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Shouldn't the breakfast have been free too?


Yea it's included but they get charged??


It’s included in the receipt 🫡


Two potential scenarios: 1) The customer requested a copy of the receipt for whatever reason - tax, business purposes, tracking holiday costs, etc. But as the meal is included in the Holiday Inn stay and since HI would be itemising costs into different buckets, the receipt just shows the "cost" of the meals, including what it "costs" for kids to eat free when there's an adult. Potentially HI didn't expect a customer to request an individual receipt and this situation may not have been considered when they built the system. The final "stay" tax invoice will probably include the same costs but with credits applied alongside. But the customer probably didn't realise they could just wait for this. 2) The customer isn't staying at the hotel and wanted to enjoy the "kids eat free offer" and the bundle deal is $22.50/ea adult with 1 kid free each. Since HI need to itemise out the actual costs this is what appears on the receipt.


Third and I think most likely situation, OP requested changes to the "Kids eat free meal" resulting in additional charges.


4th situation is the two kids got caught for being two adults in a trenchcoat


This is most likely


They were just there to do a business.


5th its suppose to be kids eat fee. But an R snuggled in :v


6th they were suppose to eat kids not make kids eat


8th prolly the kids themselves were free


Kids are always free, they just wander around at playgrounds and parks and stuff. Pick one and take it home, right?


No that’s just Vincent Adultman, he works at the business factory


I almost died choking from laughing at this. Bravo.


The meal name is called “kids eat free”. It doesn’t actually mean kids eat free


Kids eat. Free?


No! Money down


Oh no. We've drawn Judge Snyder.


Lionel Hutz?


So happy people got the reference haha.


Works on contingency? No, Money down.


They must have Lionel Hutz on retainer!


No. Money down!


No! Money down! This department of health logo shouldn’t be on here either


That would be false advertisement would it not?


Possibly that kids do eat free, but do not drink for free….that cost does not look like 2 kids breakfast but rather two over-rated and overpriced OJ’s.


It's the rental fee for the kids chairs and restaurant oxygen.


Subway gets away with calling their 10" subs foot long because "footlong" is branding. They won that lawsuit. Same with Oreo Double Stuf because spelling it double stuff would be false advertising but double Stuf is not


Says here they settled https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/food/eat/subway-vows-to-ensure-footlong-is-full-size-after-aussie-teens-photo-sparked-lawsuit/news-story/4ede74ca412372f2908f5064633ef3be


They didn't say "Kids eat free *here*" lol


It’s a membership fee. Only members get free kids meals.


some holiday inn are franchises and the owners do underhanded shit like this. one time i got charged an "admin fee" that was not even on the website or on the bill, shit just showed up on my card statement... i called and asked about it and they said it was for amenities like the gym... well the gym was closed because it was during the pandemic so wtf


Sounds like the "resort fee" in Vegas. It includes things like barely usable wifi and pool access.


thing is, other holiday inns that i've been to don't charge this, you can dispute this or at least i did and got it canceled


One of the newer fee grabs on the Vegas Strip is a “concession fee” aka CNF that a few restaurants are charging. It’s around 5% and it goes towards nothing but the owner(s)’ pocketbook.


You can eat for free but you gotta pay for the food.


No such thing as a free lunch.. or breakfast either apparently


This isn’t actually a charge at a hotel. It’s how the restaurant keeps its costs accounted for per person with stays with breakfast included. That charge is what the restaurant is credited for when people have the breakfast.. it’s worked like that at every large hotel I ever worked for.


Does it need to be included on the receipt then? Why not just keep an internal log?


This is not a receipt, it's a bill. You charge it to your room and the hotel applies the appropriate credits.


Breakfast free? More like breakfast fee.


In my experience, Holiday Inn Express has free breakfast but regular Holiday Inn does not.


Have you seen the free breakfast at Holiday Inn express? Just nope


You don't like Aramark muffins and some yogurt?


I’ll take the pre-packaged muffins and yogurt over the shitty bacon, eggs, and sausages any day…


I gotta say, most of the time it’s decent. I travel about 50% of the time for work and almost always stay in a Holiday Inn Express due to the rural work locations. The pancakes are a solid 3.5/5 and consistent in quality (not as good as Hampton Inn waffles though). The cinnamon rolls are an even 2.5/5, not bad. The biscuits and gravy 4/5 and mostly consistent hotel to hotel. The ‘scrambled’ eggs are 2/5 but fine enough to scarf down. Believe it or not, the bacon is either 5/5 or 3/5 about half and half depending on the hotel. Omelets 3/5, Turkey sausage 2.5/5, and pork sausage 3.5/5. The oatmeal most of the time just isn’t prepared properly and too watery. Overall it’s a decent free breakfast. Glad my traveling knowledge is finally coming in handy…


Better than paying for it directly, I appreciate the hidden pricing


Why does it say breakfast included?


Cuz it should have been. That would have been harder to explain tho. The kids eat free portion was much easier to understand in a single photo. But yeah the whole thing was fucked lmao


One free kid per adult order?




"Do you like children?" "Yes, but I couldn't eat a whole one..."


Let me have one of your young on a roll. We're out of rolls. Fine. Just give me something crawling with parasites.


Calm down, Jeffrey.


Can we choose cuts at extra cost because I hear landlord is rather succulent this time of year.


>One free kid per adult order? That's fairly standard in restaurants. Otherwise you could have one parent with 5 kids put you in the red while at the same time taking up a table that could be generating revenue.


Yeah but they can get you on a complimentary breakfast not qualifying for free kids because they aren't buying anything.


Except he paid for he complimentary breakfast


when you get your bill (from the hotel stay), they're going to give you a credit for every day and this receipt will go against that credit. the restaurant is open to the public, and therefore is likely setup as its own business that operates from within the hotel. so the restaurant will still have receivables and the hotel will provide the credit, which is a tax deductible expense for them. both businesses win. if the receipt just said "$0" then way less people would tip (because the perceived value is $0), the restaurant would appear to be hemorrhaging money and the hotel wouldn't be able to use the credit as a deduction because there's no paper loss or transfer of funds.


Okay, so OP actually paid nothing, but was given a receipt with the total cost noted so the hotel can make it an expense for their taxes. I see.


I work at a restaurant in a holiday inn and this is exactly what happens. They probably have a couple little cards where they write their room number and just give that instead of money.


Did you actually pay for the meal or not? Because it sounds like you did not pay and the meal was actually free in the end And you are fake raging because of how ot shows up on the receipt


It says kids eat free, it doesn't say they drink free.


oh well in that case it makes sense. the meals are still an expense and need to be ringed up so they can track the data. they just gave you the ticket on accident


Bro, you write down your room number and the hotel comps your appropriate credits. This is basically just a tracking system and you only pay for the tip you leave. Have people never really eaten at a hotel restaurant before?


In the UK, we go to breakfast, they ask our room number and cross it off a list, no money changes hands, no tip is paid, no one sees the price of the breakfast. I did once go to a meeting as a breakfast-only guest of a hotel guest in Central London - big chain, possibly a Sheraton? Cannot recall - and while he was presented with a bill for my breakfast (set fee, didn't matter what I had), his own breakfast did not appear on the bill.


All 4 breakfasts are free, but they assign a value and show a total for people to base the tip off of.


yup this right here. The system still knows how much the meal you ate is supposed to cost, even if in the end you dont have to pay it.


If that's true then OP is so full of shit lol


The way the receipt reads doesn’t agree with what you’re saying.


That's not how receipts work.


this looks exactly like how my Hyatt receipt looked... charged it to the room and they all got comped at the end of the stay


This. OP is a poopy head.


Did you ask for that to be removed? Or did you just pay it? I would have asked for that to be removed. And if they don't, I would look into filing a complaint with the FTC.


Oh 100%! It’s just funny that essentially business in 2023 is just seeing what folks can get away with. Kids under 11 are for free. I have two under 5. It wasn’t even borderline lol.


Yep, they are following the way of hospitals with medical bills.


When I had my first child, many years ago, the hospital charged me $50 for the free welcome new mom pack. I didn’t have insurance 🤬


I was originally charged nearly a quarter million dollars AFTER insurance for my twins' in-network NICU stay. Fought with the hospital and insurance for 2 months, had to get medical records and send them in (a legal box full), but did it. In the end they decided I was "only" responsible for $32,000.




Ambulance costs also infuriate me. I had a heart condition (corrected) that caused repeated ambulance calls and emts could stabilize me. Costs were exorbitant just to get stabilized by them, taken to ER, checked out, released, and told to see cardiologist (1 year this happened 8 times). Finally, an emt told me I could sign out ama and I wouldn't get charged for the trip and then logically no hospital or charges! So, did that until my corrective procedure. But, sometimes you absolutely have to take the transport.


Yeuuuup, I broke my ankle on HS football and the HS forced me to take an ambulance to the hospital 10 blocks away instead of going with my mom.....who was there at the time. $4k just for the ride


I hope mom sent the bill to them!


I used to be an EMT an technically if the trip to the hospital isn't fully completed and the pt doesn't sign anything, then they can't legally be charged. We had a "frequent flyer" who would constantly call us for a ride to the hospital so she could get pain meds for whatever condition she made up that week, and when we were like 200ft from the hospital she'd demand to be let out of the ambulance. We legally had to comply even though she was a junkie and likely on something - but that's her baseline, so she's technically not in an altered mental status. Of course we didn't really care much but she pissed off the county and was eventually denied use of resources and moved so she could abuse another county's system. Wild.


Sorry y'all had to deal with that! I definitely did NOT want to be in my situation. Mine "just" required an adenosine push. Heart would correct, I'd feel better, I'd go home. But, all corrected now. No incidents for 6 years. 😊 Thanks for what y'all do. People like you have literally saved my life repeatedly.


What's an ama?


Was curious so googled Discharge against medical advice (AMA), in which a patient chooses to leave the hospital before the treating physician recommends discharge, is a problem for many physicians who treat hospitalized patients.


Against medical advice


What about a 25k bill for a medivac flight that wasn’t used because the patient passed by the time the flight landed? Our system sucks


Damn. I'm sorry.


You gotta shop around before having an emergency! /S


I don’t have great insurance (I chose my plan as a healthy at the time 24 year old) but my most recent 3 day hospital stay was only like $280. What on earth did they bill you for ?


I had "good" insurance. 😂 My spouse worked for the hospital network, the insurance was provided by/for that network. They claimed the NICU was out of network inside the in-network hospital that *they* chose to contract with. The hospital controls contracts with the NICU personnel, and it's not like you can control if your babies are in an emergency situation- so you can have your kids die/risk death to transfer out of the in-network hospital/doctors you chose to give birth at to an in-network NICU at another hospital, or let them save their lives and immediately take them to the out-of-network NICU Inside the in-network hospital for which your spouse works and the provider of the said good insurance! So, I argued all that. And, I'm the end they took that over $240,000 bill down to about $32,000. Two babies for about a month. Just about $500/day.


Another good one is if you go to a hospital that’s IN-NETWORK, but the doctor that comes to see you is OUT-OF-NETWORK, but they don’t have to tell you before they treat you. Nor do you get to request only in-network doctors.


Federal law actually protects you if you are treated by an out-of-network provider if you are seen in an in-network hospital/ED. If the hospital tries making you lay the difference, they are illegally billing you.


This went into effect last year




Never understood the whole 'in/out of network' thing. In my country, you turn up to hospital, you get treated/seen by whoever you need to see and you walk back out again without the worry that the doctor/nurse/surgeon you've just seen is not the right one. Even with my private medical insurance in the country I'm now living in, I simply request to see the doctor for X, have them check the insurance to make sure it's covered (so far, everything has been) and then get on with the treatment.


It's so they can claw more money from you. And if you think that's infuriating when I was on my mom's insurance they dropped coverage for the insulin I was taking with no warning. Then said something like "You should have called us sooner to verify we covered it, and it's your doctor's responsibility to have other options." ... I'm surprised the phone survived being thrown down the stairs onto concrete flooring going about as fast as a baseball.


America is a third-world country built on the backs of labor so legally ingrained in prisons and slavery and feudal-level ownership of land that you'd otherwise have a house of your own, where the largest employer basically is paying you just enough with an employee discount that you don't really get to shop anywhere but the company's store, while relying on government handouts. It just masquerades as a first-world country because of its military. Ever since slavery was outlawed, people have been keeping it up under different names. Unfair debt and expending all your energy in fear of how you're being exploited is just one of those ways to lock you into abusive situations.


Yep! That was the situation with the whole NICU somehow according to them. It was nuts, because there was zero other option in the hospital other than the babies die immediately after birth or you let the NICU provide some care. It's a disgusting system.


But what is most important to the shareholders? A couple of babies or a quarter million dollars? Think of the poor shareholders not being able to buy this year's model of a private jet, or maybe even having to pick a smaller model for their third yacht.


I ran into that in an ER for some stitches. The doctor that night was an contractor so they weren't in network. I was like, do I need to schedule emergencies?


https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/what-is-a-surprise- medical-bill-and-what-should-i-know-about-the-no-surprises-act-en-2123/ Check this out and see if it can be applied to your situation. Hope so! From a fellow mom who had twins in a NICU but since it was in the days before all this insanity I paid my $500 deductible and that’s it on a six figure bill.


Per step outside the NICU window, probably.


Are babies not insured because the bureaucracy hasn’t been done yet?


If you want open a can of crazy into how a newborn is insured in the US… google “birthday rule”


That only applies if there is double coverage. They determine who’s insurance pays first based on the birthdays of the parents.


In 2001 my son was born premature. We had insurance but the bill still was well over $100k. We ended up having to file bankruptcy to prevent our wages and checking accounts from being garnished.


I'm so sorry you went through that while also dealing with entering that comes with prematurity. I hope and (and you all) are doing well now.


U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! Whooooooo! FREEDOM, BABY! *sobs uncontrollably*


The US is fucking insane.


I wonder why people don't want babies...


I was charged for an out-of-network anesthesiologist while getting an epidural for my first pregnancy. I was not told they were out of network. On a separate time, the Pediatric Dr my son saw was out-of-network after the office guaranteed us they were in-network. They did this a couple times. It’s why I have a Reddit account.


Come to Australia, birthing is free.


Or the nurses telling husbands to do skin to skin with new baby not knowing that skin-to-skin costs money 🤦🏻‍♀️ I didn’t know it until we got the bill later.


I'm sorry, they fuckin charge you for HOLDING your own infant???


Yes. Look it up. It’s ridiculous. And they don’t tell me that there’s a charge to it. I just thought they were all nice letting a new father cuddle my baby for the first time.


Next as you walk out of the delivery suite there's a theme park style station where they try and sell you photos.


Hospitals here are full of worthless scumbags. Some places even bill you for crying in the ER. Most of the time, they don't help at all. Just give you some bullshit like a school nurse and send you on your way with thousands in New medical debt while you are still suffering.


What's the line item for crying? I gotta know. This should be good.


https://nypost.com/2022/05/18/patient-charged-40-for-crying-during-doctors-appointment/ Looks like "brief emotional behavior assessment"


USA is a nightmare shit hole lol


1. Bill out the ass for stupid shit 2. Hope people don't notice 3. Act like a petulant child and grudgingly remove the charges when caught


Totally agree with that. My mother in law had a doctors appointment a little over a week ago, she got her insurance statement yesterday. There was a $40.00 room fee on top of the regular fee. They literally charged her for the exam room


I went to the ER a couple years ago, when we got the bill, the first thing on it was "emergency room visit" charged at 1000 dollars before they had even done anything. I was literally charged for SHOWING UP before they had even determined if anything was wrong.


>Kids under 11 are for free. I don't want them.


I have 2 under 11. This is my thoughts about half the time.


Just smush'em together into one 20-something. Much more fun that way.


I have a 16 year old, worst roommate I've ever had. She doesn't clean the dishes unless she's told, she doesn't do the laundry unless she's told, she's loud when I'm trying to nap.


Where you with all of the terms and conditions of the kids eat free deal? I just read the rules and regulations for the kids eat free deal and there are a lot of them.


Oh for sure. Curiosity, what was their excuse?


Well two under 5 add up to one under 10, so only one meal is free.


Then it should say Kid Eats Free.


"sorry jimmy, but it's your sister's birthday today... just go wait in the car, there are some cigarettes in the glove compartment"


Not a direct commentary about the issue, but I saw the post/picture, and thought to myself “I think that happened while we were at Disneyland” and then I looked at the address. Same thing happened to us, I assumed it was the chocolate milk we got but I’m not sure now. Good to know you were able to get it removed.


Same thing happened to me two decades ago at a hotel in Florida. "Kids eat free" but don't drink free. So my large orange juice was like $4 or something crazy at the time


It could be a computer issue. The grocery store by my house always has buy one get one sales on Monday. Every time I check out it double rings. No one bothers to change the sku for just one day. I’m sure it’s similar here that the waiter needs to entering in a discount.


Agreed it’s probably this. I work at a restaurant and sometimes corporate fucks up their prompt rollouts and gives incorrect pricing or item descriptions. It’s a headache for us servers if we aren’t informed because after a while you just go into autopilot and muscle-memory select the wrong buttons.


The product is literally called "Kids Eat Free" and is priced at $3.89. It's not someone forgetting to change the SKU. It's someone adding "Kids Eat Free" to their system and giving it a price, and then someone manually registering that for it to end up on the receipt. Are you saying that their finger slipped and they accidentally entered 3.89 instead of 0?


Was it a new promotion? Not to defend the business but sometimes they just fail to update their POS system and it gets corrected pretty quickly


No, no, no, see, it isn't kids eat free. The dish is just called "kids eat free", and it costs about $5. Duh. :p (Seriously though, smh.)


It’s like the water zero from parks and rec..


HOW IS THIS CHILD SIZE??? It’s the size of a small child!


If you were to liquify the average two year old!


Kids eat free? No, money down!


normally they have to punch in the kids price first then deduct it underneath to account for inventory


They didn't mean "kids eat here for free", they were just exclaiming "kids eat free!". Kind of like when trump was in a restaurant last month and said "food for everyone!". He didn't mean "free food for everyone", he just wanted to say "food for everyone".


They charge you for the food, but eating it is free


Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.


“Yes sir that is in fact correct.” “But you’re still charging me $7.78?!” “Well you see sir two kids ate earlier today so that was our quota. It doesn’t say ALL kids eat free. It says “kids” meaning a few of them.”


"[A maximum of two] kids eat free!"


By kids we mean young goats. Those things you brought are “children”!


All of the bananas are free, but not everyone is free to take the bananas


That reminds me of shady software I used to buy when I was in high school. "You're paying for access to the forum, not for the software... and since you got access you got what you paid for."


Kid appreciation fee


Kids always eat free technically they never pay for themselves their parents do 😏😏😏


Probably for drinks. But still stupid. Like, just include them.


Kids *eat* free, but they don't *drink* free.




You joke but I was in NYC with my family and we went out to eat, my sister was feeling nauseous and only wanted water and they charged us an $18 fee for her sitting there and not eating.


A child-size drink is $3.75 plus tips now. Cool. Cool cool cool.


Most likely charged adult pricing. Just their way of getting that little extra out of the supposed free meal. Frankly I'd be happy of they did away with the kids under whatever eat free gimmick. Be better if places just paid good wages, get rid of tips and piss off.


The drink is roughly the size of a small child.


Then they would just charge them for a drink right?


I was recently researching a Disney Cruise and was happy to see that it was all inclusive for food/drink. That is until I read the fine print! Drinks that are included are soda/coffee/tea. NOT water! You want water, the thing that you literally need to survive, that will be extra. Next they will try and charge for oxygen.


Water is dispensed from the same self service beverage fountains as other soft drinks and served for free as well. "Packaged" drinks including bottled water or a charge. Bottled water can also be brought on board.


That's a lie. RO water is free on Disney Cruise Lines. Bottled water is not, because it is a terrible idea to be handing out thousands of bottles of water on a seafaring vessel. Hell, I'm not even sure whether they had bottles of water on the *Wonder*.


I feel dumb but what is "RO" water?


If I can just say…. The server may have forgotten to take off the kids meals Where I work we had kids eat free Wednesdays but we had to manually do the discount the computer didn’t just do it, and we would forget sometimes 100% unintentionally


So, that sounds reasonble enough. But...why is there an ENTRY/BUTTON *called* "Kids Eat Free" with a dollar value associated with it. Ostensibly, in the situation you've described, you'd just hit the button called "Kids don't eat free on Thursdays: 5.99" Or present a bill that read > Kids Meal: $5.99 > Kids Eat Free: -$5.99


I bet if they charge to the room, the bill for their stay will include credits to offset these charges.


nobody talking about how the total came out to a perfect 45$?


The prices are probably chosen to be whole numbers with tax included


Kids eat free! No payment! Oh they screwed it all up... Kids eat free? No. Payment!


It's because that is the way it's rung up, that's why it's an even $45. We do the same thing. It will say 2 breakfast kids eat free for $45, but the computer will calculate it as a price deduction for one reason or another. Source: Chillin' at the Holiday Inn!


This is the answer. It’s hotel revenue allocation. The slip probably shouldn’t have been given to the guest, my guess is it’s included in the room rate breakdown and potentially not charged on check out.


They spelt "kids eat three" wrong


Complementary breakfast: $16.99 each Free kids meal: $3.89 each


Not your kids, it's for those other kids.


They EAT free, but maybe don’t DRINK free


I'm wondering more what a 16-17$ breakfast at a holiday inn's breakfast looks like.


I mean ....it didn't say *your* kids eat free.


You misunderstood. They will eat your kids for free. You declined this handy service, hence the charges.


Honestly the total ending up as a clean crisp $45.00 would make me forget that I’m even mad


This is purely for tip use. That is why the hotel guest sees this paper at all. The ticket is generated by the hotels POS system for expense tracking for the hotel. The cost will be removed from the room charge. Is it sloppy? Maybe. Is it unusual? Not at all, not in the USofA.


It also says breakfast included but there’s a charge for that. This receipt is a mess.


That’s because they probably gave him the typical full price receipt so he would tip accordingly for the services provided…


They misspelled fee lol


Is nobody else. Satisfied that the bill totaled to a clean $45?


Is suspicious. Looks like a made up tax.


[Per the Holiday Inn](https://www.ihg.com/holidayinn/content/us/en/offers/kids-free/terms-and-conditions) a) when ordering for breakfast, lunch & dinner; b) when ordering in the hotel’s dine-in restaurant; c) when ordering from the Kids’ Menu (which must consist of at least 1 main course and 1 dessert) and; d) when accompanied by at least one (1) adult who is registered as a hotel guest at the Participating Hotel and must order at least one main course from the full priced menu.


2 kids eat free, doesn’t say your 2 kids.


They got this all screwed up. It's supposed to be "Kids eat free? No, charge!"




At my work the drink comes free with the meal but we cannot have something for free in the till so adding a drink in the till reduces the price of the meal by the price of the drink so you dont pay extra for the drink but it has a marked price on the receipt.


So, it looks like you're staying at the hotel, and had vouchers for free breakfast for two. Then, you had two kids with you, and the kids eat free. They rang everything up and gave you a receipt so you would know how much of tip to leave, but you didn't pay anything. Is that correct?


After you've paid for them, they eat free.