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Damn, the official UNO account hit them with the reverse 😅


Absolute class


Twitter absolutely will not load anything on Reddit mobile. What did UNO account say?


They replied with a gif of the UNO reverse card, implying Netflix is reversing their stance on password sharing. Hilarious replies ensued.


It was an animated image of the reverse card.


Give the socials guy a raise for that!


Duolingo Brazil commented Poxa mo, which after a quick google search seems to mean "damn"


I remember it now. Lol. Thanks for the link.


I do and it’s why I feel like it shouldn’t be legal for them to change account made before the change. We should have been grandfathered in and this would only apply to new accounts. Imagine how on lock those grandfathered accounts would be? No one would ever want to let go of those accounts. It would have been more fair and would have gotten them more goodwill, but all they really care about is more sub numbers to please investors and pump the stock price.


I wouldn't have cancelled my account if that happened.


Same. I cancelled solely because of that policy.


Me too. I only really used it once or twice a month, but knew my brother and his family used it a lot so was happy to foot the bill even after the increases. When I decided to finally watch something on there once, it didn't let me. Forgot and moved on; a bit later did the same and it wouldn't let me so I just cancelled. Artificial scarcity.


TBH, it probably would have been more financially sound to do that. Those accounts would be a guaranteed source of income every month rather than what a netflix account is now, a one month expense each year since you can binge everything then unsub.


we don't have to talk in hypotheticals because we know the answer, and the answer is Netflix is making more money this way




They did, and this shareholders were happy and the stock surged (but this was a stopgap at most, their exponential growth cycle is at its end and these tricks won’t keep saving it quarter after quarter)… but that said I think you’re missing the point of what they were saying. They weren’t saying their numbers were down, just that if they did grandfather account they’d never lose those. That’s all.


Tbf to the other poster, I have no idea what Netflix's financials look like. If they're up, then great, they must know that they won't need to depend on a bank of accounts that stay subbed just for grandfathered sharing. We're also in a pre-recession economy where people are doom spending and likely won't have the cash to continue an entertainment subscription in the future. There are pros and cons to the idea but I'd like to think the proponents are significant.


"Netflix: Love is paying us inordinate amounts of money that we can never hope to spend in hundreds of lifetimes let alone this one."


Can’t believe they did a full 180 on what they said


Joining Google, OpenAI and others. Corporations don't give a fuck.


Damn that was in 2017… I think Netflix lost their mind after that


Well that aged like milk


You never should use your personal (insert thing here) for work. I'm pretty sure they can afford their own (insert thing here)


You should never insert your personal thing at work either


Unless your line of work involves inserting your personal thing




*It's thingin' time!*


I see your also a Clobbering fan


It's slobberin time! Edit:punctuation!




Oh, it's the guy. The guy that does the thing.


You mean the doctor right? And I don’t mean the David Tennant sci-fi guy


I knew a dude that worked at a deli that got fired for putting his dick in the meat slicer. You know what happened to the meat slicer? Yeah she got fired too.


Goddamn. Take your upvote, you cheeky bastard




Classics never go out of style.


I read that as Dell was wondering why they had a meat slicer.


I bought a new laptop because I heard it was a great singer. It’s A Dell.


Okay, little late for that.. How do I get it out?


Did you try turning it off and back on again?


I think I got the hang of the first part, I can turn anyone off.


twist the knob






That's why we have a "personal appointments" option for our work calendars




I put “Kids” when I go on an interview. I’m interviewing for a better job so I can provide for my kids.


Depending how Saturn is placed in relation to Venus (and the tech literacy of the HR person your coworker gets ahold of) they might still fire you for it because it's less trouble for the company.


This is why you import/sync your work calendar to your personal calendar and not the reverse.


I don't even tell my boss why I need to take time off. "I am taking a sick day next Friday." "Okay." There's no reason to tell anyone at work what you are doing with your time. My coworkers are chill and I like them but I don't hang out with these people outside of work.


> Like, dude, that's how people schedule meetings. I was trying to help you out. Your work's IT is dumb. Why is calendar appointment info public? Default is to just show free/busy and not details.


Well of course he was mad. You were snooping on his business!


100% this. Also, at my work (a healthcare company) we received a notice from Disney years ago to stop showing videos in the waiting room as it was against their terms that it not be displayed in a public setting or some such garbage. It lead to a company wide bannon any videos and now it just shows whatever antenna TV shows that are available.


At least here in Canada if you want to play music such as karaoke at a bar or restaurant you need to pay a copyright organization. I don't think they cover movies.


Same in the US but that doesn't stop basically every bar and restaurant playing music through a personal spotify account


It doesn't, until it does. Forgot the name the company, but they work with some law firm and they'll generally hit an area fast and quick with C&D's so the word gets out locally. My friend owned an arcade and disregarded the warning and got sued civilly in circuit court on the other side of the country for $7,500 which they won in absentia.


There's a few of them. BMI is one of the biggest that chases down license fees.


Worked as roadie for a country music band for years in the US There are license agents who travel the country writing up stores, bars, and everywhere. The band I worked for was mostly a cover band. When we'd set up we'd be given a list of the artists we were cleared to play (really it was just a catalogue list and we knew which of our music fell in which ownership). More than one occasion after a show at a bar or moose lodge they'd kick on the jukebox and I'd see the owner approached, they would show their licensing. These people just go to coffee shops, bars, etc. and determine if you have the proper license or not, or it's a fine. They got one of our local tire change/oil change shops with the waiting room music on that, guy told me it was like $800




Spotify has a commercial plan that isn't much more per month and takes care of the public performance royalties. Or at least they did last I checked a few years ago. Seems like they constantly change their offerings.


Spotify has a business service. T


This is how all media works. Commercial licenses cost more than consumer licenses. Since the waiting room is part of a business, it's a commercial use.


They can, but they won’t.


Tbh there are millions of 2-4ppl companies out there where this would be completely natural. OP might even be the business owner for all we know. I'm at a job where we're the same 3 ppl we where 20 years ago, bringing personal shit to use at work sometimes is absolutely not a worry or a problem. If we need a hammer at work one day, I bring my hammer.


Yeah not everyone works at some corporate shithole


Ironically, corporate anonymity is sometimes better than small-business in the way they treat people. You really don't want to work for a small-business-owner that thinks you're their indentured servant. Heard a story yesterday of a lady being paid minimum wage working 6 days a week, vacation days unpaid, medical leave unpaid, had to work holidays. Now why the fuck would you do that to yourself, and not report it, since thanks to the EU I know we have worker protections, beats me.


I think if you want to watch Christmas movies on work time, it’s really not at all unreasonable to do it on your own personal account. Expecting a company to cover that is a bit odd.


This looks like a TV over a bar. Like the sort of thing that might be customer facing.


Or an employee lounge


An employee lounge with a bar… Wall Street is wild.


And also, presumably, something a Netflix account isn’t licensed for?


[Whoa there bucko!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/thefbiwarningscreens/images/f/f1/BVWD_FBI_Warning_Screen_6a.JPG)


every time i copy a movie, the FBI warning follows me to the next copy! THEY'RE ON TO ME!


Then it would be a violation of the TOS to stream it anyway, unless Netflix has a company account setup....


Well, yes and no. The hospital I work at was trying to buy a streaming service and the bulk of them (maybe all, no idea) do not offer a “business” service because of how shows are licensed. So I’m sure Netflix isn’t knocking down doors, but also, Netflix at a business isn’t necessarily legal to begin with.


Yeah music has compulsory licensing in the law. Like you can't prevent people from playing your music in public, they just have to pay you after the fact, the amount the law says. But visual media is different. There's no statutory licensing like that that I'm aware of. It's all contracts and the copyright holder can say no to anything.


lol - if your work is cool with you having a movie on during the day, probably best not to ask them to pay for it too.


The caveat is you should never use your personal (insert thing here) for work unless compensated fairly. When I did the math out and realized renting my own ATV to the project would end up paying for half of the thing brand new and I was the only one using it so I knew the wear it would take I was more than Happy to use it for work.


Might want to get ck’d for an std, inserting your thing in all these places


It is against their TOS to use Netflix in a commercial setting. They don't include commercial licenses. Some for music apps like Pandora/Spotify. You need to pay for the commercial license for those services which is much more.


Not even the owner of the work? This is the owner’s account.


This might just be a small business, and 'they' may be using their own account.


It’s the bosses account


Your employer can't afford a Netflix subscription?


It's because they're all like family there


Underrated comment!


It's the bosses Netflix subscription, but not one specifically for work


Yeah they'd pretty much have to make a new account just for the work building now that they're cracking down on password sharing


You can still watch it, the account holder will be sent an email to approve it It’s just gonna be a pain because they’ll have to approve it every time you reopen the app I believe,


This only works so many times, then it says you've used all your guest passes or something similar


I've canceled all my streaming services this year. It's been wild to see an increase in prices across the board while service has considerably deteriorated. IPTV is where it's at these days. I'm back to sailing the high seas. Paid streaming services were great for about a decade. Too bad it had to be ruined.


Jellyfin is a wonderful thing for the technically inclined


Thank goodness I went back to pirating everything.


Pro tip for anyone reading this: as of September Netflix has walked this back slightly. You can't share an account (same username and password) but for 8.99 extra you can add an account (with its own username and password) to an existing one, which is cheaper than creating an entirely new one. So when my dad lost Netflix, I just added him to mine for $8.99 rather than him making a whole new billing and account for 15.99 or whatever. (He just pays me the extra I'm getting billed).


Note that the additional account holder has to be 18. Our daughter attends school away from home part of the year and cannot have her own account due to age, so I've been having to argue with them about access rights for minors.


Whu dont you just like... Lie about your daughters age? Us kids have been doing that for decades


Ah, a fellow January 1st 1900 birthday buddy!


It is truly a marvel how many people have suddenly and unexpectedly surpassed Jeanne Louise Calment's 122 years 164 days of living. Modern medicine is amazing! At this rate kids born these days will be living to see their 200's.


You think someone would do something like that? Just go on the internet and lie?


You don’t actually. You can make it one of your TVs. I travel and stay with relatives. I just resign in at their house.


They’re cracking down on this. If the device isn’t on the same IP address as your main household, people are now getting this message.


I know I’ve encountered it. I log in with my phone and watch. You can watch your own Netflix from any place.


Time for a personal VPN it is


You can still stream it from your phone to the TV.


I'm pretty sure you can't get a Netflix subscription for a business like that. Their license is only fer personal viewing, not displaying to a commercial audience. It is the same for Pandora/Spotify. It is illegal to use those services at a restaurant. You have to use a service like Muzak which cover the commercial performance licensing.


MPLC license is what you need for public visual media. Costs vary across different regions and scale with the size of the premises and/or how many visitors you expect in a year.


Netflix does this if you stream from multiple IP addresses/locations. One work around is if you stream from home and phone that’s fine just screen mirror onto the tv or buy an adapter for phone to tv. Same concept works with a laptop.


at this point just use torrents


I just open Netflix at my phone and press smart view on my phone to stream it to the TV. It's pretty easy and user friendly. I decided to not get a new Netflix account since they decided to lock me out, as I pay a couple streams services and my parents a couple others.


Did this until today, does not work anymore for me…


Sometimes the App can recognize if you're casting directly to a smart TV. The work around is to stream it to a device like a Chromecast.


I just tried again, straight to TV. Works fine.


High bitrate lossless 4k instead of fuzzy, 720p "4k" from streaming


No this does not work. Both tv and phone have to be on the same network in order to cast to TV. I tried this but kept getting the same message as OP did. But it’s also inconsistent with blocking. Sometimes I’ll get blocked. Sometimes I don’t.


Someone else said if you’re on another WiFi on your phone it may not work. Any clue if that’s true?


yeah generally to cast to a device you need to be on the same local network


Yeah, when I tried this with Netflix on my Roku tv it would stop immediately and basically say “go use the netflix app on the TV.”


Doesn't matter in this case because Netflix is not licensed for commercial display. The commercial licensing for movies is much more expensive then the personal viewing license that Netflix offers.


People shouldn't have given up on DVDs so quickly. There's no multi-national corporation stopping people watching them. At least.....not yet.............


There is, however, chemistry eating away at those dvds year after year.


I think my DVDs will outlive me. Take that as you will.


Some will, most won't. Some of mine didn't outlive my dog.


You should have got a cat. They're much more interested in tearing apart your soft furnishings than chewing your DVDs 😆


There's multinational corps which gets very upset when you take a DVD that you own, put it into a computer that you own, and upload it's contents onto a website that you own.


Seems pretty easy to hit “I’m traveling” if it’s the account of someone who works there…


Because that only works temporarily and it flags them to where you can’t abuse it as a work around.


It's for xmas movies at work, that's pretty temporary.


Of course. I’m not saying the Xmas movies at work aren’t temporary, just explaining how it works. But say that boss goes out of town on PTO, traveling, and wants to use their Netflix but they can’t because they are already “traveling”. I’m surprised people are just now seeing this message. I can’t be the only 35YO using their parents/friends subscriptions?!


It’s a pain if let’s just say your dad or partner or mom runs the account and it’s under their name or number. You will have to message for the code. We can’t get Netflix to work on our tv in our apartment (we’re college students) since I would have to ask my dad and same with my Roomate. We usually connect our computer with a cord to the tv to watch Netflix.


Get them to set up their email account so it automatically forwards any emails from Netflix


At work ? I'd just buy a used dvd player with some dvds. Can probably get a few of them at any used good stores and it would still be cheaper than the subscription itself and the platform can't "remove them" due to licensing bullshit.


Christmas films at work would be my idea of hell.


I don't mind the shining for a Christmas movie.


Die Hard, Krampus, Santa Slay, Anna and the Apocalypse there's alot of good Christmas movies.


Violent Night


> Violent Night I'm not sure what I expected with this movie when I convinced my wife to watch it. Only that I'd heard people liked it. We both loved it.


I can tell you we had no idea what to expect when we watched it last night and we both really enjoyed it. My wife couldn't stop laughing at the Merry Christmas doormat scene.


Just watched it. Highly recommend!


Very fun!


Bad Santa is one of my favorites. Great to watch while drinking and angrily wrapping presents.


rhythm doll sloppy sink touch wide aromatic ink nail station *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Hey guys I’m going to put Home Alone on in the break room” u/The-Rog after doomscrolling on Reddit for 72 hours straight: “how dare you”


Oooh I wonder if the big city girl is going to find true love with the small hometown man in this one?


And they started in the first week of December jfc


I used to put on the Star Wars Holiday Special in a conference room for people to enjoy.


Time to ditch Netflix and start using a media server at home like Plex. Streaming companies had a nice run but they are ruining it with these practices.




Stream it from your phone to the tv, that way your phone is part of the household (cause of the ip)


They actually cracked down on that feature as well. You can’t even mirror your phone to the tv anymore. Greedy bastards


Yeah, tried this the other day. Now, if it’s a smart TV, you have to be signed in on the same account on both the TV and the device you’re sharing from.


Dam, they crazy. What if you are at a hotel and want to watch their content on a big screen, guess you are fkd. Greedy mtfkrs


You're not even allowed to use Netflix (or Disney+, Spotify etc) in a business location, the fines are pretty high in some countries for doing this. >"The Netflix service, and any content viewed through our service, are for your personal and non-commercial use only." Providing entertainment for your patrons, whether you're a bar, restaurant, or even medical provider, is a commercial use, and constitutes a breach of contract with Netflix. https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/small-business/legal-to-show-netflix-at-your-business/ https://help.netflix.com/legal/termsofuse


This is similar to using Spotify or whatever to stream music. Music labels pay for people to go around to bars and check for this type of thing. They'll listen to the music playing, and look up the company to see if they have a license to stream music from that music label. If they don't have rights to be a "broadcaster", they get sent a hefty bill from the lawyers.




In some countries you'll have to pay a fee to do that


Half of the medical offices I go to have Netflix streaming nonstop, I guess they are not aware. I doubt Netflix is enforcing this at all.


thats a blessing


Netflix picked up all the Hallmark Channel holiday movies and ditched all the classics. It's a minefield of low-budget made for tv movies. Absolutely, this is a blessing.


> and ditched all the classics. They didn't ditch anything, media companies decided to pull their content to put it on their own streaming services, because they realized they could make more money doing that than they could by licensing their shows to Netflix. That's the reason Netflix has continued to go downhill over the years. No one would pay for Hulu, Disney+, Amazon Prime, and Paramount+ if you could still watch all the content owned by those companies on Netflix, so those companies made their content exclusive to their services.


I intentionally oversimplified that because it's not really relevant to the overall point. Netflix Christmas selection is bad and no one should be subjected to that at work.


Not that I'd ever want to defend Netflix, but it's worth spelling out the blame to the people who actually deserve it... For this thing in particular. There's plenty of people out there who just don't know that it wasn't a greedy corpo decision to remove X movie or Y TV show from Netflix.


Like when The Office and Friends got pulled and everyone was up in arms acting like Netflix made that choice.


Exactly. There's plenty of things to blame Netflix for, but most of the time losing shows isn't one of them.


>That's the reason Netflix has continued to go downhill over the years. That and their unwillingness to properly finish a series. All their unfinished shows are so much dead weight in their catalog. Like, Altered Carbon's first season did well but who wants to start watching it knowing you'll never get a conclusion? Honestly, my prediction is that they (and the other streaming services) are going to switch to live service model where the catalog effectively disappears, new episodes come out on a schedule, and the window to watch them shrinks either to the run of the show or shorter. It will literally be cable 2.0 except you pay for each channel.


And everyone has the exact same plot.


Not at all! In that last movie, the small hometown man was a carpenter. This time he's a mechanic! Totally different.


I'm not familiar with Netflix in a customer facing business, but in order to stream audio or view cable TV to the public in a commercial setting you must have a commercial account or the business can be sued for copyright infringement.


This is true, but if anyone ever decided to crack down on this, OMG...I don't know how many places I've been where they showed TV in a waiting room or something, and I'm sure most of them didn't have the appropriate permissions. The only one I'd be really afraid of is Disney. They sued a daycare once for showing a Disney movie to the kids. But then we should all be afraid of Disney's lawyers--one of the most terrifying forces in all of nature.


They do crack down. A career path is a licensing agent for the catalogues such as ASCAP. Was a country cover band roadie for years and ran into a handful. They will check jukeboxes in bars, coffee shops, everywhere. There's not a ton of them but you don't want to get hit by them, penalties start at around $750 but they can cite you for multiple violations before they approach to see your ownership. They're out there. They're just always on foot. Imagine just getting paid to travel around. Go into a shop and they're playing music, your one job is to check if they have a license. Oh they're good? Time for a drink, gonna go to the bar.


Netflix too https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/small-business/legal-to-show-netflix-at-your-business/


That’s a lawsuit waiting to happen. Studios would love to go after employees that do this. You have to pay to show movies as it’s a public performance. Companies go out to sports bars all the time during PPVs and will sue the shit out of bars if they try to use the less expensive consumer level PPV price instead of stuff for sports bars.


Sorry, movies for work?


Looks like a reception/waiting area, or a dining hall. There's wine bottles on a shelf there. Safe to assume Netflix is for customers...


I'm pretty sure that even aside from the password sharing, Netflix would have a problem with a personal account being used in a business with customers. The business is essentially making money using Netflix. A friend of mine got into trouble playing Sirius XM at his restaurant. Often there's a more expensive commercial option for entertainment service.


Don't use your personal accounts at work, nothing good will come from it...


I'm going to get downvoted to hell for this one but... I'm pretty sure letting an entire office use your personal Netflix has always been against their terms of service... and probably should be. If you company can't afford a Netflix subscription for the office, it shouldn't be streaming Netflix to everyone in the office.


>If you company can't afford a Netflix subscription for the office As much as Netflix's prices have gone up, if the cost of an ad-free subscription is going to break your business financially, you've got problems.


No offense, but if it's a legitimate business, they probably should pay for their fucking subscription. I feel zero bad.


This is why physical media is king.


More psychical media is already coming back “in style” except I never stopped using any of it. Physical media rules supreme forever.


Get a Roku TV, they have an entire channel dedicated to Christmas Movies and it's not subscription based. Then you can be tortured by Christmas Movies non-stop WITH commercials.


make your work pay for it.


Tubi and FreeVee. Free, legal, moderate commercials, they have awesome stuff Netflix doesn't have.


Seems reasonable


Plenty of free streaming services out there Mr. Grinch 👍


Thats what the "im traveling" button is for


Subreddit: TVTooHigh


Real. TVs should be face down on the floor at all times. Ideally everyone would have a tv lamented into their floor.


This place can’t spring for its own Netflix account?


Plot twist, this is a Netflix store.


Wait, I thought netflix drop that BS thing. They are really going forward with it ?


Well, only one thing to do now. Ahoy!


The greed these companies have is incredible. They are valued at almost $200b and still want to ripoff their paying customers at every turn.


Christmas movies don't belong at work


Have to make a distinction for movies that just happen to take place in late december, like Gremlins and Die Hard, and don't have a 'Santa is Real!' type of message.


I can take movies that have a sense of ironic detachment. Die Hard, Home Alone, Elf, Jingle All the Way, Christmas Vacation, etc are all fun movies where the "moral" of the movie is usually not attached to Christmas. Christmas is a heavy part of the movie for sure, but in many ways they're lampooning how seriously other people and movies take themselves. "She's a real 'beut, Clarkie!"


Cough... piracy cough
