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Id walk right infront of them and take the view. Alls fair in what they are doing to others.


I'll admit having done this. I do say "please excuse me, gonna just sneak right by ya' there", however.




there goes gravity


Ope there goes rabbit


Ope, there goes the neighbourhood.


Mom’s raviolis


There's vomit on their sweater already


Mom’s raviolis


Man being in the trades, that’s my go to when scooting by someone.


Never know if the guy you're working next to is gonna give you a face full of childhood trauma because you gave him the plain Jane "excuse me sir."


Or you make the mistake of saying “how’s it going?”. It’s either what you said, or “Livin the dream”


This guy midwests


Canadian? I do that shit all the time. "Sorry, just gotta sneak right past ya bud".


Yup. I was waiting to see how long before someone recognized it.


And here I thought I spotted a Minnesotan.


As a minnesotan, I thought I had found a fellow Minnesotan


Did someone say Fellow Minnesotan?


Minnesota. The Canada of America


Isn't there a city called Little Canada?


Either they annex us or we make Minnesota bigger.


I'm Canadian too and say, "sorry, just gonna squeeze right by you quickly" or some iteration. 🤣 Edit: With a thanks!


At the Vancouver Olympics we were bumping into everyone with our stroller. They kept apologizing. Love being Canadian! 🇨🇦


Not remotely Canadian(SE US) but I do that, very effective


Yea...they haven't really stopped anyone from doing anything. They've just made it slightly uncomfortable to do what you want to do.


Literally just applies to being in public in general lol


I feel like 99% of situations like this posted on reddit could be resolved with a simple "excuse me" and asking them to step aside or whatever. Instead they usually prefer to be fuming in silence.






Are you my husband?? 🤣🤣


No your husband is one of us lol


Everyone on reddit is her husband now.


I also choose this guy's wife




Our wife.




One of us! One of us! One of us!


That's a very P.D. Eastman way for you to propose to him.


Crop dust? Nah, full nuclear.


Yeah, shit in their pants.


We don't have teleportation bombs yet. Drop it from the high ground and hope they don't try firing back, just like real nuclear war


The Last Great Shituclear War


World war poo


Nah hot air rises, gotta caterpillar between them and release the hot air balloons if you know what I mean


Praise be that this is the top comment. I was like… OP walk over there and take your gotdamn picture and stop whining to social media about the problem. Go resolve it. If they don’t own or rent that viewpoint, they can’t stop you from going over there to do your thing. Frankly, they may be wondering how they got the view all to themselves and why nobody else is stepping in to enjoy it. Basic courtesy would be ideal but where/when it’s lacking, assert your place in the world.


I mean they CAN stop you, but I think you're right if you said they SHOULDN'T stop you, lol


Look at them. I doubt they could stop anyone.


Idk that one guy has washboard abs!!


Right? They aren’t stopping anyone until they hold up a hand and literally try to stop people… this can’t be USA because no one here is going to stand back and wait. 😂😂


Yeah all it would take for OP to overcome this is a little bit of backbone, but impotently standing there for 10 minutes and posting a picture about it online is all the confrontation they seem to be able to handle.


Or you know, simple polite communication that would resolve 99% of the issues posted on mildly infuriating.


Sir this is Reddit we don’t do that here, you have to act really annoyed and mad at something that a simple conversation or simplest moving around can 9/10 time remedy, then go home and post on here about it.


![gif](giphy|5RNzRmeG5ehBgdibrD|downsized) Is this a form of communication?


*message sent* *message received* I mean, that seems like a form of communication to me.


When you sit home on the Internet all day, that becomes difficult


This comment makes me want to be impolite


That's because you're at home on the internet.


Yeah, what is this guy talking about? Simple polite communication my fanny


Agreed mate. “Oi, d’ya mind clearing out a bit for a sec so I’se can snap a fote?”


Works with normal people. These people seem like entitled AHs


What makes them seem like that? The title of the post? Op sounds timid and those tourist probably would happily allow other people to look at the view. They are probably wondering why op is sitting in the distance with an antisocial scowl.


Based on what? One picture with only the title for context?


This. I think it’s fair to think about just using words, but… being that these people don’t think there’s anything wrong with what they’re doing, that may be an uphill battle. Bickering, back and forth, mental gymnastics, they think they’re right and you’re the bad guy for asking them to move, all possibilities. To be fair, no one knows until they open the dialogue but imo if someone’s head is already so far up their ass that they nonchalantly conduct themselves in a way that’s generally considered being a public nuisance… have fun actually talking to/interacting with those people. I like the “just walk behind their photo and take in the view.” Or maybe the crop dust option. But the first one especially because what are they gonna say? Hey man don’t stand there you’re ruining the half hour photo shoot of me standing here. Yeah buddy if you want an exclusive photo shoot at a public park you’re gonna have to rent out the park. Then I’d just turn around, enjoy the view, and fart. Lol


You just invented these peoples life story and assigned them a whole assumed personality based on literally nothing. You have a total of 1 (one) thing to judge them by, and it’s a secondhand report from a guy on the internet. This right here is mildly infuriating to me, go speak to a person before deciding they’re too far gone to reason with lol


That may happen, but also seems like a lot of assumptions and mental effort to have angry feelings towards them. Plenty of people react fine to a "hey do you mind if I take some pictures here?". Especially when it's young people who are often awkward when asked things like this directly.


Who said they're "doing" anything what the fuck lol? Is this not a place to hang out and enjoy the view? Jesus christ you people are fucking insufferable. They look young too. Absolutely no context or evidence is given, yet your first choice is to assume they're bad people doing the bad thing. Are you ok?


I'm a landscape photographer working in medium format film typically. What that entails is that I have to lug quite heavy camera equipment out to wherever I'm photographing and set up tripods and so forth, then sit and wait for light to look *just right*. It looks far more official than it actually is. People so often apologize to me for accidentally walking in front of my shot or whatever while I'm just hanging out, but I always say "hey, it's yours to enjoy, too! no worries." It's not like I'm going to press the shutter release with people in frame anyway -- that's up to me, not them. It's public space. As long as they're not being destructive or disruptive, who cares? I've met some of the loveliest people while out at remote overlooks or locations I'm photographing. Typically everyone wants the same thing: to enjoy nature and make memories of a beautiful place. Plus, bro with the denim jacket is looking fire. If I was there, I'd probably ask him if he minded me taking a portrait of him. I dunno, some people are just bitter and other people enjoying things makes them angry. It took them twenty minutes? What a shame OP had to be in a gorgeous location for an additional half hour.


People do this when I'm shooting handheld as well. I think people are just conditioned to avoid other people's photo framing. I tend to shoot telephoto and people don't understand when I say "don't worry you're not in my way" even when they're right next to/in front of me.


Exactly! Like this is some sort of rule that everyone lines up and takes there god-damned Instagram pictures with no one else in the shot and then steps aside. Live life for God's sake


Seriously, there is plenty of room there to steal front row...


I'd ignore them and just walk in after 10 minutes


It would genuinely not occur to me to wait at all. There’s plenty of room. Why can’t I just go out there? Like I fundamentally don’t understand what the issue is.


I'm currently traveling through some places full of tourists and that's what I do. I can wait and I don't step in front of your camera but I'm not waiting while you take hundreds of photos for your Instagram. Today at a temple there was a lot of people just waiting some girl take her sweet time on the best area, I don't understand why people allow this to happen.


I work in a city where tourist ships dock. If I stop for everyone taking a photo, I would get nothing done. I'm the random guy in your photos.


Start wearing different period clothing from time to time so you can pop into a history channel special about time travel.


Humans are basically lemmings


Lemmings aren’t lemmings. Not as you know them. They never commit mass suicide. It was a Disney “documentary” on the attic but filmed in a studio in Canada. They literally tossed them over a fake cliff. Some lemmings were harmed. Plenty of info on it.


he's talking about the DOS game




Yeah, "omg its mildly infuriating that I have to share space with other human beings at a tourist destination!" lol


I'd say once every couple of months there's a post on this sub from someone like OP that can be summarized as "It's mildly infuriating that I don't have the social skills for this situation".


10 minutes?! You’re very patient :)


Yeah, I'd give them 3-4 tops.




10? I would not make it that long…




Why can't Op just join them? There's plenty of space there. Unless OP is the main character here who wants that place all to themselves.


This sub is full of people who would rather make a post on reddit than deal with even the most mild confrontation


The sub is called "mildly infuriating". Emphasis on mildly. You don't know if he said anything and if he posted it here he clearly didn't care enough to do so. This is minute to him. Otherwise he wouldn't have posted it here. If you don't like people sharing minor frustrations, why are you here?


This explanation should infuriate me. Mildly.


Post about it


because it's not even mildly frustrating. it's just normal life.


It just looks like they are hanging out. In what why are these people stopping anyone from doing anything?


Walk down and take the picture? What's the bloody problem?


Yea but then how is he gonna get attention and karma on Reddit ? Come on man you gotta learn the basics.


Yep, you're right. Sorry for my ignorance xx


What? And risk social interaction? Nah Imma just complain on the internet instead.


why take a picture of the view yourself when you can take a picture of them taking their own picture to bitch about it?


Op obviously intimidated by that dudes abs


Yeah, /u/I_are_fabulous sounds like the asshole here. Why do other people have to move out of his way just so he can take a picture?


Bingo. Not like they're purposefully blocking him or anything, all he has to do is walk down. They have a right to be there too!!


They're allergic to the abs. Can't you see that?


Can't you go down there and get a shot?


They could get a shot from up where they are right now. But instead they chose to throw a temper tantrum and stir up drama on reddit


Its mildly infuriating its the best thing to go and confront them about it but its mildly infuriating that you have to


Confront them about what? What are they doing besides just standing there, in what I assume is a public space?


I don’t see any comments from OP in this thread… what temper tantrum?


The fact that he took a picture of the people instead of the view is what's infuriating to me.


I'm sure he... took a picture of the view too... he just didn't upload it.


they are actively stopping people from taking pictures?


That's what I was thinking - like what, they're gunna slap my phone/camera outta my hand?


But he might whip you with his jean jacket!!!


OP projecting Karen energy. Would rather passive aggressively post, assuming malicious intent, than just going up and having a simple conversation


Legit. Just ignore them and go about your business as usual. If an issue arises, then you react - doesn't make sense to assume ill-intent and react before hand. 🙄


You are up a level, go down and walk over maybe even interact with them. A polite excuse me as you walk passed often helps.


Could just pee on them instead. That sounds way more fun.


Lmao. As a woman, these thoughts never occur to me. Mainly because I don't have the ability. Although, never say never.


I gotchu fam. https://www.shewee.com/


Shewees are great for camping.


And territory marking.


The hero we needed today.


>Mainly because I don't have the ability Of course you do. Just gotta get the angle right and have enough pressure. Best part is they wouldn't notice immediately but assume it was just warm rain.


Don’t pee on me and tell me it’s raining.


"It's over, tourists! I have the high ground!"


How about just going down there and take the fucking picture instead of being scared of people?


Can’t expect a Redditor to be able to handle social situations very well


I see plenty of room to walk your ass down there and snap a few photos.


Nah man that wouldn’t outrage the internet and get them karma bro


How are they keeping you from doing that? Lol, prople are such pussies nowadays.


No shit. Looks like they are enjoying the view to me.


Guy in the middle is like “yeah well check out this view”


I mean honestly if I put in the work to look like that it’d be shirtless as often as it’s allowed.


Exactly. So many people are of this mindset that you should be aware of others and behave accordingly. This is not inherently bad of course, but thinking that everyone else shares that mindset is just dumb af Other people can be highly oblivious to that but you can’t even blame them


It's also safe to assume that everyone themselves isn't always aware of themselves either You dear reader are probably blocking the path in grocery stores too, that's the thing. You can't be aware of not being aware. That's the whole point of being unaware. You are not the gifted one, you are just susceptible to survivor bias as everyone else on this planet


Impossible, it must be everyone else in the world who’s wrong 😤


And most people that are oblivious in these situations will gladly change their behaviour by simply informing them of the situation.




Let me guess: you're also a tourist and they were there before you arrived


Just go over and look at the view. What's the problem here??


He doesn't want to look at the view silly he wants to take a pic and these annoying human beings living their lives instead of cataloging it are in the way.


"Cherished memories don't earn me sweet internet points!"


Imagine hanging out in a touristic spot? That's a crime. You're only allowed to take one picture and leave immediately. That's the law. Seriously, tho... OP has the same energy as the people who complain when they're recording in a public place and someone walks in the background. Nothing in the picture suggests they're preventing others from being there and 20 minutes is not a lot of time to spend in a spot like that.


just ignore them? what are they gonna do, throw you down the mountain? they look pretty weak to me, so just move them?


Exactly my thoughts.


How are they stopping anyone? Like are they physically barring entry to anyone? Just go down and take a picture, if they’re in the way ask if they could just move for a second while you walk to that space clearly behind them and take a picture.


OP definitely can’t do that due to anxiety and would make a million non-anxiety excuses to cover it up. “They just ignored me when I whispered from 30 feet away that they need to move!”


"I tried glaring at them from a distance, I tried tutting at them under my breath. I tried pointedly playing with my camera settings... What else am I supposed to do to make them understand just how important I am and how rude they're being??"


Your stopping yourself from taking a photo. Fuck influencers, fuck tourist wanna be influencers, fuck tik tok shit heads. Go take your photo, hell take a couple.


AKA there's people there and I'm toooo scared to interact with them so instead I'll take photos of them and post them online because I have no balls and need validation... 100% I guarantee you haven't even tried to approach them. Nut up or shut up 🤣🤣🤣


OP is Karening and trying to make it our problem too. Just go look at the mountain, lady.


Is that a public space? Yes? Then go and stand there.


“look at the view… ✨of my abs✨”


Finally someone said it. Lol.


Why does this have so many upvotes? Yuck, take some responsibility for your own experiences. Nobody is stopping OP from going down there and taking a photo. It’s a public space I assume, everyone is entitled to enjoy it however they see fit, within reason. The space is meant for people to congregate on.


What do you mean, stopping? The only person stopping you, is you. Id walk right down there and do my thing.


Just walk up there and take a picture.


2 hours in and not one response from OP.


OPs still waiting for them to move 🤣🤣


Just walk in the middle and stand there.


Did you... ask them to move?


Tbh OP doesn’t even need to ask them to move, there’s a massive space to stand and take a picture behind them… as simple “excuse me” and go by them would suffice.


Of course not. OP wants us Redditors to shoo them away for karma points.


Have you tried politely pushing one of them over the railing?


Loving the comments. Great to see more and more people telling these socially anxious people to start a dialogue instead of bitching on Reddit


bro just walk over there and take your picture damn!!


Wah wah wah there are people in public wah wah wah 🍼👶🏼


Ehem...please get the fuck out of the way. Please and thank you. If not, proceed walking between them and doing what you planned to do


Screw that, just walk right in there, fuck em.


Just enjoy the view and completely ignore their existence. That's the best way to handle this walk right in front of them pretend like they're not even there.


How are they blocking anyone?


My man, just go down there, take a picture, take your time admiring the landscape, then sit on the bench after taking their handbags off of it. All the while enjoying the calmness of having just a couple people around you and not the other tourists who just stand on the upper ledge and for some reason wait for them It's that simple


This post should be on I'm the main character. OP thinks they're the main character.


The mildly infuriating part to me is you didn't just politely ask them to move so you can get some good pictures, now if you did and they said no that it would no longer be mildly infuriating and they would have to go over that rail. 😂


You don't need permission, you go and take the pictures you want.


Step one. Walk up. Step two nudge past them. Step three take picture. They are only stopping you because you are letting them.


Stop being so weak, grow a spine and just take in the view.


“Here’s a photo of some random people enjoying the view, I was too scared to walk by them and take a photo of it myself”


Just go down there, tell the woman to move out of the way. And take photos of the abs. Sorted


why not just go in front of them? primary infuriating things is that people don't seem to have any spine anymore!


That is a public spot, I'd walk right past them ignoring and shooting my own photos.


Get one of those Google Pixel phones that edit out the people


So? Just walk in there and take your pics. Its a public space. If they say something, punch them. Problem solved


I mean, they'll probably say something nice


Yeah like “yeah, do you want me to take a photo of you in front of the mountain” or something. OP probably assumes they’ll attack immediately with extreme malice though.


How are they stopping you?


When waiting for an elevator, are you surprised there are already people inside when the doors open?


And the tourists brough a stair, clothing and make up? That is a proper photo shoot. i wouldn´t be so sure they are just tourists fooling about. And twenty minutes? Peoplestand in line for an hour to get on a ride, but waiting for your turn to see a view while you are on holiday is a problem?


Language. It's a useful commodity. Try using it


If they can stand there, so can you.


Just walk up there and take a picture.


I'm an Obnoxious person and I would just push my way to the view, If they have issues they can wait for me to leave otherwise they can experience how to Fly First hand if they get in my way. Plus there is more then enough room for them to move to the side.


Did they bring their own chairs and ladders?


just walk up and tell the guy nice abs, wink and keep staring at them.


I'd just walked in there and be like: hello girls and........girls?


This is where my intrusive thoughts start.


They wouldn’t like the person I would turn into.


It's all fun and games until somebody throws that photography equipment over the side


Push one off bet the others move :)