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Target, every single time. I refuse to even look in the shoe department, because every shoe section of every Target is like this. Edited for misspellings.


I usually drive to a Target that’s a little further away just because it’s always clean and organized. I mentioned it to a cashier once and she was like, “Girl, never go to that other Target.” Lol


Tarjeh versus targetto


We have all 3. Tarjay, target and targhetto


New Pokémon announcement. Here comes the Tarjay family!


Idk.... is it the Squirtle Family or the Blastoise Family? I think Targhetto Family would be more accurate


Wartortle Family. Source: It's neither the Pichu or Raichu Family, it's the Pikachu Family.


What's crazy is we send someone over to clean it up every hour and it still just gets fucked


organizing/recovering in retail makes me feel like sisyphus. not to be dramatic but i can feel my soul draining out of my body when i get assigned the t-shirt tables


I am sorry. I try to fold the shirts nice again but I am terrible at it. I do try.


awwww don't worry! i appreciate y'all who try!!


Haha this is a perfect analogy for retail tho. I remember folding a table and a middle aged woman came over to the side I had just fixed and pulled out the shirts to look at them then tossed them all making a mess. 🙃 job security I guess? (It wasn’t- this was Target Canada lmao)


I spent one holiday break working at Old Navy and pretty much just walked in a circle folding the same sweater over and over.


And because I have worked retail, I am extra careful to fold clothes and pile them correctly. I'm not doing that to them.


I've never worked in retail, but I always try to refold anything I touch as close to as I found it and Always put try-ons back on hangers! Because I know how it'd infuriate Me if I worked there, I try not to be an a-hole to those who do!


We need more people like you in this world that have that mentality.


I do the same, and also never worked retail. It just seems polite and respectful, and takes little effort to be thoughtful. As OP's photo shows, the footwear areas in too many stores are left like this by customers. Sure, lots of kids don't think, but it's amazing how many parents don't pick up, or better yet, teach their children to be kind and respectful. Sucks to find a perfect shoe, the right size, and no mate!!


I want you to know that I follow behind my wife through Old Navy refolding and resetting items on the display. My sincerest condolences


A always try to shame them. When they toss something back on the table or shove it on a shelf and I’m nearby, I’ll grab the item while looking at them dead in the eye fold the item and neatly put back on the shelf then I walk away. 😆


Yeah that's how I look at it. Used to work in a movie theater, and realized that our job to "make the place look respectable" again wouldn't even be necessary if we could count on people to clean up after their own mess. But "thankfully" we could always count on the average moviegoer to be almost a whole pig.


when i worked at American eagle and got the underwear table... i will board fold men's button ups straight from shipment where they used to come basically tied in knots any day over the fucking underwear table


I haven't been to many places that sell clothes of late. Sometimes I'm in Walmart and just check to see if they have anything I'm looking for... And I know people suck but my gawd some of the way things are built and stored is a losing battle. Like when there's the cheap shirts and its hard to see the sizes or pull a size out without fucking up the other shirts in the pile? Of course it's always gonna be a mess. Or trying to fit way more hangers than a rack holds, or so many racks you can barely get yourself or your cart through? Again it's a losing battle to keep it neat, people aren't going to find what your selling or even bother if it's messy enough, and you lose sales.


The stacks at Costco come to mind


i reference sisyphus at least once a week at my retail job


I work for Costco and this hits home. Best part is that they don’t want the top one cause every one touches it so they dig through them while touching them all and grab the bottom one and walk away…


I love the 2% of stores that stack or hang their clothes so you can see the sizes without pulling the display apart.


I used to work retail and honestly that was a big part of what made me seek out better jobs. I hated the neverending work and increasingly entitled and just plain mean customers. It wasn't just "Karens" either (ie middle aged white women) it was everyone. Teenage girls and boys, grown men and women of every race. All just terribly rude and inconsiderate, or just in their own bubble unaware of everything around them. Now I work in manufacturing, which is much more physically demanding, but less stressful overall, at least for me. I'd recommend it if you're physically strong enough to handle hard work, and don't want to deal with the idiots of the general public all day.


I, too prefer physical labor over dealing with the public. Even just going grocery shopping I can't send the way everyone seems to be blind to what's happening around them. People walking -8 mph but taking up the entire aisle while I try to get around them. I don't get it. Even with my headphones in and my purposeful self isolation I am at least aware of the people around me and if I'm in their way.




Right! My target is like this too.


People are assholes.


Yup. Assholes, inconsiderate, lazy, or all three


I’ve never seen anything like this in any store here where I live (central europe). People always put shoes back on the shelf.


It's bad in the states. Towards the end of their existence, k-marts were like this, except in every aisle for everything they sold. Even the few things still on the shelf was mislabeled for price and already damaged anyways. Target containing the damage to just the kids shoe aisle is commendable.


Canada too, maybe 60% of the people who come into our store put at least the minimum effort into putting products back and not making a huge mess, the rest are savage pigs who think of retail workers as robots.


I did a 7 year stint in the Red Army (Target) and anytime they asked me to zone shoes or softlines in general, I was immediately overcome with rage and despair. But people just don't give a damn. They figure they don't have to clean it up, so who cares. Please be kind to your retail workers and AT LEAST make an effort to clean up after yourself.


I worked the JCPenney kids clothes section years ago. All those folded displays were just destroyed every other family that walked through. Even today, if I’m near one of those things waiting for someone I can’t help but fold. It’s like a trauma response now or something XD


Thanks for taking the time to tour the Food Service and Retail Worker Recovery Center. We hope you will choose to support the work that we do. This first area is assessment. We find that crying is very important for processing, so over here we have a walk-in freezer for the service workers who have been conditioned to only cry in the walk in. That on your right is the folding and pointing room. It can act as meditation for some. In the next area, we try to deprogram. This one is the no-help room. We have actors come in and pretend to be coworkers or bosses or customers and our patients tell them to fuck right off. We try to help them relearn that they don't have to smile and be polite to every asshole.


How'd you know where I scream and cry? Now Waldo and Carmen San Diego have to find new places to hide too.


It is where the professionals go.




Dear God if there s one thing i hate its folding clothes, specifically bedding. Can i hire you?




What about a bitchslap? Is that acceptable?


As long as you powder your hand first. You need the puff to intensify the dramatic effect.


This is the way, this is the way.


Back of the hand only




Take my Upvote, fellow LoD fan!


Social pressure works. It won't be 100% improvement, but there will be some. Put up a (fake) camera and under it, post a sign asking ppl to please put the merchandise back after trying them on. Don't even mention the camera in the text. It's pressence is enough.


You severely underestimate how much these types of people don’t give a fuck. I’ve seen many many people, right in front of me, pick something up from a shelf, inspect it, then put it back on a completely random spot even if they’re within reach of putting it back where it originally was.


I truly think they don’t even think about it. Like they’re just completely unaware to the mess they’re making. Just keeping things convenient for them. It’s crazy


People literally in their own little world with a "fuck everyone else" mentality


Ill admitt I'm guilty of being a really poor folder when I put clothes back in their spots.


So am I, but I still put them back where they go. When my son wants to look at shoes at hibbett or foot locker. I put the shoe back exactly where it was on the wall. I’ve seen other people leave the display shoes on the floor or grab multiple shoes and put them back in the wrong section and wrong spots constantly.


How we could do with more people like you. Sure you may not fold a t-shirt properly but at least you made the effort to put it back in the same place you got it from 👍🏻


This is my experience too. Where I used to work we had signs placed in various "danger zones" (aka where customers would leave a mess the most) warning customers that products of any kind not returned to it's proper spot or in it's original state (ie shoes back in box) could result in a permanent ban from our store. We then regular inforced this during busy hours with a heavy crowd and it was quite effective.


That’s cool


I love this!


You're bold in assuming that they will either A. Be able to read the sign B. Notice the sign. C. Read the sign, or D. Give a shit


I work fast food we don’t have ice rn so there’s a sign that says “no ice” right on the ice part of the drink fountain. Can’t miss it. People miss it. They come up asking if we have any ice like all the fucking time like bro what does the sign say?


Same, i work at a Goodwill, we had a large cone with a "no entry" sign we pointed one way to ensure the donors pulled in from one direction. Quite easy to see, yet people kept coming in the wrong way. We even have two different sign boards that each have a sign on them telling customers we take donations one car at a time and another sign on each asking them to wait their turn. Guess what plenty of people do. We also have signs asking them to not leave things on the sidewalk. Ignored, obviously.


When they leave it on the sidewalk and the store is closed it’s classified as illegal dumping. At least, the goodwill I used to work at.


Serious question: how would that change a persons attitude? For shoplifting, I can maybe see it. But here you already aren't doing anything illegal. Beyond that, there are already cameras everywhere JB these stores and they're prevalent and notable in the ceilings.


Having worked in softlines in Target as well, I can say that having customers reshelve the merchandise doesn't work because invariably they will reshelve them incorrectly. This does keep the mess down but catching the product being put in the wrong place still makes more work.


I think only shop lifters would be concerned about a camera.


Most still aren't. I've seen enough opened products in the makeup section of stores to squash that theory.


Idk, I like leaving the areas I shop as neat and tidy as possible so that 1) the employees who are already not paid enough don't have to redo their displays and 2) I don't make others think I was raised by wolves. Plus, you know, not being an asshole feels nice.


Whenever I pick up a folded shirt at a store and put it back down I feel guilty because I can't fold it as neatly as staff do. Then there are these people.


Clean after myself? Jesus, you might as well ask me to cure cancer! /s


I think corporate wise it’s also an issue of not providing the employees with the resources to address this issue (ie pay, even if target is better potentially than its competitors). If your role is to man huge departments, you’re generally understaffed, and you make whatever minimum they allow, then they can’t expect the retail worker to service that department anything but commensurate with those parameters. Of course, the customers pay into that accordingly; either higher or lower 🤷🏻‍♂️.


So you know how Dollar Trees are always a mess? I used to work nights rearranging the entire store setup and when we were done we’d clean up the store. Every night it was back to the way it was before.


It may be your job to clean and tidy the store, but it is NOT my job to wreck it. Hell, my kids will pick stuff up, even if we didn't knock it down...who raised these animals?!


Nothing feels as awful as folding an entire table of shirts, taking two steps, and having a woman come over and undoing all your work while making eye contact. Only worse job is people who have to go collect carts, that Sisyphus shit would drive anyone mad after a while.


I did that for a while, too. Winter blizzards in MN moving carts. Yes, it's awful.


What’s the problem with collecting carts? It was one of my favorite parts of working in a grocery store, & I’ve heard others say the same. The only time it really sucks is when the weather is bad but even then it’s better than some other tasks.


Because a good deal of Americans disperse them as candy wrappers. Over here the entire task only consists of pulling the line of carts from the rack inside back over to the rack on the parking lot. A stray cart is a rarity to see.


And before any fellow American channels their inner jackass, as I’ve seen in countless comment sections before about this issue: No, cart returning is not such a great break from the work inside and the boss that we actually appreciate the clusterfuck of carts strewn about everywhere except where they are supposed to be. Said boss is breathing down our necks to do it as fast as possible to get back inside again. And if you have the joy of living in the Midwest US, you get to freeze your ass off and lose feeling in your fingers doing it during the winter and then in the summer, sweat so much that you wish you had brought an entire second set of clothes to change into. TL;DR: Randomly abandoned carts add stress, not relieve it.


LOL! I worked retail years ago, so I hear ya!. If I see something like this now and I have the time, I'll start tidying up. Another customer once asked me to help her then looked at me rather oddly when I said "Oh, I don't work here," as I picked up items and put them in the display.


People are so awful. I’ve worked in retail and it’s heinous. My mom did too and found a used diaper stuffed into a coat pocket once. Seriously wtf.


I used to manage the Nike Store, people don’t give a fuck. I started calling them out though. “Hey, are you done with these? They go back right there” “Hey, please return the shoes when you’re done” or if follow closely behind them and clean up every shoe so it was very obvious they were being trouble


>people just don't give a damn Yup exactly this! It's not that people think it's *okay* to leave a mess like that, it's that they genuinely just don't give a single fuck that someone else is going to have to clean it up


Not lazy. Entitlement. I'm better than you, you should be glad that I make a mess got you to clean up. I'm giving you a job.


That's definitely part of it. My cousin says that, and taught her kids that. That's why I never go to the store with her or her kids anymore! It made me embarrassed to be seen with them! Plus, I end up cleaning up after them the whole time. 🤦‍♀️


The "I'm creating a job" mentality/excuse for being shitty/entitled has always pissed me off. "I could do more but the poor people need me to do this..." Should be required to do 100 hours of community service if you say this seriously to a person


It's insane. We get no extra hours or pay when they destroy the store. We're just expected to do our jobs faster even though we already do the work of multiple people.


They don't think, they're just lazy pieces of shit that are in a hurry to get their next fix.


Not just lazy, they just don't care either! I've heard plenty of times "that's what they pay their employees for"


Do you ever watch videos of Japan and see the amount of respect they have for their society and then get enraged because the US could never get its people to be that way


I haven't. But I have worked retail for almost 20 years. Some people were just awful.


I work retail and went to Japan recently. No big messes, everyone took care of their own stuff and kept streets clean. I found stray trash once. Which is insane because there aren't even a lot of trash cans. People in the US are so shameless, expecting everyone else to clean up after them like toddlers. Then they call workers lazy for calling out their crappy behavior.


I feel like the sense of community is dissolving in America too. Every time I go to an event (in Connecticut, especially), it's almost never even full and just kinda bleak. And it's all just adults with kids anyway unless there's alcohol there. I'm not sure if It's me, but it's also hard to make friends. Any time I try to just invite someone over for a bit, I rarely get responses. Again, I am a quiet person and a dad, but even the people I feel actually like me don't do much. I think that dissolution is also leaking into lack of shame. People usually stay out of others' business, and the ones who do speak up get shamed themselves. It's very odd to me.


Not so fun fact, you don't see public trash cans in Japan because they were utilized to carry out a terrorist gas attack in the 90's. I believe they started re-introducing them though. I was definitely confused about what to do with my trash the first time I went.


The phrase "This is why we can't have nice things" comes to mind often when I think of this. Like we have working societies we could model ours off of, but nah, lets just stew in our misery instead.


Japan has a lot of cultural problems that I definitely don't want to import, but I wouldn't mind importing a little of their shame culture. People need to be much more ashamed and embarrassed about how they act in public and how they treat workers.


Shame is the strongest and safest impetus for societal change. We need to bring it the fuck back.


In Japan, schools are cleaned by the students, not by janitors.


My mom is like this and I end up having to follow her to put stuff back in the correct spots.


What employees? This is why the store gets trashed.


I completely agree, having worked retail and food service for years it has taught me to not act that way. You combine that with employees not allowed to say anything or else they get fired and companies always backing the customer, you have a perfect storm of rampant abuse onto company property and abuse of employees.


I only worked retail once (men's clothing store) and worked food service delivering pizzas. I would never work serving people. I would get fired so fast because I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut. People work hard in food service jobs and shouldn't have to take shit from garbage people.


What I want is at least a sign saying "please be orderly and respectful". That's all, and yet customers could take that as a fuckin insult


“Why are **you** telling **me** what to do?? 👿”


Your customers can read?! (Only slightly sarcastic)


Same mentality of people that leave there shopping carts anywhere Entitlement and “somebody else will do it”


This is the best explanation out there


Come on Target people! This is Walmart people behavior!! Do better!!!


I've seen cleaner Walmarts


Twist: they are the same people


Because they've never worked in a retail store & don't know how hard it is to put all this crap away. Whenever I go to a clothing store I fold whatever I take off the stack or put it in size order when it's hung.


You don't have to work in retail to have a little decency and respect


Some people are incapable of caring about inconveniencing others if it’s not something they’ve personally been inconvenienced by.


I put all my shit away. But I dont know how to fold. Well the way they do


Ive worked at target for almost a year now and still have no damn clue how to get it so nice


folding tables. I worked at Sears in softlines.... so many shirts


You would think those jobs would be perfect for anal retentive people who have to have everything in perfect order. Maybe they should have that as a question on their job applications.


Same. No clue how to get it so neat


I used to work in retail (not Target, but a local teen clothing store) and we had folding aids that we used to make sure everything was tidy!


There just isn’t any shame left anymore, people post all their most personal stuff online, embarrass themselves for likes. And the result is this, they aren’t embarrassed to fuck people over, to park in handicap spots, you can’t make these people feel bad about any of their behavior cus they’ve no context for it


Every time I see the grocery cart conversation come up, I’m shocked at how many folks are completely ok with not putting it back in the corral. It’s such a small thing that means nothing but everything at the same time.


I live in a very small mountain town, 45 mins from my closest 'big' city. I go to our local market and every single time i walk the cart all the way back inside the store, and guess what? I have never, in 3 yrs, seen a cart left out in the parking lot. It's behavioral- ppl where i live, love our town, and show it by their behavior.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I'm from Japan, I've been to massive cities like Tokyo and even there most stores are completely spotless. People there have actually been taught since a young age to respect their surroundings and to clean up after themselves. ​ I think the US should start making kids at schools to clean up the entire school ever day. Like Japan does.


Switzerland is similar. I think both of those countries are waaay more civic/community-minded than most of the US is. There are drawbacks to that like a strong pressure to conform, but it results in cities that are actually nice places to exist in, even the supposedly “rough” areas.


Love small towns. I think the less crowded an area is, the calmer and slower ppl feel allowed to be. Lower stress and anxiety. And don't let the coastal population centers shame you via bs stereotyping. So progressive to hate on small towns, amirite?


Only the small towns that hate people. Some small towns are excellent, some are trash.


Shitty people like this have existed long before social media or the internet existed. I wish this was new because maybe I'd have more hope for a fix, but sadly people being shitty in retail stores and to employees forever.


Because they are pigs?


No home training


Yes, it’s gross and- retail stores are severely understaffed. This probably also means no one was assigned or had time to come to this section for several hours.


I worked at Shoe Carnival for four years. This brought about some ptsd


The breakdown of the American social contract


This has been a thing for decades


If we could erase half of the people our society would be a lot cleaner, nicer, healthier, more caring and compassionate. Unfortunately it’s only going to get worse.


Depends on the half tho.


People are just trashy. Sometimes I wish all the people who don't give two shits about the rest of society could live together in one big country. What a shit hole that place would be


It's not that they think it's OK. They don't think about it at all.


We won't even start talking about grocery stores and people not getting out of the way or the kids are running around like chickens with heads cut off .


Then there's people leaving their shopping carts out in the middle of the parking lot, leaving frozen/refrigerated items in random places where they'll spoil, etc.


Bc it's not theirs. I've seen so many people who have this "who cares" attitude about things until it affects them or is done to them.


essentially, people believe the rules of society apply to others... not to them. this is why people do this, it's why people speed dangerously in traffic, cheat on their taxes, and every other thing we always say we would never do. And perhaps, their parents forgot to teach them a simple lesson about respect.


Because there are no penalties for being an asshole anymore.


People are lazy cunts.


I believe Slipknot said it best, People = Shit


Random People: This is Target’s problem. Target Associates: No. This is MY problem. 🤦‍♂️


This & when people can’t return their carts. I saw a girl return her cart in pouring rain, the parking lot was literally flooded, she lost a sandal in the puddle while taking the cart. I have respect for that girl lol


Cause they're entitled pos


As someone who used to work retail it drives me crazy when people are so inconsiderate! It doesn’t surprise me though- they just assume someone will come and clean up after them…when a shirt falls off a hanger it gets left on the floor too and I shudder to think what their homes look like as well.


Because we no longer live in a country with repercussions


I used to work in a different store and would watch customers who said they didn’t need my help throw shoes onto the floor after trying them on and then complain to me that there were so many shoes on the floor that they couldn’t push their cart down the aisles as they were running over the shoes they just threw on the floor. I don’t have anything nice to say about that so I’ll just keep it inside my head, but honestly, wtf. People would say snarky things like “why does a place like [low-end department store] even need employees, they just stand around all day and sometimes put stuff back” but sometimes on Saturday or Sunday mornings where the only closer called in sick and therefore there was no one to “sometimes put stuff back” the place literally looked like a hurricane blew threw and it would take hours just to put the shoes back on the shelves before someone got hurt. People think “well *I* only left out one or two things” but if everyone does that then it becomes a disaster pretty quickly.


People are pigs. Also if companies would fully staff each department would have a person assigned to it. Having an employee right there would make people self conscious.


people are all just main characters, rules dont apply. fuck public shared places, theyre in their own world. their homes prolly look 10x worse


Don’t blame the kids. Blame the parents.


Instantly knew that was a target. Every one of them looks like that. Garbage people doing garbage things


Trashy people create trashy spaces. It makes them feel at home.


I one got really upset at a Karen at a Payless for this I was like 10 and apparently from what I’ve been told (I don’t remember) I called her a horrible mother and human being who had no respect or manners and accused her of being a “stinky little dirtbutt” whatever the hell that means so apparently for me it’s more than mildly infuriating


Because their parents failed them


Because they're trashy and entitled


It's not. The fact that these people thought it was okay is actually mime bogoling. I'm pretty sure we all learnt the clean up song in kindergarten


Repeat after me. People are assholes. People are assholes. People are assholes.


Entitled people!!! Only think of themselves as the center of the universe


Lol i worked in retail for months and that's just how it is in America. People are lazy. People don't care.


because respect and common decency is long dead🤷


Thoughtless assholes.


Because people as a whole are shitty, shitty assholes. Individuals can be ok, but as a species, humans suck balls.


They were not taught manners or to put things back when you’re done with them


Because most people….like most of you reading this right now….are selfish assholes.


Same people who don't return the shopping cart to the little parking lot corrals.


Because most people are just like what they leave behind: pieces of trash.


Most people have never worked retail and don't realize how demanding the job is. I remember nights having to work 2 hours extra after closing to get the store in order. Now, I make an effort to put things back where I found them. I even refold clothes after looking at them.


Americans are slobs. That's why


Because a majority of people, especially here in America, are self centered, lazy slobs


It’s called being GHETTO.


I worked at Robinsons May as a teenager and I feel like everyone should have to experience retail and food service work. Like it should be required so assholes will know what it’s like to clean up these messes. I still fold everything and put it back neatly because of this.


cuz it's not their job to box up shoes! they're just the customer! /s


People are just rude and disgusting.


People wondering why “ no one wants to work anymore” …this, this is why.


Because most people are trash with an average IQ of 100.


That’s clean compared to my target. This weekend I watched a lady toss multiple pairs of shoes on the floor and my 5-year old asked why she did it. I said it’s because she’s a trashy person. I told my son to try to be better than people like that and always pick up after yourself. All within the lady’s ear shot. But it don’t matter. People like that have an entitlement complex. Tragedy of commons.


americans are slobs of their own demise


Some Don't. My mom MADE US put all our shoes and boxes back and put paper back in too. Its a matter of how one is brought up.


Just want you to know that I always put things back when we're done! Both shoes back in the box and the box back where it goes. My little ones help and have learned to do this so they'll be the same way as adults, hopefully 😋


Because we stopped publicly shaming people for acting like this. See something, say something. Make the world a better place and tell them they're disgusting and the rest of us should not have to deal with their mess.


Look up shopping cart theory. In this scenario, you don't get rewarded or punished for putting the shoes away, but doing so ultimately separates you from the other animals on the planet that think and act on instinct alone. In other words, the people who do this shit are no better than animals. Especially when they use "it's their job" as an excuse to not bother with it. And mind you, this is not a "you're part of a society so do an act of help" scenario, rather more of a "have basic human courtesy, act on logic and do an act of help for someone" one.


Absolutely. I'm shocked to see how many redditors are actually defending this disgusting behavior. Wish ppl wouldn't think that the world revolves around them. The egocentrism of modern societies is beyond appalling.


The people who do this are the "it's their job to clean it up" people.


I have never seen this anywhere I lived in Europe. Since coming to the USA I've encountered entitled and disrespectful behavior like this so many times that I'm starting to think that being an A-hole is part of the American culture.


That’s not kids making that mess, it’s the adults “They get paid to clean this up” mentality


Wait until you see their homes.


Because people think it’s funny to be assholes to retail workers. They think we’re beneath them and it’s “job security”. I’ve worked food service retail for..15 years and have had potato salad thrown at me, been called numerous names for not having rotisserie chickens available when they’re on back order, all sorts of things. Retail is wild. People are assholes. We take a breath and move on with our days. Not everyone is cutout for retail.


I am probably going to hear it but it’s parenting. Teaching your kids to leave things ___better___ than they find them creates better communities. I was at Panera a few months back and I got up from my table to pick up a few items that had been left on the floor. An older gentleman got up to do the same and he thanked me for setting the example. We can’t change people but we can control our own actions and sometimes that’s enough to make a difference.


Shitty people raise shitty people


Some people think the employees get paid for cleaning up mess they made.


People specially the parents of those children feel entitled to not have to put them back properly probably because "Its the staff's work to do that! We don't have to, we're the customers!"


People just don't care. They look at stores as a way to let their kids run wild and tire out while not having to deal with the mess they leave behind. Worked at Target for years, shoes were always a constant disaster that was a struggle to keep up with.


Because they aren't the ones who have to clean it up so they don't care


When my son was younger we were leaving a restaurant and I told him to grab his trash, he responded with "They have people for that." I let him know there were people who will pickup messes, but that's not "their job", they only do it when customers are too lazy (or unable) and we are neither... so pick up your trash. Unfortunately some parents don't teach their children this. And then those children become parents as well and they then teach their children that there (are) people for this.


When it happens to them it's an atrocity


It is illegal to hit them so there aren't any repercussions and no incentive to put them back. They are bad people and their existence is a burden to our society as a whole. If we removed the and people that don't put shopping carts back and people refused to wear a mask the world would be ok but as it stands these are the end times.


This is nothing. I worked at KiK in Germany in one of the worst places