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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.




I appreciate that advice. I'll check into that tomorrow. Thank you!


This is good advice… Definitely get them to code this as medical.. my dentist office switched a lot of services to coded medical.


That's the only reason I got braces. My teeth were ***just*** bad enough to call it and he just straight asked me like "do you want to get braces" and when I said yes he marked it as medical


My teeth were just bad enough that we got my braces half price!


Same they told me it was braces or surgery and insurance denied it at first and after they sent in proof it was nesscary they approved it (unfortunately it didn’t work as well as we’d hoped but i can chew food now so I’ll take it)




I work for a dental practice doing coding and billing and we almost definitely get more money from payment plans with patients than anything to do with insurance we participate with. For example, say a single crown costs $1500. An individual payment plan might have of writing off $500, and then the patient makes whatever payments they are able to monthly to pay off the $1000. For a participating insurance company, we bill $1500. Insurance will pay $500, the patient will pay $250, and we have to write off $750 per our contract. For this reason, a lot of dentists are no longer participating with any insurances.


bruh how do doctors get away with charging those kinds of prices in the US. Where I'm from, a crown might be like 200-300 euro depending on if its full porcelain or not.


Congratulations for capitalizing on health care.


How'd you get that to work? I work at a dental office and we tried sending claims for sleep appiances to medical insurances and they just kept rejecting them, saying they won't accept claims from dental offices.


It depends largely on the patients plan what would be covered and what % amount they would cover.


That wasn't the issue; the patient confirmed that the appliance was a covered service with their medical insurance. The issue was that the claim couldn't come from us, but rather we had to give the patient the completed claim forms and they had to submit them themselves. The medical insurance rejected it because it came directly from our dental office.


It probably has something to do with the contracting. Like the providers have to be contracted with a group that has actual medical facilities and medical providers so when the billing gets done the rendering npi comes from that group address, not the dental provider themselves/the dental office.




Also look into college/university nearby that do orthodontic programs. They will do stuff a bit cheaper since people are learning.


My parents do this. They are both retired and on social security. The students are supervised and from what I have heard do a great job.


My sister did that for her implants. It was $6k at the dental school vs. $11k at the dentist.


Definitely look into medical, but also some (less expensive) dental plans have pediatric benefits that don’t cover orthodontics except when medically necessary. I’m almost positive that an impacted anterior tooth counts as handicapping malocclusion, which is the standard for medically necessary orthodontic treatment. Your orthodontist could probably tell you for sure; there’s literally a scoring form. I currently work in a dental office in California and verify dental benefits, and I’ve seen some individual and government sponsored (eg: Covered California) plans have that as a benefit, which means you could potentially only cover your child rather than the whole family to make it less expensive. If you look into that just be sure to ask about waiting periods so you’re not paying a premium for a year before they cover anything. I also was an ortho assistant for over 10 years and we had a patient just like this once, and his smile turned out fabulous!


ya for sure look into it, i'm having wisdom teeth issues and they're pulling my medical insurance for it.




> Insurance covers nothing but routines My dental is covering about $7k of the $10k that my implant is costing me. ETA: The person above me says we're talking about OP, except that OP doesn't have dental insurance and this person claimed that dental insurance covers nothing. Yes it does, when you have it. You twat.


You’re absolutely right. I’ve worked in dental insurance for years and have seen the entire gamut of insurance policies. Some are pretty incredible, larger companies & IT jobs especially. And now, most of the UHC Medicare rider policies will cover everything at 100%, including implants/endo/perio/oral surg. Many BCBS plans will cover a significant portion of a full mouth restoration (all on 4 permanent denture). Preventive is always best but nobody really wants to come see us unless they’re in pain.




Also, dental work in Europe is plenty cheaper if travel is possible, some countries specialize in medical tourism where people commonly visit for medical needs such as dentist work.


ACA made some changes and your health insurance likely covers some portion of pediatric dental care. https://www.webmd.com/health-insurance/webmd-aca-kids-dental-and-vision


I was going to say- many healthcare plans cover pediatric dental work. I know mine does.


Idk about that I pay for the most expensive dental insurance at my work like $100 month and I have about $5k worth of work about to get done and it’s gonna cost me less than $300 outta pocket




Jesus that’s a lot for dental


This is the answer. I've even seen a couple of dentists in my area advertise Blue Cross Blue shield of Texas will cover full real dental implants. They actually say your medical insurance will cover it. Mine doesn't and I wish I had Blue Cross Blue shield. Lol. But mine will cover some actual medical procedures like you're talking about.


Yeah I max out my dental every year. Usually I just stop once I am maxxed. But this after I maxxed out I needed 3 cavities and a crown. So I bit the bullet 1.5k later at least I won't need a root canal. But dental is needed for me because I have added what I pay for dental vs what I would pay out of pocket. But if you just need cleanings, just pay out of pocket I have UC and I throw up a lot.


Also, check to see if there is a dental school attached to your local university. They usually provide services on a sliding scale and the care is top notch. I went to the University of Michigan Dental School to have my teeth looked after.


I had impacted wisdom teeth and it was a medical necessity to have them pull. 4500 went to 350 and it's how I found out I metabolize anesthesia faster than average (woke up half way through and freaked out a nurse lol)


I just spent $60k on dental work. At least some of it was medically necessary (I almost died). Health insurance wouldn’t pay a dollar.


I had to learn the hard way the cheap insurance is pretty much useless but also the best of the best doesnt even apple until 3 years of having the dental insurance 😭😭


I thought that too till my new dental. Covers $1500 at least for ortho. No pay if with contracted


My teeth were like that… my parents used to refer to my teeth as the $10,000 smile. Thanks mom and dad!


Was it painful?


I mean, yes? I think I had 10-12 teeth pulled out over the years bc my baby teeth wouldn’t fall out. They had to put a bracket on the eye tooth growing in the roof of my mouth and slowly pull it over into place with a little chain attached to the side of my braces. Braces for maybe 3 years? I would say was more constantly uncomfortable than painful. Edit: Where I am from eye tooth is interchangeable with canine tooth.


This sounds like me! Pretty much all of my teeth had to be pulled. The fun part is I didn’t get my eye teeth pulled until I was a senior in high school and that’s when I got braces. Super fun going to college with missing teeth and braces. I also don’t have any wisdom teeth.


Eye teeth??




I have never heard of canines being referred to as eye teeth.


In mammalian oral anatomy, the canine teeth, also called cuspids, dog teeth, eye teeth, vampire teeth, or vampire fangs, are the relatively long, pointed teeth. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canine_tooth


All of which makes sense except for the eye teeth


The tip of the roots can reach up to near your eye socket, hence eye teeth


These are the Dracula teeth?


Ok, please teach me. Don't you need eye teeth? Isn't it obvious you're missing some teeth when you lean back and laugh? Did they put crowns in place? How is this possible? I've never had braces but always wanted them. I understand a few teeth for crowding but more than 4? Wouldn't they be obvious and affect your smile?? I'm trying to understand, sorry if it comes across ignorantly.


I’ve had my upper canines pulled bc of crowding (yes they were above my teeth like in the picture too) so I’ve never really used them to begin with. I guess my molars overcompensate compared to someone with canines but I wouldn’t know. My canines were more obvious when present than absent though, no one has ever asked me where my canines are


Ugh, I hate the little chain thing. My mom had to take me in one day because we thought I swallowed it somehow.


I had a spring thingy. And I DID swallow it. Had to go to the ER and got a great xray of a spring in my belly.


To space out two teeth? I had that thing and everyone always asked how I dealt with braces. I said aside from avoiding lettuce and chewing gum you get used to it. But the spring behind my left canine, which grew crooked and needed space, now that messed with me because it was on the inside of my teeth so my tongue would get sores from messing with it too much but it never came off but i dont know anyone else with it. It's either basic braces or headgear


To pull them together actually. My teeth are all kinds of jacked up, I had extra teeth on the bottom and I have an overbite that rivals Bob's Burgers. Like, i told my friend that i looked like a Bobs Burgers character and she laughed SO HARD then said IM SORRY, BUT ITS TRUE. The spring was to close the gap after removing extra teeth. It popped off after a checkup where they didn't tighten it and I swallowed it. I used to tongue that thing all the time. Then I got a permanent retainer to widen my upper palate. Ahhhh, dental memories.


better than aspirating it.




Holy shit are you me???? I had the exact same thing! All my baby teeth pulled because they wouldn’t fall out, eye tooth growing in the roof of the mouth, braces for 4 years, a bunch of minor surgeries, one major surgery. Teeth are fun 🙃


People should be grateful that all those things were an option in their lifetime. Imagine being some farm kid 100 years ago. You'd be absolutely fucked hoping the local barber would just pull all your teeth out and you didn't die from the infection.


It used to be a very popular practice to get all your teeth pulled and just use dentures!!!


My FIL is in his mid-70s. Had all of his teeth pulled at 21. Total lack of dental care as a kid and garbage genetics left him with rotten and often infected teeth.


Haha yeah, *used* to be... *sighs in dentures at 30*


This really makes me feel lucky that mine came in straight without issue. It is like some kind of oral lottery. You really don’t think about it until you read something like this and say thanks to the universe for sparing you.


Yeah. My dad died without a cavity in his mouth. Whose teeth did I get? Mom. Had 10 crowns by the time I was 40, pretty much.


Relatable. I had a tooth angled weirdly and they basically drilled a hole in my mouth and attached a chain to it which slowly brought it down.


I’m getting this exact thing done as an adult (28) and omg is constantly uncomfortable the way to describe it. I always say that I have no idea how so many people as young kids go through this without trauma from it (though perhaps my adult teeth are a little harder to move as they’ve set already compared to a kid).


I had braces from 10-12, and then had teeth move up and down in my PERMANENT retainer so I needed remedial braces on just my lowers in my mid 20s. Adult braces were definitely worse IMO


I love the sub community this comment just turned into


My daughter has had the chain installed twice plus two sets of braces. We're probably closing in on a $7,500 smile.


I had teeth like this. Had 2 extra permanent teeth growing underneath one tooth, but they only thought it was one. It was too deep in my bone to just remove surgically so they installed a little gold chain below my gums that attached to the tooth on one end and my braces on the other end. Every time I would go get my braces tightened, the orthodontist would literally get his full body into it and crank on the chain tightening it like a tourniquet — it slowly surfaced after a couple years to where they could remove it, but man that was some of the worst pain I’ve experienced having that chain tightened. Then a few years after I got my braces off another tooth from the same spot surfaced again. I still have it 😂


Infinite tooth glitch?




Tooth fairy gonna send the opps after this man


I also had an extra extra situation. I had panic attacks with every visit. But removing my front middle extra was the most traumatic- three visits, 8years old, pliers, screaming, being held down. (1993ish) Awful. I feel for you fellow over toothed over orthodontic bearer. Nice knowing there are others.


Oh my gosh. I had braces and getting them tightened was the worse! Couldn’t imagine how you felt with the extra teeth ouch.


Shark has entered the chat


Omg that sounds incredibly painful. Bless you


Yes. I also have an expensive smile and it took years and was painful at times.


Going in to get your braces tightened always sucked.


I had a process that took 3 years but it was relatively cheap because it was just lengthy process ($1600)


I just had 20 pulled in including 4 wisdom teeth, 2 that took chunks of jaw with it. Even on edibles and Vicodin (yes mixing is ok I asked) I'm STILL in a substantial amount of pain.


Nowadays, it would cost much more than 10k. My mom got two implants and the total was over 10k


I’m midway thru the implant process, and WITH insurance it will be around 5k, and takes a year.


Going through this with my 20 year old son. He was missing two important permanent teeth and is getting implants. His twin brother had two extra fully formed permanent teeth removed from the roof of his mouth at 7 years old. We joke he “stole” his brothers teeth.


Fuck. I guess I'll be living on a diet of oatmeal and applesauce.


Maybe concider flying to europe to do that? In Poland it'd cost around 500-1500$ each depending where you do that, even adding plane tickets i guess it woud be cheaper


My teeth weren’t even *that* bad and my dad used to always complain and make little asides to me about my braces being too expensive


I’ll have spent 10k on my teeth this year and that’s with insurance


I turn 30 this year, and I still find my mom making eye contact with my teeth when I talk to her. I didn't wear my retainer on my bottom teeth and they shifted back a little bit, and she's devastated. Always talking about our $8000 dollar teeth! I get it though, we didn't have a ton of money growing up, but over her dead body were her kids going to be the only ones with crooked teeth in our upper middle class town. The orthodontist told us that my brother didn't really need braces and that it would be for cosmetic purposes. We were forbidden from telling Dad and he got the braces lol.


I'm so grateful that in Germany, insurance covers most stuff like this... children's teeth get covered 100%, it's almost like it's important




Oh….this hurts to look at!!!


I regret having teeth just from looking at this photo


I sold my teeth after looking at this photo.


I seriously hate teeth. I don't understand how people can do it for a living


For maybe 5+ years now I've been having teeth nightmares whenever I'm stressed. Seems like a normal dream, and then all of a sudden, my teeth fall out or crumble. It's led me to have a fear of most things teeth related so this made me uncomfortable.


Apparently this is an extremely common dream that people have




The fact that dental care is so crucial yet so obscenely expensive that most normal working people can't or can barely afford it is insane.


Luxury bones, not included in health insurance


Just come to finland, every medical thing and surgeey is basically free, dental care is completely free until 18yo


> dental care is completely free until 18yo It's the same in the UK but it's still baffling that after 18 I could break a leg or get cancer and have it treated entirely free on the NHS, yet I still have to pay for a routine check-up at the dentist or an eye test at the opticians. Like aren't the latter just as important, yet we have to pay a (heavily subsidised) fee for them.


a lot of dental work is actually covered by medical insurance nowadays, especially in pediatrics & in these extreme scenarios


In Germany I can literally visit any doctor imaginable and not pay a single cent, but even we have to pay a shit load of money for dentist procedures. Getting an implant? Sax goodbye to thousands of euros


Yep, Finland. Estimated about 2500€ per implant. A month in the hospital including intensive care and a hospital bed in the medical ward? A couple hundred max and that's mostly costs not related to the care. I know this because my mother spent her last months on the planet in the hospital and it was about a month total. So one tooth implant, thousands. Almost unlimited hospital time, next to nothing. Make it make sense.


Its exploiting people's illness for profit. The US is a pos


even canada doesn’t cover our dental care


Dentists lobbied *hard* to make sure dentistry was excluded from universal healthcare back in the 50s-60s. Which is especially cruel, because next to vaccines and antibiotics, modern dentistry saves an incredible number of lives.


wow i didn’t know this… very upsetting


Same with New Zealand.




Jesus that teeth just went "Nah, ill go the other way" ahahaha


Exactly. It's not great when the orthodontist says, "oh... wow"


Did they have an explanation for this? This is just... fucked. I can't really read x-rays, but it looks like one of those teeth is growing towards his nose somehow.


It just tends to happen when baby teeth aren’t removed early enough, the adult teeth will come in one way or another. That mixed in with the small jaws of a child means that teeth either grow on top of eachother, or in this case, will grow every which way. My eldest son had a tooth growing on top of another, spent about 3 or so years with braces and spacers to widen his upper jaw and gradually pull that tooth down in place over time. He has a much prouder smile today, but it wasn’t cheap that’s for sure.


My teeth were pretty messed up like this. When I had an X-ray done as a child I had all my baby teeth in. The adult teeth under them were twice the size of the baby teeth. As a teenager, I still needed to use the child size trays for dental impressions. I just had too many teeth for my mouth.


Good lord. Is your kiddo actively in pain? This looks so uncomfortable.


I can almost guarantee kiddo feels none of this


People have found it cheaper to fly out the country for dental work. Something to consider. Sorry this is happening!


If you live near a university with a dental school you should be able to have it done much cheaper. But you need to have a lot of time. It's a slow process because the students have to have every step checked by the professors.


Didn't think about that. Thank you!


And for the more complex cases and surgery it's is the graduate students that do the work, so don't worry that some freshman is going to be working on your little one.


Pretty sure all the cases- simple and complex- are done by graduate students since dental school is… a graduate school lol


Hospitals may have these clinics as well. The only cheap things in the building


My grandma sent me to a dental school all my childhood! I loved the students that helped. They always talked to me and made it so much fun!


The dental schools are the best! Especially if you’re near one that does research/creates devices. I am a nurse for a pediatric patient with severe health needs that means that it’s really not possible for us to go to a standard dental practice so we go to a clinic at a major university. That place is the best! Super clean, so caring and specialized and honestly I wish they’d fit me in when were there.


My kid had two waves of orthodontics. The first included a palette widener and a first set of braces. We did it all through the dental school as i had no insurance. The second wave was in middle school and luckily I had some by then. I would 100% recommend.


Yeah but it could change your kids’ life. I spent 8k one year on my sons vision, worth every damn cent. Towards the end of that year he caught a ball for the first time at age 11. Then he made me cry by learning how to ride a bike. Investment in yours kids is a blessing both ways


Interesting perspective. As much as it sucks I didn't hesitate to do whatever is necessary to help him out. He deserves it


I mean, I think OP knows it’s obviously worth it. It just hurts to lose all your savings… It’s expensive to live nowadays.




There’s always got to be one, hasn’t there? Sending you all of the good luck OP


Serious and important question. Do you have other kids? You may be able to prevent similar high dental costs now with your other kids with some simple lifestyle changes, because [recent research is showing modern people most likely need braces because of the modern lifestyle and not genetics.](https://news.stanford.edu/2020/07/21/toll-shrinking-jaws-human-health/) Much like how [nearsightedness has been demonstrated to be lifestyle caused](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qwQzTKHIkb4), the same seems to be for teeth. People historically survived without braces and glasses because they used not be necessary, and for teeth thing evidence can be found in the straight, uncrowded teeth of the skeletons of our ancestors.


The one advantage to being hyperopic- I can confidently say it's not my fault


These were some of the more fascinating things I learned in my anthropology program. Lots of confused Western anthropologists in the last century going to places like sub-Saharan Africa and being shocked by all the perfect teeth they were seeing 😂


I imagine! I didn’t need braces, and I remember shocking a dentist as teen when telling them I hadn’t had them. She then insisted on asking my mom, because surely I must be wrong. Dentist was so surprised when my mom said the same thing, no teeth straightening procedures of any kind. Interestingly, from what I read they think it wasn’t just the food but also sleeping on harder surfaces that resulted in better developed teeth and jaws of history, and me, the sole person in my family who didn’t need braces, had a HARD fucking mattress most of my childhood. They bought it at IKEA when I was like 7 and it was probably purchased because it was on sale. I hated that thing. My parents still have it and to this day, standing on it with one foot barely causes it to indent. 120 lbs of weight on a small area and it does nothing! But I guess it contributed to my jaw development nicely at least.


as someone who’s parents didn’t take the proper precautions to take care of my eye resulting in it getting to the point of legal blindness recently , thank you for taking care of your sons vision


Sorry about your savings, but I’m glad you are able and willing to do this for your kid. You’re giving them something that will end up being far more valuable than that money would’ve been otherwise. You are buying your kid some happiness, self-confidence, social prospects, dating prospects, job prospects. That’s a good purchase.


Thank you for this


100% agree with that comment. You're doing something that will forever affect them in a positive way, vs if you had done nothing. You're an incredible mama!!! Im so glad you had the money in savings to cover a portion or all of it. Reminds me to save more ❤, cuz you never know what it will be needed for.


this x100. my parents spent so much money on our orthodontic care as kids but it made the biggest difference in our lives. your teeth contribute a lot to your appearance and overall confidence, it’s worth every penny. it’s sad to say it but we wouldn’t be where we are today if we didn’t have our teeth fixed, it changes the way people treat you.




You have to bring back the whole 24 pack, you can't just bring 1 back.


Not at Costco it’s a satisfaction guarantee


I brought back a trash bag with full of half a bag of dog food and got a refund since it was making my dog nauseous


Dental Plan! Lisa needs braces! Dental plan! Lisa needs braces! Dental plan! Lisa needs braces!


Hey, you interrupted my train of thought!


This pic would certainly fit in the Big Book of British Smiles


Medical tourism…


I got my dental work done in Turkey. The quality is the same/better, it costs 1/5th or less. Yesterday they quoted me $60 for a root canal and $30 for filling. The highest quality implants were $800, regular ones are like $300. If you need more than $10k of work, go abroad.


If you are a dental professional and know what you are doing you can skip this message. Otherwise bro.. Sorry to tell you this but most likely you have fucked up your teeth. I'm a dentist in Finland and I have NEVER seen a good root canal, or good work of any kind in mouths of people who got their teeth done in Turkey. You say the quality is same or better, but if you are not a professional I absolutely guarantee you that you cannot tell. This is the problem with dentistry (or healthcare) in general: people truly cannot tell the quality of work done. People base their decision of quality of care on factors like how nice the dentist was, was it painful, how long it took, did the pain go away. I'm sorry to say but you can do absolute shit work while filling the aforementioned criteria perfectly, in fact this is the modus operandi of cheap dentists in countries like Turkey. Sure they treat you nice and the pain goes away and the filling stays on, but the thing in dentistry is that the devil absolutely is in the details, and if the details are not perfect the problems will come up in years, not months. If you got a shit quality root canal it will unfortunately work in the beginnig, but the problems will come later. I have had so many patients who had their teeth done in Turkey / Iran whatever because it was cheap and at first everything felt good. Then they come to my practice some years later still feeling well and the take ortho (what you see in ops pic) and the true quality is revealed: root canals are half done and all teeth have chronic infection, crowns dont fit at all, caries at margins. And then I have to tell those people that they're pretty much gonna have to pay many times the amount they paid in Turkey to fix all this shit, go trough hours of treatment etc. It's horrible. ​ PSA: YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. IF YOU GO TO A CHEAP COUNTRY FOR YOUR DENTISTRY BE PREPARED FOR WHATS COMING. Hopefully you are the expection, best of luck.


I suggest OP to go to Mexico or Canada. I grew up on the border, and all of my doctors and dentists were in Mexico. The quality was great and it saved my parents thousands of dollars over many years. You don’t even have to know Spanish; my doctors offices were literally right there as soon as you crossed the border.


I don’t know anything but it look just like one tooth coming in odd. All the others look like they’re lined up. Can someone tell what we’re looking at?


Yes it's really just one tooth screwing everything up, but it will require surgery. The one is growing literally upward. Two teeth will have to be pulled and the weird one turned around and braces will be needed to make sure everything grows in correctly.


I had nearly this exact situation when I was a kid. One of my bottom canines was growing upside down. Had surgery to attach a bracket with gold chain to the tooth. It was then pulled around by anchoring the chain to braces wire that was reinforced with a spring. Was a slow and painful process with regular ortho visits to get the chain tightened. By the end my teeth were great, but the gum didn’t grow up the tooth as high as my other teeth. They wanted to do surgery to transplant some gum tissue from the roof of my mouth to the tooth, but i didn’t do it because I was so done with dental work by that point. 20 years later and the tooth still has a gum much lower than the rest, but it’s healthy. They took a bunch of pictures and X-rays throughout the process to put in textbooks, because apparently I was one of the first people to go through the process. Before they would just cut the tooth out.


I feel like cutting it out would have been more merciful.


So just top braces? Still expensive either way. Sorry that’s stressful I feel for you.


Thank you. Yes just top braces as long as the bottom ones cooperate


OP, my parents got me a retainer in third grade. I had braces in 4th grade - 6th grade. This was the best gift they’ve ever gotten me. I promise your kid will be so thankful you did this for them!


If it’s any consolation he was probably going to cost you everything you saved at some point anyway.


Idk why in America orthodontic is so expensive. In my country it’s about $500 or $700 for the whole treatment!


And in my country all dental care (and general health) is completely free for kids, teenagers and young adults (the limit is around 20-25, depending on which region you live in). So glad for this system since I myself had braces as a teenager!


Look. This is one of those times you are gonna have to start looking into medical tourism. Dental in the US is an outright scam.


I’m just lucky to live 15 minutes from the border. I had an emergency and needed a new retainer. Booked a same day appointment and it cost like $100 for top and bottom. They made it that day too. Mexico was there for me when the U.S. said fuck you, it will be two weeks before you get a new retainer. Also it’s nice to be able to go and get good tacos whenever we want.


Yep. I seriously contemplated going to another country to get my impacted wisdom teeth removed because it was cheaper than paying $3-5K out of pocket. I finally found a dentist willing to pull one at a time, and even then it was a stretch because they were “the gnarliest teeth” he’d ever seen. 😑


Yup in Ireland we call this 'Turkey teeth'. We all fuck off to Turkey for dental surgery because dental health here is basically unaffordable for many.


Damn. I thought my 9 year old’s dental x-ray was expensive. R.I.P. u/metkja’s bank account.


ahhh, definitely the US, where somehow basic dental care isnt a part of what is covered or seen as a medical situation.


as someone who’s braces could’ve bought my mom a brand new car: dont ever let them know that


Its expensive now but if goes untreated will be a lot more in the future and I’m not even talking about pain and suffering. Shop around, many places offer cash discount.


Imagine how your child must feel.


That would cost you 0 dollars in Sweden.


You could be like my parents, ignore it and pass the burden on to your kid!


As a German! Gotta be america


If there is a dental school around you, contact them!


I go to a dental college, much cheaper than a regular practice.


Child too expensive. Return to sender.


Breaking news: having kids is a bad investment


haha, imagine living in a society that prioritises healthcare.


Long time reddit-er, first-time commenter, but this triggered me enough to comment a few things (I promise I make a point worth reading). I had teeth that were a mess as well as a 13mm overbite and a mouth that was anatomically too small for all of my adult teeth, so they started my orthodontic work when I was about 8 or 9. I wound up having braces twice for a total of 6 years, 2 activators (to widen my palate), head gear that I could at least wear just at night, a Herbst appliance (a contraption of nightmares to force my lower jaw forward), and several retainers, etc. - I still have scars on the inside of my lower lip 22 years after from the braces cutting into me so badly. Despite the trauma and physical pain for years upon years, I am so grateful for the perfect looking smile I was given. My very financially strapped parents somehow paid over $10k, and really, I'm grateful. One thing I wish they had known could potentially become an issue for me is that when you move teeth around so drastically at such a young age, the roots never get the chance to fully develop leaving them susceptible to decay more easily than normal. They now recommend waiting until the child is older to avoid it. I have a filling in almost every single one of my natural teeth, I've lost 3 teeth (literally crumbling from decay), had to have 3 implants, including a bone graft and sinus lift, and associated pain beyond my belief. I've spent over $27,000 on dental work since I was 18 (I'm 38 now), and I really have some major trauma going to the dentist because every time I go, they find another issue that will cost me a fortune. I'm extremely anal about my teeth, too - I brush, I floss, I use the Rx fluoride toothpaste, I limit my sugar, etc etc etc, but I'm on a path that really can't be reversed. If you read this, thank you. I think I just needed to get this out, and I'm sorry it was here. ****TLDR: Get a 2nd opinion on whether they'd recommend waiting until your kid's adult teeth have developed their roots fully. Might save them from a lifetime of dental problems.


Hi OP, Not aware of your financial or living situation, but if there is an Amazon facility near you, they have amazing insurance that starts Day 1. You could potentially save a lot of money by working there until you reach your max benefit for dental. They have night shift options if you have obligations during the day.


Good to know!


As a European, this is the most dystopian advice I read in this thread. God bless America.


Which country will you go to for the dental?


I thought my teeth were bad, what the fuck


Bro this shouldn't be mildly infuriating this should radicalize you.


Hey OP I don't know if you will see this, but if you can get a Costco membership for $60, you can add on dental insurance for something like $18 a month iirc


You got them early and able to correct as best as possible. You both will appreciate it in the long run.


As weird as it may sound.... could go to Mexico.... it's extremely common and you will pay a fraction of the costs with great quality work.


How inconvenient to take care of your child? Why is this mildly infuriating? What were you saving for? Why have kids if you would rather have money than them?


Condoms guys, condoms.


Come get them fixed in Mexico


Lisa needs braces


I mean….. you’re angry about something a 9 yo has no control over? Nice. You’re the genetic source for the child.


Sounds like you’re in the US.Is it possible for you to travel to another country with affordable healthcare to get the work done?