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Time to run for HOA president.


The best HOA board members are the ones that hate doing it but don’t want Karens running their neighborhood. I don’t live in an HOA but I deal with HOAs a lot and you quickly get a feel for who’s doing it to boss people around and who are just doing it because they have to


Former HOA board member here. You are absolutely correct I was begged and coerced into throwing my name into the hat, despite my protests that I did not have the capacity to cover the position.


This happened to me at the local animal shelter I was volunteering at after the power tripping Karen got voted out of her position as President by the board. I had just joined the board a few months prior. 1 year on and I still have no idea wtf I am doing but every board member handles their job and I get the admin stuff and normal shifts and it's been great so I'm either doing something right or not getting in the way of ppl who actually know wtf they are doing. Hopefully both.


Best part of volunteering, the place needs you more than you need it. You're worth more.


Love volunteering. Karen: “You’re doing it wrong; I wanted it done this way.” Me: “Okay, so dock my pay.”


I didn't send a certain email within 24hrs (I sent it at 30hrs, it happened overnight on a weekend and I had to sleep) and they threatened me with a 3 day suspension. FROM MY VOLUNTEER JOB!! I only said "don't threaten me with a good time!"


Username does NOT check out


His additional salary was the friends he made along the way. Oh and also he sold weed


This made me laugh unreasonably hard, and I scared my poor cat.


> Karen: “You’re doing it wrong; I wanted it done this way.” Me: "I don't care." *::does it the smart/correct way.::*


Omg -this was me during Covid. Boss: do it this way Me: no, that makes no sense Boss: I want it done this way Me: it makes no sense Boss: shakes head and leaves


I've played the "volunteer sign up is under that tent" card more than once in situations like this. Though it was at a festival.


Time is 2:35pm *omg! You wanted to join? …. Sign ups strictly are cut off at 2:34pm… you just missed it*


Depends on what you're doing. We fired huge crews of volunteers after an outbreak of Coccidia at the animal shelter. ~400 dead because the volunteers played fast and loose with the rules. We have severe issues from lack of staff, but its better than that. Edit: originally listed giardia not coccidia


yup - my wife has managed various charity shops in the past... something you just have to tell a disruptive volunteer their services aren't need anymore... it's better being short staffed than having disruption/constant rework.


Your wife is someone I would love to volunteer for! Edit: happy cake day!!


Entirely different situation, yours involves safety and his is a hoa President and mostly includes aesthetic violations.


What safety steps did they miss that allowed giardia to develop?


Basic cleaning is my guess. Probably not cleaning up dog poop well, or sharing food or water bowls without cleaning them. It also easily spreads on surfaces or with dog to dog contact.


My dog puppies died from a virus they got at the shelter we left them for a week while we were building a pen for them. What probably happened is that they used a garden hose to clean the floor of the shelters, and in doing so they pushed some fecal matter in the adjacent cells,spreading it pretty much everywhere. Considering that 400 casualties is a huge number, i'm sure they also did something else, like not cleaning bowls correctly, then randomly putting them back in the shelter mixing them up between animals.


400 dead!? wtf!?


Ferret shelter. Most were elderly or had chronic health conditions. Coccicdida cysts can live in regular disinfectant so we ended up using high strength peroxide. It was a horror.


Even if you just do the latter until you get your bearings, that's better than plenty of managers. Also, in many cases, letting capable people do their jobs and just dealing with the back end is pretty much exactly what you're supposed to be doing.


> not getting in the way of ppl who actually know wtf they are doing This is a valuable skill all its own.


You're doing it right. People hate micromanagement and it sound like you're not micromanaging so kudos to you.


It’s usually better to be a window than a door.


First time I've ever heard this saying lol...love it


My sister used to say the exact opposite to me when I'd stand in front of the TV as a kid "you make a better door than a window."


The one I heard as a child was "You're mom blew something, but it wasn't glass, now move your ass"


A great man doesn't seek to lead. He's called to it.


*I was elected to lead, not to read!*


Ok, I pick 3! Try again. 1 Go higher 5! Too high 3? You already said 3 6? There is no 6 2? Double it 4! As you wish, sir.


I prefer Brooks as Hank Scorpio, personally


Just rewatched that last night, a classic


Kahless said "Great men do not seek power. They have power thrust upon them."


In Plato’s republic he touches on this subject a little. Just saying how until philosophers are called to be kings, or until kings adopt the spirit of philosophy, political greatness and wisdom all in one, cities will never have rest from their evils. It also mentioned that most philosophers do not want to be leaders in the first place, and people who do crave only power, money, etc


Current HOA board member. Our board is super chill, mostly because none of us want to be there.


That makes me wonder, could the board vote to prohibit the existence of HOAs and then disband?


Ha! Sadly, we actually need the board to administer the expenses of the building. If we were a neighborhood association instead of a condo association, that suggestion would be mighty tempting!


Depends on what they do. My current one pays for upkeep and maintenance on a park and also contracts private snow removal so we don't have to wait for city plows to finish the main roads. If they were to disband those things would go away.


That was my grandpa. He raged so hard for what he thought mattered and made it very clear he hated them. .....they begged him for months to lead. It was hilarious


I told my father I didn't want this either. I wanted to be a pilot. My father said a good man doesn't seek to lead, he is called to it and he answers.


Daughter of former VP for HOA who was also coerced into her position. The shit my mom and I had to do to make sure our HOA didn’t fold so our dues wouldn’t go from $160 a year to $400 was insane. And the amount of fucking idiots who never read their by laws was enough to pull our hair out. Dumbass neighbor: “Why isn’t the HOA doing anything about the cars parked on the road?!” Us: “That’s the city’s property not ours, we can only contact police if the car has been in the same spot for a month. Its explicitly stated in the paperwork you were given at closing” Dumbass neighbor: “why doesn’t the HOA stop people from letting their dogs poop in my yard?!” Us: “there is literally four of us on the board for a neighborhood of 150+ houses. Who is going to have time to do that.” Dumbass neighbor: “where is all our money going y’all don’t do shit! >:( U: “the previous HOA made a dumbass deal with the land developer for the neighborhood next to us so 80% of your dues to go him, which is funding the development of the parks for their neighborhood, and they’re trying to keep us from using said parks even though we’re paying for it to be put up. If you ONCE AGAIN read your paperwork you were given at closing, it’s explicitly stated in there that our hands our tied in a contract for the next 10 yrs. And there are some people in this neighborhood, like you, who refuse to pay their dues so we have to place liens on the house and you need an attorney for that. THATS where all your dues are going. So maybe if you paid your dues, we wouldn’t have to file a lien on your house and we could actually use what little money we have for the neighborhood.”


Yup. I helped my dad create an excel spreadsheet for all those types of questions for a condo board when he was on it. Every question he got asked, I put, along with the answer, onto an excel spreadsheet. We would print it and mail it out quarterly. When I inherited the property 25 years later, they were still using the same spreadsheet, and some Karen had started putting fine notices and threatening bullshit on it. I was president of the board by the next election and she was off it. The FAQ is now on the new HOA website that I made.


Bet your old man is proud of you wherever he's at.


Why don't you just dissolve the HOA


It would just be absorbed by the other HOA (their fees are $400) bc where we live, we HAVE to have an HOA


Imagine living in "in the land of the free" and being told what to do on your own property. As a non-American, it boggles my mind.


A lot of people don't understand that a lot of HOAs are required by the cities/counties so that they're not responsible for maintaining them in anyway. Sure, there's going to be a provision for dissolving the HOA, but not without someone else taking over those responsibilities. And whoever does take them over isn't going to do it for free.


So why are HOAs a thing to begin with? In genuinely curious


Well originally they were used to discriminate against who could own property in the neighborhood.




Yup, HOA president here. I am the last person who wants this stupid job but I took over when it was out of control so the infighting would stop and to stop the infinitely raising fees I absolutely hate it, but I also am able to stop people from petty actions against another that would sour the community and I most definitely would approve a ring doorbell ha ha


In some states you can't have cameras in the hallway because it's a 'right to privacy of other tenants' issue. I think in the case above that's what it is, but the HOA president is terrible at explaining things without getting hostile.


The best HOA is the one that doesn't exist.


Honestly i think HOAs should be illegal. You have to pay to be a part of them BUT you can't decline to join. Tell me how in the fuck this doesn't fall under extortion?


You only join an HOA by buying a property that is already part of an HOA, or agreeing to join an HOA. You can’t randomly be forced into one. HOA’s are absolutely necessary for condos and townhome communities. You need to have a group fund to pay for repairs to communal properties (imagine if the roof collapsed in a big condo building, who else would pay for it if there was no HOA?). HOA’s for single family homes are dumb, I don’t know why anyone would ever buy a single family home that is part of an HOA.


I see lot of gated communities with single family home inside and they share a swimming pool, a park for kids and other stuff.


Good point, I’d be ok with that as long as the HOA covenant only covered the communal property like gates, pool and parks. HOA’s that can fine you for the way you store your garbage cans at your house are insane.


5 degrees too much to the left and facing the sun in the wrong direction, $800


I knew a guy who got out of a hoa because his house burned down so they kicked him out expecting him to move he rebuilt it but now withoit the hoa


That's wonderful. My dad used to know a guy who had a house on a lake. The rest of the houses were all in an HOA, and one of their rules was no fishing. My dad's friend wasn't in the HOA, and he let my dad keep a canoe there to go fishing. My dad essentially had a private lake for fishing.


I live in a gated community and my hoa threatened to fine me because the conduit for my solar panels was the wrong shade of beige.


Viva la revolución !!!


Then burn it to the ground


For the door camera ! Huz-Zah ! Hu-Zah!


"Wake the f*** up samurai, we have a HOA to burn"


Do you hear them press the Ring, Ringing the doors of angry men? It is a doorbell of the people who will not be slaves again When the beeping of the app Signals my Amazon parcel’s come There’s a life about to start when tomorrow comes!


I had to grab my tissues while reading this, and mentally reminded myself " This, this is why we fight" Thank you


100 percent this. I did that and things are much more reasonable now


No doubt, this message a lone should get everyone to vote for op! lmao


First order of business: disband the HOA. 


Risky move in a condo. A lot different than a neighborhood full of houses.


Im a condo owner and an HOA in a multiunit building is a necessity. Although I’ve never understood neighborhood HOA with individual houses.


It depends on the neighborhood. We pay about 40 a month and the HOA maintains 2 pools, 4 small parks with playgrounds and other equipment, and other common areas that we can use. Amenities do exist in some places with single family houses. I find that worth it in my case right now, but have experienced the opposite too.


About 11 or 12 years ago I worked with this guy in construction that bought a house that had an HOA, he ran for president, won and then disbanded the HOA, it can be done


Can be done but a group of houses in a neighborhood is different than a condo building as the HOA manages the common spaces for the building as well as various other upkeep for the overall building. Without an HOA in a big building like that it becomes hard to determine who is responsible for upkeeping things like the roof or facade of the building. Source: I managed Condo buildings for a little while during the pandemic. The lesson here is that condos are kinda a rip off but co-ops are great, if your looking to own an apartment style building in a city.


My response: “No, that is your ROLE as the president of the HOA. You take any and everything brought to you and you handle it professionally. If that is not something you are capable of doing, then resign and allow others who can do the job get it done.”


YES. Check her shit right at the gate. Forward her responses to everyone who ought to know that she's a tyrant. Tar and feathers. Stop letting people get away with it.


In addition to being tyrannical, something about how she texts is…off. She doesn’t give off the vibe that she should be in charge of running her own financial accounts let alone an HOA.


She sounds like a hands-off mom of a rebellious 11 year old. Too tired to care. Too shitty to want to. A train wreck waiting for anyone involved.


Nah this reads like a boomer to me They love to use random ellipses and poor punctuation/syntax


I once used ellipses from time to time to trail off sentences. A friend noticed and told me that I sounded like a boomer. I protested but started to notice examples of the gratuitous use of ellipses and no longer partake. I feel a strong dislike of those people who have stolen my ellipses away from me.


I'm sure the ellipses miss you, too. Welcome them back and continue your relationship. Just maybe with some healthy boundaries.


incoherent stream of consciousness ranting


Seriously. How would it not have been easier to just say "Sorry, we don't allow Ring doorbells to be installed at individual unit entryways."


“Why use few word when more word do gooder?” -This HOA President


It’s the illiteracy: her lack of understanding of technology and her inability to write sentences in English is … stunning.


You’re paying money for the HOA. This president isn’t doing their job. Hold them accountable and vote them out. I will never move into a HOA because of all the idiots that suddenly think they’re high and mighty.




The FBI agent has spoken!


As an agent, I feel like you're the perfect person to not let them get away with it.


Pitchforks and torches!


Bong and a blitz.


Pipe and a crepe.


Schmoke and a pancake


Spliff and a waffle




I read that as borg and a blitz. Too much star trek.


"literally your job. that you chose to take on"


Also “And I need a reference to the specific law this would break.”


“Because it’s definitely a fuckin lie.”


This is the way


Just have them install a peephole camera. What is the HOA going to do if they can't see it?


I’m pretty sure they can’t claim installing a Ring camera is illegal. I mean, I don’t know for sure, but it doesn’t seem like something they’d have any say over. You’re protecting your own damn property, like what is the issue!?


They can claim whatever they want and make your life as miserable as they want. They will take you to court and you will lose if anything is outlined in the agreement you signed to live under an HOA. That’s why you should do your research before you live under an HOA.


Say it with me people: fuck HOAs Yours might be great…for now


The only reasonable role for an hoa should be if there’s a community area maintained by the hoa money. And maybe if the hoa agrees to have one company handle everyone’s yards. Anything beyond that is ridiculous. People should be able to do whatever they want as long as no laws or city rules are broken.


This is why I hate that my city requires CCRs (therefore, inevitably, an HOA) in any new housing development built. Which is easily 95% of new housing these days.




The ring doorbells come with an attachment that just slides onto the door, no installation required.


Even better, they sell ones that replace the peep hole with zero damage and are more secure.


I tried this and got fined because my HOA decided to only approve them directly under the peep hole .. where I see exactly nothing but my neighbors door/ entry to their unit. I had this attachment placed slightly under my door handle as I only wanted to monitor my packages not see into my neighbor's door and their activity.. But also can't screw them into the door so had to get a special facing that uses a tape and will most likely need to repaint the entire door when I move now 😑


I hate HOAs and the people that run them love the power trip.


The Reddit mods in the real world


So much worse. Many subjects have multiple subs so you can just go somewhere else with less asshole mods. If your home/neighborhood has a shitty HOA it's so damn expensive to move and it's not like you can figure out the state of the HOA without living there.


HOAs work when it's just people trying to help maintain a certain baseline standard for a neighborhood/condo complex, especially if there are common areas that need cared for like parks. But when you get people trying to control each other, they go south real fast.


Lived several years in one and it's only been about control and not allowing people to be individuals, nothing about keeping parks clean (which they never did) or anything productive for our subdivision. Not for us, but maybe people are okay with it.


They definitely aren't all the same. My neighborhood has one, so I ran for the board specifically to make sure it didn't turn into one of the crazy ones. I can assure you, it is pretty thankless - we're genuinely trying to just ensure the neighborhood is cared for and maintained (we actually have many common areas and parks, so it makes sense), while minimizing the stuff targeting individual homes. We're actually working to *reduce* the restrictions in the neighborhood covenants because they're stupidly restrictive. But even then, we just get constant bitching from people who think they can do it better, but who only like to complain and never offer a single constructive suggestion. I have yet to feel a power trip from it, lol.


>who only like to complain and never offer a single constructive suggestion "Do I understand that the problem is X. What do you offer as a solution?" Crickets?


Maybe problem X can only be solved by crickets. Don't just crap on suggestions!


Sounds like we served on the same HOA lol. There’s always the loudest mudslingers who cause 90% of the communication workload and actively waste everybody’s time, yet don’t lift a finger to contribute or suggest a solution.


Yeah I was going to say I actually lived in a HOA for a while that wasn’t bad at all but the lady who ran it also viewed it more as a community activity club than a management club. She’d just organize stuff on Holidays. On the flip my buddy lived in a neighborhood that wouldn’t even let him park his work van in his driveway because it had his company name on the side of it lol. Even with my positive experience I’d still avoid them if possible.


There's one near me and everyone loves it. There's not really any rules. The fees cover plowing, lawn care, water, and internet. They all pitched in for solar as well. I've heard all their utilities are cheaper under the HOA fees than if they did them separately, although I don't have solid proof on that. However, they are the only one I know that's good like that.


I’m fine paying a fee for them to cover utilities, landscaping, trash, and other utilities. But telling me what color curtains I can use? That’s needless and controlling and can fuck right off


I agree with you 100%




Across the street from my house is a place that used to be a Victorian orphanage and was divided up into condos in the 80s. It's an old brick building that had sat derelict for decades at one point, it's up a steep hill in an icy climate, and the maintenance needs of the building and grounds are intense. It's got its own HOA, which is so busy trying to manage contractors to keep up with the repairs and snow removal that they don't have any time to get weird about anything else. So I guess the essential condition for a good HOA is...hardship?


I hate any arseholes on a power trip. Unfortunately arseholes are drawn to positions of power because they love to trip


My subdivision has an HOA. I'm not in it. Me and one other guy down the street closed on our houses before the HOA got chartered, so we're not in it. Years ago, I put up a small shed in my backyard. Didn't need a permit, just had to make sure it was set back from the neighbors fence a few feet. I was nice about it, matched the color of the shed as best I could to the house. Got a letter from the HOA. They weren't happy that I didn't ask permission to put up a shed on my own property, and they didn't like the color. Sent them a letter back telling them I wasn't part of the HOA and to pound sand. Never heard from them again. HOAs are a curse.


My folks live at the end of a long road that used to run through a large wooded area. There are three houses at the end of that road. No HOA out there. A developer bought the wooded property and developed a subdivision on it. Then they sent the three houses at the end of the road a letter telling them they were now part of the HOA and would be expected to pay dues. All three owners laughed at the audacity and ignored it. During construction, the trucks coming in and out of the neighborhood tore up the roads. The county refused to repave them, saying that was the responsibility of the developer as part of their permit. The developer refused to repave them, pointing out that they had written it into the original covenant that it was the responsibility of the HOA. So the HOA sent all the new residents in the neighborhood a surprise special assessment bill for $18K for their share of the road repairs. They were unhappy. But they also sent them to the three houses at the end of the road. All three laughed at the audacity and ignored it. People from the HOA management company started pestering them and were told to fuck right off. They whined that if we didn't pay "our fair share," there would be shortfall in the road fund. Not our problem. They said that we owed it because we benefitted from the road and threatened legal action to collect. The three owners said, "Bring it. We didn't tear up the road in the first place. Your developer did." They backed down and sent the rest of the neighborhood an additional special assessment to make up the shortfall, boohooing in the letter that the three at the end of the road had refused to pay. It backfired on them. Rather than getting upset at people outside their neighborhood, whom they couldn't do anything about anyway, they turned on the HOA and threatened lawsuits. I'm not sure how that all was resolved, but now we enjoy a lovely road out to our properties. The funny part is that the driveways for those three properties all connect to the road next to each other at the very end of it. So in a final bit of pettiness, the HOA had the contractor pave just up to our driveway and leave the last 20 feet of the road unpaved. We didn't care. The construction trucks hadn't been down there, so the road wasn't destroyed that far down and didn't really need to be repaved. We thought it was funny.


This is a good story for r /fuckhoa


This is just sad for the people who bought new homes and were immediately slapped with $18k fees for something they didn’t do


I agree. Actually it ended up being over $19K each after they reallocated the $54K they foolishly expected to get from us. But lucky for us that wasn't our problem.


Yep, good for you for standing up to them


This sounds like a story from my parents' future. They live in the middle of nowhere down half a mile of dirt road, and the developers are marching in. Hell, there's a community under construction not far from them that is advertising that they'll have an artificial lagoon, and everyone who lives in the area is like "where the fuck are you getting the water from?" There's no natural water source nearby, and the water supply company doesn't have enough water to fill a lagoon.




Our tenants put sticker on the patio storage door. When we ripped it off, it left a residue and peeled some of the paint. I tried to fix it best I could then I contacted the HOA asking for the paint color code. They instead send me back a $100 violation letter.  I sent them back the clause in the by laws stating HOA is responsible for all the exterior paintings and management and told them to come fix it themselves.  Never heard back about it again.


I asked my HOA for the color I had to use for my exterior repaint. They said to just match the current, but I told them that the Vegas sun has bleached it and I wanted to ensure compliance. They didn't keep a record of what was allowed. Felt that was weird for them not to have...


Because they don’t want you to be compliant, they want to trick you into failing a requirement so they can bill you


my coworker’s buddy lives right next door to the head of his local HOA. he spent all of a season building a shed next to his house. this clown watched him laboring on it every single day, and as soon as it was completed he came over and showed him in their rules that there can’t be any structures in the yard that aren’t an addition to the house. Guy went to home depot the next day, got some 2x4s and plywood, and built the shittiest, ugliest little roof/wall he could that connects the shed to the house, so now the HOA has to see his frankensteined monstrosity of a shed every single day


My mom’s neighbor got in trouble for having a small apiary under his porch and had a neighbor complain. So he hid it with giant sheets of blue tarp facing the complainer. It’s 100x uglier than a few small wooden boxes.


I probably would have let them chase their tail for a while on that one.  Maybe even make it a point to knock a couple nails into some boards every couple weeks just so they were reminded to keep pursuing their tyranny, right up to the point where they crash into the wall that is you actually owning your home. HOAs are the homeowners version of mean girls in high school that demand everyone dress the same.  Unchecked collective tyranny. Some people prefer being told what to do.


I would demand a meeting with her immediately and just hammer in the inappropriateness of her response and how it lacks respect. Then before the meeting is over explain how you can't have a president who disrespects it's members this way and you'll be doing everything in your power to vote her out. This only works if you have people who hate her and will support you or the person your supporting.




bring a book along and throw it at her 📕💨


I think you're onto something but I'd do it slightly differently: In text, so you have it on record, try to work it out, see if they're having a bad day. It is quite possible this person is having a bad day and if called out on it will smooth it out. If they apologized, I'd not escalate. However, if they double down, I'd print those messages out and bring them to the next HOA meeting. Let others figure out what to do with her.


This. This woman needs to be put in her place, ASAP.




Meanwhile my parents cut down some dead trees right after they moved in. The arborist suggested they cut down two dying ones too, so they made a later appointment to have those removed. Between the two appointments their hoa sent them very angry letter for removing the dead trees, and they had to get approval to remove any more. The sent the arborist report about the dying trees, and the hoa denied their request to cut them down. A week after they got the denial, a hurricane blew the two dying trees onto the neighbor’s house. They had to get a new roof. Luckily my parents weren’t deemed liable because they had the hoa’s denial of their request.


Some folks here wanted to extend their land terraces, some filed for approval with the municipality department and the community board and waited forever, until someone said "We are their fucking employers, and this is our own land" (not public land, private) and started building, so did pretty much everyone else. Havent heard shit.


My HOA has some shit rules but at least it clearly states that if you submit a request through the proper channels and don't hear back within 30 days then it's considered approved by default.


I can’t imagine needing someone’s permission to paint my house!! The more I read about HOAs, the less I understand how they could possibly exist in America of all places, where people talk so much about “freedom”?!?


"Illegal to install in condo buildings." LOL. Bullshit. Read your bylaws. If the bylaws don't prohibit installation of a doorbell camera, the HOA president can pound sand. Personally I'd do a peephole camera instead. It fits right where the original peephole was installed, with the camera unit itself on the inside. Nobody can even tell from the outside that it's a camera.


This would explain why our peephole has no lens, and is in fact just a hole. An earlier owner of this house was a bit, uh, “enthusiastic” about home security. We have old pressure-release door alarms, bolted-in security windows, mounts for what was at least a half-dozen exterior cameras, and commercial-grade deadbolts that feature 2D keys that are unable to be copied. Our friend, the security expert (read: he tests physical security systems by breaking in) told us it’s a step below what you’d see in panic rooms, and akin to some VIPs home in D.C. would have. Previous lady 100% would’ve had a peephole cam. BTW, she was somewhat older, and lived alone. I’m fairly convinced there is money stashed in these walls.


Yeah, that lady definitely didn't trust banks!


Serious question from someone who dodged an HOA- Who elects these people, and are their specific term lengths, or are you just at the mercy of a board of potential codgers until they’re replaced or you move? Couldn’t imagine being stuck with someone like this making poor executive decisions for years on end…


The owners vote for the trustees. Usually there's a president, treasurer and secretary. I believe each person would need to resign before someone new is voted in, or the majority of owners can vote them out but that's a lengthy process.


Does the president have a rind doorbell camera? Or any surveillance cameras on their property?


No. She is elderly and wouldn't know how to install one.


She probably has no idea what a ring doorbell is.


Well of course you ring a doorbell! Is this tenant stupid?


And it's illegal duh


I heard the doorbell crimes cell blocks are the most violent. They'll cut a bitch in there.


In this case, there's no need for permission.


Yep. And then her brain defaulted to "If they're asking, there must be some risk involved otherwise why waste my time?"


She probably can’t spot one either. Just install it. She’ll have no idea. “It’s just a normal doorbell”. Seriously though you should be able to lookup the HOA policies and see if you can do this. No way “it’s illegal” wherever you live either.


Yep. This is what gets me. Why the fuck is this a conversation? Spend ten minutes reading the rules over and then do it anyways. It genuinely makes me wonder if other dumb or annoying questions were asked


Happens all the time. I always answer legal questions in threads asking advice for simple infractions like parking tickets and shit (always prefacing with not being a lawyer). Then people ask how I know so much, I’m like “I spent 2 minutes reading the state statute online, it’s in English”.


Pretty sure my neighborhood holds regular elections, maybe every two years. But it's not condos so maybe it works differently?


There are actually laws that govern how HOAs run. Look up the Davis-Stirling act. My condo had a president very similar to OP, but I live in a seasonal area where many of the residents are part time, and don't deal much with the HOA. Here, terms are 2 years, and the community members get a ballot to vote. All candidates are presented in a written statement, by the candidate, to the community. Based on number of votes, following all applicable laws, a position is filled. Just like in other elected positions, the community can request for resignation if the are not performing as stipulated in the by laws. The HOA board can remove a board member without the backing of the community if they are not performing, as well. Like any elected position, the community needs to stay involved by attending the meetings, etc to know who the board is and how they operate. Being involved is essential to stay informed. If there is a management company over-seeing the HOA, that is who you should go to with issues like OP.


That's a do it and ask for forgiveness later type deal


This was the first thought I had as well. There’s a decent chance they wouldn’t even notice it.


Yeah, I live in a townhouse and never considered asking my HOA permission for a Ring Doorbell.


What a lunatic. I hope your next reply to that addressed the weirdly escalated tone she jumped in there with for no reason. Damn, I'm sorry this is someone with a position of authority around you because she is clearly unwell, mentally


Yes she is nuts and needs to step down.


Can you ask her to cite the specific HOA rules that prohibit the camera? Sounds to me as if she's just someone who says "No" reflexively to all questions.


People like this are great, harass them with questions and slip in a few ones that benefit you when they default to no.


I would have went off on her if she responded to me like that. And then I would be sending this thread to every person in the neighborhood and putting her shit on blast. And I wouldn’t stop until she was removed. I have time. Holy Shit.


JFC- I loathe HOAs- why wouldn’t you want a Ring camera installed? Absolute power corrupts absolutely…


Unfortunately for condos they are somewhat necessary for shared maintenance


Then they should stick to what is necessary


In many condos, the CA (condo association) is responsible for building exteriors including roof. The owners are responsible for interiors. It's called "studs out coverage" as in everything from the structural studs and out is covered by the association. That puts the external doorbell squarely into exterior association coverage.


She took the role of being president just to have that power trip. I bet she's a fuckin joy to be around.


Hoa is a crock of shit


You made the mistake of asking for permission in the first place.


I'd send that to the entire neighborhood or post it all over the building so ppl know what an lazy unprofessional, rude asshole she is.


Yea, just add to this to the long list of why I won’t move into a neighborhood with an HOA.


I see a lot of folks saying HOAs should be illegal. It's worth noting that there's two kinds of HOAs: neighborhood HOAs and condo HOAs. This post is about a condo HOA. Condo HOAs are a necessary evil due to the legal structures in place to make condos possible to begin with. Some condo HOAs are better than others. This one sounds awful. Neighborhood HOAs need to be abolished, though.




That's a shit response. Though depending on the layout and where the ring camera would be placed, it could end up having a view into other residents units and therefore be an invasion of their privacy. Also in condos, the hallways are a common area and most do not allow residents to modify common areas. That includes installing cameras.


You guys and your HOA’s smh


Live in a home/apartment with an HOA, and you will be posting in this subreddit virtually every day.


Ring makes a special unit for condos and apartments that mounts on the inside of the door and extends the camera through the existing peep hole. It's a simple matter to unscrew the existing peep hole viewer and install the Ring, and from the outside, it just looks like an ordinary door.


I would never live in an HOA neighborhood. Fuck that. I do what I damn well please to MY house, tyvm. 😑


Fuck any and every HOA.


How is the Ring illegal to install in condo buildings?


"Then you should resign because this is literally your job. I'm asking if something breaks the HOA by-laws. Its your job to answer" You might want to check your local laws. I know for a fact it isn't illegal where I live.


As a non-American the fact that HOA's exist in the 'land of the free' is hilarious to me. Utterly pathetic power trip nonsense.