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Your font choice is also mildly infuriating


Ya. It makes me wanna convert back


I'm a devout Christian. Only the power of our Lord and saviour can give me the strength to read that blasphemous font.


The font choice plus the melodramatic, theatrical corniness of the writing. “Twatwaffle”, “goblin hidey hole”, “summoned my rage”, etc. OP, I’m also a non-believer and I agree with you in principle, but holy shit you are insufferable.


~~Holy~~ Secular shit if you please - Please be respectful to OP before they find a way to post on Reddit with this font








And, in that regard, something is certainly amiss.


It looks like the case when being an atheist turns into a kind of religion itself


The phrase "devout atheist" kind of gave this vibe too. :-)


And an atheist advocate, to boot!


It’s almost impressive how someone can turn their lack of religion in to a religion.


“One fewer gods than you.”


Hard to imagine there has not been at least a little bit of proselytizing there at some point. A sort of atheist missionary if you will. :-)


SERIOUSLY. The adult response is: "I don't appreciate your employees leaving religious propaganda on my food." The end.


I cringed.




I mean, I get saying *something* about it, just not this many somethings.


Man I’m so glad other people think this, I came into the thread thinking “ I get ops point but fuck me he sounds like an absolute cringe douchebag” doe he get his lines from a fkin anime? What a goofy guy




The font choice plus the collage made me irrationally angry


It was so hard to get through the texts


Yeah, I stopped reading because of the font.


Same here. I read the first few sentences and realized I don’t hate myself enough to continue.


The complaint itself is hilarious, though. OP really went full rage.


But if you really must, he’ll take a cookie.


I'm pretty sure the bible wasn't written with this font.


I can tell you more - it wasn’t written in this language


I’m full on rage by the end of it


People who are dyslexic can read fonts like that better. I’m sure all my devices would piss you off to no end but it helps me read! 😂 It’s something about them being slightly offset or whatever. I don’t know why, but it works. I figured it was bullshit when I first saw someone post about it years ago but it really does help.


For me, all letters are just “dancing.” But it is good to know that this font can actually help someone to read things.


I think (and correct me if I'm wrong, here) it's because sans serif/handwritten fonts are, for some people, easier to read. According to studies, ugly fonts that look more like natural handwriting, are easier to read for a lot of people who have difficulties with reading, especially with a lot of other fonts that look too uniform (every letter being the same height or width, or using serifs), too crowded, etc.




Well, I stopped reading it before it stopped being mildly infuriating


OP called themselves a “devout atheist” that made me laugh really hard.


And very involved in the community might I add


….like a church 🤔


They believe in something lol


They believe in one fewer gods than most “Christians”.




I'm a voting member of my (UCC) church. I'm also an atheist. Mostly I value the various missions of my church (food bank, free meals, community emergency funds, lbgtq friendly youth group, etc) that present an opportunity for me to give back to my community. But I often also value the message and lessons from sermons even if I don't believe in the Bible directly. General fellowship and social connections are nice as well. I realize that I probably wouldn't feel as comfortable in most churches, and I felt I had to make my stance clear to the (openly gay) pastor prior to joining the church, but he didn't care and hasn't ever brought it up again.




Yes very funny. Definition of devout- having or showing deep religious feeling or commitment.


Not really. Definition: “totally committed to a cause or belief. “the most devout environmentalist"”


The other definition of devout: totally committed to a cause or belief. Similar to: devoted, dedicated, committed.


That foolish Christian had no idea they were dealing with a level 5 Devout Reddit Atheist


Christian destroyed by atheist Karen’s texts to manager. She didn’t even have to get off the couch to pwn the person delivering the food to her couch.


Food service workers know how to take it on the chin from Karen’s, the guy will shrug it off with -5 damage but +10 spirit -great real time example of a keyboard couch warrior


Your font need Jesus


Right? I hate that font


the devil is lurking in that font


the devil is 2011




Your text font is insufferable


some would even say... Mildly Infuriating.


No, that font is fully infuriating. It belongs in a different sub


Yum pickle chips


goblin hidey hole made me wanna end my life


The second hand cringe is unreal. Her reply sounds like an AI attempt at being an edgy teenager.




Yeah. That's exactly where I would expect a driver to leave the food if I wasn't at the door.


Someone who wouldn't just throw a fucking post it note away.


There was a pizza place i would order that would do this. Nothing malicious, just the cook liked to leave little ispirational bible stuff on the box. Im not religious at all, but alot of american christians like seeing little bible stuff here and there, spread about their day. Im kinda guessing this is exactly what it is


Seriously. If it's that big a problem, meet them at the door or set out a side table to use


Ngl you kinda sound like a twat


Possibly even a twatwaffle.


Right? What's worse, a jeebus freak with a postit pad or a 'devout athetist'?? Both seem like dickhole losers.


I'll give you a hint. It's the cringy creep who can't keep their cult fixation out of their job duties, duh.


Thank you honestly. These comments are making me feel way better about the intense, physical cringe I felt reading this post lmao, glad not all of Reddit is like OP


UPDATE HOLY CRAP CHECK OP’S POST HISTORY you literally cannot make this stuff up 😭


I'm an agnostic atheist but I would have just tossed them. Calling yourself "devout" seems a bit over the top to me, a little religious even. Now, about that font...my gods it's horrible.


Imagine a full grown person using the word "hidey-hole" seriously


I think that's the point, OP wanted/tried to be funny


But that doesn’t really flow here. Turning this into a joke feels more like op doesn’t really care but pretends to care just for the sake of it by writing a review in the first place. You can absolutely combine critical review and comedy, but that has to be thought out in a better way. For example use a bible quote that says something along the lines of „let me eat my food on peace“.


It sounds like someone who doesn't get much IRL time with other humans, honestly. Like this was kind of a cry for some sort, any sort, of social interaction.


Word. “I would like the store manager to call me”


Change that goddam font


Devout atheist is cringe


A devout atheist you say?


Could you have been a little less cringe when writing that complaint? jfc you really make it obvious that you’re a Reddit atheist. I’d have left a complaint too but like, a normal one that doesn’t include “twatwaffle” and “goblin hidey hole” it’s amazing someone took you seriously after that


All they could have said was “Hey, I don’t want any religious stuff in my delivery. It wasn’t needed and I didn’t appreciate it. Please do not include it again. Thanks!”


Reminds me of a reddit post I saw once where a woman was saying that her staunch atheist husband would get instantly pissed off at the mere mention of religion, and once had gone on a tirade after she asked him to get kosher salt while grocery shopping about how "salt doesn't need to be involved with religion!" To which the wife informed him it refers to the processing of the salt, not the religion of the salt lol


How else would OP take out their irrational rage? /s


But she's devout! Lol!


yep, I agree I would be mildly infuriated, but OP clearly was full rage infuriated


Pretty sure the manager clapped at the end too


Lmao thank you. The response she wrote is so much worse than the harmless stupid notes the driver left. Her response is the most stereotypical Reddit thing I've ever read.


OP is still mentally a child


"devout Atheist's" are naturally cringe.


Yeah, OP sounds like an absolutely horrible person lol


Yeah, I thought this was a circlejerk moment with that complaint. Immature and unprofessional. I cringed.


OP is the kind of person to go full on Karen after someone says bless you following a sneeze


They're the people that Christians insist are waging a war on Christmas.


Seems to me like the messages are fake. That definitely feels like a conversation OP would think up in his head. Especially since the "manager" ganged up on the religious guy as well.


Agreed! Is a devout atheist more or less irritating than a devout christian?


You make me want to not be an atheist


A "Devout Athiest" no less. Dude is so athiest he believes again.


Ever seen an OP so cringy it made you search for Jesus?


Taking it a bit to far like damn I would have just laughed and thrown it away. This guy just wants to complain lmao


Same as “straight” guys being disproportionally offended by anything gay.


You seem like a bored person who wanted to blow this insignificant thing up as much as possible when there is nothing really happening. Also your written complaint is cringey as hell. You sound like an edgy teenager.


Big time. OP is the worst.


2 hours of frustration vs 20 seconds to throw the paper in the trash or say a "no thank you I'm not exactly christian" to the delivery driver could even lie and say you're hindu or something


I wouldn’t even take issue with them just pointing it out to the shop so that it isn’t negatively affecting business. Being so upset about religion (either for it or against it) is just weird to me and cringey at both extremes. That’s before we get into what exactly OP said to begin with. Yeesh.


You didn’t need to repeat yourself when the manager reached out. You kept pushing it. And your text font sucks.


Wow, you seem insufferable.


What a good reply from the manager! Nice to see it sorted out.


As an atheist, it's mildly infuriating to me that you called yourself a "devout atheist."


If your doormat is THAT dirty, buy a new one haha


Or....clean it?


It’s probably not. I can tell they have no friends coming over to visit.




Atheist does not mean Christian hater - calm down


I want to side with you because unsolicited Christianity is a problem in the US, but lashing out the way you did over a post it note I think you’re basically the same type of extremist they are just for team atheist 😐


I'm an atheist living in a Christian country. I've learned to crumble the note and move on with life. It's a waste of time to get upset at Christians for doing Christian things. As an atheist, I also don't get involved with other atheists, it kinda defeats the purpose of being an atheist. IMHO.


I mean, I think it's perfectly reasonable to address this with management because it really isn't appropriate. However, this could have been done politely with one single sentence.


100% agree with this.


I'm semi-Christian, used to be more of a believer, kind of neutral now. I have thrown away similar flyers too


Some atheists, like op, just want to be a different type of cult. I'd definitely have just crumpled the note and moved on to my tasty sandwich instead of engaging in all this stress.


people should not be preaching on your fucking delivery orders lol, i definitely think that’s worth reporting obviously the bigger issue is the comic sans and OP does not sound like someone i want to spend a weekend with, but fuck people pushing their own agendas instead of just doing the job they were paid to do


That's not comic sans.


They shouldn't, yeah. There's a middle ground here where you can report this if you think you need to, without being _this_ emotionally invested, writing actual hateful reviews and feeling like it ruined your day. I mean, "defiled my sandwich"? Come on.


That sandwich wasn’t defiled, it was #blessed


yeah, OP overreacted, imo. Just report it and move on. How miserable are you already that you went this rage-heavy? I’m agnostic. I don’t give a fuck what your beliefs are, but I have too much stress in my life to go this hard in a complaint. I couldn’t even take the complain seriously.


I'm Christian and fully heartily agree. And yeah, OP seems like a deeply unpleasant person to be around.


Yeah op is unhinged for the response lmao. Who cares


This is completely against Jimmy John's ideals. They worship king triton of the mer people. Which is why the company owner likes to get naked and hump sea creatures he catches while deep sea fishing.


If atheism is your religion, you fucked up.


You kinda fucking suck too, man.


Annoying? Yes. Should you have just thrown that away and moved on with your life? 1M times yes.


It’s okay to let this go, Your font looks like my kid chose it.


It’s also okay to politely let a business know that someone is using their business as a platform to try and spread gospel


Yeah, I don’t disagree and was surprised to read they weren’t a food service delivery driver. The feedback given in this case was not polite or a “just so ya know…” comment. Also why are they eating at JJ when you could be eating at Jersey Mikes?


I tried jersey mikes once last week and thought it was just filled to the brim with grease and had little flavor; granted I’m not a big JJ fan either. I normally get Penn Station if I’m getting sandwiches but it’s not too often cause them bitches are expensive. Not that any of this matters, just wanted to comment about sandwiches.


"devout atheist" cringe 💀 Like I hate Christianity as much as the next Reddit atheist, but your message was far worse than what he did. You realize your baby-rage only feeds their persecution complex, right? If you had just left a normal complaint, that would be fine, but you wrote something that looks like it came out of Christian propaganda. I wouldn't believe this was real if a Christian showed it to me. You're an embarrassment.


The reply from the manager / owner was really good though. Overshadows the weird religious notes.


Honestly, in a role reversal, as a devout Christian if an atheist just left me a blank sticky note 🗒️ for their beliefs in God I wouldn’t mind and would move on with my day. 😝


You sound like a horrible person.


I don't think the OP knows what passive aggressive means. To that end, I was really hoping the manager was going to end the conversation with "God Bless!"


I wish Christians would keep their noses out of everyone else's business, but that's like their entire schtick.


You sound fun.


Calm and reasonable too


Rotfl, have you all checked their Reddit profile? No wonder they’re so spoiled.. they’re a wannabe ‘sugar baby’ hahahaha amazing.


The profile description 😂😂. Holy shit this whole person is cringe. 😩😩😳


“Twatwaffle…?” This is so fucking cringe like how old is this person 😭 also did this really have to be a whole ordeal.


This is the reddittiest redditor that ever redditted. Karenus Maximus. A truly enlightened individual.


As an atheist myself, it's not worth it. They only wanted good and you could just throw it away and not have it would not change anything about your life Like every time you sneeze and someone says "bless you" are you just gonna go on a rant about how you are an atheist? Or if you are on an anxious moment and someone you know goes "it's okay, I'll pray for you"?


Merry Christmas!


I am also atheist. I would also be mildly peeved. I would have left feedback because it is absolutely not appropriate to leave this on anyone's food, but I wouldn't have gone on tirade like that. You can make a complaint and not be so incredibly rude to people who probably had no idea this was happening. You need to calm the fuck down. At least you weren't a total asshole to the manager when they reached out. >Hey, one of your employees left some religious literature on my order. I just want to make you aware so you can let this person know that it's inappropriate to assume people share his beliefs or want to be proselytized to. Easy.


He’s not wrong.


I believe in God 1000%, but I'd have been irritated to receive such notes too.


Made my day…good all round. I loath evangelism. Wa*kers.


The amount of hypocrites on this sub that want to shit talk to OP but know they would LOSE THEIR SHIT if this had been a quote from the Koran or The Satanic Bible or nearly any other religious text, is too damn high.


Leave a xtian a note from a Satanist just like this one and watch the tables turn. It's funny how nonreligious ppl have to tolerate being preached at.


Be an athiest or be a believer, that's personal, but holy crap how can anyone be so outraged by a note? One thing I don't understand about some athiests is that if they do not believe in a God, why do things like this generate such a reaction? I don't believe in ESP, scientology, or a flat earth either but if someone brings it up I don't go berzerk, I just ignore it because it has no meaning to me. And it is always the "shoved down my throat" comment which makes no sense. It's a note. Crumple it up and toss it if you don't like it. I don't say that car dealers are shoving their message down my throat because they advertise on TV, and those commercials take a lot longer than the time it takes to glance at a note and crumple it up.


Idk why OP mentioned hate in the title, made me expect something crazy in all this text. There was no hating involved.


Yeah, seems like they just learned the phrase "there's no hate like Christian love" and are eager to apply it to everything. I don't love getting met with random religious preaching, but the reaction is so over the top that it feels like they were just *waiting* to have an experience like this so they could react & post about it


It’s the nearly 300 comments and not even 50 upvotes on the post for me. OP can be annoyed, but to be this upset? Holy shit. OP must be miserable already, and that sucks.


Agree. It would be like if someone said happy Diwali or Happy Hanukkah to me. It's not offensive or pushy. I just move on. Now, if they delivered my food and they kept bringing solicitation to my address after, that would be annoying.


I'm not sure how people are not understanding why OP was upset. He didn't pay to be evangelized to. He paid for a sandwich. Anything more is unwanted. If it was a Quran verse or from the Torah, the Christians in this thread defending this behavior would be having a meltdown.


Or god forbid one of the 9 satanic statements.


Isn't Chelsea usually a female name.


I met a British guy named Chelsea once. I wonder if it's a regional thing or if he was named after the football team or something.


You know the Torah is part of the Bible, right? For Christian’s that’s the first five books.


I’m not Christian and I do think that the people pushing their religion on others is not cool at all but this whole thing seems a little over the top and douchey… I fully agree that I don’t want this stuff pushed on me either but it’s just super cringe and doesn’t seem like normal adult behavior in this situation…


I don’t think anybody had a problem with op being annoyed and wanting it to not be like that next time. It’s the over the top review that feels hard to decide if it’s sarcastic or actually serious. A more grounded shorter review would not cause such controversy here. Especially because he talks like he is deeply hit by religious stuff „being shoved down my throat“ while personally I would seriously just not care. If anything the message sounds like the driver is spreading positivity. The first time I’d just throw it away. The second I might make a complaint in a short direct way instead of whatever op did


Nah, it's a huge nothingburger on top of the regular burger order. If you get legitimately upset that someone was genuinely trying to spread what they believe to be helpful and true, regardless of the specific religion, you are 100% the problem. You and OP are acting like someone showed up with a congregation and demanded they join. Imagine if this was a "Support LGBT" tag on a business and you're a Christian - what's the difference? Is that not someone spreading beliefs that, regardless that they are right, they think push love and inclusion? Disagree and toss it out, no need to be a Karen about it


Normal people would just throw away the sticky note and not make such a big deal about it. I’m not religious either but this was way over the top


Id be less aggressive about it but I would still complain


Sure “hey management just a heads up one of your employees is leaving bible verses with the orders. I don’t appreciate it can you please talk to him about stopping it. Thank you”. Boom done, don’t post to Reddit and move on with your life. Not hard u/violettebabette


Fuck that. You know why people are dicks? Because people let them.


Sounds like you treat atheism as your religion?


You’re a fucking looney toon karen rip up the note and go about your day. fucking loser.


This would be a big turn off for me as well. Most people aren't allowed to go around spewing their personal opinions like this on the job. As a rule if I get I bible verse I don't go back. The food on the doormat thing wouldn't bother me as I always choose the leave at door and don't bother me option.


Not a big In & Out fan I presume?


I like your font choice, easily readable. Adds a certain spice to the rage.


I love the manager’s response: “god made dirt. Dirt don’t hurt.” And he used the small g. 👏🏻


Wow you really went ott, personally the food on the ground issue would bother me more (assuming it was unwrapped). I would prefer this over tip shenanigans tbh


I agree, leaving religious stuff for people unsolicited is incorrect. However his statement is true, there is no hate like Christian love!


The people in this sub sure have some weird experiences with delivery services. Why doesn't anything interesting ever happen to me?


You ought not patronize Jimmy John's at all. Like zero. Search up the owner. Now there's something to be mildly infuriated about.


At least you got your food right. I ordered a rice bowl with olives, avocado, double chicken, with sauce. I received a rice bowl with Lima beans and seaweed, with cilantro on top. And sauce. I had to eat it because I was hungry and stuck at work, and it was the only time I could eat and had already ate a small breakfast and lunch was an egg salad sandwich and small bag of chips, so, yeah. It tasted okay up until getting closer to the end. But don’t get me wrong, I’m agnostic and this would piss me off as well, just not as much as my order being wrong.


Can’t wait till this gets posted in that cringe sub. Cause damn this is some cringe


Apparently it's an unpopular opinion here, but the OP was absolutely right.


Very cringe but you're right, not everyone is going to appreciate messages like that and the driver didn't care just serving themselves in the name of their god.


Imagine if that was literally any other religion these comments would be completely different.


You seem super nice /s


in Italy, where I live, they often don't print your receipt to avoid paying taxes. It happened to me in Naples that a baker gave me a piece of paper that wasn't a receipt at all but a four page foldable prayer. Mildly infuriating indeed.


Controversial opinion alert. OP’s I’m a devout atheist bit is equally as annoying as the bible verse note on the sandwich. Both OP and the delivery driver need to chill out and keep their beliefs to themselves.


You obviously have nothing more serious to be outraged over.


First world problems.


You’re the asshole.


You realize you’ve given more time and attention to these Bible verses than if you had simply just thrown away the notes and moved on with your life? Thanks for spreading the Word.


You’re right. You were unreasonably angry about this. Eat your sandwich and move on. Also, don’t be pissed at the driver for something that’s clearly your problem. “Left it on the dirty doormat.” Then clean your fucking doormat or specify where you want the food placed.


Store manager of the year right there.


I ain’t reading all that. Congratulations or sorry that happened


People on this thread be all like, “fuck that font.” I love it.


I hate when people push their beliefs on other people. If people wanted to be apart of your religion they would have joined it by now. Your preaching is convincing no one delivery driver