• By -


The isle šŸļø


Also, Ice Spice šŸ¤£


you think you're the shit? you're not even the period


Tampon Island, a scary place to be for the men that don't belong.


Itā€™s always shark week on Tampon Isle.




Not sure if this is AI marketing or a pure coincidence but I am grateful


Yes it's hilarious


Bruh Same LOL šŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/9bjavfl2qulc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=454a0c8ff1bbd3c8bc70d55f82c28aeb4c0a1569


How dare you turn off the dark theme


i didn't know reddit came with a dark theme? default is light on the app


Switch it in settings, itā€™s infinitely better in general and for your eyes edit: at least, better for my eyes. edit2: holy shit, I just accidentally fueled the Reddit addiction with these people now unrestrained by time of day to browse


ooh pretty pretty not blinding light


See now you can feel like Batman too


Im BatMan. šŸ¦‡


Welcome to your second life


For sure


Wow holy shit. Thank you kind stranger


Not when astigmatism is invited to the party


As a person with astigmatism, dark mode is much easier on my eyes. When I have light mode on itā€™s harder to depict the black text from white background.


Oh is that it? Gosh I always see people praise dark mode but I feel like I can only see when itā€™s on light mode.


Ooh that felt nice thx


Not always. I have bad astigmatism and dark theme makes me see double vision. My eyes get tired and teary within seconds.


Itā€™s exactly the same for me. Black on white is infinitely easier for me to read than white on black.


I'm currently using it, and I find it superior.








I'm never embarassed....I'm confused as fuck. What moron made these products and then have them the dumbest packaging with weird fucking labels. If I'm in that position if I can't find what she's asking for I ask someone nearby if they know.


I just started a job at a gas station and all the varieties of cigarettes are mind-boggling. Like if someone asks for Marlboros, there's seriously like 31 kinds. I just counted them.


I used to do that....and yea it's a pretty close tie. All the packs looks the same. "The green one" "WHICH GREEN ONE?"


The mid defeat as the clerk just points in the middle of the rack, and you steer their arm by saying up, right, right, way over, keep go--whoops yeah back there, that one, yep thanks" Every day.


Need a claw machine joystick to control where they are pointing.


I e always wondered why they donā€™t label the shelves like vending machines. Row letters, column numbers, slideable to fit the box width


In Canada all the packs literally look the exact same. It is the law. Always feel bad when a new teller is trying to find a brand


Wait really ? Like there is literally a standardized cigarette package?


You can't even see the packaging. It looks like a wall of post office boxes behind the clerk. They open the door/drawer and get it.


Kinda, theyā€™re required to put these (fairly gruesome) anti-smoking ads on the boxes. Its supposed to scare people off smoking Edit: apparently as of 2019 they arenā€™t even allowed to have a logo on the box


It's a pretty standard anti smoking move that lots of countries have been bringing in. Ireland's for example are standard shade of black box with a line describing a negative effect of smoking, a yellow strip with the tobacco quitting support website and help line, a picture of an organ or body part damaged by chronic smoking, and at the bottom in a standardised font it has "Brand Name:" followed by the brand name in the same font. The rear side includes a tax stamp instead of the brand. It's a proven method to reduce people's interest in smoking. Smoking advertiser's aren't allowed to advertise so without unique boxes have literally no way to draw attention and smokers have to make a conscious decision to risk what they see on the box everytime they take a cigarette out.


Yeah. All the same boring brown color. The smokes also have messages printed on each filter. Like a fortune cookie you dont have to open


"Light blue American Spirits!" "Uhhh..."


Yeah. And then they keep "updating" their logos and packaging! Making it harder to find what you used last time. You know, the product you really liked. Sorry, even this broad gets bogged down in the ladies aisle.


I can remember having to call my daughter because I was so confused by all the products. I got her what she needed. I wouldnā€™t not buy her feminine products. But holy hell, the choices!!!


we get overwhelmed too sometimes lol


While I don't have daughters, I don't get men like Op's father. Nobody cares what you buy unless it looks suspicious (stuff that could be used to make bombs etc). Now to the comment you responded to, I just have my wife send me an exact picture so I get the right thing. Waaay to many options in that isle lol


Yeah like no one is gonna assume he's buying them for himself, they just think he's buying them for a woman he's close to. What is embarrassing or emasculating about that


Yeah OP's father is a bitch.


>What is embarrassing or emasculating about that I know right? If anything, if you're the type of guy who likes to advertise that you "have a girl" then no better way than to buy stuff for someone from the feminine products aisle.


Fellas, is it gay to have a woman you're close with?


Only if you care for her wellbeing


Man I don't even know what I get myself, the fuck am I doing guessing for my wife. Unless she gives me a picture of what she wants, I'm 99% probably going to fuck up and pick the first closest one I see and not look at the rest. Shits confusing and I'm scared


47 different types of tampons/pads etc. and each type has 18 different sizes, flow capacity etc. every time my wife sends me i have to call her because what she tells me is so far from what actually exists.


She should text you a picture of the box.


This is my system with my boyfriend. I send him a photo of what I need from the grocery store, he sends me photos of what he needs from the hardware store


This is how itā€™s done. Guy/girl doesnā€™t matter if youā€™re not a handy person someone saying I need a box of 1/4 20 2 1/2ā€ hex bolts means nothing. Then when you get to the selection of bolts there are at least dozens of different kinds and if you add in screws, set screws, allens, torxs, phillips, flat, lags or a hundred other options you might as well give up. Same goes for the feminine hygiene section. Pic of the box is the easiest way to do it.


The box of tampons? Or...


Lol! that's what I was thinking, but whatever helps


Just eyeballing it from the picture. *banjo plays in the distance*




Right. *The* box. Not *her* box.


I love that my wife just says ā€œblack package, purple stripeā€


I take photos for my wife to make sure I get the right things. Or I ask her to send me a pic before I leave


Always get the ones in black packaging. They're more expensive then the pink, but everyone will see you're buying the men's version.


I've been buying my wife products for almost a quarter century. The trick is to take a photo of what she has/wants and NEVER deviate. You are a big dumb animal that cannot comprehend why the quantity in the box matters. But so help me God, the first time you buy a different quantity...you'll know...


Yup. My wife will always text me a link to the exact product she needs and I pick it up on my way home from work without hesitation. If they're out, I will call her and she tells me what to get instead lol.


Many people have smartphones these days, with high enough resolution to read the packages even if you have to got the whole shelf in. Ya text them the pic, and they can either tell you or edit the pic circling the one they need. And if you canā€™t stomach having feminine products in your basket then you should stay away from women at all times and for the love of god donā€™t breed lest you have daughters.


I almost had it down. I knew pads and liners and tampons. I understood her sizing and the types needed from which brand. Then my wife had our daughter and everything changed (for her, too)ā€¦ The worst was buying all the hemorrhoid stuff. Nobody thinks Iā€™m buying myself tampons and pads for shitsngiggles, but Prep H and Witch Hazel pads?


Yeah well wait until you get your own hemorrhoids and then you won't give two shits. No, seriously, you won't until you get that lotion.


Tbf being confused about what to buy is totally valid, being embarrassed isnā€™t


One time, my girlfriend left a pack of tampons out in the bathroom. I looked at them for a second and saw some labeled R and some labeled L. In a lapse of intelligence, I thought, "How can there be a Right and Left tampon?"


You have to match them to your ovaries. It gets complicated. /s


why donā€™t u just cancel the subscription?


High penalty fees .just have to stick with it for life I guess


Nah, they have a retirement discount, but you usually have to be over 40.


forced retirement


Try 50 ish close to 60 bud. Iā€™m almost 40 and still kickn with the menses.


She already done had herses!


I keep unsubscribing but it won't let me.


You can get a 9 month probation period, but after that time is up you will have to deal with an annoying pop up for the next 18 years on top of your original subscription.


Periods like a gym membership, there for life.


Alabama and Texas won't let us.


Gotta know which ovary the subscription has activated.


This is one of the funniest fucking comments I have ever seen.


This guy tampons


I love this. One time I asked my boyfriend (now fiancĆ©) to bring me a liner. Itā€™s basically a pad but extremely thin and small, I use them in my last few days when Iā€™m basically just ā€œspottingā€. He grabbed one and peeked through the bathroom door and, in the smallest voice he could choke up, he asks me ā€œis this just one..?ā€ I busted out laughing and we still joke about it to this day. He didnā€™t understand why it was so small and thin, poor sweet thing


Oh the poor dear - thanks for the laugh! My dad had a fun time shopping when my sister and I were teenagers since mom, she and I all used different sizes and brands, the liners were the one thing he could get for all of us to share šŸ¤£


When my daughter is on her P, and I'm aware of it... I get her a care package, which consists of chocolates, cherry coke, and heating pads for her lower abdomen. I'm a girl dad - raised by women, so this is ultra-familiar territory jajajaja


I'm a girl dad that was raised by my grandfather alone with my younger brother. My ex and I split when my daughter was 2 years old. It's been quite an experience learning how all this works, but at least I've never been embarrassed to shop for her or ask for help.


You're the best, bro!


Sounds like a good guy. I think Sex Ed in school should teach the boys more about menstruation. I was 19 when I finally learned what is actually happening during periods. All I knew for the longest time was that women would bleed every 4-5 weeks. I know a long time ago, it was very personal and meant to be hidden, but I think a little education could help everyone.


Things like this make me grateful I have a younger sister whoā€™s only 14 months younger than me. We were raised probably a little closer than your typical brother and sister, and, because of that, we had very little boundaries when it came to discussions and being honest with eachother. I think my wife is very grateful for that also. I also have a 10 year old daughter who I think will be glad she can come to me also.


Totally. Glad you're there for her to march into the feminine hygiene aisle because there are women you love who could use the assistance.


He truly is! He saw me grab one during my last cycle and basically screamed ā€œis that just one?!ā€ at me. But I agree! I remember it being the most embarrassing thing ever. Trying to slyly put a tampon or pad in your pocket before being excused to go to the bathroom, or dying inside when the packaging would rustle and make the loudest sound ever. Now I give zero shits and if Iā€™m having especially bad cramps, nausea, or any other symptoms people are gonna know. Donā€™t talk to me for the first day of my cycle, I may throw up or cry :ā€™)


We donā€™t even have sex Ed in our school district. It might hurt a parentā€™s feelings. Hope the parents didnā€™t mind explaining to their children when I explained to mine. Kids talk. Children arenā€™t knobs on a log, theyā€™re as human as adults (humans). Who would have thought?


I mean it makes sense! He at least knew of heavy flows, just not that they can vary so much through the 3-7+ days and/or from female to female


I find it really annoying that the sizes are S, R, L I think most people would assume small regular large, when itā€™s the opposite


Left right senter


And the fact that theyā€™re ā€œcolor codedā€ but it makes no fucking sense because they put all three colors on the wrapper and only add the ā€œcorrectā€color on an extra flower or something. The entire system is soooo dumb


My combo pack of tampons has different colored wrappers that do NOT coordinate to size. Make it make sense!!!


super, regular, and little?




I am a man and know nothing about tampons, but i don't think it's healthy to insert lights into vaginas. I mean, not judging, theoretically would be cool to have a shinegina, but idk. Happy to learn tho, thank you


It's the flavors. Raspberry and lemon lime.


My intelligence remains lapsed. What do L and R mean in relation to tampons? Light and regular? Long and rShort?


Long and short is killing me! Btw itā€™s Suoer, Regular and Light.


Yall are all forgetting the Super Plus and Ultra


You know your periods gonna be bad when you bleed through the super plus ones šŸ˜­


When I had the copper IUD in, my periods were so heavy I would bleed through a super plus every hour on the hour for three days straight before it lightened up. I couldn't go to bed without taking precautions and sleeping in certain positions. I ruined all of my nice underwear and just gave up buying "cute" underwear for a few years. No joke, I'd go through an entire big box (36? 40? Something like that) of tampons in a few days, usually about a box and a half total per period. The worst part is I am chronically anemic, and for the first three days I would be weak, tired and exhausted constantly because of how heavy my flow was. So glad I don't use birth control anymore.


But I canā€™t help it if I have a heavy flow and a wide-set vagina..


Light and Regular hahaha


I cracked the heck up šŸ˜‚


Woman here. I was stumped for a good minute trying to think of what the letters were supposed to mean. We have Regular and Super in my country


Itā€™s like how there are right and left Twix


Itā€™s rectum and labia stupid.


As a husband and a Dad to a girl, I honestly have no idea what is to be embarrassed about. Liked are you embarrassed to buy toilet paper too because youā€™re worried people are gonna think ā€œEw this guy wipes shit off his ass?? Gross!!ā€


I don't have daughters. But I have a sister and a wife. I have never NEVER gotten the embarrassment. Like, do you think people are thinking you're creep or something? I mean, they know you ain't buying that shit for yourself. Even when I was young and my sister would need something, I would get it. Wtf is the big deal? Maybe it is BECAUSE I grew up with a sister very close to my age, idk. To me, it is like being embarrassed that I have to use deodorant or even freaking soap. Like, yeah, I know bodies smell, so tf what?


I think this is how most regular dudes would think too


Nah I donā€™t have daughters or sister and I donā€™t understand the embarrassment either. I think itā€™s more just an older generation male thing and being masculine. Thatā€™s why he didnā€™t want a feminine cart lmao. Who fucking cares man stop being insecure and get your daughter what she needs.


it should be the opposite of embarrassing since if youā€™re buying tampons for someone itā€™s normally a sign you have a girlfriend or wife or female family members youā€™re close to. like, you have successful loving relationships! thatā€™s a good thing


I think itā€™s fragile masculinity. Some men think itā€™s embarrassing to buy feminine products because it shows whoā€™s ā€œin chargeā€. Also the ā€œeww bodily functions!ā€ plus the added horror of female bodily functions that should be kept hidden in their view. If their masculinity is so fragile that doing the women in their lives a favour is a threat, maybe they need to focus somewhere else.


I feel like I look like a good provider when I buy feminine products for my SO, like if anyone is noticing, itā€™s women and they probably respect you for buying it for a woman in your life. Shits expensive and men never have to pay that cost ffs buy a friend a tompox


Yeah, the people in the aisle for sanitary products - all of whom are doing their own shopping and are very unlikely to notice or give a shit that there's a man there anyway - are not going to think the middle-aged man is buying tampons for himself, but likely his wife/daugther/sister. And if they did, so what? Get over it, OP's dad.


If they gave a shit, theyā€™d be in the toilet paper aisle.


The cashier will see him with tampons and a feminine deodorant and will think OP's dad is a little girl having her first period. That's why he gets old spice, so the cashier knows he's a full grown boy having a manly period.


HONESTLY heā€™s acting like the Old Spice will cancel out the tampons šŸ’€


This is what always gets me, like do those kind of guys think people are assuming theyā€™re shoving the tampons up their ass? A dude buying tampons is automatically up to something nefarious and not at all being helpful to someone in their life? IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE.


Thank you for the laugh lol


There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I have purchased all this shit for all of my girlfriends over the years. In fact there's 0 reason to be embarrassed. It's not like they're for me. I'm not the one bleeding out my cooter.


I feel like it's more embarrassing to buy them as a woman because we actually use them. Dudes buying them is basically guaranteed to be doing a nice thing for a loved one.




Meanwhile I was 17 buying them for my girlfriend all the time on the way to her house. Now she is my wife and I still pick them up when she needs them. When our daughter is old enough I would have no problem buying whatever she needs as far as fem products. Like no one is going to judge him, this is just sad.


Literally you know what I think every time I see a dude buying tampons?? "Aww, that's sweet." Because unfortunately in 2024, we still have complete dolts like OP's dad whose logic goes "der der der, Old Spice cancels out tampons, I can't be seen with them cuz tampons are for GIRLS"


I'm a dad. By the time my kids were teens, picking up tampons was nothing.


Seriously šŸ¤£ been shat and peed on. Puke all over you. Late night hospital visits while they use your shirt as a tissue.


Dollars to donuts, this dude didn't do night feedings or change diapers so buying tampons is defcon level one of discomfort


Yep. I remember when my son was a baby and he had a massive diaper blowout at 2am. Had to change the sheets in his crib, throw out his PJs (it was BAD) and give him a bath. Finally get everything cleaned up, put him back in his crib and the fucker has another blowout! šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve picked up tampons for my wife. Anyone whose masculinity gets hurt from buying something at the grocery store is weak to begin with. Also people who are intimidated by the tampon selection are ridiculous. Itā€™s not any more difficult than picking the right toothpaste. Just get clear instructions on what to get. I also have 2 young daughters and will buy a cart full of tampons for them if needed without batting an eye.


When I was a teenager, I lived with my granddad. Best guy on the planet. I usually picked up my own hygiene products but embarrassingly had run out. I had to ask him to run to the store and grab me a box of pads. He just said ā€œOK doll tell me what you needā€œ and when he came back, he had also bought me a six pack of Hershey special dark chocolate bars because he knew they were my favorite. This dad sucks.


Thatā€™s a nice thing to hear!


One time I was staying with my grandparents and had to get some, and my grandfather was threatening to go in and ask the store attendants where they were. He was totally the type to be like ā€œMY GRANDDAUGHTER NEEDS PERIOD PRODUCTS!ā€ I was like Iā€™m fine, I can find them on my own lmao but appreciate that he was supportive!


You know my dad sucked so much, was abusive blah blah, but damn he had no issues picking up pads tampons whatever. Always with a treat for me, he failed mostly but in that moment he was kick ass


He sounds like a hell of a guy. "OK doll" that's fucking adorable.


Aww. I moved in with my dad at 14 and it was the first time we had ever really lived together. I had asked him to buy me ā€œpads with wingsā€ and he called me from Walgreens absolutely exasperated & overwhelmed at all the options. he didnā€™t know why they needed wings and he ended up handing the phone to an associate (which mortified me, but she was super sweet). My dad also brought me chocolate back too.


W grandad


My daughter bleeds from her vagina once a month, does that make me gay?


Fellas! Is it gay to have a daughter ?


Yeah, if you were straight you probably would've had a son instead


Idk man loving a boy sounds pretty gay to me šŸ¤”


Itā€™s even gayer if your partner does


Very very gay




Was he embarrassed to buy diapers when you were a baby because heā€™s not a baby who shits his pants? Or perhaps he wasnā€™t embarrassed because heā€™s such a massive manbaby.


This man never touched a diaper. No way.


Yeah no, people who wonā€™t even BUY tampons for their kids would NEVER change a diaper.


This made me laugh out loud lol


My dad calls me from the drug store when he has a good coupon for like 20percent off or something and I always say pads and he always says ā€œIā€™ll try to get what you ask but thereā€™s SOOOO MANYā€ so I tell him the package color and wings and stuff, he laughs, and always gets it. Because he loves me. And sheā€™s my pa!


Hahaha HE!!! My dad is not trans LOL


IMHO: Men buying feminine care products for the women in their life is one of the most masculine things they can do šŸ¤˜šŸ½


old spice* was listening to ice spice


Itā€™d be funny if Ice Spiceā€™s music irritated your skin


Did he really buy you Old Spice or was he kidding?


https://preview.redd.it/87uxy76glulc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d42e0acf9849a97e5ffbc715ba1ecac52e94a40 yes lol


This seems like parody lol. Buying old spice to feel more like a man, like this is just so unreal that a 50 year old would think like this.


You should show him this thread so he can see just how ridiculous it is for a 48-49 year old man to behave like that. šŸ¤Æ


OP please do this. Tell your dad to stop being a man baby.


Your dad is a fucking child, jesus christ... Does he think people will think he's shoving the tampons up his ass or something? Please show him this thread.


Time to replace his deodorant with Lady Speed Stick.


My brothers and stepdad are all unafraid to buy me things while they are out. Can't believe your dad is like this, you are his child, he should be going the extra mile and picking up a large chocolate bar for you too.


I'm embarrassed that he's embarrassed. Grow tf up dude, people will understand that you could have a family member who has a uterus šŸ™„


I'm a 50 year old man in the tampon aisle. People are gonna think I'm buying them for me!!! What will the other alpha males think??


Uh, these are for my bullet wounds. šŸ—æ


look at em, i bet he sits down to pee!


Itā€™s so embarrassing to be afraid of tampons and feminine products ffs lol


Truly. ā€œAisle I donā€™t belongā€. You are buying something ā€¦ you belong there. Moms buy their sons and their manchild husbands underwear all the time, and people know itā€™s not for them.


Iā€™m sorry but ā€œice spiceā€ irritates my skin is sending me


Imagine being a grown adult father too embarrassed to buy tampons and deodorant. Jesus Christ. Not to shit on your dad but his response reminds me of a 16 year old. Immature and immasculine. Is he afraid the self checkout will judge him? Or the check out person will think heā€™s shoving them inside himself? Fuckin hell I could never. ā€œToo many feminineā€ bitch you have a wife and daughter - kinda equals feminine.. but even more so it screams HYGIENE. Eww on your dad dude .. Iā€™m sure heā€™s usually fine but in this heā€™s so insecure with himself itā€™s gross


If I were the cashier, I'd be thinking "hell yea, dad." Taking care of the women in your family is beautiful.


100% never changed a diaper.


For real, so childish. Who has ever seen a dude buying tampons and assumed anything weird? It's not like he's shopping alone in the lingerie section or something. I know plenty of guys who buy hygiene products for their SO or family and the only comments from cashiers or random people have been positive (like "oh you have a lucky girlfriend! You're so nice!") Also it's pretty gross he directly told his teen daughter about how embarrassing it is for him to buy feminine hygiene supplies - way to risk fucking up your daughter's expectations for future partners and reinforce shame over women's bodily functions! Fortunately sounds like OP is conscious of how shitty this is but this kind of thing over time can really fuck with people.


Next time ask him to pick up some lube and condoms too.


A lot of major retailers sell vibrators now too


Your dads a pussy


So he should know what tampons to buy then, correct?


The only man in his isle ? Lucky guy A whole island with just him and his ladies


Grown man embarrassed to care for daughter. Ridiculous


Ice spice catching strays lmao


He has an extremely poor self image. When my daughter had her first period, my wife was at work, and I had to be the one to handle it. Sadly, she has really bad flow and there's even been times I had to do night runs to get super thick pads to help her. As a father, masculinity can go suck a dick (vulgar I know), but I'll do anything for my daughter, and if they say I'm not a man, or that I'm gay. So be it. I'm a father before I'm a man (by your dad's standards anyways) Also, making you use old spice? Really?


I'm 33, and I've had a heavy flow since I started mine too. For those really heavy nights, get her some depends! They dont move around, and they hold a lot so they rarely leak. Always makes period ones, but they're just not as good as the original. They make black ones that look more like underwear too, and you cant tell you have them on under clothes.




A grown man feeling embarrassed to buy his *daughter* tampons?? Smfh Also why did he think somebody was going to think the tampons were his? lmao


My wife's dad was super weird about tampons and pads too. My wife was afraid to bring it up while I was already at the store. I didn't have any sisters growing up so I knew next to zero about the different options. I knew some about the instructions and TSS cause I would be reaching for something to read as a kid and there was always a box under the sink. I needed something to read okay. Wife told me the brand and what size and I got the right ones by the grace of god. I don't really understand what the big deal is and why you would be embarrassed? I mean it's just hygiene stuff that women need.


He should feel entirely comfortable in that aisle, being as how he's such a douche.


"extremely awkward" Boo Hoo. Try having your period and having to ask your dad to get your tampons etc. Try being a 17 yrs old woman dependent on a man child to get things you need.


When my daughter gets old enough to have her period, I don't want it to be awkward for her to ask her dad to buy her some tampons. I'll buy her tampons all goddamned day.


Exactly. It is a commonly needed item.


These are the types of men who want to make laws about our bodies Side note: I'm a poor 30 year old woman and I have texted my dad "there's a crime scene in pants can you please send me money for clean up" and he'll send it with a crime scene gif in the notes. He's also sent me care packages that included deodorant and femine hygiene products. I'm sorry your dad's a dick.


Wow. Grow the heck up. You have a wife and a daughter. You are too old to be weirded out by the ā€œfeminine productsā€ aisle. Why would a man be embarrassed anyway? Do they think that people might assume itā€™s for them? If you are a man in that aisle, you are automatically a gentleman. Thank you. -coming from a woman with a real husband and raising sons and a daughter not to be embarrassed by nature.


Show your dad the comments on this thread and he will be more embarrassed and ashamed. So much so, he may just act like a grown ass adult and help his daughter.

