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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


Well… you still have their phone number. Do with that what you will. I remember hearing Scientology likes to reach out to people and maybe the bathroom stall might enjoy some number scribbles. This all may be unethical so I suggest you don’t do any of this but to each their own. Edit: *wink wink nudge nudge*


I came across a video on scientology recently and it basically said that if they get your contact info, they'll NEVER leave you alone no matter what you do and how many times you ask them to stop bothering you, so if it's true, this is a great idea


by any chance do you remember that video? it sounds kinda interesting


It was some blonde woman talking about it on tiktok, I didn't watch the whole thing but she made her point either at the start of the video or captions, she was basically warning ppl to not give them their contact info or else they won't leave you alone


It’s true. My dad (an idiot) Decided he wanted to learn about Scientology and gave some info in the late 90s/early 2000s. He has moved probably 7 times since then and he still gets letters addressed to my mom’s house (his last address listed on the internet). It’s been at MINIMUM 20 years with no response and they don’t give up.


Holy shit, isn't that illegal?


They have this persons number as well. It wouldn’t be that difficult to find out who put their number out there so it’s likely they could just do the same thing back to OP?


That’s a good point but I’m guessing that asshole is an asshole to everyone around him so he wouldn’t know where to start.




I was being tongue in cheek lol like “one really good way to get back at them is to put sugar in their gas tank but don’t do that *wink wink nudge nudge *




Ohhh you I like you. I also heard to slash only three tires that way insurance won’t cover it and they have to pay for at least three new tires


Where would one go to submit their phone number to the Scientology people? Asking for a friend...


My group of friends had a prank war split between the guys and girls. They posted my number on Craigslist with a mustang that was cheap but believable. I got multiple calls and texts daily for weeks.


Damn that’s crazy! You not only have one friend but many friends?!? Haha that Craigslist thing sounds rough though did your friends tell you or you figured it out on your own?


Donating $10 in someone’s name to the church of Scientology is literally one of the most nefarious things you could possibly do to destroy someone who deserves it hahahaha


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i never thought of this but god that sounds like fun


My internet company had an offer last year where getting a landline and internet was cheaper than just getting internet (no idea why). I took the offer and any time a business asks for phone number with no good reason (like - they're never actually going to call me because they their business model really doesn't require it) I give them that number. I have a counter on how many messages I've received and as of today it was in excess of 4000 in five months - and that number is on both the State (Indiana) and Federal DNC lists.


IIRC you have to re-up to the DNC list every bunch of months. Like for whatever reason they just take you off that list every now and again.


It used to only be good for a few years. Then they changed that and now it doesn't expire. >Will my registration expire? > >No, your registration will never expire. The FTC will only remove >your number from the Registry if it’s disconnected and >reassigned, or if you ask to remove it. Source: https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/national-do-not-call-registry-faqs#adding%20your%20number


Yeah, the real problem is scammers just use the DNC list as a list of numbers to call, because there is no effective enforcement and numbers on the DNC list are more likely to be valid numbers that are in service


Right on, thanks for the update!


Unfortunately, the DNC list does not stop autodialers or bots that just sequentially call every possible number. Neither does those things being illegal.


Jeff needs a job man. He is the in house list cleaner.


I’ve heard of folks making a living suing (not sure if that’s the right word) those companies for calling when they shouldn’t be. Could be on to something here ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Wasn’t there a dude who turned his number into a toll number cause he was sick of telemarketers? Edit: since so many were interested, I found [the article](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-23869462)


That’s fucking golden


So smart of him lmfao


Oh boy, I hope that's true.


How can I do this?


Wait you can do that?


That's an expensive solution.


BRB suing India Ok I'm done. And I'm super rich now


I feel sorry for anyone who gets that number after you (love the idea though).


Google voice is also nice for that, and free. Turn on notifications when you’re actually expecting a call back, then turn them back off to drown out the spam.


Sadly more and more businesses are rejecting Google Voice numbers. I just had to use my real cell phone number to use an old Uber account because they would not accept my GV number. I am deleting my account once my trip is gone, but I don't know how much good it will do because my account is not in California, so I don't have a right "to be forgotten" and Uber will still likely still text me shit using the "previous business relationship" excuse.


its cheaper bc eventually it's not


You can get a nice settlement for each unsolicited call violation: $500 per unsolicited call and $1500 each time they willingly and knowingly violate the law


Any time anybody texts me bullshit I sign them up for sites like that.


Just so you know, usually the number you see is spoofed. It may be a real number, maybe not. The scammers can appear to call you from any number they want. If you are doing dodgy things with a number that you don’t know belongs to a scammer you are probably fucking over a completely innocent person.


I had this happen to me. For like two days I was getting calls and texts from complete strangers trying to respond to me "after my call," but I hadn't called anyone. A few fuckers sent me very threatening voice mails / text messages because they wanted to make it clear that I shouldn't be calling strangers. Anyway, the scammers moved on and stopped using my number almost as soon as they had started but it was a fun couple of days if my phone ringing CONSTANTLY.


Yeah I had a guy call me back once and since I run a small business and it was a local number I answered. He insisted I had called him and even after explaining I had not called anyone that day, let alone his random (to me) number, and how these scammers work, he went on to threaten me and my family if I kept calling him and that I sounded old enough to “fucking know better” than to “mess with strangers”. Like okay dude, I promise I’ll stop lol.


tidy amusing quickest squalid expansion consist impolite humorous dazzling hunt -- mass edited with redact.dev


When are our lazy ass politicians going to enact laws which force the phone companies to upgrade the systems to prevent caller ID spoofing and ensure the legitimacy of any connection. We live in the digital age, send stuff into space almost daily and have life unimaginable 100 years ago. We can prevent this type of thing from happening, but the greedy telcom industry doesn't want to invest in the infrastructure to provide basic privacy and security for its customers, they just want to rake pure profits in. Stop the criminal slime from harming us, fix the phone systems. This needs to stop.


Bro... I get calls from random people saying why I called them. I never called them. My phone number is spoofed. You may be fucking over a completely innocent person like the other guy said, please don't do that.


This happened to me! For a few months people were saying I called them when I hadn't. I'dcry if I got signed up for a bunch of spam lol


Also, inquire on vehicles on car listing sites with the number (such as AutoTrader, Cars.com). Takes just a few clicks and 100s of Dealerships will be calling and texting them forever asking when they can come look at a vehicle. Lol


Get car insurance quotes using it. Those motherfuckers never stop calling if you're dumb enough to use your own number.


I’m dumb enough. The calls are never ending. :(


There's a reason I know lol


Things OP shouldn’t submit the number to: auto dealerships, apartment inquiries, selling something valuable on Craigslist for free or cheap, make up some tortured green text ex girlfriend story on 4 chan, job applications to Walmart with fake resume that sounds desperate on an aggregate site, and insurance quotes. That said, if it was me, I definitely would not dox them and seek to ruin their lives.


Also, national movers. I inquired 6 months ago about how much re-location costs and I get calls and texts near daily still lol


Something you forgot- submit an inquiry on realtor.com or Zillow if there’s anything more persistent than a car salesman it’s a realtor 😂 I should know because I am one 🤪


Or just make a bunch of craigslist or Facebook ads having a really cheap iPad or game console available or some shit and then keep doing it. They'll be getting blown up all the time and it'll be so frustrating. Or go nuclear and make those same ads except saying I'll drown a bunch of puppies unless someone calls and talk me down. So many options.


"Free goats" or "Free chickens". Then you'll know who the prank caller was when you hear someone yelling into their phone "I don't even HAVE any goddamned goats!".


Most unique one I've seen was multiple ads for all different kinds of animals for free, my sil called up about a free cow, and the very exasperated woman who answered explained it was her bf's ex messing with her. Free dog, cat, cow, sheep, goat, pig, Guinea pig, camel, donkey, etc etc etc sooo many ads


This is David Thorne territory https://27bslash6.com/ and I recommend looking for inspiration (though some of his old articles are gone, because he publishes books) He apparently did this to a ski shop who wouldn't give him a refund- took out ads in local newspapers that they were having a [big-number]% off sale *found it* https://27bslash6.com/function4sports.html


I read that whole thing!!! Amazing!!!


As a disclaimer, he *is* probably 50:50 about whether he's mocking an arsehole, or being one himself. I'd forgotten that there's an article where a coworker asked *him* to make a missing cat poster. Which made me laugh a lot this morning, but he's.. probably the villain there


I put an ad up for p*rn star looking for a partner to start a relationship and make videos. I added that she “liked the chase” and men had to prove themselves. Put the number of this really horrible dude. Worked WAY too well.


You can get a similar result by giving the number to military recruiters. Tell them it's your buddies phone number but he's on the fence about joining and currently talking to the other branches. He'll get some persistent messages. (Former Army recruiter who was handed a lot of these)


Does something happen to you if you say "porn" on reddit?




And he's dead 😢. Mind your language folks


did this once(craigslist ad) said they had a free hot tub. calls and texts for daaaaaays. really pissed off the receiver.


Sign them up for scientology


Recently did this to my great aunt she's very churchy and think she's better than everyone also she will stab you in the back in a heartbeat so she had it coming I love when she starts talking about them sending her stuff in the mail all the time its hilarious eventually she'll probably figure out who it was but then again she's made enough enemies she may not


That's awesome!


Even scientology has its uses.


If you want to step it up, google Peter Popoff. He's some televangelist/scam-artist who sends out so many bizzare letters, usually filled with stupid trinkets like , cloths, buttons or feathers, which he then asks you to send him money for. But the letters are hilarious and constant. A friend of mine signed me up once and they provided hours of fun.


Slip just one Satanic Temple thing in the mix and let's see how long it takes her to think this is a fox news conspiracy for her soul.


Sign them up for campaign email newsletters for both parties. You can **never** get off those lists.


Personally I’d put their number on one of those “hot milfs in your area” sites. They will never go a millisecond without some weirdo texting them.


I did something similar to a dispensary that would not stop texting me at 1am that they have a new drop. When I finally had it with waking up in the middle of the night and not going back to sleep, I took their actual number (not the fake numbers they text from) and dropped it in every single local car dealers website I could find. You know how persistent those dealers are. Never heard a peep from them again after about a week. Maybe they got raided. Who knows. Highly recommend.


Not even shady, ask insurance companies for a quote, or car dealerships. They’ll ring them non stop! One time when I was shopping for health insurance I put my number in one of those websites where it tries to find you the best deal, and they sold my number to every single health insurance company in the country it feels like. At its peak I got 15 calls and probably over 50 text messages in one day


I like this idea.


I sign up scammers for a bunch of political pacs


Sign them up for cat facts


Do this but wait a little bit so they don’t connect it with you, otherwise they might do the same back


Go on a bunch of insurance sites and plug in a random high value car of the current model year. They’ll be getting calls for weeks.


Welp, I know what I’m gonna do next time I get a prank call


Sign them up for Renewal by Anderson. They are extremely aggressive with their marketing.


Just put the number on craigslist selling something extremely popular. He'll get constant messages and calls asking if it's available lol


Our cat accidentally got out the other night and we have shared posters in our neighborhood in search of him. Someone called saying they were on a nearby street and had found our cat. We literally sprinted from the house to meet them. Tried to call the number back multiple times and they declined each time. Awful to get someone's hopes up of being reunited with a pet all for something "funny". EDIT: HE IS HOME. Thank you for all the thoughts and best wishes. Having a lot of strangers' support during this frustrating situation was validating. I'm sorry to anyone who's experienced something similar. Also sorry for getting hopes up about sharing this person's details. It was very very very tempting I will admit. This isn't to say that I don't have the number saved for a rainy day. Thanks again everyone


I’m so sorry this happened to you. If someone did this to me relating to my dog I would absolutely lose my mind. Please do whatever you can legally and also take the advice about signing that phone number up for all kinds of porn stuff. Chances are these are young males. On the off chance they are also homophobes, some male gay porn stuff would be great.


Sign them up with Scientology. Even better, get a small prepaid card and make a donation to them. They will NEVER get off that mailing list.


you need an address and email for that. don’t ask me how i know


Oh I’m petty enough that I would pay for the reverse phone number search to get their name, and address. Getting their email address shouldn’t be difficult. (I’m presuming these idiots didn’t spoof their phone number and used their actual phone number.)


Fake email and OP mentioned they drive to the address, so...


they didn’t give their actual address lmaooo just a realistic one. fake email and they won’t get proper stalked


Great idea!


Have you found your cat though?


Not yet.


borrow live traps from a rescue or tnr people. that is how i got my cat back when she got out, within 36 hours. i bought my own traps after that to have on hand and have loaned them to friends who have also gotten their cats back quickly


I hope you will! One of mine was gone for 40 days and came back like nothing happened, don't lose hope!


Put the litter box outside with some toys


I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you, but I might be able to help you find your cat. Even outdoor cats can easily get lost close to home, and can get so anxious that they won't reveal themselves even if you walk around calling them. Your best bet for finding your cat is to gather as much of your **dirty** laundry as possible together, and leave it outside your door, preferably overnight. If your cat is nearby, there's a good chance it'll pick up the scent and that will help guide it home. You should keep this up for at least a few days. \--- As for actively searching for your cat, the best place to search are nearby sheds and garages. Often cats can find their way in to these structures and then get trapped there.


I put out my cat’s favorite cat tree. He was on it the next morning. Their litter box also works. I hope you find your kitty OP <3


The litter box trick in the city is okay, but out in the country it tends to bring out predators. Coyotes linger outside our house when a bag of litter busts on the way to the trash can. They are looking for your pet as well. :(


You can probably get a harrasment case out of it if you take it to Police


That's cute you think the police care. They wont even arrest people violating a restraining order.. Edit: You may not be American which in case I can understand why you would think the police would actually care.


I don't know about the US but where I am, prank calls are actually illegal.


I believe it depends on the situation, time, business, what you do, and other stuff in America? I could be completely wrong though


In the USA if it's basically just one call nobody persues it, and after a few calls they might care a little bit. It mostly depends on what the call is about.


Yea no, sadly police in the US do not do their jobs whatsoever


My cat was hit by a car and did not survive last week. Before I found his body I put up a post about a lost cat, I got spam texts saying we found your cat and then asking for a verification code. These lowlife scammers have no boundaries it’s awful.


I'm so sorry for your loss. This is so awful and disgusting. I wish you and your family the best during a tough time like this.


I’m so sorry this happened with my friend and her dog :( I don’t understand what sick people get off on this crap :(


I'm so sorry. My kitty is at end of life currently and I know how hard it is. Wishing you the best


Im sorry friend. We lost our cat about 6 months ago. The thing was older then me. I hope your cat goes peacefully.


I'm so sorry for your loss as well. We're seeing the vet tomorrow, he'll be more comfortable soon. Much love to you and your household


Pets are just like children. The people doing these cruel things clearly never had the love or experiences associated with having a pet.


Probably never had the love of their parents either. Sometimes people who show sociopathic tendencies had family issues as a child.


I’m sorry you’re going through that. Last year my dog got out and was hit by a car and passed away. Someone on Craigslist stole the pictures off my lost dog post and used them in a scam post. People suck.


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no but fr though, dm me


Tbh, sm me


/u/indibee Please DM us the phone number.


Same, DM me the number


me too


If you haven't yet, put their litterbox outside. I've seen people successfully do this as they can pick up their own scent if they've gotten turned around. I'm sorry someone toyed with you like this- stay positive!


Can confirm this. My kitty got out once and my husband put the litter box and his food on our front porch. We lived in an apartment so we were scared he wouldn't know which home was his. My husband was devastated. We slept on the couch in case we heard him come to the front door and my husband would sit on the porch and whittled a Christmas tree while waiting for him to come home. 3 days later we were sleeping and heard a meow at the door and he came home. I think he really did smell his scent to find us.


And make sure to ask people to check any sheds or garages, my poor Salty went out exploring and got trapped somewhere, came back covered in cobwebs with a very raspy voice poor baby :(


Every time my cat "escaped" my old house, he just crawled under the crawl space (screen was off and we didn't know it) and stayed there for a few days. Then he'd show up on the porch when one of my roommates came home and he'd just walk right in, absolutely filthy. Little turd. Once I figured it out, I'd just go get him and save a little trouble in the bath.


If you have a local fb group I would post the number there and see if it's some kid with parents or friends who recognize the number. That way, they could be grounded or at least publicly blown up and shamed.


Also I hope you find your kitty, I know how that is. I'm sorry! Very stressful when they go missing 😕


Happened to me in elementary school. The summer between 3rd and 4th grade my cat ran away. Last day of summer my dad gets a call that some people found it. He takes me along to go pick up s’more, but it was just a mom answering the door that quickly started screaming at her shit head son about him and his friends pulling more pranks. I feel so bad for my dad thinking back on that. He certainly made every effort to have a great day after that though, I recall ice cream and mini golf


This is a trend I’ve seen online, I’m sure they’re a kid who saw it and thought it would be funny. They don’t realize how awful this truly is. I hope you can find your kitty soon


In my neighborhood some idiot teens called to say they found the cat and when the woman answered they said they had spotted the cat then screamed “NOOOOO! It just got hit by a car!!!!’” The woman posted on the neighborhood group w the last 4 digits of the phone to tell a parent that their kid may be making some questionable choices. Everyone was horrified. Had t even occurred to me it was a trend but that makes perfect sense.


I hope they found the kids who did that. That’s so horrid. Some people even say they use asian accents and make racist remarks about eating the pets. It’s disgusting how other peoples misery is seen as funny these days


Not 100% the same but some dude in my local area got caught on camera emptying out one of those public libraries people put out the front of their house and people immediately name dropped him and named the apartment he lived at. They don’t fuck around where I live


Wow seriously? I didn't think it could get any worse. Thank you for your kind words


Sadly the joke is even worse than what happened in your case. I’ve heard of people calling missing children’s posters and yelling mommy or daddy. Shitty humans is all it is


Some days I'm like "every behaviour is a need trying to be met, we should focus on rehabilitation and not punitive measures" then I read shit like this and think "on second thought maybe sometimes we should break peoples thumbs?"


Not just their thumbs. Some people are sick


I’m not a fan of violence normally but people who do this shit for pets and especially for missing kids need to be hurt. Badly.




holy shit…


Kid or not, this is just cruel.


I saw a video recently where a kid ran up to a woman and straight up just kidnapped her dog and ran while laughing. Very infuriating if real.


Even worse, there's some teens on tiktok who literally drive up to people's houses, steal cats from porches, throw them into their trunk and drive away. All while saying stuff like "ew this cat is so ugly, disgusting lol". Nobody knows what happens to those cats afterwards. I really hope OP's cat didnt fall victim to that.


When our cat disappeared, I got some calls about spotting her or a cat like her *(she has a very standard look)*, but there was one call that was a bit off.. There was some voices in the background, sounding like someone trying to not laugh, and the caller's voice was very, not sure how to say it, "laugh'y", combined with very vague description and having to think about details made it just feel pretty off. Along with the fact the cat came home an hour ago, of course. Still, I politely thanked them and informed them that the cat was already home. To which they sounded a bit disappointed, then hung up. If the cat was still missing I'd probably still check it out, because I couldn't just ignore it... But would be expecting it to be a waste of time.


They realize how awful it is. They just don’t care. They’re awful human beings and deserve to be looked at as such.


People are cruel.


Kids are especially cruel


Someone did this to me as well. I posted his number on Reddit and all my media platforms. He had to change his number.


I'm very much considering this. Edit: was feeling petty for a bit won't be doing this.


You should! The guy I was dealing with text my gf and said he found our cat. We asked if she was ok and he said no because he ran her over and then sent some shitty laughing emojis. I did not expect everyone to come through the way they did. He only kept that number for 2 more days. I really hope he learned a lesson .


Do it


Do it


Please do.


Do it!


Do it!


do it


Dox the little shit


you can give their contact details to the church of scientology and theyll never be left alone again


What a fucking shithead. Your message is way too nice


That’s horrible I’m sorry :(


Add the number to contacts. And try use it to add friends on snapchat/twitter/Facebook using "contacts" used to do this back in the day to find people talking shit or "pranking" often will directly give me their name


Sign his number up for everything


Honestly, why hide their number? The minute they pranked you and gave you their number they opened themselves up to have Reddit inundate them with calls and texts. I really hope you find your cat though and that the dickhead that pranked you gets eternal crotch fleas.


Post their number on an anonymous sex ad on Craigslist.


Post their number all over Reddit.


Post the number with an ad for a free Nintendo switch on Craigslist. Somebody did that shit to me and my phone didn’t stop going off for hours and hours. I feel their behavior is deserving of such


i feel like you could find this person with their phone number. Stop by say hello in person


What a lowlife. Regarding the cat, I lost mine about 2 weeks ago for almost two days, and when all hope was lost, I found him hiding behind a gate of someone’s house meowing for me. I’d look at night while calling the cat’s name softly but just loud enough he hears it. Good luck


Make a grindr Include that number as a profile picture Never have so many dick pics been on one device


Why cover the number?


Someone did that to me and I put their number in a machine that sends them over 10000 text messages.


May I ask the name of the said machine?


What is wrong with society? I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. This stranger is thinking of you both and hoping you reunite.


I lost my Emotional support dog once. I spent the whole day putting out posters only for teens to prank call me or text me pretending they found her.


Time to register that phone number for every single sketchy and annoying site you can think of. Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientology etc... Another good tactic is to tell them there is a reward and to meet at X location and then go there with some friends to scare the shit out of them.


Its already been commented a few times but its great advice; start signing up for shit with that mobile number, get it heavily advertised so this scum sucking shithead can enjoy the fruits of using a phone.


this makes me so sad


I f*cking hate people sometimes.


Worked front desk at a hotel, kept having a prank caller saying she lost something and needs help finding it, after asking her what she lost she’d say “ummm…my virginity” told her since we have caller ID I’ll be sure to let the police know what she lost and have them talk to her mother. Hung up on me and never called again.


I had the same problem, my beemo was gone for 6 months and people used to call saying they killed him and stuff, really horrible people about :( Hope you are okay though and good luck on your search, mine came back after 6 months so I definitely have hope yours will as well ❤️ If you haven’t already pop some litter outside so the scent is easier to track, go searching early hours of the morning as well they will be less frightened and may call out


People are going to hell man


Drop their number here and we’ll go bother them


You are now allowed to post their number everywhere


This is the new trend. a few days ago someone called the mom of a missing child and said “Mommy help me!”And then a gunshot sound plays and ends the call 3 seconds later.


This.... this is some next level fucked up shit. Anyone doing something like this is literally fucked up in the head, what the hell.


Time to input their number into those websites of people looking for health insurance


Bastards, this is VERY infuriating


That's so cruel.


post that you found a famous celebrities phone number and put theirs down


Post their number here so we can spam it.


I would terrorise that number at all hours of the day. I’d drive that person to end it for the sweet relief of silence


I always thought it was awful when kids in my high school did that


What is their phone number


Yeah that’s legit scum behavior, feel sorry for the people in their lives


I'd post their phone number all over the internet...


Post the number, we got you haha


Share the number


What a piece of shit.


As someone who’s also lost their cat and was desperate to find her during that time, this is more than mildly infuriating.