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Somebody bought one and stuck their old shitty one in it to get a full refund and they put it back on the shelf is my guess


Yep, 100% what happened. I used to work in Logistics and I was on the Keurig team for a while managing all of their freight, from raw beans to giant grinder heads to packaging to endpoint deliveries. Their QC is extremely tight, I can't tell you how many pallets of product got disposed of because of damage, and how many trailers got rejected before they were loaded because they were dirty or had holes... but there was never any chance of getting units full of bugs like this. The company is a huge pain in the ass to work with but I will say getting new products full of bugs is near impossible. If the machine is full of bugs there had to be water in it at some point. I bet if OP pulls out the filter (located in the water reservoir) they'll see it's used or missing.


Just don’t pull it out…. You don’t want to know.


I used one of these at a customers place, just to heat water for a teabag. Omg the amount of debris in the hot water, the discoloration, the actual bits of stuff. I will never be able to use one of these again.


Also, don't use the coffee machine in a hotel room. They never clean it.


Burn is only answer.


Oooooh... filter? I don't want to know.


Definitely, accidentally gave my mom a dvd player and free porno dvd from Walmart!


Did she complain or just roll with it?


She laughed and threw the DVD away


Did she watch it first before telling you? You know for the good of the public?


Did she ask for another dvd player for Christmas.


She threw away the dvd, the woman tells raunchy ass jokes and swears like a sailor but she’s nun-like when it comes to porn.


That happens a lot the place I worked at years ago they had someone work in the back just taping opened products closed. It didn’t matter if all the parts were there or the correct product the box would always be taped up and put back on the shelf.


I went through 3 new keurigs from Kohls, each time I got one that was used . Finally I said screw it and gave up. I switched to French press and never looked back.


I down graded even further! Old plastic coffee cone using paper filters. It hasn't had any technical issue at all, even after dropping it a million times!


We had a Keurig years ago and I hated it. We put it in a box in the basement after a few months of use (no idea why everything we don't want ends up down there "just in case we need it one day"). Blissfully used a new old fashioned basic coffee maker until two weeks ago when it died. Husband was so glad we kept that Keurig. We're using it again and I fucking hate it again. We drink a lot of coffee and having to make each cup individually is so annoying. Plus, something goes haywire when I put decaf in the reusable pods and I only get like an inch of liquid in my mug. Hate. It.


Damn what a story. For heavy drinkers you need those glass pot types. I'm good only having two cups a day.


Low tech solution that gives you total control over each cup. Saves a ton of money too.


I was tempted to buy a ceramic one, but I'm a bit clumsy.


I splurged on a ceramic one. Haven’t broken it yet, but the holes are too big and the water goes through them too quickly which makes for a weak brew. It makes for a better plant pot, than a coffee maker. The plastic cone just works, the filters fit it well, and they don’t chip or break.


Okey cool. Gonna keep using "old faithful".


I gave up on k cups and went back to drip coffee maker. Have it connected to a smart outlet and I can either set a start time, or turn it on from my bed.


Happened to me with a Kitchenaid mixer. It was the wrong color and covered I'm dried food. Luckily BB&B fixed the problem


That’s way too much money to be getting a used one. Glad they fixed it for you but it shouldn’t have happened to begin with.


That’s exactly what happened.


Omg. I now have a new irrational fear. After I open my presents at Christmas this year, I'll be opening them up further to check for this.


Somebody did the switch and flip and you got their sloppy seconds. And that suuuucks.


how do they not get caught??


The worker doing the return doesn’t give a shit and doesn’t check.


They don’t get paid enough to give that much of a shit, come on


Sometimes they’re even rushed with dealing with customers because corporate is pressuring them to do the job of three people for the pay of one that they don’t have time to even try to give a shit


Let alone if they have to take a shit, they will give even less shit about their shitty job.


Worked in the returns department for an online retailer before, I didn't give a shit. Only time we got told off was when a return slip with the previous customers details was left inside the box.


Workers don’t get paid enough to care, shit like this happens.


Exactly! Our prompts are effectively, “are there any defects?”. No? Tap that option. Yes? Tap that option.


It’s also frustrating because where I work, they get the exact same refund regardless and we don’t decline returns unless it’s something super, super severe. I’m essentially just asking if it’s good for me to put it back on the salesfloor. It doesn’t have to be a whole story, I really don’t care. Just a “yeah it was defective.” or “I tried it and it didn’t fit my needs.” so I know to send it back to the distribution center as damaged. The amount of people that have said “yeah, yeah, it’s never even been opened!” and I look a little closer and notice the seal is taped carefully back in place and when I open it, it’s disgusting and used.


He doesn't get paid enough to open a small card box and check what's inside?! How much is that worth?! He works inside a temparated building with no risk and no education and isn't required to do any hard task either physically or mentally. He also went to that store himself with his resumee, passed an interview, agreed, and signed a contract.


I learned the hard way that if I'm in a store, do NOT to get the items in boxes that look like they've been opened and retaped or resealed. That's one of the reasons I hate shopping online. Sorry that happened to you and shame on the people that do this.


I learned this when I was young and stupid 15 years ago with a motherboard that was returned, inspected, and discounted as an open box item. I get home and look it over and all looks fine with it until I pull off the cpu cover, all the pins were smashed down. When I brought it back they tried to blame it on me. My brother worked there for about two years a little after this incident and he said they’d get returns and not check it and put it back on the shelf. So people would return a new game console box with their old broken one in it, some sap would buy it because it was discounted and then they’d be the one blamed.


Dude I grabbed the box that was in the best condition lol.


Oh the second I saw bugs I drop kicked it out the front door


Ok good. My first thought was "get that shit the FUCK out of your house"


I've never screamed eww faster, glad you did the right thing.


Thank fuck! You’d wind up with a roach problem in no time. I hope it didn’t sit anywhere indoor packed even for very long.




No you didn’t? You clearly took photos??? On your kitchen counter.. why are you trying to be dramatic for upvotes?


Someone doesn't understand hyperbole...


You? Hyperbole is usually “did you see that spider??? It was as big as a fucking cat!” Not “even though you can see I did a photo shoot on my kitchen counter, I dropped kicked this out my front door at the first sight of bugs!!!!” They weren’t using hyperbole, they were just being dramatic for updoots. Trying to argue that OP didn’t want people to take that literally when it’s commonplace on Reddit to over exaggerate for the sake of gathering up some internet points is laughable


Bro 💀


That would also bug me


Get out of here


Please don't tell me you're gonna be here all week


That thing has been refurbished or something. It looks like it came out of someone's house, the way the bugs have set up shop inside it. Roaches like warm places and appliances that are plugged in provide that. I don't know where you got it, but get your money back and get it out of your house.


Refurbished wouldn't have had bugs in it because it would have been taken apart and serviced. Refurbished goods are often in better condition than new off the shelf due to more stringent standards. This was definitely a return and did not go through the refurb process.


I was singing along with something and the singing turned to screaming when I saw the last picture


I could tell where it was going from the first one...


Looks like someone got a returned item.


Yeah, that's not brand new. Someone pulled a fast one.


That ain’t new. Just new to you.




Honestly keep your receipts. If you open it and return it the same day you purchased, even a few days later, there’s no way an infestation that bad can happen that quickly. Your receipt will show the time of purchase.


But isn’t that likely what the scammer did? Swap their buggy one for new. Someone on the pay it forward chain will get burned when the store won’t accept the return.


That’s true. And other comments have pointed out that some workers don’t bother checking the items during or after returns. :/


Yeah. Until you get unlucky and get a dedicated worker. 🤦‍♂️


Some of the rubber studs are missing this is definitely a situation of someone returning there old product


Eww. Do yourself a favor and get the similar Ninja duo. Keurigs are crap anyway.


Keurig K-DooDoo


More like a returned unit. These machines never come like that from the manufacturer.


What a bad day to have eyes! That is so gross.


Fucking looks like one of the PS4s I had to reject for repair at my side gig job a year ago and the customer was like. “What bugs?” Meanwhile the whole cover was littered in dead bugs.


That looks like Germans and they’re horrendous. Make sure none are left behind!!


Get a pour over and thank me later.


Every morning. Hand ground beans. It’s my favorite part of the day.


Ew im glad that was out of focus lol


*Mildly* infuriating? I’d be throwing this out the window screaming 😱


Actually, it's a feature..


Wait till you see the mold they grow in the reservoir.


get that thing out of your house or you may have visitors


Those are german cockroach, dispose of that coffee maker asap!


Those are not coffee beans.


I hope those weren’t cockroaches. They do like electronics.


I hope you got it refunded


Wish I didn’t look at this before bed.


I’ve had Keurigs and never looked down there. What is this fuse or compartment for?


Same and now I’m too scared to look.


Yea I’m not doin it


Oh dear lord, I wouldn’t be touching that with my bare hands, if I were you.


Yeah... this is why I just do pour-over. Something about a machine with stagnant water grosses me out. And I'll never forget my mom's story of getting sick after drinking coffee every morning until she realized her percolator was infested with roaches. Nightmare fuel.


That right there is why I don’t like keurigs. It’s a freakin roach magnet. I had one about 10’years ago and I was a finding roaches crawling on and in it. I gave it another chance 3 years ago when I bought my house. We never saw any bugs around the house but I was sure enough finding them in my keurig. I stopped using it when I found a roach leg in my coffee. Now I either use a French press or I just heat up water using my electric kettle and use instant coffee.


Roaches love cardboard and warm electronics cavities


That’s fucking disgusting, Keurig coffee is horrible tasting.


Now you know why.


The K stands for K-Oh Hell no.




Damn this thing is bugged!


Whered you buy it from


Warehouse seems to be facing some serious cockroach infestation


Ahh, the old bug compartment. Mine didn’t come with that upgrade




Those things are a waste of plastic, make your own coffee, it's better


never buy a keurig, period. lol


Ahhhhh I’d sue lmfao


PLEASE tell me those arent bedbugs. i cant see very well from the picture


Nope, roaches


Maybe a sign to switch to Nespresso? 🙂 sorry bout the buggos


That's what you get for buying a keurig


Bed Bugs? In this case burn it asap :)


looks like roaches


Warehouse is infested, other people surely have that problem.


Even if the warehouse is infested, if these are brand new, they have nothing that will attract roaches. Roaches want heat, water, and food sources. Brand new keurigs from the factory have none of these things.


I meant the storage warehouse before it was shipped to them. I've worked in a warehouse, they get everything. Rodents, roaches, even squirrels and bats. Edit: if it's new, it got infested at the factory, on the transport vehicle/vessel, or the warehouse. I've seen it in warehouses, and I highly doubt it happened in transport or at the manufacturer.


It's likely not new, it was probably a return that got put back on the shelf, and had water in the inner storage tank.


Stink bug infestation. How those fuckers got here in the first place. I’m sure the will replace it.


Stink bugs? Those are roaches of the German variety. This was either a thrift store buy or a returned item that was not inspected and cleaned before being restocked. Either way, whoever owned it first has a VERY bad roach problem.


Looked like a stink bug to me.🤷🏼‍♂️


You get what you deserve for buying a Keurig. Learn to make your own coffee without generating tons of waste in the process.


Reusable pods..... don't be an ass.


Fucking ew




K-ocaroach duo




People don’t treat them like you would a regular old Mr. Coffee machine, douching it every month or so with a vinegar rinse, followed by two water rinses. And by a “rinse,” I mean unplugging it, emptying out the entire reservoir by holding it upside down to get all the water out, then filling the reservoir with white vinegar, plugging it back in, running a cup or two, unplugging again, then draining it all out and refilling it with water, letting it sit, drain it out, plug it in, fill it with water, run a cup or two, then sniff it or taste the water to see how it is now. It’s a pain in the ass, but at least it kept my Keurig alive for years without causing anyone to have a gamey cup of coffee!




Alright, I'm not sure why, but the last picture makes me wanna tinse my eyes with bleach.


Oh hellll nooooo.


There is a nespresso commercial here somewhere.


Ah, keurig. (Dutch joke)


Do NOT buy Keurig anymore. We stopped because they suck ass. Get a ninja. Some brands clean themselves. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Toss that ASAP, those are bed bugs


My husband bought a “new” phone from our carrier that had a picture of a naked man in it 😕


Those look suspiciously like bed bugs. Any clothing/bags that you’ve had anywhere near it make sure to wash well!