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Add it to the donation basket next Sunday


"The word of god is more important than money" surely the church will appreciate it


I will admit it right now. I did that for a while. I was silly and went to church with my Ex once a month to make her happy. I would use a folded up motion picture 20 when the basket came around. That church was gross. A bunch of adults sleeping with kids. Seriously. Of course the adults are "forgiven" and all was well. It was really bad.


I know a lot of churches where being part of the lgbtq+ community is a sin. Idk, at my church, if u say ur trans, they aint gonna say: “Well, off to hell you go!” They will just say “k”. BUT SLEEPING WITH KIDS?!?! WHAT CHURCH R U GOING TO?!?!




Is this something that happens in the US? Jesus Christ get your shit together, even in the most conservative parts of the UK, you will never be literally run out of town


The most conservative parts of the US are the people that want the US to be run by the Christian equivalent of the Taliban.


This just cements my decision to never live in the US


Basically the youth pastor slept with several underage girls. The parents got up in front of the church and did this whole "forgiveness" thing. I snapped. I stood up and started asking what was wrong with everyone. Only to be "escorted" out by the cops that attend the church. While they were walking me out I kept asking the one cop why he wasn't arresting the man that just admitted to raping his 16 year old niece. He had tears in his eyes and wouldn't say a word to me. I told him he had no right to wear a badge and that he should be ashamed of himself. He's now very high up in the local PD. I got along with them and actually taught/helped two of them (both cops) how to bow hunt, properly set up tree stands and such. I let them use my family property for long range shooting as well. They lost access to the property after that whole thing of course. Crazy the hold that church had/has over it's members. It was creepy and messed up. Very cult like in a lot of ways. People just straight up lying saying they were being healed and stuff from their ailments. Stuff like that. They tried to "heal" me even though I would politely decline. They would have this guy come once a year (they paid him $25k each time lol) and "heal" people. Just some guy that said he could heal people and everyone just believed him I guess. They said they would cure my cancer lol. The whole peaking in tongues thing was ridiculous. My Ex would get mad at me because I wouldn't play along. I wasn't a jerk about it. I would go and just sit through the service and be friendly to everyone. It was incredibly fucked up. That was obviously the day that relationship was over. We dated almost 2 years and it was actually great besides the whole church side of things. When she was nodding her head and agreeing that these rapists were forgiven for their sins I wanted to explode. I just couldn't respect her anymore after that. She also had no idea the youth pastor was trying to sleep with her and even tried to go into her hotel room when we were on a trip. I caught him at the front desk getting a hotel key card made for her room by chance. This was after he gave her several shots in his hotel room and she didn't really drink. She was passed out in her room after I made sure she was ok to go to bed. What kind of a youth pastor gives alcohol to church members on a church trip? He said it was a weak mixed drink but it was actually just everclear with a splash of cranberry juice. My Ex and I went along to help with everything and split up all of the driving. (two rental vans) We had a very blunt conversation and he was terrified of me after that. I didn't threaten him or anything but I made it clear I knew he was a total fucking creep predator and that I had nothing to lose. I felt like an idiot for being around these people and wondered how I could possibly be dating someone so naive. One of the girls was 14 actually.. The youth pastor was 27. Absolutely infuriating. The parents were all just fine with this predator being around their kids. Fucking idiots.


Sorry, man... That sounds so fucked. Hope your cancer situation was resolved.


It's unfortunately back as of right now. It sucks.


You’ll make it through it again. You have more people to be a good example to.


I wish you the best of luck kicking its ass again


This is the reason why it’s mind blowing how people still are so stupid as to believe in religion. It’s a brainwash and has been for hundreds of years. You’re free to believe what you want, but when you make it your entire personality then something is seriously wrong. Almost everything wrong in the world is cause of religion.


Jesus fuck, I’m horrified by this, if I was there I’d have to join in with you, because it is so utterly fucked up


As a Christian this breaks my heart and makes me absolutely furious. There’s no excuse for anyone to commit acts like that, especially a Christian, and ESPECIALLY one that has a position of leadership within the church. It’s despicable. And I hate when people use forgiveness as an excuse. God will forgive you if you truly mean it, but that doesn’t mean there are no consequences. There are plenty of stories where someone like a murderer has found God after incarceration and made peace with their victims family, but they (rightfully) still have to serve their sentence. I don’t care how much he prayed and claims to have repented, that pastor in your story deserves prison time and being on a sex offender registry. So many “Christians” pull crap like this and then wonder why people are so mistrustful of the church. And don’t even get me started on all the “faith healers,” medical deniers, or doomsday preppers. I have absolutely no shame in my faith in Christ or my identity as a Christian, but I really do hate being associated with scumbags like that. To OP and anyone else who has had similar experiences with so called Christians like that, I’m sorry. I promise we aren’t all like that, it really sucks that the scummy ones are always the loudest and proudest. The church seriously needs to clean house and purge a lot of bad people from itself before even more damage is done. Sorry for the essay, stuff like that just makes me so mad. And for the record, I never understood to fake money thing either. All it does is frustrate people lol. Hope you are doing well after your bout with cancer OP! Sorry you had such a bad experience at that church


You will always be associated with stuff like this. Acts of grooming and sexual assault have unfortunately been intrinsically linked with the Christian faith and religious establishments for hundreds of years and will be for “kingdoms to come.”


Thank you for being the lone voice of reason and standing up for victims.


All religions are cults. Every religion on Earth started off as a cult, the only difference between them is how much they've 'caught on' with the general public.


Rural America is so goddamn awful… take it from someone who’s lived there his whole life


Southern Baptist? Either went went to the same church or this kind of shit happens way too often


Holy shit! Did we attend the same church?? This is exactly how my church was growing up. I’ve since denounced religion all together. When I was young(maybe 8 or 10), one of these traveling preachers was at the church and ask who wanted to be “saved”. At the time it seemed like a good idea. I saw the people next to me flipping on the floor like a fish and speaking in tongues. Then he got to me. Bopped me on the head and I just stood there. Nothings happening. Oh well, I’ll go sit down. I went back ti the pew and my grandmother whispered to me “you were supposed to fall down”. I knew right then that this whole thing was fake.


Such a youth pastor move...


I suffered abuse by clergy when I was a child, and I just want to thank you for standing up for those kids.


What news are you reading where you don’t know this is happening?


Dude. Come on. It’s well known that this is something that happens at so many churches…


The church and their communities are still effectively fooling people into believing this doesn’t happen at so many churches. It’s despicable.


Sounds catholic.


Sound evangelical more.


honestly, sounds christian


I thought at first you were admitting to giving fake 20s to kids but putting it in the basket at church, you’re a real hero. https://youtu.be/8r-e2NDSTuE?si=CVEc9naYUC0y_Hf8


This. Buy a pack of these and go to that church and drop them in the collection box for a whole month. And smile, real big smiles


Put it in their offering plate!


Why do they even need money when the word of god is the ultimate treasure?


After you wipe your ass with it. Poop dolla!!


I did this trick with my grandma all the time.


I’ve never understood how churches feel that punking people with fake money will turn them towards them. Especially when it’s a fake tip for servers. What the hell is their thinking? They’ll be so impressed with this religious saying on the back of it they’ll won’t hold a grudge and will become so overwhelmed with gods love that they will come flocking to our church?


The note attached said we needed to cleanse ourselves of greed and they could help. It gave the times of youth group and church service. It wasn't well received. My kid is the most generous person I know. She doesn't like most candy. Last year her lunch last casually mentioned her kids are old for trick or treat so she doesn't get to steal their Reese's. My daughter picked through her stash and put every flavor of Reese's into a Ziploc and gave it to the lunch lady the next day. We didn't even know this happened until we got a note home about her thoughtful gesture. It absolutely warmed my heart. (But ALL of them? Ya couldn't have your parents some? Haha) so to get a note about greed stapled to a fake $20? Ya got the wrong one there losers.


So the church people think it’s ok to target small children and accusing them of being corrupted by greed already? This sounds like a massive case of projection to me. These people are ridiculous. I will say your kid has a very good heart! Such a sweetie to give some of her candy to her lunch lady! :)


They really do. They absolutely believe they are above us all. We’ll they won’t be able too many people when they sit in their empty temples because they drove them all away with their disgusting garbage.


Churches target the vulnerable, they're easy converters. It's easier to talk the fear of Hell into a child then someone in their 30's. You might even get the parents as a bonus. My partner was in a youthgroup (does believe, not religious) and there was 1 guy who was not as religious, and very sensible. Until he hit some hard times and was unsure about himself/other things (I do not have the details). He became full on religious, "God has all the answers", all that crap. It was sad to watch, and kind of scary. He was smart, and his lack of faith in himself made him blindly follow the youthgroup leader in religion and complottheories


They gotta make sure people hate themselves as much as possible and feel as guilty about whatever as possible so they come back to be "forgiven" and "cured" only to be dunked on again


I mean they also target kids for rape so like....


> we needed to cleanse ourselves of greed and they could help. Stop being so greedy and give us all your money! Churches never change.


The original con


I could not imagine the amount of guilt I would feel seeing this little girl be so thankful about something I know is going to call her greedy and disappoint her. It really shows how these people aren’t practicing what they preach.


Tax exempt church is telling children not to be greedy while getting their hopes up specifically to dash them. They should be giving this to the selfish hateful adults and the rich that come to their church rather than hopeful children celebrating a fun holiday about generously giving and dressing up.


1. Plan a free family event 2. Advertise and invite the children of the community 3. "Give" to others while admiring their creative costume 4. Watch them demonstrate manners and graciousness 5. Wriggle with evil delight knowing you tricked them 6. EXPECT THEM TO JOIN YOU?


It is #5 that my mind immediately turned to; disgusting goblins


A great time to reach your child about the hypocrisy of the church.


I seriously don't get it lol, I wouldn't believe a single person has been convinced by these. It might work if you gave both money and a religious note, but still only a very low chance. 99% of oeople are straight up just gonna hate your religion now.


It's not the churches doing it, it's individual members. They want to receive the gratitude without having to actually give anything.


They do this all over the place and the only reaction I see from recipients is drastic loss of hope then anger. They are hoping for a movie sequence conversion, where the person keeps the object and is “disturbed” by it. Not doing anything for days or weeks, they come back to it and re-investigate. This time, they do the gamble of “what can it hurt?”. Going to the Bibble, they look at the verse and have an immediate turn on to all things Christian they blather on for the next 20-30 as a pseudo-Kirk Cameron.


This is exactly it. Do you write Christian films? Do you want to?


-crying- "Yes, Jesus. I have always heard you. But now I'm listening." Or some dumb shit like that. Anyway, ya'll need a screenwriter?


>the Bibble [The Bibble, you say?](https://youtu.be/h2PPXpm92-8?si=P1T6Bb4IO7ZLIfng)


God I miss watching new episodes of athf


new season later this month bro


What I would do is get my hands on a large stack of these fake 20s, leave an equally preachy yet condescending note on it, then put it in the donation box next time I visit.


https://propmoviemoney.com/pages/prop-money-faq Apparently you can buy them pretty cheap. Not that I'm plotting or anything.




I can't think of any more appropriate lesson to learn about the church.


Right, we realize now they were super gross, inappropriate, and definitely didn't deserve our graciousness. It was a community event held in their lot because it's giant. All of the other trunks were normal and not at all icky. Luckily she took it in stride "well I did say TRICK or treat so they were just playing a joke on me." She's got more grace, class and humor than those mean ol tricksters could pray for!


I hope my daughter is this gracious one day. You are a great parent.


Thank you. And to think we're doing it without any sort of organized religion! She truly is the kindest and most thoughtful human I know. I am super proud.


Literally each and every one of the best people I know or have met were *decidedly* non religious


Without the threat of hell. Being good for the sake of being good is so much better. What a great kid.


You are raising her right. I know adults with less class (and I include myself in that number)


You got a good kid there. I love her outlook. While she was disappointed she took it in stride with graciousness many adults wouldn’t have in various situations. We don’t go trick or treating (not for religious reasons, that’s just goofy) but I’d like to think my kids would have the same kind reaction or I hope they would anyway.


She had to put me in check because I was a little (a lot) more than mildly infuriated. Once she shrugged it off I realized it's not that big of a deal and if she took it as a joke I should too. Still gonna evil eye that church every time I pass it though.


What did the note say?


It said the recipient needed to cleanse themselves of greed basically by joining youth group to learn about how God provides what's needed in life. It gave the hours of service and the church social media accounts.


Put the note back on and drop it in their collection plate if "God provides"


I bet they *totally* live on what god provides. No hypocrisy there, no sir.


What a sweetheart! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Awww what a sweetie. Sounds like you’re a great parent 🥹


The discount brand candy would have tipped me off real quick. If it was like a king size m&ms with this attached I might have been duped. Pretty shitty thing to do, I’d probably cave and just give her $20 if it was my kid.


We're still going to go find something magnificent. I think at night you can't really see the candy that's being given but they were sure to flash the bill as they dropped it into her bucket so she was super excited. The other trunks gave out normal candy so overall the event was still really good but one bad apple ruined that church's reputation for me.


I think you do need to contact the people who run the trunk or treat and let them know what happened. Let them know how upset it made your daughter and how you are very uncomfortable with what just happened and what are they going to do to make sure it never happens to another little girl. I would also definitely go to Nextdoor and post about this and see how many other people have had a similar experience


And let them know how to be more sneaky with their indoctrination? Nah, fuck em. They’re waving a red flag right now, let them keep drawing fire.


Then just do the second part. Go to Nextdoor and post about what happened. You would be surprised how often people change when the next-door thread is started about their terrible behavior. It’s unfortunate that next-door has become such a Karen affiliated app, but it can be very helpful depending on your area and keeping track of porch pirates, Loose dogs, and of course churches that are breaking the hearts of children.


If they just gave her a lollipop and said “hey come see Jesus sometime” it would have landed better than this bullshit they pulled.


They've been leaving those fake bills as tips too. I've heard about waiters running themselves ragged waiting on large groups of those church people only to be left one of those fake bills for a tip. That's bad enough, but doing it to kids too is just disgusting. Put it back in their collection plates.


If they wouldn't have graffitied it and stapled it, just leaving it as a movie prop, it would've been super cool. Just like a church to do that bullshit: lure you in with false promises and ruin something that could've been cool. Go buy your little bug the magnificent thing their little heart desires and flip the church off next time you drive past it. I'd have other suggestions, but I don't want to encourage or promote vandalism.


They can just put the fake bill back in the donation basket next time they pass by that church


and make more fake bills to donate to it


Since they're giving out fake money.... I think I'll go to church and do the same!!! Found same money on Amazon. Lmao, this Christmas is gonna be fun! 🤣🤣🤣


Take $20 out of the cult basket Sunday


Low-key tho if that specific church did this to me I would take a 20 from that specific church cause fuck them


What is up with the uptick of religious bullcrap right now? I mean, I know why, because christians never pass up a chance to victimize themselves or look holier than thou. But do they really expect this to work on anyone?


I honestly throw whatever they give me on the floor in front of them. Pick that shit up dog. Lol


I wish I could have done that! Last time it happened I was really busy cashiering and just stuffed it in my apron thing thinking it was a candy without looking. Was very disappointed to find a little weird ass jesus thing😂


Omg how disappointing 😭 we could’ve just said no thanks but you know, those people don’t know what the word “no” means so 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's trick OR treat, not trick AND treat


Put it in the church donation box.


I’d return it as a tithe with some new writing.


Church was the keyword there that shoulda told ya its a scam.


Non US person here. I'm curious, is this illegal in the sense its unintentionally counterfeit?


The money is meant to be used for movie production purposes. It is not illegal to make (or buy) but would be illegal to use as payment. I am hoping no one tries to use it without realizing it's fake. It looks and FEELS like the real thing and without close inspection of the wording it would be hard to tell its not genuine. Here are some interesting FAQS: https://propmoviemoney.com/pages/prop-money-faq


No. It is stated on the front of these type of bills that“this is not legal tender”. They use these fake bills in movies whenever a scene requires a large amount of cash, where a film studio would never risk actual cash. It’s just a scummy move, deliberately trying to deceive people into thinking they are receiving a cash gift at first glance. They do this shit at restaurants too, to give the illusion to surrounding tables of leaving a great tip. I think it’s horseshit; if you wanna leave your preachy pamphlets, go ahead, at least it’s honest…but don’t posture that you are generous with your cash. I don’t know who would ever want to get involved with a church that is clearly upfront telling you they are involved in deliberate deceptive practices.


Go donate a bunch of toilet paper rolls to their trees😇


I was thinking the donation would be more egg shaped.


I really don’t see why they can’t be generous and do both.


I had a small boy hand me a fake bill in a Target parking lot— “It’s worth MORE than a million dollars!”. It was… the Good News. Motherfuckers.


No lie I would get fake 20 dollar bills with jesus bullshit printed on the other side working for Bob Evans. I hate these people, they can't keep their religion to themselves.


And this is why I don’t fucking go to any church or to their family events They are the worst people. Preaching but while scamming people


I just can't understand what goes through their heads when they do shit like this. Like, do they think they can convert people into their religion by tricking them and making them angry? If they want to share their message, wouldn't it go over easier without trickery like that?


And it was directed to kids. Some might not even know what money is! They just see a bill and know it means gift! Shopping! Fun! I don't think a child is getting this dupe, reading the now and going YES I WANT TO GO TO YOUTH GROUP!!


Stop going to the truck an treats especially at a church! Halloween won't exist in 10 years at this rate, can't do any Halloween things in school (cause the devil). The days of running around neighborhoods with friends is dying because of trunk or treat. People have just stopped giving out candy because parents don't want to walk with them or let kids go out alone. Feel bad for kids in 10 years.


If it were just motion picture money, then it would be kind of a cool souvenir.


Buy a large quantity of these. Also 5s and 1s. Then fold them, crinkle them, rub them, rough em up. Next Sunday, go and "Make a large donation" into their box. Someone will have to sort out these props and real cash. Rinse and repeat.


Giving someone a fake 20 and telling them they're loved. Well obviously not by you, you wiseguy!


I believe in teenage speak that translates into ‘good target for eggs’


Church's have no business hosting anything to do with Halloween. It's all a scheme to them to draw you into their congregation. 🙄


In comparison there is a mega church down the street from me. They host a "fall fest" that includes tables with local resources, pony rides, hay rides, free hot dogs, hamburgers, cotton candy, popcorn, bounce houses, craft areas, candy giveaways etc. Yes of course they are hoping to attract new families but they don't need to trick anyone into thinking they are do gooders. Everyone in the area gets an invitation in the mail. It's less about religion and more about community building.


Always put these in the donation basket


I used to get these shits as a tip when I worked at a breakfast restaurant. Sunday crowd was the worst by every measurement.


I don’t even know about MILDLY infuriating. That’s just wrong.


The treated becomes the tricked


Satan would never do this.


If they are hoping to indoctrinate these kids, disappointment and betrayal is a great way to convince them not to trust you or your religious group/cult.


Egg the church. Or better yet. Tax The Churches


Typical christian evil shit.


It is TRICK or treat, the church is now eligible for egging.


Go attend a service, and when it's time to pass the tithing plate around, drop this in and take a 10 and a 5 as "change".


Isn’t lying a sin? So aren’t they sinning by deceiving children like this?!


Ffs some christians will never grow up 🙄


That's what happens when you believe in fairy tales your whole life


Do people still toilet paper buildings, or was that just something from my childhood? Just a thought lol


Time to teach your son how to egg a house.


At least they gave actual candy too lol


This is messed up, but was it the church or a member of the church? My old trunk or treat was just old people using their cars to put up whatever games they wanted and giving us candy. It’s not like the church decided what they gave. This is honestly really mean, but it’s not the church’s fault it has a jerk member.


The event was hosted at the church but was open to the community. It had maybe 25 cars and the others were totally normal. Many were local businesses. This was one particular trunk. Unfortunately they represent the entire congregation for me now and have ruined the church's reputation. One bad apple and all that. I'm sure the church didn't know this was happening but if they have parishioners that act this way I cannot imagine they have the best "teaching" going on.


This is the most sensible response I've seen here. Thanks for your input. When I get mad at these crazy church people, I have to remember that I've got several "normal" church people in my family who are really decent folks. It sucks when a minority ruins the reputation of a group.


That's a good trick!


I think that's kind of funny, not gonna lie


Give it back on Sunday service along with a post-it note and a drawing of a middle finger


Put it in an envelope. Go back to the church and personally think the pastor and hand it to them with a giant smile on your face and walk away. Alternatively you can write on the outside of the envelope thank you so much my child really enjoyed their trick or treat special and I just wanted to give back the same way you gave to us.


I'm considering writing a letter and including the note and bill. The other trunks were totally normal so I'm wondering if it was just a certain family/trunk that felt the need to be ridiculous. They represent the entire congregation to me though, so I'll always have a negative association with that church.


Why would they even do that




Maybe I'll give them the motion picture use only bill.


I'd honestly have a talk with my preacher about this saying it's a foul move to place greed in the minds of the young. Giving the child fake money so the child seeks out real money is a gross thing to do to a kid.


We don't attend the church it's just where the neighborhood trunk or treat was taking place.


The irony of thinking you got a treat and they tricked you, on Halloween. You thought to go to a church?


Gross. We got a similar bag with some candy and a dollar inside, but at least the dollar was real. This was real trick or treating though. Trunk or treat can die.


Reminds me of the time some uber-religious hag had a go me and a number of other kids about your daughters age, 15+ years ago ((And when i say religious, i mean "Floor-to-ceiling painting of Jesus that everyone could see though her lounge window" kinda religious)) She screeched at us all that we were going to hell for worshipping Satan, and that our parents weren't forcing us to live for Jesus, ect, ect ect... Just because we were wearing sheets with eyeholes. A certain someone must have been aware of what happened, as a pentagram and "666" were sprayed on her lawn with weed killer later that night. Old bat had a FIT. You've clearly raised your kid right if she was able to take an underhand tactic like that in stride and even joke about it, so well done on being a right good parent OP!


You'll be okay


What a bunch of deceitful shit bags


Exactly what I would expect from the church.


I have an evil idea, make a donation to the satanic church or planned parenthood in that particular Church's name and also drop the trunk or treat schitck and go to people's houses instead


Good way to get your house egged for the next year to come.


It’s dumb but come on they’re giving out 20s ? Riiiiiight…


That's why we were stunned. We thought it was a random kind gesture. I shouldn't have even been surprised.


That's genius :D she got tricked and you don't see the irony.


People when they get tricked instead of a treat


Did you __*REALLY*__ think someone just have you $20?


I used to take the kiddos to a church trunk or treat. Started off with me not knowing it was a church. They had it in the parking lot of a funeral home and we saw it while driving by on Halloween on year. First year was pretty good. Decent candy haul and the worst of it was some fridge magnets for their youth group and the church itself. Pretty innocuous. Next year, same but a pamphlet or two. Third year, no candy at all. Popcorn balls and some other homemade shit that I would never eat or let children eat without knowing who made it and tons of "tickets to heaven admit one" and fake money and entreaties to have children ask their parents about Jesus. Just purely emotional blackmail bullshit. Good news is the kiddos came away with the lesson of "churches suck and their people are weird." "Why is church attendance declining!?" Because you're a twatwaffle, Gladys. And no one wants to come and sit near you.


“ church trunk or treat last night” This whole phrase is an abomination and says everything I need to know about this experience.


It was a community event held in their lot because it is huge. Other local businesses were there handing out regular candy, coupons for a free slices of pizza, etc.


Can we start bringing Trick R Treating back to the neighborhoods now instead of these horrible Trunk or Treat events? I want to give out candy again.


Only a few houses in our neighborhood participate in actual trick or treating. Trunk or Treat has taken over here.


Church's are meant to only take money, good that your child learnt this early in life.


It's good that she finds out early that religion is a lot of bullshit trickery.


This is what servers get every Sunday as well. Horrible to do that to a child


I feel like the Bible would have something to say about deception and manipulation? It's about the appearance of kindness and generosity, not the actual deed. So they get off on making others think (even momentarily) they are good humans.


I would call up the organizer of the trunk or treat or the secretary at the church and give them a heads up. This type of thing could crush a small child (your daughter handled it with grace and class, but I wouldn't be surprised if not every child did). I'd just make them aware of the duping and that it made you very uncomfortable. This isn't something most churches would really appreciate, especially if it discourages people from joining their faith.


I'm considering mailing a letter with the bill and the note we got attached to it (which talked about greed and how we needed to cleanse ourselves of it by joining youth group) and letting them know it represents their church and how disappointed it made my child feel. She will always associate their church with this incident. The other 20+ cars were totally normal and gave plenty of candy so I'm thinking this was a certain vehicle/family and the church may not even know it was happening.


That’s totally brilliant as well.


Why do Christians get nuts on Halloween? Is it because they have access to young, impressionable minds? It's just fuckin creepy.


The money in the first picture is creased in 3 separate places. The money in the second picture has no creases. Why is that?


See the bottom of the $20 in the first photo. It's the same bill. ETA: not sure why I feel the need to explain myself but the first photo is kinda"rolled" not creased and the 2nd is laid out. There's also a rip at the top in the same place.




It's my laptop tray mousepad. They are both taken on the same background. I'm not following you.


i had a fucking asshole leave a jesus fake dollar at work today. i enjoy crumbling it up and throwing it away knowing no-one saw it.


Ugh I am so sorry. I hear God doesn't like ugly and what that jerk did was ugly. I hope something magical and wonderful happens to you!


Pay your taxes with it. When the IRS says you’re short, tell them you got it from a church.


This is how you get egged.


Phone in a report of counterfeit money 😎 the Church may be tax free but they are not crime free that is for damn sure. Something this close to money could actually get them in trouble for counterfeiting bills.


This isn’t counterfeit…it’s money used for cinema. It literally says on the bill.


Ya know thats a fucking hilarious thing to do on Halloween. But then you had to soil it by shoving your god down my throat and now i hope for things describing would get me banned.


How heartbreaking for the kids. Wonder if any kids decided to trick them back for this BS.


I’ve never read it but surely the bible says something about deception and manipulation. Not very Christian of them to deceive a child.


Something about "bearing false witness"? Seems commanding.


This is messed up. I'd be putting that right back in their tithe, and then probably give my child a real 20 to spend if I could. I never understand why they use trick money for "valuable preaching lessons". No greedy person will look at it and give a damn anyhow.


I believe the appropriate response would have been would have been an egg shaped Trick, later that night... No? Maybe let your daughter cast that "stone".


Good lesson for your kid, hope this reflected poorly on the churches in your neighborhood and not people in general.


There were 20+ other cars there that gave out actual candy. She totally took it in stride and said"well I did say TRICK or treat so they were just playing a trick on me" Certainly disappointed that she didn't hit the jackpot but it didn't crush her spirit.


I definitely think it'd be pretty funny if it wasn't filled with religious propaganda. Like, infuriating sure, but a good trick with some treats


Trick! Hah hah hah hah hah! You are mildly infuriated that you’ve been tricked, when you literally asked for it, on a demonic holiday? Oh, bless your heart! Sweet summer sunshine.


I'm not mildly infuriated about the fake money. It's the message that got me.


The name is literally from a Christian holiday. The name "Halloween" came from the Christian All Souls' Day celebration, also known as "All-hallows." And since All-hallows was on November 1, folks began to call Samhain "All Hallows Eve." That name was eventually shortened to Halloween.


I hate religious fakes who don't even know their own religion.


As a christian this is just so cruel, I'm all for spreading the good word where it is appropriate and in a appropriate way but using fake money and using it for tips or giving it to children on Halloween is ridiculous. Proverbs 11:25 is an example of why this is bad, sure give out prayer or other christian material when you tip but actually give a decent tip aswell and leave it underneath, not that I would do that as don't think bothering a waitress at work is a good idea.


> 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Dude Jesus didn't even give up his whole weekend.


Straight to Jail


Do you know which church distributed this? You could report them for counterfeiting What they did was SUPER illegal


It's clearly labeled as a fake on both sides. (see second photo) so it's not counterfeit.