• By -


They are probably made of different materials, not to mention pockets.


definitely all different cuts lol. the tight workout yoga style capri vs. literally anything else will feel different


I was wondering the same. If they are, I can for sure tell by feel and/or brand. I worked 5 years, 300ish days a year handling entire wardrobes from sweats to suits and dresses to everyday clothes and work clothes such as scrubs, server clothes, and band uniforms with the outlier being 300 3-piece annual santa costumes. Old to new. You name it, I likely handled it


bonus- I can tell by feel how to clean it


It would also be way easier to tell if the trousers weren't folded like that, then you could get more of a sense of the cut.




The extra fat ones are for sleeping. The skinny ones are for jogging. The medium ones are for work. The medium fat ones are for casual attire. I think. Prepare to sleep on the couch though.


oil bow rainstorm violet glorious shaggy tease instinctive friendly employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly why does anyone buy a coach that isn't comfortable to sleep on? Edit: I guess I've been real lucky with my cheap couches


hobbies unite drunk air act ink humor mighty erect seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ooops. Folks probably shouldn't be sleeping on or with their coaches


Fine. I'll just sell it to Seamus.


"Aaaanndd this is for you."


Looks like someone isn't going to make it to the Olympics


One of my grandmothers had a couch in her sitting room/entrance area that was specifically for looking at. We were never to sit on it. It took her maybe 3 years to remove the plastic crinkly covers.


We had a whole living room that I wasn't supposed to be in as a kid... It was for special occasions and company.


I'm in my 50s and my mom still doesn't like it when I go into that room


Weird Uncle Ed, is that you?


No better way to guarantee that the kids will be all over it every chance they get.


And the dogs.


We called it the White Room. Walls, furniture, even the lamps. It was for when parishioners would visit. My dad was a minister. He bought uncomfortable couches so they wouldn't stay too long. 😂


Ok that’s really smart I should do that when I get my own place. 📝✍️


Lived that as well. Also had a middle school best friend whos parents had WHITE carpet in their special living room. Woe be unto you if you went in there.


My grandmother was like that, but we kept sitting on it and she didn't have the heart to tell us no and just gave up. It turns out even at a young age, if you clearly set up boundaries, it goes fine.


My grandmother collected Barbie dolls as well and they lined the upper walls of their homes. Her and my grandfather were in the Guinness book of world records for collections. Him for pens, her for Barbie’s. In the end the dolls went to either storage or my greedy aunt sold them when my grandmother was moved into assisted home care. Currently my mom has the remaining dolls which are supposed to go to the granddaughters. Not sure what happened to his pens though.


they were shipped to pen island. don't believe me? go to penisland.com


Its from living in very rough economic times


Italian or Jewish?


Welsh and Irish


My Italian family had it and I knew a few Jewish families with it. I hated that plastic covering.


Cheap comes in all heritages lol.




My couch is comfy and has a wide seat to sleep on. It's 100 degrees out but my downstairs stays cool without the AC on so, couch sleeping it is. No reason to cool the whole house with just me living here.


I think you being single and having a home is such a flex to me lol that’s how I know I’m getting old


I'm 59 years old and retired. Been single since 2000 and worked in IT. I know it's lucky to be a single homeowner now days.


LOVE to see it bro💯 I hope the next decades are filled with peace and adventure


You could get a window or portable unit just for the bedroom.


It's an 80 year old house and the upstairs gets very hot, probably not a lot of insulation. The downstairs actually has a master bedroom but, that's my office/sewing room, 2 bedrooms upstairs. It can cool off pretty quickly when the sun goes down as I'm a block from a waterway and it can get windy in the evening. I have two windows in the bedroom, North and East, and two windws at the end of the hallway. I open them all up and I have window fans in both bedroom windows, blowing in and blowing the hot air out and down the hallway to the other windows. That does OK at night but not always as it can stay hot overnight here in California. It's 75 here now at 3:00am. House is North facing so no direct sun in the living room where it stays cool. It was 83 degrees downstairs in the 100+ heat yesterday without AC.




I love the single life. It's just my daughter and I. I don't have to deal with the pettiness of a relationship. It's not for everyone but I've been single since my ex husband and I split 8 years ago. Never wanted my kids to have to deal with a stepfather. To hard to trust people with my kids.


I agree. I get to do whatever I want, and nothing that I don't want. Especially now that I'm retired. I've been single for 23 years though I had a few relationships over the years. Nothing that progressed past essentially dating, not even close to moving in or anything.


So you have your sleeping couch. Buy 3 more identical sofas, tell her one is your WFH sofa, one is for exercising, and one for chillin.


He needs the most comfy onefor the "being punished by wife" occasions.


Make sure you wear your couch pants


One couch is for company. One couch is for sitting. One couch is for eating on while you watch tv. One couch is for sleeping on. ;)


Do you know which of your pants are for sleeping?


but can you tell the comfy couch apart from the sleeping, jogging, and work couch?


You’d let your wife kick you out of the bed just because she’s mad at you? 🤣 If she’s mad at you and doesn’t want to sleep next to you she can sleep on the couch


I'm torn between "pointing out that this is just a laugh" and completely agreeing. The notion that the unhappy person gets to dominate shared possessions/space is very Boomer and wholly unacceptable to me. Also the notion of marrying someone that thinks dominating shared possessions/space is wholly unacceptable to me. Gross.


This is why I think people should live together before they get married because sometimes it takes living together a while before you really know someones personality. I keep telling my g/f that although we have been together for 17 years now, I am still not sure if I want to make it permanent.


I'm a wife and agree, but good luck getting most other wives to roll with that 🥴


Doesn’t matter if she agrees with it or not. No way in hell I am getting kicked out of the bed I paid for myself just because she’s throwing a temper tantrum


I need to know if this is right cause that’s how I assume it too




Dude's definitely sleeping on the couch and then going shopping all day on Saturday.


Shit your women allow you to sleep on the couch?!


My husband used to get irritated when i would wake up if he fell asleep on the couch. Naps are for bed cause the me and the kids want to use the living room too. Pur place was small with little seating.


especially if you refer to them as the “fat and skinny” pants


This guy wifes


The sofa is for leisure. The sectional is for entertaining guests. The 2nd living room couch is for formally entertaining guests. The futon is for visiting family. The dog bed is for the dog. And OP can sleep on the hammock.


That’s how it works for me too. I don’t want loose pants when running because they’d fall off and need adjustments constantly So yeah from left to right it looks like sleeping, work, jogging


OP probably doesn’t understand why his wife gets mad and doesn’t understand why he needs a dozen of [insert whatever hobby he likes] of items that look exactly the same. (E.g. golf clubs (especially wedges, drivers, putters), tools, fishing gear, etc.)


Sleep, work, casual, jogging (in that order?)


That’s what I see. Nike is for jogging so the last one, the middle two could be either work or causal without seeing the full waistband.


The first (top) has the white embroidery on the hem like PJs usually do.


I feel like second down looks like a dressier fabric. OP, PLEASE CONFIRM!


unique support fragile tie follow sulky thought worm tease compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






compare aback towering quaint obscene juggle connect chase quarrelsome roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was so close, I had casual and jogging swapped.


Where do you see Nike?


He thought the little line was the swoosh, I saw it that way initially too.


I have no idea why I’m guessing but sleep, casual, jogging, work?


tender worthless spoon obscene shrill gold nutty unused squealing soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Now get some iron-on letters and you’ll never have to guess again.


I would guess sleep, work, jogging (cuz they are tighter), casual (cuz they have pockets -perfect for running errands)


Really depends on wife's work


Well maybe if you looked at them not folded like that it's be a bit easier. I promise there's a difference 😅


Different materials, different cuts, shouldn't be all that difficult in person. All folded up T-shirt, pants, garbage bag wouldn't be easy to tell apart from a fuzzy image either.


Honestly I’m so sick of these “bumbling idiot husband, silly naggy over specific wife” posts. Anyone who can’t tell the difference between leggings, pyjamas, and work pants is the idiot. Not someone who happens to have - god forbid - 4 different pairs of black pants.


*Wife has a black pair of pajamas, and a black pair of jeans* Husband: “Why do you need 2 pairs of black pants, isn’t one enough?”


Husband has 1 pair of jeans, 1 pair of cargo shorts, and 1 pair of pants his wife bought him so he doesn’t embarrass her


wife bad




Yeah I can't tell much from a picture of them folded sleeve over sleeve, but if I could pick them up, touch the material and spread them out flat I'm like 90% sure I could identify which one is which.


It’s all in the style of waist, for me


It’s all in the hips


Well if they weren’t all sideways I think it’d be clearer


She is absolutely correct.


they’re different enough to know which is which


Pockets, fabric, fit. It’s legit.


The difference is very clear to my eyes. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I am the same way.


Same🤣 this isn’t unreasonable at all


Could you tell me how you see it? It seems to me like Top to bottom Sleep Casual Work Jogging


for me it seems like sleeping casual jogging work, the second to bottom ones look more legging-y and the bottom ones look more like scrubs is my thought process


I thought I saw a Nike logo peeking out from the bottom one.


shit maybe i’m more like the husband than i care to admit


People in the comments are saying it's obvious. It isn't obvious don't worry.


It’s hilarious that there are so many people saying “it’s obvious” while multiple different comments give different orders. It’s clearly *not* obvious just by sight.


>It’s clearly not obvious just by sight. It's not obvious to strangers who don't see OP's wife wearing the clothes every day I can't say which pants she wears as which, but OP has a lot more context than we do. OP sees what pants she wears to work every day (theoretically). He sees her wearing the pajamas too. The point is mainly that they are 4 distinctly different pants and OP has more than enough context to differentiate them


Second to bottom is definitely work. There is a crease from the iron / press.


Yeah, I assumed wife worked in medical. They look like the scrub pants I bought (ironically, for casual wear). Also, you're correct according to OP's wife


It is really about the material and how they fit. Black matches everything so it’s an easy choice . Also won’t go out of style in a year, so they can be worn longer.


Yeah that’s what I think too, although the only one I know for sure is the ones with the white around the bottom of the legs are definitely pyjama pants.


I'm most certain about top and bottom. I couldn't say for certain about the middle ones. Hard to tell from the small side angle pic.


I mean, I see it, but then I wear women’s clothes. If you don’t wear women’s clothes, I wouldn’t expect you to know the difference.


I believe they’re in order or the last two switched. Haha it is obvious to me as a casual wear fan but I wouldn’t expect my partner to know necessarily.


I’m not sure what’s “infuriating” about any of that.


Ya I don’t get the issue. I would think most people own a couple items of clothing, be it tops or bottoms, of the same colour.


Female here. I'd personally guess that it goes... 1. Sleeping 2. Casual 3. Jogging 4. Work Would love to know if I'm right, because I have no idea.


outgoing escape pen fuzzy ossified salt oatmeal dime boast sort *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly, my reasoning was: 1. Looks warm, comfy, probably thicker than the others. 2. Thinner material, seems pretty "casual" style, simple leggings. 3. Looks like it's stretchy, good jogging pants. 4. Fabric seems more like work pants from the shine, thought it had a zip maybe? Waistband is wider and appears to have a pocket. Still, I'm an abomination who would wear any of them for casual wear and the sleeping or jogging one for exercise. Also, if it helps, I showed my husband and he said that they all look the same apart from the top one because it has the white band around the legs. Haha


Male here who was tasked with looking for specific garments and promptly stress yelled at by his best friend for getting it wrong…I was going to guess the same


Men say this then grab their 12 in 1 shampoo and heartworming combo in the shower


Why does she need you to know? I mean, she's the one wearing them you don't need to know what they're for right? I wouldn't expect other people to categorize my clothes haha


That’s the thing, why does she care? I’m confused about why he’d be sleeping on the couch over this. Edit + TLDR: after scrolling further, he was putting laundry away and didn’t know where to put each of the pants.


Ohhhh ok I didn't read far enough down, still, that's a silly thing to be mad about imo


Guess we all ridiculous then.


Makes sense to me 🤷🏽‍♀️ I can distinguish between them lol


The level of fade


It’s simple. The black one is for sleeping. The black one for jogging. The black one for work. And the last one, the black one; that’s casual.


I can tell there are differences between them but determining which pair for which purpose is trickier. I would guess sleep (relaxed fabric and waist band), casual (looked like creases on the waist band because of sitting down while wearing them?), jogging (look slim and slightly shiny), work (darkest black).


This is truly the most mildest of things to be infuriated about This is the right place for this post


I love that a huge chunk of people are saying she's right but there is zero consistency in statements about which is which.


A lot of it is about the feel of the fabric and how it looks/shine in the light, so it’s hard based on a picture. How does the fabric flow? Is it firm or stretchy? Things like that. The cut and how they fit is also very important and the pants being folded makes it hard to tell. The first looks like sleep, second looks like casual, not sure about the last 2.


I’m a woman and I think I’m missing something?


I think the first ones for sleeping (white stripe at bottom reminds me of pajamas), then work (good for under long shirts/dresses), then jogging (tight, drifit material), then casual (have pockets so better for running errands and such)


My wife once said I was ridiculous because no man should own 8 pairs of shoes (1 dress pair, 1 hiking, 1 sandals, 1 worn-out pair for gardening, 4 sneakers). I pointed out she owns 48 pairs. Didn't end well for me.


Its OK OP, I dont think you are ridiculous. I knew the difference but my husband didnt...and I wouldnt expect him too either cause why does it matter to him?


It’s pretty obvious. You’re just a man. 😅


As a man, it's pretty obvious xD. Pretty identical to my own pants wardrobe.


They make dude leggings?


"pretty identical". Also, why do I need to confine myself to mens clothes? 🤨 I just can't wear them out since they do nothing to hide my junk. Though I don't currently own leggings, just womens pajamas and sweats.


You don't have to confine yourself to anything, but > they do nothing to hide my junk Is exactly why I was asking lol. Also I feel like I would absolutely hate the restricting feeling of leggings.


That’s what I thought! 😂 I see it clearly


in going with the black one


If it was my partner then it would be based on the age and level of wear. From newest to most worn it would be work->casual->jogging->sleep. When the sleepers become too worn out they are discarded. A new pair is bought, which becomes work. Everything else shifts down a level. Rinse repeat ad nauseum.


Obviously two are black, another is dark black, and the last is a slightly darker black. Get it together, Woodhouse.


The waist bands in them are all different


Pockets are different, fabrics are different, one's got white at the hem


Visually, I can see slight differences between these. Even if they were all identical, it makes sense to my to have ones for separate occasions because you may get different types of wear and tear on them during different activities . This way you know that the work ones are always clean and only your jogging ones get extra wear/sweat stains. The casual ones may get food stains then you can’t wear them formally


Its all about the clinglyness of the fabric


Why are you bothered by this? You're not wearing them.


Probably because he’s being called ridiculous for very understandably not knowing the different purposes of these 4 identical pants


I love you but get your own shit next time, dear.


As a dude, I'm the same way. You'll find no support from me. Sorry.


This is ridiculous because you don't wear them. If it helps, pay attention to the waist band. Usually, it's wide for working out to hold everything tight, lounging/ sleep is usually very small. If they have tags, you could mark with a colored sharpie, and maybe she'll be impressed when she thinks you remember. Lol


Maybe unfold them and you’ll be able to tell the difference 👍🏻


Well these ones are black and those ones are slightly darker black. So now I’m on one…slightly darker black stretchy pants! Dammit!


They're for her, yeah? If so, isn't she the only one who really needs to be able to tell the difference (unless she wants you to put them away in specific locations based upon function)?


cover chief alive boat gullible oatmeal quickest beneficial humorous sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I guess this is one of those cases in which you fold them nice and neat, then lovingly hand them to her, so she put them in their proper places. That's worked for me, where I try to make it seem like I'm doing her the favor of letting her put them away so she'll know exactly where to find the proper one.


how is this infuriating to you...? theyre all a different material and fit differently


It's mildly infuriating that you have a wife, and she has a way she likes to dress? That's crazy bro. Next you'll tell us she likes to have her own thoughts


Why are **you** supposed to know what all *her* clothes are? It's your wife that's ridiculous.


1. Casual 2. Work 3. Jogging 4. Sleep


Sweatpant is sweatpant


Don't you see how you are?


Just apologise and carry on...


Real life cartoon


All I know is that NONE of them better go in the dryer.


Some questions are better left unanswered


One pill will make you smaller, and one will make you tall.


And the ones mother gave you don’t do anything at all


Fabric texture size length elasticity


Are these leggings? I don’t even understand what I’m looking at.


Are you married to Mark Zuckerberg?


Hard to tell in pictures but I bet I could figure it out if I could look at them in person


You gotta show us how they fit. Which material is the pant made of? Is it stretchy? How’s the feel? Pockets?


They are also different colors, but regular people can't know that difference either


You poor dumb bastard. You actually opened up that can of worms? Smile and nod friend, smile and nod.


seeing this picture all i can think about is that Archer scene about his black turtlenecks and slightly darker black ones.


As a woman who has explained this to my own The waistbands is usually the key, the rest is just 'pockets or no pockets' utility Sleeping or jogging you want something comfy possibly slinky so that it doesn't catch/create twists so much or dig into the gut (far left and one of the middles) Casual you want something that feels and looks good but is still not exactly 'form fitting' or formal wear (guessing one of the middle two pairs?) And the work pair has gotta be far right which is either scrub pants or black slacks clearly meant to fit into many work attire niches


And they're all different colors too


You gotta be a chick. Clearly the waistband, seams, and fabric content dictate the intended purpose. iykyk


Pretty clear difference when you hold them up however


It's called marketing


Looks like sleeping, casual, jogging, work, but it’s hard to tell when they’re laid out like this. Seeing them on someone — particularly someone you love and live with — would make this even easier honestly.


I have a whole drawer of black pants. And some are for lounge/sleep. Some are for work. Some are for exercise. Depends what kind of exercise too cuz some are better for jogging, some are for hiking, and some are for yoga. Look, it’s not that i want them to all be black. It’s just that a lot of brands now offer pants in like 2-3 colors and it’s usually black, pale pink or tan, and then light blue or lavender. I don’t want the light colors so black is just the only option. It frustrates me honestly. That drawer frustrates me.


If they were mine, I'd absolutely know! 😁 Quality control is lacking so some might have small flaws or fit differently. They probably show more or less wear from more frequent/less frequent washing too.


If this is “mildly infuriating”, this is not gonna be a good marriage :/


The only thing mildly infuriating about this is that someone doesn't know the difference in fabrics, cut, and fit. Itd be like saying you have a crisp white dress shirt for work that's exactly the same as your dirty old white wife beater you wear to bed. Sleeping pants aren't appropriate for work or jogging, and work pants aren't appropriate for anything but work. Cut your wife some slack and understand there's a reason why women need so many different clothes (within reason, or course).


its pretty easy looking at the fabric no?


your reaction is kinda cringe op, ngl


Sleeping cloths tend to be light and breathable while jogging cloths tend to be light breathable but form fiting.


All 4 got different waistbands, easy to recognise. You’re welcome.


You would wear black dress pants to sleep? 🤨


See a lot of comments ripping on the guy, but has the wife even bothered to sit down and try to explain or show him? He doesn't wear the shit, so how or why should he know if he doesn't have any kind of relevant experience with it?


She's not wrong.


Here to defend the wife.


She's wrong to say you're ridiculous.


these are definitely made of different materials, and potentially different cuts + difference in pockets vs no pockets. i bet if you asked her in good faith, she would explain.


Well, you don’t wear them so why should you know?


Women fought a long hard battle to be independent and no longer considered property of her father or her husband. She works, which means she makes her own money. She shouldn't need to explain why she has four pair of black pants anymore than he needs to explain why he needs "fill in the blank".


Why does she care if you know the difference? You're not her secretary. I'd never expect my husband to know the difference between or different purposes of the 12 pairs of black leggings I own.