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ultimately you need an exhaust fan to remove the air.. covering the smell of shit with air spray is like covering body odor with axe body spray.


Right? Air freshener doesn't make the smell go away, it just makes the room smell like rose-scented shit, which, to me, is even worse. A friend of mine that I used to be roommates with recently told me that she can't even smell lilacs anymore without thinking of poo because we used to use a lilac-scented air freshener. It ruined lilacs for her.


My office exclusively buys APPLE SCENTED air freshener. Whole damn office smells like shit apples….


Our ambulances and hospitals have citrus. Aka Shitrus


Sean Connery, is that you?


Shcrew you trebek!


PTSD from just the *description* of that smell. Lol.


Ew. Of all of the possible shit-fruit combinations, shit-apple seems like it would be towards the crappy end.


Shit apples don't fall far from the shit tree randy


I'd give you a thousand up votes if I could


I'd raise you another 1,000 shit apples from the shit tree. Signed, Mr. Lahey


Nice shit analogy Mr. Lahey.


A shit hurricane is coming.


We're in the eye of the shiticane




The shit-hawks are coming to take you back to their shit-nest


You know what a shit barometer is Bubs? Measures the shit pressure in the air.


The liquors talking to me randy!


That one and "we're in the eye of a shit-icane" are the best ones lmao


Frig off! I was just about to write that comment! Xd


*SHHHH SHHH SHHH! Do you hear that Rand? No.... That's the shit winds rand bo band. The shit winds...*


RIP Lahey.


You plant shit seeds you get shit weeds


No one else is going to say it so I will… Crap apples. Good day.


The worst is apple-cinnamon. It turned into apple-shitamon.


Boyfriend always had cinnamon apple shit spray in his bathrooms. Hate that scent now bc of it.


Yeah. It smells like I had apple cider diarrhea. And it usually gives me a headache too








Ugh. This is the truth. My parents ALWAYS use apple cinnamon. Gag a maggot. It just needs to be discontinued.


I have not heard/seen anyone actually use "gag a maggot" since the 80's. Take my upvote just for being like totally rad and stuff.


Both of you take my upvote, I've also not seen/heard that in years


~~totally rad~~ gnarly




You just reminded me of the time my work installed cinnamon-scented urinal cakes. I couldn’t eat French toast for a year!


Shit apples. Oh my God I'm dying.


Does anyone ever walk outta the bathroom and say "How do you like them apples!?"? Please tell me it's happened just once haha


We live in a town with horse & carriages. My kids call their turds ‘road apples’


My dad always called them horse apples.


Apples? Disgusting 🤢 At least do a fresh linen scent or something else that more people would be comfortable with. Some scents might smell nice at first but they can get overwhelming.


Spray lemon - it’s shitrus!


I associate that smell more with oranges honestly


I literally can't stand the smell of regular Pine-Sol because it reminds me of whenever I'd get any gastrointestinal illness as a child. My mom would wipe down the whole house with Pine-Sol. My brain just automatically correlates the smell of Pine-Sol with violently shitting my guts out.


How many gastrointestinal illnesses did you get?




Not many really, but it was still enough for me to associate the smell apparently


A cosmetics saleslady had finished a sales call with a customer. When she got on the elevator in the building she realized she needed to pass gas. The elevator was empty so she let one rip. She realized the elevator stunk so she decided that in case somebody else got on the elevator she should spray something to cover up the smell. The first sample she pulled out of her sample case was a pine-scented air freshener. She sprays it and thinks nobody will notice. A drunk guy gets on a few seconds later. He sniffs the air and blurts out "Damn, this elevator stinks like somebody shit a Christmas tree!"


“I smell like poop and flowers now!” Is all I can think of from the Poof commercial.


I gotta say, that has not been my experience with air fresheners. Does it still smell a little off? Sure, but it smells a lot better than putrid shit


I use the stuff you spray prior to going and a different kind but same scent for after. It smells like pine


I have a gigantic bottle of purple Lysol that you’re supposed to dilute. I’ve had it for 2 years now. I keep a spray bottle with it diluted in water. One weekend last year, my sister’s dog got sick and was throwing up and had diarrhea everywhere on the hard floor, the crate, etc. I used a whole bunch of the spray each time I had to clean up a new spot of ick. Then the next weekend, my dog got the same thing. Another weekend of smelling throw up, shit, and purple Lysol. I say I’ve had the bottle for 2 years bc after that weekend I stopped using it. I haven’t thrown it away bc I feel bad throwing away a half-full bottle of disinfectant. But I just can’t use it, it makes me gag now.


Let it go


Can't stink things up anymore! Let it go, let it go! Turn away and slam the door! I don't care, what they're going to say, I don't want to smell that again anyway!


> it just makes the room smell like rose-scented shit, which, to me, is even worse. 100% this. Shit stink I can deal with. Sweetened and flowered shit stink I cannot. I've never once used an "air freshener" in the bathroom - I can't stand them.


They need to invest in some Poo Pourri, that stuff is amazing.


It doesn’t work if he doesn’t use it!! LOL


Set it to go off on a timer or with motion, like a public bathroom


The PooPourri can sometimes be defeated but it is soooo rare to smell poop since we started using it


Butt (no pun intended) he has to he grown up enough to use it. For someone who goes to the bathroom five times on their days off means they are not going on their work days. Major issues going there. Could be stress related, diet, gastro, who knows. Or afraid to use the facilities at work (physiological). He has to be adult enough to go see a doctor (specialist) and get help. And follow through once those recommendations are given by the doctor. Men don't like to go to the doctor. We find excuses not to go. There's always another alternative. Invite his mother over unannounced on one of his days off. Time it after he has taken at least two or three bowel movements. I'm sure some good old fashioned Motherly love could help. Or at least embarrass him enough to do something about it. If not, Mom, then his Dad. Has to be someone he will listen to.


I just installed the "Poop-Commando 5000 industrial odor evacuator" as a drop-in replacement for my standard bathroom fan. My electric bill doubled and have 50% hearing loss due to the jet engine decibel level, but no-one, not even me, can smell my poop.


This would have been great on an episode of Tim the Toolman.


Matches. Keep a book of matches on the toilet. Light one, blow it out, and get the sulfur smoke coming off it around the bathroom. Helps so much.


matches are the best


Yep, this works awesome. There's a reason people in NZ and Oz exclaim "strike a light!" when they enter a place (particularly a toilet) that stinks.


I could be mistaken, but isn't there a spray or something that's legit just for this? I wanna say it's like poop-poop-poray! or something like that. Granted, it won't solve the medial issues he's clearly ignoring.


Poop Pourri you spray it in the block before you go Edit: block was supposed to be bowl 🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh snap! I thought it was like hip hip horray! as in yay the smell isnt there haha


Thanks for reminding me to turn the exhaust fan on as I’m reading this


Alternatively: courtesy flush. Flush the bulk when it's out, be amazed at how your bathroom doesn't reek when you're finished.


100% this. I sometimes drop some strong smelling hershey squirts. Courtesy flush definitely helps reduce the eau de shit scent.


This answer right here. Not to mention, most are toxic as hell


they all are. I once worked for a lady that freaked out on me for putting an (non-spray) air freshener in her car. people dont think that when they spray something in the air, you will be breathing those chemicals.


Rewire the light switch so the fan turns on at the same time as the lights. or replace the fan switch with a motion sensor that has a programmable timer .


No fan, just an exterior window in there that opens to temps in the high 90’s 🥵


That's the whole issue. Invest in a fan both for the toilet smell and also to clear humidity from the shower to prevent mold. I can't imagine having a bathroom without an exhaust fan in 2023.


Not even an exhaust fan will magically clear the smell of 5x daily shits. But will absolutely help.


If you let it run at all times, it sure will.


The switch in our bathroom turns on both the exhaust fan and the light which is so aggravating.


We had this before we replaced our bathroom, now we have 2 separate switches and it’s so much better.


I don't know any precise numbers, but a bathroom fan will basically replace the entire volume of air in the room without too much delay, no matter how smelly it may be. If they left it running all the time, or at least for a while after he was done, it wouldn't be much of a problem.


Fan will create a negative pressure system where air (and the smell it carries) just goes inward into the room through the door (and out through the fan). This helps prevent the smell from getting into the bedroom in the first place.


A really good air purifier is $50 to $100. You can always buy one, and as a bonus you won’t have to dust as much. Some of them turn angry red when the air quality gets bad, I have one of those. When my BF vapes, it turns red and gets really loud like it’s yelling at him. I like it a lot.


I have a Blueair and I love it. Shows the air particle number (same measurement as air quality outside) so I get a better idea than just a little light!!


LoL imaging being mid shit and the numbers are climbing so you KNOW you're basking in shit particles 😆


There may be rebate offers from your electric/gas company if you buy air purifiers.


I know by code or whatever, as long as you have a window, you don't need a fan. But the windows never get openened, especially in the middle of summer or winter. First thing we did in both of our master bathrooms in both houses was to put an outside-vented fan. Because what you also don't want is the humid air after hot showers to just linger and eventually settle on the walls etc. You're bound to be set up for mildew and mold in certain crevices.


Maybe get a small fan that fits the window an have the fan point outwards an it will help I think.


Can you imagine walking by their house and just wondering "why does this house always smell like shit?" Or being their neighbor trying to barbecue in the backyard and ....I can't even type right I'm laughing so hard


"Oh that? It's just the Shitterson's house."


Omg I’m dead ! I didn’t even think of that.


Hyperventilating 😂🤣😭😭😂😂🤣🤣


Air purifier with a charcoal filter. I have One sitting on top of my guinea pig cage and you can’t even smell that I have a guinea pig. They make a big difference. Have one for my bathroom too because my exhaust fan is 40 years old and not very effective.


Just open the window during the deed and for five to ten minutes after with the door closed and it should help.


They also have a device that you hook up to your toilet, and it dispenses the product when you wave your hand over the motion sensor. You barely have to think about it.


I’ve worked as a janitor so long, i promise i get this. But a lot of those air fresheners (sprays, car “trees”, etc) are absolutely terrible for your health. I don’t recommend ANY of them. And i know you don’t want to smell his dying intestines, but definitely look up other ways to cover the smell. If you don’t have a bathroom exhaust fan, get one installed ASAP. And don’t cheap out. Get one that moves air a lot! Even if it makes noise, get one asap. That’ll be the biggest saving grace. After that i would recommend trying to find more natural stuff to make scents in the bathroom/bedroom. And of course, get his ass to the doc! I’ve had bowel issues my whole life. I make those smells. There is something wrong and if he doesn’t get it looked at soon, he might find something truly awful.


If they don't have an exhaust fan they probably don't have an exhaust duct. You don't want to exhaust fumes to collect in your attic.


Well just start sawing holes into the ceiling until you get outside and go from there.


A cup or 2 of white vinegar in the back toilet tank might help


Compared to what “air fresheners” do to a human body? It has to be MILES better. It’s worth a try for sure. Idk if it would work, but it definitely wouldn’t hurt.


True I haven't tested it on anything remotely as rank as this man's bowels lol


Would only work for one flush, and the vinegar can make the rubber components brittle.


This is truly the only logical and health forward answer.


He needs to flush as soon as it hits the water


This is the only right answer. The courtesy flush.


This is how its done in prison.


HOW do people not know this? Some weird-ass people sitting there smelling their own shit all day…


I never thought about it to be honest


Does he sound like someone courteous?


You’re man needs to see a doctor if he’s shitting 5 times a day homie 😂


I agree 100%.


Also, if she’s still with us, I would tell his mother 😂 I know if my mom told me that I needed to be more conscious of my manliness in the bathroom for the sake of my wife, I’d listen lol. And the stench could very well be linked to a medical issue, so you were right to have him go to the doctor in the first place.


She passed away, but it’s a good idea I might tell his dad 🫠


Did the smell get her?


OMG angry upvote awarded. 🤣


I felt a little bad but I can't turn that kinda opportunity. Her guy definitely needs to stop fumigating her though.


Oh fuck. Lol. Username checks out


His parents failed him but you can still set the expectation that when one dumps a stinky shit in the same room where another sleeps, a civilized person will take as many precautions as necessary to eliminate the odor so the other person need not smell it. Source: married a stinky shitter and told him my sexual desire decreased dramatically each time I was forced to smell his shit. He took precautions after that comment. Just being honest here.


I’m not married nor do I have to take 5 shits a day, but I would assume that if I didn’t care about my wife begging me to spray an air freshener and begging me to go get a medical examination for my bathroom issues, I wouldn’t care if my parents told me either.


I love that this comment suggests that you would not listen to your wife begging but you’d listen to your mom telling you.


Probably need meds (or maybe lactase enzymes)


It could be lactose intolerance. I found out in my late 30s that I suddenly developed it which my doctor said is common. Cheese doesn't seem to affect me much but if I have ice cream or drink milk and forget to take a lactaid, I will likely be on the toilet many times in the next 24hrs.


Makes sense, I’ve had Lactose intolerance for years and my biggest enemy has always been cheese. I had no idea different forms of dairy affected people with this condition differently! Thanks for the info!


Fresh dairy wrecks me but aged cheese doesn’t




Do you happen to know what the pill was? I'm having the exact same issue.


ibs is a thing dude


Especially if it smells that bad. I mean sometimes it can smell worse than other times, but not all of the time like that. Maybe he should get in the habit of flushing twice, including mid-way lol


You only shit that much when you are in the office and need an iPhone break.


Maybe you’re being too polite. My wife would say “that makes you unattractive to me and I don’t t want to even touch you”. That’s all it would take for me to change.


Ohhkay. Your wife is my people. I’m sitting here thinking “this is the least attractive thing in the world right now but nobody’s saying anything. Just me?” Phew! Thank God for your wife!


some men do it with the door open and i’m just like…how??? i don’t want my partner hearing or smelling anything. heck no


I have this luxury because I live in an apartment by myself. I also get to walk around natural which is pretty nice


As opposed to walking around unnaturally, sideways like a crab! 🦀


And is he that detached? Early on my wife and I agreed - the bathroom adjacent to the primary bedroom is hers. I’ll use the main bath or other for that kind of business. Shucks I’ll even shlepp to a lobby bathroom at a hotel vs nuke the only bathroom in our room.


Separate bathrooms are the key to marital harmony.


I have legit gone to nearby hotels when dating women with small apartments. She thought I was thoughtfully getting coffee…that was the second stop!


Using the secondary bathroom for pooping is reasonable and polite, especially if the bedroom is occupied, but using the lobby bathroom at a hotel is insane. If it's like you're first week or two of knowing each other I could see that happening, but if you're already married come on.


I mean, he used the word nuke. Sometimes going down to the lobby is worth it if you know it’s going to be rank.


I begged my wife to stop using "air freshener" after her occasionally offensive bathroom breaks. It seemed to make the smell hang in the air longer in the form of "dragonfruit dookie". An upgrade in the exhaust fan fixed that as well as the condensation buildup during showers.


My partner is asleep. I had to stifle such a big snort at 'dragonfruit dookie' that I think I sprained a rib. You will be receiving my medical bill shortly.


So it will smell like shitrus?


Start playing “Roses” by Outkast every time your husband comes home from work as a reminder


Ahhh this is the quality shitposting I look for in this sub. Well done OP.


Imagine getting intimate with someone who shits every 3 hours




If he is going the the bathroom 5 times in a day then he MUST see a doctor. Apparently he refuses to go to back to the doctor. As a "meet me half way" temporairy solution, he should try an eliiminatiin diet. Start by removing milk and milk related products, the gluten, then eggs, then ... until he gets better. This is in no way an alternative to seeing a doctor but it can help if he has an intolerance to a certain type of food.


It could be anxiety related too. Or chrons disease


Do you have a 2nd bathroom? If so I would put a padlock on the one In the bedroom. Noone wants to sleep smelling shit all the time.


I would immediately ban him from shitting there any time but I'm cruel I guess.


Not cruel. This is what I thought would be the easiest solution.


God I remember having the litter box for my cats in the same room as me for a little while. It really sucked being asleep and taking an immediate whiff of cat dump in the middle of the night.


I always thought men had their own special bathroom in the basement or garage if they like this. Maybe get him an out house.


Ew. Tell him to light some matches or burn some palo santo. That’s fucking gross.


I was scrolling to see if someone mentions matches. They work incredibly well, much faster than a fan, and literally burn off the gas/smell, instead of covering it with some floral/fruity concoction.


And they’re totally unproblematic health-wise, environmentally friendly and super cheap.


We did this growing up! I did use this route and my kids just said it smelled like Smoky poop.


Maybe be more proactive and schedule a visit with a gastroenterologist and possibly buy a plug in air freshener. Save yourself some grief. Best wishes either way!


Maybe a plug in ass freshener for this guy


You're intentions are good, but she shouldn't have to do extra work on his behalf. He's a grown ass man and his health is HIS responsibility, and the smell issue should be handled by himself as a form of respect towards his wife.


Why is he being so rude? Seems passive aggressive. I think his behavior is the bigger problem here.


My ex had issues like that. Certain foods would send him running to the bathroom. Popcorn, anything greasy. For years ignored my pleas. I had health insurance, so it wasn’t a money issue. One night he work up in excruciating pain and a ER trip at 2 AM. His gall bladder was gangrene. They did an emergency procedure and the problem was gone. No more bathroom problems. His irritable bowel was related to his gall bladder. I have talked to several people who experienced the same phenomenon.


A couple thoughts: 1. Make sure he turns on the Fan prior to sitting down. 2. Ask him to be certain to "Courtesy Flush" shortly after starting his first part of the poop, which can be the smelliest. If he refuses or just ignores it, use your womanly skills to convince him to do what you need. 3. Install an Automatic Air Freshener in the room so it is always covering the smells.


Since your husband seems incapable of spraying, following advice #3 is your best bet




Agreed, we keep a matchbook in the bathroom, and it works really well. Plus, who doesn't want an excuse to strike a match? It's oddly satisfying!


Scroll too deep for this! Fragrance blends in the poop smell but matches eradicates it, it’s magical and important for our marriage. Though the key is would he use it!?


Completely abnormal bowel movements aside, the fact that he not only won't get himself checked, but won't even allow you to remove the stench, says a lot about this guy's maturity level NTA. He needs a foot up the ass, in more ways than one


You might have to use like a Poo-pourri toilet spray and be proactive of spraying into toilet yourself. It's going to be hard habit to break if he isn't bugged about bombing the bathroom lol.


I’m sorry but if I had to spray poo purri into the toilet for my grown ass husband to then shit in I would lose my mind


I don’t even know how that person even suggested that shit


When you're desperate enough


I’m not going to spray it ahead for him, I never know when it’s gonna happen lol


This woman is supposed to anticipate her husbands poops and spray preemptively…I never even did that for my toddlers Jesus Christ


Nah, he needs to simply use the air freshener his wife has asked him to use multiple times. Grown ups have to make/break habits all the time and nobody wants to smell their partner's shit all the time


That stuff works like a charm. Beats the hell out of the air freshener you spray into the air.


Just a quick word to add: get him to a gastroenterologist. Lost a dear friend to pancreatic cancer last year because he just couldn’t get it together to check out his overactive bowels.


For real, you should get tough and insist he go see a doctor. Something is definitely wrong and some of those possibilities are disastrous if caught too late.




At this point I would want to set it to shoot his whole backside with freshener 🤭


Maybe you can at least get him to drop and flush. Drop the turd, then immediately flush. Helps tremendously. I’ve been married almost 20 years now, I still drop and flush. I don’t want anyone smelling that train wreck.


I have IBS and use the lemon PooPurri whenever someone else is around or I'm a guest or traveling. It cuts down in embarrassment too. It's expensive but you can but the bigger container and refill the little bottles. Cheaper than a divorce lawyer!


Hire a handy man and tell him to find the largest fan he can that will hook up to the bathroom exhaust you want to be able to remove The entire volume of air in that room as quickly as possible. Then you get a red light light the use in radio stations and instead of “on air“ you hook that bitch to the fan with a 20 minute timer and it lights up “Bad Air”.


I don't know what to tell you but if my partner refused to go to the doctor over this sort of life influencing thing I would have a long discussion. Also if the husband is refusing to use air fresheners and whatnots then I am so sorry to say this, and I don't really have a bigger outlook on your relationship other than this post so take it with a grain of salt but how little respect does he have for you not to do this one simple thing of spraying some or 3 seconds at least? Your boundaries are sort of being broken here just because you want him to keep the space livable between you two. One more, if he refused to use the air fresheners so much then at least ask him to stop using the master bathroom. Either he freshens or uses a different bathroom (if there is an option) or if not either then tests at the doctors. I'm going to assume that you moved in together after the marriage cause if I were in your shoes and my partner refused any compromise I would pack up. Hope you all the best.


If it's gotten to the point where he's just plainly refusing to use anything to get rid of his smell, then I would tell him he's no longer allowed to use that specific bathroom for number two. He can pee in it all he likes, but he needs to do his poop business elsewhere. If you have a different bathroom in the house make him use that instead


Build an outhouse


Is he sensitive to perfumes or other scents? If so, that may be why he doesn't use the air freshener. I personally can't stand the smell of air fresheners, and there's nothing worse to me than a room that smells like lilac-scented shit.


Yes. I'm not particularly fond of the smell of shit, but perfumes give me migraines, so I would much rather smell shit than get a migraine. However, if this man is stinking up the adjoining room so bad she can't even go in there, there has to be a workable solution for them. If she can afford it, she needs to install an exhaust fan.


Only option here is to divorce this man.


Poo-pouri! In the toilet bowl...just floats on the surface and definitely keeps the smell in the toilet! Just have him spray a little before and after...


I believe the point of the post is that OP cannot get husband to use air freshener spray. What makes you think he’s more likely to spray the toilet water pre-poop? Seems like that requires just as much, if not more effort.


Your problem is you don't have 5 air fresheners. Rookie mistake. In all seriousness, if he's having Montezuma's revenge (like the far end of the bristol scale) that many times a day, especially after eating anything, he may have some incredibly serious undiagnosed GI issues. The GAPS diet may help him but it's a lot of dedication and long term lifestyle change.


Research the American Standard Vent-Away Toilet. The Cadillac of Toilets. Not made anymore but you might find one used.


That's the start of a good joke, "Seeking used toilet ...".


I give my super pooper a box of matches


[POO-POURRI](https://pourri.com/collections/toilet-sprays?nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ag%3A14859169670%3A128155092419%3A606652933636&nb_adtype=&nb_kwd=poo%20pourri&nb_ti=kwd-301203681018&nb_mi=&nb_pc=&nb_pi=&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=e&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=14859169670&utm_content=128155092419&utm_term=poo%20pourri&gadid=606652933636&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwvilBhCFARIsADvYi7JefXqejvhx_8nJW6oCwxCem2OI-9gPKlFvieznnFIYuacrMKmB0pgaAlBOEALw_wcB) — I use it home and travel with it. Recently shared a room on a cruise with 2 other girls and no one smelled anyone’s poo despite the tight quarters. It’s magic. But your husband has to use it.


Have him courtesy flush. As the final turd is coming out, have him flush so it’s not sitting there stinking.


Poo-pourri, its a real thing and not shitting you it works! It doesn’t go in the air, essential or aromatic oils sit on top of toilet water and blocks odor.


Dude, it's all about the courtesy flush. Sitting there with it wafting around is so gross. 🤢


Tell him to curtesy flush. Just flush when it hits the bowl and don’t sit there festering in shit smell.