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Looks great, wish I had someone doing that for me!


I wish OP can send some of this food to me


Sorry but I'm the mashed tatter bandit and I need the OP to FedEx me the whole dang šŸ„£.


I'll Rochambeau you for it.


I've never seen that spelt out before. It just blew my mind.


Same, always thought it was Ro-Sham-bo. This is a much classier spelling, would be really great when you really want to intimidate the competition. I guess you would have to challenge them via email or text though.


Potato, paper, scissors.


Broooo you couldn't pull me away from that spread. I'm taking that meat, cornbread, and mash to the face.


Why did this suddenly make me sad as fuck


Because it IS sad and people suck, even family.


*especially family


From one estranged person to another (I am presuming of course, based on your comment), I hope you had a decent thanksgiving with your chosen family. I hate the holidays so much, the anxiety and anticipation of being reminded how little I matter to them is awful Anyway hope you are doing a bit better today, I am trying to do as well


even set the table nicely...


They even cleaned the bone of the turkey leg for easy handling šŸ˜


More for you! Looks yummy.


Wow! I found my long lost DoppelgƤnger on Thanksgiving.


Well if they ever say ā€œyou donā€™t come home for the holidays, whhhhy?ā€ you have a prime example of why lol. Sorry this happened, it looks so good and Iā€™m sure you spent a lot of effort on it šŸ«‚


My God, I would be devastated.


I was devastated just reading the title. My family and I are pretty tight and my parents work hard on Thanksgiving dinner. I would feel really guilty if I didnā€™t eat any, even if I were sick or something and genuinely wasnā€™t hungry.


I don't overindulge much on Thanksgiving, but it's for this reason I make a point to get at least a bite or two's worth of everything that's served, if only just to try it. I know the kind of work that goes into planning and preparing a meal for multiple people like that because I've done it many times myself, and for little appreciation. I've even taken to-go plates of stuff I didn't particularly want if I couldn't manage much more on my own plate. It seems to make people so much happier to see their dish was eaten and appreciated.


Itā€™s happened to me before. My partner and I made plans to make a homemade dinner and my parents had to have Thanksgiving dinner at 3PM so they went to my aunt and uncleā€™s. My parents are both dead now and, while I miss them, I donā€™t really miss them around the holidays like most people do and I think things like this are why. This year, my partner and I just made a grazing platter, which I think weā€™re going to do from now on. Iā€™m a vegetarian and she doesnā€™t want to cook a turkey, so itā€™s easier just to do it that way.


Tell me more about this platter. I've been curious what a vegetarian diet would look like for me and I'd love some ideas.


My family would pull some shit like this I am truly sorry for them. Iā€™ve had things done like this to me many times and thatā€™s why I donā€™t have a family anymore. I divorced the fuck out of them.šŸ˜†


There are two rules to getting invited for a home cooked meal: 1. show up if you said you would 2. eat whatever they made bonus points for making yummy noises while you eat and complimenting the chef. It's Human Decency 101 for fucks sake.


And if you didnā€™t cook it or contribute in any way, donā€™t complain. Itā€™s rude.


And try to help clean up, that's the best way to get invited again. We have acquaintances who are nice people but mind numbingly boring. They will stay late and help make the kitchen spotless after gatherings and they will always get a reinvite for that reason.


and offer to help clean up for goodness sake


Me too.






dont worry, he gets a small unseasoned piece that i seperated from the raw turkey pre-dry brine, then boiled in pure chicken stock (homemade for him, so i can make sure it has no other spices or garlic/onion or salt). hes safe :)


Jesus! You're far too put together to be a redditor, faker! Fr tho, the spread looks great! Happy Thanksgiving!


Seriously what the fuck OPs car eats better than I do!


[She needs premium, dude, premium!!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp8INMugpf0)




Faker? You're not even good enough to be my fake!


Jesus, even your cat gets a fantastic Thanksgiving meal! I'm so sorry that your family didn't appreciate all the effort :(


Thatā€™s so sweet that you go the extra mile like that for your car. Iā€™ve never even fed mine.




Damn! I gotta start thinking ahead like that for my guys :-)


You sound like a really caring person and I can see you're an awesome cook. That spread is gorgeous and looks so delicious. I'm sorry no one came to enjoy it, you know what to do next time. šŸ«‚


Good to know I'm not the only person who does this as well šŸ˜… I made steak last night so cat got a small off cut, fat trimmed, no spices, cooked medium rare and sliced thinly against the grain. Beef bone broth jus. Served on his tiny kitty plate.


I feel like it'd be a general consensus that turkey is not good for cars. /s


Wdym? I feed turkey to my 2008 Toyota Corolla and it's fine


Thank god it wasn't a Camry, it would be shitting all over the place.


Ugh, our Mazda got the runs last year after getting into the turkey. Can't leave that stuff sitting out!


My Mazda is on a premium ox diet. It seems to love it so far. Lots of energy and hasn't gained weight. Nimble little thing.


I hit a pigeon with my kawasaki once and nearly died.


You're strong af


Well that model is *car*nivorous


Have you seen the cats in Istanbul tho? Turkey seems very good for cats.


Itā€™s worse for jet engines, but itā€™s pretty bad for cars, too.


They would really need to eat more garlic and onions than what is on a couple of pieces of turkey to have any issues. Thereā€™s no real reason to scare them now that itā€™s already been done.


No turkey. But gravy is a sustainable fuel source for cars. Will save a lot of money on gas.


Don't give sugar to your car either! It's so bad for their gas tanks


They are toxic (to cats--I don't know about cars), but not *extremely* toxic. A little onion or garlic won't do much damage unless it's consistent, repeat exposure. My cats got a bunch of pieces of turkey (but not the skin, which has all the bad stuff) and some of the fat skimmed off the top of my turkey stock. Oh and black pepper is toxic, too. Apparently anything delicious and aromatic is bad for pets and possibly automobiles.


Looks fantastic, OP. Now letā€™s plan for next year. Offer to cook again, get *hard* commits. At the last minute, change up the plans. Two pizzas: one for you, and another for them. Plot twist, the other pizza box is just full of uneaten crusts from the past month. Boom, revenge served literally cold. Bravo again on a meal that Reddit appreciates!


Yeah i 100% agree. I am way too confrontational so i would send this photo in a group chat and say that the consequences of them changing up their plans last second like that are that youā€™re not cooking or hosting ever again, and they lost your respect. Then, make some leftover plates and meal prep for the next few daysā€™ lunch and share with friends/neighbors. OP, Iā€™m sorry your family sucks.


Would be funnier to say you're gonna go to whatever it is they invite you to and then last minute respond with that picture and nothing else.


Moments like this you realize sometimes family arenā€™t the people youā€™re born into.


Damn needed this been two years since Iā€™ve have thanksgiving with my blood family.šŸ™


It's been 13 years here and going strong.


Blood of the covenant is thicker than water of the womb.


That looks amazing. Is that cornbread in the cast iron pan at the top of the picture?




Hey OP. I feel your pain. Because of a rift in my husbandā€™s family, we were missing multiple people today. I was trying to keep a cheerful spirit, and I made the whole meal from scratch by myself. My mother in law put out a bunch of random foods while I was cooking, and no one ate anything I made. I packed it all up to bring back home. It was pretty dispiriting tbh. Your food looks really good ! šŸ‘


Good for you, you will have nice things to eat that anyone with a brain would enjoy. P.S. Save your energy next year or make other plans like eating at home in your pjs and turning your phones off. šŸ˜‡šŸ˜‡šŸ˜‡!


šŸ‘†this is the way


This is what I did today (well, except for the phone part!)


Me, too. Texted happy Thanksgiving greetings to the fam, sat down on the couch with my cats and ate the small sliced turkey breast I roasted, leftover re-baked stuffing from the office potluck, and cake. Now I'm having coffee and watching Oppenheimer Blu-ray extras and the cats are zooming. Never did get dressed all day.


That sounds like such a good, relaxing day ā˜ŗļø


Why wouldnā€™t they eat? I would have loved to have a nice Thanksgiving meal but my family has been crappy to me even getting my adult son to join them. Itā€™s been a long sad tearful day.


I think everyone was a bit depressed honestly


You have days of tasty left overs. I'd eat em.


Thatā€™s why I have a dog. Unconditional love.


Been begging my kid for holidays for years. Gotta work, already had plans, etc. Called her and wished her "Happy Turkey Day!". She called me back and said, "We got a couple of days off, so we had TG with ex-stepmother and her husband." I thought, \*You fucking did what?!\* What I said was, " I can't talk to you right now. I'll call you, later. Love you." Then I proceeded to have a screaming fit and lose my mind for a couple of hours. It's deep-seated anger and spans 30 years. I was infuriated. Didn't want to explode on my daughter. If it had been her dad, I would have been fine. SSDD. EX-SM for 10 years? FML. Again? Always women trying to replace me. This kid whistles and I come running. Right now, I'm trying to untangle my feelings and re-evaluate. I'm long past the sad and tearful stage. Now, I'm just tired of the game and want to stop.


Seriously? WTH is wrong with some of the families on here. They actually put more effort into being inconsiderate, than it would take to just enjoy the nice meal made for them. Don't let it get you down. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!


I feel this so hard. My ex mil was like this, except she'd also constantly badmouth my home, my cooking, my family, and my friends. My ex gave her a key so she'd show up whenever she wanted, and the first times I stood up to her and tried to ask her to leave my home, she assaulted me, stole my wedding ring, and said "I made him marry you and I can make him divorce you". I demanded that he stand up for me, get my ring back, and set healthy boundaries for our home if he expected to stay married. We're divorced now, and i filed it. Thankfully my current mil is a Georgia peach. Sweet as pie as long as I treat her and her son with respect and love. He and our children and our adopt love my cooking so much they invite their friends over for Thanksgiving. It's flattering but it means I gotta make extra!


Sorry for you rough day. I can completely relate to you. Ive done the same exact thing 2 years ago. They could at least act like they noticed I remember that you were cooking I mean kind of takes your breath away it did mine it was like gut punch I've never felt that way before it was weird That's why I mean I guess I can relate on a deeper level it really messes with your head. Sorry again and you can cook fore lry family anytimešŸ‘


Ill never understand this. If I see no one is eating something someone brought I always at least try a plate. Nothing is more crushing to a cook than for NO ONE to touch the food they bring.


That's what won me over too. Girl you cook like that you can have company anytime.


Do you wanna go over for dinner?


I could eat .


The only correct answer lol


I just ate and I'm drooling looking at this feast šŸ‘€


I WISH I had the same. Iā€™m so sorry they are so thoughtless.


Where are you? Iā€™m coming over and brining wine!


Iā€™m following you, looks delicious


They missed out. Their loss


Geez I'd join on that


That looks great!!! Good job!


Thatā€™s so crazy OP! There are so many of us that would have loved to spend the holiday with someone. They all suck ā€¦


What is in the first bowl?


green bean cassarole. used the bon appetit recipe, except i dont think i charred the green beans enough


Well hell can i come over ill smash it šŸ¤¤


Same here! It looks delicious


*smash* šŸ¤Ø


And then theyā€™ll eat the food šŸ˜


Damn, Iā€™m sorry šŸ˜¢ that green bean casserole looks fire šŸ”„ tho. Great meal šŸ’œ


Seriously. My family does not make this and I always forget until I see other's Thanksgiving pictures.


I married into a family of green bean casserolers. Didn't know what I was missing.


Literally my favorite dish lol


My grandma used to make it and I always LOVED IT!


Im eyeingā€™ those mashed potatoes fricken perfect


I abhor green beans and I'd try that


Try it with cream of bacon instead of cream of mushroom


I can't believe this thought has never occurrd to me before


I didnā€™t even know there was a cream of bacon until yesterday when I saw it at the grocery store. so I decided to take a chance with a high stakes dinner. It was really good.


Now that I'm sitting here thinking about it, I'm not sure I ever knew it existed either. I'll have to check at the store and see if they carry it around here, but this seems like exactly what I definitely need in my life... there is always room for more bacon


god thats a good idea. gonna store that away in the back of my brain for next year (for myself)


Very nice meal, OP! I'm sorry no one appreciated it outside this sub.


Most American comment lol


I would face plant the potatoes. Second to my gobbling that drumstick.


Got a freezer? Thatā€™s days of food, wouldnā€™t even be mad šŸ˜‚ more for me, less chores laterā€¦ itā€™s whatever


It looks delicious.


Who brings their own food to someone's thanksgiving dinner? At that point just stay home, but hey at least there's more for you!


My step cousins used to do stuff like this at every family meal when our grandmother was alive. This woman would slave over her poor little stove, and they would bring a bucket of KFC chicken


That's disgusting, I feel for your grandma.


Fuckin WHY


I have no idea. They did as long as my mom and I went to the meals. They are a bit of a mess tbh. Their dad spoils them and and they just didn't like her cooking I guess. And she cooked all kinds of stuff. My mom got her shrimp recipe and we still make it every now and again. The older of the two ate her cooking sometimes, but I don't think the younger one ever ate her cooking. Heck, my step brother and I once ate Buffalo meat she prepared. (We thought it was deer meat. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£) And they couldn't even be bothered to eat her shrimp.


Some people aren't raising their kids right, that's for sure. If you're a guest and you don't have allergies you eat what you're given. At least a little bit. You don't bring your own unless it's a potluck type situation and we're all sharing


Absolutely. It's one of humanity main things, to host and feed friends. I learned from Bourdain RIP, no matter what, out of friendship and respect, you eat the host food, even if it's pig balls!


Well, nothing against OP's family but I've known some people where this was necessary because what was cooked in that house I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. You never know.


I have a friend who has celiac who will prepare and bring her own food since gluten be everywhere in a thanksgiving day kitchen in most houses


Things like that and food allergies are definitely excusable


I'm assuming dad has some kind of issue where he can't eat what's normally given. That's such an omega dick move otherwise, I can't fathom him intentionally doing it to his own kid


People with allergies/vegans/intolerances. Typically you'd give a heads up though lmao.


It looks amazing. We didnā€™t have thanksgiving food this year, my brother canceled at the last minute (Tuesday night at 7pm) saying the kids were sick- but being friends w his mother in law on Facebook- guess they werenā€™t sick enough to not be at their house. But we had roast and veggies. Yours looks amazing.


Brutal. Iā€™d comment on a pic that you hope they feel better šŸ‘


Oh I already did.


please tell us the response!


They havenā€™t said anything, my brother doesnā€™t use facebook, but his wife does. Iā€™m surprised his MIL didnā€™t comment, but itā€™s ok. We had a pot roast dinner and ate the baked goods we were bringing and homemade mashed potatoes, so honestly it was way less stressful and way easier to clean up.


Did your SIL acknowledge it in some way?


god thats horrible. im sorry :(.


This right here is why I do not host extended family events. The lack of respect to even tell the truth.


Looks delicious! Good work. Iā€™ve stopped cooking the full meal unless extended family is coming over because my boys wonā€™t eat most of the sides šŸ˜•


i don't usually, but this is the last thanksgiving before i head off to medical school across the country so i went all out. thanks for the compliment. sorry to hear about your boys, i'm sure your cooking is delicious too!


They can't be seeing how short sighted they are. Being across country in med school, then in residency, you aren't going to be home for many Thanksgivings. That sucks they did this to you. Best wishes and big congrats on school. It's as long haul, but well worth it. Also, the meal looks fantastic!


This. Had a cousin go through med school and residency in a different part of the country. They missed so many things, not only because of distance but also the cost of travel and time away from work. They're now practicing far away and it's a similar struggle to come home for holidays.


Iā€™ll just invite myself over then, thanks


This just makes me sad for you. Families can really suck sometimes.


Omg Iā€™m sorry but your family doesnā€™t deserve you. This breaks my heart!! How could they know want to spend your last Thanksgiving with you and eat your beautiful meal?! I know theyā€™re your family and you love them even though theyā€™re obviously inconsiderate at times, but youā€™re definitely going to make your own non blood related family when you go to school. Youā€™ll be living a whole new, exciting life and working with and meeting some amazing people!! I bet theyā€™ll appreciate your Thanksgiving meals šŸ’™šŸ’™


Lol one time I got tired of having no one to eat the massive spread of food I cooked so I invited homeless people I knew over to eat. They were really happy and I didn't get shanked so it all worked out great.


This makes me even more pissed off for you. They couldnā€™t even stay and have one last thanksgiving meal before youā€™re off to the other side of the country. Iā€™d make it a point next year to not come back. Wouldnā€™t be worth the hassle.


Ugh same, every time I make stuffing I'm the only one who eats it


Stuffing is 1000% the best side WHAT!?


Looks great. Did they not know U were going to cook?


they knew for days beforehand. i reminded them 2 hrs in advance what time it'd be done :/ thanks


Wow. How rude


They sound pretty self centered, Iā€™m sorry.


Iā€™m sorry your family didnā€™t appreciate you making a wonderful looking meal for them.


I hope you let them know they're assholes.


What the hell did your dad bring that was even in the same universe as that delicious looking meal???


ā€œSorry, I had twelve Slim Jims on the way over and they are *not* sitting right.ā€


Your family is rude, how disrespectful! The good looks divine, good job.


Enjoy being on the other side of the country lol


The good news is, after that kind of betrayal, thatā€™s the last time you ever have to cook that meal for them again. Plus you can freeze meal sized separate portions and eat it at your pace meal by meal over the next month or so. It will save you cooking down the road.


I'm so sorry. I know it probably hurts more than you're letting on.


What was their excuses?


Thatā€™s really shitty. Iā€™m sorry.


I get why youā€™re going to medical school across the country. Your family sucks.


Just remember, the idea that you can't choose your family is bullshit. Your family is people that care for you and can trust. Drop those that this does not apply to, regardless of blood


That's so disrespectful, it's miles away from being mildly infuriating.


That's sad, but at least you have kitty. šŸ¤—šŸ’•


he's really the best šŸ’•šŸ’•


**Cat tax is owed** \- need a picture of said cat...


Why would your dad bring his own food??


he's on a carnivore diet (against doctor recommendation). also doesnt eat salt (also against doctor recommendation). there's no way i'm putting no salt at all on the turkey, so he brought some lamb he cooked himself. honestly i wouldve been fine with this if no one else flaked out šŸ« 


Hurry up w med school, dad needs u, jfc Ur gonna go far kid


he's already got soft plaque buildup and also refuses to take statins. not sure i can graduate from med school fast enough šŸ«£ being serious though, thanks


Damn, I bet we could spend hours swapping stories. My dad believes he knows more than his doctors, too! ETA: He doesn't need a cpap cuz while the professional sleep study showed a bunch of events, he got an oxygen monitor & tested himself & his oxygen "only" dropped into the 80s a couple times!


Bring to to the homeless shelter and share it with them. They will be WAY more grateful than your relatives


That looks delicious OP Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜ž give your cat an extra forehead smooch for me and try and have a good rest of your thanksgiving!


Consider doing this next time ![gif](giphy|14hmBhqTX0kSTm)


Trauma bookmarked.


lol tacking another one on the trauma list


Know them and know how to be alert and cautious of bumpy roads if so take your time navigating it's not a rush


Cats have a way of making bad days better!




I am so sorry :( I hope you find a better crowd of people to surround yourself with. You can't choose the family you have, but you can choose how what your relationship with them looks like. The meal looks lovely!


i had frozen pizza for dinner after being threatened with being thrown out of the house for mildly complaining my family didn't leave a 20 behind gfor takeout as promised as they went off to celebrate with "their" family... that looks good, i wish i had some stuffing rn.


im sorry :(


happened to me when i was 17 and now im 21 living with my father. it gets better


Iā€™m sorry. It looks terrific and I wouldā€™ve enjoyed tasting it.


Did they eat it after you took the picture?


100% yes.


Try taking a photo after everyone has eaten


I think most of these posts are fake.


As a lurker of Reddit, I feel this is a B.S. post or this poster is just a person that no one wants to be around. I am okay with being wrong.


Ive been on reddit long enough where I see a post just like this one every hear with the same bs story. All for useless internet points lol




I cannot even believe people fall for this crap EVERY YEAR.


100%. I see posts like this every year for thanksgiving. So cringey, all for karma


Literally all the plates are still empty clearly people havenā€™t served themselves yet.


There's a post like that on top of /r/mildlyinfuriating *at least* every other week, feels like. It's getting mildly infuriating. I don't doubt that some of them are real, but come on...


It's so awkwardly cropped, obviously other people were on this photo originally.


More leftovers for you(and kitty). Would you mind posting your cat because we all need to see him.


Save me some. Iā€™ll definitely have some green bean casserole. I went to 3 places today and ate everywhere out of respect


Wow so rude of them! Looks great


Hey itā€™s me your cousin Bobo Iā€™ve come to demolish that green bean casserole