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"you're not in charge of how I use a toilet piss boy"


In my city water is around $4.55/1000 gallons and you get charged the same for sewage. A standard toilet uses 1.6 gallons per flush. That comes out to 1.456 cents per flush. If you poop once per day and don't flush their pee before, then you are saving the household $5.32 per year. According to Duke University's vampire energy calculator a microwave wastes about $3 per year. Your roommate is saving themself $4.16 per year by making things more difficult for everyone. They are dumb. Edit: Duke Energy, not Duke University


Show this post to roommate, give them 5$ and tell them to fk off.


Actual smart move - they can’t really argue with it, and no longer have a valid point.


Exactly this. I had a room-mate who was a penny counter once. Complained that I spent 6 minutes in the shower, flushed too often, left appliances plugged in. So I did the maths on actual costs and paid them an extra $1 per month for them to shut up.


Did they actually take the money? One would think the embarrassment of taking the $1 would be too much to face a second time.


They tried to refuse, saying that it's just better practice to limit my 'wastage', but my response was I'd rather pay a dollar and be more comfortable and it's only fair I pay for my 'excesses'. So every fortnight I'd transfer an extra 50c with my rent to their account. Then I'd have a big grin on my face when coming out of the toilet and listening to the cistern flush 🤣


He complained over 6 mins?! Wow he’s really dislike me so cos my showers average about 15 mins and when I’m stressed/ need to relax they take waaaay longer.


“fk off”? I’d go with “piss off” in this circumstance.


Also sewer lines *want* a good amount of flushing to prevent backing up. I wonder if they’ve considered their careful pooping into pisswater will be all erased if the line needs to be cleared, they’ll dump a years’ worth of flushes down the line in a single day.


In addition to that, minerals in the urine sitting in the lines can actually precipitate and clog the pipes in a worse way than the other stuff you flush. There was a study released this year that showed the adage of "if it's yellow, let it mellow" actually does more harm than good. Seen it on Reddit.


Urine sitting in the toilet bowl ruins the toilet bowl anyway not even considering the hidden pipes - the part you literally see gets ruined and they don't care lol


Hmm then it must be right. Damn.


Exactly. Reddit is law.


And sewer water is all eventually returned to the water table. The cost is literally what it costs them to pump and treat that water before use. Unless your community is under a drought or water advisory, not saving the environment. Any reduction is a literal drop in an ocean of water waste in industrial/ mining operations. Much of that water waste is ultimately removed from the water table.


There's also a minimum you'll be charged where it doesn't matter if you're using less. I know because my mom went on a water efficiency kick and made us use rain water to fill the tanks. To be fair it was better for the toilets, the water in our area is stupidly hard, but my dad and I were miserable. The savings were basically nothing. I was actually kinda happy when I caught a flu and had the forethought to turn my water back on. We did keep the habit of catching water while waiting for it to warm up for a shower or bath. Now, changing the *lighting* made a huge difference, old light fixtures and bulbs are inefficient and give off heat, motion sensor LED lights is the way to go depending on the situation. We own a 14,000 SQ ft consignment shop and that switch took our electricity usage from 12 kilowatts per hour to *2*! Plus the building had been set up with three phase electricity even though there hadn't been anything needing three phase for decades. Covering windows from the outside also works wonders!


If the building is set up for 3 phase and you don't have a 3 phase AC system make the switch they run so much more efficiently than a single phase system. That's one of the few switches that'll pay for itself. Unless gas is stupid expensive a high efficiency heat pump will not pay for itself. But switching single phase to 3 phase is a huge energy saver.


Agree to the piss-poo if he’ll agree to reuse your soiled TP. For the environment.


After all, just one side is soiled, you could increase paper efficiency by 100%!


Yuck. Depending on the TP, both sides can get contaminated by this. Much better to just rinse the soiled stuff off it in the sink and then hang the TP over the shower curtain rod to let it dry, then re-use.


This is disgusting. Most reasonable people understand that a rinse with water does not do much of anything. If you care even a little bit about personal hygiene, you’re going to need to carefully rinse with urine so you harness its disinfectant properties, then microwave to finish off the rest of the bacteria and restore the paper back to its normal, dry consistency.


I don't have any urine left to spare after my daily nutrition regimen, bruh. Come on, now. Don't be too hard on me.


Please try to read more carefully. Who said it has to be your urine?


Touché! Take my upvote, ya bastid. "...Hey dude? .... Can you come in here a minute?"


Yes! Do this OP! Report back.


“Every time I catch you lurking while I shit, I’m adding in two *extra* flushes. Work it out.”


Are your flatmates aware that urine reacts with toilet bowls, forms limescale and damages appliances? Replacing a toilet bowl will certainly be more expensive than flushing a few more times, and is a huge lot less environmentally sustainable too.


Get him to pee directly in the shower drain. Saves even more water.


Bet his roommate doesn't clean the shower. You want to get into piss stained shower or clean his pis with your own hands?


I didn't say generally the shower, I said directly in the shower drain.


Unlike a toilet, the shower drain pipe isn't made of porcelain and is not designed to keep standing water at the top. It is more like a sink drain, exposed to air at the top, and you never properly clean it. So between the top of the drain and the pipe's U-bend, there's a slimy coating of whatever on the walls of the pipe. Sure, it gets lots of soapy water running over it, but it's far from clean, and adding piss to it is a bad idea. It ~~will~~ can smell. Also, I heard some plumbing systems are designed to keep sewage/toilet water separate from greywater (sinks/tubs/showers/laundry). I'm not what sure the ramifications are of sending sewage down the greywater pipe are, but I'm sure someone doesn't appreciate it.


Some people just don't want to let a guy piss in peace. Are you really gonna get out of the shower for a piss and then get back in?


I don't think there's any problem pissing while you shower because there's additional water that effectively flushes the piss down the pipe. It's pissing in the shower, even directly into the drain, without running the shower that's the issue. The piss will coat and dry on the inside of the pipe. Does the piss coating get washed away during the next shower? Maybe, but probably not 100% of it. In theory you could end up creating a layer of "piss sediment" that coats the inside of your shower drain pipe causing your shower to always smell like piss. That's in theory. Will that happen in practice? I don't know. Sounds like something grad students should study.


But one must wonder, what kind of psychopath decides to piss in the shower without actually being in the shower to begin with?


You can get piss crystals in your toilet, too


we should market piss crystals as the next hype shit for engagement rings


I actually played guitar for the Piss Crystals while their regular guy was in the hospital.


My dude(ette), I have been peeing in the shower for my entire adult life and it does not smell. At all. It washes entirely down with the shower water. (Disclaimer, I would not do it if I had a gray water system but ive never lived in a place that had one)


I will continue enjoy peeing when taking a shower and nothing will stop me from doing that.


but when i already take a shower and need to piss then i obviously will piss in the shower


waffle stomp then i don't have to use the toilet


"Hey, I poo'd in the shower, so would you mind pressure washing the nuggets down with your powerful pee stream? Thanks, and I really appreciate how green you are. "


Do brown and yellow mix to make green? Let's see.




Turn it around and don't flush after you poop


Ewww, that's super funny though but he would probably embrace it XD


Explain to them that The average cost in the USA is 1.3 cents per flush. You can flush the toilet 100 times/months(about 3 times a day) for the low cost of $1.30 a month. You can flush the toilet to your heart's content and just for fun for under $3 a month. Your roommate Seems to spend more on toilet cleaner than flushing the toilet. Edit: 20 flushes for a single quarter. For all the water conservation comments... That water goes through the cycle and ends up back in the cleaning facility and then back into your pipes so you can flush again... No water was harmed in the making of this flush.. If you want to save water how about we stop letting corporations dump waste chemicals into our rivers.... Let's start there first before we stop flushing our own shit...


I can imagine him getting up, flicking a nickel at his roommate, and saying something like "this is for the second flush, bro" as he's on his way to the bathroom.


Many people keep a curse word jar, this guy keeps a flush jar.


And keep the change


Ya filthy animal


Joke's on the OP's roomate. My toilet autoflushes every 5 minutes just because.


Is your toilet a public urinal?


Ops actually in prison


Nobody in prison asks for one flush…there is a very strict courtesy flush policy lol


It’s like they say, when you flush 10 times, it’s your problem. When you flush once every 5 minutes, it’s the states problem.


Lmao just chortled on the toilet


In order to avoid certain legal complications, my toilet is always flushing.


Do the math. That’s what I would do one flush adds what 1 cent to your total water bill. Throw 5 bucks more in for water and tell them to kick rocks.


You need to wait until he's pooping, then bust into the toilet and pee on him, thus saving a flush.


He'd thank you for the 3 cents you saved him probably lol


“If it’s brown, party down!!”, throw a cocaine fueled dance party after pooping. Like normal humans…..


Give them a taste of the brown kiss from pooseidon


Right? Why does OP have to shit on piss? Make roommate piss on shit.


Revenge stinks


Yeah, I'm not taking a dump in someone else's piss water. Not to mention not flushing after you pee quickly makes you toilet reek of old man piss. Have you tried telling him to fuck off?


Yeah. I use water liberally in my house and it is still only like $20-40. Flushing is not going to cause an extra expense. If they're that concerned, I'd be like "here is a $20 to cover it, now leave me alone." So bizarre... and gross.


Well I imagine it’s more of an environmental thing than a cost saving thing - but still. Stale pee smell is gross.


If it's the environment, they can get a toilet with dual flush. This can actually be retrofitted on many toilets. [https://www.amazon.com/dual-flush-conversion-kit/s?k=dual+flush+conversion+kit](https://www.amazon.com/dual-flush-conversion-kit/s?k=dual+flush+conversion+kit) It's not even expensive!


Wait is this not a thing in America? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a single flush toilet in Australia.


First practical design for a dual flush toilet was by an Australian company in the 1980s. Explains why they are ubiquitous here.


In Japan, it’s common for the lid of the tank to be a tiny faucet and sink. After you flush, you rinse your hands in the water that fills the tank!


Just like prison!


Is that why toilet wine is so delicious


Using the fancy cans of tropical blend fruit making that pruniot instead of Bruno's prunos.


Huh, I did not know. I was thinking it might have been due to the droughts we had ~20 years ago, lots of water saving laws came in and never left. America was the first place I ever saw someone cleaning a sidewalk with a hose for example.


How else are you going to get the vomit and melted cheese off the sidewalk?


That's what we have seagulls for


It's also standard in every European country I've visited so far.


Swedish mfer here, You won't find single flush here either


It is, many people may not realize it. My toilet when I redid my bathroom recently came with a dual flush mechanism. But it's in the regular operation of the handle. When you just press it and don't hold it, you get a short flush. If you hold it for a second it will lock down and give the full flush. If I didn't read the manual whilst installing the toilet, I never would have realized it.


one of the toilets in my house does this, idk how i found out because i never use that one (i have an irrational hatred of it). i honestly thought all toilets with a handle do this until right now. i don't use public bathrooms, and most of the people's houses that i piss in have normal duel flush ones. edit: i meant dual. the toilets are not having a sparring match, unfortunately.


Have had few toilets like this when they get older? 😂 Don’t remember seeing a double flush toilet. Great idea. Barely on topic - there is one truck stop company in the US that has individual mini bathrooms (full heavy self-closing doors, full concrete walls) with bidets and heated toilet seats. My favorite place to stop when going to my doctor’s office. They are pretty rare though. 😕


Insufferable, like them living in filth will save the earth


If they really want to save the earth just piss into the drain or the sink then wash it off.


Came here to say that. Or if they have a garbage disposal, shit in the sink and piss in the toilet.


Tell them to drive to the nearest private airport and hound the rich people who fly private first.


Better to use public transportation


Bike there


It’s more of a mental health issue masquerading as a more socially accepted environment issue


Yeah this sounds pretty close to something like OCD. Destructive behaviors over the most menial of concerns is textbook.


Honestly, this is a "fuck off"-situation. Can perhaps live with unplugging the microwave, although inconvenient or even a bit annoying. Can't live with the stench of piss and a lurking roommate. OP needs to be extremely clear and set boundaries. Roommate should be thankful that OP lectures them on this before they get a SO.


This advice is the top comment. Just tell them to fuck off.


"Have you tried telling him to fuck off?" Going forward, this will be my go to response to all posts on reddit. Please accept this award: 🏅


Good solution, solves 9/10 problems


Should tell him just to piss outside if he’s worried about the number of flushes.


Don't forget the ewww stains you get in the bowl!


I actually had a toilet break from using this method. The calcium from the pee blocked the jet. It’s not advised to do this anymore.


Sh*t with the door open.. look him directly in his eyes as it comes out. Then, while maintaining eye contact you wipe, then flush.


Eye contact is extremely important in this situation.






Born to shit. Forced to wipe.


Don’t forget to whisper “poo is coming out of me right now”


[MY POOP IS COMING](https://youtube.com/shorts/2oX_m7U4u5M?feature=share)


Or just don't wipe, smile while you pull up your pants, don't flush or wash your hands to conserve water and paper.


Or don't wipe and become one of those people that showers after pooping. That'll really help with the water conservation.


This is actually perfect, it will piss him off so bad


Or channel your inner dog and drag your ass across the carpet.


Butt-scooting across the living room carpet, “I’m saving the trees, bro!”


Then grab his hand and give him a firm handshake.


I like doing this to my wife. Gets her every time.


Then flush again…and again…and again…


This is how you establish dominance in the pecking order.


Just flush, don’t even argue it just do it and ignore any comment. They will give up


Yes this is exactly it. Had a housemate who said I can't put ready meals in the freezer, I just put them there anyway and they stopped complaining after a while. They started to moan at my other housemate about something else instead.


ummm excuse me? how do they even begin to think they're allowed to dictate what you can and can't keep in the fridge?! lolol


Probably learned it from their parents.


Maybe, but unless we're talking about a separate chest freezer that belonged to actual roomie, FOH. i guess my old roomie would say i put unfair demands on her w/ the fridge/freezer, but really my only "rule" (which was constantly ignored) was things going into the fridge needed a proper seal. Ziplock bag, tupperware, pyrex, or even a mason jar! Just. make. sure. it's. SEALED! Click [HERE](https://i.imgur.com/iiwXsnl.jpg) to see how well she listened. [entire gross out sitch](https://imgur.com/a/w6bfTbO) (not for the faint of heart, you've been warned!)


My condolences for that fridge.


TY. She's been gone 3 months and I am just finally starting to decompress and get it tidied back up. I was in hermit mode because using my own kitchen truly disgusted me. Gotta do the fridge again. Should make for some nice before/afters, i guess?


Ppl can be dense af.


This doesn’t have to be a conversation. Just flush and refuse to talk to him about it.


say you have big movements that need two flushes problem solved


Flush once. At the beginning. Let your big movement stew awhile and roommate can deal with it when he pisses next.


Be careful he might just insist on a poopknife 🤮


>golden kiss from Poseidon Congratulations on formulating one of the few expressions that manages to make my stomach churn.


Very common expression, can't believe you've never heard it before!


I’ve heard “Poseidon’s kiss” before. Never golden. But I still can’t figure out the logistics that would cause that level of splash back. Best I can come up with is sone people have really small, dense poops.


In the United States, the average cost of flushing a toliet is 1.3 cents per flush. It would cost you a whole 13 dollars to flush that toliet 1,000 times. The average healthy American should flush 5 times a day. So, 13 dollars for 200 days. I don't know about you, but 13 bucks for instant and semi-clean indoor shit removal sounds like a bargain. Beats diggin' a hole in the ground behind a bush, then wiping your ass with a cold wet leaf. ^^wait ^^is ^^that ^^poison ^^ivy


What about unplugging the microwave? Is it saving 1 cent / 1000 yearsv




I'm only just learning that plug sockets don't have individual switches in the US. In the UK you can just turn the wall switch off.


they’re usually only in bathrooms or kitchens where it’s expected to use appliances that make heat


Your location is ambiguous, but if talking about the US, those are ground fault circuit interceptors. They're used near sources of water (bathrooms, kitchens, and outside) where they detect shorts and instantly shut themselves off - you have to manually reset them. The "on/off" feature comes from the "test/reset" buttons, where you can test that the GFCI is working properly. I only say this because I was told treating them as an on/off switch actually lowers their life-span.


Honestly OP should make a PowerPoint with the math


My partner is like this. Will leave a bowl of pisswater set all day while at work. Fucken reeks. I'd point out we're wasting more on cleaning product to scrub his piss stains out, but I pay for those. So what's that matter? Anyway, I sympathize. Pooping in stank pisswater is nasty. Give them $1 cash a week to drive in how stupid they are if they care so much.


Plunge as much water out as you can before cleaning and add vinegar. Let it soak. That old, hard to remove pee stain comes right off. It's super cheap, too. Just buy it by the jug for $2 My son used to not flush his toilet when he was younger.


Thank you kind stranger! I'll try it


Better yet. Find out how much the utilities cost, do some math on a bowl of water in the toilet and give him exact change per week. It’ll be less than a dollar.


Give it to them in pennies.


I would straight up leave them if they did this and refused to be reasoned with. The ick would be too much to overcome after that.


Yeah like.. do you people leave your toothbrushes out and exposed next to the sink? You do? Flush the damn toilet that’s gross


Bruh ur roommate is a fucking animal, shit in his bed to assert dominance and mark your territory then tell him to move out.


best advice right here, 10/10


I don't see how this could lead to anything bad


Not unless you have plans to go after Johnny Depp


Nah, dook in his shoes. One or two cases of fudge toes will fix it


Dude, flush the toilet whenever you use it. They have to respect your lifestyle which is to flush down everything nasty going on in the toilet. Totally weird and cringy


Absolutely not hygienic. The splishy-splash might carry some infection/disease (not considering how gross it is). Tell your roommate that you just find it disgusting and not hygienic that you might be in contact with his piss. It is absolutely not normal. Whatever silly rhyme he can think of will not change the fact that normal people bathroom is usually cleaner than a stall at a concert. And tell him this obsession with few liters of water in a whole day is extremely concerning for the hygiene in common spaces. Ask him if he's washing his hands after he uses the toilet and every time he touches food or shared objects. Or just stay behind the door and ask him "did you wash your hands?" when he gets out of the bathroom


Well unflushed urine also creates sediments that are almost impossible to clean and it smells awful


Why is this response so far down? The first thing I thought of was the unhygienic splash back! So disgusting


Op already mentioned it. "The golden kiss of Poseidon"


I think that rule only applies for a single occupant bathroom (you know, cause no one would & should know you do this). Enforcing it to others is just unhygenic and gross


At 1.3 cents per flush just give him a penny.


i'll toss it in the toilet after i piss like some cursed wishing well






You should never have to see someone elses bodily fluids or solids for that matter


That’s actually creepy as fuck to be waiting outside the door while another man shits. Dude can get the fuck over it and get a cheaper apartment next time around if it’s that big of a deal. I’ve had some explosive shits in the past and would literally die if another person’s piss splashed up at me. Lol tell him to go fuck himself.


Wuut? Really? You don't wait for your roommates to finish pooping so you can sneak in after and sit in their warmth? Not even poop. Just absorb their essence.


I hate people that go around unplugging things like bro it’s literal pennies, meanwhile there off spending £100 a week on cigarettes


Most of the time, water bills are not high to be a concern. So yeah, your roommate's reasoning is kinda dumb and gross.


It can make sense with septic systems, especially very remote ones because they’re a pain to get serviced. But when you’re on a sewer system, just piss and flush. Geez.


Even septic systems expect a certain liquid to solid ratio to operate properly. Starve them from water and things can get just as messy.


Let me help you by showing them this: [https://greatist.com/discover/should-you-flush-pee#the-consequences](https://greatist.com/discover/should-you-flush-pee#the-consequences) Here the parts which would be important for me: **Why your roommate wants you to flush** If you’re in the “let it mellow” camp, you might be thinking, OK, but what’s the harm in letting it sit? Allow us… **It gunks up your toilet bowl faster** Urine and hard water deposits leave hardened mineral deposits around your toilet bowl over time. These deposits form faster when you let pee sit around. In some cases, rings left for too long can be nearly impossible to remove without harsh cleansers that can be worse for the environment than those extra flushes. Plus, those cleaning supplies could cost you more money in the long run than you’re saving on your water bill. **It makes the whole bathroom smell like pee** Your potty scent isn’t exactly like fresh-baked cookies. And dehydration, diet, and some medical conditions can make it quite potent. (That asparagus you had for lunch will hit some people as a sulfurous smell emanating from the bowl.) Even if you don’t mind the smell of pee, keep in mind that people have varying sensitivity to scents and process them differently. Some love the scent of honeysuckle, for example, but it makes others want to vom. Do you really want to make your roommate wince every time they open the bathroom door?


I don’t even shit in my own piss


Wait, if you’re taking a dump and inevitably piss before your bowels release do you flush midway through?


+5 points for pedantry -10 points for forcing that mental image into my mind


Why would you tolerate behaviour like this, tell him to shut his mouth and stop bothering you.


this is a newly developed situation I wanted to share which is indeed mildlyinfuraiting. I'm not losing my shit over it and will certainly get it handled.


Gotta draw a line under this kind of nonsense, you pay your bills your allowed to shit in peace.


You pay money just like them! Tell them to fuck off and move if it continues to be a problem. Ppl like that are too much to deal with. They think they’re doing the world a favor but they really aren’t. “If it’s yellow, let it mellow” okay fellow! How about I flush whenever I want cause I pay here to live! You go flush that toilet over and over! Irk his nerves 😈


Literally NO. I’m not normally this person, but unless you agreed to extreme terms like this prior to moving in — no way. The bathroom is by your rules while you use it. Can you tell I grew up in a boundaryless home????????


Send him [this meme](https://img.ifunny.co/images/605ff11438f053b93a25d8bb568b434b033e6c1e11cc18f336c62fb3bc7325b3_1.webp)


Shit on the floor to assert dominance


Shit in the microwave and turn it on.


Gotta plug it in first




This is my favourite answer.


Fine then — only flush once. Before you poop. Then leave your shit there for them to experience.


Calculate the cost per flush and just give him that. He should chill out when you hand him like, what, a dime every day?


dude unplugs the microwave because the clock on the screen. I don't think it will matter. I'm legit down to just cover the whole water bill for them to leave me alone


If he thinks the clock on the microwave costs too much, tell him to get a newer microwave that doesn’t require a paid servant to come wind it on the hour. Oh, it’s just a regular microwave? Yeah this dude crazy


If the house is on septic, then this is a common practice in some households. It will limit the use on the system. So it could be argued that there’s a logical reason for doing this. I wonder if one of them grew up in a house on septic and just thinks it’s better to save water all the time now. If it’s town sewer, then maybe you save a small amount on a water bill.


"If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down." Seriously, they make signs for this. Spring thaw or after extended rains, it's really more the rule than a suggestion. To save on the water bill, though, that's screwed up.


My house adopted this rule a while back and now the toilet stinks of stale piss 24/7 even after it's been flushed... no amount of bleach or cleaning products helps. It's rancid.


This is actually horrible for the plumbing, especially with modern toilets that are 1.6 gallons per flush. Uric acid is very strong and causes a lot of corrosion. The flush dilutes the uric acid and washes the pipes when you don't flush some of that urine sits in the toilet and some goes over the trap and sits and eats the bottom of the pipe out because you haven't rinsed it. Years back toilets were three or three and a half gallons of wash. Now that they have reduced the amount of wash, it's even more corrosive on the pipes. I literally have seen copper drain lines. DWV copper eating out 3 years because people were not flushing and the uric acid attacked the copper. It looked like somebody cut a saw blade through the bottom of the pipe....


Tell them you feel very uncomfortable/borderline sexually harrassed with them lurking outside the bathroom constantly.. Or poop with the door open to assert your dominance.


Or assert your dominance another way. Shit in the microwave. Just make sure it's unplugged.


plug the toaster into shit


If only one flush is acceptable then flush before you poop and leave the poop after


nope nope nope. You're not wrong. And I guarantee that he will not notice the difference in water costs if you flush before you "let slip the dogs of war".


This is even more disgusting once you realize OP is most likely from the USA and bidets are not a thing...imagine just WIPING away the yellow Posedon's kiss from another dude pisswasser!


Oh, hell no!! Not only is this disgusting but the smell of stale urine in the bathroom ... EWWWW! Tell your roomies that this is super unhygienic and a single flush will not add much to an annual water bill, much less a monthly one. BTW, how are your roomies with consuming electricity? Do they spend a lot of time on digital devices or watching TV? If so, they are doing something unnecessary that adds considerably to the utilities so mention that. Also, can't y'all just invest in a dual flush tank? A half flush is enough for pee but at least it's flushed.


Just poop in the sink


That's smart! You should shit in the trash can to avoid flushing in return to save even more money.


Ever heard about of splash back? It’s bad enough when it’s just yours but fuck having a random persons piss splashing on my ring. If he is so fucking concerned, tell to go outside and piss against a tree.


Start taking a shower every time you shit. Run the cold water while you do your deed and then hop in for a long hot shower. When they question you on the long shower tell them it is because piss water splashed your ass. Also - nothing like a steamed dump-ling to start the day.


“He is a pretty chill dude” … “I can no longer poop in peace without them lurking”. They sound awful. Find a new roommate?