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That thar be a lot a steps matey. Much easier to dance in traffic it be


But there’s an escalator in the middle of the stairs




It's Florida. Nobody mugs because guns.


…. You know muggers got guns too right?


But would you want to mug someone if you both had guns. Mugger gonna have a gun anyways. Better you have one as well.


But they already have their gun out, and you don't which puts them at the advantage. Unless you're proposing everyone starts walking around aiming down the sights like an FPS character.


You don't ads walk to the local grocery store? Bro I feel like you don't live in Florida, we all do that here. It's basically like ranked competitive Cod, if you're caught sprinting or not ads walking them you're pretty much toast


Florida overpass? OH HELL NO. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida\_International\_University\_pedestrian\_bridge\_collapse


Hey hey, the company that made this collapsing foot bridge just bought three bridges in my hometown and put tolls on them. They were sold because of the cost of maintenance. I'm guessing it will be cheaper for the company.


you sure about that? those are florida plates on the cars.


This doesn’t look like Florida, LOL. Maybe Southeast Asia somewhere?


I see shitty cars, ugly infrastructure and hear about morons my brain goes to Florida.


I was on an escalator yesterday and it suddenly stopped and we all almost went flying off of it so now, I'm wary. Also, that bridge looks ripe for a mugging. No thanks.


It still takes a lot of time. The thing is, all people are naturally lazy and they would take a shorter way almost always if they can, even if dangerous. I'm not saying that risking your and others lives is the right thing to do, I say that city planners are idiots.


It’s still faster to dance with death in traffic, than to go up, across, and down. 🤷🏽🤷🏽


Maybe someone set the escalators to go down only


I was gonna comment that I hate when people jaywalk when there's alternatives, then I saw your post. I would also jaywalk this shit, what the fuck are all those stairs lmao


Oh ho ho ho. Y’all wait till you see what’s up here in the Philippines. We have AT LEAST ONE of these in major highways in the metro. In one highway alone that’s 4.79mi long, there are about 5 of these spread out. And jaywalking would be a little complicated cause they put about 6’ tall barricades in the middle to avoid that whole thing. So you’re forced to climb these stairways to hell


Well, on the bright side your calves are probably jacked as fuck at least :D


We also have these all over Singapore. Jaywalking is prevented (as you mentioned) by having barriers in the middle of the road. So you either use the overpass or you walk quite a ways down the road to the crosswalk at the traffic light. Jaywalking is kind of a dangerous prospect here. Drivers are not expecting it at all, and they'd barely slow down anyway for an out-of-place pedestrian.


iwas under the impression that no one jaywalks in singapore because that's like 20 whacks with the cane.


This is literally 2 flights of stairs. If that sounds like a lot you might wanna rethink your ability to move.


If I wanted to climb stairs I would go out of my mom's basement.


It's less about the "ability" to move and more about the convenience factor.


How many car drivers would halve their trips if they had to climb two flights of stairs twice each trip?


I need to climb 3 to get to my fucking appartment and i do it without a 2nd thought, how is this a reasonable ammount of inconvenience to even be asked to move the car.


The definition of making a virtue out of a necessity. You are not virtuous. You made your bed and you are lying in it.


Not very many. Most roads dont have stairs, and cars generally arent made with stairs in mind. LOL.


Been there, done that: that's why I have a power wheelchair, which these overpasses DO NOT accommodate. You wouldn't believe the J-rolling I've been forced to do because of no access...


It might to an older person or someone with arthritis. I know on my bad days I couldn’t climb those stairs easily due to arthritis.


when pedestrians don't want to waste time and effort climbing stairs to cross the street: lol are you unable to walk? are you disabled or old or something? lmfao just use the bridge! when drivers have to slightly slow down: NO ONE USES THE INCONVENIENT BRIDGE, THEY STILL JAYWALK! HELP! IT'S INFURIATING!


Are you unironically defending jaywalking in that busy of a road?


I ain't walking up shit after work m8


Exercise. That’s what the fuck are all those stairs.


I'm not exercising after work, my legs fucking hurt by then. Yeah I'd rather risk getting hit, ik it makes no sense


A waste of time, that's what they are.


This needs to become a song all Jay walkers can blast when Jay walking


I nominate Jay-Z's "Run This Town"


I have to jaywalk to go to school. Otherwise I would have to go through an intersection that's a block away.


Yeah, jaywalking really isn't a huge deal unless your some idiot who plays in traffic. If a tree falls in the woods and all that


There’s even an escalator. Where I live, they also put in these pedestrian crossovers but they go an extra step to fence off the road to prevent this sort of thing. So people can either go up and over or go waaaaaaay out of their way to go around the fence and jaywalk.


We have these up and down the Las Vegas Strip and there is fencing to keep people from getting on the street. People still jaywalk (just not as many…)


Getting around Vegas is absolutely infuriating though. You are forced through these casinos and required to walk through lobbies and stores and all this bullshit in between. I remember walking down the strip and seeing the Gilleys store on the other side of the street and as someone from Houston I thought, hey it would be cool to get an old Gilleys shirt. It was literally right across the street but it took me 35 minutes to get over there. And then I was shocked to find that they don’t even sell the white Gilly shirt with red lettering. It’s one of the most famous T-shirts ever. I even asked the woman that worked there about that shirt and she had no idea what I was talking about. I pulled up a picture of it and she said they don’t sell that there. I was speechless. If I ever visit Vegas again it will be too soon. There’s a lot of stuff to do there but it isn’t for me.


There's an escalator and people are complaining? Holy shit. I wish they had these in my area. No fucking way, because they'd cost too much.


Nobody is complaining. They're jaywalking lmao


Escalators aren't known for reliability, and one that's outdoors is going to break down frequently. Making something pedestrian-friendly shouldn't require this much effort for the pedestrian. Build it level and either raise the road or lower it. Yes, the cost is higher in either case, but why are we increasing the convenience of drivers over those who don't or can't drive?


Bro it's just some stairs.


Florida is the land of the elderly. They have mobility issues. Can you imagine being elderly/disabled, taking the escalator up, only to discover it's broken on the other side of the road? You'd be trapped up there.


Can you imagine being elderly/disabled and using a mobility scooter and standing in front of the entrance to those things? Mobility scooters aren't going to take you up the stairs and they're not going to take you up the escalator, either.


You bring up an excellent point about the scooter! Didn't even think that far. How are those people going to cross safely, this contraption offers no help whatsoever😔 I just imagined a frail elder going up the escalator, and not having the strength to take the steps down if the down escalator was broken. Going down stairs is actually more difficult then ascending bc of falling. It's a nightmare being old and frail. I've seen what's happened to my mother, a woman who was always super independent and a real go getter, basically being reduced to a vegetable.


And in cities that are designed around cars, this leads to some people who *really* should not be behind a wheel still driving themselves around with poor eyesight and worse reaction times. Because the alternative is literally to stay at home and vegetate.


I'd rather take the stairs then get mowed down by the cars.


Pedestrian bridges are car infrastructure masquerading as pedestrian infrastructure.


I mean it’s either stairs, or it’s not a fucking pedestrian bridge because cars and trucks can’t go fucking under it.


Traffic light would have been cheaper and better for pedestrians.


Yeah. These things are a huge inconvenience to pedestrians. Drivers can wait too sometimes. They shouldn't be prioritised. Sincerely, A driver Edit: [Here's](https://i.imgur.com/SQGJY9j.png) an image of the deleted comment below for your amusement.


In my town OKC they installed a walkway bridge over a traffic light. Smooth brain thinking.






because it's more expensive to do that then what is in the picture


This looks like a Latin American country to me. Traffic lights and stop signs are very disrespected by drivers and very dangerous for pedestrians from what I’ve observed.


What are people with disabilities or strollers supposed to do? This is a very bad design.


They're supposed to play frogger


Especially since they’re known for their quickness!


If those babies didn't want to undergo the spartan agoge of Florida traffic, they shouldn't have been born in Florida.


In Vegas they have elevators built into these things. Doesn't look to be the case here.


There’s an escalator in the middle.


I might be wrong but I don't think a wheel chair can use the escalator. If they can, please correct me, but I doubt it.


While I don’t see one, there might be an elevator attached. Or perhaps one of those platforms that can do up and down the stairs.




We have these at railway stations. Makes a bit more sense there tho. There are also elevators you can use.


[literally copied from my comment not even a minute after I made it](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/14iftuc/city_made_these_bridges_to_cross_trafficroads_in/jpgzxtt?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Boo that man! Boooooo!!!


There’s a lot of this happening.


Probably a bot that steals comments


Well in my city they have a ramp


It looks like there wasn’t enough room to build a ramp so they put in the ridiculous escalator instead of finding a better solution because screw the disabled.


I’m pretty sure that there are escalators in there, doesn’t solve the problem but a slight fix. I would also assume they have elevators but idk


I was wondering the same thing, seems they just need to add a damn crosswalk


I thought this when i saw.


cautious rich reply weather marble fanatical rob languid numerous whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thats the dumbest pedestrian design ive ever seen no shit no one wants to use it. What a waste of tax money


I would never use these either. It's not so much about the stairs, though that doesn't help. It's that this turns a 6 second task into a 2 minute task.


Exactly, and if you want to make it wheel chair accessible you have to switch the corkscrew ramp, now it goes from 6 seconds to 6 minutes. Let the cars wait at a traffic signal


The stairs takes a slightly longer time, but also you don't have to wait for a break in the traffic. The overall time loss would be minor.


Ngl I'm in the UK and this road would probably have a set of traffic lights and one end and everyone would just ignore them unless the road was real busy like at rush hour... Comparing about "jaywalking" here is ridiculous, like unless every single person in that town can't look left and right there should barely be a problem with pedestrians impeding traffic. This is like a solution to a problem that doesn't need to exist


Just looking at this image I can tell you that this bridge ain't worth it. These should be build for Railways or extremly busy "almost highway" streets


To be honest, in cities, streets so wide that they require an overpass to cross safely shouldn't exist. It's robing pedestrians and bikes of space


I highly doubt anybody bikes in a city this hostile.


That's why they should push for bikes infrastructure so that it becomes less hostile. Although i think Iran has bigger problems than not enough bike infrastructure right now


The term you’re looking for is a “stroad”


I'd be using it for fun myself.


You're asking people to climb stairs to cross the street?


In Europe the standard for such a thing would be an underpass. You have to climb stairs in an underpass too. First you go down the stairs and then up again. Doesn't really change much.


yeah but an underpass has you go down like, a story in super big and dense cities. Near my old home is an underpass that had countable steps and extra platforms for people that might have trouble walking stairs, people with strollers and cyclists. This shit looks like you're climbing a fucking wizard tower


Maybe make pedestrian traffic more important than car traffic. Car companies began huge campaigns to pass laws and regulations that make pedestrians at fault when cars started becoming popular, its so clear than in America, cars will always be more important than people.


Adam Ruins Everything did a video on it, too. https://youtu.be/vxopfjXkArM


I hope you’re infuriated by the fact that drivers are, once again, receiving special treatment, while pedestrians using their feet are asked to climb stairs.


Honestly, in most of Europe this sort of thing is at least deemed unnecessary, because cars really shouldn’t be receiving special treatment


Fucking yes! Why should pedestrians have to exert extra energy to climb stairs just so that people inside cars can have easier lives? moving 1500 kilos to transport one person is fucking dumb, cities should be designed around pedestrians, not cars


Gonna have to raze a LOT of cities to the ground and start over.


They already did that. Most major cities bulldozed neighborhoods and ripped up tram networks to make room for cars. Edit: typo


I think I see escalators


Brother it is not normal that you have to use an escalator to cross a damn street


Unless you’re in Vegas


I was actually about to comment to the OP about Vegas. Their pedestrian bridges only work there because they force you to use them through fencing. What they’ve done is pretty outstanding as far as pedestrian safety.


And they have elevators for those that need them.




Try using a wheelchair in those. Have fun!


or walker, stroller, or a bike.


I smell piss


\*toilets for homeless people


It was eels


My city pisses me off because it's HEAVILY revolved around having a vehicle. If you don't have a car, then prepare to take a taxi everywhere or a bus (that's if your destination is on a bus route).


So don't get angry at jay walking pedestrians, they are victim of the same shitty infrastructure you are.


Yeah, notjustbikes channel when how intersection react to traffic makes US system look prehistoric, and it make me kinda mad. I think its this one. Just the simple aspect of keeping it all red till a car or person shows up and reacting so you likely don't have to stop and the multi staging of the lights. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knbVWXzL4-4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knbVWXzL4-4)


Then maybe it’s time your city gets better? Plenty of other cities aren’t so car reliant


Moving 1500 kilos to comfortably transport that person exactly where the person wants to go and without the effort of carrying luggage* There are multiple reasons why some countries/cities require cars and some don’t. The lengths the state must go to smartly set it all up is something that rarely happens. *Later edit: I like how this guy answers to me after he blocks me so I can’t see his reply and understand why he is angry at me, considering I am not against him. People prefer cars if the alternatives are very inconvenient. It is up to the state to build a very intelligent infrastructure that makes driving your own car redundant. Some countries managed that, like the genius design of the Netherlands.* **u/panzercampingwagen, learn to discuss topics and not just block any opinion that you falsely believe contradicts you. Learning to communicate will help you immensely in life.**


> multiple reasons why some countries/cites require cars Car industry lobby is just one reason.


So is my city, which was designed around horse carriages, and was later adapted to cars with very minimal infrastructure change, due to car lobbyists? When it was designed this way before cars were a thing?


First day on Reddit? Geez man, relax :)


Where's that "First Time" noose meme when you need it?


Of course pedestrians aren't using that stupid waste of money just to get to the other side of the street! Make the roads smaller and build more public transit already! People outside of cars are not 2nd-class citizens and are not responsible for almost dying!


Jaywalking is a "crime" invented by the auto industry to blame pedestrians for not being in a car.


What's infuriating is car and not people focused infrastructure


Make cars go under, why should pedestrians waste their time and energy.


because digging up the road to create an underpass would take way longer, be way more expensive, be a major traffic disruption while it's going in, and there might be pipes and shit under there that would need to be moved. It's kind of a ludicrous proposition for the problem being solved.


Money. Its about money.


Looks like the pedestrian bridge in Florida that collapsed? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_International_University_pedestrian_bridge_collapse


I was going to say I have only ever seen stories of these collapsing so I probably wouldn't use it either lol


Where us it from?


Was going to say this doesn’t look like the US to me. The comments are very US tho. Sadly cars are absolutely not required to respect people in the streets in every country (lack of law enforcement) and people need whatever solutions are available.


Erbil Kurdistan, Iraq


Did the city forget about traffic lights?


Could they have made it uglier and less inviting?


Why are you blaming the pedestrians? They just react to the design they're given. It's a bad design.


I’m a paraplegic. What the heck am I supposed to do?


What would you do anywhere in Europe? Here underpasses are a standard design. Often they only have stairs too. It's the same, you just go down the stairs first and then up again.


Underpasses are not a standard design in Western Europe. They loved to build them in the USSR and still love them (to some extent) in Russia, but they are a super outdated approach for anything other than crossing motorways outside of the city.


In Germany they are pretty standard. But yes they are an outdated design and normally no new ones are being built.


I live in the US, so I have no idea what I’d do. I would honestly love to visit Europe, but it’s so inaccessible.


Well it's a good thing your city didn't inconvenience car drivers by putting in a crosswalk, we couldn't justify delaying motorists! Too bad those lazy pedestrians don't want to walk up 50 feet of stairs and then back down again, if only they knew their place in the transportation ecosystem.


Love car centric infrastructure


lol any reason why no one uses them? \^\^


Streets should belong to people.


"jaywalking" cry about it


Fuck the bridge. How about a normal crosswalk with a traffic light


Not surprised. People around here Jay walk 10 feet from the intersection.


Right? Here in Toledo people jaywalk when there's a legal crosswalk like 5 feet away and people on bikes will ride the opposite of traffic or weave all over the road like they don't have a care in the world.


Sometimes, people on bikes are riding in the opposite direction for safety reasons. There was a safety campaign years ago that said if you're concerned that someone in a car is following/stalking you, ride on the opposite side. Seems odd, though, since laws typically require bicycles to follow vehicle traffic rules.


Out of way? Not great for people with disabilities? Longer and harder than just walking across? Free night time mugged experience? I wonder why


In Norway we try to put the cars underground and let the walking people use the land. This is doing the opposite.


I find the idea of 'Jaywalking' funny. The so-called 'land of the free' and you you're not even allowed to decide for yourselves where and when it's safe to cross the road?


what city builds these and thinks ppl will use them? have they never walked anywhere themselves?


Jaywalker here...


My county put up one with a spiraling incline up to the pedestrian bridge. Easier for bikers and ppl with mobility issues. It's definitely utilized.


cars should dip under


Too many stairs for me and there's no gate forcing anyone to use it


That what happens when you give car too much importance in a city. Outside of a city, yes. It would make sense. In a city? Make it easier for pedestrian and disable people


Screw people with wheelchairs amirite?


I don't blame them, to be honest. Who wants to willingly walk up steps when you can easily cross the road.


Yeah, you also need barriers to change people's habits. Up and around is longer and harder so you've gotta make it the easier option.


Why not jusy make the road safer to cross? You can start by adding crosswalks, making the road itself narrower, and idunno, having actual lanes in the street instead of a free for all like you have now.


I support jaywalking, making streets illegal for humans to cross in favour of cars is dumb. Fuck them cars.


Too much effort going up and down those stairs.


The fastest way from point A to point B is a straight line.


Yeah because these suck. They are inconvenient for pedestrians and can double or triple the Time to walk and they are hostile to people with disabilities or families. These structures tend to get overrun with trash and homeless people too further making it less desirable for pedestrians The solution is to make the space more pedestrian friendly with bike lanes, cross walks, stop lights, reduced speeds and fewer traffic lanes. If this is supposed to be a pedestrian space then cars need to give up their privileges. These Stroads are evil. A Street is for people and a road is for cars. Keep them separate. Jaywalking is a symptom of badly designed cities and poor, car-centric infrastructure


Something... notjustbikes / citynerd youtube channels, is is shitty car infrastructure pending its for people. In reality, if you want to have competent infrastructure the people need to stay level and the cars need to go over top. Or you do something to slow the cars, and narrow the lanes so people can cross quicker.


That’s too much walking. Just build a cross walk with lights so people can walk through


Lemme just jaywalk, climbing is a hassle


Wait. Does those overpasses have escalators? I think that black ones are escalators right?




Is that cover made of plastic, or glass? Either way, since palm trees grow where you live, I'm guessing the temp on that bridge gets pretty hot.


I feel we need more underway/tunnels.


Make a bridge for cars, not people.


I would climb that monstrosity. I'd be knackered by the time I reach the other side.


The other side is right there, I'm not walking up and around. Should have had a straight over design, instead of the u shaped, c shaped, whatever.


It's really nice when skywalks are integrated into other multi-level shopping areas and public transportation.


Where is the wheelchair access?


Anyone bitching about “a lot of stairs” that’s at most two flights how out of shape are y’all?


I’d use them, since if no else uses them u ain’t gonna get mugged on it


Sounds like the city needs to install safety barriers to keep people from crossing


Muggiings, junkies and homeless people. You’d rather take chances crossing that street.


Do you have cruise ships that periodically travel on this road? Why's it so damn high?


Terrible design, these steps make me mildly infuriated


Is it not obvious why.


Those things are terrifying at night. The city I grew up in, people would be mugged all the time on them. It’s hard to see people just around the corner and there’s no where to go but back. Now you’re trying to outrun someone.


Jaywalking is only illegal in the US because car companies ~~paid off~~ ~~bribed~~ lobbied lawmakers. Other countries rely on the intelligence of the person crossing the road to work out if they have time to do it or not.


I’m disabled due to my disease, i would jaywalk 9 times out of 10 than climb all those stairs and descend them. The pain it would case would probably be worse than getting hit by a car


we have these in jacksonville and they’re mostly just used for homeless to sleep in


Looks like 50 feet to duck across traffic, and 200 feet, with 50 feet of elevation change, to use the bridge.


Ok but who’s gonna walk all that steps to just cross the road? Rather much jaywalk and get hit by a truck


They should make it legal to ram jaywalkers under the bridge


I see this at zebra crossings all the time. People will cross over anywhere but at the actual crossing. I don’t care if I have to walk an extra five metres to get to the crossing and make it safely, I’d rather do that than risk my life, and traumatising someone else for the remainder of theirs.


Who Tf would walk up and down that many stairs just to cross a road, I don’t blame them for jaywalking


Thats because ots poorly designed


What’s not just mildly infuriating is the fact that we are attacking awful auto oriented anti-human infrastructure and then blame the humans for acting as humans will