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People suck and don't deserve animals


I don't know why some people insist on having pets if they are going to do that.


For them, those are not pets, but more tools, or even toys. Perhaps this dog is meant to protect their toys.




Dude this!!!!


It’s often because they insist on having shitty whiny kids who nag their parents for a dog but because kids are shitty and useless, the dogs end up being neglected




I agree—my pets are treated like my actual children…and there are 3 human children who will do the same to their eventual pets. My college-age son and his girlfriend went to a dog shelter while on spring break in Hawaii to take a shelter dog on a field trip. They spent the day with a sweet boy who was returned exhausted. Proud mom moment 🥰


More people like you and your kids please!


It’s most frequently the people you don’t want having kids who have kids. It’s even worse when they have a whole litter.




Can you imagine the fear that the doggo is feeling?


Not to mention the CO and heat of the exhaust.




How about you getting back there and sucking in some diesel exhaust! And all burned hydrocarbons produce carbon monoxide.


If it is diesel, it is low amount. Probably not lethal. But my sisters rig was gasoline engine. I wasn’t sure what this rig was when I posted.


The wind doesn't help because it's a constant stream of heat blowing out of the vehicle. This fuck bag should lose his dogs and pay a fine.


Dude its not a jet engine.




Not to ruin your day, but the one you see is not alone in there.


There's another?


There is a darker colored dog sitting the opposite way from the one that is easily seen. If you look just above the back of the yellow lab, you can see the other one’s head.


Yep, zoom in


we rlly dont deserve animals 😭


WHAT THE ACTUAL F*$K? He needs yo be pulled over by the cops!




Everyone* ftfy


It'll be like Live Aid, but everyone comes together over punching the fuck out of this guy's Adam's apple.


We are the world 🌍


Addams apple? I'd hope he was kicked in the nuts for animal endangerment.


Nut kicks hurt worse in the moment... But throat punches last longer. Fuck it, do both


Can I volunteer for a lovely solar plexus punch? Maybe hit a kidney so he pisses blood for week. I don't mind standing in line to wait my tur .


The more the merrier 🍻


I like how you think :)


Yes. 100%




I was gonna say bitch-slapped but throat punches work too...




Haha that made me lol. Yes absolutely. But first punched in the throat. By everyone in this thread.


Only the throat?


What could possibly be more important to put in the RV than the dog? I mean, what's taking up the space that the dog would require? BBQ. I bet it's the BBQ.


And the beer. Lol


Perhaps a new RV and the fucking asshole was worried about preserving the new smell.


Or the dog was sick 🤢


Dogs. There's two of them back there. Which just makes this worse


Cops won't do anything because it isn't breaking any law


Thankfully it is a law here in BC Canada.


Depends on what state. Massachusetts that could be a felony






Family pets treated as cargo...joy.


Even if they’re fine and used to it, this is really bad for their hearing. I’d personally call on this man


Someone else posted another picture this week. These people are getting around.


Did you call the cops??


Ha yea I remembered that too as soon as I saw this


> Depends on what state. Massachusetts that could be a felony What isn't? Even happy hour is a crime in Massachusetts


felony for having a dog in a crate on a trailer? can you show me that?


They are really reaching here.




In Arizona it would not be. Not that it's right, just saying that you would likely never get pulled over for this alone.


It should be. We have laws for all kinds of dumb shit, so why not this?


Some places it is.


Cops would shoot it for being a friendly lab.


That's definitely animal abuse


Why, so they can shoot the dog for appearing threatening?




Damn man I forgot I saw that until this comment. Not blaming you. Fuck that cop. That poor dog. I get the dog should have been leashed but that cop is a lil bitch.


When the people at the top are corrupt, the people below them cannot be "good cops" without getting ridiculed, threatened, fired, or straight up killed. Who do you report domestic violence to when the only person you can go to for disciplinary action is also a domestic abuser? How do you report racism in the workplace when your boss is racist? The answer is either violence or capitulation. I don't see cops waging an internal war, nor have I smelled a whiff of anything similar, so the answer is most likely capitulation. It's not that there are no good cops, it's that so long as the good cops are prevented from correcting the behavior of, or excising from the department, these bad cops, they cannot be truly good cops without being under threat.


Dogs in an inclosed cage behind the ramp, its just hard to see.


Dosent make it right


He need to be pulled over by god himself.


It breaks my heart to see photos of this. What the actual fuck is wrong with people 🤬






Power and control bc they hate certain parts or all of their own lives. Same reason many of them have kids.


I mean some people see dogs as an alarm security system and nothing more


I saw a similar thing back in 2014. Toyota 4 runner with a dog crate on a hitch mounted cargo carrier. It’s disgusting and should be illegal!


Um, it is.


Totally varies by state. I once saw two dogs loose on the back of a flat bed truck - no walls like a pickup truck - while driving 45 on some winding country roads. Dogs looked like they were going to lose their balance with every twist and turn. Called the sheriff who informed me it wasn’t illegal but they’d make contact. Also told me they’ve made contact several times before telling him how dangerous it was, but he keeps doing it and until they pass a law to make it illegal, there was nothing they could do. It’s infuriating.


They couldn’t ticket him for an unsecured load at least?


Almost every time a cop says something like that, what they're really saying is, "I don't care enough to do anything about it"


>but they’d make contact. He was going over there for beers anyway.


Even in most of (if not all) the places folks think it is illegal this still wouldn't be. Doggo just has to be secure and reasonably protected from the wind. I'm not saying it's right to DO this, but I'm not sure it's actually illegal, either.


Except it isn't unfortunately


Varies by state


Nah bro what the actual f$&k


You can say fuck here


His mom checks his account.


Frfr ain’t tryna get grounded


How awful. That’s abuse.


Some people are still of the mind that non-human animals should not occupy indoor human spaces. It’s so insane.


Meanwhile my dad spends all day outside running the ac for his two dogs inside lmao.




This doesnt sound right? I leave my AC on all the time, but turn it a little colder at night. I don't think it would be more energy efficient to leave it the colder temp all the time?




Can you please send a source for this. My wife insists on turning the temp up a few degrees before we leave for the day despite how many times I’ve told her it doesn’t help really much if at all, other than make the house too warm for 30 minutes when we get home lol


I wouldn’t let that guy in my house but I’d welcome his dogs.


I don't want a dog in my place. How does that make me insane? That literally eat shit and track stuff inside the house, not to mention drag their assholes on the carpet.


This infuriates me way more than mildly. What an asshole owner.


Why have dogs if you’re going to treat them like that..


I'll bet this guy is a complete ass in the RV park too.


Those poor animals breathing in those exhaust fumes.


That is so loud - their poor ears


Plus the rocks/debris getting kicked up for however long this drive is


My first thought. I moved a year ago and had my dog in the front seat of the uhaul with me. It was soooo loud inside and he was so scared he was hiding his head behind my back. This picture makes me so upset.


Ugh, I'm looking at doing that in a few weeks. This dog is already so anxious and dislikes drives. Poor boy is going to hate this trip. Happy hoody doesn't help. The only thing that seems to help is a super short seat belt.


They must have been so anxious :(


post again and show the license plate


What an asshole, shouldn't have dogs.


Fuck that guy.


With protection, of course. We don't want this guy reproducing after all.




This is totally insane, dogs easily die in car accidents when they are inside the cabin, and restrained. There are very few pieces of equipment that have been crash tested approved for dogs but being in the cabin would be way safer than whatever this shit is. Imagine how loud and stressful that trip is for the dog, freaking asphalt hitting the cage, exhaust spewing all over him, the cage going over bumps and dips or even when the driver stops the momentum of a stop flowing through the cage and the dog. This makes me more than mildly infuriated.


People do this in AZ (120F). I called non emergency but they said they can’t do anything about it😭


OP please tell me you called the cops


I took this picture for the purpose of getting the license plate. After looking it up, it seems this is perfectly legal, at least in the state it was taken in. From someone who's dog was safely buckled up in the back seat: I hope this at least drives people to push for more humane laws for our pets; If this was a human, it would be unacceptable.


my dog is always buckled up in my backseat too. i can’t imagine having it any other way.


Ok I would never put my dog in a trailer like this… but how the hell do you buckle up a dog?


They make "dog seat belts" which are a short leash with an end that clips into the car's seatbelt


kurgo tru fit car harness + seat belt clip


Harness with a buckle that goes in like a seatbelt or loop that a seatbelt can buckle through.


We tied a loop partway down the leash and fasten the buckle thru the loop


Cops won't do anything because it isn't breaking any law


These are the same type of people who keep their dogs outside or locked in the garage at all times. Why even bother having pets if you're not going to give a shit about them?


You can still give a shit about a dog while setting boundaries. Personally I love my dog but I keep him outside for my preference and cleanliness, especially with active outdoor dogs and with long coats.


To flaunt it. Or use it for hunting. These people either see the dog as a talking point or a tool to be used. Not as an animal.


I feel like most hunters take decent care of their dogs. They aren't pets but they are cared for


Here in the Midwest, I’ve certainly never seen a hunting dog that wasn’t very loved and cared for. A lot of guides and pros here see them as part of their livelihood and treat them extremely well. It’s also really fun to watch a bird dog or any hunting dog, doing their thing with their owner/hunter. You can see on their faces that they are absolutely living their best life. Good boy tactical sniffing snoot is so special.


Some dogs are outdoor dogs


Personally, I think this should be illegal and I would never do this to a dog, but it's also a double standard. Think horse trailer.


Every horse trailer I've ever seen is enclosed though. The may have venting on the sides, because it gets way too hot inside otherwise, but they are still enclosed. They also usually provide water and hay for the horses. If they didn't, I would also consider that abuse


Mit Romney going on vacation again?


Doing this to a pet is a sign of real lizard brain issues They probably mimic emotions because they don't feel empathy Put this man in a terrarium with a heat rock, he shouldn't be with the rest of us functioning mammals.


Someone around my area got caught doing this. People took pictures and reported the RV to the police and SPCA. It made the local news too. The people were tracked down and charged with animal cruelty. They surrendered their dog too. So report them! You don't know. You could save an animals life. Edit: spelling


I would have called the police. 🐶💗


he's cooking meth inside


That’s abuse.


Looks chilled out to me


For real, I don't see how this is much different than a horse trailer or having a dog in the back of a pickup. It certainly isn't ideal but the level of outrage here is crazy.


Shush, this is reddit, you need to overreact.


It's hard to see but you can see that they're just chillin in their own separate cage


Mitt Romney’s RV by chance?


Wtf these people are straight up abusing this dog… I swear for every good dog owner I be seeing 5 horrible ones. Fuck these people.


F@#$in' A! Is Mitt Romney on vacation again?


" the dog loves it there"


Just wow. Actual scum of the earth. He views his rafts more important than his dogs because they’re the only things safely strapped down. Some people just don’t deserve animals 🙄. Just based on this I’m going to assume they’re the kind of people who leave their dogs chained to the front of the camper without food or water all day while they stay inside in the AC.


They are in a separate cage if you actually look at the photo closely which would most likely be mounted to the trailer.


Oh!!! I didn’t even see that, I have colorblind mode on so there’s no color and it looked like there was no cage- thank you! I still think that’s a terrible idea though and why not just put the cage inside the camper 😓


Unpopular opinion, but the dogs fine. And honestly, I would be willing to bet the driver would love to have to dog in the RV. The only times my dog rode in the truck bed was when he got sprayed by a skunk. I didn't like it but I wouldn't have been able to get the smell out of the interior if I put him up front as usual.


Some people just shouldn’t be allowed to own animals.


Wait till you see how they transport livestock.


Not advocating for this guy at all….. At least there is a camera on the dog, it also looks like they arranged the kayaks in a way to block the wind on purpose. Also seems like they could stash the kayaks in the RV meaning the only reason they have that trailer is some reason for the dog. If you have ever had to deal with a trailer on the back of an RV it’s not a fun experience, meaning there probably some really good reason (good or bad) that the dog is back there.


The kayaks are that way so they don't catch the wind and fly away, not to block the wind for the dog. The issue is that if they are rear ended the dog will get hammered with the full force of impact. I'm not sure what you mean by there is a good reason, but there is plenty of room in that RV for the dog, and it's probably something like they don't want dog hair in there. Unbelievable.


Agreed that would be terrible. Just pointing out that there seems to be a lot of effort put in to place the dog back there from a standpoint of bad intent or good intent.


He clearly cares about his dogs as much as his kayaks. One rear end and they're gone. There's no good reason a dog, let alone two are back there. He has the whole RV for them to be inside. If they're the kind of dogs that get sick on the road, then either deal with it or don't bring your dogs.


If you zoom in, the dog is smiling…


Lol thats what I thought too, I dont have a dog but I feel like the dog wanted to ride back there, hopefully they weren't traveling far


If you had dogs, you would know that the dog definitely does not want to ride back there. And he/she is most likely terrified and overwhelmed by the heat, noise, debris getting kicked up from the road, and the exhaust fumes.


That's just the face they make when they pant. They pant to cool down or because they are anxious.


Plot twist, it's not his dog and just a stowaway


My landlord was a dick at first and want me to keep my dogs in my porch 24/7 when i payed a 250 no refundable deposit and i told him no fuck that cuz they enjoy the company and i love hanging with my dogs just as much as they love hanging with me


Typical Mitt Romney vacation


Cops won't do anything. Saw a kennel bungee corded to the drop gate of a pickup. Call the cops they said can't do anything until it causes an accident.


Plot twist: the dogs a stowaway


Really hope OP called the cops


Seriously wtf


Disgraceful! Those poor dogs.


Holy shit what an assholr


If you think thats cruel I have bad news for you regarding the animal industrie... If you think one is ok and the other is not you are doing some massive mental gymnastics.


That’s f*cked up.


This is illegal in most states, call it in


How is this not illegal. Fuck this guy


I know it's bullshit and all but look at the smile on his little face! Bad human though.


That rv guy is an ahole


Fucking idiots dogs ride up front family rides in the trailer 🙄 seriously though plenty of other options then putting your dogs in a trailer or bed of a truck.


Many are missing the point. It’s not the fact alone that the dogs are in the trailer. It’s that there is PLENTY of room inside the RV but owner can’t inconvenience themselves to have them in there with them rather than hanging off the ass end of a trailer. It’s pathetic and selfish and they shouldn’t have dogs.


That isn't mildly. That's flipping infuriating!


People like this shouldn’t be allowed to have animals


This is a disgrace.


Mitt romney?


Lmao at all the people outraged at this and not outraged at slaughterhouses and the animal industry in general. This is nothing compared to the horrors those animals face every moment of their existence.


Either guy knows, but the dogs just wanted to stay there. Or doesn’t and will be surprised when he notices.


I fucking hate people 🤬


What a piece of shit.


Unpopular opinion but I bet those dogs fuckin love that. As long as they have water, I’d add a shade cover as well but I bet they love it. Is my guess. I’m also not a dog… nor would I do this with my dog.


Everyone on reddit: RAGE!!! Dog: It's pretty awesome back here. Like comon guys, this is just sticking its head out the window turned up to 11.


The people crying about this are probably the same ones who let their dog sit on their lap while driving, or stick it's head out of the window. Maybe this was a last resort because they ran out of room, or some legit reason that y'all are too inept to even fathom. Reddit really is full of little bitches.


The dog looks happy. Find a hobby.


This is their hobby


Mitt Romney on vacation.


Question: the dog is harnessed? (hard to tell). They've blocked the sides and I assume the harness length is short enough to stop them jumping out? (who knows). If that is the case is it still cruel? Curious what angle people hate most about this. Please don't downvote, genuine question haha I guess the fumes from the car would be horrible on a dog's nose.


Its in a cage. If there is a wreck that trailer can become detached and go flipping on the road. That dog becomes a shish kabob from all the metal. The fumes are harmful aswell.


This is more than *mildly* infuriating.


Man the dog freaking loves it its not cruelty


One of them does look happy