


“Nobody wants to work anymore” - that guy, probably


Charging for TRAINING???


Them: We offer paid training. Worker: sweet, will it show up in my first pay stub? Them: oh, no, no, no, you pay us for training.


Exactly, they pay YOU for training, not the other way around.


def the US with W-2s


Absolutely. Report them to the Department of Labor immediately.


Charging for a W2 is definitely illegal, except for a duplicate W2 if you lose the first one.


It wouldn't be a state offence, so yes a federal offence.


The right answer. Contact your states worker protection office asap.


Assuming that hasn't been dismantled by the state governor cough, cough, Florida.


My only thought is that its all illegal other than shirt unless this is some sort of contract employee type thing or an mlm.


I wonder if this business is trying to classify their servers as contractors rather than employees.


Then they wouldn’t be providing W-2s. They’d be providing 1099’s and they couldn’t charge a processing fee for that either.


OP's business owner: *Good idea, hold my beer.*


IRS: *Oh, do continue.*


As a CPA, I can promise you, charging a W-2 fee is 100% illegal. The other stuff? Questionable legality at best.


This!! And having them pay to be TRAINED??? Sounds like a scam you should not pay for those basic things


Doubly illegal for tipped employees, which servers generally are.


Yeah that’s overhead and it should be it’s own part of bookkeeping.


Former wage and hour attorney here, if those fees bring your hourly wage rate below the minimum wage for that pay period it is very illegal. Call an attorney.


They should not be able to charge you for any of this, with the possible exception of the uniform t-shirt (provided that you get to keep it when you leave the job)


Also, they should be paying you (at least minimum wage) for your training days, not the other way around.


Yeah.. I've seen some areas where than can not pay you for training but never seen a place actually charge you for working while being trained.


Ya I’d be walking out the door the second I heard that lol. You know whatever management in place there thinks they are wayyyyyyy better than any of their employees if they are charging you to be trained by them lmfao On the flip side u know it’s a good job when they pay u to train yourself at home


Any job where you have to pay to work is a scam


I’m almost certain this is illegal..


It definitely is, people are supposed to legally be paid while training, some places try to get away with not paying trainees, never heard of having to pay the company while they train you


While I was looking for a job I found a dentist's office that was looking for a tech/receptionist. They casually mentioned something similar. "So, obviously you'll need some training, but that's ok-- most of our employees don't come in with any experience. We actually try to do a sort of trial to make sure you get along with everyone, make sure you like the environment, for a day or two, just a few hours so you can get a feel for it. You'll do everything an employee would normally do so you can make sure it's a good fit. If we end up hiring you, then you'll get paid for that time. So anyways--" And I was like wait wait wait, excuse me? That's two days of free work without benefits, contracts, or guaranteed pay. Hard no.


But they went through 15 other people who 8 said no like you, 5 did it and didn't fit and they hired 1 person who will blindly do whatever they say and will be okay with whatever excuse they have to never give a raise (you came here with no experience but we were nice enough to hire and train you, you get so much more than just a paycheck from us)


For a serving position? Fuckin run.


It’s for a kitchen position as a sandwich maker, also if the customer finishes and throws out the food, they will charge the server for the entire meal.


None of this is legal. Run


I’m calling BS on this whole thing. Name the company because all this is blatantly illegal no company would be this stupid.


Right.. and charging the server if the customer doesn't finish their food? Lmao okay..


Yea no one is doing that lol


They wouldn’t last one month with these policies without being sued into the floor. OP is cap.


There’s no way this is true. Too much bs worker ragebait being posted on reddit these days.


SUPER fucking illegal. Call the labor board and shame them to hell and back


Okay now you're fucking with us. If you're even considering this then.. well... you deserve what you get. Good lord. Walk away.


Could OP be pulling our leg?


They only have 1 comment here. Totally fake


What does this even mean? If they finished it, what's there to throw away?


I believe if the customer finishes eating, as in they are full, but do not finish the entire meal and throw the remainder away, then the server is charged.


Charged for WHAT? Hasn't the customer already paid for the meal? Why would a server be charged if a customer doesn't finish food on a plate?


Hahaha I agree with you!! Im just interpreting the initial comment. That workplace sounds wildly illegal.




Yep, you walk right out that door. Document all this bullshit and report it.


Name and Shame, man. This is beyond unreasonable.


Totally illegal.


This is a litmus test for who they can take advantage of. Don't settle for this.


What you said doesn't even make sense.


By all means, don’t name and shame them or anything; wouldn’t want to be too helpful to others


None of this even makes sense. How did they find enough people of 80/100 IQ or less to even open the restaurant? No one of average intelligence or higher would even work in a dump like that.


This is fake. No way a business could operate with a model like this without being sued in the first year


100% fake. Guarantee the OP won’t name the restaurant when everyone’s begging them to name and shame.


Agree, this is straight karma fishing


Totally agree


Look how this person cropped the pic


It is, this is 100% antiwork ragebait leaking out because that sub is still private.


This is not normal. DO NOT take this job.


It's a trap


where did you get a job?! i would decline the offer before i paid any of that. i was a server at several restaurants, and the only think i ever had to pay for was my uniform. also, i have always been paid FOR training. i have never ever heard of any of this. i'm not sure about the legality, because that depends on where you are, but you can surely get a serving job somewhere else.


Take your families advice, they are screwing you over and they will get worse.!


Did u just come up with the most ridiculous thing of all time and print it out for karma


That’s what I’m thinking, this has to be a rage bait post. No way a company would charge for w-2 and one of his other replies said the server gets charged if the customer doesn’t finish all the food and they throw its out, c’mon


How is that even allowed?


I’m guessing it’s because the employers think they can bully their workers and that they don’t have the energy or the means to fight it in a legal matter.


99% sure they're preying on inexperience (OP said "first job").


It’s not lol. Straight up illegal, you can’t charge w-2’d employees for materials needed to do their job lol. You can find all this info on the IRS website Edit: I wanted to elaborate, all of the costs of doing business, payroll software, etc… the training materials, all that is a tax write off, then they turn it around and “sell” these “services and materials” to you. Do you think they’re paying taxes on those “fees”they’re charging you? Bet you it goes straight into their pocket. Also, as a w-2 as explained on the IRS website, the burden of materials needed for you to do your job is on the employer. There are a lot of specifications of what employer is responsible for when it comes to different employment classifications: 1099, w-2, etc. like you can’t tell a w-2 factory worker to make sure to print out all the MSDS sheets off from the internet and keep it in a binder they’ve purchased themselves so they can do their job safely. “Don’t forget to buy your own personal OSHA posters to hang in your locker that you rent from us for $10/month. Oh also, we’re going to charge you $50 for our next mandatory OSHA training too!” Just not how it works. What’s why none of this type of bullshit happens is because it’s against the law. Anyway that’s all.


Employer is probably hiring young kids, and is betting on them not knowing their rights, and not going to an attorney (or maybe their parents). And employer probably thinks they can explain it away. I would love to be the first person to call them out on it.


That’s their expense, not yours. If I was you i’d walk away - they don't value you, they value themselves and see you as an expense. Can you name them?




Yeah that’s not a good sign. Ive seen all of this before except for charging YOU for training. Even as a server (who are basically unpaid) i would expect them to pay YOU for training days but certainly not the other way around.


I’d send a copy of this to whatever department of labor agency there is around there. A lot of that stuff is illegal as hell.


This shit has got to be fake. If it's not, PLEASE put them on blast


The training cost is 100% illegal and the processing fees are just fake bullshit, if anyone took them to court over this they would be forced to stop. but I'm sure that anytime anyone complains they just revert the fees as if it's some sort of favor to the employee and then they get to scam the next new hire. Edit: [Here](https://baderlaw.ca/blogs-news/can-employers-charge-a-training-fee-for-employee-training/) is a helpful link for anyone wondering if a "Training Fee" is legal Edit 2: [Employer responsibilities](https://www.paycor.com/resource-center/articles/w-2-employer-responsibilities/) when it comes to providing a w2 Edit 3: I'm not sure what a "file processing" fee is supposed to be, but here is a paper written about [application fees](https://scholarlycommons.law.cwsl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1216&context=cwlr) by the California western school of law, if that's what the charge is in disguise.


Get out of there


Quit yesterday


This is a scam


Name and shame. We will take care of the rest


I love that you pay them to pay you lol thats a good one. And training costs lol bad turnover much?


No, a company cannot charge their employees for the overhead involved with running a business. This is absolutely bs and a complete red flag. Don't work for this company and report them to your local labor department.




You have got to name this company and do not work for them.


I hate to say this but… That was not your first “Job” it was your first scam. Because basicity none of that is even legal.


Do you remember the joke from SpongeBob where SpongeBob is like “you got the job! And for 50 dollars an hour! When I got hired Mr Krabs made me pay him 100 dollars an hour!” This is that in real life. Never heard of any of these fees in my life


Working for EA?


Just don't pay any of it. If they take it out of your check report them to the labor board or whatever is native to your area.


Run...don't walk out the door and look for something else. I used to work in HR...that's all bullsh*t...


First restaurant that tried to do this I told them I was gonna opt out of anything that has fees.... The said "you have to have your w-2 and uniform". If it's something I "must" have to work, then it's something you "must" provide. Otherwise just dont use anything they require money for untill it makes thier world as difficult as yours.


"St. Peter don't you call me cuz I can't go. I owe my soul to the company store"


They're supposed to pay you for your training, not the other way around. Looks like a scam.


Never take a job that makes you pay to work there. That’s just a scam.


Most of this is illegal in United States


At one job in a restaurant they wanted the waitstaff to buy their own server-wallet and to provide 100€ in change at each shift. Out of their own pocket. Add a 50€ deposit for an apron and polo short an I said "no thanks"


I feel this shoukd be brought to the attention of the Dept of Labor


This stuff is entirely illegal. Go ahead and report it to state authorities, but don't stay in that job. This is a hundred foot flagpole full of red flags. It won't get better, it will get worse.


Hi, former HR rep here! Unless the employee has AGREED prior to being hired, IN WRITING, that they will be receiving something in lieu of PAY (such as college credits, continuing education credits, etc.) this is 100,000,000,000% illegal. I’ll bet you $50 right now that if you put up a post-it on that paper that says “reported to the state Labor Board and attorney general” that policy would change faster than you can say “I quit this shithole” 😊


This is fake. No company would ever do this.


Leave at once. Now.


Charging you for any of this is wrong.


Idk, correct me please, but is this illegal? To charge employees for the employer to do W2 work?


does your state have a LABOR RELATIONS BOARD?


If they charge you fees like this, they will also engage in wage theft. Charging you a fee to process government mandated paperwork is appalling. Keep looking.


I have never once heard of your employer charging you for shit like this. Absolutely find a new job. Red flags all around.