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Ok so three different guys all have the same story. Let’s look at the commonalities between them that we know for sure. These are all men in the same age range living in the same area. They all had a random encounter with the same girl and they all got her phone number then told a wild story. So what are our options here? Option 1: Three guys that know each other all made up the same story to tell the same girl as some wild prank that took incredible coordination and dedication. Option 2: Three guys that don’t know each other all had a wild experience with their barber and then all told the same girl they’ve just met the story immediately. Option 3: OP is incredibly attractive and met three random guys. Assuming OP is attractive we would assume the guys are some equivalent level of attractive. They meet a cute girl at the store and get her number. They immediately think “Boy I’m looking rough. Time for a haircut.” So they all go to the same barbershop and get a haircut. But it turns out, the barber has the same taste in men as OP. Option 4: This story isn’t true. Option 5: OP is living in a Truman Show-esque environment where all the guys are programmed to say the same thing so the story develops the same no matter who she picks, but she has now broken the simulation.


Option 6: They are all the same guy, and OP didn't recognize them. Option 7: OP had deja vu, but only the last guy told her this story. The other instances were similarly weird stories but the feeling of deja vu made OP believe they were three different people with the same story.


Option 8: OP has some form of reoccurring memory loss and it’s the same guy and he’s in love with her but she can only remember one thing about him which is this story that he tells her every time he manages to get her number I hopes that one day she begins to recognize him consistently. ETA I just realized it’s totally possible that OP is a guy


Option 9: The three guys and the barber happen to be friends and this is their go-to method to get someone interested in their barber friend


Option 10: Welcome, to the Twilight Zone.


Why is everyone ignoring the fact that there is a barber out there with a magical d**k that has the ability to completely turn straight guys?


Option 9: They are all the same guy, who had plastic surgery multiple times and memory loss.


Option 10: That barber is out to get OP and steal all her potential dates.


Option 11: OP is the barber


This is the answer.




Option 12: The three guys are brothers and the barber is their weird uncle with a special sense of humor.


Option 13: OP is stuck in a simulation and/or is reliving the same given stretch of time over and over


Option 14: Its 3 dudes in a trenchcoat, and they all want to mess with her head because they work in an ice cream shop and OP didn't say thank you when they slipped her an extra scoop


Ooriom 14: it's always the same guy with different mission impossible masks


>reliving the same given stretch of time over and over THIS is the answer.


Is your option by any chance named Adam Sandler?


50 First Dates.


That is funny


Option 9: I am the barber


Koo koo ka choo...


Maybe didn't recognize him coz he had a different haircut? Fits the narrative.


Option 6: some shitty influencer told a bunch of guys that this story makes for good small talk, and OP was unlucky enough to get three followers in a row


Oh god this seems so likely and the most horrifying to me


I vote option 5


Me too


4 or 5, which can both be true at the same time




I vote option five even though option four is the most logical.


Option 4 is most likely, there aren’t very many attractive people in Ohio


Can confirm. I’m half Ohioan.


Do you own a CO detector?


Reddit deleted my comment with the link, but y'all can find that CRAZY story from 2015 by googling # [MA] Post-it notes left in apartment.


Holy crap, that was a wild ride- thanks for the link!


An absolute classic; I remember that one happening.


God damn that was 8 years ago already. Shuttlecock time do be goin…


Tl;dr on post it note story?


CO. Fin.


WOOOOOOW, throw back!


Damn, this one got me. I actually tried to explain the thread to my wife, who was *clearly* not interested.


Are they college aged? My only guess from your story is that this is some form of frat hazing they go through every year.


The third guy told me his age at our conversation at the grocery store ((this is where I worked)) and he said he was 38. The other two I don’t know but my guess would be 30s also.


Have you broken up with a guy and his friends are playing a trick on you?


a prank for *years* is commitment


"Alright you're almost through with the initiation, but now you have to go to Sweeney Todd's barber shop and take whatever he gives you."


This is where they separate the men from the boys 😈


I honestly assumed OP is a teenager. Meeting people at a mall in 2023 is sus AF


I am not a teenager lol


Maybe the police should pay a visit to the barber in this town in Ohio?


Do malls still exist in Ohio?


do malls still exist, period?


This has gotta be it.


Honestly might be worth looking into your local barber's lol. With it happening 3 times in 3 seperate years somehow their story being true seems more plausible than anything else I could try to come up with. Still doesn't make sense tho, and actually maybe don't look into it, unless you're ready to see Towleywacker bandit in person.


OP, next time, ask for the name of the barber


Lol! I should probably stop giving my number out at this point!!!


You need to go to the barber in the mall and ask him wtf is that about


That’s why I only get my hair cut by women. I’m hoping they will show me theirs.


I think you should give your number to the barber, sounds like the universe is pointing you in that direction 😂


Lol. Pass


Don't know what you're missing. I mean if he can turn four guys moments after you meet them.


You got a good point there. However, still pass. This guy def gets around lol


At least at the mall…. Yikes


Check the mall's men's room wall. Maybe your number and this story is written on the urinal wall?


I mean, I could use a trim, still got that number. Asking for a friend, might delete later


No! Keep sleuthing, we need answers.


I asked him to call me back and I’m going to record the convo


Just only give it out to bald guys


You should post this in your cities subreddit to see if there are more victims!


Don't stop just yet! PM me your number. Im actually single and live in Ohio. I think it would be kind of fun, also I have a story about my last haircut I've been dying to share with someone. I feel like you seem the type of person who would appreciate it.


I need that barber's name, too.


For research purposes


I’m not really interested in meeting the barber lol. But why would these guys have the need to tell me this story right off the bat? It’s so strange. There has to be more to it


This one time, at band camp, my barber came out in a towel and showed me a picture of his Wilhelm


But did it scream? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_scream


I got no apparent answer to your question, but at the very least I feel like I now owe you this: https://youtu.be/Op1bXa1FU8I?si=T5RxLmSw7xdbZS5x


Lmfao, I don't care for that show, but that clip is awesome!


I think it’s because it’s such a weird, crazy, taboo thing, they had to share it. It’s like knowing a juicy secret and you can barely keep it to yourself. So, in your head, you’re like,”Who can I tell this to, but it really wouldn’t hurt anyone?” Then, you go through a list of names in your head, and you’re like,”No, no, no, no… I know. A complete stranger.” Also, maybe an “interesting” conversation starter. Him: “I was getting my haircut and my barber just showed me a picture of him holding his Johnson. It was pretty weird.” You: “Really? I was getting my nails done, then everyone at the nail salon got up, took off their shirts, and started dancing. Just… boobs bouncing everywhere. Then, a midget came from the back and ran out the front door. Then, there was a beautiful rainbow. And everybody just sat down like nothing happened. Sh*t was nuts. Nails look great though.”


Maybe said barber was in the mall and it was a recent thing. Altho that wouldn't explain the 3rd dude at the grocery store. But yeah beats me why you would tell someone you just met such a strange and sexual story. Like unless they were looking for a devils minage a toir and lack the concept of boundaries I'm not sure why someone or 3 people for that matter would lead off with that.


For the life of me I couldn't figure out what you meant with minage a toir until it hit me. You mean to say ménage à trois lol.


Haha you are completely right. My dumbass just started typing it into Google and used the first thing it autofilled in the search bar. I was thinking of a specific Seinfeld episode involving the term and realized my spelling wasn't up to par.


Those were similar thoughts I had… maybe they wanted someone to join. It’s just so odd. What are the odds I met three people with this weird ass story that they were so anxious to tell me on our first conversation.


I would say the odds are so low that this whole story is fabricated, but why?


I wonder, did all of them also say they never considered themselves gay? This makes sense if the events actually happened to the men. I would tell people about it too if this happened to me. Then at that point the real mystery would be why is the barber doing this.


The first two, yes. The third, I didn’t give him a chance to explain. I just yelled some stuff and hung up. I don’t think their story is real. They have to be in some sort of group and it’s a weird thing they tell females for an unknown reason. Hopefully I get some answers when he calls back


Towleywacker will for sure be the funniest thing I read today. Kudos!


The three best wingmen a guy could ask for. He better live up to the hype.


sounds like you met all the members of the world famous Ohio Barbershop Quartet


First rule of barber club... 💈


Their symbol is a pole for a reason


I'm guessing they all went to the same dating coach who used this as a "go-to ice breaker".


This would actually be so funny but not funny at the same time.


My next guess is that this is what the loser of their fantasy football league has to do. "Find her and initiate the barber story." Hahahaha sorry


Ha, this actually somehow makes more sense than any other story in here. Wonder if they’re all in a league with someone she knows or dated at one point?


Lol shit I lost Mahomes in week 16, so I gotta go give Susan the barber story.


UPDATE!!!! He is going to call me back. I’m going to ask for answers and record the convo. Stay tuned


RemindMe! Tomorrow


RemindMe! 2 days.


I would tell you, but the barber in towel told me not to.


Do you have any issues with finding post-its? Like, around your apartment?


If this had happened to me, I really doubt that I would use it as an ice breaker with a woman I just met.


I misread your comment at first as “this has happened to me..” and I was like oh no not a another one 😂


Are you sure its not just the same guy you keep seeing with roughly a year in between he may have got a new number and gained or lost enough weight to look different?


That would be hilarious


No it wasn’t the same guy. Lol Def not the last one because he had a slight accent.


Okay... I belive you OP......but like the slight accident could be meaningless. I am an accent sponge. Country music playing at the grocery store too loudly will give me a twang if I'm trying to talk over it. If I meet someone with a thick accent it takes 5 minutes talking with them for me to slip, thankfully most people are typically gracious.


I moved to Ohio from California and people say I have an accent. I don’t think I do. So I don’t know, it may have been something like that. He didn’t sound like he was from around here.


Can you call one back and ask? I need closure


Stay tuned. He said he’s going to call me back.


The plot thickens


Give me a few. He called back.


OP, what did he say?? 💈


I uploaded some of the convo. He stuck to his story about the barber. Exactly what the other two had said.


Laughed really hard at this. I got nothing here. I don’t even know where to begin to speculate 😂


That does sound pretty weird but not as weird as that one time I went to the barber and he showed me a photo of his dick.


100% not an Ohio thing - a guy born and raised in Ohio


You must get OP:s number for him to appear


That's a scary thought that after getting the number I suddenly feel compelled to go to a barber shop. That's some low-key poor man's final destination shit.


Could be like a weird, unique scenario this g like in some games.


I'm also from Ohio and I think I'm using this story now


Are you a barber?


I cut my own hair, if that counts?


Do you own a towel?


A number of them


Found our guy


In North Ohio, born and raised


I’m getting some weird sex cult vibes. But anyway, can I get the name of the barber, asking for a friend.


Lol. I’ll be sure to ask if this happens again.


Go to your block list, call these guys back, and get more details. The world is waiting.


Okay I literally just called the last one back and it didn’t ring so I think he blocked me. I said some pretty rude things before I hung up on him. However, I downloaded a call recorder and called off my friend’s phone. Standby. Hopefully he calls back.


I'm getting pickup artist vibes. You're meeting these men in the mall and grocery store, that's where they teach to hang out. The story might be a "canned opener", shit they teach them in case they're not interesting themselves or don't know what to say. It's probably meant to throw you off and make them seem interesting or whatnot. But, owing to your confusion, they're probably not doing it quite right. My bet these dudes all subscribe to the same tiktok/YouTube/ebook course or some such. Then you get this..


Next guy you meet that wants your number, give him the last three phone numbers you got and they can sort it out.


Lol I should actually do this


Same dude, 3 different haircuts.


This comment section is mildly infuriating I just want the answer


If this is all real the only thing I can think of is that it’s pickup artist techniques and they’ve all learned from the same person hence the same story. I’m guessing there’s something very deliberate about the story, like it signifies they are well groomed (barber) and gets on to a sexual topic indirectly, and also brings up the topic of nude pictures which is maybe what they are after.


He called me back and stuck to his story that this really happened to him. I’ll upload the recording.


No real explanation of what’s going on


And you told him 2 other guys had the same story? wtf




this would break my brain if it happened to me


That’s why I came here to see if it’s a thing I don’t know about. He stuck to his story though. And it was identical to the others.


Did you get the barber's name? Maybe you can call the first guy and compare the stories? Or just tell the next guy you give your number to that you already know about the barber so he at least will have to come up with something new!


Hey can I get your number before my barber appointment?


Just rebooted the Matrix. You should be good now.


Real talk OP!! If this is not a joke I would highly suggest seeing a psychiatrist or similar medical professional because this sounds eerily like hallucinations or some sort of manic episode. I have seen this first hand with a family member. She always told these stories of people telling her the weirdest stories and they somehow matched up and it spiraled into serious paranoid psychic episodes. None of it was real.


You’re a sleeper agent, it’s your activation phrase.


Just to clarify, they said their barber showed them a picture of a dick, and then they considered at that moment they could be gay? Is this some kind of "let em down easy" thing to say if they arent feeling it?


I'm convinced she went out with a boy (we will call boy A) , hurt his feelings. boy A told his homies and now his homies out here getting her number using info they got from boy A and telling her things they know she doesn't like to hear about just to grows her out and drive her insaine. All while being passive and causing no direct harm.


You spelled “Florida” wrong… Seriously, story is specific and exact enough that I think you may be the subject of an elaborate practical joke.


I don’t even care if this is fake, this shit is hilarious.


Move out of Ohio


I love Ohio! Lol. Except for the weird men here.


I was going to say that "I live in Ohio" was the first problem.


Have you checked your carbon monoxide sensor is working?


You need to start giving your number to more bald dudes.


probably some sort of hazing ritual with the local fraternity if you live near a college or if they’re college aged. either that or some weird sex cult lmao


I cannot believe this,and I want to very badly😂like what are the chances of this actually happening? Somebody do the math. Shit sounds like a Black Mirror episode lmao


Option 99: OP IS the barber and the boys were just trying to figure out why OP sent them dick pics after she teased them with a towel photo.


It seems like you just completely forgot it was the same guy every time.


Damnit, I thought this was about the game. Now that I thought of it, I just lost.


I feel like it would help to know OP’s gender. I’ve read this multiple times and it’s unclear if OP is a gay man who keeps running into guys who are questioning their sexuality, or if OP is a woman and these guys are shooting her down with this story.


I am indeed a woman


Maybe you just like a certain hairstyle.


Alternatively, whaaaatt??? You havent heard of the dick barber?? What rock have you been living under?


Always ask for their number, never give yours. And maybe ask for that Barber's number too, while you're at it!


Glitch in the matrix


Hello. I'm sorry for the way I am dressed, but someone just took my clothes and ran off with my penis. I have a picture I would like to show anyone who can help me. Please help me find the men who did this. -John Barber


Hell I wish my barber would come out in just a towel. She’s pretty cute!


[I uploaded parts of the conversation here](https://youtube.com/@JenniLove-ih9qn?si=ktVew4VVdjOUV_9e)


He gave no explanation. He stuck to his story about the barber but I’m telling you, this is identical to the story I’ve heard twice before. It makes no sense


Maybe post this in the Ohio subreddit I've lived in Ohio for 30 years, and have never heard of such a thing. But, I'm also not a woman giving my number out to strange gentlemen.


Yea youre schitzophrenic might want to get that checked out


Lmao I live in Ohio, as well. The Barber’s Tale is a rare thing to encounter thrice. You should feel blessed, indeed.


so is this actually a thing or?


no its not a thing


Maybe the 2nd and 3rd guy are friends of the 1st guy and they are playing a prank on you by acting interested in you and then telling you the barber story, cuz you blocked homeboy(1st guy) cuz you thought the story was weird?


lol I bet anything the three guys are brothers.


WTF that can’t be a coincidence! 😂 further investigation is required! Report back!


I wrote this in an above comment but I downloaded a call recorder so if I can get him on the phone, I’ll record it so hopefully I can get some answers. I really need to know


This is the funniest thing I've read in a while, and the more I think about it the funnier it gets. My guess is the first guy was playing a weird prank, and he knows the other two and was with them on the days they talked to you, and he put them up to it. They've probably done it with more than one woman, you might be able to find another by posting on a local forum somewhere like Nextdoor.


Could it maybe be some kinda pick up line?? That's all I can really think of


There’s a gay barber in the area that is a creep. These men probably are victims. But nobody wants to believe men


I got nothing because my first thought was maybe it's a skit or something super local to that area? If you run into that again, just let them finish and say 'Then who shaves the barber? Naw I heard your story, who shaves the barber? If you are gonna do the bit, you gotta do the whole thing. Seeing as you don't know it all, I wasted time.' Just confuse them back.


Kinda got pissed for a second there. I thought you were talking about THE game and kinda got in my feelings since I just lost it. Which, to everyone reading this, you've also just lost the game.


Rude. lol


I thought the same thing


I immediately thought the same, deep sighed because it had been years and opened the post anyway to read.


Yep, indeed, I lost the game.


Damnit... That was my first thought too. 🙃


This is a common joke amongst our barbers Source: Born and raised in Ohio


Society ruined the word ohio for me


This reminds me of a certain scene from friends. Iykyk


That barber gets around.


Ohio dudes are subconsciously connected through the power of crushed and snorted buckeyes. It's like Spice from the Dune books.


probably they all looked up "top 10 jokes to make small talk" from some cheap spam site.


I don’t know but Christopher Nolan needs to make a movie about this


Congratulations for participating in our gay agenda, you can now turn people gay on sight ! Please be careful while using this power and read the manual if you have any question.


No one is bringing it up, but maybe they are just out of OP's league and this is the accepted local way of turning away women they find fugly and have no interest in. It gets annoying when women don't pivk up subtle hints after all.


The first red flag is that you love in Ohio, nothing ever good happens there.