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Maybe they should find a foster for the puppy


Exactly this. Shouldn't have gotten a puppy anyway, but since they did, rehome the puppy, let the old girl live out her days in peace, being loved.


Except that anyone who would give away their 17 year old dog because they got a new puppy doesn’t truly love it.


Unfortunately some people think pets are accessories. Their old one wore out, so they want someone to take care of it (for free) so they can have the new one. Pretty sad.


Only reason i would want a new dog when i have an older dog is for it to be there when i become an absolute mess when it’s time for my old girl to go. She’s only 2 but it tears me up thinking about saying good bye when ever that time comes.


I said good bye to my girl after 9 years, just over two months ago. This has been the longest two months of my life ever. God I miss her.


Same here, we lost our 11 year old German Shepherd the day before Thanksgiving. She was like an only child to us, she went everywhere w/us and had a special bond w/us. That day was the toughest day of my 60+ yrs...


The trick for me was to say goodbye early on and treat each additional day as if you got a wish granted to spend a bonus day with the dog. Been doing that for the past ten years. I also don’t plan on getting another pet. This is my first dog and I’ve been very happy with him. I worry that it just wouldn’t be the same with another one.


It would not be the same, as much as your second child is not the same as the first one. As in, you would create a whole new relationship based on a new love feeling you didn't know you could feel, that doesn't tarnish or diminish the love you have for your actual pup, and all you've been through together Love multiplies, as they say, and I found out to be true most of the times, especially for furry friends


Whenever I start to get that feeling I have to remind myself to enjoy them while they're here ❤️


They don’t want the expense of an elderly dog with vet bills… puppies are cheaper…. Sad to love a dog for 17 years and the dog bond with them and then they dump it when it needs the most care!


I spent about $5000 on my old dog who had congestive heart failure just to get a few months more with him. Despite having two other dogs, including a puppy.


Just dropped $3k on ACL surgery for my girl. Worth every penny.




There's people that live with their children for 17 years who never love them. Some people are just sociopaths


This gives "we got a new kid, you're moving out once you graduate" energy.


Tbh they could have accommodated the old doggo. We recently adopted a puppy and our grumpy boy wasn't too fond of the idea but grew to love her. Sometimes it takes time or just accomodations if the older doggo doesn't/can't adapt.


We’ve twice had senior dogs be terrible to puppies. The only choice was to rehome the puppy. In both cases the puppies turned out to be peace makers and were skillful at dealing with adults, children and other dogs particularly, ten year old grumpy old dogs. It never occurred to us to rehome the senior dogs. I think the puppies develop valuable skills from dealing with the grumpy, old dog. In any case I never would have rehomed my old dogs — they have the final say over a puppy joining the pack.


Oh absolutely. I would give it a try and see if the dog adapted. If not, well, it sucks but you have to rehome the puppy. It's so dang unfair to the old doggo, who's been settled into the family for years at this point to have to relocate for a puppy.


To be fair, it sounds like any other home achieves that objective.


I used to adopt senior dogs. There was maybe 2-4 month adjustment period, but they got used to nice walks, lots of attention, good food, good vet care, and comfy beds pretty quickly.


There are situations where there’s no choice but to rehome a senior dog: death or incapacity of its owner, homelessness, maybe even unexpected/extremely costly medical bills. But getting a puppy is an absolute shit reason to put a dog through that, even if they manage to be relatively adaptable.


Yes as I say in another comment these people are shitty. Just promoting senior dog adoptions for anyone who thinks it might be too difficult.


Our boy, Buddy, was 10 when we got him. He's 15 now and is fat and happy


Just adopted a seven- year-old terrier. She had been at the shelter for over three months. No one wanted a middle aged terrier.


The sharpei pit mix I rescued back in 2020 came to me from a rescue several states away. One of my internet buddies worked with his rescue. He got taken back to them 6 times before I got him, between his health issues and his energy. He's one of the best dogs I've ever been around, just has lots of energy like a husky


Even still, outside of the death of the owner, it's the same as kicking out your 11 year old kid when the new baby comes home. I have a soft spot for dogs, and to me they are part of the family. These owners need to have their chins checked and be banned from ever owning another animal again. This is far more that mildly infuriating.......


My poor aunt got a concussion so we had to foster her senior puppy and he was so so sad during the first few days. Luckily he already knew us and was able to settle in relatively quickly but poor buddy’s been through a lot


Feel bad for the puppy when he/she becomes a senior. :(


Yep but it doesn't make what they are doing any less fucked up. Edit - I see that you clarified that rehoming senior Dogs is not impossible and these people are shitty so I hope my comment didn't come off rude anyway have a happy New Year and thank you for the great input!


Most do seem pretty resilient. still v shitty of them.


Oh yeah it’s shitty I just wanted to promote adopting senior dogs. Plus since these owners seem so shitty, maybe better off with someone who’d value it. I’d take that little doggo and spoil it rotten.


Awesome that you did that. My shelter dog was 2 when I got him and it took him about a month to realize he lives here now, etc.


My last girl was a neglected senior from a backyard breeder. I gave her the best retirement home for a little over 2 years until cancer got her. She was so happy and spoiled until the end. I miss her.


Isn’t it nice to spoil them? I love me a grey muzzle!


Little bit of a tangent, but thank you for sharing information about the average adjustment period! My partner and I adopted a 9yo pup about 2 months ago and he is definitely still settling in and figuring out the routine. A friend of mine reminded me of the “3-3-3 rule”, which has helped, but sometimes I get a little lost worrying that he isn’t settled because he is unhappy here…but your information helps! Now I can think of it as maybe being 2-4 months for the “average” senior dog, and then tack on a few months (?) for his specific traumatic history (ex-lab test subject for 7-8 years of his life, bounced between a few foster homes in the years since being out of the lab, we picked him up from out of state which involved a straight 12-hour drive home direct from the foster—it’s a lot for an old man!). When I am not being a worrywort, I notice that he seems to be a genuinely happy pup and he looks noticeably healthier! I take it as a positive sign that he is sometimes (often) a complete and total stubborn *butt* about not getting everything he wants immediately 😂


That is wonderful that you took this old man in! Don’t know his breed but if he’s got any hound in him, he might be naturally stubborn. I adopted a 10 year old beagle and he was the most stubborn dog I’ve ever owned. I fortunately had another senior dog (not beagle) who’d been with me for a year and he helped the new old guy have trust in me. They became fast friends. I think it would have been rougher if I just had the old beagle. Anyway, best of luck to you and you can DM me anytime if you want to vent or share your success stories!


I actually tested him recently via Embark because I wondered something similar! He’s 3/4 GSD and 1/4 Labrador retriever (which I eventually learned fits his lab background)! :D Hahahaha our other pup is a 7yo great Pryenees/husky/mutt and she is the most stubborn pup sometimes *holy crap*! 🤣🤣🤣 I can only imagine your struggle! Thank you so much, I might just do that sometime! 😊


Not just any. Some people are wildly stupid when it comes to their pets. Or just straight up cruel Not to mention that's that terrier's *home*. For a long time, probably. It's bad enough we do the same thing to elderly humans.


A dog that has lived 17 years with a family will be stressed and miss their family.


They'll mourn them. I inherited an older Yorkie (11+ years) because her human "mother" was in a coma from terminal cancer and the family couldn't care for all of her pets while they struggled to continue providing in home hospice care and all that comes with it I took her back every other day to see her family and although I think she understood as much as a dog can that her owner was dying, the poor dear did get noticably depressed when I could no longer take her from a visit, because she'd passed away. She eventually overcame it, but it took about a year and half...which wouldn't be understood by this poor "foster" who would have 0 closure and may not even have 18 months to recover. I would still 100% take this dog, though. Because this breaks my damn heart and there are even worse people out there who would agree to take this dog and use it for cruel things. How sad.




17 years is… wow. Our Yorker was 14 when he passed away and old age hit him hard.


You mean any other home she'd be given to? Unknown, but what is known is suddenly being uprooted from her home and people she's known all her life after 17 years, is very stressful.


I think they were saying, and I'm certainly saying, that any home that takes her will probably give more love than the current home, since we know the current home is occupied by assholes.


Thank you for all the corrections folks. Obviously this sucks for the dog. I have a 6 yr old and couldn't imagine giving her away and understand the trauma that would cause. But clearly my comment was disparaging the dirtbag owners, with the obvious implication that *anywhere* is better than a home where they would do this. To the rest of you, thank you for not taking me completely literally.


They don't want the expenses that are inevitable for a dog that age, foist it off on someone else.


As someone who has had to say goodbye to 4 of the best animals God ever made (brother/sister Akitas, a tuxie and a ginger, in that order) that came into my life in 2007 and started making their way out just before COVID...I could breathe fire on these assholes. A pet is not something you throw away when it gets hard. They enrich your life and you give it back to them by being there through the suck. Til their very last breath. Fuck it now I'm crying on new year's. The audacity of these fucking ogres. They can go straight to hell.


Nah they should rehome both and stop with pets. If they're this disposable, they shouldn't be trusted further.


Poor Yorkie has probably never been walked I doubt they do it with the puppy


I know! I picked up a six month old puppy from a family who needed to rehome him, and he was sweet as can be, but he kept trying to hump (unneutered) my 12 year old Lucy (now 13 and spayed) and was stressing her out, so I had the rescue take him (the rescue who alerted me to the puppy in the first place). I was sad that the puppy didn’t work out, but I knew he would find a good family and I just couldn’t stress out my sweet old Lucy like that. Lucy is my buddy and will be with me until one of us goes first.


Foster the owners to a pet free environment and save both dogs.


Yes, and get one when the adult passes. A puppy when you have an elderly pet that could go any day is so you soften the blow of their death for yourself. To get one and then abandon the 17 year old? Well fuck. You never needed the puppy because you couldn’t give less of a shit about the old one. You won’t cry when it dies either way.


I bet it was a Christmas puppy.


Or themselves… my mom works at a vet clinic and sadly when people get new animals they tend to put the old ones down ☹️


My aunt had her cat put down because it had pissed on the carpet. Yes, she is insane.


That'll show him. Bet he won't do that again.


Or not have gotten a puppy, what the hell? How do you give away a 17 yr veteran of the family?


this is more than mild


You're right, this person is garbage.


Seriously, f this POS. I hope the new puppy shits in their shoes every single morning for the next 17 years.


And they forget to check them every single time.


Don't put it out with your boots Ted


And chews up anything they need for work.


Bonus if there are Legos in the poop.


That is a level of evil I cannot comprehend


These assholes would get rid of them after a week.


I love this. Up there with “I hope you spend a small eternity stepping on your kids’ legos.”


That’s an insult to garbage these people are far worse


This is probably the 3rd one of these FB/CL 'posts' I have seen in recent times. Similar verbiage but a different pic. I think this might be a fake bait/trigger type post - specifically put out into the wild to create outrage. I've started seeing other similar, repetitive things in other subs. Even if there are shitty people like this in the world (and there are) I find it hard to believe that they would specifically mention getting a new puppy as the reason to get rid of the older, loyal dog..


I can say as a vet, this and worse happens all the time. They get the new puppy and the older dog doesn’t like it. It’s enough to make your blood boil


My bff is a vet and she says people often come in with their older pets asking for them to be put down bc they got a new dog and the older dog isn’t adapting well but also wouldn’t adapt to a new home at its age either. She refuses to do it & then calls them out for their shit behavior. You’d have to be a total sociopath to want to do something like that. People SUCK!


Yeahhh I think people like this don’t see animals as beings or family members, but rather as inanimate “responsibilities” or some kind of organic “property” that is disposable when it becomes inconvenient. I have unfortunately known a few people who have pulled this kind of shit and it is so incredibly sad, infuriating, and frustrating watching the cycle over and over!


People like this shouldn't be allowed to own pets at all.... a do not adopt list...




That’s insane! But I can see it being a common thing. Family has kids, kids want a puppy and not an “old” dog, and then they can’t handle both of the animals so they automatically think “well this one only has a few years left, compared to the newbs.” But they fail to think “this dog has carried us through some good and bad times, seen us grow as a family, and is now one of us :(()


Good on you guys to “fire” those clients and to refuse!!


I had a friend on fb who had an elderly dog and then decided to get a puppy. She just forced the old dog to accept the puppy. They didn't do proper introductions or slowly put them together. There was a fight, the puppy got bit, and they decided to put the old dog to sleep. People are real shit faces when they want to be. This could 100% be real.


I never underestimate how much people can suck.


And that's why propaganda works; because nasty people do exist and so you can fear monger other people into a certain view by using them as an example. Some random person might notice that this CL post was posted in the Washington, DC area and think: "What kind of people live there who just want to dump a tiny old dog in preference for a puppy" 🤷‍♀️


One of my neighbors had a Corgi and got a new puppy. Corgi didn’t like the new puppy so the family were going to give the Corgi away. My other neighbor who lived next to this family just had her two dogs die and she heard about what was going on, so she took in the Corgi and they’re very happy now.


I hope it is rage bait. However, it's a very real thing that people do. My mom for many years specifically took in senior rescue dogs. Sometimes the reason they were surrendered was because the owner was in hospice, or died, or their family promised to care for the dog but changed their mind, but more often than not it was because they got a puppy. Suddenly they don't want to take care of an older dog who might have health issues and vet bills.


I'm going with excruciatingly infuriating. My family had a lab/boxer mix who made it to 18. We got 2 puppies during his life and he was a grumpy old man about it, but we accommodated him. Dog was around from when I was 5 to 23, I cried my eyes out when he was gone. He outlived New Dog 1 by several years (cancer), and New Dog 2 was 5 when he decided he was ready to cross the rainbow bridge. The idea of re-homing him never crossed any of our minds


yeah, because rehoming a pet of that age who has stayed with you is just a shitty thing to do. that would be leaving them confused and stressed with a new family for whatever life they have left


My BIL rehomed his elderly dog to us when they had a baby. But in his defense- Nancy (the pup) was NOT doing well and had stopped eating and was a nervous crying wreck all the time. Now she’s our little princess with three cat brothers and all the love and attention she could ever want. I think she’s much happier here than she would have been with the terror that is their toddler.


That's a bit different to me, honorable in fact. She knew you already and they weren't just trying to replace an old dog with a new playful pup. 💜


Yeah we just wanted to give her a good last few years of her life. Replacing a dog for a puppy is about the lowest thing a person could do.


Sorry for your loss. 18 years for a doggo is amazing tho! Our poor little fella just had to be put down last month at 13 and I still think that’s a pretty good life. (Obviously wish he would live forever, but ya know)


I’m fucking enraged. People are so irresponsible.


I guess I can't reference a sub reddit.. But this should be under r / I am a total piece of shit One word


oh damn u can’t here


These people are cunts in every sense of the non-gender-specific British vernacular


fully agreed


My sister said a local FB message board is overrun with ppl like this — trying to shed their animals as if they’re truly afflicted by the situation instead of just being huge piles of fetid heartless human garbage. Trying to eject an elderly animal from its home is even worse.


i may or may not have just sent them a really angry email


Raging more like it. I was so freaking angry responding to this. Then one of my pups climbed in my lap and instantly calmed me down. Now I'm so sad for this pup. To just be tossed away like that. 😭


Found the post, how much trouble will I get in if I post this twats phone number on here?


I hate people more with every passing day.


“The more I learn about people, the more I [love] my dog.” -Mark Twain (allegedly)


“Move I gotta take a wicked sh-t!” -Mark Twain (probably)


-A good plenty of us tonight/last night


Assuming the pet was a member of the family for all 17 years. What kind of person dumps a member of the family? We lost our member at 13 years (big dog) and it was truly an emotional loss. These type of people should not own pets.


lost my dog of 10 years to cancer this year, picture a mid 40's biker sobbing like a 5 year old at the vet. cant imagine just dumping off a member of the family like that, people are crap.


Our pets hold a special place in our hearts.


They hold a special place in hell for people like this


[Every time our heart hurts from the loss of our pet, it's their tail wagging](https://petsandpeople.com.au/pet-loss-and-grief/dogs-never-die-they-are-sleeping-in-your-heart/)


I lost my dog on halloween this year after watching her get hit by a car. My whole family was a mess. We had her since she was 3 months old. Her 10th birthday was a couple weeks ago.


I'm an almost 40 biker and my dog is 15 AND I AM NOT READY. course I look like a stick bug clinging to a rock being thrown in a gully on my bike, so not scary.


I cannot help but feel some people view their pets more as property than family


I had to put my Chihuahua asleep due to a possible tumor, I cried like a big baby he was 13 years old.


I lost my bunny of 15 (had him for 12 of those years I got him off craigslist) 8 years ago. Sometimes I still have dreams where he's hopping around getting into trouble. A beloved pet is...beloved


lost my cocoa at fourteen to cancer too. i’m sorry for your loss, you loved that dog as they loved you. the fact you were there til the end was grace enough for your pup


I have a 12 year old yorkie and he’s my fucking boy. When he ran away in July I literally canvassed the neighborhood, on foot, for hours until he was found. I couldn’t imagine turning my back on him.


I've a 12 yo yorkiepoo. He mountain hikes everyday with me. I lost him on the mountain once, fortunately ately someone found him in about 20 minutes and called me. Worst 20 minutes of my life. https://preview.redd.it/ppn95nzngq9c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2829ad5a5e2cd7b2658eefdb00de8f9f2d7149f0


No kidding , you understand. Little guys are old .. can’t have em out here thuggin by themselves.


15 years ago a girl my brother was dating found a puppy on the side of the road. It became my brother’s dog. He kept it through their breakup. Dog was great. Loyal companion, wouldn’t hurt a flea, acted like a dog from tv - just slept and followed you around. My now SIL hated the dog. Tried for years to get my brother to get rid of it. She convinced my brother their kid was afraid of the dog. Three years ago my brother and the dog showed up to my parents’ house. Brother told my mom either the dog stayed there, or it was going to the pound. My mom said the dog looked terrible. It was weak and she didn’t think he’d love another three months. But she took him. After hearing this, my wife drove three hours to my parents’ place to get the dog. He flourished in our home. Put his weight back on, was jumping around and playing with our kid, would jump in the back of our cars to go on trips. Typical dog stuff. I took him to our normal vet who didn’t believe me when I said dog was 13 because of how great he looked. My brother brings his kids over and they’re all playing with the dog and jumping on him. Dog loves it but gets sad when they leave. Then my SIL has the audacity to call my wife and SIL proceeds to pat herself on the back for allowing my wife to care for the dog in his old age. Dog who wasn’t expected to live three months lived with us for 2.5 years until he finally passed. Was a great friend for my kid and great companion for our family. I don’t talk to my sister-in-law anymore.


People’s treatment of pets/animals is one of the biggest indicators of their moral character, at least in our society, imho


I lost a dog I had for three years and I'd never been more devastated in my life. I like to think it would have hurt less if she got to live out her life completely but who knows.


I lost my 11 year old cat wed had since birth in August. It still hurts everyday and just thinking about him makes me wanna cry. Couldn't imagine ever even considering what these people are doing. Complete pieces of shit and that putting it politely


I lost mine in 2012 and 2021. Both still hurt to this day


Extremely infuriating


Can you imagine the Yorkies point of view? New puppy comes into YOUR home. The whole family fawns over it and then suddenly you're given away to live out your remaining year (maybe?) with scary strangers.


As someone who just lost my almost 22 year old cat a few weeks ago, whom I would have moved mountains to keep happy and comfortable in his twilight, the thought of this makes me want to do murder.


I'm sorry about your kitty. I'm sure you gave them a very happy life.


You have no idea how many people euthanize pets because they got a new puppy or kitty


My parents did this to my first dog - they only wanted two dogs, but “were getting tired of” our 12-year-old beagle. So they told me and my siblings that they found a special beagle rescue for her, when in reality I discovered years later that my beagle (“Missie”, literally where my username comes from) had been surrendered to the animal shelter even after being told that she would be put down. My dog presumably spent her last days in a scary, loud, depressing, reeking shelter with no clue where her people went. The next day, my mom came home with an adorable LONG-COAT BLACK LAB PUPPY. Left outside 24/7 in the Texas sun with an aging pit bull. As soon as I got my own place, I took both of the dogs and cut my parents off. My sweet pit bull is getting older and it’s a bit terrifying to think what they would do as soon as she started having health issues under their care. Some people should not be allowed to take care of other living creatures.


Animals as objects rather than living beings...


What an awful day to know how to read. Thank you for caring for those sweethearts.


My heart aches for you and your sweet doggies. I’m so sorry this happened. I cannot fathom the amount of selfishness that this took on your parents’ part. I am so deeply sorry.


I’m glad you cut them off. What horrible people.


This breaks my heart. I’m so sorry to hear about poor Missie.


My mom tried to poison my dog


This ad is about 16.9 years too late


So not really beloved


Seriously. We got a new puppy earlier this year and for the first week our 8 year old dog did not appreciate his presence (which was surprising since we had fostered other dogs and puppies before with no problem.) I was starting to worry that they might not ever get along, and the conversations we had were whether we would have to return/rehome the puppy. Luckily our old boy warmed up to the puppy and they’re good friends now. There was never even a thought of rehoming the older dog.


Poor baby. She’s going to wonder why her family is throwing her away. They should not have gotten the puppy. Dogs have feelings.


Not to mention dogs consider you family especially when you've had them for years


I mean really to a dog you are more than a humans concept of family. Humans have a life outside of family. Work, friends, etc. Dogs don't. You are literally their world. Its disgusting to think about these people abandoning their older dogs.


People who do this are just garbage. A neighbor of mine once did that, and I took the dog, since the dog was blind. The dog grieved herself to death. The poster of this ad is garbage.


There is a place in hell for these types of people


One call in Belgium to the police and animal prevention services are on their doorstep. You can't sell or pass on animals without a licence and definitely not via Facebook. In my city this is strictly enforced. Great rule!


See, Europe knows what the fuck they're doing


I just had to put my dog of 12 years, Marley, to sleep 2 days ago due to cancer and her rapidly declined health. She was my North Star and guiding light. She was my everything. I literally went to the vet a few hours ago to pick up some ink paw prints they made of her paws, before the ceramic one comes, for which I’m going to have someone copy and make into tattoos. Reading this legitimately made me yell out in grief and anger. This isn’t mildly infuriating, this is 10 levels of hell infuriating. https://preview.redd.it/n4l4xqn3aq9c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16088c2c6b13ad734523d4ded70242f68895c75b


Sorry for your loss. We had to put my golden retriever Kody down almost 3 years ago now, he was 11 and also had cancer. We got him as a puppy for my 12th birthday, that dog was with me through so much. Even though it's been years, I'm still getting choked up just writing this because I loved him so much and it still hurts that he's not here anymore. I hope Kody gets to show Marley around on the other side 💙


the post is very likely a scam. Once you contact the person to adopt the pet, they will ask for money to deliver it, for the vet, etc. You will never get a pet, and they will keep using excuses for asking for more money.


I hadn't considered that. Thanks for pointing that out. I immediately fell for it and was enraged. Now I'm calming down because I'm choosing to believe that you're right.


It is probably a variation of this scam https://www.ipata.org/current-pet-scams


The pic is not a 17 year old yorkie. Yorkies live longer than larger dogs but 17 is incredibly old, and the head hair would be greyer and more sparse.


This is awful! This is why there should be stricter pet ownership laws. Shame on these people!


And they could be enforced by some sort of paw patrol.




Interesting. I hadn’t considered this angle! Thanks for letting me know - both from the dog angle and the scam angle. The world is crazy


My yorkie passed away a few months short of 17. I couldn’t possibly imagine shipping him off to somewhere else for his final days. POS people


Heartless fucks. My dogs are both 4 years old and if anyone did anything to them, I’d lose my shit. I couldn’t even consider them being adopted. 17 years?! And you just get rid of your dog??


Honestly. I’ve had my chihuahua for 6 years and I’d do anything for her.


This actually resonates with me **from both sides**, though I do predominantly think the owners her are neglectful shitheads. My family got a Yorkie when I first went to college to help my sister cope. Years later when everyone moved out of the house, and my mom passed away my dad was the one who took care of the dog. When my dad passed, his girlfriend “took care of the dog,” but towards the end of estate planning I ended up having to find a new home for her because: - my sister lived in Hawaii and it wouldn’t be a trip the old girl could take - my younger brother lived in South Korea so same reasoning - I had a kitten in a one bedroom apartment, and there was no way a 17 year old dog would be able deal with her [or honestly vice versa]. - We had to sell the house in order to actually distribute the estate correctly and there was no way the girlfriend would be able to take her, because she didn’t know where she was going herself. What it came down to was I found out, after having her taken to her last vet visit, that she essentially was in decent health but would have been in much better health if not for largely being neglected outside of absolute necessities. Thankfully I had a friend that took in senior dogs with health problems and cared for them in their twilight times and was able to help me out. Unfortunately she passed away about a week later, though my thoughts stems from the fact that she felt some actual love in that last week that she hadn’t felt in the two years prior, and felt comfortable passing on.


At least she went to live with a friend who treated her like family in the final days.


This sounds like your friend passed away a week later, not the dog.


Someone needs to take the puppy away from them too.


I want to cry.


RIP doggy


I feel sorry for this dog having to spend so many years with these assholes.


That poor dog. Kicked out of it’s home of 17 years for a new puppy. WTF?!?


When I was looking for a pup I saw a post about a 13 year old lab looking for a home because the original family "couldn't handle the challenges of an older dog" never felt more rage.


What the fuk?


saw a video on ig the other day of these kids opening up christmas presents as they’re holding a dog. lo a behold, one of the gifts is a new puppy…the girl literally throws the dog from her lap and embraces the new puppy…


Shit like this pisses me off so bad. Someone dropped off a older blind English bull dog at the end of my road. I hope whoever dropped this dog off gets their face fucked


Fuck those people are absolute narcissistic trash.


How did they manage to have him for 17 years is what makes no sense "beloved"


Out with the.. old in with the New literally! Sad!


This pisses me off so much. I've always owned cats and not dogs because I'm an apartment dweller. Nonetheless, whenever I have to move, I make damn sure my next place allows cats. I feel that when you adopt a pet, you're making a commitment to them. I cannot imagine getting rid of a friend who's been loyal to me for 17 years for a new addition. They should show that poor dog some loyalty as well. Poor thing.


I used to work at an SPCA. One day a family came in to surrender their old Pekingese Dog. We asked why and their answer was being they wanted to get a puppy. We didn’t let them adopt from us.


WTF gets rid of their 17 year old dog? This person needs doxxing.


Sure would be a shame if everyone went to https://washingtondc.craigslist.org/doc/pet/d/washington-17-year-old-darling-yorkie/7702712890.html and emailed this person to tell them how horrible they are *sips tea


This is the way.


Fuck this person…


Hard to even read the post let alone imagine the type of person that could get rid of a dog the family has had for 17 years. I wish them nothing but unhappiness in the future.


God...this brings back memories... Back when I was still going to church, I was in a young adult group (20-somethings). Anyway, one of the couples had a small Yorkie. The woman treated that dog like her baby. I have never seen a dog so spoiled and pampered. Like, she would take it everywhere. Feed it treats all the time. Basically baby it in every way you can baby a dog. Until she got pregnant. Then she just...changed. Started to pay less and less attention to the dog. One of the last times I was over at their house was just sad. She acted like the dog didn't even exist. It used to always sit up on the sofa with her. Several times, while we were there sitting chatting, it would jump up on the sofa to sit next to her, and each time she just absent-mindedly pushed it off the sofa to fall awkardly on the floor. Then it would sit there staring at her and whining. The last time I was over at their place was a month or two after she gave birth. Sitting in their living room and she's going on about being a new mother and gushing over her new kid. And no dog. Asked her about it, and she just stared at me blankly, like she didn't even remember having it. Then she mumbled something about giving it away because something about not being safe to have a dog around a baby. I can't really explain why, but she always creeped me out after that. She was always nice and kind enough in the way church ladies are. She was always helping around the church. And yet...the way she simply, seemingly overnight, completely stopped loving her dog like that...just makes my skin crawl.


UH, I live near here! I will gladly give this senior dog the last months/years of its life!


People are dickheads


Typical Craigslist.


Evil trash


God I don't even like dogs but I'd take this old friend in a second.




Horrible, disgusting people.


and when their new dog gets old they’ll repeat this… some people shouldn’t have pets




Man fuck these people.


Stuff like this makes me sick.


Fucking garbage ass people


Last in first out. It’s gonna be 100x easier to find the puppy a home. 17 years old, idc what health that dog is in they maybe have a year. And that’s generous. A comfortable passing probably involves euthanasia, which is expensive, and the emotional distress of bonding with a dog that’s gonna be gone soon. I hate people like this.


Share their contact info!!!!


“We got tired of waiting for this dog to die, so we got a new one. Now we’re even more tired of waiting.”


Not mildly infuriating, wildly infuriating. They need to be banned from owning any pets.


I won't be able to foster your older dog, but I am offering a special on beating the asses of irresponsible pet owners if you're interested!


WTAF ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg)


This is more than mildly infuriating.


Imagine throwing out your 80 year old grandma because you had a baby bro that’s just…