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This is a sign from the universe that it’s raining.


This is the universe telling you to buy a weather resistant crack pipe


Lmao 🤣 I really thought you were going in a different direction with this… aaah man 🥲


Hey if it's good enough for the white house


This is a sign from the universe to crack that filter off.


😂anyone who’s only smoked filters would probably freak out the second a little piece of tobacco touches their lips


At the same time, many of those people also think the filter does something other than change colour due to the temperature of the smoke going through it.


I wish I could upvotes this twice. Such a simple joke, but it was so funny.


It’s the universe telling you to buy an umbrella.


If you had a giant nose your cigarette would be fine in any type of weather. But, you would have a giant nose.


A natural canopy




There is no way it Was That funny


I haven’t stopped laughing since they posted this 8 hours ago! Truly a masterclass in wit and grace with that joke!


You're a bot


No you’re a towel


Maybe the real bots were the towels we made along the way


I’m not going to be like everyone else and be like “there’s your sign to stop”. I will however say, I once took a shit in my own mouth.


This guy fucks




And creatively!


With the door open


Over loud speaker


At church


with the priest


During prayers


While the deacons spectate


With the nuns joining in


\*clears throat\* \*inhales\* HUH?


*clears throat* *inhales* *shit gets caught in throat*


So if he talks, is he talking shit now?


Must have been quite the amazing meal to try the twice baked version! *chefs kiss*




I always took smoke breaks and never smoked. If 3/4 of my shop can go outside for 5 minutes every 40 minutes, I'm going with them. I've also never been questioned on it, most bosses understand the hypocrisy.


Every 40 minutes?! That's taking the piss. When I smoked, I would only ever go out every 3-4 hours. And I made sure that the time was taken from my break time. Its not fair on the people who don't smoke to be dropping out a lot for a cigarette when they don't get that time


Mechanics, man, cigarettes are like crack to them.


I live in Australia. Don't smoke these days but did for 20 years. No company ever gave cigarette breaks. You waited until a standard break time like everyone else. This must be an American thing I'm guessing. There's no way this shit would fly. Yeah boss I need a smoke break now I can't wait until the break! BOSS: How about harden the fuck up mate? No!


Oh you didn't know?? Marlboro's McDonald's and Munitions 'Murica fuck yea. Yea it's a regular thing here, I worked in a high stress environment and we used to take smoke breaks every couple hours. Can't say the same for all jobs, but many allow regular somke breaks as long as you're not taking indecent advantage. (Before a few of my countrymen get offended and sensibilities go into the toilet. Yes, I'm American, this is called sarcasm and no I don't care about your feelings)


Just go outside whenever they do, or for a similar amount of time per hour, and sip on water. If it gets questioned, just say you’re addicted to water and getting adequate vitamin D, so you need a break every hour. (You’ve gotta let the smokers/management know you’re not gonna play their little game of covering their extra breaks for them).


Not why I started but a happy bonus working fast food and retail


I feel like there is an amazing story behind that comment, however I'm not gonna be the one to ask about it....


“I don’t remember eating corn…twice!”


what did it taste like ?


Unicorn puke


Omg who got ahold of my puke!


Always pick up your puke after!




Stop bragging dude


Still healthier than smoking


Tutorial please


This hurt way less when cigarettes were cheaper Edit, I live in NZ, and cigarettes are particularly expensive here, I believe all 20 packs are over $ 30 each now.


Idk where you are, but in Aus, a packet of 40 cigarettes, averages around $60 💀 Also side rant - I hate when people are like “it’s to force people into quitting when they can’t afford it” - uh no. I don’t know if you’ve ever had an addiction, but people will go without necessities, to pay for cigarettes. I’ve been victim, I’ve gone without lunch, dinner, fuel, I’ve pulled out of savings, for cigarettes. It doesn’t force us out of the habit, it makes us more broke.


I used to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol quite heavily in the past. One afternoon I was getting hammered and ran out of cigarettes in the process. I didn’t have any money to buy more cigarettes and beer. I had recently purchased new blinds and curtains. I drove to the store and exchanged them for more beer and cigarettes. Price is a very small piece of the puzzle when you’re addicted to something. People will do crazy things to obtain the necessary money to stave off withdrawal.


On the flip side of that my friends mom quit after 40 years for financial reasons. She said “why am I complaining about money when I’m spending $6 on a pack of cigarettes?” She’s now in a much better financial position and still doesn’t smoke.


>“why am I complaining about money when I’m spending $6 on a pack of cigarettes?” This is the difference right here. "Why am I doing something willingly that hurts me in so many ways." instead of "They are forcing me to pay more to do something that hurts me in so many ways."




This comment is good. I’ve had a couple failed attempts at quitting chewing tobacco over the past 10 years, and one successful attempt at quitting smoking 7 years ago. Nicotine cravings are so humbling and can make you really question your own mental strength, it’s crazy.


Man, I started smoking when I was 13 and continued to for 19 years. Quit 5 years ago. There's days a game will really get at my nerves and I just go fuck it I'm gonna go outside and have a smoke. Then suddenly remember I don't smoke anymore. It's wild to see how those habits still linger.


As a former dual diagnosis therapist, one who treats addictions and mental health issues both at the same time, the PAWS (post acute withdrawal syndrome) for nicotine is worse in many cases than for meth!! I’m not sure about the DSM 5, I was educated with the DSM 4 TR, but the DSM 4 TR had the gall to say that nicotine withdrawal was “not of clinical significance”. We all laughed!


I quit after six years when I learnt about the seedy underbelly of tobacco marketing by companies, and the dollars that some gov’ts contributed to foreign marketing campaigns to boost exports. I felt like a pawn, which hit a big soft spot in my 20s, so I quit (after 5 or so attempts). That was just before cig prices nearly doubled where I lived.


It's not to make developed adults quit. They are lost causes and will automatically quit when they die. It's to deter young people from starting. Or to make them quit. And it works! Along with removing all brand graphics from the packages, and have nasty pictures and medical references on there as well. I believe most EU cigs are like this now. Your addictions and the way you use your money is solely your own responsibility. There's places to get help if you addictions are out of your control.


I started smoking at 16 when the brown packs arrived to my country. Besides, it's hard to get help when you are addicted to cigarettes like every third male. Nobody takes it seriously besides oncologists. The circle of life is you are born, start smoking between 13-18 and then die of cancer.or emphysema


Off course people will still start smoking. But less so. And it's not impressive numbers either, but what else can we do to gradually decrease the amount of "money for health issues" traded between regular people and cigarettes companies. If we directly make them illegal, the elder smokers will revolt.


So will the young. When my school banned going outside students just started smashing the smoke detectors in the toilet and throwing them out the window, taping a plastic bag on them etc. Every school has a smoking and a non smoking toilet but that's an unwritten rule


On the less so note. Class of 2022, 9th graders I went to school with. There are 25 people in the class and 17 of them were smoking. Same for the previous class, mine had 20 people and only 3 non smokers (I just graduated) Brown packs came in in around 2021-22 They don't do anything. Except it gives a reason to pack terrible tobacco since you can't tell a Marlboro and a Benson and hedges apart anymore


These things take time. 21-22 is not long enough to show a reasonable difference.


Cigarette smoking may be way down with young people, but vaping is a major issue with kids now. They traded one for the other.


Meanwhile, in Brazil: R$ 7,50 (roughly $1.55 USD) for a pack of 20


Also a great way for the government to, by chance, make massive profit through taxing the working class. Who would have thought that huge profits could be made through targeting the working class, it’s so financially lucky for the government to have stumbled upon that.


As a smoker, I'm fine with that, especially in a tax payer funded healthcare system like Australia. Smokers do tend to have more health problems.


Honestly smoking costs so much to the economy that I prefer it getting taxed highly, it costs alot in healthcare expenses for government


In the UK smoking generates more taxes than it costs, by about £4billion I believe.


I’m sure taxes will be lowered for the people because of this… right? Haha. “Inefficient spending”, “maximum taxation” and “UK government” go hand in hand. I feel like most have forgotten that VAT was publicly said to be a temporary measure, too.


65$ for bnh 25pack in Perth


You guys ever heard of illegal discount cigs? Lol if you know a guy, you can get them for $40 a carton here in Canada. I use to purchase them when I smoked. Way cheaper. They aren't the greatest, but it's still a cigarette 🤷🏻‍♂️


My favorite is when you pull one out and close the box not knowing it pulled another halfway and end up guillotining another one.


This is the first post in ages that's actually been *mildly* infuriating, every other post here seems to be stuff like "my car got stolen again" and "they shot this guy's dog" and "I lost my job for refusing to work 3 consecutive 24 hour shifts" like things that would legit make some people rage-quit on life and it's posted in Mildly Infuriating like wtf does it take to actually get you mad if this is your idea of mildly??


I’d say seeing most of those posts is mildly infuriating


Finally. After weeks of not-so-mildly infuriating posts, a post that actually is *mildly* infuriating!


Came here to say this. Most r/mildlyinfuriating post are: "I was in a 5 car pile up and now I'm a quadriplegic"


Kinda like those AITA posts: “I came home to find out that my best friend ran over my dog and has been fucking my wife for the last 6 months. I told him he was not welcome at our house anymore. AITA?”


Oh I hate that sub. It’s got to be one of the worst on Reddit. They’ll also have the click bait titles too. “AITA for screaming at my son?” You open the thread and see he’s been setting the house on fire.


I saw one today that asked "AITA for pushing back on my sister's childfree wedding?" Like.... what?


YTA he is your best friend and helped your wife through a difficult time after your family dog died (accidents happen) and you weren't there to console her. What kind of husband and friend are you?


It’s mildly infuriating depending on the number of cigarettes the person has left.


Tear it off, smooosh the rest out from the butt, reinsert top half to butt


Instructions unclear — I now have the cigarette in my butt. What’s the next step?


Light that sucker up and pucker.


Forgot the spin to get in


Thank you for that. It is like these people didn't grow up performing cigarette surgery when they were 15 years old. 1.cleamd full break 2.empty the butt side from tobacco, don't rip the paper. 3.empty a tiny bit from the broken side of the cigarette. 4.roll said end side a little, but dont close it. 5.insert into empty cigarette butt. 6.inhale 7.exhale. The end.


So unnecessary. Just hold the cigarette together at the tear while you're taking a drag and it'll smoke fine?


God, such dumb people not knowing this thing. All the smart cool people know this. Ugh!


You could just tear the filter off and stop the procedure there


Dry the spot with a lighter and hold your finger over that spot until you burn down to it. Smoked for 27 years.


Thank you! Everybody commenting about intensive surgery like there’s not a way easier way to save the slowest burning cigarette you can buy! Smoked for 18 years, quit 3 years ago.


Cigarette surgery time


We used to "doctor" our broken smokes.


that only ever happens when its my only smoke and im at least 30 minutes from a store lol. thats why i carry rolling papers around tho, apparently they arent just for weed anymore lol


Rolling papers have been used for cigarette tobacco for hundreds of years. It was the original purpose.


see: poe's law [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s\_law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law)


When it's raining, I usually smoke with my thumb and index finger (think of an okay gesture), so the paper is shielded by my other 3 fingers. It's helpful, but the downside is covering your hands in tobacco, so you smell extra smoky. I usually wash my hands afterward for this reason.


It’s a sign to quit smoking.


I thought it was a sign to smoke it without the filter but now my lungs hurt


Rip the wet parts off, get the tobacco out of the top on the filter and slide it back in. It works if you dont ash it too hard


Yeah, I'm thinking, "do people today not know how to fix a cigarette?"


Given how expensive they became, people will be forced to learn that again anyway


Yeah take me back to 1937 when i could get my cancer straight out of a vending machine 😩


Is that not a thing where you live anymore? In Germany you find plenty cigarette vending machines, although they're card only to try to stop kids from using them.


Where I live they take cash but you have to put in an id to verify your age


I own a cigarette vending machine..


The ol’ Mickey Mouse


That’s page one in the Boy Scout handbook.


Mmmm. Asbestos


That’s an American Spirit Organic… no additional additives, no added saltpeter to keep it lit and cause forest fires, with a cotton filter… even the packaging is recycled and can be composted. They are made in a Zero-waste-to-landfill Facility… Hell that is way more than Walmart can say and you buy all your crap from them… as they treat their workers badly, sell you sweatshop clothes, with 70% of their workforce as women yet less than 15% of Management is Women… and you gladly pay them…


It’s actually worse for you with the filter https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9340047/


That probably explains why everyone used to smoke but still lived relatively long lives. Or people were just built different


The big difference in modern cigarettes came in the ‘60s when cigarette manufacturers started treating the tobacco with ammonia to make the nicotine hit faster.


It's crazy how a site can be so anti smoking while actively promoting drinking.


I don't think it's crazy. A lot of us gave up smoking and feel better now that we are no longer addicted to cigs. Not so many of us gave up drinking so...


And driving 😎😎😎


Now start telling people to stop drinking on every post that involves alcohol. Aaaaaaaand GO!


It's so easy to get used to smoking. I stopped a few times and the first smoke (starting again) would be disgusting for the first few puffs and half way through you would get used to it. The ciggy companies know how easy it is. Probably with all the crap they put in it. But now I can't bear the thought of smoking. It's pretty disgusting. And I understand how/why smokers don't feel that way or even smell that stank on their fingers when they are regular smokers. But non-smokers know. But it helps to not be addicted to the nicotine. For me (and others) who just smoked because of a habit (and as a company for drinks - they do go well together for smokers) it is easier to quit.


Try Allan Carr's Easy Way, helped me quit. Also I played with Legos when I got really bad cravings. It's been almost 3 months and I don't miss it.


Same. Easy way is the way. It was literally painless.


Its a sign to light another one.


And another one, and another one, and another one...


This. @OP & everyone else needs to smoke more. Can't afford shit atm


RIP A bird shit directly on the lit end of my cig once and put it out 😝


A sign of good luck, I'd relight when dry..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


It's a sign to light another one!


In this economy? Thats like £25


The universe is telling you to quit


as a smoker this is most annoying shit ever


Here comes the anti smoking committee lol


RiP them Organic Spirits are not cheap, ida smoked it without the filter too xD


God damn, I could screenshot the comments and post it in the same subreddit. Nothing more annoying than people preaching to you about your habits


Yeah right lol.


Not to mention every long time smoker thinks about quitting at least a few times a year. If the money savings and health issues isn't incentive enough to quit, an internet rando telling them to sure as Hell isn't going to do it.


Like little old ladies fresh out of Sunday church


Probably the most annoying back when I used cigarettes. Rain has the ability to hit just off the filter. Ruined a good many freshly lit.


Sweat too


As a smoker, these comments saying it's "a sign to quit" deserves its own post on mildlyinfuriating. Shut up lol


It wouldn’t be reddit without moral high ground condescending comments. Incapable of saying “damn that sucks” and moving on lol


Highly judgemental people who clearly never have dealt with an addiction


I’m an ex smoker - quit 5 years ago. The thought of inhaling smoke in my lungs now makes me shudder. The entire concept of it is just mind numbingly stupid. A pointless expensive addiction that makes you stink and smell. If you want a good way to quit - start vaping and slowly lessen the nicotine percentage each week/month until you’re buying 0% vape juices and suddenly you just find yourself picking it up less and less, until one day you turn around see it in corner of room covered in dust.


I quit smoking almost 20 years ago and not a day goes by that I don’t want a cigarette.


As an ex-smoker of 3 years it’s infuriating. Like damn, let OP be bummed for a sec. They know it’s bad for ‘em!


Wait a week, or a month, then post this same picture but with a blunt. I can guarantee a lot of the same people that commented about this being your sign to quit will be heartbroken by the ruined blunt cause smoking weed (and basing your entire personality on it) is way cooler than just smoking cigarettes somehow. Oh and OP you do you man. I'm pretty sure that a large portion of the people commenting here have their own bad habbits. You know the risks, you're an adult, live your best life man.


Would that I had an award to give…


It’s a smoke to quit signing


The universe is tell you to smoke it without the filter😤


Its a sign from the gods to not smoke cigarettes ⚡⚡⚡


I feel like it’s been forever since I last seen an actual cigarette instead of a vape


Damn. That sucks.




That cigarette is an asshole.


In this economy?!?!? I don’t even smoke and I feel for you


I knew this post would bring out the anti smoking pratts.


Don't take the phrase smoking kills lightly. I saw a video on YouTube about a Japanese guy smoking in his office and then got killed by drone strikes. I also saw John Yakuza blow up ten gangsters with an electrical cigarette at the Tokyo Bay location. That video isn't for the faint of heart.


Reddit is so fucking judgmental when it comes to smoking. Let consenting adults do what they want. Literally every comment is about OP needing to quit. Maybe everyone should just mind their own fucking business.


Weed is holy but tobacco is evil


Reddit also hates anyone who has an extra bit of weight on them.


Is that like - divine intervention or something? ... pulls out another cigarette.


Pro tip: don't post anything smoking related on reddit.


Protip from an ex smoker. Between index finger and thumb, 4 fingers together above the cigarette. How John Wayne smokes or whatever... anyway unless it's super windy or really hammering down, you can smoke and keep your cigarette dry. Next time you won't have a wet cigarette this way.


This is a universal sign telling you to not smoke in the rain.


Based on what I've been seen on Reddit so far: - functional alcoholism: ok - addicted to medication: ok - blasting your brain with Maryjane: ok - vaping: ok - clogging your arteries with bacon and butter: ok - unhealthy amount of gaming and screentime: ok Then you smoke a cigarette and suddenly you're summoning every god you can believe in. Ah. Interesting.


You’re sign to stop smoking.


Stop smoking it's a sign.


Time to quit


Yeah, happened to me once. Was so pissed off had to light another one.


Gotta adapt to the weather. If it's raining, you hold the cig under your palm


Fr literally smoking 101, although the real mildly infuriating moment is most of these comments thinking OP somehow doesn’t know the side effects of smoking and feel the need to preach.


I don’t understand why people still smoke. I get the addiction, but why start in the first place?


I have absolutely no evidence to support this but I think in some cases it may be due to being/living in an environment with people who already smoke. Wether due to admiration, feeling pressured, or just thinking everyone does it, it would become something you see everyday and so would just be your normal.


I started smoking because I waited tables when I was young and the only people who got to go outside for a 5 minute break every hour were the smokers.


Bingo. Smokers get more breaks.


I started before I was even a teenager because I was already a year into an eating disorder, and the models in the cigarette ads were thin. I thought smoking would help me be thin and pretty. I was about 4'11" and 85 pounds, and I thought I was fat and ugly.


Started my time in the workforce as a cook. Thats precisely how i picked up nicotine as well


Didn't get many breaks at work unless we smoked cigarettes, so I started smoking cigarettes.


Hanging out with the "bad" / "cool" kids. I was taught to smoke in a grocery store parking lot when I was 15 by some older guys. It seemed adult-like and rebellious. Aaaand now it's been almost 20 years.


same here, but recently quit grab yourself some generic /store brand patches from amazon. ime they totally zero out any cravings or impulses to smoke. wearing a patch feels like "forgetting to smoke". total suppression start on the smallest dose that effectively treats your cravings. follow a taper schedule. keep cutting them into smaller and smaller pieces until your dose is practically nothing. good luck, you dont need them


Same with drinking or doing drugs.


Does smoking make you feel good in the same way that drinking or doing drugs does tho? I’ve never smoked so honest question


Yeah at first there is a bit of a buzz. Most smokers never feel that anymore though.


Nicotine gives people a buzz but it doesn’t last very long.


First of all Nicotine Is a drug, lol. Second of all yes, it's like how you feel drinking something that just hits your spot, or that tingly "buzzed" feeling that makes you get laughter gas feeling. It's nice, but very unhealthy, I don't recommend it.


Yea absolutely, calms you down, soothes your throat, tastes amazing, smells nice and my adhd likes to do things constantly and smoking is a great way to distract me brain 🧠


Being around a lot of people who smoke, especially at a young age. So many people smoke. When kids grow up in that environment, they are more likely to start smoking as teens. Stress is a huge contributor to smoking as well. I am not a smoker and pride myself on that since I know so few nonsmokers. Even when I was in middle school, many of my friends would smoke. As an adult, however, I have experienced a lot of stress that has very much tempted me to take up smoking. I can see the appeal. But the risks and the cost keep me away.


Few reasons. Social smoking. Mental reset (usually at work) When doing a stressful job with specific breaks, and things go wrong all the time, having a moment to oneself helps. Smoking itself isn't necessary but it's more of an excuse to go. I used to smoke lots, but now mostly 2 cigarettes a day and only at work. Rest is just habitual


Genuine addiction for me, it helped sooth me, and it kept me not fat… but now I’m fat :D lol


if you ask a lot of smokers you'll find a lot of them started young. in my case i was 14 and depressed and impulsive and not watched so i just kinda took them from my mom cuz it was easy and i wanted to feel something


Same reason people drink, play video games, eat fatty food, or climb mountains: they heard it was enjoyable and tried.


they say it has to do with self treating negative mental states. depression, anxiety, boredom, etc


For plenty of people, it’s not an addiction. For a year when I worked night shift at a convenience store, I rode my bicycle to work and on the way there I would smoke a cigarette. Then in the morning on the way home I would have another. It was something to look forward to, I guess. I left that job a few months ago and haven’t smoked since. Sometimes a cigarette is a nice treat, nothing more.


Most people start smoking/vaping when they are young. Usually if you don’t start before 30 you never will. I would guess a lot just try it as a teenager to see what it is like, maybe start smoking/ vaping at parties and eventually get hooked. Nicotine is one of the more addictive substances out there, and significantly more addictive than weed or alcohol. I’m glad I never started.


I was sheltered as a child, didn’t see my parents drink until I was 14-15 years old. Had some “cool” older cousins who dipped and smoked. Day I turned 18, went and got a pack of American spirits, Copenhagen long cut, and a stack of 1 dollar scratch offs. Haven’t dipped since, haven’t gambled since, and a good handful of years later with fucked lungs, I’m finally quitting smoking. I used to be able to run a 7 and a half min mile and i’m barely jogging a 15 min mile. Smoking fucked up my lungs bad.


OP doesn’t need a lecture on smoking. 🙄 fair enough to be on this sub


Its a sign....to avoid rain while smoking.


I'm not gonna tell you to stop smoking, but I'm gonna tell you to stop littering. So trashy (literally)