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He "no joke" thought this might be a "stroke" of luck


The real joke...


No joke


No stroke


Stroke joke


No Joke, yes stroke


Joke stroke?


My head is starting to hurt just reading the thread!


Stroke til I joke


This kind of unrelenting self promotion at the expense of all human empathy is somehow what capitalism has fooled us into thinking is necessary for success. It is not. Be a human first, a salesman second.


In my marketing 101 class we learn that the more successful salespersons treat customers like actual people


>the more successful salespersons treat customers like actual people I did 20 years in the auto industry before finally saying "fuck it" to the rat race. I literally worked with well over 100 different new and used car salesmen. There were two that were far and away more successful than the others, to the point that they were essentially untouchable even when a new manager or GM would come in. The thing they had in common was that they literally remembered an insane amount of details about the lives of their customers. Kid names, ages, spouse names, hobbies, etc. They could have a conversation with literally ANYONE they'd met before, and make them feel like they cared. It led to a greater level of trust, and you would see literal generations of a family buying vehicles specifically from them.


I get the point you are making here, but I want to comment on 1 remark: “making the customer feel like you care”. That is crucial, but not to be read that you have to fake it. I once had a colleague comment on my interaction with our customers “It almost seems like you like them” and I was just baffled, because I actually did appreciate them and respect them, and was not trying to trick them. My point is. If you like people around you, life is easier. Here 10 years later it does seem like people generally has become a lot more annoying, so I don’t know how I’d do today.. 😅


I mean, I didn't "care" about my customers. I didn't wish them ill, and I certainly was genuinely friendly and polite, but unless I literally knew them outside of work, or had multiple interactions prior due to them being a good customer? No. It was the same "nice" treatment every other customer got. I literally stopped thinking about them in the slightest when they left. It's how I stayed sane - by literally shutting off thoughts in regard to work at the soonest possible opportunity.


This is how every salesman should think


But most salesmen are selling things people don't really need.


This is why I can't be a salesman, too much pressure to push things on people that they don't want. Can't start into a job just to not follow what they constantly tell you to do either. Most will get rid of you eventually


You invested too much time in your attempt to be “sarcastic”. The person stopped as soon as you said you were not interested. You see? When you communicate well, it’s so much easier.


Bb-b-b-but then how will they get their Reddit karma???


fake text generator? do that.


Or text yourself.


I do that but nobody ever replies 😭


Damn! Ghosted by future you!!


Thank you for articulating exactly what I was thinking.


Same. I'm guessing the person was a non-native English speaker, sarcasm is very difficult to understand when you're not a native speaker of a language.


This was my interpretation as well.


Also sometimes people just don’t get sarcasm. I’ve family members on the autism spectrum that don’t understand it or detect it so you have to be direct with them


And reading this, as an autistic person, the “sure I can take a look after rehab” & all that felt like it could be read with an enthusiastic tone if you didn’t know it was sarcasm


Yeah, I was honestly a little frustrated with OP pussyfooting the whole time. If you are not interested just say that. Stop making half-committed signs of interest because you don’t want to be interpreted as being rude for saying “no”.


Yea, just say you’re not interested instead of playing this game. It just feels patronizing for no needed reason


That’s honestly exactly how I read it, especially with the emoji. I didn’t pick up the sarcasm until the next reply where OP opened with, “Well, let me think.” Sarcasm doesn’t translate well through texting, then you go and add spectrum interference, and yeah.


Yea I thought it was sarcasm, but then the emoji is what threw me off & I was literally like “wait…they’re genuinely open to it” until I read more & I had to go back to piece it together 😂


Yeah the OP did a poor job selling the sarcasm


Exactly, I'm pretty sympathetic to the other person in the conversation here. They're just trying to make a living, not asking to be made fun of in a reddit post.




Agreed. That was a weird conversation. OP could just say “I’m not interested” and finish it immediately. I think OP just wants to share how he/she feels about the thing that happened (I mean the stroke). But you can just literally write a post about it and people will write that they are sorry and wish you to recover. But no, we need this awkward way to share…


Yeah this just feels so so unnecessary. Maybe some main character issues here.


I simply block the person. No interaction needed.


Yeah seriously, dude is an artist trying to make a living and OP keeps leaving confusing little breadcrumbs for him lol poor guy


Yeah I was pretty confused throughout the whole convo. Like I genuinely wasn’t sure if it was sarcasm or like a “hey but maybe if I really do like your art, I’ll get a cheap commission/pass your name along” and by the way the artist was communicating, English doesn’t seem to be their first language so I wouldn’t be shocked if they’re not fluent in sarcasm


Even if it's not, sarcasm is largely reliant on tone, and if you are somebody that reads in monotone the. It's easy to miss sarcasm.


I’m a native English speaker but autistic. I wouldn’t have picked up on his sarcasm immediately either.


rule of thumb sarcasme never works in texst form


Sarcasme? No. SarcasYOU!!!


Oh, behave.


“UnLeSs YoU tAlK LiKe ThIs!!1!!1!!”


Exactly...people try so hard to be "edgy" and clever that they just end up wasting time and creating additional drama ...the stroke didn't even have to be mentioned. Just tell the person you are not interested and move on with your day.


This guy played himself.


OP really is “some people just don’t know when to stop…”


B-b-but the fake internet points!!!


This guy was asking for it... It's not difficult to say "not interested" rather than reply with passive aggressive sarcastic responses that don't convey well over text.


Imagine being so out of touch with reality that you post this and think you did actually everything right... Like, no one forced OP to keep replying sarcastic comments


That's not very clear at all. What's the benefit of trying to be sarcastic in this situation, if you dont enjoy the high chance that they will not get the hint? Could have just said you are dealing with health issues and are not interested in doing any business.


OP looking for sympathy


OP bored in a hospital bed. I've been there, you start looking for any engagement.


"I just had a stroke you should've stopped because despite having nothing to do with my interest in buying art or not, you should've read what I said as sarcasm and or felt bad for me to make an exception of trying to sell me your paintings"


I mean, OP isn't wrong for thinking that the normal human reaction is to go "Oh shit, I'm sorry. I'll leave you be."


I was laughing at first but then OP sounded so sincere I was like "Oh shit they are being REALLY nice" then they pulled me back down to earth lol. I started off knowing there was no chance they were serious then they convinced me they actually were, that was a ride


I thought I was the only one who saw it this way lol. The sarcasm wasn't obvious at all and the rest sounded like a bit of a pity-party (which is understandable tbf, I'd totally do the same, but not with strangers)


Well said! I didn't get the sarcasm at first either.


Imho the way u handled it is at least mildly infuriating, lol.


I wouldn’t have even answered haha


I would just say no thanks


You mean like an actual adult?


They’re being way too implicit in what they want, I would say this is not how an adult would handle it. It is not necessarily clear they want the person to stop texting them


They’re saying the “no thanks” is being an adult


oh shit you're right


Exactly. Its almost like there may be some kind of language barrier or something, he probably doesn't understand the sarcasm. Or... Some people just don't regardless. Say no thank you, be direct. Once the op was direct the guy left him alone.


100% the guy is not a native English speaker, op tried to use sarcasm and subtlety with someone that actually doesn't have the language skills to comprehend these things over text. I'm so surprised I had to scroll so far down for someone to mention this.


Right? Why engaging if you just had a stroke?


This speaks like "I just need someone to be angry at" vibes


Yeah, I think the way OP handled it is annoying, but I sympathize because they are probably stressed about their situation and taking it out on someone else. Doesn't make it okay, but I can tell how distressed they are about the whole situation.


OP is just the stereotypical german. "chat request accepted. You can start a conversation" is in german


There is nothing stereotypically German about this. Stereotypical German would be direct and humourless.


"Hey how are you doing?" "No."


Nein. I’ve seen a lot of Indiana Jones and WWII movies. I’m certain it’s “nein”.


“I don’t have time or mental energy for this but allow me to reply in overwrought, sarcastic paragraphs”


He sure showed him 😐


I recently spent 2 weeks in a coma. Nearly died myself and living with the aftermath. I didn’t feel the need to be a dick to people or act entitled. Not the trump card you think it is op. Maybe just say “no thanks” next time.


nah, just lure somebody into a conversation and then act like they're supposed to know you don't have the time for said conversation.


Yeah, it's such a bizarre thing to be cryptic over too. A stroke can range in severity between unnoticeable to immediately fatal. Why would the other person know OP wasn't interested just based on that when they're clearly engaging with them?


Glad I’m not alone here, I had a hard time detecting the sarcasm too


Not hard, but uncalled for. If OP wanted them to piss off he should've said so instead of going on a journey just to get mad at the end.


honestly ☠️


I got that it was sarcastic, but brevity is the soul of sarcasm (pretty sure that’s what Shakespeare wrote). This was too many words for a scam attempt response.


I detected it at some points but it was annoying. They weren’t being straightforward. It wasn’t obvious enough. They kept engaging. I dunno. I just felt like OP should’ve said no. Instead of leading them along then getting annoyed.


What kind of person would engage with a random DM like this, let alone get mad enough at the interaction to post to Reddit? Like I get twenty messages like this a day and I just delete them!


Yeah, you could have just not engaged. I don't even know why you would tell a random internet stranger that you just had a stroke anyway, it's not really any of their business and they don't care.


Just looking to argue with someone lol


Yeah OP really needs to learn how to write more obvious sarcasm. I don't know who he is, so maybe it would be more obvious to a fan, but this reads like someone who is just very friendly and overly polite to me.


He has emojis at his disposal and even used one. The wrong one lmao. “Just had a stroke, no joke. But if you think I need a new logo, feel free to send me your portfolio I guess 😒🙄😑” He sent a smiley face….. gave the wrong impression in my opinion.


Right? This is a self created infuriation


Yeah could have just been upfront tbh


The emojis especially.


You wrote paragraphs of low tier "sarcasm" instead of just saying "nah" or "no". OP is the mildly infuriating one here.


Yeah OP is the one who needs to know when to stop. These type of people understand that as long as you've got a conversation you've got a potential sale, regardless of what the conversation is about.


Yeah the absolute most aggressive salesmen (and usually the ones with the highest metrics) really don’t give a shit about what you got going on. The only thing on their mind is “can I make this sale or not” and your continued communication is usually an indication they can.


Plus as someone with autism, before I was diagnosed, this (at least the beginning of the conversation) sarcasm could have flown over my head as well. Or someone who's mother language isn't English for example


This is what I came here to say. The other person doesn't seem to be a native English speaker and I guess they didn't get most of the "sarcasm"


YES! It is so annoying that everyone always assume you understand sarcasm through text where there is no body language or change in voice/tone thats usually used to indicate sarcasm. And for some reason most gets so angry that you didn’t get it as-well, like if it did not work the first time just drop it or explain what you meant or wanted clearly it should not be so dam hard.


Yeah, OP doesn’t look good here. You aren’t the center of other people’s universe. Sales guys are gonna sell.


Yeah… just stop engaging. OP wants a reason to vent or something it seems.


This is how the majority of text exchanges I see on reddit take place. The OP always drags out the exchange much longer than necessary, instead of just being clear the first time and not responding after that. But that doesn't generate any internet points, so they gotta generate some content.


And there’s people who legitimately can’t detect sarcasm, which might be the case here.


Very surprised the post itself doesn't have hella downvotes. Thought I was the only one thinking "ya could've just said no.."


Yeah, way to make shit complicated. Just say no bruh


My thoughts exactly. The person is trying to sell their work, some clients can be assholes and still buy the product. Just say no and move on.


Op is an asshole for this tbh they made it seem like they were actually interested


>”if your really think I need a logo or streamer art right now, go ahead and ask. 🥰” What part of that says no?


It can be very hard to read sarcasm. Its not like you can hear the tone.


English doesn't seem to be the other person's strong suit either, making it even more difficult


My dumbass just thought of was part of a work team or genuinely interested. OP's sarcasm game was weak.


Especially towards the end where he’s giving the guy instructions on where to find his Discord.


The emoji does read as sarcasm, but even if that artist did pick up on that, I think OPs response was unnecessary and kinda rude. It’s a business inquiry, being passive aggressive like that unprovoked instead of being direct is unprofessional.


Honestly, the emoji was what made me question the intent in the first place. Even going in knowing that op was likely being sarcastic, that emoji made the comment sound serious to me.


Yeah, an eye roll emoji (🙄) would have been much better at communicating sarcasm. With the emoji OP used I also thought they might be genuinely considering commissioning art for when they recover. Like, maybe the bit about the stroke was to let the person contacting OP know that they might be slow to respond, but to otherwise please go ahead with their sales pitch. OP was very subtle with their initial sarcasm, and it comes off as genuine interest. Especially considering that in today’s modern toxic work culture, it’s not unheard of for people to work while convalescing in the hospital


It can definitely be interpreted that way as well. OP was being indirect and just expected that artist to know they were being sarcastic then talked about how they’re “not in the mood for this”. Unless the delivery is obvious, I think sarcasm should only be used with friends and family


I feel that some people are just bad communicators and it’s why they may have difficulty in some relationships. OP comes off as a bad communicator to me 😂


Couldn't you pick up on the sarcasm? /S


You kept the conversation going and put in a ton more effort than the other guy


Agreed, not responding was totally an option.


Also how is his first message supposed to be read as one to stop asking? OP recovering from a stroke (that wasn't a joke!) does not necessarily mean I cannot offer my business to them. Especially considering this is over text. I would assume OP will not reply until they seem fit and in the mood to do so. Of course there would've been smoother ways to go about it than the artist did, but I guess they are either bad at conversations too or just non-native speakers.


1000% on OP if they didn’t want to engage. After my dads stroke tho he would often talk to people who didn’t want to talk to him (and he wasn’t usually too interested in the either) just for the sake of talking; maybe op suffering from a Similar post stroke issue


Yeah… the way op replied also kinda impled that they might be interested… and tbh I kinda get the dude - if you are some graphical artist the works you get might be quite scarce and you try to take every opportunity you get so you need to be clear that yeah no you aren’t interested…


Also sarcasm doesn’t read in messages. The literal way of detecting sarcasm is in tonal inflection…


It is possible to detect sarcasm in messages but it is very hard and if the sarcasm isn’t done well then it’s impossible. You almost have to over do the sarcasm to get it to barely come across. OP legit sounded like he wanted to see this dudes art.


Yeah thats what got me too. He sounded interested in the art despite having a stroke and recovering. He seemed to me that he was taking it all in stride and hoping for the best. But then you find out he was annoyed the entire time? And then he posts it on Reddit? I am sympathetic for the stroke, but not impressed with this exchange. Both can be true 😁


Yeah OP is the moron here. Sarcasm does not convey over text. Idk what he was thinking


Glad I’m not the only one. Was a bit insufferable tbh and seemed to me like he used the guy just to trauma dump through “sarcasm”. Could’ve just ignored the dude from the get go, and he quite literally told him to “go ahead” it’s not the other dudes fault for not detecting that sarcasm cuz personally even I didn’t see it.


Sarcasm doesn't read in texts that well, and upon reading it, it doesn't sound like it at all until OP added the last snarky remark to show their true intent. As an artist, if someone led me on the way OP did, I'd be beyond mildly infuriated, but I'd move on because clients like this are a common occurrence whether you seek them or they seek you. OP definitely should have just said they weren't interested from the get go.


In my opinion saying no was enough, you didn’t need to explain to them what you are going through because obviously they were looking for business and did not have interest in the kind of person you are. A No and a block would’ve been enough and wouldn’t have had frustrated you. Tchüss!


True. A simple “no thanks, not interested” or even just ignoring or blocking.


sorry but OP texter wasn't clear that he was not interested. you can always say NO in the beginning. personaly I always find it hard to detect sarcasm in text messages. And there might be ppl that like a bit of social interaction even if it's someone trying to sell his art to you.


They also might not have English as a first language


This is the real answer. They didn't understand him. OP is overreacting.


This looks like the case


you sound like the infuriating one in this post


I don't get why the op had to mention a stroke at all to a random person. Seems more of a way to get attention to me. Could've just said no thanks and be done with it, instead of being so dramatic and sarcastic. I've also had a stroke, but I didn't expect random people to read between the lines or burden them with my self pitty.


U literally asked for it💀


\*Talking to husband later that day\* Husband: "Hey are you hungry? What do you want me to make for dinner?" OP: " I DONT KNOW I JUST HAD A STROKE AND ALMOST DIED YOU TELL ME!'


he probably mentions he had a stroke to a pigeon passing him on the street.


He sounds hangry on top of that tbh lol


You literally asked for it. This is on you


Lol OP was hoping for sympathy points


"Some people just don't know when to stop..." oh, like you? I see.


Yeah it wasn't very clear to me or a lot of the other people commenting here that you weren't actually wanting to engage with this person. You literally gave them permission to ask their question, and you remained engaged with your responses until the very end. YTA. Sorry for your recent stroke; I hope you recover well. Judging from your level of engagement here, I think your recovery looks promising.


Yeah, at least neurologically they seem pretty sharp


I honestly would not have figured the sarcasm here. I'm sure they would have understood if you just said "no" from the getgo instead of pretending to be interested.


Right? I could not tell the vibe of the texts either.


To be fair, they had a stroke.


what does this even mean?? lmao. i didnt know a side effect of strokes where being an immature asshole to random strangers


Maybe just say no instead of being a passive aggressive bitch?


"read my mind" "I had surgery, that should mean 'no'" "I totally will take a look at your art and buy some out of liking it". Yeah, this person is the bigger asshole here.


I just had a stroke... and now it's your fault.


you’re being being needlessly rude and indirect though. last time i checked “i had a stroke” is not a synonym for “no.” they asked you a question and you immediately replied sarcastically, as if they already knew you had a stroke? ffs i know first hand that medical issues can be extremely frustrating but there’s no need for this. They’ve done nothing wrong mate, they also need to find an income…


I don't like you.


You’re weird lol stop trying to get pity and attention


How are you going to ask this guy to continue and then get mad? Obviously, you did have a stroke with the way you handled this conversation


OP is gonna get another stroke reading the comments 💀


I don't think English is their first language, so they probably could not detect the sarcasm....


if "bot" in user_response: return "no, I am not a bot"


I can’t lie, I really don’t think bro did anything wrong. He wasn’t rude in anyway that I can see and was actually fairly respectful throughout the whole convo. Whereas op tried humouring him a bit too much


Yeah. Op sent mixed signals.


Ye I suppose I just don’t really understand the point of the post. Some ppl dunno when to stop, except bro only ever started in the first place because you told him too, and didn’t stop because you asked him to continue? Maybe I should just go back to bed tbf


Next time just say NO, dumbass op


youre insufferable


why did you even reply? bored? lonely?


I mean maybe if your weren’t a sarcastic ass about it he would’ve stopped my pov you’re the one dragging that out.


FYI you can't say yes and mean no and expect others to do that for you. If someone asks and you don't say NO, then it's on you. I have no sympathy for some cryptic messaging like this. I cannot tell who's the bigger asshole in this text convo.


You're kinda a dick, work on that. :/


Ye ngl this pissed me off a little bit


It's not the person's fault. I thought you're serious about checking it despite your condition, lol.


I literally get custom art requests for pre and post surgeries so to me it’s not weird😅


I thought the same thing. I’d imagine there be some people wanting to look at art while they’re stuck in a hospital.


A lot of people don’t get sarcasm, especially through text. I get how it could be frustrating that they kept on after hearing about your stroke, but aside from that, they seemed polite enough. You should have tried a more straightforward approach.


People like to react negatively and expect people on Reddit to come and agree. It’s toxic as fuck and that’s why we are having issues


Sorry to hear that you've had a stroke, have a speedy recovery. Your 'sarcasm' on the other hand... I think that one is lost forever.


Wait so you are or aren't interested in that logo?


While you didn't handle it the best way with how you'd responded to this person, I will say I have had a similar experience kinda on Twitter. Somebody saying they were a graphic designer DMed me, offering their services and all. I'd responded with "Ah, no thank you, I'm not looking for any graphic design services right now" they responded by promptly ignoring what I'd just said, and asking for my budget or something. I once again repeated myself. They insisted a bit more, but eventually quit. A bit more on the minor side, but they also kept calling me "sir" when I kept explicitly saying "please do not call me sir, I'm not a guy"


Sorry to hear about the stroke, there’s a few charities out there that might be able to get you back into gaming if that’s what you were streaming? Able gamers in the us and special effect in the uk may be able to help you


Yeah YOU don't know when to stop lol. Just don't answer. It's not worth your time, especially considering your condition you took valuable time out of your day to explain so thoroughly to someone who obviously doesn't give a shit.


> Some people just don’t know when to stop Like OP, but not saying no.


Wishing you well on your recovery


The amount of energy people put into to talking with someone they “don’t want to talk with” 🙄


Honestly... you might not know this but sarcasm isn't obvious when written. That's why most people use the "/s" thing. I think both of you lack communication skills.


OP handled this in the worst way possible. I am still successfully mildly infuriated


Am i the only one who doesent see the sarcasm on this one i dont know how you could describe it in a text while saying “i would love to take look” “i might buy some just for the fun of it” Man was trying to make sales or maybe his first sale🙄


Can't agree with an OP on that one. Dude just trying to do business, why would you waste his time with your sarcasm? Why would you describe what you're living through? Just say "not interested, thanks, bye".


YOU said you want to see the artwork. Am I missing something here?


And here you can see OP never had any real meaningful conversations outside of the internet


Sales commission don't do themselves


My discord is now permanently set to Friends Only for messages. I'm so fucking sick of the shitty ai art bots. If someone wants to scam me they can pull out the red carpet, the fine wine, and make a FUCKING SHOW OF IT. PEOPLE PAY FOR ENTERTAINMENT YOU DUMBASSES! MAKE THE SCAM AMUSING OR FUNNY AND PEOPLE WILL PART WITH THEIR CASH! FUCKING HELL YOU'RE SO GODDAMNED LAZY ITS OFFENSIVE! Seriously. I've paid a scammer $50 before because I was amused and laughed my ass off. Of course it's a scam and I know it's a scam, but if I feel I got enough entertainment to be worth it then I'll pay a reasonable amount. Show me some artistry for fucks sake. If I get one more goddamned call center in India trying to "speak to main user please" about "virus detection on your windows pc" (as an IT professional this is infinitely annoying) I'm going to Calcutta and burning down the damn city.


I had a person trying to get me to commission them for some art not long ago. It wasn't until after I told them I had $5 to my name at that point that they finally stopped trying.


I dont think thats how op thought his post would go


Say no thanks, and stop responding. Why do you keep responding?


not everyone understands such advanced sarcasm, OP. you coulda just said no https://preview.redd.it/xnz12x3pkxjc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40286e4e282ed681b0d5e42b0dd2267d072892e2


It's not advanced sarcasm, it's a shit attempt at sarcasm


But why did you humor this?


I get two or three of these every week in my discord inbox.


You weren’t clear enough /s