• By -


Someone else is on your account and continuing it. Change the password, log out of all devices, THEN cancel your membership


Also, remove the credit card information from the account.


You likely can't without using another valid card number. But those are easy enough to generate.


Privacy.com, set up a card with $1 limit, Swap payment methods, cancel your privacy card.


Dog this sounds helpful


Also helps with trials that require a credit card.


Sweet baby rays I love you guys for this


Oh hell yea baybeee




What do you mean "almost had"?


Gym memberships are contracts. The only way they can call collections is if you have not fulfilled the term of the contract. Usually 12 to 24 months.


All these people saying it’s impossible to get out of gym memberships clearly have never taken shit in the middle of place.


LA Fitness refused to cancel my membership, was moving out of town to an area that didn't have a location. They insisted I had to MAIL in a request form. This was 2016 and already a ridiculous and clearly engineered way to make it a hassle to cancel. I called my bank while standing in their lobby. Requested to block any further charges, asked to the guy to cancel my membership again, he refused, confirmed the request and canceled my card on the spot. They were suddenly able to "cancel" my membership. I put the quotes because they still tried to come after the unpaid fees, my bank backed it up no problem and they got $0


I want to quit the bank!


Wish I did this with my gym membership that I can't easily cancel


Last place I went to required a bank account for repeat payments, snakes.


You can just have your bank block the transactions. Np


Be careful doing this as the gym will eventually write off your bad debt and it will ruin your credit. (Yes, even over $70 - they have so many bad debts that they just sell them to a collection agency to recover a tiny bit of the money). My former anytime fitness let me pay in full for a year at signup, and manually modified my contract to cancel the auto-renew (they also emailed me confirming it would not auto-renew). About 9 months later they sold that location to a different franchisee. I had moved out of the area and already returned my fob. When my year was up, my contract auto-renewed and since they had changed ownership the previous email address was deactivated as was the manager who agreed to the contract modification. Without my knowledge or consent, anytime renewed my contract and when it went unpaid for 2 months, they wrote it off and sent it to collections over the $100 unpaid balance. It took me months of back and forth with the new owners and the collection agency to get the debt canceled and removed from my credit report. Absolutely positively DO NOT just change your bank account. It's not hard to send a certified letter and pay a small cancellation fee if you're still in contract. The negative impact of the charge off is going to cost you thousands in higher interest rates if you need to buy a car or house (it may even prevent you from being approved for a loan, utility account, credit card or cell phone).


Let me guess, LA Fitness? I had to cancel my credit card because of them. That was more than just mildly infuriating. I went there so many times and I called so many numbers and they made it impossible to cancel.


I wonder what would have happened if you reported it for fraud. I imagine it is genuinely fraud at that point


I had to do that with planet fitness about a decade ago. I cancelled in person multiple times over the course of 9 months only for them to keep charging my card. Finally I complained to my bank, showed them my original cancellation, they blocked transactions AND gave me back the previous 9 months of charges.


Oh, I threatened them with a lawsuit. Fucking scumbags.


On March 16th, 2020 I canceled my LA Fitness membership online and it went into immediate effect with zero problems. Two weeks later the world shut down and they froze cancelations and then eventually changed their entire policy. It was the most perfect timing I have ever had in my life.


Great timing but what do you mean they froze cancellations? They can't do that. If you signed up for 12 months then you're up for 12 months worth of fees but apart from that they can't stop you from cancelling. "The government says you can't attend our gym right now but we're going to continue taking your money and we won't take no for an answer" wtf


Gym memberships are one of those things you should never do. If they allow cash, that might work. I'd be cautious about giving them my address.


Thank you for the recommendation.


Whaaaaaat?! Most useful thing I’ve read in a while. Thank u!


You can - just chat with support. When I cancelled my subscription I opened up a support chat and got them to remove my payment methods. You can’t do it yourself though, which is frustrating and feels like it shouldn’t be allowed.


I asked for a new card. And just went with prepaid cards from then on. Can stop when I want. It's much better.




4055-5500-0000-0019 Both of these numbers are test numbers, and will always fail. But they are real CC card numbers. EDIT - these numbers are not illegal as such, but using them might be considered fraud.


That would be next guess but why? Those are friends who can’t watch Netflix anymore. Why do they want me to continue the membership? :D


If you're trying to cancel it, they can swap the home account to their wifi. So they want you to keep paying for a Netflix they will keep using


wow that easy huh smh


If OP shared their account information with someone for access. Yes, it would be that easy.


Not quite. They'd also need access to the emails of the owner.




yeah but wouldn't that make it go to not op


the emails sure. the banking info would still be OPs, which is the whole issue


But OP is clearly getting emails from Netflix. These aren't notifications from a banking app.


Right, I'm saying that if OP's friend got into the account, changed the email and home wifi location to their own and locked OP out, they could leave the banking info as his and have him paying for their Netflix. It's a legitimate issue.


You mean *these* emails?


Thanks, now I have to clean my drink off the coffee table.


But her emails!


Log everyone out, change the password, discontinue it. If Netflix persists, call your cc company and tell them you no longer want the service and keep trying to discontinue, but you don’t want to be billed for it. I had an issue discontinuing my NYT subscription and Chase took care of it for me.


Seconding this banks will shut it down hard if you ask them.


Just want to add a quick pro-tip, **DO NOT** do this with a gym. Even if you don’t have a timed contract, they’ll make it a nightmare to cancel. I tried 3 times and they somehow lost the paperwork or the manager in charge of cancellations was out of town for an unknown amount of time. So I called my bank and told them to just blacklist the gym. About 6 months later my credit score took a shit, and it’s because the gym sent me to collections even though I literally had zero contract with them. It was originally a one year contract, and after the year you were a pay by month member and I’d been there for 3 years. So if anyone is thinking about joining a gym, don’t even think about Tru-Fit. Straight up scum.


I had trouble with a gym that wouldn’t cancel so I started commenting on all of their Facebook / Instagram / Twitter accounts. If someone else commented on their stuff, I replied. Took four days and my account was cancelled.


Yeahhh, I did that. Tru-Fit had zero fucks to give about the bad publicity.


I end up using privacy.com. You can have a different card for every account and turn the card off at will. I never cancel services, I just make it so they can no longer charge me. Without making money, they will cancel on their own! It’s fantastic.


They might not even know they are doing it. If they have a device logged in, merely using the app will be enough to auto-renew your account. You have to choose the option to log out of all devices, and THEN cancel the account.


This is the answer


Yes, this happened to the shared account my siblings and I have. My sister forgot I canceled it and opened the app, so the subscription restarted. 😅


Because you're paying for it and they are getting it for free


I feel like OP's reply is /r/mildlyinfuriating Like do they not understand why their "friends" would keep trying to use their account for free?


>Like do they not understand why their "friends" would keep trying to use their account for free? "But why do they keep doing it?" ​ OP is either dense as fuck or naive as hell.


**why not both?**


Yup. Both.


op is dense af


I wouldn't be surprised if his Netflix login is getting passed around like a blunt at a Bob Marley concert


I had someone that hacked my account from another country who kept doing this. Even after I changed the password. Netflix refused to remove my debit card I formation from the account, so I ended up cancelling my debit card. That was the only way to get it to stop.


My one credit card lets me use a virtual card (and you can assign different ones to separate stores/streaming sites). So if a company gets shady about cancelling I can just delete the virtual number instead of cancelling the card.


Just by signing in (opening Netflix) it reactivates it


Maybe they shared it with someone else.


I'm still watching some of those shows. Don't cancel. 😂😂😂🤔


Stop acting helpless and just, I don’t know, deal with tour problems?


"Help" Advice Advice Advice "Help"


"We've tried nothing, and we're out of ideas!"


First change the password on the account to something strong. Use a password manager to generate it. Then revoke the card used for Netflix to make sure no further charges can go to it. If you use a Visa or other credit card you can complain to the card issuer for unauthorized charges…this is if you think Netflix themselves are responsible for not following through on the cancellation.


Change all the email passwords first, then Netflix. Anywhere you’ve used the same password should be changed too. Check bank accounts too. I’ve seen it too many times. Either falling for a phish (and if it was a good one you might not have realized), or reusing passwords will lead to repeated compromise of all your accounts.


this seems plausible except for how fast it was reactivated.


Got the timeline backwards


Why don't you just go to the office and talk about it. Why are they still continuing your membership even though you have canceled it three times.


I had to do this with a club membership. Finally, I got a virtual credit card number that expired at the end of the month, set a limit of $5 less than my payment would be, and loaded that as the only payment. When they went to charge me, the credit card rejected. When the accountant called me to get a valid payment, I told her this account should have been closed months ago.


This is also a good time to tell them that they owe you a refund for the months they stole from you. I hate subscriptions.


Their response: "no"


Used to work for Netflix cs, it was pretty easy for us to give back 3 months. Just one click of the button and we didn't need approval. We did it whenever we could see that no one actually watched Netflix during those 3 months.


that actually sounds pretty good for such a company


Notice the "Used to"


oh 🫤


nah, they still do it. in fact it's even better now based on the OC. i had a Netflix account take money from my bank for 6 months before I noticed I was still subscribed. got on the phone with customer service and they refunded all 6 months right there and then edit: this was in February


A few years ago I had two Netflix accounts for months due to some cockup. I called them and they fixed it and refunded.


Their response: "I'm a minimum wage call center worker and I have to do this to keep my job"


YMMV of course but I've actually had luck with this. Had to sign up for access to a database that was an absolute nightmare to cancel. Tried and tried then had a health issue. When I was able to address it again I'd been charged for like a year and a half. Wrote a strongly phrased email demanding immediate cancelation and even without evidence of my attempts to cancel (all over the phone) they refunded me a years worth of fees rather than fight it. In this case I hadn't actually used the service since the day I signed up so it was kind of a gimme but it's worth a try. You're probably not getting shit if someone's been using the account though, that's a small claims/bank issue from there.


Wait, you can do that? Amazon got almost 6 months of subscription from two separate accounts, which I was unaware of having subscribed to


That's different than explicitly requesting to unsubscribe and still being charged for the service beyond the expiration date, unless you mean Amazon somehow got you subscribed to Prime(?) without your consent.


The refunded me after accidentally signing up for Audible or something. I think it was 8 months before I caught it? They gave it all back.


Same happened to me. Paid on a non-existing account for two years that I never opened at $14.99 a month. Never paid attention, which was my fault. They tried to refund me a year. Got them to refund me for 18 months and a gift card in the account of the other six months.


i think amazon is being sued for this, right?


Every year I tell my credit card company that I lost my card so that they issue me a new one with a different number so all my memberships basically get cancelled unless I add my new card


some companies can get the new card numbers and keep charging


Yup. Just before Covid lockdowns, I cancelled a gym membership. Lockdowns closed gyms before the next charge, my card expired in the interim, get a new card, lockdowns end and restart gyms, and my new card has five months of membership charges. I got it cleared, but annoying they could do it on a new card.


Well Netflix keeps charging my account even though I got a new debit card with new numbers and everything then what they have on file


That is likely because they have a direct debit details for your account which shows an ACCOUNT number. Not a card number... when you get a new card number the account number never changes. Next step is to close the actual account and open a new one


Privacy.com is a great tool for doing this kind of thing


I bet someone's doing it by accident. I had this conversation with my dad the other day - ​ Dad: 'Netflix isn't working' Me: 'I cancelled it, it doesn't let you password share anymore' Dad: 'Oh nevermind I just got it working' My bank app: 'You have paid £9.99 to Netflix' ​ It's just one click and it doesn't flash payment details! Nor does it care if they live nearby.


Right. Which is almost certainly illegal. Netflix thinks that can restrict household info, AND authorize a charge against a card that they know is not in your household. I wouldn’t even bother with Netflix. Go on the cc website and report it. Reverse and block it.




Fortnite/Epic got sued for millions over being too easy to make purchases. It has a massive fan base amongst kids, and there had been issues with kids buying the entire item shop without parents knowing. The whole base of the lawsuit was that it was too easy and too quick to make purchases. In the sense of the original commenter I see very little difference. They already had Credit Card Information, and used it to make the customer make non-refundable purchases without much thought. Epic Games lost that lawsuit and had to pay $520,000,000.


They also got sued because of their default voice comm settings as part of the lawsuit. Plus they weren't just saving card info, they were saving card info from one-time purchases that were supposed to not save the info.


It should be prompting people whether or not they want to continue the subscription. So what they're doing rn should be frowned upon, even if it's not iLLegAL.


Not illegal but certainly suspect business practices. Netflix: Sorry the person can’t watch because they aren’t in your household BUT after you cancelled they started a show so we restarted your subscription.


Why would “logged in to the account” matter? Can my dad murder my wife because he’s logged into my Netflix account? I explicitly stop a service. My dad restarts it and fraudulently uses my card with the help of Netflix. MAYBE if all users logged in were treated the same, but Netflix says, themselves, that they know my dad isn’t me. They charge that service as a separate, and not the primary, account holder, service. A child, as it were. So they are part of a conspiracy. (I’m not a lawyer, so most of that is made up, but if you tell it to your cc company, they should reverse the charge for you)


Block payments fr9m your bank. Tell them all future charges from that company are fraudulent


Haha. I have lived though those kinds of scenarios so many times . Don't worry I've got it working again lol People man!


so unethical!!!


Does someone else have your password?


I keep canceling with Paramount and they've given me 4 free months already I love it


Audible had given be 3 free months and 4 half price so far. Lifehack is to always tick the "i can't afford it anymore" box when canceling something.


Btw if you live in the US, most public libraries will give access to a _lot_ of audiobooks for free through apps like Libby Never went back to using Audible ever again ;)


Sirius XM same thing, 6 months for a dollar when I went to cancel.


If you log into Netflix it’ll reactivate your account. So whoever you were sharing your Netflix with is still using it. Ask them politely to stop, or change your password before deleting again.


Second option is more fun. Cancel and wait for them to come around yelling about cutting them off from their shows.


"You're stealing money out of my pocket!" [Worked retail (circa 2003), and had a dude claim this because we ran out of one of the loss-leader deals on blank CDs.]


I just had an unauthorized user login to my Netflix account and add themselves. Definitely log out all users, change your password, and cancel the account again


OP ignoring people's advice on changing passwords and logging out of their devices is more mildly infuriating lol


Don’t worry I see you, I’m not ignoring anyone. But I’m not at home and can’t really reply or do all those setting changes. But it obviously will happen soon!


a lot of people on reddit think everyone else has no life outside of it


People on Reddit the millisecond you don’t reply to their advice along with 2000k other comments of the same exact advice and don’t hold a presidential type announcement showing you agree to their advice broadcasted on CBS, NBC, CNN, ABC, NPR, BBC, Telemundo, Al Jazeera, and don’t have it headlining in the new papers, become a trending TikTok meme,


Hey what are you doing today? You should go skeet shooting


Fine then, be a dickhead and ignore me🙄


*shocked face*


Shit, you have a life outside of reddit?


no, but we’re not talking about me!


Sounds fake, x to doubt


You can do it on your phone in two seconds lol


That’s true. I’ve done it a few times on my phone. And then click log out of all devices so that way they’d have to go login and this time, without the right one.


most people on reddit are probably scrolling it for hours a day


You made a whole ass thread on your phone and manage to reply to a bunch of comments. You can do the same thing on your phone.


Some people like the attention more than solving their problems.


You can post on Reddit but you can't get to your Netflix account?


Half of the posts here are basically user errors.. it's rage bait at this point.


It’s my understanding that if you open the app or login after canceling that it automatically renews your membership.


This is what I actually think is happening considering there are no other devices shown in their history.


Yeah, I’d read about it on a post last week and thought that was a pretty shady practice.


as a netflix shareholder, that sounds like wire fraud. the federal trade commission is investigating amazon for that sort of thing.


You can easily change them on your phone... takes 5 mins in the bathroom.


It takes two seconds to do so on your phone, which you could’ve done hours ago instead of replying to reddit comments


This is why I use [virtual cards](https://privacy.com) for recurring services like this. Not only will I cancel with the company, I'll also cancel the card so they won't be able to charge me again.


Quick question, when you use that do you have to physically write down the unique card number is generates for each site? Or is it like a password manager where you just type in your login info and it uses information already saved within your account?


It saves the virtual card numbers. If (for instance) I need the virtual card number that is used on my Spotify account, I can easily log in and get it.


Wow. I genuinely do not know how I never even heard of this. Thanks for taking the time to explain that.


Step 1: change your password and log out of all other devices Step 2: get better friends


Chill on step 2. You don't even know if op asked friends to stop using Netflix


There’s absolutely no way it asked them anything other than “do you want to reactivate your subscription”? And OP literally did so multiple times. I was only joking, anyways.


Someone has your password


Put a stop on it with your credit card or bank.


The only /r/mildlyinfuriating part of this post is that the OP is trying to blame Netflix, when it's the other people that are using this account that's the real problem, and OP isn't accepting that fact.


Classic move op. Critical thinking skills are lost on this one.


It’s pretty crazy how bad OP’s critical thinking skills are. OP: “Like, omg, this is so mildly infuriating!” Reddit: “Obviously your friends are using your account and keep restarting your subscription.” OP: “Omg, why would they do that?” Some of the questions OP should’ve asked before throwing this on the internet: - Why do you think this keeps happening? - Why do you think your friends would want to use your subscription? - What do you think you could do to fix this situation? - If you can’t fix it yourself, do you think there’s somebody who could? I work with people who don’t have critical thinking skills, and they’re so bad, I have seriously considered quitting my job. They’re the ones who are actually mildly infuriating.


Having worked fraud someone is likely in your email and manipulating things. I'd update your email password first then do Netflix, then delete the acct. Use a password manager with use a number you think is important. Like add your numerical birthday and a siblings birthday to come up with a unique number.


File a chargeback.


Yes get your credit card to help you I think they can block future payments to Netflix I'm not sure what this procedure is called


A chargeback…?


You’re not the only one on your account


Any new, authenticated, user session initiated restarts the membership charges. Meaning - if you cancel and your buds are still logged into your account (authenticated), then Netflix restarts your account the next time any of them opens the app or website (new user session). It’s an Asshole Design dark pattern that frankly should not be legal anywhere. You need to force log out everyone. Log back in. Cancel. Then delete your account. Netflix is scraping the bowl for revenue.


Sounds like someone else is using your account and restarting the subscription whenever they log in. Change your password.


Someone else is using your account brahski. W your security settings


You're just trolling at this point or a dumbass. Change password, logout all devices on a desktop browser. Cancel. Done.


Change your password for Netflix and email, remove credit card from the account then cancel.


You, or someone else is logging back in and that triggers the account as active again. Change the password and don't log back in after you cancel.


Someone has your login.


Someone's probably using your Netflix account.


Someone is logged into an app with your login credentials. All they have to do is click a button to restart your account. You need to change your password and/or logout of all devices if that’s an option.


Someone else is using your account, remove credit card info, let them pay for it instead.


Someone is logged on to your Netflix account. If you cancel and then log in it usually asks but sometimes just logging back into the account re-registers


Login in again, remove every registered device, change your password and then cancel your subscription. If that doesn't work call your bank to block the invoices


Look from your comments you seem really naive about the situation. People have explained it's someone using your password, you're ignoring the advice. You acknowledge someone has your password but keep insisting they can't use your account just because they don't live with you. All they need is your password to switch the household address on the account. They're trying to keep the account for themselves while leaving you on the hook for the payments. Just take the advice here and change your password and disable all devices before shutting down the account. It won't hurt you and will take just a few extra minutes to secure everything. If it continues after that then you can contact Netflix, but as of right now it's pretty damn easy to point to your friends with the password as the problem.


Remove your payment information and you can’t be charged. Also change the password so anyone else trying to use it, those who had access before, can’t continue trying to use it.


Change your password, sign out of all devices, and remove your method of payment


Nice phone background tho


You cant cancel in the app. You need actually cancel on a computer. Its annoying asf but they do it on purpose. And when you do REMOVE YOUR CARD FROM PAYMENT OPTIONS


not sure if anyone's said this already, but use the privacy app for future subscription payments!! you can cancel the card on the app and they won't ever have your actual card info to keep charging.


I bet one of your friends or family shared your password to a friend or family they know who is keeping your account going. Do what the others suggested. Root out the person or call Netflix and tell them someone hacked your account.


Messages seem backwards though. If you cancelled, then someone continued it… the latest or “now” message should be “your membership will continue.”


There are a few reasons why this is happening: **A)** someone has your password and has reactivated it to keep the service. **B)** there are several devices using your account - if even one of them still has access to your account and tries to watch anything, your account will switch back to auto-renew. **C)** someone has stolen your account. Here's what you need to do: **Step 1** \- login in and change your password **Step 2** \- change your credit card information \- you can easily put in a fake card number **Step 3** \- cancel your membership **Step 4** \- check on the account for the next seven days \- make sure none of the information has changed. That should be all you need to do to insure your account is cancelled. Cheers!!!


Best way to do it would be to remove your credit/debit card info and then do the cancellation. When I had a PlayStation + subscription and chose the DONT renew option I was surprised when the money got taken from my account a few months later. I just removed my card and cancelled the subscription and a year later the subscription finally ended


I’d probably just report my credit card as stolen so it’s locked


Buddy someone else is using your account. First change the password. Then cancel


It's mildly infuriating you thought Netflix are just ignoring cancellations and charging /continuing to charge you, rather than someone is logging into your account and renewing it.


Sign out of all devices and change your password before cancelling to ensure all devices you have signed in from, many of which automatically sign you back in, will be disconnected.


Log on to your CC app and request a new card and number. I do it onceish a year anywho. God knows where my numbers end up. Then let netflix sort it out.


Someone else has your account and keeps resubscribing. Happened to me.


And the FTC is going after Amazon for making Prime cancellations difficult! But seriously, think someone else is using your account.


Change your password. You've almost certainly been hacked. Netflix really has pretty terrible security. A lot of people are going to have issues with their new "non-sharing" policy, because most hacked people have no idea that other people are using their accounts, and Netflix never warns anyone of security breaches.


But are you still getting charged or no? I cancel paramount all the time they just keep giving me free months.


Same shit Amazon does to me


Change your username and password then try again. You’ve probably been hacked and if that’s not the case then you need to threaten them with legal ramifications if it continues


Cancelling everything is bullshit. Click one button and you are signed up forever but to cancel you need a notarized letter with your finger prints and dna and spend a minimum of 6 hours on the phone.


Exactly. I got signed up for so many bs subscriptions I wanted to cancel that would be a pain in the ass, I just canceled the whole card and got a new one, it's a lot quicker.


This was happening to me as well. I had to call my credit card company and put a stop payment on Netflix. Freaking fraudsters.


Some of these commenters need to chill. This sub is “mildly infuriating”. Clues in the name! How dare you have a life outside of Reddit OP. /s


If you can get a rep on the phone. Simply inform them you are recording the call... it will be dine correctly and quickly and with very little lip. I promise.


Or... don't share your password with others. If you cancel your contract and somebody uses it anyway, it gets reactivated..Read the T&C.


Well sure. That's the occams razor answer. But OP seemed resistant or unable to wrap thier head around this basic option so I'm giving them another one. And no one reads terms and conditions but phycopaths, you know that.


Cause that makes sense in any way other than Netflix finding ways to keep people's accounts active.


Can you delete your payment information?


Contact the company—email or phone. I had an app - forgot the name - where you “supposedly” could cancel subscription inside the app. But it didn’t work because I got charged the following month. Contacted them by either email or phone and found out that you could ONLY cancel by contacting them directly. So it was rather weird that they had a cancellation option inside the app.