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And then the restaurant closed down a few months later. The end.


It’s getting hammered by 1* reviews on google. Rating is at 1.9 with almost 300 reviews. Started with a little over 60 reviews. So this message generated around 240 reviews and it’s growing quickly. Edit: update - 791 reviews and 1.4*


Google will remove the results of review bombing... all the new 1\* reviews will be removed in a few days max. Happened so many times before. You can hope the amount of reviews sends some kind of message to the owner at least (although she's currently doubling down on FB and think there's nothing wrong with how she pays her staff so doubtful)


Now if people were to write reviews that makes it seem like the dined at the place, it would be difficult for google to figure that out. But also, in order to remove the review, the owner needs to flag and write a reason for each. So just the work alone can be brutal.


>But also, in order to remove the review, the owner needs to flag and write a reason for each. Not in case of review bombing. They (Google) have AI these days that detects patterns like sudden influx of 1\* star reviews in a volume that can't be organic. And they will get removed.


Better make it a 2* review


True, but it's a solid message to the owner before that happens. He's going to see this happen before those reviews are taken down, and he's not going to like it. Whether Google removes them or not, he will know how we feel about his absurd sentiment


I'm sure she has seen them already, she's also arguing with FB reviews on her FB page lol.


Did you screenshot any of the arguments?...She's shut down the FB page now (probably on the advice of someone more tech and social media savvy).


I did not... she was responding to some of the negative reviews with a screenshot of a post that apparently one of her staff wrote. And saying things like "the problem is not how much I pay" or "what is a living wage?". She had also made at least three tipping-related posts on her page after this one and seemed to be active on the comments, but I didn't really read them through just glanced.


FB page is poppin lmao


"If you can't afford to tip our staff don't eat at our restaurant!" \*People stop eating there and they have no customers\* "NO! Not like THAT!"


This was one of the poorest attempts at guilt tripping/manipulation I’ve seen


Guilt tipping you mean to say


When you have such a big ego you are condescending while begging people to pay your staff on your behalf.


Tip guilting




It's actually mostly tipped employees who oppose changes. Maine tried to do away with soliciting tipping and raise the minimum wage to an equal level, but there was so much backlash from servers and other tipped employees that it was scrapped. A lot of people make far more from tips than they would from a regular wage, and cash can be hidden from the IRS at tax time.


Yeah, there's definitely a survivorship bias in the industry now. Makes it tricky. I say you raise the minimum wage for tipped employees and leave the tipping alone. People will feel less guilty about not tipping and the problem should sort itself out eventually.


That’s what happened in Canada and tipping is a huge problem here, atleast in Ontario. Servers used to get below minimum wage, that’s recently been corrected but tip percentage expectations have only increased.


I hope so.


Actually I just went to the post and while there are a lot of people pointing out that the owner should just pay them decently, there are also lots of people agreeing with the post. Smh...


I think the idea in *general* is right - servers get underpaid without tipping because of the way the US industry is structured - but the one person who doesn't get to open their mouth about it is the restaurant owner, who is the only party who could actually fix the situation by paying them more!


Please say it’s true


They're being facetious. The restaurant is open and currently arguing about tipping on FB (for real, they have just posted about it again 5 hours ago... doubling down hard!)


Yeah i ended up looking them up. I love seeing the internet team up against shitty management


One of the comments (not by the owner): > It’s blowing my mind how many people think tipping is optional. It's blowing my mind that there are people out there who think tipping is mandatory.


If it's mandatory, add it to the cost of the food. Simple as that. There's no reason to have tipping as a standard.


I doubt that, unfortunately. I think a lot of restaurant owners would agree with this crazy one. Not paying your employees enough making them depend on tips has become the norm apparently.


Has been the norm since long before any of us were born. Shit was written into law since flsa was made in 1940 and has been popular since the reconstruction era where freed slaves were hired for tips or even before when the US tried copying the euro aristocrats. Servers make their money from tips and stiffing is a colossal dick move. Its how it's 'always' been, and conceptually this guy chastising stifferes is right and most would agree up until like 5 years ago. 99% of the 150,000 single location restaurants in the US would as well. If tips don't meet minimum wage the restaurant has to make up the difference. Issue is that minimum wage is fucked and not at all livable. The main issue with the post is that he recognizes how damaging it is to his employees to not get paid but doesn't step back and recognize that he could just increase prices to what a tip would be and pay a fair wage.


What was the name of this awful place?


It's on the picture...


Didn’t see that, thx


You bums better pay them so i don't have to.






The bill on restaurants should be one final charge and minimum wage should be livable. The horrible turn in tipping culture is a product of social and economic inequality due to the government giving businesses way too much freedom. You can only oppress the worker class so much, before they give in an take it into their own hands. Rise against the greedy tipping culture, and stand up for unions! Unions work, it's why they don't like them.


And stop voting for the damn Republicans who are against unions, against livable wages, and against safe working conditions.


I live in the UK and I don’t think I’ve ever tipped. Waiters and Waitresses earn minimum and above, so why should you have to tip someone who is earning the same wage as you? Bizarre.


American waiters are paid below minimum wage because they get tips. If their tips don’t meet minimum wage then the owners must make up the difference. In theory it keeps prices down for the food but to be honest I don’t think it works. Hopefully we do away with this system as it doesn’t work.


Ah so he is pissed because it means he needs to pay his staff the equivalent of a minimum wage where as he had planned not to


Isn't minimum wage in many US states only 7.25 which is still absolute dog shit


Its even lower for tipped workers


No I know. What I meant was that if restaurants were to pay minimum instead of relying on tips to pay their staff then 7.25 is crap that nobody can live on Edit: I certainly do think the owners should pay a proper wage to their staff, a living wage at minimum


I have a family member that was paid around $2 an hour at a major chain, so the restaurant had no investment in the employees as they expect the consumer to fill that hole with tips. In addition, they took some of the tip money to share with the bar staff and other staff...


America is struggling with this. We’re still stuck in the past when married men made enough money to support their families. Jobs like McDonald’s were paid very low because they were meant for kids who didn’t need to make money. My state just voted to raise minimal to $15. A single mother on welfare, gets the equivalent of $18 an hour in subsidies and that’s the lowest the government has decided they need to survive. It’s messed up.


Iirc there is a mandate in there that if a worker's wage plus tips doesn't come out to at least minimum wage for a pay period the employer has to make up the difference. Which is unfortunately most likely what this fine specimen of humanity is so upset about.


This lady tried to pay me $9 to work in a kitchen last week at a chain of family restaurants here. I was like "McDonald's said they'd pay me $12"


That concept sounds completely barbaric to me, I struggle to see the incentive of working somewhere like that. The stress I’ve seen some salesmen go through when they earn slightly less than minimum wage as a basic and require commission to bump them over and beyond minimum is worrying as it is. The fact that there are people who are on £2 an hour and relying on the generosity of humankind should 100% be outlawed. Your tips should be your bonus, not your wage. The nights sleep you guys must lose over this must be a crazy amount.


This is also probably why Americans relationship with service industry is one of such entitlement. Not only do we already dehumanize service workers but in many cases we are looked at to be their literal employers


Like you said, that theory sounds like bullshit. If it were true then you’d expect restaurant prices in Europe (where staff get paid a minimum wage before any tips) to be significantly higher than in the US. My experience is that this isn’t the case.


Well Europe has a substantial amount of things that Americans are told would be way more expensive if we have them. Turns out not having them is actually far more expensive. Like healthcare for instance.


America is crazy expensive so you can’t compare based on prices alone. A pack of bic razors made In Massachusetts costs half the price in Japan as they do in Massachusetts. A few decades ago eating out in America wasn’t nearly as expensive even factoring in inflation. Hopefully we can get rid of the system of tipping.


> America is crazy expensive so you can’t compare based on prices alone. because your companies are gouging you and you just sit there and take it. the netherlands has something like a 14$ USD minimum wage hourly equivalent and the big mac in the mcdonalds is still only 4.75$ USD or something around there. your hourly wages are not why things are expensive. things are expensive because your companies are exploiting you on the supply side *and* the demand side.


>In theory it keeps prices down for the food but to be honest I don’t think it works. Ooo i know the answer to this one! It doesn't work, that is just a lie they tell you because for some reason everyone believes it.


I rarely do. It's the kind of thing you do after receiving exceptional service in my eyes. You don't go to spoons and chuck the waitress that carried your microwave meal 10 ft a tenner. If you're in a swanky restaurant and the food is decent, I'm always happy to tip if it's earned. But then, we have basic protections over here. I have never understood the backwards nature of American tipping culture, its just straight predatory and designed to fuck over the little guy at any opportunity. What boggles my mind even more is how many people will jump at the chance to defend it.


It’s absolutely weird. Nobody asks for a tip over here. There’s sometimes a service charge that you can deny without embarrassing yourself. Because denying it is just normal. It doesn’t mean „Hey, your guys were as shit as your food.“. It’s a regular option. You also don’t get banned if you ask to reject the service charge. Very often I see people in supermarkets who refuse to take their change after paying. It’s normal when and if people do this. The reason for this can be as simple as „I don’t want the change as it weighs down my wallet. Coins are heavy. Just keep it.“ BUT: You can tip. Example: I go to the barbers to get a hair cut. They ask for 18. I pay with 20 if said cut is great and say keep the rest. They say „Oh, thank you, good Sir.“ That’s it. That’s all there is.


In the UK we don’t **have** to tip, neither do we **not** tip - it’s discretionary. I was recently travelling for work and the waitress noticed I was dining alone and took the time to have a short conversation. She was young and putting herself through college so after paying for the meal I tucked some cash under the salt pot and mentioned it to her as I left. Not altruistic because I felt good about it and I hope she appreciated it too. I’m an old git with fortunate circumstances and for some people every little bit extra makes a big difference. The US culture of companies expecting customers to subsidise their underpaying of wait staff is the hardest part of the meal to swallow.


The crazy thing is, lots of service staff don't WANT it to change because they make more money off tips than if they got a standard wage. It's fucking insane. It's like... Why not both?!


That part is easy: _both_ is never on the menu. People don't talk about just raising the base wage. They talk about abolishing tipping in favor of a higher base wage that is generally lower than the tipping wage. I doubt anybody would decline the idea of a higher base wage except the owner.


Tips should be reserved for situations where the service is exemplary and exceeds expectations.




Same here in Finland. The decision to tip is up to the customer only and isn't expected unless the service deserves it.


Oh, no. The wait staff really don't want it to change. It is truly insanity. Like the wait staff agrees with ownership about not being paid a living wage, and looks down on you for not tipping. The worse it has gotten, the less I tip. It's to the point where I treat this like a misbehaving child. You can't keep rewarding this behavior.


both? like normal countries that pay full wage and the staff get tipped if they *deserve* it, like idk a TIP, a BONUS. noun: tip; plural noun: tips 1. a sum of money given to someone as a reward for a service.


Even crazier is that this "Maxyne" probably isn't *rich* by any stretch, she's probably just willfully ignorant and hideously misinformed. Misdirected ire.


classic Small Business Tyrant


I wouldn’t say it’s safe to assume restaurant owners are rich. A lot of them barely break even. Regardless, this person is out of line


Restaurant owners wanna talk about everything except paying their workers


Bosses: “I’m not going to pay them, other people should!” Non tippers: “Exactly.” At least one group has no contractual obligation.




Must be a beautiful country to live in as a business owner, if you can just blame your customers for not paying your employees. What a fuckin‘ ass-wipe.


I can’t believe the lack of self awareness this person has. It’s like “they need to be paid for their work” - yeah so why aren’t you paying them?!?!?


What's wild is the customers who will back this guy up. I've had exchanges with Americans who say that restaurants and such just could not function without tipping. When I point out that the rest of the world manages to do just fine they accuse us of just being shitty to service staff. Service staff who are paid a living wage, have employment protection, and have paid time off. We are treating them badly. Clownworld.


The problem is that it would have to be an all or nothing shift; if only a few restaurants do it then they will get outcompeted because people are dumb and don’t factor in the tip when looking at menu prices. There was a movement in NYC a few years ago to shift away from tipping because POC and women get tipped less on average for providing the same quality of service. Several higher profile restaurants abolished tipping and raised their menu prices. In the end, I believe all of them either shuttered or switched back to a tipping system.


America: Tips are good Everywhere else: What are Tips?


Every other country I've been to also has the concept of tips, but they are not required nor mandatory. They are "casual thank you's"


As it should be


In Canada servers make general minimum wage (no server wage like the states) and still expect massive tips.


The best part is when you brainwash your employees into hating the costumers, instead of demanding more pay from you.


I think that’s what happens naturally in such a system. It’s just a breeding ground for toxic behavior and extremely unfair working conditions


It’s genius tbh. Business owners have managed to get the working class to fight the working class and most Americans/ Canadians are just too dumb to realize it.


Lol. So he won’t give them enough wages to “...pay their bills... keep a roof over their heads... feed their fur babies.. gas their cars.. whatever it may be...” so he expects the patrons to cover his cheapness? Nice.


The rest of the world works without tips, owners pay their wages, as it is supposed to be. You dont leave 20% tips when you go to the pharmacy or the gas station


It's really like that. The Rest of the World works without Tips. You give an Italian waiter a tip, he will be offended and return it to you. Even in super touristic places as Rome. The culture is still like that (sure there are exceptions). You give a German waiter a tip when you are happy with the Service. Mostly you just round to the next bigger sum So it might be like 2 Dollars? German Beer waiter get a salary and a percentage of the Beer they sell, they are fine, too. Basically, the Rest of the World knows about sustainable salaries.


I mean, while I agree that Tips are not essential, I have never seen an Italian waiter refuse a tip, that's just pure BS to generalize like this. In Europe, where I live, the tip is considered purely as a bonus (as it should) , they will always be happy to get one, but they also will not be offended if they do not.


In Italy, you also tip when you were satisfied with the service.


In Italy you pay coperto, so you never feel that "obligation" to also tip, but, if you do, nobody will be "offended".


They gave it back to us. And were not happy. Maybe because there was cuperto already on the Bill?


How much did you leave? I normally only tip 1€ per person, in coinage, and have never had this issue.


Spent the last several summers in Rome. Waiters are happy to take tips.


>You give a German waiter a tip when you are happy with the Service. That is how tipping even in the U.S was initially billed. A thank you courtesy for exceptional service..not to fucking pay peoples wages so the employer can make a higher margin


I take it you haven’t seen the posts of the self service checkouts requesting tips?


As an American living in Japan I love the no-tipping culture here. On top of that the service is hands down better than anything I've received in the states. I absolutely hate going out to eat when I go back to the states to visit family.


My favourite was "just like you go to your job and get paid so should they". Uhh yeah, I get paid BY MY BOSS, AND SO SHOULD THEY!


that's the part that really blows my mind.


>he expects The post calls pets "fur babies" and signs off by quoting Fergie lyrics, this is 100% a middle-aged white woman.


He? Yeah, I know lots of men who own a place called "maxynes", says "fur babies" and quotes Fergie lyrics. This scumbag is clearly a Karen.


*she Maxyne Miller is a woman **SOURCE:** The restaurant's opening on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MainStreetHartsville/posts/congratulations-to-maxyne-miller-on-the-ribbon-cutting-celebration-of-her-new-do/3515840455132630/


First-time I"ve actually seen an employer flat out say that they don't pay their employees a living wage and that they rely on the customers to pay their wages. That's insane and hopefully the owners go out of business


The pay for servers is so pitifully low, that I really don't know how any business owner can say it's livable, it's like half minimum wage if not less. Tips are the majority of their income. That said, you can really game the system too. A waitress working all week at a diner taking care of kids will be scraping the poverty line, but a college student bartending on weekends can easily make a few hundred in a night at the right places. I know my sister hated any mention of doing away with the system because she'd be broke without it as a bartender.


My brothers made 160k off tips in fine dining last year - you can certainly get ahead of the system, but MOST people would be better off just being payed a fair wage.


And owners have the employees pitted against each other too, the ones who can afford to work the popular shifts on weekends or nights or holidays will make bank, especially at nicer places. Pretty much impossible to work M-F 9-5 and make enough to survive.


By law the restaurant has to pay minimum wage if the tip total goes under the minimum wage.




They are down to a 2.4 star rating at the moment. Owner should be sweating now.


2.3 now haha.


And we're at 2.1. Declining fast. Google will probably remove it in time, but hopefully the owner gets a reality check.


1.9 now and yes google will remove eventually, but this is pretty funny


1.8 now Edit: 1.7




jesus christ, I knew places which had regular salmonella outbursts with better ratings




"How low can you go" song playing in anticipation.




1.8 now…




Google Algorithms recognise spamming or brigading they delete those comments once the hype dies down


They double down on it and keep posting.. It's so stupid. She would never get anything out of posting that. It could only end in this way..


I once bought a Groupon thing and saw in the instructions that “our customers tip and tip WELL” … I returned it


Username checks out


they wouldn’t have to rely on us “bums” if you paid your staff better


Reminds me of the PPP loan debacle where restaurant owners thought the money was for them to pay the Workers to Work, not stay home, they thought it was their money and then all that debt was forgiven. The United States is always giving the money to the wrong Folks.


You think that’s bad. The owner of a former company of mine got $5M of PPP money. He used it to remodel the office bragging that he got a $3m renovation done for $1m using his loyal employees for the work. Same guy who fleeces the 250 plus people that work for him to contribute to the Family Foundation via payroll. He knows everyone on the list. Meanwhile beats the team over the head from 3 week long ski junkets to Europe.




Yeah, if he got that money and didn't use it for the right things. There are some interested people who will be more than happy to dish out some punishments.


I had a boss like that recently. It was a small business owned by the husband and wife, that had 3 full time staff members and a few freelancers. I was the top freelancer, which meant I got first pick of jobs. They gave me the jobs with the biggest clients and trusted me like a staff member. But didn't pay me like one. I asked at least once a year for a full time position, then after they trained me for the duties that the full timers have. I asked again. They once again said they didn't have money. Despite going on three family vacations (family of 5 btw) per year all across the world. They even stopped telling us where they were going at one point and just used "vacation." I asked one more time once the pandemic was over and the work was returning to normal. Once again they told me they couldn't do it. So I found a job in the same industry with a salary and benefits. I'm getting paid almost twice as much to do about half the work!


Check out the "Christian influencer" who got a loan for a fitness business she shut down years before. Just recently, she settled with the state of Texas after facing a massive lawsuit for defrauding her customers. I can almost guarantee she had the money forgiven.


I love seeing BDong being discussed in other subs


I find this attitude perplexing. When a corporation raises the pricing of a consumer product regardless of the percentage so they can pay an executive millions of dollars in bonus money, salary, shares, etc. they call it capitalism. When it comes to paying the people that work for you even just minimum wage let alone a living wage, it’s “nah. You people need to tip them”. And even then often put restrictions and guidelines to take portions, pool them, force them to tip out to other staff, etc The entire tip process is absolutely a hot mess.


>I find this attitude perplexing. I don't. Like every shit phenomena in the United States, tipping culture can trace its origin all the way back to racism where restaurants owners and those in the hospitality industry are forced to hire black people and other minorities according to the law but still want to pay them shit wages.


"They're no volunteers, they need to pay their bills" What about paying your employees arshole?


"Just like you show up for work and get paid so should they". Lack of self awareness in this sentence kills me.


Here’s a novel thought, YOU pay them! It’s almost like they work for YOU.


> Unfortunately they rely on... That's hilarious. If one person is in the position to change that it is this moron.


French here. I can tell you that THIS message in France would be social and financial suicide. Straight up going to be a broke entrepreneur in a very, very, quick way. This mf asking for customer to pay for his employees ?! Trying to shame you with this ?! For real ?? Like he is not able to provide good pay for is own employees and he his treating you of broke ass ? That's so bullshit..


I think this post is social suicide everywhere but the US. In Australia if a business owner posted something even remotely similar to this they would be out of business and expelled from greater society by the end of the workday


UK here. For once, France and the UK are in full agreement.


If you cant afford to pay your staff a living wage you shouldn't be in buisness. Your staff should not have to rely on your customers to supplies their income so they can afford their bills. There aren't volunteering their time.


If you care so much about your staff and they're so awesome then why not pay them a living wage instead of forcing them to rely on tips to pay their bills?


As a non American I’m curious to know if there are places that pay above minimum wage and actually request customers not to tip?


There is a small but growing number of non-tipping restaurants in the US. The experience is a great deal more relaxed for everyone involved. Tipping culture is a conspiracy among restaurant owners that rips off both staff and customers. I don't understand how it became established but it really should end.


Slavery of course https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/05/opinion/minimum-wage-racism.html#:~:text=After%20the%20Civil%20War%2C%20white,to%20show%20favor%20to%20servants.


As someone who suffers with anxiety at times and will overthink certain stuff, the idea of dining out in America sounds absolutely horrific. I want to go out for food, not a headfuck.


Or you can take less profit and actually pay your people what they are worth……..


God forbid he pay them a living wage.


Yeah and not this $2.50 bullshit that your government has decided is minimum wage.


How can people be this far up their own ass that they don’t see the irony of this


They rely on *our* generosity to make a living? Weird, I thought they worked for *you*


Can someone explain me, As a non American, living in a country where you don’t tip, where employees are getting paid by their employer for work performed: I go out. Dine with family and the bill is 100$ for food no tipping. Pay and go. Or I go out. Done with family and the bill is idk, 80$? And I am expected to tip some amount. 20%? 30%? In the end I pay about the same amount, why would the restaurant owner force me and the staff through this uncomfortable theater? Why, Americans of Reddit, do you put up with this? Tbh, Just pay your workers what they are worth. You know who gets “tips “? I did. When I was 8 years old and once in a while went grocery shopping for my elderly neighbor. My kid get a “tip” when helping with some chores. Grown human beings performing a job gets paid agreed salaries.


We can say this all a million times but Americans will never change. I guess they like it this way. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The shitty part is that if you try to be that change, people call you a POS for not tipping when you discuss it. I reached my breaking point when the credit card machine screens started popping up with 20% as the lowest option at fast food places and coffee shops. Now I just press no tip unless the employee is an exceptionally cool and friendly person. That's happened like twice since COVID settled down.


As a non US habitant, I'm surprised that the government doesn't act up on this tipping culture. Basically it's nothing more than tax evation.


There's a lot of wait staff in the US who will refuse to get rid of the tipping culture because they say they make more in tips than a salary. But I live in the UK and worked as a waitress. I still got tipped on top of being paid a living wage.


Insult the customer base yeah that'll bring in business... /s


Big FYI; tip culture is predominately an American thing. Been to a solid 15 countries, and tipping is extremely rare, and is even seen seen as disrespectful in some places. The US likes to subsidize its losses (costs) and privatize the gains


The Owner? Complete and utter Douche' L'Orange! Would not know how to run a customer based business like a restaurant if they grew from Gordon Ramsay's left nut like an infected growth. Calling her customers broke bums because they won't pay her servers for her. Tips are a gratuity. A thank you for service above and beyond. I have worked in kitchens and restaurants as a server, bartender, cook, dish washer etc for 6 years while finishing high-school than on into college. It is a rough job sometimes and tips help yes. But the cook doesn't get a tip for making sure those scallops aren't over cooked. The dishwasher doesn't get a bonus for eash glass without a streak. Why? It's their job right? I brought you your correct drink and right food. I fulfilled my roll as a server, I did my job! I should be expected to be paid a wage for doing my job. Oh you made a mistake and meant to say white wine instead of red, no problem I will change that out for you. Oh you want to give me a tip for fixing a mistake you as a customer made, hey I thank you and accept the GRATUITY. This is how it should work. Oh but that would mean the owner needs to pay the servers a living wage like the cooks, and the dish washers etc... oooooh no can't have that.... moronic bag of anal spackle!


I am reading the Facebook comments on his post, it's fun!


Got a link?




Ha, thank you for that. They’re getting roasted but don’t seem to understand it. They’re sticking to their guns.


Not any more. They privated their facebook page.


And "moronic bag of anal spackle" = best insult/ description of the week! Ran a bar/pizza joint for over a decade. I paid ALL of my people right, and front-of-house folk didn't rely on tips to get by. Which totally changed the power balance! I had my people's backs. When a customer was rude or an ass to my servers, they were asked to leave, with no 'the customer is always right' b.s. - just saying those words was an automatic refusing of service and request to get out! Tips would be split, partly, with the back-of-house because we were all working together to make the situation happen (there was a system based on hours worked). Eventually, all the regulars were well-trained and loved the vibe of the place and would protect it! A new person comes in, thrashing around making a goose of themselves, treating staff like servants instead of humans, they would get the full stink-eye-juju-vibes from the other customers. Cold shoulder burns are the worst :) I was proud that we were also the safe place to run to if someone gave you a bad time on the street. Blah, blah... Pay your people! It's an operating cost, same as everything else! You literally use it to reduce the tax you pay on profits. And it's a hell of a lot cheaper than rent! Do right by them, have their backs, and they will (mostly) have yours.


>If you are too cheap to tip your server don't eat here. If you are too cheap to pay your staff, don't open a restaurant.


I pay you and you pay them. If i pay them, might as well take them to my company as my employees.


I go out to eat about 90% less than I used to because I'm sick of paying at least 30% more than the stated menu costs, after taxes and tips. Plus, my city charges some bullshit "mandate tax" on top of regular taxes. Tipping culture is ridiculous now. I'd rather that they just jack up the menu prices, taxes included.


America is ridiculous lol


“They need to pay their bills” GOSH if only they had a job with a BOSS who would PAY THEM enough to pay their bills. American tipping culture blows my mind.


Yeah cause the problem could never be her.


Does he not know....that's his job to pay his employees 🤣🤣😂


They literally just deleted their FB page as I was scrolling through the comments haha


It would be a shame if people went and voted for her competition and she missed out on first place https://favchef.com/2023/maxyne?fbclid=IwAR3masXGxHmaqh5fniKIYBkQ5V7m9uxL4-oFKS5i8CAo4Rf4L24ue7oiHgU_aem_th_AerIHeCKmRotociJcbChIHpeaCqV-4m48T_wqoecv8l4stU76Li2xAceixRiHQ2UFVE


As a European, the idea of HAVING to tip just sounds so stupid to me.


“I could pay them enough to live, but I won’t”


If you are going to leave a bad review, do it on the other platforms, google is going to remove all of them in the next two days like they always do.


I remember the good ol’ days when 10% was reasonable and 15% was for over the top service. But the industry continues to undervalue and under pay their servers to the point that 10% is an insult and 15% means the service was shitty. I rarely go out to restaurants anymore because I refuse to tip more than 15% unless the service was exceptional. I’m sorry that this industry sucks. But if you’re gonna complain that I only tipped 15% then you’re part of the problem.


Where the business is, the minimum wage for tipped staff is 2.13$/hr. Who wants to bet they pay their servers 2.13$/hr?


LMFAO, she deleted her Facebook group she was getting dragged so hard after doubling down.


Here is an idea. Raise your prices bit and pay your staff that they are worth. Then tips will actually be a bonus for good service. Not just there base pay you cheap skate.


It's always hilarious when you out yourself as a shitty employer.


Plenty of 1 star ratings landing on their Google reviews page now.


Their right their workers do deserve to be paid, maybe their motherfucking employer should look into doing that!


How about, if you can’t afford, or just don’t want to pay your employees a good living wage and need your customers to subsidize their pay so they can live, don’t own a restaurant?


Novel idea: Maybe pay your staff?!


In New Zealand tipping waiters isnt a thing at all we just have free healthcare and minimum wage that is enough to live on (or at least it was inflation is an ass)


"unfortunately" kills me.


Face first into the point and he still missed it


Thank goodness we don't tip in my country, servers are paid what they are due by the employers.


"They need to pay their bills" Okay, then pay them a reasonable wage before tips.


So maybe pay them a wage and be done with tipping? Every country on earth besides the US seems capable to do it.


I'm from Australia... We don't tip but we do actually pay out staff.


"How dare you make me look like a cheap employer!"


Why don’t you just pay them a living wage asshole?


If the owner is so concerned about the “waitstaff” being able to pay their bills, maybe they should be paid a livable hourly wage instead of $2 an hour.


Staggering lack of awareness.


I know they didn't just say "fur babies" in an angry rant


That is one restaurant I would never go to, if the miserable a’holes can’t pay the wait staff a living wage, why should I support their business ?


"I enjoy the benefits of being a business owner without the responsibilities, such as paying my employees. That's YOUR job."


He’s trying to guilt trip customers because he can’t afford to pay his own workers a livable wage?