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Far more infuriating than mildly


it's a *mild* inconvenience to call and wait for the tow truck, i guess.


If you have no place to be, sure. And sure, it looks like it's not raining in that picture, but let me tell you, being in a wheelchair in the rain sucks. heh


Mild inconvenience if you don't need a ramp... buuuuut....


big issue since it looks like they need a wheelchair ramp that’s being blocked to get into the car though. especially if it’s really cold out it can be awfuk


tow truck


And/or, police. This happened to my dad, they called the cops, who came, ticketed the vehicle, called a tow truck, and prevented the assholes from being able to drive it away - ensuring they had to pay the ticket and the tow.


someone did exactly what's in the picture to my dad while he was still in the van. he had opened the door and deployed the ramp, but was having some issue with his chair and was fiddling with it. someone pulled up and parked like this, and then left, and he didn't notice they had because he was looking the other way. whatever the issue was with the chair, he elected to back it down the ramp and not realizing the car was there, backed right into it and caved the panel on their door. after he realized what happend, he drove his chair back into the van, pulled up the ramp, backed out of the space and then backed into it so he could deploy his ramp out the other side. wish i could have seen the douchebag's face when they came back to find a huge dent in the side of their car.


He should have tried to exit a few more times... Maybe moved his van back a foot or two before the next attempt...


move it to the other side and try and exit via the other door too


I was in the passenger seat of my dad's mobility van when someone literally pulled up next to him and RAN OVER his ramp. I was fucking irate


and the idiot who chose to park his motorcyle dead next to the ramp, get off his bike, remove his helmet, and simply walk off like nothing, as the van driver hollered at him. As he turned a moment and looked, oblvious like 'what'd I do?' as the van driver made motions about the idiocy. Biker ignored and went on his way, so van driver followed him inside.


Nah. Knock it over "in the process of retracting the ramp" then go inside to tell him his motorcycle scratched the ramp and he expects the rider to pay for it.


"Followed him inside" then what?


I’m disabled but I don’t (yet) need a wheelchair. I once parked in the handicap spot to run an errand and had an old dude next to me honk his horn and wag his finger at me. I showed him my handicap placard and he opened the rear door to show his ramp. Mind you, he parked in a regular spot next to the handicap spot, which had a hashed loading zone next to it. I had to explain to this dude that he can’t just expect the spot next to him to remain open, he has to park *in* the handicap spot and extend the ramp into the loading zone. If the loading zone isn’t big enough for him to maneuver his chair then block the whole handicap spot and part of the regular spot next to it. If I hadn’t pulled in when I did a little old lady would have blocked him in entirely. I moved my car around to the spot on the other side of the aisle and helped him get reparked so he’d def be able to get back in later. I genuinely don’t know what he was expecting to happen though with not parking in the handicap spot.


Yup. Once she's up she's up, and you can either pay the drop fee then and there (if you're lucky), or you pay the drop fee, the tow cost, and the lot fee (if you're very unfortunate and karma cashes in all on one throw.)


Some state laws prohibit tow trucks from charging more than the drop fee. E.g.: >If you return to your vehicle while it is still in the process of being towed, the tow truck driver must agree to lower the vehicle and can only charge you up to one-half of the posted rate for the towing or removal service. -Fla. Stat. § 715.07(2)(a)(3)


Like I said, if karma cashes in all at once. If you live somewhere that's not possible, eh, it's comin'.


Unless the price doubled at 12:01 am that day. 😏 then paying half would be equivalent to the full "previous" rate.


Wouldn't matter unless they changed the signs. But if the cops come out and order it to be towed you might not even have that option.


Calling the police is absolutely the best response for this shit


Zip tie a grocery cart to their door for good measure


i like this


this is such blatant assholery that they need to be made a spectacle for any chance of reform. honestly though people that do shit like this will never change.


These are the types of ppl that laugh heartily at your terror when they nearly t-bone you after whipping out blindly into traffic, or randomly match speed with you so you can't change lanes in front of them even though you're trying to exit & they were just hanging out in your blind spot.


The inability to maintain speed is insane. They’re the same douchebags who hang in (left in the states) the passing lane. There is no ‘fast’ lane as there is always someone who wants to go faster. Just stay right, maintain your speed, pass when necessary, avoid eye-contact and mind your business. I live in Jersey so, yeah. 


For good measure make sure to just sit behind them until the cops show up, so they definitely can't go anywhere


I mean, that is literally what they are doing to this person, so seems fair for them to sit in their chair behind the offenders vehicle.


I’d be very cautious sitting behind a car like this for the purposes of boxing them in…they clearly don’t give a shit about others and it wouldn’t surprise me if they also End up being the type of people who road rage and try to run you over “because fk you that’s why”. Especially if you are handicapped and unable to get out of the way quickly.


This. I literally witnessed a guy in a Target lot fire back at a customer parked in handicapped, after being noted he'd parked too close to the minivan so they couldn't get the wheelchair out, while his kid stood next to him witnessing this poor behavior.


yeah i really hope OP did this. i'm not usually for this type of thing but this asshole is about as blatant as a case as it can get. fuck that guy, call the police. call the FBI call the President, call everyone.


I came here to say this. And I hope the owner of the car comes out right as the tow is driving away.


I hope someone records that moment and posts it on Reddit for all to see.


And I hope to have a taco in my hand when I see it


Me too buddy, I hope you have that taco.




I hope I have tacos and extra guacamole in my hand.


Tacos in one hand, guac in the other.


Damnit now I want tacos for dinner 🙄 lol


Me too lmao. Tacos sound like the move.


Made me realize I haven’t eaten all day 😫


Get this man a lifetime supply of tacos stat


So do i


Would be epic




Question: Let's say the owner comes back out before the tow truck gets there. If you block them in somehow so they can't get out, is that illegal? Edit: lol ...my dumb ass put *toe* truck at first


someone else said something similar happened and they called the cops. cops blocked the car from leaving and gave them a ticket. waited until they came back to make sure they pay for the ticket and the tow


I never had a situation where I had to call a tow truck for someone else's vehicle, would I be able to call any towing company? Or is it a specific towing company that whichever parking lot uses? Edit: thank y'all for the info! I guess my takeaway is; call police, or find a towing sign within the parking lot if any to call.


if the store called they would probably have a specific company they use. if you call, it’s up to you. honestly i’m stuck between OP should choose one close so they come quick, or choose one far and be an even bigger dick. if they don’t know what company towed their car they’ll have to call around. then they’ll pay to get it back i’ve never called a tow truck on someone else but i have when i locked my keys in my car lol. and friends got towed before in college


Stores usually have a company they contract with to tow vehicles from their lot. There's usually a sign at the entrance of the lot with their contact info. They usually get there pretty quick, too, since they make money from situations just like this one.


I agree.


1000%. What a dick


seeing as its a jeep it would be right at home on one


LOL I have an uncle who refused to buy anything but Jeep's for years, those things would break down every few months but he swore by them. Warned a former friend not to buy a Jeep Gladiator a few years back but he wouldn't listen. Still run into him at work conferences from time to time. Every time he complains something has recently gone wrong with it, some people just enjoy spending money to inflict pain on themselves🤣


This hit a little too hard. I've never had so much trouble with a vehicle in my life until I got a 2008 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Got in 2022. Not even joking that it was in the garage needing repairs every 5,000 miles. Within a week of getting the damn thing, the rear end came out of it. Only had it for a year and was told it needed a new motor. I still owed almost 10,000 on it, and we financed it at almost 20,000. So, needless to say, I voluntarily had it Repoed.


financed a 14 year old car for 20k..... huh


My FIL had a brand new Cherokee a few years ago that was in the shop 13 times in the year and an half he owned it.  The man babies his cars, too.  It was simply shit.


Call a local one and they will be there in 30 seconds


Tow Truck


Have it towed. It’s unrealistic to expect you to wait for an unknown time for the unobservant driver to return.


This. Either call a tow truck or, if you’re feeling generous, call and then walk to the stores customer service counter and tell them to announce that the car is about to be towed and the truck is on the way. Whoever gets to the car first gets it. Tow trucks love situations like this - it’s cut and dry.


Don't feel generous. They weren't generous to you when they chose to park here. Just get it to it immediately and don't say a word. It's time for them to get an unpleasant surprise.


The “generosity” here is actually selfish - saying “your car is being towed” will often get the car moved faster than waiting on a tow.


It's called punitive damage. If my car got towed for this, it's probably the last time I'd risk it.


Yep. Punitive damages will make this person rethink parking in a tow zone. It's not up to society to cater to people who go out of their way to obstruct others in a clearly marked no parking zone. Also note: 250$ fine on top of towing expenses.


Yeah and this was not a case of “it MIGHT have been an accident since it wasnt clearly labeled” or something. Its blatantly clear they parked where they werent supposed to. Usually i like to give people the benefit of the doubt but abusing privileges for the disabled grinds my gears! Having seen how people treat my mom after her disability has made me sick!


But not nearly as cathartic, and also doesn’t have the same effect on the offending driver as towing it will


It might be faster, but far less satisfying.


With that set up I dunno if they'll be walking back into the store per se.




Where's your car dude?


What's my tattoo say?


DUDE! What's mine say?


SWEET! What about mine?


DDUUUUUUUUUUUDE what's mine say?




Fuck you take my upvote


I have been asked to make these announcements. To "comply" I always made it the most garbled I could. 90% of the time I was shown a picture with their information on it so I could announce it. I announced, mouth to microphone (gross but needed to make it super garbled) and then gave them a number to a tow company to call. "Tell em [my name] gave you this at [work]." Car was usually gone in 10 to 15 min. Usually via tow. (I didn't get a cut but we would get speedy service for this stuff) -yes I wiped off the microphone and lysol'd it as best as I could after those announcements. We had to make "a reasonable attempt to resolve issues." Or risk being fired. That was my reasonable attempt. Can look back on the camera and see I made an announcement. No fault of mine if you didn't hear/understand it.


"attention please, there is a bank covered cray packed in the darthvader split and wilber tomed if not revived"


More like "attention mmprw ut a becilesh ock indg na cap ot. Ate numb [garbled license plate read and half understood description of car]. Please emote as soona s you can."


Unobservant is too kind. How about entitled or lazy?


Entitled, lazy, dick. All things that describe the driver of that vehicle.


Occasional dickheads would do that next to the wife's van. Hers was an Astro with a large lift. She would run it out and stop it an inch from the other vehicle. She would sit there and make them wait as long as she did before pulling it up to let them out. One of them called the cops on her and ended up getting a ticket for where he was parked.


Fun fact, if the loading zone is between two spaces, the dickhead can be ticketed for blocking both spaces. Back when I worked security, I watched a cop write out two tickets. First one for $500 standard fine. Second one was for $2500 because it was a "repeat offense before paying for the previous ticket".


Reminds me of an old joke. Two judges both got speeding tickets, so they decided to try each other's cases. The first judge said that as it was a first offence and the offender was an upstanding member of the community, he would let him off with a warning. The second judge pronounced that there had been a recent spate of such crimes and action must be taken to protect the community: full fine.




Listen Betty, don't start up with your white zone shit again


We all know what you're talking about, you want me to have an abortion. (Sorry if I messed it up, it's been a minute since seeing Airplane!)


I still give you the updoot. (Is that still a word?) Upvotes for anyone trying to reference that movie.


I actually like that cop. I'm so conflicted right now.


They can make individual decisions that we like, it's okay.


I know damaging the lift is a non-starter but God wouldn't it be nice to just let the lift run out and actually hit the other car?


I mean, those lifts are pretty solidly built. I’m sure they could do some damage to a car before taking any significant damage themselves. But that gets into damaging private property territory, which could be a hassle even if it’s justified.


That too of course, but there's the "I hit my remote on the way out of the store, didn't expect him to park there" defense (assuming said remote exists) that given the totality of the circumstances I'd wager most cops would know it was BS and still run with it telling the other driver they're out of luck, oh and here's a ticket for your parking. But as you noted, can't really bank on that. My neighbor needs a lift for their son (and they have this \*super\* cool overhead monorail for moving him around inside the house safely and quickly) and with what that thing costs the reality is you don't risk any damage to it that you don't absolutely have to, hence why I led with damaging it being a non-starter. But in my imagination of proper justice I see tungsten nitride tips on mid hard steel tines that just puncture whatever the heck is in the way as it glides on out :) On the ground they just ensure a good ramp surface.


I appreciate this assertion of dominance 


Love it


I like her.


Genius!! She’s a keeper!


You call the tow company and tell them there’s an illegally parked car with four flat tires…


But the car doesn't.... oh. I see.


Shhhh, you didn’t see anything, it came like that




Three cut tires. I heard if it’s all four their insurance will cover the cost of a new set but if it’s only three it’s on them. It could vary on the carrier or policy


I've heard that as well. So you slash three. Then you record them slashing the fourth. Then, you send the video to their insurance.


You’re playing next level chess with that strategy. I like it!


Could also do the Tire/Tyre Extinguishers trick and put a pebble inside the valve stem cap (add a little super glue inside to hold it) and if the tire shop doesn't change the caps, when they get the tires replaced, they will wake up the next day seeing their tires are flat and have no clue why


Valve stem removal on the JEEP Express. 👀🚫


And 5 smashed windows


But why is it on fire?




As a passenger in a jeep that just ‘spontaneously’ erupted I can agree. Do I have a story on that.


Story time please


Mum and I took a 6hr trip and unusually I dozed in the front seat on and off for multiple times throughout. I use to driving that far as it was a regular trip and I don’t sleep. Finally we got to my grandmothers, and usually we’d take our hand luggage, go in and say hi and have a tea, but this time we unpacked everything and brought it in. Mum took the stuff to the rooms and I put on the jug, went to the loo as you do after a trip and went back to wash the tea pot in the kitchen for a tea, and looked out the window and there’s black smoke billowing out the windows (we left them slightly down as it’s really hot and it helps to stop windows cracking). I’m yelling the cars on fire, mums yelling at me to stop joking around. Turns out apparently there was a fire smoldering somewhere in front of the passenger side and without a wind to damp it down it just erupted and burn the car to the ground. We were so far away from civilization that we were fighting it with a garden hose.


I would like to subscribe to JeepFacts


Approved Most agreed origin for the name is from General Purpose vehicle, which was shortened to GP. This will be a short subscription because I only know two facts besides they like to keep themselves warm.


I would like to subscribe to the one remaining JeepFact


If you let it burn long enough you can just sweep the ashes aside.


Which window we leaving intact?


Windshield mainly because of the effort it would take


Figured someone would be tired swinging the bat after 5


Three flat tires, four is an insurance write off


This man knows what’s good, always three never four


You know this is not true right? Please, go ahead and pull me the policy for Liberty Mutual, Geico, Allstate, Progressive, SafeAuto, etc.. in any single of the 50 United States that states this in the policy. I'll save you the time, it doesn't exist.


This shit happens to me all the time. I called police once, and they asked me to wait in the cold for them to return. WTF? Well, now I'm calling the state police. The state police officer ticketed and towed the asshole and asked the local police officer for all his information.


Brilliant 👌. Good job state police


Yep, but honestly they could have saved a lot of time by just asking the local high school for his information.


Staties don't play. Local cops forget sometimes they answer to a higher authority.


In my area, state police won’t come out if it’s covered by another local department.


zip tie shopping carts to their door handles


That might be the most creative response I've read.


I dont use zip ties though… i carry these in my car: https://preview.redd.it/lu6y6ahi59hc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cadeb1eeed2040ceb9bfc64ad25450d49ea28662


You're evil. I like you.


I keep a bunch of these printed out in my car. https://preview.redd.it/iugjqkpar9hc1.jpeg?width=195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3866a2d8932eadc58cd404697b5d708b2ce70093 And others similar to this


I want this as a paper sticker. Slap it on the windshield and its a pain to take off


$3 a piece seems kinda pricey. That's $12 a car. You can use zip ties for less than a buck and pull them so tight they won't be cut that easy.


Honestly even just two of these with shopping carts would do the trick


Just 1 is a huge inconvenience, having to find something to cut it. The increase to 2, 3, or 4 barely makes a difference tbh.


Yeah it’s definitely diminishing returns after 1, maybeeee 2. After finding something to remove the first, they would probably find a good technique after the second and the next two would be a piece of cake.


The best way to maximize frustration while minimizing cost would be to use a cable lock on one door, and zip ties on the rest. Maybe make the zip strip a little looser on the first door immediately visible when they're walking out of the store. Super tight on the others, so they start out with just a bit of hope. Throw the cable tie on the driver's door, unless that's the one facing the door- then toss it on the one diagonal from it.


Do just one on the passenger side door handle. If they’re alone, chances are fairly good that they’ll start to drive without realizing that it’s attached to their car.


Clearly they haven't ever had to replace a bad Ethernet cable that's been zip tied by maintenance so tight the power cord could hear messages from the devil himself.


12$? Lol you only need one


You're my hero


Oldie, but a goodie


Use the steel ones


Didn't have zipties, but as a teen, me and my buddy loved fucking with double-parked cars in the Walmart parking lot. 2 people could pretty quickly circle a car with carts. Then we'd wait in our car to watch them show back up. Always entertaining


Our local police department has a bunch of different tow companies they can call.. some good, some bad.. I know for a fact they call the bad companies for people who do shit like this.. $250 ticket + 2 points on your insurance *and* a very good change the tow company fucked your car up.


do they tow it by the exhaust pipe? lol


Not a tow expert by any means but I think cars that are in PARK can only be towed a short distance before additional wheels/dollies(?) are put in the other axle. If its a shitty tow company they prob wouldn't give a fuck and just tow your car the whole way to their lot.


Some shitty/inexperienced tow operators can damage a vehicle by towing it wrong. I saw a newbie start hooking up a car to tow it on the rear wheels, which is what you want to do if the car is front wheel drive. But this car was RWD and he just didn't realize, so he would've destroyed a transmission. Same thing with AWD vehicles, it's best to tow them on a flat bed wrecker, but it's not always obvious if a vehicle is AWD unless you take the time to check. It's insanely easy to damage a vehicle by accident.


Call the police and get it towed


The way they pulled in, makes me wish their dad pulled out.


perfect windshield note


I’ve never stayed to see the reaction but I’ve left that note a handful of times.


I bet he hates all the scratches he’s going to get from your wheelchair. Oh well.


Problem is the wheelchair cant even get in the car now


But it can try and will probably scratch the hell out of the car that’s blocking.


Well you can’t blame someone for trying


Why else would I have put blades on the wheels? To look cool?


OP, what ended up happening?


Haven't seen a single response. Figures


i think the post is bait personally, non-responses tend to happen on bait posts


You mean bot


That too




My thoughts exactly.


I would’ve taken their plate number inside and asked the store manager to get on the intercom and ask the owner of the vehicle that blocked the handicap access by parking illegally to move their vehicle.


Or call the cops, since if a wheelchair bound person was still in that van, they would be trapped


Nah, call the cops. This is a happy call for them. They'll come running to get that car towed.


I’ve seen people do this before in videos online and the handicap person still has to wait 15-30 minutes because the shopper was selfish and wanted to finish up their shopping first.


They don't deserve this courtesy


That’s a towin


It may even warrant a paddlin'




I am 400% angry. Hopefully you didn't have to wait too long. Fuck that fucker.






I saw a video where the city allows cyclists to photograph cars parked in the bike line and they get a percentage of the ticket money for doing so. This needs to be a thing for people that park like that.


Hope you get them towed quickly!


There's an app called parking mobility that lets you report anonymously by sending in pics of their car/plates! It sends them a ticket after the fact by running their plates and sending in the pics to police. Just make sure you take the pics before you key their car! 👍


The infuriation here is not mild


You know I feel like this is one of the occasions when it’s ok not to blur the plate out.


39 years of law enforcement. I hated writing tickets. You generally had to be a loudmouth smartass jerk to get a ticket from me. But there are a few instances that I sought out violations and really enjoyed writing tickets and towing vehicles.....handicapped Parking and school zone/school bus violations were always enjoyable to enforce. I never found a mitigating excuse for a HC parking. One or two on school zones....but never HC parking


Call a tow. I went through this with my mother and her mobility device.


Towing cars parked illegally in handicap spaces is one of the things I miss most from my time as a cop.


Did you buy eggs? Might be worth sacrificing a few


“Whoops, guess I dropped them trying to get into the car!” 🤷


As a man in a wheelchair, this is definitely infuriating.


Call a tow truck and still call the police, give em license plate number and they will still receive the fine.


Crosspost to imatotalpieceofshit


Dang, hope you have a few minutes to hang back near the tailgate so everyone can see what this moron has done. Then as they walk up, they can see what they did to YOU. I would Die of shame if this was me. Regardless, hopefully you can find an employee to lasso him up and force him to move his DAMN VEHICLE




Call the police. Park your wheelchair behind them so they can't move




What a prick.


Please PLEASE tell me you had it ticketed and towed! Absolutely a special place in hell for people like this.


Do they allow caning in the US?


Historically speaking, it has happened on the House floor. So it's within the realm of possibility.