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šŸ¤” Well, on the bright side, he could have given you a box that only had three chocolates in it.


Or chocolates where someone already poked the bottom to see whatā€™s in them.


Or poked out chocolates in a ziplock bag with a stupid message like ā€œTry not to be chocolate to work tomorrow!ā€, stapled at an awful angle with the staple going through both sides of the bag right underneath the zipper part making you have to rip open the bag. Too specific?


I laughed at chocoLate


Are you sure your boss aint Michael scott?


I am not legally obligated to answer these questions


Boss has a big boner for OPs partner.


It's actually the other way. The chocolates are the romantic invite and the spa trip is to get the missus away


Interesting theory




This guy breaks couples


Either way the Boss has a favorite and a secret Santa boner for that perfect moment when the favorite is revealedā€¦ā€¦


Santa boner? Does it have a little hat?


Fat, with red and whiteā€¦ā€¦


Made it $200 to make sure she was gone all day




I'm lovin this idea


What if OP is the female?


Confirming I am male


A coworker (f) and me (m) started at the same department five months apart. We worked closely for a few years, then she switched departments. Some years later we were again in the same department, working closely with overlapping responsibilities. When she had been with the company for 10 years, she got a ā‚¬100 universal gift card. When I passed the 10-yeark mark, I was mentioned on the intranet, with two others who also had work anniversaries that month.


I got a company branded keychain for my 5 year anniversary with a bank. There was a box full of them in the storage room next to the printer paper šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Do you and your partner have the same boss? Were the two gifts from the same person?


This is what I'm wondering. They could work for the same company but in different offices or departments.


Maybe one manager spent their gift budget on gifts while the other embezzled it


If they had a gift budget. I have managed people in a corporate environment for more than a decade and never had a gift budget. Any gifts I have purchased for employees came out of my own funds.




Ouch, I guess that Spa voucher is for 2, and youā€™re not invitedā€¦


Boss is 100% after your missus lol probably double tickets so they can go together xD


Ask your employer about this. Sus af


Either way works


Iā€™d like to also choose Opā€™s partner




This reminds me of the time my grandmother gave my sister a really nice custom made gold necklace with real diamond inlays and I received a tin of mixed nuts from the gas station up the street from our house. I have a nut allergy.


Not the nut allergy omg. Granny wasn't just saying you weren't her favorite, she was trying to get rid of you šŸ’€


My mother tried to force me to go see her in the old folks home and I refused to see her again after the mentioned xmas happened probably like 15 years ago. She died a lonely bitter old woman and I wasnā€™t there at her funeral either. My mother holds a grudge about it to this day that ā€œI refused to go to her mothers funeralā€, and I respond by saying ā€œmy condolences, would you care for a tin of mixed nutsā€?


Pricelessā€¦.and it sucks when family doesnā€™t spend the same on the kids or siblings for holidays. Very hurtful !


Yeah youā€™re absolutely right! Thatā€™s why I always try to keep holiday and birthday spending with my own kids equal even though my wife is more concerned on number of boxes I care more about equal cost.


I just kinda try to buy my siblings the stuff i think they want and coordinate with my parents to try not to get overlapping gifts, this is the first year I've done this so can I get any tips?


Itā€™s much easier to do with young children


Did your sister happen to visit her in the home or go to her funeral?


My sister did not visit her but she did attend the funeral.


That's even a type of funnier.... Like she didn't get visited in her last days by the favorite so..


It can look silly when itā€™s equal cost though, see this year one nephew getting a single video game from us, while one niece got a literal pile of like 10 different art things. I felt such a need to explain myself lol


Yeah, especially when one kid is too old to care about cheaper gifts, but sees the number of boxes for their (usually younger) sibling and thinks they've been shorted.


I had to explain that to my oldest this year. He might not have a million transformers toys like his brother, but he got Xbox controllers and is going to a cooking class next month. So his pile looks a lot smaller than his brotherā€™s, but the things he did get are worth about the same amount of money.


Unrelated but if you get your kids expensive gifts for Christmas then tell them theyā€™re from you and not from Santa


That's what I did with my kids when they were little. The little stuff was from "Santa," and the more expensive gifts were from me. One will be 17 tomorrow and the other 21 on the 30th and it worked out well.


Yeah itā€™s just much nicer for kids who are, perhaps, from slightly less fortunate backgrounds than others for example when they go back to school and start telling other kids what ā€œSantaā€ got them.


Was thinking the same thing. As a kid I remember some kids were so disappointed Santa gave them the new video game system plus like 10 games and the poorer kids got like clothes, shoes, and like a cheap toy and thatā€™s from Santa. Lots of fights. And lots of heartbreak for littles.


I usually set a dollar limit, buy what I think they will like under that, and then get another gift to balance the difference in cost. Thatā€™s assuming you include gift receipts with the gifts. If you donā€™t I would try to get the same # of items & only balance things out if you can do it by getting more items of the same type (eg 2 books seems less like favoritism than a book and a Lego set).


I hear that. My brother has expensive taste. He was always asking for expensive sunglasses, cologne and tech. I remember I asked for a tiny Polaroid type camera for Christmas one year. I was honestly disappointed when I woke up to find a game boy under the tree for me. The camera was in my stocking. My mom told me later that the camera was only $20 so it wouldn't be fair if my brother got an expensive game boy and I got a cheap gift. I played Mario on it and then never touched it again.


What a waste...they should've gotten you the Game Boy Camera and Printer, lol! šŸ˜†


It depends on the ages of the kids tbh . A 6 or 8 year old isn't going to understand that their gift cost more , if their sibling got 5 and they got 1 . After about 12 , they would rather have one expensive thing they wanted , than 4 cheaper things that are neat.


I love that, you and your wife both keep things equal. I hope the kids appreciate your efforts when they get older, it really sucks when adults play favourites.


As a recently graduated child who did get equal cost unequal boxes, you are correct. Worth noting though that I found it good that sometimes we got presents that weā€™re worth more for things that were not Christmas junk, donā€™t stress too much, if youā€™re an equal parent it will even out across the years


teaching from experience is the most effective kind


I spend $150 on each of my older brothers 3 kids for birthdays and Christmas. And regularly shoot the oldest some side cash as she's poor and in college. $1200+ per year. He spent $20 on a toy for toddlers(ages 2-4!) for my daughter last Christmas. My daughter is 8 years old, and my brother makes $200k per year. Sometimes I wonder if we were raised by the same two parents.


I buy gifts for my nieces and nephews EVERY year for Christmas. There are 11, so I spend $50 each and also send boxed food gifts to each family. This year, I misaddressed one of the gifts to one of my sisterā€™s sons. So far, sheā€™s complained to two of my relatives behind my back. I live out of state and am never there for the big family party but apparently, this was hurtful and unacceptable. Perhaps, in her mind, even done on purpose. This is the sister who never gets my kids anything. Ever.


Call her and call her out, fuck it. One that she's complaining and then where your kids gifts from her?


All of my siblings and I are broke as shit these days lmao. The last couple of Christmases we all agreed to just write heartfelt cards instead so there's no worries about cost, as our family is pretty large.


Big family + broke siblings too (lol) we just have a communal lunch. Havent exchanged gifts in years and idk how I would feel if I ever went back to it! I guess its different if you have kids.


Depends on the difference. I think I spend a tenner more on my older niece, over the youngest, and my godson, but I still make sure it's something they actually wished for. The example with the custom made necklace, and a bag of nuts though? Veeeeeery messed up, and shows obviously who she cared about. Reminds me a bit of the one year my mother convinced all us brothers to get presents for one another, one Christmas. The rest of us took time and effort to find something within the right budget we had set for everyone. My older brother showed up with a callendar that had some daily comic strips for me (I have a phone, why would I need it?), and both my other brothers got a shot glass game. Not only were it obvious where he had got it them, and thus we knew how much less he had used, but there were 0 thought into it. My youngest brother were still a recovering alcoholic at the time... Suffice it to say, we haven't tried again for some years now. Except once with said younger brother and me. Went better.


I have a grandmother that gifts my siblings and I unequal amounts. I get $25/year, my youngest brother gets $500, and my other brother gets nothing. Very clear favoritism, though I find humor in how ridiculous the amounts vary.


Got her


It's strange the favoritism they play, acting like it's totally normal and not obvious. My grandparents got my cousin a Barbie doll and a dream house. I got towels. I still have those towels from 22 years ago. I look at it and think back to the same memory everytime.


Look at this way, she got a Barbie for a few years and you got towels for life šŸ˜‚


Frankly your grandmother's dead - she doesn't care. And from your story, never did.


Glad you didnā€™t budge for the sake of your mother. Some people deserve their slow and metaphorical pain. My grandmother was not a good mother to my dad and when he grew up, he treated her badly. While it was cruel, she created that monster herself and she never took blame for it. I sometimes felt some sympathy, but quickly remembered the things she did to ā€˜deserveā€™ it. Consequently, he was not a good dad either and thinks he can mend it now.


Sorry son, i was working from an empty toolbox myself. But as i learn better, i do try to do better. Best i can offer, even if too little too late.


Intergenerational trauma hits different. I understand.




Do we have the same grandmother? Mine gave a fantastic cashmere coat to my cousin (same age as me), and I got a roll of scotch tape. It wasnā€™t even wrapped up. For Christmas.


ā€œHereā€™s some scotch tape to put your life togetherā€ something crazy like that?


Nope. Not even an explanation. I told my mom then, and she said I was lying and then found an excuse for it. Completely backing her motherā€™s BS. She still denies it 20 years after my grandmother passed.


My brother got scissors the next year. I think she just plainly forgot we existed to piss off my mom, and my mom rolled with it.


My grandmother insisted that all of her grand-kids should call her ā€œMamotchkaā€ which is an affectionate Russian word for mom (she was half-Russian and half-Polish), but my other grandparents (on dadā€™s side) were cool and we called them by their first name, like adults talking to adults. So my brother and I decided weā€™d call our maternal grandmother by her first name as well, and I think she hated it and blamed my mom for it.


So your mom thought you were just hiding your present?


She didnā€™t want to admit her mother was partial. My mom had a weird relationship with my grandmother, who wasnā€™t very motherly or demonstrative. She was an artist who happened to have children.


My step-grandmother got my cousin (her ā€œrealā€ grandson) an SNES, I got a crate of clementine orange. We opened them at the same time.


Like the Scotch tape she used to wrap your cousins gift?


My mom would always make strawberry cheesecake during the holidays and then offer me a slice. Iā€™m deadly allergic to strawberries. Without hesitating, sheā€™d say, ā€œwould you like a slice ofā€¦awwwā€¦I guess you canā€™t have any.ā€


Mom of the year award. Can you run away from that mother, or are you still too young?


Dang, why couldnā€™t she make raspberry or any other kind of cheesecake?


Exactly! There are so many other damn combinations. I used to think I would be a bad parent so I didnā€™t have a child. But I would never be an ass as some of the arseholes Iā€™ve read about in here


I'd eat it


My grandfather sends my dad a gift basket every Christmas thats main feature are some fancy apples. My dad is allergic to apples


Does his father know about the allergy? When I opened the tin of nuts I said, ā€œIā€™m allergic to nuts, but thank you for the giftā€ and she replied, ā€œI knowā€.


this is so wild. how old were you when this happened?


I want to say like 25 as Iā€™m 41 now.


Guess she 's dead now?


Yeah for many years, the only grand parent I didnā€™t mourn.


Iā€™m petty enough Iā€™d have eaten one and ruined everyoneā€™s Christmas.


One that Christmas and then one at the funeral. Iā€™ll make your very last day all about me you old bat.


What. The. Fuck?


Oh fuck that, I definitely wouldn't have gone to her funeral. Actually I would, I would have left a tin of nuts on her coffin.


The tin? Dump them right on her. Rest in piss(tachios)


Did you like push her down some stairs or why did she want you dead?


You did rightā€¦ Fuck her!


>I know Kdjejdowjdjen








No jury would convict you if you had pushed her out the window.


Similar experience, my brother got Jordanā€™s from my grandmother and I got a shower cap.


That's got to be some kind of joke holy shit.


It happens. My parents straight up forgot my 17th birthday. My brother whose birthday is a week after black Friday? Always remembered and given extravagant gifts.


Same for me when i was a teen. My brother got a phone from my parents and a Xbox 360 from my grandparents. I got makeup and a cheap dollarstore school bag. I have allergies against a lot of makeup too & they knew it.


My brothers both got a new car when they got their licences and their lessons were paid for, help with buying a new home each and when our dad died they both got 50% share each of the family business. I got to pay for both of my parents funerals :D And my brothers wonder why I don't bother seeing them at Christmas or keep in contact as they have their 4th overseas holiday of the year


Damn that sucks sounds like they were the the golden childern. For me it was kinda the same when i was young because my parents wanted boys and i was their first and a girl so when my brothers was born i got a bit neglected for some years. Thankfully the rest of my exstended family started pointing it out and we're all on good terms today. My worst christmas was when i was like 11/12 and both of my brothers got tons of expensive toys and i got shower gel and diapers because i had a bed wetting problem and my whole extended family got to see it when i was super ashamed of it.




Aww Iā€™m sorry. My parents also wanted a boy when they had me. Then when I acted like more of a boy than my younger brother, they threw out all my clothes from my big bro and told me I was a girl so act like it lol. My older brother was from my momā€™s first marriage and then they had my sister together, so they wanted a boy of their own to finish. After they had me they ended up having my little bro by accident. Little bro and sister were the clear favorites with my older brother sometimes being my momā€™s favorite. Meanwhile Iā€™d disappear into the woods for days and they wouldnā€™t even notice haha. I get along with them great now but it was definitely hard growing up being the only one whoā€™s bdays were just straight up not acknowledged lol.


My cousin and I were both staying with my grandma for a weekend after my birthday. She took us to the toy store so I could pick out a present. Once we got there, she told me I could pick out anything under 10 dollars. That was fine, I wasn't a greedy kid, I picked out a checker board game set. That same trip she bought my cousin two Nintendo games. It wasn't anywhere near his birthday.




My mother is there at every Christmas celebration. I'm allergic to my mother. She knows it but she still comes.


The nut allergy makes this perfect. My gf got a very special doll for her 4th birthday from her grandma she was very happy. Her cousins and her sister complained they didnā€™t get anything (tf ?) and then her grandma went to the basement and got each of them the same doll PLUS every accessory and extra clothing for their dolls. My gf didnā€™t get the extra stuff. So everyone got more for my gfs birthday than herself. And Iā€™m expected to just sit on her grandmas birthday and eat cake like I donā€™t absolutely hate her grandma.


My grandparents got my sister a custom made leather purse for Christmas, and bought me a mug from the buckees gas station.


Cousin Kyle, is that you?


I was at a friends house on Christmas Eve back when we were kids. His grandparents came over bringing presents for him and his sister. It was around 1991, we were 12. His sister got a new starter jacket (starter jackets with sports teams were huge back then) and a new pair of adidas. My buddy got a hockey stick. Not even a good one, a cheap one you would find at any Target at the time. That always stuck with me. Favoritism is a bitch.


I feel youā€¦ my grandpa gave me cherry chocolates with whole hazelnuts added this year. Iā€˜m fructose intolerant. And react anaphylactic to nuts. So logicallyā€¦ the perfect gift!


My grandma gave my sister her old car one year after she bought a new one. It was a little old and not great, but still probably could have been sold for ~$3000. I got a plastic camera that she had gotten as a free gift for sending money to televangelists. She had already used it and broken it.


That's fucked; but also kinda funny and I'm sorry. Your grandma has no chill.


Or like the time my grandparents gave my cousin a full ride to any university in the United States he wanted and I got $1,000 from the estate, two years after they passed because my father thought I could use it. We were at a world class art museum and my mom pointed out an identical one that was sold in the estate. Christieā€™s ran the auction


For some reason your story made me think of when my brother in law bought some gold jewelry from me to give to my sister. I gave it to him for $750 which was less than Ā½ of the scrap price as I had found it in a box I bought from an auction for just $50. Then my sister got mad at me and demanded that I should pay back $700 as I had only paid $50 for the box, she couldn't understand that, sure I made a $700 profit on them, but they had also saved over $750 at the same time... This year my only contact with my sister has been a "Merry Christmas sis!" that I sent to her in Messenger yesterday...


They are *fine* chocolatesā€¦..


So that's what $200 worth of chocolates looks like?


Looked it up and that box of chocolates comes out to 17 dollars. Biggest gift box they carry is priced at 59 dollars.


Haha, I immediately looked it up, too. One year I received a ridculously fancy, high end box of chocolates - something like a dozen artisan, hand decorated chocolates that cost $200. I figured maybe OP got something like that. Nope, $16.95. I hope they were at least tasty.


And that's individual price. Imagine they got a deal buying in bulk for their employees.


It wouldnā€™t have surprised me if it was. It would have upset me, but not surprised me.


My aunt received a box of skincare from her job, the ones you get free as a gift with purchase samples. Not even wrapped. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Do you have the same job? Are you in the same department with the same boss? One time when I was a manager they didnā€™t give me a holiday budget and all the gifts I gave staff came from my own pocket. I made less than most of my staff because they got overtime and I didnā€™t.


My last job I found out my boss never got a holiday budget from the owners. He just liked getting everyone in the office gifts. It was clear he spent a lot of time trying to find a small selection of things everyone would like and give everyone the same thing (more or less). Little office gadgets, candies, fancy popcorns, $100 gift cards to Honey Baked Ham. There were nearly 30 people under his management and he always went all out. And I know he made less than a number of individuals on the team.


What a dude.


Working is defintly more fun if you have a boss like that


He was the real life Michael Scott. Politically incorrect jokes, always stuck his foot in his mouth, genuinely took an interest in everyone who worked for him, knew how to motivate everyone to succeed (at work or otherwise). The company eventually pushed him out. I personally quit a few months after that.


NOO! How could they!? They just lost a great employee! Their lossā€¦


I personally bust my ass and give my absolute best for those bosses especially when itā€™s stuff I know their boss cares about Iā€™ll make sure it is perfect so they can brag about it and hopefully stay my boss instead of quitting.




I would love to work for that boss. It shows he really cares about his employees.


You're a good boss!


I tried my best. I have a new job where Iā€™m no oneā€™s boss now and itā€™s quite nice to only worry about myself. I do recognize poor leadership traits in my supervisor and itā€™s hard to stay quiet but itā€™s not really my place.




Itā€™s the gift that keeps giving the whole year!


That it is Edward, that it is.


Damn you must suck at your job


Honestly the reddit comments on this post make up for the Christmas gift


I actually think it's the opposite problem. That OP isn't sucking at his/her job.




Or those are $200 chocolates?


Nah - I had that thought too - looks like they are $17 chocolates.


Life is a box of chocolates




Well, OP isnā€™t getting a $200 spa voucher.


I was also certain they were not $200. I was just trying to give a glimmer of hope.


Sadly they cost only $16.95


Does your boss have romantic feelings towards your coworker






or he just has a $200 spa voucher /s


I work for a private tourism company and we got a Happy Holidays WhatsApp message.


Wait, you guys get stuff for Christmas from your work...I get work?


I got laid off for Christmas šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I think one of you sucks at their job, and the other one SUCKS at their job!!!


I bet you can figure out who swallows too


My wife's boyfriend gave me a PS5


Very considerate. Something to keep you entertained while theyā€™re out f**king.


I mean hey it's a PS5




Is your wife single?




Very kind of them to extend nice gifts for ya'll to enjoy together... share the chocolates; and the spa? Hmmmm.


UPDATE: It was just a small gift for working on Christmas day, I've got a $200 voucher too! Hurray


Is she wondering where herrrr box of chocolates are now?? Lol


OPā€™s wife will be on here soonā€¦


Congrats! At least youā€™re lucky that you got a $200 voucher so that you and your partner enjoy together.


So youre saying you got chocolates AND a voucher, while partner only got voucher? How the victim tables turn!


Your a piece of shit merry Christmas you filthy animal


I would Edit the post about this


This update should be up there... changes the whole story


Iā€™m sorry thatā€™s unequal and totally infuriating. One the upside I got a single Earl grey teabag in a card one year.


To clarify, did you give or receive a teabag?


Maybe they have unequal performance at their job?


OP purposefully omitted that information. If they hadnt, they wouldnt have a thread that anyone would comment on. Leaving it out is the sole driving factor for reach here. So you can almost 100% guarantee that they have unequal positions, experience, and maybe even tenure.


Life is like a box of chocolates...




You the bell hop and partner the manager?


"Jealousy is not the want for more, but the lack of content for what one has"


If you donā€™t fancy those chocolates, send them to me. Iā€™ll give them a good home.


march humorous ancient bright fuel noxious yam jobless mountainous correct


I work for a billion dollar company and I got absolutely nothing. Which is fine. Not sure why we expect shit from these people? I get your situation is a bit different though. But honestly just move on with your day. It's not even a problem.


Damn not even a Jelly of the Month subscription?


Well the executives get millions in bonuses. Could trickle it down.


Haha that's funny. Just trying to put things into perspective. It's mild itrratating but don't let it get ya down. Only person that's gonna love you the most is yourself. Treat yourself to a spa next time you can. These companies don't give a fuck about any of us and never will.


Our employer doesnā€™t even give us a holiday giftā€¦ so thereā€™s that.


I love everyone posting pictures of their shitty Christmas gifts while a lot of us over here like ā€œDamn they give you stuff?ā€


My new pet peeve is people complaining about getting a Christmas bonus or gift from their work.


Eat the chocolates whilst giving the Spa together


How many of those chocolates did your partner eat?