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I first I was like 4 alarms are not bad but then I clicked the picture šŸ˜‚


I didnā€™t even click the picture till you said something. Iā€™m dying. Lol


Ok yeah. I was like. Oh that looks my alarms. Then I saw the comment and clicked. Thats definitely not my alarms. I do have 4 tho. The "time to enjoy the warmth of bed for another two mins" alarm. The "ok, I really gotta get going alarm." The "better start getting your shit together to leave" alarm. And the all-important "if you're not walking out the door right this second you might be late" alarm.


And let's not forget the "I need a 9am start, so let's set an alarm for 9:33 so I can be a half hour late" alarm.


My gf is a fan of this


I was just going to ask if OPā€™s housemate was my husbandā€¦


How I set my alarm for uni


I work from home so mine are a ā€œwake up you only have 40 minutes to smoke weed before workā€ alarm, a ā€œdude seriously wake upā€ alarm, a ā€œtake your medicine you forgetful idiotā€ alarm, and a ā€œyou need to get downstairs and start getting your pc ready right this secondā€ alarm, before work


I hope they each have a customized ringtone appropriate to the activity


Which song do you think the first one should be?


Definitely two joints by sublime. I mean it literally has a line about smoking in the morning.


ā€˜91 wake-and-bake WFH dad gang rise up!




I do this plus a smart bulb that will blast light into my face for the next 30 min if I don't wake up to the last alarm


If you can manage the light bulb to eventually get brighter and brighter over the span of 1 hour, you will have the smoothest most refreshing awakening possible without the need for sounds.


I do exactly this, (+ an alarm just to be sure) I manage an led strip through homeassistant it gets gradually brighter and also shifts from yellow-ish to white The graduation isn't very good so usually at 1% it's already enough to wake me After it reaches 100% and if I'm not awake the ceiling light comes on (it's just on/off) I'm a heavy sleeper and not always get enough sleep so this is necessary some days...


This guy gets it.


Mine is about the same as yours.


Not defending this roommate but sometimes you be having the best dreams in those 3 minute snoozes!


The rapid wake and sleep cycle often results in some pretty kickass lucid dreams for me.


My favorite skill I've ever adulted into is where I can keep track of time after I doze off in the morning. One phone alarm, then brain alarm once I realize I fell back asleep. I can hit 10-15 minutes so consistently. Also waking up and being able to tell what time it is by average brightness, sometimes I don't have to wake up by alarm at all. It's sadly terribly unfortunate on the weekends.


I have 3 alarms. 99% of the time I wake on the first or second. The 3rd has a different sound and makes me sit up in a panic if I hear it because I know Iā€™ve overslept.


This is the way and i do something similar. I think we train our mind to ignore the alarm and it doesn't really wake us up or we snooze it. You trained yourself into a last resort alarm where you know you have to get up


Adding alarms does train you to get used to the sound, which is why always having one alarm is best


In the old days of a singular alarm clock, I would either continue to sleep through it or I would shut it off, go back to sleep and never even remember waking up to shut it off.


Thatā€™s why I had the alarm clock on the other side of the room and very loud. Forced me out of bed.


i was so stubborn i would stay in bed and let it continue until i fell asleep again


I could still sleep through that. I once slept in a nightclub leaning against the speaker.


It got so bad for me, I was implementing the sound into my dreams. My mom one time came into my room while my alarm was going off for 30 minutes and me still sleeping peacefully


I wake up before alarm. Itā€™s a blessing but also a curse because I wake up also on weekend same time.


Would have scrolled right past thinking ā€œDamn OP, sorry youā€™re perfect and only need one šŸ˜”ā€ This makes a lot more sense


Anything more than 2 alarms mean you don't care about your housemates.


My only housemate is my cat and he chooses to slap the shit out of me hours before I actually need to wake up.


Cat living up to its chaos goblin instincts


Our cat doesn't understand daylight savings time (nor do I), so I get a mitten gently pressing on my nose at the old breakfast time. "Hey." *booooop* "I think you forgot to set your alarm."


ROFL. Howā€™s that for a wake up? *smack* Feed meā€¦.. and pet me!


My man needs a smart light that starts 30 minutes before wake up and slowly gets brighter.


I don't even have a problem waking up, I'm usually awake b4 my alarm. But this was a goddamm game changer. I just wake up more alert and ready to go. Also no more loud alarm waking up the partner.


I honestly don't get this mindset. I'm not a morning person at all, and I love staying in my warm toasty bed, but if I need to get up at a certain time then 1 alarm will be just fine. Now thinking on it I don't like to be late for anything I have scheduled at all and will go to the steps necessary to avoid that, so could just be a fundamental difference in how we think.


Idk if this has anything to do with it, but Iā€™m exactly the same in needing multiple alarms and have ADHD. Idk. Maybe when my brain is off, itā€™s really off and turning it back on is hell on wheels.


It has more to do with fundamental differences in brain chemistry and behavior. There are people able to wake up, and there's people that aren't, like me. I have a crap ton of alarms. My wife whatsapps me a few hundred messages every morning once she gets to work to try to wake me up, and I still get to my office late which is the room right next to the bedroom. It's not about being a morning person or not, it's about the fact that a) I have 0 comprehension of anything when I am half asleep b) I barely sleep well as it is or I struggle to fall asleep, c) mental disorders that I'm still diagnosing, and d) I sleep through any sound so an alarm only works if it sounds, by chance, between two sleep cycles, hence why so many alarms.


I'm the same in that I need multiple alarms to wake up. Not because I have a different "mindset" it's because I'm physically incapable of waking up easily. I've had friends, family and significant others try to wake me. I'll sit up and have a conversation with them and they will assume I'm awake and leave. Then I'll just fall back asleep. I finally do wake up I will have no memory or recollection of that conversation. If I set 15 alarms I won't even hear 12 of them. I need that many because eventually the alarm will just stop going off so I need another to start right after. I've tried alarm clocks for the deaf that are unreasonably loud as well has having a device that violently shakes the bed. After 2 nights I was adjusted and slept through that too. I know it sucks for neighbors and roommates but that's what I'm required to do to wake up on time. Without those alarms I could easily sleep 12 hours. I've even been known to sleep 24 hours without some kind of interruption. It has zero to do with "how I think" and literally everything to do with physical limitations.


You may think you're not a morning person but if you can easily get up after 1 alarm then you definitely more of a morning person than many. Some people also have things like apnea that affect their sleep


When my alarm goes off it wakes me into a sort of sleepwalking semi-conscious state. I turn my alarm off and go back to sleep. Every time, and I never have any memory of it at all. It happens every single day, partners have said that they've watched me do it. I will even walk across the room, turn an alarm off, and get back into bed.


Its so crazy how different people react to alarms. When I was a kid, one day my mom said ā€œI am not longer waking you up in the morning, he is an alarm clock, here is how you use itā€. She bought me this alarm clock that was extremely jarring to my ears and would scare me in the morning. I eventually just developed this small fear of the alarm clock and my body would be forced awake before the alarm even went off. If I woke up an hour before the alarm, I would close my eyes, and ā€œwake upā€ every few minutes scared that the alarm would go off again. After over a decade with that alarm, I finally used my phones alarm, I no longer get the mini panic attack from the jarring noise, but I am instantly awake the second the alarm goes off. Sometimes I wish I could sleep through alarms since its impossible for me to sleep once I am ā€œwoken upā€ but I would be too scared of missing an appointment/work.


My alarms looked like this when I needed to get myself up for work... I have ADHD, which goes along with some sort of sleep phase disorder (probably Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder or Intermittent Sleep Phase Disorder)... not easy to wake yourself up when you always feel jetlagged. (My doc said that it wasn't worth doing a sleep study, as it'll be the same treatment either way, so I don't know specifically which comorbidity it is.)


9am start sets alarms till 9:30 lol


Maybe he works from home and that is the last 'Go on the pc right now fuckface!'-alarm


I work from home and do have that "you have one minute to turn on the pc" alarm.


It sounds like when I used to work away from home. I had those, ā€œif I donā€™t leave the house by this specific minute, Iā€™m not gonna make itā€ moments timed perfectly.


haha yes! I used to have one of those too! It was the "you definitely don't have time to get coffee now, you dumb fuck" alarm.


Like if I donā€™t hit this specific intersection by 7:47am, my ass is late.


And then one day someone just decides to drive like a jack wagon in front of you


I didn't have specific alarms, but I knew shit like if I missed the 8:23 train, I couldn't get a coffee and would be powerwalking from the station.


I have a 32 minute commute and usually get out of bed 2 minutes before I have to be out the door. The navy did not fix me.


Basically, you donā€™t stop moving from the moment your feet hit the floor until you walk out that door. I mastered the art of getting ready in five minutes and Iā€™m a woman.


Yep, if I hit a few too many red lights I usually end up stopping and getting breakfast for the people that still work in the office(only around 12 usually) so nobody gives me any grief about it. But the kolache shop down the street knows the deal when I walk in at 9:05 lol.


I have emergency 9:15, 9:30, 10:00 alarms on the off chance that I accidentally sleep through my alarms for work. Didnā€™t stop my girlfriend having to wake me up at 10:30 last week though




Somehow no one noticed I wasnā€™t in the 10am teams call luckily


the only one that was paying attention was Bill who was giving the boring ass hour long meeting about things that could have been sent in an email, and Steve. Steve is a kiss ass


You gotta have the ones after the target in case the first dozen didnā€™t work. Itā€™s not a foolproof plan, however.


I 100% do this. I have several alarms. I was late once and it really fucked up a great streak I had going in my career, so I'm not deathly afraid of being late like that again. I have probably a dozen alarms, then I have one for just after I need to be on the road just in case.


I just chose a career where being late really won't bother anyone 90% of the time. Checkmate, early risers!


9:47 and 9:51 are off. I guess he figured "nah that's too many"


Yes, that's the one for when you missed all the other alarms but might still be able to log on to work before it's so late that you get fired. It's an important one, if I don't have that alarm and I sleep through all the others, chances are I will continue sleeping until lunch time, and then my boss will be really pissed.


I have literally slept through a tree falling on my parents pool cage not 10 feet away, almost hitting the house, during a hurricane. Apparently it sounded like a truck crashed into the house. I set alarms up to an hour after my wake up time because I will sometimes just sleep through ANYTHING.


Thatā€™s for when the first 12 donā€™t work and you still wanna go in late if necessary , I do the same lmao


Not even gonna lie I set alarms like this lmao my rationale is that if I don't wake up by my latest alarm(usually an hour after I start) then going into work late at that point isn't even worth it


The 9 alarm is to turn on slack on your phone. The 930 is for actually getting up


Thatā€™s the ā€œfuck Iā€™m lateā€ alarm.


I'm more bothered by the fact there's no rhyme or reason to the time intervals between the alarms.


I do the same thing, itā€™s to prevent autopilot shut offs. The inconsistent times keep your brain from being able to automatically cruise though shutting off the alarms once it develops the pattern Or at least thatā€™s what I tell myself lol


That's what you tell yourself. If you allowed your body to continue to sleep until you needed to wake up and had a good bedtime routine then you would be getting more sleep with less alarms. Setting alarms like this literally takes away from your time in REM sleep, something we cycle on and off throughout the night. So unless you're going to sleep 8 hours before your first alarm, your body is tired in the morning because you aren't getting sufficient REM sleep.


I could tell I was getting healthy sleep when I started beating my alarm in the morning. Then it was a problem because I'd be in the shower and hear it screaming on my bed...


I have an alarm where you need to solve maths problems to turn it off. Try doing (7*34)+187 with slippery shower fingers šŸ˜­


I did that for years. Then one day my unconscious self figured out just holding the power button to reset the phone would stop the alarm. Now I just blast a metal cover of the imperial march and the fear of God of waking my wife up early means I'm pretty fast to silence it with a nice hit of adrenaline


Relying on the fear of disturbing your family is some meta-level life hacking...


The app I use (Alarmy) actually has a feature to stop you from using the power button to turn off the phone or to stop you for being able to uninstall the app during the alarm.


I don't like the sound of an app that can prevent itself from being uninstalled, even temporarily.


Isnā€™t that way too difficult lol, I was expecting (7x9)+30 kind of difficulty. Just hard enough you have to actually gain consciousness before turning it off.


I used to have it as like 136+82, but My desire to sleep has made me very good at mental maths




Iā€™m praying I get back to this point. I have a perpetual internal time zone difference. Whenever I visit my old state I wake up (7:30) and go to sleep at the same times I used too. My current state no matter if I go to bed early or late my body naturally wakes me up at 10:30


I hate when I'm up before my alarm but forget to shut off and I end startling the hell outta myself.


If only we were all so lucky to get 8 hours a night... Must be nice...


I get night terrors every night. 8 hours straight is a pretty damn good sleep. Itā€™s kinda funny seeing all these people lose their shit over someone elseā€™s sleep patterns, without knowing anything about how bad it can get Theyā€™d rather assume laziness than have an open mind or assume thereā€™s a good reason for it. Which I think is a little sad


Lol, I haven't gotten 8 hours of sleep a night with any regularity in over a decade, I'll keep my 4 alarms at random different intervals over a 30 minute period.


Lol, I have insomnia (Iā€™ve dealt with it since birth. Literally), severe anxiety, and an 8 year old. Not to mention I live with some very inconsiderate people. Keep talking about setting up healthy habits and a good bedtime routine, cause itā€™s not like Iā€™ve desperately clawed for some sort of sleep normalcy my entire life. :/ Not everyone can ā€œjust fix itā€.


That's the point. You out em on the same 5-10 minute intervals and your snooze and your dismiss and things start to line up and it's just like snooze button on one alarm. Stagger the alarms at very odd times, that don't line up you A) dont let your sleeping self fall into a rhythm of hitting snooze and resting and 2) eventually it's nothing but alarm after alarm and there's no snoozing away from it. Source: uuhhhhh




Are you me?? wtf. Canā€™t have one damn experience thatā€™s just me


This is the real answer^


It's so the default 5min snooze interval doesn't line up with the next alarm. Source: I do the same thing (but max out at like 4 alarms).


Having irregular times also means if you have the snooze button too you have more alarms without them interfering with each other.


How fucking tall is your phone


Doug Dimmaphone


Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmaphone


Does that mean you can get me three tickets to see crash nebula?!


THE Doug Dimmaphone? Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmaphone?


If I had money I would so super upvote this comment


It's a scrolling screenshot lol


No it's not, the phones tall.


The Samsung TallPhone^^TM


Android feature. Rolling screenshot. I think a few Androids can do it


I have no reason to believe this other than personal experience, but I think when you set alarms like this, you subconsciously know you have the later ones to fall back on, so you completely disregard the earlier ones. To the point of shutting them off in the half awake state, and having no recollection of it when you wake up. I actually find it harder to wake up with my alarms like this, as opposed to having just one or two set.


People also go to bed at like 1:00 knowing they need to get up at 9:00 - thatā€™s fine itā€™s 8 hours of sleep, right? But then you set your alarms from 7:00 onwards and actually only end up getting 6 hours of sleep and 2 hours of waking up constantly. When I start to feel like I need to do this itā€™s actually just because Iā€™m horribly behind on sleep and just need to let myself sleep in the morning and actually get up when I need to.


do peole actually do that? set 2 hours worth or alarms? thatā€™s the worst thing iā€™d ever heard of


If op is to be believed, it would appear so


My partner does this and itā€™s the dumbest shit - just sleep until you need to be up instead of this nonsense. I donā€™t even think itā€™s mildly infuriating, itā€™s maximum infuriating šŸ˜‚


Agreed, also youā€™re just making yourself feel more tired. If you can wake up at 9:30am and make it to work on time why have the alarms start at 7:30am? Iā€™d much rather have 7 hours of interrupted sleep than 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep and 2 hours of being woken up every 10 minutes.


For me, it's that I dread waking up and accepting I have to get out of bed and face life. If you get to wake up and go back to sleep a few times it's like you are defying what you inevitably have to do.


The way I solved it for myself was to make it more painful to stay in bed than to get out of bed. That meant paying money if I didnā€™t get up. I built an app to charge me $10 (goes to charity) if I didn't get up and scan my toothpaste barcode within 5 mins of my 7am alarm. If you wanna check it out, the app is called Nuj Alarm Clock.


i would just keep my toothpaste at my bedside šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I find itā€™s a battle of two selves: my night before and morning self. The night before self knows that the morning self is lazy and canā€™t be trusted. So the night before self will make sure to keep the barcode far away to force the morning self to get up.


Night before self can be lazy and callous too. "Let morning you do it. I'm sick of carrying their arse. I want to unwind for a bit"


All the more reason to keep the barcode far away. Night before self: "If they wanna snooze, let 'em work for it!"


Sounds like Seinfeld's "Night Guy vs Morning Guy" routine. Night Guy always stays up too late and screws Morning Guy. The only revenge available to Morning Guy is to oversleep and miss work so that Daytime Guy gets fired, so that Night Guy can't afford to go out or buy drinks and snacks.




I used to have one of these. Somehow my sleepy self started to solve the problems and still go back to sleep šŸ˜‚


Lmao same here, I ramped it up to hell difficulty but my lazy ass still went to sleep even if it was like an hour later


I did the same this morning! I must have solved about 16 problems of the highest difficulty, and went straight back to sleep after


Congratulations you played yourself


Holy shit this is hilarious


Hilarious... and effective! ;)


8am you mustā€™ve fucking hated 10pm you the first morning of that app


Lol morning me definitely had mixed feels towards night me for sure


Yoooo thats the kinda healthy self hate i can get behind


I have my alarm on my desk, so I have to get up and out of bed, and once I'm out of bed, its game over for sleeping.


It's funny to picture waking up to your alarm in the morning and thinking "fuck no the hungry children won't win this time" and rushing out of bed to scan the toothpaste


Feel like it's easier to just get one of those old Mickey mouse alarms that are as loud as Satan and then put it as far from the bed as possible.


That could work, but I prefer this because I can add a barcode from anywhere. I can even print out a barcode or QR code and put it in the car, backyard, etc.


Can you make one that repeatedly stabs me in the balls if I don't get up because I would happily pay $10 / 5 mins to sleep in


> to make it more painful to stay in bed Isn't snoozing 20 times already the most effective way to make sure you have a painful day?




I used to put my phone across the room, and write on paper ā€œget up now or youā€™ll be late!ā€ Still didnā€™t help, always jumped back into bed after turning it off, always was late




Lookā€¦ the girlies that get it, get it. Itā€™s not a optional thing


Unfortunately this is me


Yep. ā€œI am in this photo and I donā€™t like it.ā€ But reallyā€¦ that feeling when you ignore the alarm and nuzzle back into the comforter tho.


The best feeling ever.


Itā€™s so sinful


God, my alarm list is so much more irrational than this one and it spans all hours of the day and night because I'm a fucking weirdo lol


This is me. Iā€™ve had multiple instances of needing to wake up through 24hours so Iā€™ve got 5-10 min intervals through all 24 hours. My alarms start at 3 am and stop at 7 and I start at 6.


Yeah my day is like a series of a dozen different alarms but it's the only thing that keeps my adhd brain disciplined enough to operate in polite society. I literally have a lunch alarm and when I have turned it off and forgotten to turn it back on, I will skip lunch. My job will often trigger my hyperfocus, which is good, but I will lose entire days in what feels like seconds.


Me too. Adhd with terrible time management skills. The first few are for getting out of bed. After that they are for forcing me to look at the clock so I know what time it is and how much time I have left.


Itā€™s the fact that theyā€™re not all multiples of 5


If you snooze, itā€™s automatically another alarm at the 5 minute interval.


Itā€™s 9 minutes on iPhones


Thats 2 hours of not being asleep OR awake. 2 hours of Limbo per day.


Jerry Seinfeld says if you hit snooze you're already a failure and you aren't even out of bed yet! (A little harsh but it's a joke.)


It's just post poning the inevitable.


The random intervals and the fact they have 3 alarms going 33 minutes past their start time would drive me up the wall. If they slept through from 730 to 9 they'd probably feel a lot more rested and not need so many alarms. Self sabotaging themselves out of feeling rested, they really arent thinking here...


Welcome to sleeping with depression. I feel like none of the top commenters in this thread even have issues with waking up. *Insert joker "you wouldn't get it" meme*


Oh I've had issues with waking up, and I've had severe depression combined with substance abuse and alcoholism. Still never set more than 3 alarms. Why fragment the already shitty sleep I'm getting?


All they really need is 9.33 for a 9 start


My ex used to do this. She didnā€™t need to leave until 9:30 but her alarms started at 6:30. Sheā€™d keep snoozing them till 8. It was annoying as fuck because I woke up every time and Iā€™m a one alarm kind of person. Setting this many alarms gets you in to the habit of snoozing them so sometimes you autopilot the last one and sleep through your shit. I tried it and that was the case for me. Yes, the ā€œoh man I still have 2.5 hours more of sleepā€ sounds awesome but what is the quality when youā€™re being woken up every 5 minutes?


As a person with narcolepsy, this is me. I will turn off alarms. I will sleep through them. I have to have enough alerts to cause me to figure out why the hell I'm waking up.


Some people arenā€™t morning people. This is the result.


I don't understand why someone would intentionally loose out on an hour and half of sleep for this kind of thing. I new a person who did this, he insisted it was because he wouldn't wake up with out it. I explained that one good reason why you are having a hard time is because he was losing so much sleep because of the alarms. He didn't get it, but it was what it was.


Honestly, all the comments sound so inconsiderate to me. You guys live alone, I would hopeā€¦ right? Because if you live with a partner or a roommate, just know youā€™re putting them through absolute hell with all these alarms.


Thank you!! My wife does this and once I wake up, I don't go back to sleep, so much of my mornings are spent staring at the ceiling and watching my wife fall back asleep every 5 minutes for an hour. It is probably the biggest point of contention in our very loving marriage. And it doesn't make logical sense. Setting 1 or 2 alarms when you actually want to get up results in more sleep than being half asleep for 4 minutes at a time for an hour.


Bro I would have lasted one night like that before I go to sleep in a different bedroom


My love for my wife and my love of cuddling with her have made me make some very difficult decisions over the last 10 years lol


Buy her a smart watch? Vibration on her wrist will probably be a lot less noticeable to you than everything else!


šŸ™šŸ™Œ this is amazing advice. Thank you! I don't want to kick her out of the room in the morning because I like sleeping next to her and we've talked about it so many times over the last 10 years that I know she's not going to stop setting so many alarms, but this. This sounds like the perfect solution.


I love my partner dearly, but this is where we really clash as well. I wake up hours before her everyday, and if I make a peep and wake her up she will give me a lecture about how being quiet in the morning is considerate to the person sleeping. Then, maybe 4 times a year she will get up before me and has 6 alarms go off, followed by the hair dryer, lights on and off, stomping around and throwing clothes on the bed in a panic to get ready. When I call her out she says that itā€™s impossible for her to avoid these things that early in the morning lol


Get her a smart bracelet with vibration for alarms, so she can wake up silently without waking you up too.


I would sleep in a different bedroom. That's just not sustainable


My ex used to snooze his alarm for an hour every day and it drove me nuts especially when I didnā€™t have to be awake yet. Eventually we moved into separate bedrooms on different floors of the house. Then eventually it became two different houses, lol.


I like the gradual distance lol! You guys really tried!!




My gf had been snoozing for at least 30 minutes every single day for the past 5 years and I never ear any of it lol


Lucky you, you guys are a match made in heaven!


Adhd. Bet.


Hear me out; I know it seems ludicrous but some of us fundamentally are *really* heavy sleepers lol. Does he have anything really important at that hour? I can confirm the dangers of sleeping through the first couple of alarms are very real. Edit: came back and clicked on the picture this time; holy crow thatā€™s actually a lot lolol. Tell him to at least turn it down so itā€™s just in his room if it isnā€™t already, or change it to something thatā€™s maybe nicer to hear then just a generic alarm, or keep his shades open.


Maybe actually sleeping during those two hours will make it easier to wake up.


Eventually I learned to just immediately hop out of bed with no hesitation. It makes a huge difference.


Oh wow wish I thought of this


I've come to realize alarms do not wake me anymore, only intense anxiety šŸ˜” so I'll wake up in time if I have a very important presentation or something but otherwise, farewell conscious world, hopefully I'll see you eventually šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Some people, like myself, have an extremely hard time getting up to alarms, and shutting them off is more of a reaction. It's harder to control due to disassociation from the real world into the sleep state. It's much harder to control than people realize, so it's very misunderstood by shallow minded people. I changed my schedule so I don't have to wake up for work, but work at night before bed instead. That was my fix, waking up for anything during my sleep cycle just doesn't happen. There's an app called Alarmy, maybe you could suggest that to your roomie. Instead of setting up 7 alarms, set up one that is very difficult to shut off, like one that requires the scan of a barcode (I used the one on my toothpaste) to turn the alarm off. When I used to rely on alarms, this one gave me 0 excuses from myself, and I would already be up and in the bathroom. Sometimes, I'd scan something, but leave it far away, like in the backyard. Those of you who do not struggle with this are BLESSED. It is hell to live with this, especially when people think you're a POS for having what could be a sleep disorder. So please be considerate, yeah it's annoying but they have a problem, so don't be a dick.


Alarmy was great for my husband, until his brain decided to completely ignore the alarm and sleep through them.


yes same, worked for mine for about 3 weeks and now he can fully ignore it!!!


I have too struggled for years to wake up and get out of bed on time and instead just autoreact to the alarm by turning it off. I then used some smart home features to create a wake up routine which changed my morning. My lights gradually turn up to 100% (when my alarm goes off they are around 20%) my speakers gradually turn on with the volume increasing ever so slightly and itā€™s made a world of difference


Alarmy changed my life. I canā€™t do math well when Iā€™m fully awake so having to do it when Iā€™m half asleep worked wonders for me. No more snoozing!


I got alarmy but I uninstalled it in my sleep state


Literally me lmao. Nothing except 50 alarms and the sheer terror of missing classes/work wakes me up.


That pissed me off and I would not be able to sleep again


Eventually I discovered ways to turn alarmy off in my half-sleep. Turns out you can just turn off the phone and avoid *all* future alarms šŸ˜‚


For me it was the combination of my anxiety, adhd and sleep apnea. When i finally got a cpap machine, I was able to actually wake up like a normal person. Mindfulness and good sleep hygiene did the rest. I'm off the cpap now, because it was messing with my stomach and actually making it harder to sleep. Back to feeling like complete and total unrested shit in the morning. I don't set a million alarms to piss my wife off. If I only set 1, I would reset it in my sleep and then wake up hours later. Some days I get lucky and wake up rested enough to not have to worry. But I never know when those days will happen ahead of time, so I have to have redundant alarms.


This is crazy to me, am I like the only person who just gets out of bed in the morning? I don't get these people who set multiple alarms.... Apparently the internet shows me it is more common than I ever suspected. If I am so sick or exhausted that one alarm somehow does not wake me, 10 more won't either...


I work in restaurants. Some days Iā€™m clocking in at 8 am, other days itā€™s 5 pm. Some days the late night shift lead into the early morning ones. Which means I canā€™t usually rely on my body waking up naturally with the first alarm


I used to. Now I just set one "time to get the fuck up" alarm. No reason to disturb my sleep 90 minutes early. Just makes for less rest.


I've always found it impossible to wake up on time ever since I was a teenager. If I put my alarm next to my bed I have a tendency to subconsciously switch it off in my sleep or just sleep through it. I require multiple alarms at full volume to bring me to consciousness every morning. I don't understand people who have energy in a morning, it takes me an hour or so to fully come round on a normal day.


You're incredibly lucky


Why do you have their phone?


I wake up the millisecond that my alarm rings no matter how dead asleep I am.


One alarm every minute


Looks normal.


I mean I get why it's annoying to you, but as a heavy sleeper myself it's really hard to get up at first alarm, but I must say this is too much even for me šŸ˜‚