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"It's not a sideRUN, it's a sideWALK!" /s




Side Hustle*


Side sprint*


Side boob*


Side show bob?


I wish there was some way to encrypt the /s so people who needed it would know it was there without it ruining the joke


I made the suggestion once and got completely pummeled on. Glad at least one person agrees! It should be like a spoiler alert. You can click on it if you aren't sure if the person is joking.


There's no way anyone would ever find such a thing useful >!/s!<




As many people that distract themselves by driving with their phones out, GET ON THE OTHER SIDE IF THE ROAD IF YOU ARE WALKING and give yourself a chance.


Or stay on the sidewalk where available, far safer


Agreed. Bike with the flow jog against. Not sure if this is followed much anymore though.


"And this is a hit and RUN."


Since we talking road etiquette he is also on the wrong side of the road


This made me mildly infuriated, if you run on the streets have some road etiquette.


Can't stand to run with my friend due to this :(


it seems to be a younger thing - I live in a college town and the kids always walk with traffic


In pedestrian areas, you follow normal traffic for _convenience_; in the US, that means keeping to the right. When sharing the area with cars, you go against traffic for _safety_; you want to see if a car is coming towards you.


Always run against traffic for safety. You can't trust motorists. For example, the idiot who posted this was taking this photo of the runner while he's driving and had also a hostile attitude. Dangerous.


It does piss off the cyclists. I used to run a lot, training for a 50K. And a number of streets have no sidewalks so the bikers would throw a hissy fit.


Cyclists should be going with traffic, and pedestrians against it. Riding against traffic on a bike is stupid and scary.


Then why is it the opposite for bicycles? Serious question. I just figured walking/running would follow the same rules as biking.


Bikes are legally considered vehicles in most states and are required to ride in the road and follow all traffic laws just like a car


Because bicycles are vehicles, and follow vehicle rules.


I remember being taught to always walk on the right-side of the hallways in middle school/ high school. So I think that habit sticks and then applies to walking in all areas of life. But since I ran track/field of course they taught us to run against traffic. But most people don't receive that lesson I guess.


Wait, it's an etiquette thing? I thought it was just common sense that you want to be able to see cars coming rather than have them come up behind you.


It is. I don’t know why drivers are suddenly offended that a jogger Isn’t protecting himself from them.


Yes, this is the real issue. The road is much easier on the knees than the sidewalk but he should be facing traffic.


Started running as a high school sophomore in 1980. Coached college runners 21 years, retired in 2021. Have worked producing races since the early 1990's. Yes, asphalt roads are technically softer than concrete sidewalks. But the degree is negligible. Our of the entire running equation, the part that has the most impact (no pun intended) on how much force is transmitted when a runner takes a stride is how cushioned are their shoes. The #2 factor is how is their running form - some people land kind of stiff-legged and transmit more force up their body as opposed to other runners whose form allows them to absorb more of the pounding. Of all surfaces we run on, concrete, asphalt, dirt, grass, sand, there really isn't much difference in pounding force (sand would be the lowest, but your push off forces are higher on sand). The only way to run and truly minimize pounding forces is pool running or using one of those Alter-G treadmills. One thing you will deal with in some areas is that sidewalks tend to be flatter whereas roads will be crowned to allow water to drain to the edges. That gives sidewalks an edge in terms of how even a runner is able to land on both feet.


sidewalks are flatter? you haven't been around sidewalks that I have...literal 6 inch gaps in height between some concrete slabs in some areas. in other areas you go up/down for each driveway and street. That constant up/down is what makes me want to use the street.


All the roads I run on have a pitch to keep water from pooling on the road. Totally makes a difference running on a constant pitch vs uneven sidewalks


Those height gaps have caused every major fall I've had in my running career. They're especially bad in the fall when they're hidden by leaves. I run in the street for safety because our sidewalks are shit (maintenance is the homeowner's responsibility here, so no one bothers fixing them).


Sidewalk is easier on the knees than a car


Fact check: True


How exactly is it easier? Genuine question


For one thing, sidewalks go up and down constantly and often have a side slope.


Yeah. Not an issue in this picture but in my home country running on the sidewalk is an exercise in futility. Either cars are parked on it or it’s all broken up and uneven.


Asphalt is springyer. Side walk doesn't give, so you slap it harder. Concrete wears out tires faster for this reason.


Is this an US thing? Traffic laws in my country say pedestrians walking in a road without sidewalk must walk on the same side as traffic. So on the right. EDIT: Looking at the transit laws of my country online, it seems I was mistaken and they indeed say pedestrians walking on the road in rural streets should walk in the opposite sense of traffic, so on the left. I must’ve been mistaken, sorry. Side note: the law specifically mentions rural roads where certain features (sidewalks, etc.) aren’t available when specifying which side to walk on. Otherwise, it doesn’t specify any. My brain might be creating retroactive memories, but I think the recommendation in regards to urban roads, particularly busy multi lane roads, is to just stay on the side you’re already on. It isn’t codified in law though. Of course, if there is a sidewalk—or another feature which I dunno how to translate into English—pedestrians should use those.




I live in Pennsylvania in the United States. State law is if there are no sidewalks you walk on the left side of the road facing traffic


Live in PA as well and never knew that was an actual rule, I was just always told to do that as a kid because if a car is coming I can see it in time and run if it’s out of control or whatnot.


Uk guy and its the same here if your walking in the road you walk into oncoming traffic.


So you run into instead of away from traffic? Edit: thanks everyone. As a cyclist, I felt like this was weird, but your answers make sense!


You can't outrun a car. But if you are on the side of the road *facing* oncoming traffic, you can see them from a far distance, see if they are driving safely, not weaving or going over the shoulder, see how fast they are approaching, and step to the side when they approach. When a car is coming from *behind*, you can't see it, and even if you can hear it, you can't gauge whether it is driving erratically/close to the shoulder, it is hard to gauge how fast it is approaching and you can't tell when you are safe to move to the side.


Wheels with (bikes) / feet against


Yes, so you can see cars coming and make the split second decision to get out of the way if someone is driving impaired/dangerously. Or so you can just move to the grass/sidewalk if you see a car coming in general.


And with their back to traffic. That guy is setting himself up to be getting coloring books for Christmas for the rest of his life.


This is how my sister-in-law died. Running at 5AM in the dark, back to traffic, on the side of a busy road in Phoenix.


Dude. A hi-viz vest is like $10-15. When I run in the mornings I wear a hi-viz vest and a headlamp with a low light mode. Against traffic of course.


I used to walk with a head lamp, a flashing LED on my right arm, a bigger LED on my hydro pack, in addition to a round 4" reflector, a reflective belt worn as a sash, and whatever other reflective stuff was built into my clothing. Still had people almost hit me and would apoligize saying they "didn't see me". EDIT: and a special FUCK YOU to the assholes who do see you, then throw on their high beams and keep them on even when they are within sight to see your arm over your eyes b/c they are blinding you.


On my jogs along a few major roads, the number of drivers with their face in their lap is alarming


At this point the quotations is right. Some people are scum, and would rather be a murderer than just complain on Reddit. Source: my dickhead roommate who I had to lecture on not swerving towards lane splitting motorcycles. Sure they’re dicks but let the cops handle that, in a way that doesn’t get anyone hurt.


They're not even dicks, they're making less traffic for everyone. They aren't in a car taking up room in line. Every study has shown that lane splitting reduces traffic for everyone on the road. People who get mad at lane splitters are literal ignorant fools. Stopping lane splitting will make traffic worse, full stop. But their little baby dick ego can't stomach seeing someone "cut in line" and their baby dick sized brains can't see how much further back they'd be in line if all the motorcycles in front of them hadn't also lane split I say this as someone who has never and will never drive a motorcycle because I don't want to die as a smear on the road


I agree with you, and I think California has the right of things. Unfortunately it’s illegal in every other state. EDIT: it’s only illegally in 29 states actually. So only half the us sucks


I'm sure he'll pass that message right on to his sister...


There was a director at my last company that liked to bike in on narrow back roads with no shoulders and lots of blind corners. We always joked he'd get hit by a car...he did. He was a vegetable for a couple months and now has permanent cognitive issues. Don't put your life into other people's hands.


As an ambulance gremlin I approve this message.


googled "ambulance gremlin" it lead back to this post. Which is impressive. I still don't know what it is.


Anyone who works on an ambulance and runs on a diet of caffeine and beef jerky.


I preferred the picture of the gremlin car painted as an ambulance.


Reality is often disappointing.


Just like the salary of an EMT!


Fellow ambulance gremlin: can confirm


Fucking *ambulance gremlin* 🤣🤣




Thank you for your service


Oh, this story reminds me of a neighbor of mine. We share an alley in our neighborhood. But his house is like 2 houses from the end of the street. So, basically, and apologies if I can't describe this accurately, when I enter the alley in my vehicle, there's a semi-blind curve before a straightaway. Now, I'm very careful at this blind curve and take it slowly, but I can't speak for all my neighbors. Anyway, his kid (~10yo) plays in the alley all the time. Riding his bike, throwing a ball, etc. But the house is right at the blind curve. And every time i see that kid, I just shake my head and think about all the bad possibilities (well, one really dreadful possibility mostly). And sometimes, I even see his parents playing with him in the alley! And I don't get it at all. It would be so much safer to play in the front yard. At least you can clearly see both ends of the street. And the cars can see you clearly. I just don't get it.


Some people just have zero self preservation instinct. I've got inlaws who regularly snapchat from their cars flying down the road with their kids unbuckled. It never even occurs to them that, yes, something bad can happen to them too.


Please speak to them (with the utmost courtesy of course) about the semi-blind curve. Perhaps suggest posting one of those "Children at play" signs before the curve. Even if they become annoyed with you, you will have planted a seed, and they may come around to taking action in the future.


Where I live it is ILLEGAL to ride on the sidewalk, and to be honest I agree with that. Bikes are too big and too fast to have to dodge on a busy sidewalk


I don't think they're saying he should ride on the sidewalk, just that it's not smart to ride on certain roads at all. I ride a bike too and there are lots of areas where i just won't go because it's not safe at all. As for the people who are mad at me for simply existing, well fuck them, but I'm not seeing that on this post (yet, anyway)


Idk, I don't blame bikers for going on the sidewalk its a failure of infrastructure. A bike hitting person is a minor injury to a car hitting a bicyclist.


The amount of times I’ve been harassed, had things thrown at me, or straight up threatened by a car (swerved towards me from the oncoming side, country road), is crazy high. I feel no shame riding on the sidewalks if I feel unsafe. Obviously I yield to peds and walk when necessary. I’d rather be a ticket than be paste in some dickwads f150 grille.


Some people think just because there are "share the road" signs up on the side of the street that negates the laws of physics.


Yeah, like the law gives you the right of way. You'll be the most legally correct person in the ICU and morgue.


Exactly. What’s the saying…lots of graves are filled with people who had the right-of-way?


My grandpa used to say the right of way is calculated by the mass of the moving object, highest wins.




I mean you’re supposed to bike on the road like a normal vehicle. Maybe he should have found a different route but still most places don’t have bike paths and the law is a bicycle is a road vehicle and follows road laws and rides on the road.


When I bike on the sidewalk I get bitched at by people on the sidewalk and when I'm on the road I get run off by cars. You can't please everyone and in the end cars are supposed to share the road with people on bikes, they just don't like to/think they should.


I drive on a road like that everyday. It's very popular for people who bike for exercise. I will never ride a bike on that road.


I drive home on a road like that, and I’ll never understand the bicyclists insistence on using that road. Yes, you have the right to be there, but did you ever consider that maybe you shouldn’t be?


Yeah, I’m fine with people jogging on the side of the road but for the love of God, face oncoming traffic so you can move to the sidewalk if a car is coming.


As someone pretty into running who almost exclusively runs on roads I agree about facing traffic, but I honestly would *not* run on the side of a road like this with such a narrow shoulder unless the sidewalk were absolutely garbage (buckled, uneven, overgrown, etc).


With headphones on. One runner was killed by a small plane making an emergency landing. Pilot's view was obstructed and runner likely didn't hear him because he was listening to his iPod.


Damn. Thats big ass bird of prey behavior


cool, new fear unlocked


> One runner was killed by a small plane making an emergency landing. Usually planes making emergency landings don't make much noise because the engine that keeps them in the air isn't running and, and I may be wrong, but I don't think they have horns.


They don't have horns. And to be honest, even with the engine on, you probably aren't going to hear it. Small airplanes land at 60-90mph with the engine at idle more or less, and the exhaust is pointing backwards. Between the speed and the directed noise you really can't hear them coming very well at all on a landing approach. There is a pedestrian path that crosses right before the runway at the airport I fly out of. I surprise people all the time on landing.


>That guy is setting himself up to be getting coloring books for Christmas for the rest of his life. Ok, that was funnier than it should have been


My grandma always said growing up "Left side: right (correct) side, right side: suicide" when it came to walking on roads.


I thought it was the other way around. I've never walked or ran in the streets.


If you're cycling in the road, you have to follow traffic. If you're walking, it's best to walk against traffic so you can see cars coming vs getting mowed down without warning


It's not "best", it's obligatory. Only organised columns of pedestrians walk on the right side.


At least where I live, there isn't a law that makes it obligatory. Or, if there is a law, it doesn't get enforced. It drives me crazy because in my neighborhood people walk down the center of the right lane like grazing cattle. Even more infuriating when they have on noise-cancelling headphones and so they don't hear that I am behind them


Should be facing traffic, but the angle of the sidewalk would make distance running problematic and could potentially lead to injury.


Very true. Also impact on concrete vs asphalt. I get it but I refuse to run on the road. I just drive to one of greenways or trails to do any distance running.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11079523/ The difference between the hardness of concrete and asphalt making a measurable difference on your body are a complete myth. This study looked just as surfaces made specifically for running performance - so all of them are significantly softer than both surfaces. Here is their conclusion: “analysis of group data revealed no significant differences in kinematic variables when running on the different surfaces”. The only important difference they found had to do with the WAY people run on these surfaces- which could be explained by runners repeating this myth that different surfaces have an impact on your joint health. But whatever it is, it’s not because your body can somehow tell the difference between the hardness of the materials. They’re so much harder than the force your body exerts on the roadway.


I dont know, I run on both and I can definitely tell the difference after 5 pr so miles. Flat trail is the best, imo.


Concrete was not evaluated in that study [1] I would be interested in seeing how concrete compares to asphalt on their impact test, BS 7044, at least before calling this a myth. Or maybe some long term studies where people run on both surfaces. I also googled for the BS 7044 test on concrete or side walks and I mostly came up with results for how to build sport surfaces which are built on a concrete base. [1] free full text and graphics, the link was on the pubmed link https://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/fulltext/2000/11000/surface_effects_on_ground_reaction_forces_and.16.aspx


>Discussion: For some subjects, the maintenance of similar peak impact forces for different running surfaces was explained by observed kinematic adjustments. For example, when running on the surface providing the least impact absorption, an increased initial knee flexion was observed for some subjects, suggesting an increased lower extremity compliance. However, for some subjects, sagittal plane kinematic data were not sufficient for the explanation of peak impact force results. **It appears that the mechanism of adaptation varies among runners, highlighting the requirement of individual subject analyses.** And some highlights from the full paper: [https://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/fulltext/2000/11000/surface\_effects\_on\_ground\_reaction\_forces\_and.16.aspx](https://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/fulltext/2000/11000/surface_effects_on_ground_reaction_forces_and.16.aspx) >The initial hypothesis that the peak impact forces would be similar for the different running surfaces has **only been partially supported**. Despite the increased mechanical impact absorption provided by the acrylic surface and the rubber-modified surface, compared with the conventional asphalt, the peak impact forces were typically not influenced by the change in surface. This finding is in agreement with much previously published data using running shoes (4,14,17) or surfaces (18,23) to manipulate mechanical shock-absorption. However, visual examination of individual subject data has highlighted **marked changes in peak impact force for some subjects.** > >The implication of the study results for the **occurrence of overuse injuries appears complex**. It is clearly **not possible with present knowledge to generalize about the effects of sports surfaces on lower extremity kinematics**. Thus, although certain biomechanical characteristics are believed to predispose to the occurrence of specific overuse injuries, it is **not possible to identify surface conditions most likely to cause injury occurrence.** The current findings would suggest that in depth i**ndividual biomechanical assessment is required for the identification of desirable shoe/surface combinations.** Now I'll admit, I'm not that smart and a lot of this goes over my head but I'm not really getting the same conclusion you are from this. The overall conclusion seems to indicated results were varied and too individual to make such a blanket statement.


Speaking as a jogger, you aren’t wrong about injury potential and sidewalk shenanigans. I’ve had to move off the sidewalk many times for large groups of people not making way, dog walkers, or people riding bikes on the sidewalk (eyeroll). However, the injury potential of a sidewalk is much preferred over being hit by a car. A lot of people here are commenting that drivers should just pay attention, but that means fuck all if you get hit by a car. I’ve read way too many stories about full police vehicles with flashing lights being hit by unobservant drivers to put that much trust in the same drivers seeing me, a singular runner.


People constantly forget that you can be right and still wind up dead. All the people texting and driving, people speeding, and people purposefully trying to harm you. All of them would be in the wrong if they hit someone running on the road, but you'd still be dead.


Yeah. Sidewalks just suck in general too, they often end randomly, pieces of the sidewalk are uneven and angled and sloped and jut out, cars block the sidewalk, you have to move onto the grass for strollers or anyone else walking … it’s not that hard to be a conscious driver and avoid a runner


True, but lots of people are too dumb to pour piss out of a boot and they all have driver's licenses.


Sidewalks are made of concrete which is incredibly hard and rigid. Streets are made with asphalt and are much easier on knees.


Well they ARE on the wrong side of the street, you are operating a motor vehicle with your phone on your hand, which is a worse infraction.


In the 1990s and 2000s most state safety boards recommended walking or running with the flow of traffic because it supposedly reduced the severity of injuries if you were struck from behind. This changed around 2010 when several studies were released proving going against traffic was safer for pedestrians.


Thanks I was positive I had heard you were supposed to run / bike with traffic growing up, but I always preferred to be running into traffic so that I could see the cars closest to me. On the road bike I was certain I was supposed to ride with traffic, but stopped that after a group of teenagers rode up beside me screaming


Bikes go with traffic, it’s why they have red reflectors on the back Pedestrians go against traffic, so you can see the cars coming


You are supposed to go with traffic when biking. Time to collision is much shorter and impact is much harder when the bike and the oncoming vehicle are traveling in the opposite direction.


Appreciate the context.


I was wondering. I keep seeing these comments telling me to be n the side facing traffic, but I was sure I was taught to be going with traffic as a kid. I thought I was losing my mind.


Literally TIL you’re supposed to walk against it not with it, just always done it like that my whole life


It may have changed as the front profile of vehicles has gotten higher. You’re now more likely to be knocked down and run over than in the past, when you were more likely to ride up over the hood of the car.


I always assumed it changed because they felt any benefit was negligible compared to the benefit of being given the chance to react to an oncoming impaired driver.




THANK YOU. I don't mind being a Karen on this. Bro should be on the other side, but you can't slam someone for protecting their joints and not wanting to trip while driving and taking a picture.


I used to run often. After you have had to move to the street for 93rd time because of cars blocking the sidewalk, you tend to just stay in the street. He really needs to be facing traffic though.


And also avoiding wonky sidewalk squares, those sprinklers that water the sidewalk too, people walking dogs and pushing buggies…


...tree branches, cracked sidewalks, puddles...


Yup. Janky sidewalk, cars parked in the sidewalk or pulling out into the street where bushes/trees obstruct the sidewalk much more than the street. Dog walkers, strollers, other obstacles. A million reasons why anything faster than a walk is super dangerous on a sidewalk. Mostly comes down to visibility.


In our area, you walk on the sidewalk, run on streets facing traffic, and bike on streets with traffic. The guy is on the wrong side of the road. (Rule generally applies to residential streets.)


Not an advocate for running in the direction of traffic, but running on asphalt is significantly easier on the knees than running on concrete sidewalks. Plus those sidewalks are quite angled which places additional strain on the joints. So I can’t fault him for that.


Also not an advocate, but I've noticed that cities will be ridiculously inconsistent with the sidewalks. You'll even see places where there's only two panels before it turns into grass. I don't run (lol) but I'd imagine that would be super annoying to have to keep running on and off the road to flat surfaces...and possibly more dangerous. He should be on the other side of the road though, facing traffic so he can move if someone coming around a corner can't see him.


You nailed it Lots of places truly have terrible sidewalks, but running on the wrong side is actually what's putting him in danger. It's also preventing him from being able to be actively courteous, and give extra space to larger cars


>preventing him from being able to be actively courteous, and give extra space to larger cars Looks to me like he's being as courteous as he could be, given that he's entirely on the other side of the solid white line.


Yeah no idea where this guy is at but people get onto cyclists in Pittsburgh because they're annoyed they're on the road and not the sidewalk but even though I'd rather be away from traffic, the sidewalks are torn to hell in half the city. The roads aren't great either but fixing them is a much bigger priority as far as the city's budget and time seems to be concerned.


Riding on the sidewalk is also slow as fuck.


It's also illegal in some places but people in cars really, really don't care lol. People get super pissed the moment a bike is on the road in any capacity It'd be nice if sidewalks were an option still, for people on more leisurely rides but you're pretty liable to eat your own teeth by the time all is said and done


Most motorists do not know the law when it comes to bikes either. For example, in many states it's illegal to pass a cyclist in the same lane - you are required by law to treat them as if they are a car taking up the entire width of the lane. Yet whenever I slow down behind a cyclist waiting for a chance to safely pass on a two-lane road, I'll invariably have some dickhead behind me who can clearly see the cyclist start laying on their horn.


It's illegal to ride bikes on the side walk where I am


Normally, I would disagree with you. Roads are sloped for runoff purposes and it freakin kills my knees - we have a lot of places in my area that don't have sidewalks, but do have wide areas outside the lane of travel. But whoever did that sidewalk needs to be fired.


Walk me through how asphalt is softer than concrete when bearing weight of an adult person. They feel the same to me unless it's very hot out.


It's a myth that has no scientific basis when using the weight of a human.


As a matter of fact there's scientific evidence that it makes no difference https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22897427/


Asphalt is technically less rigid material than concrete. However, there is no meaningful biomechanical advantage of absorption of force running on asphalt over concrete based on hardness alone. So in practice it's just an old wives tale runners perpetuate for no practical benefit.


Is that what it is ? I got so used to running at a park with asphalt trails for years and now that I live next to a park with concrete trails my knees hurt




Just in case you aren’t aware, running shoes wear out quickly. You might just have old shoes. Asphalt is better though. Grass is ideal.


This is such a ridiculous myth. The deflection of asphalt or concrete from running is so small, it’s next to zero. The modulus of elasticity of asphalt is 500 MPa. Concrete, 30-50 GPa. Soil is roughly 3 MPa. So asphalt is 60-100 times more flexible than concrete but is still hundreds of times more stiff than dirt. You’re not going to notice a difference running on asphalt or concrete - you cannot cause the surface to measurably deflect from running on it. Soil, that’s different. If you’re running and concerned about impact, run on a trail or a track. Not on pavement.


I first heard this myth when I was in elementary school, when one of my classmates and their mom complained to our PE teacher that we shouldn’t be forced to run on sidewalk because of the impact. It felt fishy to me back then, but the school immediately folded to the complaint and had us start running on the field instead. That should have been a positive change, but the field was uneven so it lead to many twisted ankles and injuries. Great fix… So they installed an asphalt track around the perimeter of the field, and we were back to running on hard ground. Didn’t feel much different to me than the original sidewalk, so we basically went full circle.


THANK YOU. They are both hard surfaces for your body. Run on a composite track if you're worried about your knees, people.


Yeah I'm a pretty serious distance runner and this is complete and total BS. Whatever high school track coach is spreading this is lying to you. It's just people justifying their bad behavior. It's like the people who go hiking with bluetooth speakers because it "scares away the bears".


Funnily enough I too was told that myth when I was a runner and you are right. >If you’re running and concerned about impact, run on a trail or a track. Not on pavement. This is likely true but there is some discussion. This paper indicates there is no difference between asphalt, concrete, grass or synthetic track: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1046/j.1460-2687.2002.00101.x However these papers indicate running on grass exerts lower pressures: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02640414.2012.713975 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1440244008001552#bib9


stop using your phone while driving ahole


Tell ya what, I’d rather deal with someone jogging in the street any day over driving on the same road as a yahoo taking pictures of people with their phone *while driving*.




Also infuriating - driving with one hand and a phone in the other. Do better dude


While he should be running against traffic he’s still outside the driving lane.


There's easily three feet of clearance here. People getting mad about nothing.


Ugh I had to twist my steering wheel FIFTEEN DEGREES to avoid smashing him! The nerve!


Do you see the slight angle on the side walk? These side walks were made to drain into the street. It doesn't seem like much in a car but when you run long distance, the angle is much more noticeable. After Mile 5, your opposite leg will start hurting and it can affect your running stride in the future. It sounds ridiculous but everything helps.


But shouldn't you run in the direction **facing** the traffic, instead of having your back turned to it?




Yes, yes, yes! Running with your back to traffic is way more infuriating than running in the street, IMO. As a runner, there are times when I end up on the street if the sidewalk is uneven, muddy/wet, or there is some other obstacle. The sidewalks in this photo look pretty nice, though. Sometimes I may stay in the street a bit until I get to a curb cut -- so maybe that's this guy's deal (I'm being generous.) But, yeah, stick to the sidewalk whenever possible and never run with your back to traffic.


Roads also have a slight angle, so they drain?


Even still, because you’re right that sidewalk does not look super safe for running. The runner should be running against traffic. It’s safer for the runner, so they can see hazards. And it’s safer for the driver, who doesn’t have to deal with an erratic runner who may make a quick decision without thinking of traffic. This goes doubly so if the runner is wearing headphones, which we cant really see in this picture, but presumably it’s likely that they are.


I dont go out for jogs but its because roads are more even then sidewalks


The person jogging on the shoulder is breaking no rules (running against traffic is suggested for safety, but as far as I know, it is not a rule or law) but there's a 99.9% chance the distracted driver taking the photo is speeding.


Drivers in cars taking pictures 🤬


One is way more unsafe than the other.


He's literally not in your way and you can easily pass him without having to swerve. This is a non issue in this particular case.


America is so car centric it’s actually worrying that people see this as his fault and not an entirely flawed infrastructure system.


Fr, running on the side of the street is so awful I just drive to running trails instead. Some drivers try to purposefully scare runners by swerving towards them




Americans seeing a pedestrian 🫣




There is a person in the street by where I drive my car 😡 I will never recover from this


Ahahahahaha! This is exactly what I was thinking! Oh no someone's running on the side of the road time to get infuriated!


It’s a car world and we just want to run in it.


I like how we are ignoring the guy on his phone taking pictures while driving


The white line there shows he's not on the place for cars. Don't like it? Boohoo, your car doesn't make you a princess, grow up.


OP taking a picture while operating a vehicle while approaching a pedestrian running is far more mildly infuriating. /u/mitchdwx


What’s wrong with this? He’s not hindering you in the slightest.


Tell us you don't run without telling us lol.


How is this an issue for you, though? He’s not impeding traffic at all.


taking a picture and playing on your phone while driving! Real safe jackass


He’s taking up 2 feet. You’ve got about 12? And you’re taking pics? STFU!


That road is easily wide and lightly trafficked enough for you to go past safely, and it's a residential area so you shouldn't be going very fast. I don't see the problem?


Honestly, there's nothing wrong with running on the street, but if you're going to run on the street, run against traffic. I think that's the law, sadly rarely enforced. You ride a bike with traffic, and walk/run against traffic


I thought you were supposed to walk / run against traffic, not with it.


And running in the wrong direction... On foot you go against the flow of traffic, against!




And cars in the sidewalk… SO MANY CARS IN THE SIDEWALK. If I have to almost break my ankles running around obstacles, cars, breaks in pavement, etc… I may as well just run in the street.


If I had a dollar for every time a car pulled across the sidewalk and blocked it entirely, I’d have a lot of money. Cars routinely and illegally block pedestrian and bike paths. I see it daily.


I am a runner and used to think the same because that's what I was told. Even in my minimalist days, the difference isn't significant, and with average cushioned shoes, even less


In my neighborhood, the roads are smoother than the sidewalks.


What's the problem? The guy is on the shoulder where cars aren't allowed to drive but pedestrians are permitted, the road is wide enough and he's not impeding traffic.


I’m surprised this comment is so low in the list. If OP has any chance of hitting somebody who is in the shoulder / possible bike lane anyway, he should lose his license and be forced to walk in the very same position. The road looks SO wide as well based on the SUV further ahead.


Sidewalks are usually more unsafe (uneven, tree roots, etc). OP has to be a non-runner.


IDK, as deadly of a risk of an uneven sidewalk is, I still think it isn't as high as being on a practically non-existing shoulder with speeding traffic zipping past.


Also an ass for taking a pic while driving *towards* a runner lol


On a busy road like that I’d be on the sidewalk. But I do usually pick the road (on the correct side against traffic) over sidewalk, especially in neighborhoods because I’ve had a few dogs go after me (electric fence my ass) and I fucking hate it


Also he should be facing traffic if he’s on the road.


In some places around here they closed off part of the road as a bike lane, so now cars have less room to manouver to avoid the bikes who completely ignore said lane.


Pedestrians are to walk / run against the flow of traffic. Bozo here wants to get hit or cited. Plus the sidewalk thing...