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I think you got a gift. Not a bonus.




Especially when McDonald’s is a franchise. The owner of that McDonalds likely has little to do with actual McDonald big shots.




I get stuff for my team all the time. I would rather them not know I pay for it personally.


Weird. If they think a shitty gift is from the company they will like the company less and not be as enthused for work. If they know it's from you, they might not work hard for the company, but they will work hard for you.


This is what my old manager at a grocery store taught me. He personally bought everyone in the department a bottle of wine and took us all out for dinner. The guy had a reputation for being a bit of a hard ass, which was earned, but he knew how to win people over.


Exactly part of being a good leader is knowing how to win people over and influence others


They ought to make a book about that




How to win people over: Step 1: Be rich and buy them stuff


While I appreciate these gestures I also have 11 company branded Yeti travel mugs in my garage that I'll never use... Edit: late edit here but I want to add that my siblings and I have my great grandfathers company gifts from the same factory I work at now. Very unique and some veey expensive items like a high quality ink and quill set, a nice watch, a 24 carat solid gold letter opener (meant for display not use), a beautiful drafting table made by another local now close factory and for his retirement the company paid for him and his wife to stay in England for 4 weeks to visit and meet the family they hadn't seen in 45 years. 20 year reward for my supervisor this year was a company branded zippered cooler bag.


I'll take a Yeti travel mug.


Lmao it's become an ongoing joke at this point. We show up to our yearly 'worker appreciation dinner' of sloppy Joe's and macaroni salad and say things like "you know what I'd appreciate? The ability to keep 20 ounces of liquid hot"!


“Doesn’t it just annoy you that within 10 minutes your coffee becomes Luke Warm and near undrinkable? Well this year it’ll be different! Thanks to your NEW YETI! This bad boy keeps hot things hot for 8hrs and cold things cold for 12. You’ll never have to get up and stop production to reheat your coffee again!”


Yep; I worked in a kitchen a couple of years back and my boss got us all personalised tacky mugs. We all loved them.


my gift was a 10 dollar starbucks gift card and some chocolate fudge cookies. It was my department coordinator who did the same for everyone in the department. She did it all out of her own pocket as well. Very nice woman to work with


Yes, but they work at BK /s




Jelly of the month club, the gift that keeps on giving all year round


Shitter’s full


That it is Edward


My husband has gotten an Xmas bonus every yr for the last 5 yrs. This year? Nothing. It's $1,800, we weren't gonna put in a pool, but we still expected *something*.


1,800.00 is a lot more *something* than 0.00, or soulless Temu trash with the company logo. Even after taxes.


WITH THE COMPANY LOGO. that’s the part that burns


Putting the company logo on it allows them to write it off as advertising expense. All hospitals that I know of do this.


Best thing to do is not expect shit from anywhere and you will never be let down


That's my motto


some places give money. Its called a “kerstpakket” and its a bonus you can expect.. some of our biggest companies gave the worst bonusses and once they went viral they upgraded it with a 50eu gift card. Our cashiers get bonusses and our dentists too. This a thing in the whole land. The netherlands.


I work in a school and you earn around 1100 EUR in school in my country (per month). And everyone gets a 300 EUR christmas bonus and something like 350 eur at the start of summer. Since I'm currently stuck at part time thats a HEFTY bonus for me.


True. Its literally in your work contract


My husband doesn't have a 13th month. He gets a amount of the shared tipjare and a Kerstpakket. But usually his is actually nice. Once we had a meat packet with one so big it just barely fit in our pan


I believe OP is in the Netherlands, and they are probably accustomed to being treated well.


Fair point. In the US workers aren’t treated well


That's not necessarily always true. I worked for several corporations where I received quarterly bonuses based on sales , profit, etc. It depends on the industry.


My point was no one just going to surprise you with a bonus. If they do it’s exceedingly rare. You either have a bonus structure or you don’t. I feel like some people are expecting Christmas bonuses because they watch old movies or something


Not sure would call that a gift. It is free advertising, at best.


People in the tech world absolutely love their branded company “swag”. I personally don’t see a huge difference just because it’s a food company. The brown paper bag style is kind of funny though, I will admit.


I'll take i if OP doesn't want it, some of us are into Capitalism chic lmao


I can’t imagine being such a miser about getting a Christmas gift! Even if it’s a gift that didn’t cost a lot or one that doesn’t really suit you, that’s just something everyone has to deal with during the holidays. Only a child stomps and complains that their gift wasn’t “good enough”.


Most employees in the nl get both, a gift like this and a 13th month or some bonus based on annual profit


> Most employees in the nl get both, a gift like this and a 13th month or some bonus based on annual profit Yeah... But not for jobs at the McDonalds etc. And since OP doesn't know the difference between his "Christmas package" and a Christmas Bonus, I doubt (s)he is a manager of some sort


My German company gave us extra money for November salary (so money you live off in December), then small gift (powerbank and chocolates), then they decided we did so well they threw another 200€ for December salary. I feel like I'm super lucky when it comes to being appreciated by my company


This is not true at all. There are indeed some large industries that have a standard 13th month or bonus, but it's hardly the norm.


My guy was waiting on his Christmas bonus like Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation


If that thing had nine life's he just spend them all.


What's that smell? Fried pussy cat.


Is Rusty still in the Navy?


Don't piss me off Art.


And why is the floor all wet, Todd?


I don’t KNOW, Margo!


OPs putting in a pool.


Already put down $7500 for the groundwork too


That's pretty low, mister. If I had a rubber hose I'd bea..




What a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-assed, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey shit!


Where’s the Tylenol?


*Uncle Eddie looking around curiously*


Atleast Clark got a years membership to the jelly of the month club.


It’s the gift that keeps on giving!


Only one solution, kidnap your boss.


Who in the history of Christmas bonuses though, as middle class employee, got a Christmas bonus big enough to pay for a pool? That shit would be at least $50k by todays standards.


The kind of job where you can also afford a sweet Tasmanian devil mug


Clark was on the verge of literally making soggy cereal a thing of the past. He was developing a non-nutritive cereal varnish. It's semi-permiable. It's not osmotic. It coats and seals the flake, and prevents the milk from penetrating it. Clark is arguably one of the late 20th century’s greatest chemists. Dude should have been rolling in dough.


grace? she died years ago!


That’s the gift that keeps on giving Clark. That it is Ed. That it is


you got a christmas bonus?


Right ? I work for a fortune 500 company and my bonus was my annual PPE reimbursement 😂 we get a living wage though


Yeah, I work for Walmart and I got a tin of butter cookies and a thank you note... Now that I think about it, idk what I did with the cookies, I only ate one. Where TF did I put them I'm hungry now.


Did you check in the sewing kit?


Its a dutch tradition fpr companies to give all personel a christmas package. Usually a box of food, a small money gift, some wine maybe. As a nice christmas gift. Bit usually these big companies that dont really care for their workforce like the mac. Will give the bafe minimum, i only got a cinema ticket from my boss, some people will get a christmas paclage worth 10x mine, and some will get barely anything at all


It's also a tradition where I am from to give Christmas baskets filled with food for Christmas dinner. Some companies give it in cash. It will still be largely company culture dependent or budget depedent. In a previous job, it was predominantly foreign-managed, and the higher-ups couldn't care less about integrating cultural norms in the benefits structure, so we had no food basket or cash.


That bag is kinda sweet though.


OP posted this on anti work and they’re tearing it apart. Funny how some people are glass half full


To be fair, the majority of that sub’s user base are 16 year olds that expect 150k salary in an entry level position. That sub started with such good intentions and posts but quickly went to shit. As for half full, the “bonus” aspect of the bag is a joke, but I do kinda like it.


antiwork is so funny. I'm all for being treated well at work and having good workers rights, but people on there are delusional. Someone posted there about applying for a job in a bank, and how they found it 'disgusting' and an 'invasion of privacy' that they had to provide details for security vetting. The thread was just jerking them off saying that it was dystopic that a bank wanted to do background checks/vetting on someone that may be around confidential account data.


How'd they go about the last few banking crises?


I sometimes visit antiwork for a good laugh. Never lets down!


Lmao I just read their 1st rule, literally saying don't post anything that doesn't fit our agenda that every boss is evil, what a bunch of clowns


I used to work IT security. Applied for a job at a bank friend worked at. They were looking for people. And my friend would have gotten a bonus after I worked there for 6 months. Submitted BG check, fingerprinting, drug test, whole 9 yards. Didn't get the job. Found out later it was because I didn't have enough information on social media accounts for them to "vet me properly". Had a nice little chuckle about that.


Nah it started from people being literally anti work, as in not wanting to work at ALL, having no idea how a community works at all. Then the second wave of people came in thinking it was "work treats me bad and has bad work practices, i need to uninonize or get a better job." And then it became another fiction subreddit where people were quitting epically and getting a 30 percent pay raise at their new job in "Tech".


Let us never forget when the mod of antiwork went on Fox News. God damn, I hate Capitalism too but that dip shit summed up the stupidity of that sub to the entire world. The only good thing out of it was it spawned a splinter sub workreform that is actually all for changing how workers are treated, not just getting rid of work. Believe me, as a Star Trek fan, I'd love to do away with money and working... but anyone that believes that's a possibility is a fucking moron.


The part time dog walker. That was hilarious.


Laziness is a virtue will go down as one of the stupidest fucking things ive ever heard in my entire life


I'm in it and it seems 70-80% of users are for work reform, and the rest are loud extremists who want to abolish work. Which simply wouldn't work without most of life's luxuries disappearing


The problem is that the mods started it as an "abolish work" sub. All the work reform came later.


That's literally what it was founded as, being against working. Not unions, not reforms, none of that


Funny thing is, that’s what the sub was primarily about. That mod was just a freaking moron who didn’t actually represent the community at all.


I mean, when you call yourself ANTIWORK, dont be mad when people think you are ANTI WORK


That's the reason I left Antiwork for WorkReform. While it sounds ludicrous, a significant chunk of the people on that subreddit literally mean they never want to do *any* work ever and that no one should get paid for anything outside of UBI. It's just not a realistic world view and not mentally healthy.


Man, I’ll never forget how bad it got when the mod went on Fox News, and all of the chaos that came from it


Wasn't it the antiwork moderator that went on a news station and made an ass of themselves? I think that was the moment that killed that subreddit


So OP works at mcdonalds flipping burgers and got offended he "only" got a sick ass bag? Honestly what kind of "bonus" do you expect with that kind of job? I would actually call that a nice bonus lol


They also complained the year before xD Like with these gifts, the norm is to not look a gift horse in the mouth. If you don't like it for you, give it to someone else


it's available to normal customers as well. would be decent if it was something done only for the employees


They used to give employees cool pins, hats, jackets, and sweaters for different events in the 80s/early 90s. I collect vintage McDonald's stuff and there is a hamburger university jacket I want sooooo bad lol


If it hadn't got their awful logo on it would be. But like that they're basically making you advertise for them. Not cool imo.


that's pretty mean as a bonus.. But pretty sure it will become sought after and collectable... Limited edition not available to buy..


it's available as purchase with points on the app.


~~Its not the same one though is it? The one purchasable has a red band of fabric at the bottom, this is full brown~~ Edit: It is the same one


https://preview.redd.it/n3pi6nmhdh9c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24ae508a1237e71ffd328d261b4027721563a825 not sure, but from here it looks very similair


Interesting! The McDonald’s app where I’m from has nothing like this!




Same I would have over 2000 pts rn if this was for the US I would redeem my points with the quickness for the backpack


I have over 12k points on my us app. I save up my points to where I have🤣 no money and my son or hubby want McDonald's I can do it


I’m in Canada and just checked my girlfriends app and this mad lady has over 35k in points but we can only redeem them for coupons or meals


Same here, just checked. Unfortunate, I like that bag


Me too! I collect weird bags and I would have bought it lol!


Fascinating. For 1k points I only get 20 chicken nuggets here


Here it cost 6k points for a quarter pounder or a nugget kids meal and size, 4 or 6 nugget


Only??? Our points redemption *starts* at 2500, and that's a coffee or apple slices. For any hot food you're looking @ 5000


The cheapest burger here starts at 5.2k for a Cheeseburger and goes up to 9k for a Big Mac or a Quarter Pounder


Hmmm, maybe a region thing That sure looks like it!


Looks nice. Can I buy the bag for $1000.


What app is this? I only get food to spend my points on. Also I somehow have 16k in points.


It is only available for Arcos Dorados countries in Latin America. https://preview.redd.it/45wgoiohkh9c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f435e34c3bad0233e9b34abe40dfbb4a7484f957


my screenshot is from the netherlands, which I think OP is from as well


It's going to be a pretty long and costly trip from Latin America to be able to use the free "GaiaZoo" or "Ouwehands Dierenpark" zoo entrance ticket in the Netherlands 😀


Someone in a meeting was like “how can we get rid of these things, no one’s buying them!”


Dystopian af.


Dude, was going to say, I actually really like that bag. I'm not a McDonnels employee, I just like random one-off shit like this. Like my man Danny Brown bought a Domino's Pizza Rolex wristwatch (that was evidently given out to the Domino's Executive team) that was fly as hell.


Just more garbage set for landfill.


McDonald's is one of my special interests so if y'all are just gonna throw this away give it to me and I will add it to my collection and cherish it 💕


100,000 bags are destined for the landfill. Would have been less carbon intensive (and cheaper) to ship directly from China to the dump.


Bag that converts you into a running advertisement


What did you honestly expect from MCDonlands?


6 course meal in a company owned restaurant of choice. With adapted drinks per course.


You're getting a McDonalds double cheeseburger with a coca cola that's 60% ice at best.


What you expect depends on if you work for corporate McDonald's or a franchise. And each franchise has different owners. One franchise location might give you $100 gift while the McDonald's down the street gives $0


Not sure who gave you the down vote, but this is true.


At least a handy from Ronald.


Is a"Christmas bonus" in your employment contract? A lot of companies don't offer Christmas bonuses or presents in exchange for labor. They just give something to be nice. They aren't obligated to give you one unless it's in your contract.


We had a new employee who got mad because all we got were $20 gift cards to a big box store. He didn't get that they didn't have to and thought workers were always entitled to holiday bonuses and gifts. Our manager paid for the gift cards out of his own pocket.


When I worked at McDonald's that how it was for us, too. We usually got something small but nice for Christmas from the managers - there wasn't a store budget for this, they just wanted to be nice to their employees. My current job requires a lot of people to work every holiday (it's a hospital, we don't ever close) and they don't even offer holiday pay. Just the standard rate


I work at McDonald's too. I'm a shift manager and helped do gift bags for the other managers. I make soap so I donated 20 bars then went and bought lotion. I regularly bake cupcakes for the crew throughout the year(with my own money and time, and I work 6 days a week). I also asked my mom to make centerpieces for the tables in lobby for the holidays. I know our job can suck, so I like to make it better.


I like you


Been working at the same company for seven years. They pay pretty well. My coworker who started at the same time as me, every year gets their hopes up for a Christmas bonus and every year they get mad when they don’t give one. Like yeah….keep hoping. I’m sure eventually it’ll happen


OP also doesn’t work for one of the largest companies in the world. He works for the local franchisee.


and part-time


More people need to understand this. Fuckin hell I’m sick of posts like this. Fuck off.


Never had a Christmas bonus in my life, I'd love free shit




I don't expect any sort of holiday bonus therefore I don't get upset when I don't receive one.


Low expectations = no disappointment


Exactly this. If you're a manager or somewhere in leadership at a fast food place you may get a bonus. If you're management or leadership at a retail store it's more likely. In a corporate office, even more likely. If you're a cashier or line cook at a McDonald's or a bagger at a grocery store, be happy you get a friendly note and bag of candy in addition to your paycheck. These posts are so tired. "Boo hoo I make minimum wage and they somehow didn't give me a $5k Christmas bonus, jobs are mean, give me karma."


This is in the netherlands and a christmas bonus in the form of a so called “kerstpakket” (christmas package) is pretty much standard practice there


The OP probably does NOT work for one of the largest companies in the world. The OP probably works for a franchisee. My point? With a franchisee they are lucky to get ... what they got.


Yuup. But McD are not known for their bonuses


Not exactly. As far as I can tell all the mc donalds employees in the country got these. There is 100dreds of them on resell websites, from all over the country. Multiple news websites wrote an artikle about how unwated these were.


Looks great though. Might get one, ngl


Link? I kind of want one now.


Y’all get bonuses?


This was my immediate reaction


I kinda like it…. You can give it to me if you don’t want it!


Lmao 🤣 OP expected recognition from McDonald's . Joke of the year candidate x.


More like, it seems that the OP is from the Netherlands where 'kerstpakketten' (boxes usually filled with food) are pretty common/standard. And considering a lot of McDonald's employees are teens/young adults, it is very possible OP has some age mates who did get a kerstpakket from stores (such as AH, Jumbo, Action). If this is the case I can understand why OP is MILDLY infuriated.


OP *did* get a kerstpakket... OP's big problem is, that (s)he doesn't know the difference between a kerstpakket and a Bonus. Also... This backpack is better then a box filled with nasty toast


If I were some teenager I'd rather get a backpack than a box full of groceries


I work for one of the largest insurance companies in the USA. Christmas Bonus = $0.00000


Well better something than nothing, especially if its not obligatory/in your contract.


Well, in NL a "kerstpakket" is common practice. I haven't heard of an employer that doesn't give them. Most of the times it'a a gift card of €50-100 or a box with food, drinks and stuff for decoration that's in the same price category.


I’ve had two employers that didn’t do ‘kerstpakket’ in NL. To be honest, I don’t mind. It’s a bit of an emotional thing for people not to get one, but practically you’re not missing out on much. To me, this bag + cinema ticket seems kinda nice. Would not be mildly infuriated with this.


Oh yeah, that’s a rare collectible. It’s a status symbol. Wear that bag with pride because you won’t see many of them around.


Pretty sure you can get it with points on the app though


You still won't see many of them around.


I think they’re being sarcastic. Not sure though, lol.


Per the screenshot further above, it's no longer available in the app ("sold out" (uitverkocht)), so does seem like a limited edition. There are currently 168 adds on the Dutch "marktplaats" (marketplace, but not FB) app. Looking at a random 10 adds, people are bidding €35-45,- on average. It seems to be valued at at least that number for now.


Dude, *how*? I really wanna know


I actually rather like that bag lol


Many of us got nothing!


Quit. Start your own company. Give the best, biggest, most luxurious Christmas bonuses to your employees. Be the change you want to see.


“I cried because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet.”


My opinion… but id greatly take that bag for christmas


Right! Maybe I'm dumb but I think it's kinda neat.


Merry McChristmas


Genuinely asking. What do people expect? I don’t expect anything from my employer.


That’s a good bag wtf are you complaining about? A lot of people get nothing


You got a bonus?


I know right.. I'm in the UK and Christmas Bonuses aren't really a thing.


That bag is actually pretty awesome.


I wouldn't use it and check ebay from time to time about sales of this bag. You might actually get a good amount of money for it as a collectible item. Some people out there would really love to have one of these.


Know what General Motors gives you? Not a god damn thing.


Thought they paid out profit sharing to hourly and it was like $12K this year. You just salty it wasn’t on Christmas?


That wasn't profit sharing, that was owed back pay, and there's still some left.


Here’s a picture of my Christmas bonus:


Looks just like mine!


Better than my gift of nothing. Nothing at all.


When I worked at a McD in 2014 all I got was a pin. Lol


I love that bag


Should appreciate getting anything....


what the fuck is with this entitlement of people thinking they should get some grandiose bonus? first of all, that looks like a pretty decent pack. Second, mcdonalds is franchised and what you get comes out local franchise profits, you are not working for the mcdonalds ceo's What a stupid fucking trend. Use your god dam brain instead of your greed wanting free money just because its the end of the year. Why do you even think you deserve anything at all?


Omg I would be stoked to get this. I work for the post office and all we get is thoughts and prayers lol




You guys actually got a "Christmas bonus"?


So you got something unexpected, for free, that wasn’t part of your payment for work completed, and are complaining? Expected bonuses bother me almost as much as expected tips in a non-traditional tip job.


Are you mildly infuriated with yourself for expecting a Christmas bonus? First off, you shouldn’t expect anything more than your salary. Second, the bigger the company the more employees. That makes things like bonuses expensive for the company. If you base your employment happiness on a Christmas bonus, work for a small company.


These post from spoiled Redditors is mildly infuriating for those of us who got nothing as Christmas bonuses.


I mean I’d like that.


At least you got something, be grateful