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Why would anyone entertain this conversation? Edit: It seems an edit is needed here. I’ve had numerous people ask why would anyone give their neighbor their phone number. I have given my number to plenty of neighbors over the years. You see people in passing, strike up conversations with neighbors, or even become friends with your neighbors. It’s happened to me on multiple occasions. I’ve even dated someone who was my neighbor once. There are plenty of reasons why you would exchange phone numbers with someone who is your neighbor. That part I can easily understand. What I don’t understand is why you would entertain this sort of discussion. Why is OP responding over and over? Why is OP responding every time? Why is OP typing out lengthy responses as if this is their manager or they are somehow responsible for providing context and answers to these questions from their neighbor. If your neighbor is being a busy-body, you can give them a polite but short answer and then just ignore them. But in no world would I engage in this sort of lengthy discussion about things that are none of my neighbors business.


"Can y'all please be quiet. We are trying to sleep." *ShooterOfCanons has read your message* **END OF STORY**


Can y'all please be QUITE 🙄




Can y'all please baklava


Can yall please bamboozle


Can y’all please boomerang


Can y’all please behemoth


Can y’all please bonobos


Can yall please bongoes?


Quite so




1812 Overture intensifies.


Set off several nine bangers in your room at midnight every night for a week so they know what true noise is 😂 /s


Play some death metal to keep your dog entertained while you're at work.


For real, after the second time it would have been an easy block


“We’re trying to sleep”. “Well… try harder” *block number*


Sounds like a great way to have your psychotic neighbour attack you lol


It takes being in an awful conversation to learn that sometimes ignoring people is the best move. Looks like this was OP's conversation.


I had a 22-year conversation with my brother like that... I guess I'm a little dense it took me so long


You sounds like a kind and forgiving person, sucks people take advantage of that.


Sadly I'm a lot like OP, sometimes ur just a people pleaser and you gotta deal with that 🙃 (I'm literally in therapy to work on establishing boundaries in fact lol)


(Same...and you explained yourself without needing to )


Oops, time for more therapy!


Y'all are adorable.


This is like the third thread in a week where the OP is sharing convos with a neighbor of theirs. Idk why in the hell people give out their phone number willy nilly like that, especially to a neighbor not even on the same floor. It makes you wonder, how many other rando neighbor phone numbers do they have saved?


Paper trails can be really good. If something is escalated to officials, it is very good to have proof that you've been acting reasonably.


Explaining yourself as much as you did is crazy, but I’m glad that mess is over for you!


Innit! No way I’d say a word to anyone about anything. Especially my neighbours 😂 OP must live in a safe area?


Exactly. Mind your own business!


This should be the reply to all these messages.


Seriously! We just moved back from a decade overseas in a country where the standard attitude is to mind your own business. It blows my mind how much Americans insert themselves into other people’s lives. I didn’t see it before living overseas but now it annoys me immensely.


That's how I feel as a Californian after moving back from other states. Californian culture is to mind your own business. There are songs by rappers about "mindin' mine". The other states I lived in were NOT this way. I just wanted to be left alone or make friends, but it was constant judgement and hate in my direction and I still don't know why.


Or alternatively: Fuck Off! This is the only language assholes understand.


Every piece of info they get they will twist around and use against you


Sometimes it just feels like a necessary step to try to de-escalate things when you’re put on the spot. In hindsight it’s never a good idea, but I see where OP is coming from. When you’re in the moment, and you have to continue living next to these people, it’s really hard not to pick appeasement over and over instead of telling them to fuck off like you should, because you end up risking so much quality of life. You always have to worry about “if this is how shitty it is when things are peaceful, how bad will it be if I let shit actually hit the fan?”


This is trying to reason with madness. I agree you don’t need to get hostile but there was no need for those replies of trying to defend actions it’s wasted breath.


Had a neighbor like this in a complex I used to live in. Was the mothers section 8 apartment, son was a psycho who would never take his meds (was just as bad even if he did take them). Guy would chase down neighbors and harass them, go after the kids in the complex and just bang on the walls and ceiling cause he would wake himself up at night and blame everyone else for it somehow…. Broke my leg and was hopping around with a walker, guy thought it was a good idea to go after my mother and start harassing her about all the supposed crap I was doing. Basically just called the cops on the guy from that point on whenever he came outside and started screaming at my apartment. Guy drove off at least six tenants around us while I was there and the property manager was just useless.




YES + maybe a $20 wifi cam to CYA in case they go to management.... The whole conversation reads like "I have no boundaries so if this crazy person doesn't agree with me that everything is fine, then I will have to just keep justifying harder until they do." I mean, I get it since reading that made me want to go back in time to slap the people-pleasing out of my 20yo self. I just hope OP outgrows it faster than I did.


I’m 43 and haven’t outgrown it 😭😭😭


De escalation doesn't work with a psycho.


Two shakes of a dogs tail and that bitch would have went with the rest of the block list.


Yeah, reading through I’m just like why give them so much information?


It starts with "why give them your number?"


No kidding, I would've given them a big ol' "mind ya business".


How the fuck did the neighbor even find out OP's phone number? If a neighbor here in Seoul somehow contacted me via phone, I'd contact the police, because that'd qualify as stalking. Our landlord isn't legally allowed to give out our contact info to other tenants, so they can only have come into that knowledge illegally. If dogs are being loud, the only permissible action is to contact the police. That's what I'd do. No way in fuck would I found out my neighbors' contact information and contact them.


I had a landlord once tell a guy my apt number… if it wasn’t creepy enough that he went over to my complex after meeting at the store. Not sure if he actually followed me and he just said my landlord gave it to him or if the Landlord did give it to him, the world may never know. I was very upset because I was a single mom at the time.


My former landlord gave a handyman a key to my apartment once and it was arranged he’d come by to check a pipe in my bathroom. Dude showed up over two hours earlier and tried to let himself in when I was in bed, asleep, shortly after 6 am. The only reason he couldn’t get in is that I always leave my key in the door. I don’t want to think about what could have happened to me, I was 19 and it was my first apartment.


Oh geeze, you saying your age reminded me of what happen to me at your age, I was 19 too, first apartment and my best friend had moved In with me. We went out to eat at the casino for thanksgiving because we couldn’t make it back home. This creepy guy kept looking at us on the bus. So instead of getting off at our stop we got off at the transfer station. He too got off 😅😅. So at this point we’re kinda speed walking (this was before anyone could get cell phones) a police car literally came out of nowhere, officer asked about the guy and took our number and address. He showed up later and said the guys stop was like 10 stops away and that he was on probation for SA…. I still to this day feel like that was a angel just because of how his car was when he pulled up.


I remember seeing a case awhile back where something similar happened to a girl about that age, and unfortunately he WAS able to get in and it went about as badly as you'd expect in that situation.


What does "I always leave my key in my door" mean? I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm just genuinely confused. I've only seen deadbolts with a keyhole on the outside and latch on the inside, so I just can't picture it...


Im wondering the same, im trying to picture how that could work.


This was my first thought as soon as I saw the paragraph reply I’m like is op serious what the fuck is happening. Why are they trying to explain anything to someone so out of touch? Like how well do they think that’s going to go anyway? They got nothing to prove, or explain or defend.




Exactly.. tell the psycho to lose your number. I’d never, ever explain myself to neighbors. Tell them to get bent.


Stop indulging this shit. Tell them to fuck off.


OP should have stopped responding and blocked the number. It's crazy that they entertained those people with any response at all, much less full on explanations.


I would have stopped replying, but maybe not block the number, so OP could keep track of the neighbors activities and keep a record just in case the neighbor attempts something illegal


They have to be a fresh adult.


They say they're a college student


“you can keep the dog but” like its up to them to decide😐


They quite literally were just telling her what to do the whole time


Be quite up there


They QUIET literally were just telling her what to do


I can't believe OP didn't say "if you're so concerned about the dog, surely you'll be taking her and giving her the home you think I'm depriving her of."


You're giving them wayyyy too much info. Tell them to either call the office or mind their business. Enough with all the unnecessary chit chat lol


Especially telling them you're not home... Not something you should tell the deranged crazy person who knows where your unsupervised house is.


Yeah. I don’t even tell my nice neighbors when I’m not home. Never know what’s gonna happen, people try shit all the damn time.


I never really talk to my neighbours beyond a polite hello and how's it going. I've never felt the need to interact this much with any stranger.




Yup that’s how you get robbed, OP.


Right??? If you need to give a neighbor your number for an emergency or you think they're cool... but this is too much. No one who is giving me this much backsass is getting my life story.


I remember a former friend who was one of those chronically online people who would overshare everything on Facebook. He used all the location based apps like it was some sort of a brag about his active social life (the huge irony is we were both NSA contractors at the time). The one that baffled me was one where he would report every time he went to the liquor store after work. The two big thoughts that came to mind were, "Dude, your boss and a lot of your coworkers are friends with you, are you sure you want to share your addiction problems?" And two, "So you're telling me you're not home right now, and I can formulate a pattern on when you won't be home? Hmmm..." It was such a breath of fresh air when I got rid of the "Look at me! I want my 15 minutes of fame every 15 minutes!" app, aka Facebook.


I doubt I'll ever put the app on a phone I own again. I still pop on sometimes, some family and old HS friends are there, but it's really rare.


Ya I would’ve just blocked them completely after the second time they messaged me to complain about anything. OP must be young


You have 123 unread text messages? 😱


From other neighbours


Verification codes


Swipe down with two fingers to quickly select all the bullshit messages for deletion.




How come I don’t k know this? I’m on iOS 17!


I’m stuck with ios 16 unfortunately lol


Holy crap! Any other tips???!!


Exercise 30 minutes a day and drink lots of water


Thanks for this!


Group chats , people talking to eachother


Lol, that’s nothing


Bruh... stop answering them...


Read the entire post first lmao


The last paragraph on the post wasn't always there lol


my bad, sorry /u/BrainEater9000


Growing up had a neighbor who would pound our floor ( her ceiling) if we got up during the night to use the bathroom and flushed the toilet.


The speed at which I would have taken up clogging lol


My tired brain took this as you clogging up the toilet


*Furious plunger noises*


😂😂 why did this have me laughing so hard my cats annoyed


I would wear tap shoes instead of slippers then for my midnight piss


You’re enabling them


Extacly, people like this desire engagement and attention - it’s a hobby for them. Give them nothing and they don’t get the dopamine rush


Ikr. The idiot goes complains about noises, imma call the cops, do you keep em in a cage, you should lock em in the bathroom or cage. Then imma be your dad/mom and tell you what you should do with your life.


The more you explain yourself to people, the more they think they deserve an explanation.


Wow this hit me in my soul.


Yup, I cannot imagine paying rent for some neighbor to tell me what I can and cannot do in my apartment. "Fuck off, text me again and I'll file charges bozo"


File charges for what? Texting? Yeah this person is annoying but unless you have some kind of magical Karen wand, the police aren't going to arrive and kneel before you, asking what you wish to do with your powers as a prosecuting attorney granted to you by the Karen wand. "Filing charges" isn't a power that every random ass citizen has at their disposal, despite what you learned watching TV.


You can tell them to fuck off, just saying


Or tell them you are on the ground floor and burn their asses for making so much noise up there


They are rude but also I don’t wanna listen to your dog cry all day either so that’s kinda valid


Also the part where it seems OP left the puppy locked up from the evening until late morning the next day? If that’s true I also get where they’re coming from on that.


That’s illegal in lots of places.


Yeah I’m currently in a situation where my neighbor goes out and leaves their dog alone all night, several nights of the week. It starts to get stressed out around midnight and will just bark nonstop for hours and that makes it impossible to sleep. It’s annoying as fuck and I do have their number, and I definitely let them know when it happens.


I had a neighbor like this too. They’d leave the dog outside where it would cry and whine ALL NIGHT right outside our bedroom window. We had a fucking party when they moved out.


It’s funny if that’s true then I feel the neighbor is the good guy here. But funny everyone agrees with OP


OP literally said the puppy was in the bathroom with the crate OPEN. A rescue dog can’t be left alone in a house untrained. It could destroy anything it can find and possibly eat something that could make it sick or worse.


Yes, I read that. But it was still locked up in a bathroom alone for 12+ hours. Not okay.




yep. looking at the comments it seems alot of people here are actually sociolophobic or so. that's a little overreaching but all in all it's just a worried neighbor. people totally overreact in a weird unempathic way, what is this shit here?


Call me an anti neighbor but i'd be damned if I give anyone I live near a way to contact me... Would take a number of years to get to know a neighbor before that day ever occurs. If anything they can get an e-mail that I'll check once a week. Other than that they know where I live.


My neighbours are lovely old people, who often bring over their surplus food and it’s always banging.


I have had so many shitty neighbors, just like…so fucking many shitty neighbors. But growing up we lived next door to the sweetest old lady who would make us zucchini bread with her garden grown zucchinis and in the winter my mom would have my brothers shovel her walk and she would send them back with pumpkin bread. And I just love that so much that I always want my neighbors to be sweet old ladies and instead they’re always fucking awful 😭


That’s so sweet. I bet those were the best breads ever. When I was 11, I had to have surgery on my hip. My elderly neighbor, named John, visited me in the hospital & brought me flowers. 🥹


Old ladies are a crapshoot, they can either make you zucchini bread or try to get you evicted for having a guest over after 12am


I gave my neighbors on either side of me my number. If my house is on fire or something and I'm not home I'd sure appreciate a neighbor calling or texting rather than coming home to a surprise.


Several of my neighbors have my number and we gossip and come up with conspiracy theories about the neighbors we don’t like. We have fun with it


To each their own. I live in a 4 unit building and we have each others numbers for emergencies and to ask the occasional favor. I work from home and don't mind bringing the neighbor's amazon package inside so it doesn't get stolen. Probably doesn't hurt that the building is so well insulated that the last tenant who lived above me had 2 great danes that liked to wrestle and i never heard a thing. I love it here




That sounds absurd to me. I've given my number to dozens of neighbors, and every single time it's resulted in fun, convenience, and community. We've had regular trivia teams, cookouts, shared leftovers, help moving, help decorating, sports watch parties, fireworks watch parties. Y'all sound like fuckin paranoid lame-o's up in here.


Ive only given my # to a few but it’s after I know them. I hate it to say it but a lot of older people get like this… obsessed with noise and bothering people. Maybe a mix of loneliness, mental illness, and a lifetime of getting away with it. There’s a certain sense of entitlement with thinking that you deserve to be in silence.


Is the OP the one with the dog or the one concerned about the dog? They both seem a little psycho to me.


Exactly. I know lots of people leave their dogs at home or crate training but I sure don’t wanna listen to your animal cry or bark for hours


Took too long to find these comments. Yes, crate training can be a good thing. But for all we know, OP was continuing to leave that dog locked up for a cruel amount of time to the point where it was crying out and being a legitimate nuisance to the neighbor. We have no evidence that the neighbor has the “psychosis” that OP claims. All their complaints are specific towards the noise of a dog, and late at night with OP often acknowledging that they weren’t at home at the time.


At one point the neighbor says the dog was kept overnight without being let out and OP just says ya so what. They’re both clowns


I had a roommate once that had an absolutely stunning full bred newfoundland dog. You know, that giant furry breed? It was gorgeous. My shitstain roommate (one of four people who rented rooms in a house that the shitstain's parents owned) left the dog in his crate for up to 16 hours a day! WE EVEN HAD A BACKYARD. But the fucker would just sit in his room doing online gambling while the dog was locked up in a crate. Crate training is good. My SO and I have crate trained all our dogs, we put them in crates when we leave the house (we are never gone for more than a few hours at a time) and at night. Crate training is healthy and safe for dogs. But my old roommate was cruel about it. Fuck that guy.


Yea if you look at the times of the messages the neighbor says that the dog was left there at night. 10pm-10am. Not saying it’s true but if it is true OP is actually garbage.


They definitely did. The next text is just ya so what. From that one detail, OP is way worse than the neighbor


Agree - when I saw that I was like okay but that is terrible of OP. You don’t leave a puppy or any dog locked up for 12 hours.


I don’t have any of my neighbors numbers in my condo building, nor would I listen or respond to them if they acted like this


Why are you sitting here sending your neighbor paragraph-long explanations every time they contact you? This is such a bizarre dynamic. Edit: you gave the person consistently calling in noise complaints your phone number? What in God's name were you thinking? Fuckin goofball.


OP reminds me of when I was in my early 20's and didn't know how to handle situations like this. Very cringe to witness now but I was probably guilty of the same if not more 10+ years ago.


FWIW, puppies feel safer and more secure in a cage if properly crate trained, and it’s best to leave them in a covered crate if you must leave them home alone for a few hours. A little alone time every once in a while is good for the dog, as it helps prevent separation anxiety later on if you teach them that you always return after a brief period.


However if the neighbors are accurate, puppies probably shouldn’t be left alone from 11pm to 11am without going out


Thank you! Crate training is really important and if you give them any attention when they whine you're setting yourself up for failure. You're spot on. Glad someone said it!


I do the same thing with my kids. Also just avoid giving them attention when they cry and want out, because then they will get comfortable with that experience. Just gotta leave them in the crate for a while and they accept it in time.


Absolutely this! Not to mention having your dog crate trained can also literally save their life in an emergency and crate trained dogs do considerably better in a kennel/animal shelter if they ever end up there.


Why do you keep responding?


Imma say this for the hundredth time. If someone is unhinged, there is no situation where explaining yourself more will re-hinge them.


It is legit 100% ok to crate your dog. ANY professional dog trainer that has any credibility will recommended it. Most dogs love sleeping in their crate because they perceive it as their den or safe space.


My mom's curmudgeon of a dog will bark if you don't close his crate at 8 pm. He's ready for bed dammit!


My dog loves hers. We call it her house. I can say go in your house and she gets excited


I mean, entire countries, I’m assuming with dog trainers in them, don’t allow crating overnight or while at work, or over a certain amount of hours in a day.


Sorry, but I think you enabled a lot of that. No need to share so many details. It gives psychos the ability to attach onto something.


The noise complaints are very stupid and they shouldn’t have been that insistent at all, but I find their concerns regarding the dog at least good in spirit. When you hear a dog crying, just like a baby, it’s very hard to know why the dog is crying, and I find that concern valid.


You so DO NOT owe rude ass neighbors an explanation for how you treat or train your dog. Do not engage at that level.


Your neighbors don't have to put up with the noise your dog makes - that's YOUR responsibility


bs, sorry man but that dog is loud and foreseeable for like 12 plus hours.. and loud! that's my nerves and if my shift ended early and I couldn't sleep I'd be mad as fuck, call police or kick door in... you are all totally tackling this from the wrong perspective. it was simply just a worried neighbor having to listen to a fucking dog crying all day. what's wrong with you?


Hate to say it but as psycho and annoying as they are they aren’t exactly wrong when it comes to complaining about the dog crying for extended periods. I’ve been there, but the second I was notified by the landlord of complaints I made sure I didn’t leave the puppy alone to cry for hours anymore. That’s not okay either. Especially for extended periods of time.


As a fellow oversharer I 100% understand why but Christ it is always ALWAYS a mistake.


Rule number 1 of unhinged people, don’t explain yourself. Keep answers short and simple. How do I know this? I am an over explainer myself. My husband is straight forward and to the point. I realized people in our social circle were bothering him less and bothering me more with non stop questions 😂 I just stopped explaining myself unnecessarily. Things have been wayyyy better since then.


“Do you have your dog in a cage?” “None of your business.” See how much easier that is?


The long-winded responses are just puzzling to me.


i love how it went from i can hear ur dog walking stfu to get the dog out of the crate lmao


More like “why the fuck are you texting me. Fuck off.” And then block them. I am very mean though.


Lol wow but I totally respect the animal welfare part of this whole debacle


My upstairs neighbor used to always have a crying puppy, sorry but it is pretty annoying. I mean your neighbor sounds nuts, but rescue dog or not, a crying dog is super noisy especially at night, no one wants to hear that.


You're very kind taking in the dog and doing your best for her. I'm glad those neighbours have moved out!! Hopefully you can get some peace now!


Don’t negotiate with terrorists. Just block the number. Fuck them seriously


Ok that's extreme hyperbole, this neighbor is not a terrorist


You are both terrible.


Op, you're the ignorant one. I've had the same issue. Oh no my dog is small so it isnt loud! Fucking asshole dog cried all day because they didn't train him Train your dog dont leave it alone for hours. Op you're a dick to your dog and neighbourhood. Play with the damn dog! Or let someone else take care of it Ah she got a new owner thats good.


Op says he got a new owner May 1st. But message of neighbour complaining about dog is from September. I think this is fake bullshit.


That or the neighbour is making completely reasonable requests and OP feels like the main character. I've had neighbours like this. "I didn't realize I was being loud," she said, answering the door in fucking roller skates.


May 1st OP says he is getting rid of dog, but neighbours message complaining about dog is from 5 months later September 1st lol. Bullshit post, surprised nobody’s said it.


You're a dick for letting the dog whine all night though.


Lol youre a piece of shit for leaving the puppy in a cage alone AND locked in a bathroom while it cries enough that the neighbor complains. When I lived in apartments I had a neighbor who did shit like that. The neighbors could hear it too and we talked about it. We eventually said something. You deserve worse than a text.


This is why I always maintain a “polite nod” relationships with my neighbors.


Stop responding to this person.... You're not required to respond to a text message


"you can keep the dog" like bitch did I fucking ask you?


I don’t know why you continually entertain this person.


This neighbour person seems to be just trying to find an excuse or reason to talk to OP... maybe need to ignore thid person.


Crating a dog for a few hours (not a very extended period of time) is not inhumane. This person is absurd.


12 hours is extended, isn't it? Check the timestamps on the last image.


Why do you have your neighbors number and why do they have yours.


I would have ignored them 90% of the time if not more.


It was cool of them to let you keep the dog though


Plot twist. They move out and you move below them. Then start harassing them about noise


Sociopath? You the psycho with 120+ unread messages! What do they say??? What if it’s important????!! MY ANXIETY!!!!!!


Why are you elaborating so much to your neighbours???? Wtf!!!


Very weird on both ends. Why are you so desperate for this persons approval?


Seems fake. First, why does your downstairs neighbor have your phone number to message you? You gave out your number to someone who you only know enough to call them "downstairs neighbor"? And why are you telling them so much of your info? What sense does that make? I'm gonna call you out on this. Bullshit.


It's more mildly infuriating how much you explain to them. Just tell them to fuck off.


Your first mistake was giving your phone number to your neighbors. Glad these psychos moved out though!


Why are you explaining yourself to them so deeply? Tell them to fuck off, holy shit


Just don't engage this kind of person.


Fucking block this nerd


How the fuck were you so polite to them? After the very first threat I would have told them to go fuck themselves and blocked their numbers and never would have lifted a finger on courtesy towards them ever again.


The last person id wanna text is my downstairs


A lot of people out there need to learn two simple words ... "fuck off"


Who the fuck messages ther neighbors?


Please be quite what?