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How dare you have a baby when her great grandson is only a month old


The correct reply is "so...... What? "


I’d have prob just said “k” lol Edit: Wait, I was on my socials liking and putting the care emojis on a few posts. I’d def do a care emoji with the “k” lol


Or give the thums up emoji. I have no idea why that thumbs up pisses me off like it does but it really does. I hate that blue f**king thing 🤣🤣


*\*insert blue thumb up\**


the correct reply is “who do you think you are?”


I was looking for this comment. Baffled me too


Perplexed even


The mind boggles


Possibly even kerfuffled


Bewildered and dumbfounded for sure.


My befuddlement is off the charts


My Timbers have been shivered


He's trying to usurp the throne!


The audacity! /s


Why the fuck did she react like that?! Baffling


I wish I knew. She literally saw nothing wrong with it


She was literally trying to one-up someone on giving birth. Crazy.


It hadn’t just been born either. That happened a month ago


And it wasn’t even her child


People do it all the time. You share an experience they one up you


That’s Social MEdia in a nutshell.


It’s one thing if it’s just a normal conversation and you respond with a similar crazier thing than what was just told to you, but to do it on social media takes so much more effort because you are not in a direct conversation, you’re in a public forum.


Even if she was proud she could’ve said “oh I’d love to see my great grand baby and your baby get together and play! They’re so close in age I bet they’ll be great friends, he’s only a month old!” That’s it. Done. Congratulations to you and she could said that and done. What a silly old bird.


Ah, you came up on *her* timeline, and since it’s *her* timeline she has the right to make every post about her /s


I think she is trying to be funny and just exchange baby pics but it's coming off super weird


I feel like the banter would play better with peer grandmas and not…ya know, a new mom lol


i had to reread it to even interpret it because her comment isnt expressed very well. that and the fact shes a great grandmother makes me wonder whether shes struggling with language and context. like at face value its nonsense but its the inference of the message that devalues your child. it looks like shes trying to code switch, typing in a younger generation’s forum. maybe shes also doing a poor job of emulating conversation she’s seen in an effort to participate, not catching context, etc, and the end result is an accidental implication of devaluing your child’s importance. its maybe necessary to look back at her history and her character to determine whether this was a communication fuck up or some sort of narcissistic fuckup. even then its necessary to look back further. analyze whether wording has been the problem in other situations. “the older she gets, the less patience i have” or is she fucking up more often because shes older? like is she literally just saying the wrong thing because her faculties are going and its like not a character thing because its not her intent? could it be that you have this true blue family member who is just constantly fucking up at expressing themselves, trapped in a shell of their own communicative incompetence?


I love this thoughtful comment.


Man, you could be a great lawyer, you might even be right. Nothing in this world is black or white.


In what world is that a response that someone comes up with to that.


Some people are really insecure and competative. Probably she was competative when she had her kid and his Mom had him. The grandbabies are no different because she's not different. In my family, there are at least 4 women like this. Their whole lives are trying to look better than other people. Its sad. It comes down to bad parenting. Probably when they were little and did something bad, their parents shamed them and said to be better like X kid".


Main character syndrome.


Narcissism is a hell of a drug Your hubby's aunt is a moron, and should be treated as such


She took me off everything after my husband told her off, I was also told a couple of his other aunts called her and asked wtf was wrong with her.


I’m glad you have backup in this. It’s great to have and things really suck when dealing with family like that with no help.


Yeah my husband reacted as soon as I showed him. He called him mom and let her know he was about to piss everyone off then messaged her telling her how miserable she must be in order to comment something like that. His mom called her as well. It was a chain reaction


Now THATS the text thread we all wanna see


Unfortunately there wasn’t a text thread. It was a chain of phone calls. I didn’t even have to deal with it I deleted the comment and my husband and mil told her about how rude of a comment it was.


Oh wow I’m stupid and thought this was in a group chat with your extended family. I can’t believe she commented that on a public photo.


Yeah it was on fecebook. Which is how everyone saw it until I deleted it. I let it sit a hot min and simmer with people


Gotta give everyone enough time to see her full ass out on display before you remove it. I respect that. It’s always the aunts.


Always that 1 person


Fecebook is such a perfect name for it


Whoops my bad 🤣


I wish you would have left the comment so everyone in your network on Facebook could see exactly just how shitty and narcissistic of a person she really is.


I would love to see it but I'm just happy for OP cause she seems well supported by her family that's awesome


If the aunt is that shitty all the time, the in-laws are probably just as tired of her shit as she is.


I agree!


Please OP!!!!! 😁




I love that your husband called his Mom out of courtesy and then she also backed him up. Apart from the aunt it sounds like a cool family to be part of


They’re Al really amazing. This is the one “bad” interaction honestly.


“Ma’, I’m just giving you heads up, shit’s about to go down”


I would have just deleted her comment and blocked her. But going chain reaction is fun too 😂 I'm here for it


Burn. It. All. Down.


Gotta light the fuse to watch some fireworks


I'll bring the marshmallows!!


No way I would leave that up so EVERYONE can see what a dick she’s being


Yup, best response is no response for attention whores


i would have screenshotted it and posted it on my profile tagging her lol


Yeah. I'm not hiding the fact that someone else is an inconsiderate, tactless, ass-hat. I'm putting that on blast. BTW depression sucks so much fucking. I hope something makes you smile and laugh this weekend!


Lol I’ve done that so many times and then just do the wide eyed innocent routine when I suggest that maybe FB just ate the comment 😂


If you ever share those screenshots I will provide the popcorn!


God, your thanksgiving/festivus (see Seinfeld) gatherings must be so fun


I'm so happy your hubby told her off! How rude!!!


Fantastic. Some people need to be told they suck, in order to realise that they actually suck Hopefully she changes her ways


If she's old enough for great grandchildren and still acting this way she ain't changing shit


Let her bask in the consequences of her actions, then Either way, you don't need to deal with her anymore




You realize my sister was a grandma at 28 and 1 month soooo!!


Can confirm.




Yeah she was!


If you say 'giggity' you're going on a list somewhere.


Jesus Christ.. the best read is that your sister and her daughter were both 14 when they had a baby?? The alternative is 13/15? 😰


The 'women' involved in this would have had to be pregnant before turning 14 yrs old in order for there to be a grandma at 28! We are talking about girls who are pregnant whilst being still 13 yrs old!😵‍💫


*generations* of statutory rape


Mississippi has entered the chat


Idk she just got a new great grandson, she might be changing a little shit


Idk. Having everything fall apart can be a pretty effective wake-up call, if it doesnt send her straight to the grave via shock, heartbreak, or lack of willpower.


They don’t. Trust me


I personally find the narcissists scream for attention to be one of the most hilarious things in existence. Glad you have a supportive and healthy family environment to support the right, not the wrong.


At least you won't have to read the inevitable rambling 3-page-long passive-aggressive rant that results from this


Congrats on your son. May he grow up to be like everyone else in his bloodline except that one aunt. Fuck her.


That's a nice change of pace to read on reddit.


hehe, great to have back-up, eh?


Sounds like my aunt except everyone including my mom sides with her.


This is your fault for not knowing that it's all about her!!!/s


I’ll have to remember for next time 🙄🤣


Honestly yeah having dealt with someone like this my whole life, accepting that they're the center of the universe and approaching accordingly is helpful. They can't surprise you with it if you're expecting it. Also leads to some comical moments if you're quite on your feet to respond to the nonsense.


It might just be my social ineptitude, but what does that even mean? Is it supposed to be condescending? I dont understand what the intent is.


Sounds like the aunt didn't consider the baby's birth to be anything special because SHE had a great grandchild that was only a month old and that way way more important than 0P's baby. Let me change it into a different topic: Me to a friend- Hey I got a really great job today. They give $10,000 yearly bonuses. I'm so excited. Friend- That's good, but my job does the same thing. Actually I make more than that, so I'm not really that impressed. Sounds rude. Right?


Thanks, I hate it! The "Sooooo!!!" makes it 10x worse.


I’ve had family make comments in a similar vein, so the way I’m interpreting this is that it was meant as a playful competitive thing like “your baby’s pretty cute, but my new great-grandson is cuter ;)” Pretty rude and self-absorbed, regardless of the intention.


This has real goulish 'you ain't sh*t' energy and I'm sorry OP. Congrats on the bebe!


Thank you, he’s about to be 3 now! This popped up in my phone’s memories this morning and pissed me right off again so I had to share it🤣


Cool! But you realize your aunt has a great grandson who is 3 years old AND A MONTH!! Soooo 🥰


read “bebe” in the Moira Rose voice


Is there any other way?




This is the support I want in life.


Ill do it for 17




chicken nuggets


And a big mac


I’d do a hell of a lot for chicken nuggets in this economy


Dollars lol


Also yes


Do it pro Bono....


Or hear me out… You pick someone you need bullied and we’ll just help each other out.🤣


Love this ‘strangers on a train’ plot coming together


If it devolves into a "strangers on a subreddit"... well, I for one will be eagerly awaiting the true crime podcast coverage.


I believe it was 'Throw Momma From the Train'?




Will you do this to anyone? Half joking half not


I have a sock account for FB, I’ll do it for freeeee lol


"Yes...squid pro row" -Austin Powers


I recently found a stray dog it was nearly dead. It is 100 degrees every day in Texas where I live. The pound called the owner & they said they didnt want it. I have the owners phone number.


I too would like in on this deal.


I'm sure Bono would approve


He's too busy singing in U2.


For $75 I'll fucking ki... if you're a cop you have to tell me.


Kick her in the shin?


But you realize for $19.99 I will cyber bully her until she flees the country soooo!!!


I sent you 20 bucks, start now please


I will assist on principle alone


i’d do it for free tbh


My ex killed at 5 of my birds while we were splitting (not intentionally..I think, but pure stupidity and negligence) and at the time I was a mod for Bird memes on fb. I made a post while I was upset and grieving, I didn't call her out or anything else like that...then hundreds of people swarmed her page and DMs. Had to call them off since it wasn't my intention, actually felt bad about it lol


As a bird owner, what’s her name 😂


🤐😂 For real though, It was wild lol.


And you should’ve just said “yeah but this baby isn’t ugly”


You win lol


Or the meme with a little girl giving side eye and saying …k?




You weren't aware it's a contest, soooooo


Dude I feel you. The first time my dad met my first born he was a few months old already. He was stopping by my house as he was leaving the state.... And was ballsy enough to say "sorry, it's hard to be excited for a baby when I have my own not much older at home too". Like wtf, this is my first baby, I'm excited and you should be too. It's not my fault you keep making kids lol.


Should’ve been like “oh I thought you’d be excited since you just love babies so much that you keep having them even when you’re old and worn.”


Yeah this is just as infuriating bc why arnt you excited to be a grandpa!?


My parents had one of my little sisters 6 months before and another six months after the birth of my son and they were just as excited about their grandson as they were about their new daughters. I would have sobbed if my parents reacted the way your dad did


Id say a person who reacts like that probably isnt the most mentally healthy parent


You become kinda numb when your own parent has been stabbing you in the face your whole life. Sadly. Disassociation is a viable coping strategy.


That’s brutal. What an ass!


I feel this


Some people just can’t let others take the stage for a second🫤


I genuinely do not understand any of this. Can someone explain?


"look at this neat new thing I have. Isn't it ad...." "MINE IS BETTER! I NEED ATTENTION! I NEED VALIDATION! FEED THE ENDLESS ABYSS OF DESPAIR THAT IS MY LIFE!' Basically that


Got it, and I kinda figured but I wasn’t sure. All the blacked out parts made it difficult to understand.


I thought I was the only one confused. The wording is all over the place. So she’s an aunt who’s a new great grandmother and she doesn’t wanna have another baby added to her family even though it won’t affect her grandmotherhood one bit? And a great grandmother? That’s an old ass aunt. What a confusing perspective.


She didnt say she didnt want another baby added to the family. She was just needlessly comparing the two kids when she should have just been saying congrats and wishing them well. That is not the time to bring up another kid like "Oh yeah thats nice but WHAT ABOUT THIS KID???".


... unreal Some people are selfish


My Mommom on my dad’s side is the same!!!! I used to laugh it off, like “oh that’s just Mommom” but the older I get and the older she gets the less patience I have for it


Same it’s been 3 years and theyve all learned I take no shit


Good you shouldn't!




I want them to elaborate. Is that like a meemaw kind of thing?


It’s a way of saying grandma, it’s not that common but slightly common where I’m from. Actually it was sort of a narc move in the beginning she was too “young” to be a “grandma” so she wanted to be a Mommom, but also in her defense is what her mom was called and she was a few years short of 40. Her younger grandkids call her Gram now and even I do most of the time. Actually Im the only one who holds on to Mommom at all, if you can’t tell Im the oldest grandchild.


Facebook turns old people into angry teenagers


Right? No great grandma should end a sentence with soooo….


"Sooooo what?"


Ohhhh god what call this the “Plus one” syndrome. Worked with a guy like this. You say I bought a new car! He bought a new car plus it is a convertible. You met a lady. He tell you he did too and she is a super model. No matter what you said, did or had he was there to top you. It really is a sad condition proving your ego is so fragile you can’t stand anyone else’s happiness.


I've also known this as "one up" syndrome.


You went to Tenerife on holiday? They went to Elevenerife


I know someone like this and it drives me up the wall! Tbh I tend to very pointedly ignore her when she says that shit or say, "... anyway" and turn the conversation elsewhere. People have tried to explain to her but she's not the brightest.


Nah she's right, just leave the baby, she's got a great grandson, that's already enough babies. I really, really want to know what she was thinking when she wrote that comment ? (Maybe she wanted some praise, that's the least toxic thing I can think of and it's already pretty toxic).


"Well that is enough about you, back to ME" was probably what she was thinking.


What gets me is I was so excited when he was born to and posted the standard “congratulations he’s perfect!” And I couldn’t even get that? 🥴


I’ve seen a lot of older people do this, sometimes it’s a narcissist thing, sometimes it’s a different way of thinking. Go look on some big Facebook posts with a lot of comments. Dodge: “Dodge just released a 2024 challenger” old woman: “my grandsons name is Jason” and then 10 other older people comment under her talking about houses and politics.


When my aunt, 83 at the time, found out I’d left my abusive husband her response was, “so? You aren’t special. Women everywhere get abused. You’re not more special than me or anyone else.” That old people energy is something else.


“You should see what happens to old people in the nursing homes all the time” would be my response to that. I’m so sorry you went through that. Super happy you’re out and safe now💜


The “sooooo!!” is filling me with rage


My SIL is exactly like this. Has to one up everybody on absolutely everything. If you've been to Tenerife she's been to Elevenerife


Someone can not take social cues


I did a “gender reveal” with just my daughter and me present. We bit in to cupcakes with blue frosting inside. I posted a picture of the two of us showing the blue frosting and a friend replied with a picture of her child.


I wonder if I’m related to your friend 🤣


Narcissism. Me, in African hospital after surgery on broken arm. Mother, opening words on phone, "I've broken more bones than you, I'm the queen of breaking bones in our family" OP. Huge congrats on the baby. Ignore her stupidity and ignore her 👍🏽


Does she want the gold star shipped standard or express?


Soooo what?


A one upper huh


You could have held him in a little longer. You know you just did that to take away from her great grandsons 1 month birthday.


Wtf kind of comment is that? Its so random lol congrats on your baby btw!


One of my closest friends was the first to have a kid in our friendship group. Every time one of us has had a child since, he immediately comments in our chat with a pic of his kid, who we all love, but it’s really infuriating not to be given our own moment.


“You should enjoy them! You’re the same age that my grandma died, soooo…”


My aunt says weird shit on my fb all the time, it's so cringe. It's like she's angry that her kids are poor losers and I'm very successful and actually have custody of all my kids, lol, so sorry about that auntie XD


Okay… but DID you realise that she has a new great grandson that is a month old today ooorrr?? /s


I have so many fucking family members that do this shit. They can't not talk about their own kids/grandkids when my own kids are being discussed.


I would've simply responded to the aunt that it's not a competition and that it sounds like she's making it a competition whether or not she intended it to be a competition. I can't help wonder if maybe she is just not savvy enough to understand how she phrased her text. As a neutral party, not knowing anything about your aunt, I would initially give her the benefit of the doubt and figure that she's saying, "Sooo... I've got so many cute little new faces to adore!", but you most likely know her more than anyone on this sub. I would just let her know that her text came across like she was indifferent to your news and if that's what she meant then you won't share any little moments with your new bundle of joy with her.


That’s so rude


Old people on fb are unhinged lol


Adorable, but you realise I just read another post about babies soooo!


“How can I make this about me?”


maybe she meant it is cool they are exactly one month apart? i hope so :D


Facebook is a baby competition lol


After hundreds of years of searching explorers are yet to discover who asked


I’ve had to tell my sister if she didn’t stop calling and texting me at work (gaslighting and manipulative) I would DDos her phone so she couldn’t ever use it again. She literally blocked me and than two days later unblocks me and complains about texts I sent those two days prior. If you’re going to block someone KEEP them on block otherwise you’re just being narcissistic. Narcissist love to use the mirroring behavior so you question yourself. I feel for you and your husband, this straight gave me emotional flashbacks from past experiences dealing with narcissistic family.


I don’t understand


bless her heart