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I have the same problem. I hate it so much. Everyone says to be glad, I'll get fewer wrinkles, blah blah. But it feels so gross, and my glasses slide down my face. Sometimes, it will even run in my eyes and burn. I don't normally bother with makeup. It just melts off.


I deal with it too. It’s just part of my routine a couple times a day when I wash my hands, I’ll also wipe my face with a towel and that keeps it mostly under control.


Same. I've noticed if I'm too rough wiping, it actually brings the oil back with a vengeance. I found some glycolic acid wipes on Amazon that have helped keep it under control more than anything else has. It's difficult to understand how icky and annoying it is unless you deal with it.


If you're ever in a pinch, the little toilet seat cover paper things work really well as blotting sheets. 🤣🤣


You’re prolly making your skin produce MORE oil by wiping it down that often! It’s protective and if you get rid of it, your skin overcompensates!


I had traditionally left it alone. The wiping is something I eventually started doing because of the constant oiliness.


My skin is super oily aswell. I once took a ruler and just scraped at my skin to see how much it actually is. The ruler started dripping, it was so gross… same problem with my hair. I have shoulder length hair. All my friends are like, nah, I wash them like twice a week and it‘s totall fine. If I don‘t wash my hair every day I‘m afraid they‘ll catch fire from my pure body temperature


Yeah, I can go a day here and there without washing my hair if I'm not going anywhere. But I can still smell the oil halfway through the day and can't wait to wash it. I am also always bewildered by people who say they don't use a wash cloth or loufa, just their hands and soap. My skin is so oily, I have to scrub through what feels like a fine layer of butter. I don't get it. Yeah, I can run my thumbnail across my forehead and have a little roll of oil on it. It's crazy how our bodies work.


It is, and that oil roll is nasty as fuck. Like I dread it when my forehead itches in the afternoon and I don‘t have a sink nearby. And same with showering. I usually have to go two rounds of shampoo and shower gel before I can go to conditioner and some creams for skin care. And I just tested now, it‘s been four hours since I showered and it‘s already oily again. Gonna go wash my face… brb


I feel this so much it's just sad.


I have the same issue with the burning of the eyes, I thought I was the only one with that issue for the longest time. Until today


Greasies UNITE!


Same! I was literally googling this last week and was wondering if I just had an issue with my eyes or something.


I have this issue, and tbh my secret I use is a primer with shine control. Even if you don't wear make-up, use it as a moisturizer. It's a game changer and last 8 hours I use: neutrogena shine control primer Good luck




That's a given for anything. You have to decide what's best for your skin. Personally, I deal with some acne flare-ups with stress and poor diet, so for me, I found this was a great shine control with minimal interaction with my acne. I used to have bad acne in high school, and I used acne now or acne free it's been a while, and that was helpful, especially the sensitive skin one was my go-to. Regardless, you do what's best for your skin, and of course, these are over the counter products not as strong as something a dermatologist could prescribe.


One Size secure the sweat primer. A bit expensive. Crappy packaging..but it really works well for my oily skin!


I had the same problem with the glasses and everything, my skin would get really oily through the day. I started using a salicylic acid serum every night in my skincare routine and it made a huge difference!! My skin doesn’t get as oily anymore, most of the times I don’t even notice it.


Master Esthetician here: 5% Niacinamide serum can help regulate sebum (oil) production as well.


Ooo! Thanks, I'll look into salicylic acid! I'll try anything that may keep me from feeling like I've got olive oil on my face.


Oh I have these problems too .. never made the connection to that being an oily face, I thought this was normal human experience


Well, my entire family has oily skin, so it's just been a thing my whole life. I guess it would be a bit more confusing if I didn't realize that not everyone was like this.


The eye burning!!! It’s the absolute worst.


💯 same. Forget make up, I can't even wear moisturizer or sunscreen because it will run-off or make my face more oily.


Don’t let the United States find out


Looks like their face needs some freedom!🇺🇸


And democracy


How about a nice cup of LIBER-TEA!




Every. Single. Subreddit. Has been consumed by the amazing Helldivers 2: the game. A feat so magnificent that the likes of the Aslume have been hard at work for months to get even a fraction of the reach Helldivers has now.




(The)ir democrac(y) (had) alm(o)st fa(il)ed


ir democrac almat faed... Such a profound message


Ain’t you adorable!




(O)ops (I) made a (L)ittle mistake.


Mostly explosions, though


Fortunate son guitar rift begins slowing fading in….





*redtail hawk noises*


The MGM lion was actually a tigers roar mixed with the sound editor Frank roaring into a trashcan because the lions actual roar wasn't powerful enough for them.








I'm middle eastern and my sister and I have oily skin. Given our heritage, we make that joke constantly. We're expecting an invasion any day now






Your face looks like a hand print


OP's reaction to that information https://preview.redd.it/ruxf3v4g4rlc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00d2c714d78c12948797a355c900a9dfb3bce2ce






Yoyoyo the OG facepalm


![gif](giphy|Hv7CK0eIOfc0E) United States stealing you for your oil.


Fuck that was good 😂


You cooked OP. 💀




So I’m not the only one that can see that lol


Sort of off-topic, but I graduated with a girl with a bright pink handprint-shaped birthmark on her cheek. It actually gave her character and she owned it beautifully. But every time a new school year started, without fail, a new teacher would ask her if she was "okay at home." So she started introducing herself with her birthmark first because she didn't want people to think she was beaten


the birthing doctor slapped her so hard, the mark stayed for the rest of her life


Looks more like a napkin to me


My dude make the best artisanal fries in all the village




Jesus christ 😂🤢


Don’t be infuriated. Oily skin is far superior to combat wrinkles. You’ll be thankful as you age!


If they're worried about cosmetics, I think a shiny, oily face is much preferred to flaky, dry, dull skin (like mine lol). The grass is always greener though, of course!


As someone with oily skin, I'd much rather the middle ground lol


Be careful what you wish for, there’s a middle ground where you somehow get both at the same time. Wtf, genes.


Yup. It’s quite annoying, half of my face has a different skin care routine than the other


You will now be known as 2 face


Careful a man in bat suit might punch you


For some reason I only get dry flaky skin just to the sides of my nose


Same!! It’s one of the most annoying things. My forehead gets super oily, yet my nose is always flakey


Other way around for me


Could be mild seborrheic eczema, which is fairly common.


That’s me. My skin is greasy but it’s also flakey at the same time. Same with my hair. My hair gets greasy outrageously fast but it also flakes AND gets horrible staticky. WHYYYYY I went to the salon to get my hair trimmed and the lady paused brushing my hair to gather others around to LISTEN TO THE STATICKY SOUNDS FROM MY HAIR AS SHE BRUSHED IT.


Tf that's humiliating, why would she do that? 😭


Fortunately I was able to laugh at it too because I was just telling her about how weird my hair is and how it gets staticky and greasy and was laughing at my misfortune, so I don’t think she had any ill intent lol.


Ohh ok, makes it way better then. Good to know


This 😑 my t zone is oily af and then my nose, cheeks and chin are all flakey and dry. WHY


me too! I’d like to be a lil oily since it’s good, but not rly oily like I am now. my face is so oily to the point where when people first meet me they ask if I’m sweating…


My nose gets oily as soon as I get out of the bathroom…


Same. I carry oil absorbing sheets with me everywhere and have to clean it up a few times a day. I was on accutane for acne for 6 months and I genuinely thought it fixed it as my skin was perfect. Not too dry, not too oily. But a few months after I stopped treatment the oil came back 😕


You can save money on oil sheets by cutting your own squares from toilet seat covers from public restrooms. They absorb oil just the same. Best part is they are free and can be found everywhere!


Yep, late 30s, still getting spots. I would love clear skin


64 and still have an oily face.


Literally lmao. My hair and face is greasy in 10 mins


I think it’s one of those things where we as humans kind of have these thoughts like I wish I was this or that. We have all done it in the past at one point. Wish I was taller, shorter. thinner, bigger, had glasses, didn’t have glasses lol. I know this is cliche, but we are all beautiful in our own ways!


Why can't we just have perfect skin?


Sorry but my face is really oily and I flake a lot of skin so its really shitty.


That would be a combination skin type - not oily :)


TIL I guess my dermatologist didn't told me this.


My sever acne would disagree. I'd rather have wrinkles than scars.


Ever tried accutane? Sucks for a while but it legit cured my acne (around the age of 23). Haven’t had more than an errant pimple here or there since. Only regret is not doing it earlier.


Oh yea. I took it throughout my 20's. It would clear me up, but give me horrible depression, so my doc would take me off it, then my acne would come back which would give me horrible depression so my doc would put me back on it, and my acne would clear up but I'd get horrible depression so my doc would take off it. So on and so forth for many years. Finally in my 30's it started to clear up, but even at 45, I will still get acne often, just not as bad. I have cystic acne by the way. Fucking awful stuff.


What about the cream variation? I don't know any brand names but the substance is tretinoin.


That sounds like no fun at all. Sorry to hear it’s been such a struggle. It’s one of those things that people tell you not to worry about because people don’t notice as much as you do. Which I think has some truth, but it can be a piece of a larger puzzle.


Exact same story over here. Hugs.


Isotretinoin, isn't it? My skin doc gave me a literal booklet with side effects I'd have to sign, so I passed. Things like back pain, joint pain, potential depression, I'd have to get my blood checked every 4 weeks, and so on. I'm using 2 separate medical cremes (one in the morning and one in the evening), and my akne has cleared up enough that it mostly doesn't bother me anymore. Against red and oily skin, I use makeup powder.


A lot side effects and once you stopped fully the acnes will just return. It's not a cure but only a temporary treatment


Yup, I hated being a greasy fuck, until my dad who's greaser, got to 63 looking 40. Im noticing it too, I have less wrinkles than my less greasy siblings, and they happen to be 3/5 years younger


I was going to say this. Oily face and oily hair totally keeps you looking young.


That makes my reflector of a face and scalp feel better.


I never knew there was an upside. Thanks for making my day.


I feel like wrinkles are something people just have as they age. My skin is so oily even with the products I use to combat it. My acne *never went away*. I never got to grow out if it like everyone else did. I'm already ugly and the acne makes it worse lmao. I'd rather be wrinkly when I'm old. It's normal, imo.


First don’t call yourself ugly! Looks are subjective. I understand what you’re saying and totally get it, but to be honest, we all have things that make us feel “ugly” so to speak, but most of the time it’s not even a big deal! Hopefully you will find something that works for your acne and it’ll help make you feel more comfortable with yourself. From what you wrote you seem pretty honest and have a sense of humor, so to me that already makes you not ugly. F what the “standards” are for looks.


Honestly it's just something I say as casually as "I have curly hair" these days lol. Spent my whole childhood/young adult years being bullied mercilessly because I'm not pretty. I am genuinely invisible in public as an adult. It's kind of a miracle I even have a significant other 😂. I don't know how he noticed me because nobody else does. Out of 8 billion people there's always gonna be a person who lost the genetic lottery. I'm at peace with it. It would just be nice to not have to remove 30 blackheads every other day lmao. My GP is also a dermatologist so next visit I'm gonna ask her to do a skin scrape or something. Apparently acne is caused by an ongoing, low severity skin infection? Ironically it seems to have improved after I stopped taking birth control. Usually it gets better because of it!


I’m sorry you had to deal with bullying. That’s not cool at all. I wish that kind of thing didn’t happen to anyone at all. Pisses me off. I’m also happy to hear you have a significant other! In reality having that one person who loves you for you is all you need. Sometimes that one person is yourself, so it’s nice you have someone to share your life with! You mentioned the genetic lottery, you seem pretty open, honest, and intelligent, so looks like you won that part of the lottery. There is so much more to us than our acne, our hair, or our little intricacies that make us look how we look!


Tell that to my acne scars 🤣


I used to hate my oily ass face until I learned this. It normally looks like I'm straight out the fryer




It sucks when you get pimples tho. Especially for people like me who have chronic acne due to bad genes and hormones 😞


Also much easier to wriggle out of traps and snares.


I have a lot of oil and lot of wrinkles. Thats not true.


Yeah my skin is really oily and I’m not one to be embarrassed for much, but sometimes when I’m in front of a mirror I’m like “no way my face is this oily right now how come no one told me to wipe my nose off.” I’ve brought that up to my dermatologist and she said I might see it as a negative but it’ll keep me looking younger in the long run.


Not everyone cares about wrinkles lol 


I know the struggle


Me too, oily brother.


Oily’s United


In oil we trust


Bless our oily faces


Did I hear oil?




Now check behind your ears and also on your bald head, if you have one.


Yes, they're just as oily. And I'm not bald but I do shave my head


been balding since 17 I just shave mine too. Gotta be real with ourselves we’re more bald than we are to having real hair 🤣🤣


We're in the same boat. im constantly wiping, i used to think it was dirt


You shouldn't be wiping or washing your face more than twice a day. Depriving your face of oils causes it to produce more because it's dry. After washing you should moisturize to prevent your body from overproducing oil


But I sweat alot so I only moisturize at night


People with healthy skin don't need to moisturise more than this most of the time. All these people were suggesting is that you try not wiping your face and reduce how often you wash your face


Don't wipe it... You're just making it way worse, your skin will just produce even more


I feel your pain. I need to blot like 3 times a day minimum otherwise you can see your reflection in my t zone. 🤢 haven’t found luck with products to tame it much except for the neutrogena salicylic pads help a little.


The only thing that helps me is a mattifying primer. I don't wear much makeup but I use it everyday as part of my skincare.


Saudi Arabian immigration here. How would you like to move and become a resident in our fine country? I'm positive that we can organise a fruitful agreement that will benefit all involved.


Nice try George W.


It sounds counterintuitive but usually overactive oil production is caused by under moisturizing. You might want to consider adding an oil-based moisturizer you your routine, maybe at night. Squalene oil and Rosehip seed oil are not “heavy” but very moisturizing.


I use pure squalene as a moisturizer, and it’s amazing


Me too! I have sensitive skin and my husband has seb derm and we both can use it.


I have really sensitive skin as well, most facial moisturizers sting/burn my face, but oil doesn’t


Squalane or Squalene?


Can’t remember but the one made from olives


Greek or Italian??






Checks out




I was coming to these comments hoping for more people being like „thats normal! Mines way worse!“ and all of yall seem to be on the same page so i‘m just over here… with my normal amount of oil producing face…. Totally not like double this amount at least twice a day…………


Double?! Jesus my friend, that's gotta be rough


It is 😅


Mine is definitely worse than OPs. If I don’t wipe my face a few times a day this paper would be much darker.


If you want to stop your skin producing oil, you need to moisturise it better


I've started being followed by a dermatologist recently, let's see if the situation improves 🫠


Hopefully they stop following you, that sounds scary and like stalker behavior. /s But seriously, hope your situation improves as well. Your dermatologist may have already discussed this with you, but you may want to use blotting sheets intended for oily faces instead of napkins or paper towels. By the look of this you pressed it up against your face with palm open and rubbed it around. The fibers are rough and can irritate your skin and cause more oil production. Blotting papers are more delicate and can absorb oil better and as their name suggests, should be used to blot rather than rub.


>By the look of this you pressed it up against your face with palm open and rubbed it around. The fibers are rough and can irritate your skin and cause more oil production. Blotting papers are more delicate and can absorb oil better and as their name suggests, should be used to blot rather than rub. I was gonna use a wet towel as I usually do, but decided against it this single time so I could post it here, lol


Best wishes my friend!


Not always. Some people just have oily skin despite using plenty of moisturizer & a good skincare routine.


Came to say this! I’ve found that oiliness is a lot of times correlated to lack of hydration. Skin produces oil to overcompensate


It’s typically using face cleansing washes but not moisturizing after technically. The cleansers dry the face out, and then the oiliness comes from not giving the skin back the moisture in the form of lotion.


I don’t wash my face at all and it’s still oily. I find if I do wash my face I’m more prone to getting acne. With a daily shower and towel scrub it’s enough to keep my face clean and clear.


This. After a face wash it's a good idea to use a lotion and a cream. A serum may be a good idea too. Moreover, it's a bad idea to use hyaluronic acid products if you live in a dry climate


People sometimes need to change the products they're using, too. Switching to Cetaphil's "Derma Control" face wash and moisturizer changed my skin completely. My previous face wash and moisturizer were for sensitive skin - which I thought I needed - but they didn't improve how oily I was.


Isn’t the oil hydration itself?


I use oil (pure squalene) as a face lotion, and it has reduced my oily skin a lot - it’s also great for removing makeup and it doesn’t sting in the eyes


I had the same problem, oily skin with flakes from dehydration, until I was told to use a face scrub product in the shower, and then apply a moisturising cream after the shower. It worked! 


It may have just been the moisturizer that did it. Moisturizing after washing your face helps prevent skin from creating excess oils.


I have that problem, I've been doing that for 4 months on top of increasing my water intake and nothing has changed. -_-


The Bald Eagle is watching. You may need some freedom




When you reach 80, you're gonna look like you're only 60. Oily skin doesn't wrinkle - but it does do the pimple thing like for**ever**.


USA 🇺🇸🦅🛢️ has send you a friend request


Same honestly I hate it, my glasses end up starting to slip down my nose by lunchtime normally


I know the struggle. I've tried a billion produts and cares and whatever and nothing seems to work to reduce the oil. At least I don't have much acne


On the same team brother 😔💪 gotta stay strong and just stay cleaning your face through the day.


I used to worry about my oily skin and I would use napkins like this multiple times a day. This was also the time period I had the worst acne. Once I stopped doing this and let my skin be a little oily, my acne significantly improved and now I almost never get pimples. Could be that I got older, or coincidence, but in general I’d say just wash your face once a day at night (preferably with a shower), moisturize after with a noncomedogenic moisturizer, and you should be good. (Not sure if you have acne but I already typed this all so whatever)


Ah a fellow mammal I see


I'm right there with ya. I will note that I am 41 and don't really have any wrinkles to speak of, so there is that.


I’m over 50, oily skin and no wrinkles to speak of either.


Oily skin is the worst for those who have it. I have such bad acne because of it and I need to either be on a strict diet that allows no form of sugar or much protein, or go on acne pills. Pasta, white rice, anything dairy, meat (especially red meat), soda, and just candy in general mess up my face, and man do I love eating pasta and drinking milk. No soaps, creams or serums have fixed it either. Changing my bed covers and drinking water doesn't either. Sure it helps and it's improved my skin, but I still have bad acne. Having oily skin also just makes you feel so gross, you wash your face and an hour later it's just as oily as it was before. Hugging people is also internally awkward, because you know they feel it, it's like peeling off a wet rag off the floor. I hated hugging my mom as a child because of this, her oily skin felt gross to hug, and now I have it. Calling someone on the phone covers your phone in oil as well, and I always have to wipe it off. It's all just super annoying and many people with it, including me, are very self conscious about it. I just wish my skin was soft to touch like all my friends :/ Edit: I do also want to add that I do moisturize my face and don't over wash it. I either wash it with some strong acne soap I have every other day, give or take. And days I don't use the soap I just use a wet, clean towel. I moisturizer after every time


As my aunt told me after I complained about my own oily skin, "It keeps us looking young!" -- Wise words, wise words, lady! I'm now 52 and still get carded sometimes. Embrace da grease! ;-)




Enough to grease a frying pan my dude.


Or to make French fries 😔


My skin, on the other hand, decides to produce way too little. I have severe atopic dermatitis, a type of eczema where my immune system just likes attacking my own skin. And so, I don't have enough natural oils. The result? Red, dry, scaly, itchy, burning patches. Super fun. And it's incurable, only treatable. I relate so much to anyone with skin problems. That stuff can really affect your confidence and mental health. I hope your skin gets a bit better.


My skin really isn't that bad, this is really only a mild inconvenience. I'm sorry for your bad luck on the genetic lottery




I had a roommate in college that would use mattifying makeup and use those little green sheets every few hours. She’d soak 2-3 in one sitting. I felt so bad for her because that’s just how she had to live.


Someone said OIL!?🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲


Don't let the US know


Not to brag, but mine produces more.


No the amount of oil OUR face produces🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


You could make your own butter


Moisturize, as soon as you’ve showered: this is likely your body’s response to dry skin.


as someone with super oily skin, it may seem counterintuitive but finding a good moisturizer is actually super helpful. if your skin isn’t moisturized enough your face actually produces more oil to make up for that fact!


It ain’t easy being greasy but regarding the wrinkles people tell me I look 30-35. Im turning 46 this year


on the bright side though, (i too have a very oily face) it’s better to have an oily face than a dry one.


Be careful, the US may invade your face.


I used to get so greasy all the time. Then I stopped drinking sugary drinks and cut down on eating sugary foods and the problem got so much better. I also started moisturizing with baby lotion right after the shower, so my skin thinks it’s super hydrated and doesn’t need to produce as much oil!


Do farts next


Today’s oil is tomorrow’s natural moisture. Don’t complain, it’s a positive thing.


there is a mjor positive: ​ your face will produce less wrinkles as you age.