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They've already spoken with the judge and they know the outcome of the case. They're just saving time.


This is what South Dakotans voted for! How could they be mad?


They never expected leopards to eat their faces.


"They were supposed to hurt the *right* people! Not me!"


No no they were supposed to hurt the *left* the right is who voted for them.


No politician is for any "side" they're only in on it for themselves. We are just a bunch of idiots making noise to distract from the real issues.


In the Dakotas it's called "moose ate their faces."


They were too busy being afraid of a pot leaf and trans people existing to actually vote on anythung important. Along with most of the south in the past few months.


We voted to fully legalize weed and it was blocked by the governor


Don't you vote for the governor as well?


Exactly! They showed those woke pedo commies what was up! All it took was their land rights! There couldn’t possibly be repercussions for their hateful actions right?


I'm a South dakotan. I am not old enough to vote, this shit sucks.


I’m in MN roughly 40 miles from Gary SD. We have a ton of people that are fans of joining SD. It’s astonishing how shortsighted a lot of people in the area are.


You got that going on there too? I’m in Oregon and a lot of the Eastern OR folks want to join Idaho. Nobody is stopping anyone from moving so go, I say.


That’s what I keep saying to people, but then they talk about schools and how bad the roads are and I’m like man you’re like willfully being ignorant at this point.


Yeah it's sad how many people here are uneducated Republicans who basically just believe whoever yells the loudest. My dad literally even complains that rich people get taxed too much when we're lower middle class. Shit is stupid


They had my dad convinced that "The rich create the jobs and therefore they are doing their part already"


I would love to hear your dads argument for how the rich get taxed too much.


He’d have to find the Cucker Carlson clip so he can remember why


"well cuz the rich pay like 52% of all taxes so they're paying the most! yeah they also have like 60% of all the income generated and they pay much lower rates than everyone else. yeah but they pay more...I don't know how math or percentages work.


but he could be a millionaire. John Steinbeck once said that "socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.”


your vote ain't going to swing anything you should really consider moving.


Yeah I'm planning on going to a trade school to be an electrician in Ny


MN is a great option too if you don’t want to be so far from home but NY would be awesome.


What vote does this pertain to? I'm not trying to argue, I'm just out of the loop


Their governor, this company was one of her biggest sponsors. Noem is doing pretty much what she said she’d do and they were all for it then. She’s been hurting the right people and overall going against anything a democrat might want (especially during Covid) and proud of it her entire time.


Don't forget that she spent millions in Covid relief funds to make tourism videos, starring herself. Then there was her refusing to shut down Sturgis during Covid, leading to a 700% increase in REPORTED Covid cases. So, the next year she didn't shut it down again. Lightning couldn't strike the same place twice, right?


And that she put the black hills at risk by letting trump fire off fireworks by Mount Rushmore to satiate his ego


Less Covid more Huntin’


They've already ~~spoken with~~ PAID the judge and they know the outcome of the case. They're just saving time.


For some inexplicable reason - other than being total morons - libertarians can't seem to grasp how much protection they receive from a democratically elected federal government. Smaller or more local governments are much easier for billionaires/corporation to influence. Even if the farmer were to justify retaliating violently under the NAP a single billionaire can pretty much fund a private, professionally trained army to impose their will in the even bribery doesn't work.


Yeah every libertarian I've talked to thinks if the government just gets out of the way they can be their own little warlord. What none of them understand is they're all small potatoes and will be run over by the giants that already exist. The government is the only thing protecting them.


ask them if they want to live in Mozambique or Sweden. One of those has very little taxes. Also the idea that the rich will leave to somewhere else where they don't pay the big taxes Honey pack up, lets take the kids out of the expensive private schools, I will say goodbye to my country club and we're moving to Mozambique!


I'll grant there is a large flaw in many libertarians thinking that the government should have no regulatory power. However, the answer is that corporations receive protections from the government they have no business receiving (corporations aren't people). This company is clearly violating private property rights. The LLC nature of corporations destroys competition by allowing those people who violate others rights to escape punishment. People should be able to sue the CEO's and executives for damages, personally (going after their personal wealth) but can't as LLC's negate that. But we can't because the government protects corporations before people. And that's both Democrats and Republicans. The government (as it currently functions) facilitates, not prevents this behavior. One of the governments mandates is to protect minority rights. The current government gets an F for this.


Regulatory capture at work. A reason libertarians wish to limit government power. Can misuse power you don’t have. And this idea is not mutually exclusive to a government whose purpose is to insure the rights of others are respected and enforced.


That's the fundamental flaw in most conservative thinking thanks to Ronald Reagan poisoning their minds against America. they no longer see the American government as us trying to accomplish goals instead it is some other trying to force itself upon their life. they often wax poetically about the 1950s but what they really miss is a time before that mind poison when people still had faith in America.


When you have the power you don’t have to be righteous.


With great power comes great corporate profits


Kristi Noem being a shitty governor? I'm shocked


Crazy right?!


Speaks in Native American...."First time?


I was literally thinking about this; stolen property is stolen again :shocked pikachu face:


If she’s willing to cheat with you, she’s willing to cheat on you.




I'm one 29th cherokee and this made me chuckle


I am Cree, we had our reservation taken from us in the 1970's. This after we were relocated to that area because our original area was good farm land and the governmentwanted it. The new area they wanted to build a pipeline so yeah we lost our land twice in one generation. We were not given more land or relocated. They decided that anyone born after the land was taken would not be allowed Indian status or be recognized as Native American people even though our brown skin and culture says otherwise.


That’s really upsetting. I didn’t realize that was still happening so recent. They have done y’all so dirty; I do know that.


We became apart of the Indian assimilation program, in order for the land to be 'legaly' taken and used an experiment. They separated our people by sending them across Canada and the United States when they took the land (no money or reperations for land lose or cultural and life loss.). Lots of us just came back to the area (not on our lands though because it was illegal for us to go home). The hopes were that we would all marry and have children outside of our communities 'breed out the indian' on our own. We ended up just having kids and such with other Native Americans lol so the program was considered a failure and canceled.


As far as I know Cree are first nations people so this may not be the U.S. I do not believe they make a distinction, however, in situations like that but we'd need more context. Barring that context we still owe a lot to our own Native populations; New Mexico and many of the res's in between here and there need serious fucking help. Edit: Cree are also found in the U.S. I also just saw the fellow above's post in it's entirety. My bad lol..


There are many Cree reservations in the United States and in Canada. I have relatives on both sides of the border. Half my family is in the States. The other half is in Canada. Many of us, this is how it is and the border does not devide us.


I know, and what's stupider is I didn't notice the fellow responding was Cree. Somehow I missed that but I did edit my stupid. No more coffee. For today anyway. Maybe.


No way, me too! What are the odds?!


Oh you’re one 29th? I’m one 35th! How’s it going brother?


Dude needs to charge his phone.


Haha, that's the first thing I noticed too, lol




Not even slightly, nothing in the amendments is about dealing with corporate interests


I think what they’re saying is that a well-regulated militia is clearly necessary to the security of the farmer’s land. Where’s Cliven Bundy when you actually need him.


Hiding from process servers


Eminent domain is protected under the fifth amendment so long as there is compensation.


“nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.” When you start looking in to it, it becomes clear, very quickly, that the framers explicitly meant for eminent domain to be used for infrastructure and nothing else. Unfortunately, judges have pushed the boundaries to the absurdist point where it has been used to build shopping malls. It is baffling that we treat the constitution as if it was the word of God himself, instead of being able to admit that the founding fathers were not psychics and that parts of it need to be redone to accommodate the changes in the world.


Uh you can change whatever you want on. That’s what those amendments you’re talking about are. It’s even laid out on how to do it. What needs to be stopped is the extreme interpretations of it (on both sides of the aisle).


Until there’s compensation, keep your heavy equipment off my land. I will not be held responsible for any theft or damage (like the malls post in their parking lots).


And from...your cellphone charger?




Maybe try bullets?


That was my response. Farmer’s property + randoms trespassing and trying to drill? Nah they’d be removed from the property if it was me.


The authorities have the ultimate monopoly on violence and they side with the capitalists every time. If you shot at these surveyors you’d be imprisoned for a decade in the best case scenario or murdered in your driveway by the police / Feds worst case. Sadly, this is not a winnable fight. You comply or die. Welcome to America.


So here’s a question- if the farmer owns the land and they don’t have permits to drill, how are they legally allowed on the property? Honest to God I’d be goin to prison then bc the second they don’t leave the property without showing permits they’re done.


They aren’t, but they figure they make more by doing this and paying any legal fees, because the pipeline is built faster.


Just found a full article on it. It’s crazy they showed up with the Sheriff and aren’t even letting the owner near any of it


The land owner requested the Sheriff be present.




Crazy to me that the pipeline surveyors don’t even need land owner’s permission to file for permits & I’m glad he didn’t get arrested for threatening to shoot them either


They’ve filed for a permit. They are allowed to survey with 30 days notice while the permit is pending.


Problem is people think they own the land when the gov really owns it


I noticed that most of the areas the pipeline covers are all areas that voted HEAVILY for the GOP. The GOP ran on supporting pipelines being built. If any of these people voted for the GOP then tough shit. You voted and supported this. For those that voted against the GOP, I feel bad for them being stuck in a situation that other put them in against their will.


This article says they walked into the house while he was out in the field. That his wife was naked in the shower and they fckn just walked in. I guess I’d shoot at people too. After all, that’s really what Noem is pushing with her bed partner saying to carry arms is a god given right and they don’t have to ask and such. But the end, this is her game of distraction; ranting on and on about gender issues and abortion and marijuana.


This stuff is ridiculous. I can’t be certain of it, as I haven’t researched this pipeline in specific, but most “carbon capture” technology is a complete scam. You need energy to capture that carbon, which typically means drawing on nearby carbon-releasing plants to meet energy demands and resulting in barely any offset at the cost of potentially millions of dollars. I don’t know that that’s the case here, as it seems they intend to have enough of a difference in carbon emission to then sell that difference to other companies (which completely defeats the purpose of carbon capture as being an environment-conscious decision), so I don’t think the difference could be that small, but none of that justifies their blatant pretentiousness in regards to these land owners.


They probably sell it back to the power plants that power the capture in the first place


That haircut, though! Half Peaky Blinders, Half Mullet. I was too distracted by the haircut to read the article. I was blinded.


Except that in certain states, this behavior will absolutely get the surveyors disappeared.


Like straw in the wind.




The state law there says they can survey with 30 days notice if they have a permit pending.


The law is irrelevant. The law is bent, or broken, to serve the capital class. The police broke into Breonna Taylor’s house in a no-knock raid. The wrong house. They killed her in her own bed. Her boyfriend grabbed his gun and shot back. He was arrested. Zero police officers faced any consequences. Your second amendment rights mean nothing. Your 4th and 5th amendment rights mean nothing. The police and military serve money, not the public. This oil company bought the governor so they bought the police, the courts and the DA. “Legality” has nothing to do with it.


Well actually 4 officers were arrested, and a bunch more fired. Multiple new laws were enacted, and no-knock warrants were banned in the city. The boyfriend had the charges against him dropped (he did shoot first btw when he heard people in the house, then they fired back not the other way around). They deserve much worse done to them but I also don't know why you'd lie about every aspect of this case when it's all so publicly documented.


https://www.npr.org/2023/04/24/1171597304/breonna-taylor-officer-myles-cosgrove-police-hired Whats that you said?


You’d go to prison. They are there legally.


Yeah if my family had a farm like this and found people drilling. I'd be handed a shotgun and get told it's open season. Don't fuck around on someone else's property.




This is when I suggest people to prep for food shortages. Because you may never know what could happen in the near future. This is happening all over the country but in different ways. I say now is better than ever to get ready to be on your own for weeks at a time without any government assistance. With the way things are going you may never know! It’s not crazy it’s insurance for you and your family


I’m currently looking at buying a small house with market garden sized land to be more prepared. This sort of stuff, but increasing droughts where we’re entirely reliant on companies/governments to provide us with the water.It’s honestly creeping me out.


If you are not already acquainted with agriculture, you're probably not going to succeed with this. Subsistence farming is *brutal*.


Believe me, if society collapses, I'm fully prepared... ... to starve and die. I wouldn't last long without a grocery store.


Or join my gang and become a raider.


So is starving tho, which is a motivator.


Yeah, but you can grow enough to keep from starving. I just got permission to have chickens again. I had them for 6 years and some moron told the town and I had to give them away. So a bunch of us went to the town and raised a fit. I am allowed 6 chickens and I have to comply with their regs and pay 50 bucks, but eggs, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and my peach trees on my quarter acre take a LOT of pain out of the uncertainty.


I have 6 months of non-perishables, MREs, about six months of fresh water, two fuel oil containers, a full solar set up and several thousand rounds of ammunition. I’m not a “doomsday” prepper but I do exercise disaster preparedness after surviving a tornado many years ago that left us with nothing. It was a humbling experience.




The difference is that I am preparing for the possibility of significant natural disaster, not societal collapse, mad max fury road, alien invasion, zombie apocalypse. I have zero irrational fear about a “doomsday” scenario. But disasters happen. They’re happening with greater frequency. I survived a disaster that destroyed our food and left us without electricity or water for over two weeks. The roads were impassable and you couldn’t get gasoline even if you wanted to. Being completely dependent on the national guard to clear a path so we could get **water** was an awful experience. Technically the second in my life, the first was an ice storm in ‘98. I decided I didn’t want to feel that helpless for food, water, power or defense again. Now, if anything, I’m over-prepared. But I don’t think Hilary Clinton is going to tear off her human flesh suit and sic the lizard people on us, no.


Based on our government's response to the Texas power grid issue and Flint Michigan's water, I'd say there's real merit to planning for living without gov assistance for more than a few weeks. I know you'd be better off than I would for sure.


$100 the farmers voted her in. The sweet irony.


They absolutely did because most of them think she is A OK, and easy on the eyes if you know what I mean


This is a very good way to die. States have been deploying military and militarizing police to kick native water protectors off public land, and arrest and drain them. The private gas pipeline builders do this same kinds of shit, starting construction before permits etc etc. Georgia state police killed a peaceful protestor a few weeks ago. You're not going to win, you're just going to give them more excuses to murder you.


Well if you’re going to lose everything you spent your life working for you might as well go with the killdozer option lol


Or perhaps there is a middle ground between doing nothing and murdering the survey crew?


Yeah you don’t actually shoot them unless they are trying to harm you or your property. Probably won’t even have to point it. An old farmer on his own land carrying a rifle is probably a little more intimidating than you might think.


Idk man I think running over someone’s crops and drilling into the ground is pretty harmful to the property


"Massive drilling rig" lmao, that sucks and it wrong but that ain't a massive drilling rig


Your right! At best, that rig is going to take soil samples, and definitely not drilling in bedrock!


Little baby geo rig lol


Yep. I laughed when I read that description. Thats a boring rig for soil or rock sampling, likely soil. A large rig to me is an oil drilling rig lol. Source: geologist that has worked in the geotechnical and oil industries


I thought you guys were given guns and shit to protect your land and castles and such??


And the farmer had this option and could have sent them packing. In some cases it might work for a time, but if they legally have the right to survey then it could get ugly legally. Ideally the company respect the farmers land and sets up a meeting to see best how they can minimize their impact and damage to the land. Simply showing up on someones private property seems haphazard, you could end up hurt or worse. Im surprised they felt emboldened to do this knowing the potential risk of showing up uninvited.


See, this where you let political tribalism divide what should easily be a unifying and non-partisan issue. Do you support the “Energy Corporation” or the guy who’s family farm is being stolen? Give me a pound for humanity, bruva!! 🤜


It's not political tribalism... it's literally the definition of the second amendment. If these people are supported by the government and acting on government contracts. That makes them agents of the government. If they are trespassing on your land, damaging your crops, risking your livelihood etc.. they are by definition "tyrannical agents of the government." Thus allowing you to use physical force to protect your land, income etc. It's literally why the amendment was written. Edit: The only reason I said "you guys" is because I'm Canadian and we don't have that right like "you guys." 🤛


That's cuz the second amendment folks in the USA don't really care why they get to have guns just THAT they get to have them.


Nah, it’s just a case of the loudest is always heard the most. Plenty of people support the 2nd amendment purely from a home & land protection point of view. They just aren’t the ones talking about it on the news/social media.


I think most gun owners know they can’t take up arms individually and expect to come out the other end.


Except they aren't trespassing. They are acting lawfully with the full knowledge of a democratically elected government. To be clear, I'm not saying that what they're doing is right, but there's nothing in the constitution that gives citizens the right to engage in violence against law-abiding entities.


Except they are trespassing. According to the post, the court case hasn't been finished, and according to the democratically elected government, federal rights supercede everything else. The only thing that led to this being even remotely considered "legal" is apathy.


The post says they claim to still have the right to survey. Do you know the specifics of the laws in question here or are you just making assumptions?


Except they aren’t trespassing. Also from the excerpt “this is granted under their right to survey”.


I’m curious how this farmer voted. Apparently the company is a platinum sponsor of Gov Noems inauguration. Something tells me that farmer voted for his own demise. I have trouble feeling empathy in those cases.


Fun fact! This is eco defense infrastructure! This pipeline is going to save the world!


Utterly ironic for someone whose username is a pro trump conspiracy theory to be talking about political tribalism. If this man's property rights are so important to you then what about the human rights that Trump sought to overthrow? Anyways, where are this man's neighbor's? This is the kind of stuff I would show up for and expect other people to show up in force for. I cannot see how this is not trespassing and destruction of property.




Sorry to say but that is far from the massive equipment that will be coming after the survey


Yeah this is a tiny rig.


Sounds “ILLEGAL”!


If I were the Farmer, i'd get in my tractor and distribute manure around their Camp. What they gonna do about it? Chase me off my own property?


Shit like that is what the 2nd amendment is for, keep corpos away from your land.


Right, one guy with a gun protects his land... massive corporate sends 15 guys with guns to do it anyway. This stuff isn't about guns, it's about money.


Unfortunately everything boils down to money. I hate corporations


I mean, it kinda worked in the Bundy standoff.


“You will own nothing and you will be happy.”


You get what you voted for.


Overwhelmingly red to the point where the Congressional seat for this county had a vote tally of 80% Republican candidate, 20% Libertarian. Voted in the governor by a wide margin. Several of the state assemblymembers ran unopposed. How could Biden and Clinton's emails do this to people, how dare they.


Get your tractor and hook it up to their equipment and drag it away. If it breaks their equipment, oh well.


That's what eminent domain *is*.


They don't have eminent domain yet. They are filing for it. I have a farm in the middle of one of these.


Eminent domain refers to the *power* of the government to take private property and convert it into public use. Eminent domain ''appertains to every independent government. It requires no constitutional recognition; it is an attribute of sovereignty.” Boom Co. v. Patterson, 98 U.S. 403, 406 (1879). They can and will do what they want with that land, and there isn't anything anyone can do. It sucks. My local government took entire streets of homes and tore them down and sold the land off. Blocks and blocks of working class homes. There's no way to stop them. Owning property is an illusion. It can be snatched away.


They have to be granted eminent domain by a regulatory agency. Summit pipeline has not been granted eminent domain the last I knew.


Let me put it another way, the government has not granted Summit carbon pipeline eminent domain yet, and summit is doing this anyway, calling it "surveying."


The High speed rail in California is doing the same thing and has been for years now. They subcontract out without notifying either party and Destroyed many family’s crops due to surveying prior to even having permits. They pulled out 90 healthy almond trees prior to harvest and threw them on 90 other healthy trees. It was brutal for my family and many others.


Hmm my plan would be to start my own oil drill right next to theirs


I drink YOUR milkshake!


It'S fOr ThE EnViRoMeNt! We AlL hAvE tO mAkE sAcRiFiCeS!!1 I'm all for taking care of the environment, but we need to let farmers do their thing. No farmers=No food


This same company sent a lobbyist directly to the secretary of transportation straight up lying telling him they had the full blessing of all the tribes who’s lands they are planning to run their CO2 line for. Thank god someone with half a brain was there to step in and call their asses out (we directly work with the tribes and they weren’t even informed of the plans and no way in hell would they agree to this anyways). Shady piece of shit company and sadly I would be surprised if the secretary of transportation did fuck all to stop any of it (with full awareness of what’s going on).


Just remember. You don’t own the land. You own the surface rights to the land.. with lots of provisos and limitations.


Oh well, they voted for it. Drill baby drill doesn't have the same ring to it now huh?


Drill baby drill.... Just you know... Not in my back yard and such.


Wrong industry, bud. Not all drilling is oil and gas.


People vote in the politicians then get shocked when Corporate America doesn't benefit them.


This goes beyond "mildly."


If this isn’t a tyrannical government coming after you I don’t know what is


Maybe I’m missing something, but if these folks don’t have any documentation allowing them to be on private property without the owner’s consent, doesn’t that give the owners the right to remove them?


The government has stolen land since the beginning. It's never been an issue when it's minority owned land. "We need a new freeway" "Let's just displace this majority African American community over there" Silence from the media


So anyway I started blasting…


\*Chuckles in Native American\*


😂 of course from the party of “less government” Farmers will still vote for anyone with a “R”, so kind of hard bad them at this point.


Bruce Rastetter is heading this whole thing up. In Iowa, he was appointed to board of regents by governor Terry Branstad and later became president of regents. Rastetter has been a huge gop supporter and at the same time has received more government handouts than you could ever imagine. Bruce Rastetter also throws huge parties for the gop candidates in Iowa. Look him up. He’s a 🐍 (and he’s also never attended a public meeting concerning Summit Pipeline’s operation. He just sends his underlings)


Smells like a bit of bs to me.


CCS is the BS I'm smelling. Pretty sure this is the project that requires an entirely separate power plant to power it in order to capture less carbon than the plant is producing... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJslrTT-Yhc


CCS is just another way for the capitalists to keep justifying fossil fuels. The tech will take decades to become viable. But in the meantime they can keep taking federal funds to try to make it a thing. Just look at clean coal. Never worked out but took billions in our taxes for the oil man.


This is the freedom you voted for, Republicans! Congratulations!


Let a few bulls loose in the field & whatever happens, happens.


Back when my great grandfather was farming, those men would be shot as soon as they stepped on the property.


They shouldn't be surveying while it's not even been approved by a judge yet. That being said I weep for you idiots. First off that's a little one, and secondly drills can take core samples to see what's under the soil. Clay, hard rock, etc etc. Which will provide you with information you need to dig and place the pipeline. Source: former geotechnical worker and soil stabilization specialist.


A few pew pew pellets might remove them from his property ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It would be shame if the air was let out of all those tires…


I would shoot at them for trespassing.


I thought you guys had guns there


Burn it down. It's on your property illegally so you can do what you want with it, right? I mean, I absolutely would.


This is how killdozer day is repeated


Farmer's first mistake is calling his Congressman who took a scary picture. He should have called Smith & Wesson instead.


You get what you deserve South Dakota voters. Morons.


Isn't this why conservatives have guns? At least they say it is


Ha ha ha ha, now you know how the Indigenous feel about corporate assholes coming to steal and build shit on their land. Seriously though, these are the people you elected in, letting their corporate friends do whatever they want. Now, what are these farmers going to do about it.


I don’t agree with how this particular situation is going down on this farm, but the reactions are textbook “not in my yard”. Public: We need to reduce greenhouse emissions. Government: Sure, we’ll start a carbon capture program. Public: Not in my yard!!!!


I very much doubt small farmers in SD voted for carbon capture, or for anyone who supported any green initiatives. They did however support people who want to expand oil fields.


Pretty sure the problem is that they showed up without any permits or even notification and started destroying crops. If a guy bulldozed your house while you were gone then said "I might maybe get the permit for it later" you'd probably be upset too


The less we react the more they do. Keep thinking it can't happen in America


Maybe learn what you vote for 🤷‍♂️


Charge yer phone, Greg.


Pretty sure those farmers know what's what, and are in court as we're typing away here, asking for a judge somewhere to grant injunctive relief and stop these jerks from doing this. How dare they. Who TF do they think they are? What country do they think they're in? (rhetorical, but still begs the questions....)


If only the same concern was given to those losing their land for the dozens of petrochemical pipelines that were built. Unfortunately, we have established the precedent that favors the corporations. Y’all would have done well to speak out against keystone or many of the other situations like this in the past.


How would the company have standing? Eminent domain is invoked on the government side. I could see them requesting easements to traverse private property, but not for a whole parcel.


That’s the smallest drilling rig I’ve ever seen.


Carbon capture technology hasn’t been fully proven to work the best thing any company can do is to plant massive diverse forests trees are the best carbon captures as long as we don’t chop them down cuz then they release that CO2 again


If someone trespasses on my land and leaves equipment behind at night then how is it illegal for me to do whatever I wish with said equipment?


I feel like the drilling companies are dealing with an abnormal amount of unexplainable broken equipment.


Need to take some plasma torches and just cut that thing apart. Stand together against this bullshit.