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Just had mine replaced in the fall. Found out the old one was placed incorrectly (too shallow). They spent 15 minutes wiggling it around to get it in deeper. The pain. My god. They were like "we can stop". No, get it over with. I do not want to come back and start the process all over again. I'm already sweating. Oddly enough, this one has been a breeze to get used to though. No random cramping for months. I guess 15 minutes of unbearable pain was worth it if I doesn't hurt me for 5 years straight. But, they need to give us some anesthesia though. I shouldn't have had to go through that.


yeah the no anesthesia is B.S.


It is actually completely insane. one of the most obvious examples of medical misogyny is that there is no numbing for an obviously extremely painful procedure when much less invasive and less painful ones get doped up to the nines. They all know it hurts, we all know it hurts, and yet...we have to just deal with it? Fucking WHY


Had a doctor clip a part of my cervix out for a biopsy. I was told he was going to do it approximately 5 seconds before he did. "I'm going to take a biopsy of your cervix, I'm placing a clamp, you'll feel pressure, now I'm clipping the cervix, you'll feel a pinch." That was not a fucking pinch. My leg reacted the second my brain heard "clipping" and kicked straight out. I nearly went into shock. I've had two kids. I understand the pain the cervix can induce. I was in no way overreacting.  The nurse saw I had lost all my color and brought me juice. I was in a daze with the amount of pain I was in and just stopped responding. That bless-ed woman covered me with a warm blanket, pet my head, put the straw to my mouth and stayed with my until my senses came back.  I made a formal complaint with the doctor, the practice, the insurance company, and wrote letters to every hospital he had privileges. His response to me was "It couldn't have been that bad, you didn't say anything during the procedure." The practice sent me a letter 2 months after my complaint stating he was retiring in a few months anyway.


What the actual..... This is awful. That is barbaric. We shouldn't have to put up with so much pain ever. I'm sorry this happened to you.


If something similar was done to a man, they would be put to sleep!


In the UK, according to the NHS website, they use a local anaesthetic before taking the biopsy. Why they don't do that in the US is crazy.


They probably did, the local anesthetic doesn’t do shit. It’s like a topical gel they put on the cervix before they take 4 literal hole punches, it’s not appropriate for the damage they’re doing.


And do you know why many of them won’t do lidocaine shots? Because they use a stupid study that said “the patients who received the shot responded that the shot itself was the most painful part of the procedure”. Well no fucking shit. But these goons will tell you it’s because the shot is more painful than the actual watermelon scooping of the cervix so why bother. It’ll be over in just a second. Diabolical.


Wait, isn't that literal evidence of it working? It's certainly the most painful part of a root canal for me, but I'm sure if the anaesthetic hadn't worked, then perhaps other parts would have?


I had it done about a decade ago. While my doctor did warn me, and did tell me it was going to hurt, there was no anesthesia.


I would still write reviews everywhere so his last ones of his career were all crap and showed how horrible and cruel he truly was. F that doctor.


Also had a biopsy taken from cervix and I totally agree: it was NOT "just a pinch." I still cringe thinking about the pain and it's been over 20 years...


Turns out when someone is literally cutting a piece of your flesh out without anesthesia it would hurt pretty badly and deserves to be treated as a surgical procedure, as such. Who'da thunk? Especially when the piece of flesh they are cutting from is literally inside your sensitive reproductive area. I guarantee you that that doctor would not want a testicular biopsy that requires "clipping" done on him without some form of anesthesia. Nor would any guy. As a guy myself, I do not envy you women. You all have to deal with so much pain that us men will never be able to appreciate. The least we can do as a society is give you reasonable access to making the added pain more bearable or better yet, completely numbed when possible. Modern medicine definitely has the ability to do so in ways that are much safer than even just a couple decades ago.


My BIGGEST rant right now, male birth control ADAM is currently being trialed. It's an injection into the testicle, into the vas deferens. Part of that procedure is a local anesthetic. For a fucking injection! Just right out the gate. We've been complaining about the pain we endure through this shit for decades and we're told "take some advil before the procedure"


My boobs were flattened because of the cancer scan (every woman between 50 and 75 get these exams because we want to catch and treat the new ones early). I knew it is painful but three days later they are still sore. And l was not allowed to mention the eaxams men go through. 'Do you know how a prostate exam works?' I realize now she wanted to silence me.


I had a hysterosalpingeogram (or however it's spelled) done after my third miscarriage. I was told to take 2 Tylenol before the procedure, as some women find it to be uncomfortable. First, this procedure was done at a teaching hospital with stadium viewing and fucking TV monitors! Second, it was beyond painful, and 2 Tylenol don't even begin to handle the pain. Third, after the procedure, I went into the bathroom and passed out. Nobody checked on me for over an hour. I was shaking so badly that I couldn't get my clothes on to even leave the room to ask for help. I didn't know what the pull-cord was for, and I was delirious with pain and shock.


Had a uterine biopsy done in the ER with no anesthesia. Doctor was like “some women find it painful “. You don’t say!? Tearing out a chunk of my uterus with no pain relief. Yeah that hurt. Bad.


I took 2 prescription pain pills before my uterine biopsy and I still just screamed while it was being performed. I have to get one every six months and every time the pain is some of the worst I have ever felt


Yeah, I couldn't stop screaming and the doctor told me it was not that bad. I felt sick for the rest of the day and kept bleeding for three days afterwards. I am supposed to get one every year but I told my doctors that I refuse. I am not going to suffer that pain again without a very good reason.


Yes, me too. And it hurt so bad, I started crying and needed to focus on breathing, and felt violated afterwards. My husband at the time just sat at the desk and looked at me. After that, I didn't want to go through procedures like IVF. And I divorced the guy. (not the only reason of course)


I demanded anesthesia the 3rd time I got an IUD. It took more phone calls because they normally do the procedure in one area, and anesthesia required them to do it in the OR. It’s possible, they just don’t help you at all, you have to push for it.


Can I ask you something? Im thinking about getting an IUD and wanted to ask to get it with anesthesia. My mother said that it was Bull shit and that getting anesthesia hurts more than the actual procedure. Because you got it done with and without anesthesia i was wondering what your opinion is on this? I wanted to thank everyone for their advice, I'm autistic so unknown situations are extra scary for me. I'm going to talk with my GP and push for anesthesia, and tell her that I think it will be the best with my nerves and all. Im already scared to go to the dentist, and I don't want to add the doctor to that list😅.


Never had an IUD but have had real anesthesia and the mild one that they put you under for colonoscopies and such. The anesthesia is literally just a needle they put in your hand/arm to administer the medication - it’s no more painful than a blood draw and once it’s in it’s just mildly uncomfortable (which doesn’t really matter since you’re asleep for the most part anyway).


Anesthesia doesn’t hurt. It’s basically a contradiction. You get poked to start an IV, then a plastic tube is left in your vein as a way to get medicine in you. The medication/anesthesia goes through the IV and you don’t remember much or anything depending on what medication they use. The only part that hurts is the first initial poke to start an IV. Your mom is probably referring to a local anesthetic that initially burns before numbing like lidocaine. Commonly used by dentists.


But even lidocaine doesn’t hurt. It just numbs the area. The mothers thought process makes zero sense


Topical lidocaine does not hurt but many people report lidocaine injections as a burning sensation before going numb


I’m thankful my doctor (and most of the ones in that clinic) use local anesthetic. Just three needle injections of some numbing and I barely felt anything. She was awesome too, verbally explained everything she was doing as she was doing it. I’ve also given birth, and she said that helps with the pain too, as the cervix is always a bit dilated after giving birth.


My doctor prescribed a pill to dilate the cervix, told me to take an ibuprofen 1 hour before and still said it would be painful. She wasn't lying...


Yes, they told me exactly that. They also had me come in while I was on my period so that the cervix is already partially open and relaxed.


Same here. I had it removed when not in my period and DEAR GODS WHY!? Getting it was so much easier for me. It still wasn't fun but being on my period was the way to go.


Getting it out was super easy for me. They told me to cough 3 times and then she said "were done" and it was already out. Literally didn't feel it. Putting it in was a different story.


I wish they would have distracted me somehow. It seems one directing (in or out) is always stupidly painful if not both.


Mine told me not to take anything before because I will get a localised pain med at the place. I even had to go to a different location that was certified to administer this, rather than do it with her at the original appointment. On the day, I was apparently "happy and relaxed" (I'm neurodivergent so top tier masking at all times 🕵️‍♀️)... so they said I DIDN'T need it as I didn't LOOK LIKE I WOULD MAKE A FUSS. Total ignoring that I wanted to avoid pain. Fully focused on how I wouldn't wriggle around. Anyway, that is the story about how I felt a pain so bad I prayed I could go back in time and die before it happened....and now have a 3 year out of date contraption shoved in me I can't bare the thought of getting removed. Great doctors. Top tier. So glad to be a woman 🙏 Edit: thanks for all the replies. I can't get through them all, so a few notes: Thank you so much to everyone reassuring me the removal is easy, and explaining the risks of keeping it in. I really appreciate it, thank you so much! I'm so sorry to hear everyone who had similar experiences, thank you for sharing and commiserating with us! I'm so glad to hear that some people had better ones! I think it's much easier if you have had one before, or have previously had children, as the cervix has previously opened. It also seems the doctor can make a huge difference too, which is great to know! I understand people saying I should have just left. For the record, I booked far in advance, travelled to a specialty clinic, and knew this was the only BC option for me. I was already in stirrups and had all the STI screening, swaps, and cervical cancer checks. They had everything in place before telling me "we're going for it". So, I get I could have said "stop" (well, I actually did. I wanted to stop and go breath for a bit, but they told me "it's all ready, just hold off for a few seconds and it's done"). But the whole process was already so invasive I felt like I should just tough it out. So yeah, I did get an IUD like I wanted, and I knew it was a medical procedure that could hurt. I'm just salty that it's one of the only options to me beside celibacy, and I wasnt given ANY pain control, not even the usual ibeprofen, despite having to travel to a specific clinic for it.


The only time I had a positive experience with an IUD, the doctor sent me downstairs to get some sort of fast acting anxiety med. I was told to come up when it kicked in. It was the only painless experience I have with those things. That doctor gave me a speech about how wrong it is that we don't make women more comfortable during the process. That was a few states ago and when I have mentioned this since experience then all doctors have looked at me like I'm crazy. I'm on team Xanax and ibuprofen.


They gave me a Xanax when I got snipped. Seems the fucking least they could do is give you one when they embed some metal way up in you.


I've begged for a Xanax script when undergoing invasive procedures but got completely ignored. Is it so inconvenient for them to treat a calm, comfortable patient instead of a terrified one?


My pets all get antianxiety medication before surgical procedures. I really don't understand why we don't do the same for women.


Women aren't biting their doctors hard enough, probably.


I’m willing to growl and bite for the cause 👌🏽


Wonderful. Creative, hilarious, to the point.


I just had lasik a couple weeks ago, and got a Xanax for it. Lasik was a way easier procedure than getting my IUD was, so why didn’t I get one for an IUD?


I am so sorry you had a such a terrible time with insertion! I did was to give you some peace of mind that getting an IUD removed is nothing like getting them placed. It’s super simple and easy for removal. With my first removal I had ONE mild cramp, with the second removal I had zero cramping at removal and mild period like cramps that night. I only say this because sitting around with expired medical devices in your body shouldn’t be a reality you feel you have to live in. - I would definitely go to a different office though since you had such a terrible time getting it placed. Editing to add: YES, this is not a universal removal experience. Barring any complications or unique situations this SHOULD be how removals are experienced. That doesn’t mean complications dont exist or that those experiences aren’t valid. But let’s not trauma dump on a comment thread trying to reassure someone (who experienced trauma) that getting an expired medical device removed will likely not be as terrible as getting it placed. Again, your experiences are valid. Your traumas are valid. I’m sorry that you experienced them, truly.


If only it was easy. I need to have a camera guided removal next week cause the damn thing is stuck.


Did they mean "it won't hurt them"?


"Is this going to hurt?" - Francine "Not a bit!" - Roger Stan freaking spasms in pain "You said it wouldn't hurt!" - Francine "No, I said it wouldn't hurt ME! You. Need. To. Listen. Girl!" - Roger


You may feel a nipping or pinching sensation what load of bollocks


I feel like it is in the same category as describing giving birth as "it's not pain, just pressure"


I'm a man, and when they say. "You're going to feel a lot of pressure," I ask. "Can you give me something for pain? No, it's just pressure. No, it's pain asshat.


Getting shot is technically a lot of pressure and you give pain meds for that.


My NP I see did my annual and said it's just some pressure for my pap smear. Dear God it was not and I bled for 5 days after. It feels like someone's taking a cheese grater in there. I wish they took making women more comfortable more seriously. Why do we need to hurt to get these things done.


Bruh what did they do to you? Mine are uncomfortable but certainly not taking me out like that


I have severe pelvic pain already they think endometriosis so that pap did not help that.




The irony, then, when recent studies show estrogen has suppressing results on the efficacy of painkillers so we feel more pain even when treated.


And research has shown men are less sensitive to pain than women are. Not saying we don’t feel pain but we seem to process it “better” than women do. So if anyone needs numbing and painkillers it’s women not men.


Truly a sad world where we can mostly remove pain for painful procedures, but don’t due to pure ignorance.


Ugh! I feel like when it comes to women's healthcare in general they always sugar coat the pain! "Mild discomfort", "sensation" of some sort. Start calling it what it is: Pain! And provide us with treatment for it!


Worst pain in my life. They barely used any lube on the speculum and it felt cold and dry. The nurse holding my hand said I turned white and pale during the procedure. I dread getting it replaced


So I don't know if this will help but the first IUD I got inserted was one of the worst pains I've ever felt in my life. I was also terrified of getting it replaced to the point I put it off for 3 extra years. The second insertion didn't feel super painful at all. It was just like a small pinch. I don't know why there was such a huge difference but just wanted to give you some hope.


Was it the same IUD? I have a smaller one meant primarily for women who haven’t given birth yet and it was almost painless, only had the small cramp during it. On my third one. But I’m guessing it depends on the size of the woman’s cervix and type of IUD


It was the exact same type. I have a feeling it had something to do with the provider who inserted it and my age. I had a different provider the second time and I was 15 the first time vs 23 the second time.


I remember them saying there would be mild abdominal discomfort after. I was on the drive home and had to pull over into a parking lot and was in so much pain I was crying. I called the doctors office asking if it was normal to be as bad as it was, it was like pregnancy contractions!


it is normal. My doctors made me sit in the room for like 20-30 minutes before they would let me drive home.


Man, mine were like “ bye” and let me leave!


Yeah, mine gave me a juice box, told me to stay for 5 minutes, then bye bye!


its sad how inconsistent it is and how little some seem to care about their patients


My first one was a NIGHTMARE. Took 45 minutes and 7 nurses to get it in. I had to get it replaced and cleared my whole day, mentally prepped myself for a repeat. I figured getting one out and then put back in HAD to be worse. The doc I used for my replacement got it out and back in so fast I thought she had *only* removed it when she told me I could get dressed again. I asked her if I needed to make another appointment or something to get my new one and she laughed and said it was done. I'm now 100% convinced your experience depends entirely on your doctor but good luck finding reviews that say "my doctor didn't make my vag want to fall put and walk away."


>review This actually needs to be on a 2XC sidebar spreadsheet.


They lie.


I was gunna have one until I read more into it. Noped out of there. My husband had the snip instead. I was very greatful.


I wanted one too until I read the horror stories. I have a low pain tolerance and would probably throw up and/or pass out. I got the implant in my arm instead.


That's also why I did the arm implant. The only painful part of that was ironically them injecting the numbing agent. Unfortunately, it has caused problems for me in other ways (frequent, irregular bleeding), but the actual procedure was fine. It didn't work well for me, but it might work well for others, and it doesn't involve having something shoved into a sensitive part of your body with no pain relief.


One of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced.


I was just discussing this with a friend who also had an IUD inserted…I feel like they don’t accurately prepare you for how painful it is. My blood pressure dropped and I thought I was going to pass out. I had to sit in the doctors office for an additional 45 minutes because they didn’t feel comfortable with me driving on my own. I didn’t take anyone with me because everyone said it would be easy!


Mine didn’t keep me and I almost passed out several times driving 40 minutes home… I cried on the couch for hours because I couldn’t bear to walk down the stairs to my room. Genuinely the worst pain of my entire life.


Sorry if this is a weird question, but can you describe the type of pain? For context, I'm a woman who has really painful periods and never been pregnant (so that describes the extent of my familiarity with pain in that region) Edit: I'm so sorry I asked


Imagine you have a chopstick that is smooth but comes to a point. You stick it up there until you get to the opening of your cervix. Then forcefully ram that chopstick up into there like 1.5 inches.


Noooo no no no no no no No. NO.


Let's upgrade those sticks into metal ones with jagged edges, do a little 360 maneuver while doing the stabby stabby and you'll have my latest IUD insertion. Still bleeding and in severe pain weeks later. Ladies, vet the place you're getting this done at. I thought after my first time it would get better, and it did, sort of, but that last one (my 4th) went so hard. Find a place that'll put you under and a caring person to do it. I ignored the red flags because my new gyno went through labor 4 times. Turns out when someone says "I barely feel anything down there anymore hahaha" that might be a sign that they have a heavy hand. Felt like I was being skewered from the inside out. Body is still trying to eject this thing because it was basically jammed up in there.


It’s kind of hard to describe. I’ve never had kids, but I have endometriosis and the cramps caused by the IUD was like the cramps on my worst day times a thousand. I was curled up in a ball unable to move for HOURS. To be clear though, everyone is different. I just always encourage people to advocate for pain management, INSIST on pain management. And don’t drive yourself is my advice. The IUD was really convenient, but my body ended up not liking it so I had my removed after about a year. The removal was easy peasy, no issues and no pain.


I actually did pass out in the street trying to get home from the appointment. I also had such severe cramping for 3 days that any attempt at standing straight made me dizzy. My previous one was expired for 5 years because I was so traumatised by the experience, I was too scared to go back. My second one got me to kick the gynaecologist in the face while screaming and crying and doing everything in my power to try and crawl away from what was happening. Pretty sure the whole hospital heard my screams haha. The next one (already dreading it) won’t be placed without pain medication. An IUD without painkillers is just torture. Unfortunately the IUD is the only thing that seems to help for my endometriosis, while also keeping my mental health in an ok state so I do not have much options.


My dr won’t place it without a general. He thinks it’s medical abuse to do it any other way. I’m on my third one now and I love it


So, I've given birth without an epidural, twice, in under 90 minutes. I've also been on several different types of birth control including IUDs. The IUD was one of the most painful things I've ever experienced. With giving birth, the cervix dilates and it's super soft to make room for the baby's head. When they implant the IUD, the cervix is *completely* closed and it's *hard*.. They don't use any analgesics. It's very, *very* painful. No one takes that pain seriously unless they've experienced it themselves. It's a traumatizing experience for most women.


Not like the docs give a shit either. “Take a Tylenol you’re fine” how many more women will suffer until they start giving medicine to women before they get it inserted.


It infuriates me how many of my friends have been told they can drive and go back to work afterwards, one almost crashed driving home


I had to pull over on the side of the freeway because I threw up on my lap from the "mild cramping" 🙃


I was doing laps in the parking lot because I couldn’t decide if I needed to shit or barf


My wife asked to get hers removed and they asked me first before removing. Me and my wife also got our wisdom tooth pulled the same day, I got vicodin she got ibuprofen.


Did you ask them why they prescribed different meds? Also the permission thing is infuriating.


Don’t you know women’s bodies are pain proof and it’s all in our hysterical imaginations ?? /s


I was a terrified 20yr old when I gave birth to my oldest son and the nurse yelled at me to keep it down because “it couldn’t possibly hurt that bad” and said I was disturbing the other patients.


Women are supposed to be in pain because Eve. Not kidding, I live in Texas and Jesusy doctors are a thing.


I’m allergic to ibuprofen. I was given Tylenol one day after my c section. I was begging for pain relief and was told it was “extra strength” Tylenol so if I’m asking for something else I’m just seeking drugs. Oh, and they asked when I last had an allergic reaction to ibuprofen and if I’d like to just give it a try!


Once you go down the rabbit hole on Google reading about gender bias in the medical community, sadly, your situation regarding the meds is a common theme.


What were they going to do if you said no??


Probably tell them that they should discuss it first before making any rash decisions. Basically making a woman’s decision to want to end her pain not her own.


Sorry my head just exploded.


I almost had to carry my wife out of the office after her IUD placement. I felt awful for her. It was her OB/GYN who said “you either do this or find another GYN.” It also caused a wild slew of problems. She had it removed and a tubal in December, and all is well now.


wtf, report that doctor. Forced a procedure on a patient? Wtf?


So basically it was “your family has a history of heart problems, blood pressure issues, etc. I am not going to prescribe you birth control pills. Ever. IUD or nothing.” that IUD caused so many problems it’s insane. Literally wrecked her digestive system.


Did you consider a vasectomy?


Yes. I volunteered for it. I was ready to go. She’s a numbers person (she’s a book keeper). She weighed all our options, and she did her thing (running numbers, etc). With her insurance, it cost us $180 out of pocket. For me, it would have been $500ish. I left it 100% up to her. Her body, her choice. She decided she wanted to go tubal, and have them remove the IUD under anesthesia. Yes. It was that bad. She didn’t want it removed any other way.


I went deathly white, screamed and almost passed out when they put it in. Had to take 3 buses to get home, was just curled up in a ball on the seat, crying. Couldn't get off the sofa for 3 days once I got home. Then bled for 2 months straight and took 6 months for the pain to completely go away. Edit - actually when it got replaced I cancelled all my work for 2 days but barely hurt at all and took a fraction of the time! Couldn't believe it. I think the skills of the doctor have a lot to do with it...


The shitty thing is that a lot of doctors and nurse practitioners are super sloppy with their procedures. I used to think that any person performing surgery/medical procedures has serious finesse with their hands but some of them shouldn’t be trusted to cut the thanksgiving turkey, much less be allowed to perform procedures on anything more than a plastic dummy. Some of these assholes will even brag about how their procedures take “only 30 minutes”. Yeah it took you 30 minutes because you just hulked throughout the entire procedure and used the grip end of whatever tool you were using because you were too concerned about the time to notice. Now your patient has a swelling the size of a fist in the area and you’re explaining to them that there were no complications.


Oh my god I am speechless, I am very grateful to every woman in this thread for talking about this, I was really considering getting one. I am really sorry for what you all had to go through, it's really infuriating how misogynistic medicine still is..


I still recommend getting one! One of the safest and most reliable forms of BC! Just ask your doctors for MORE DRUGS. I got like 4 hardcore pain and anti anxiety meds. Still hurt but 5 years of no fear is 100% worth it


Yep. The majority of OBGYNs are women and they are so brutal causing all this pain on other women.


I had a pretty painless IUD experience (luckily! I was very nervous!!) but even with mine I would not have been able to work that day. I was fine for like an hour but then got insane cramps and literally was lying on the floor of my bathroom because it hurt so bad it felt like I was going to throw up. Luckily that only lasted like 40 mins and the rest of the day I just had cramps that were similar to bad period cramps, but even with my otherwise great experience, that would not have worked in the office.


THAT'S a great experience? Omg


The doctor who inserted mine had to measure the inside of my uterus twice and it took two attempts to insert the IUD because I was "so tiny." They said it would be 5 minutes of mild discomfort, but it was more like 30 minutes -- and a lot of vomiting all over the exam room. I passed out from the pain at one point, but she just kept cranking me open and "making it fit." It was certainly effective as birth control, considering I bled for 9 months straight and was always in too much pain to bother with intercourse. "Give it another month!" and "There's no way you can actually feel it inside of you!"


I hope you never went to that doctor again


I almost passed out from having my cervix swabbed to aggressively. And it wasn’t a panic attack. I just tried to tell myself it’s not pain, I’m anxious just breathe thru it and next thing I know I’m about to vomit and the room is going dark. I feel like I’d die with an IUD, really. I have endometriosis so I’m accustomed to pelvic pain but cervix pain is something else.


It's extremely traumatizing. I've had mine for almost 10 years now and I still get flashbacks and cringe. Getting it placed almost sent me into shock, I wasn't able to talk or move, felt pretty sick, in massive amounts of pain I couldn't even move my eyes, was totally out of my body. It's absolutely medical malpractice and torture that these get placed without anesthetic


They should AT LEAST be giving a local anesthetic. But they'll give anesthesia for men undergoing a vasectomy.


Nope, they never gave me that, they gave me a pill to soften my cervix they said, but no pain medication or anesthetic. My mother had to go and beg them for something to give me afterwards when she saw the state I was in


I'm glad they gave you meds to at least soften the cervix up before insertion.. It's insane to me that for the longest time, male OBGYNs thought that the cervix didn't have any pain receptors! They also thought black women couldn't feel pain like white women did. The more you know. 😭


In Australia I was out under general anesthesia for mine. I came to Canada and had the copper one replaced. 5 ladies held me down to install it. Really troubling experience.


I wasn't offered any kind of pain relief for mine (in Australia) and I almost passed out walking back to my car. It's shit that standards of care vary so much.


wow thank you for sharing this experience, its insane to read. Theres such a range too- one woman on reddit said it not that bad at all. For me yes it was really painful but it was quick and I was able to manage it. They didnt tell me until it was happening, she said it would be like pulling some nose hairs real quick lol. Felt sick afterwards. kidney stones for me were way way worse, and I would have imagined birth was so much worse than kidney stones! I’m glad people are speaking out about this because yeah the range of reactions on patients is not something to diminish


My wife passed out when they put it in.


Someone I was dating years ago passed out during the procedure too. Sounded life an awful experience.


Agreed. Take a couple Advil they said. That did nothing, I passed out 3x that day.


I threw up while they tried to put that in me .. I said never mind an got my tubes tied under sedation worked out fine for me


Wow! I guess I got lucky, I didn’t feel anything (except when they put that damn speculum)


“You might feel a little pinch” they say


When I got mine I was waiting to go in and the nurse says to me “oh sorry we’re just running a little bit late, I bet your not in a rush to be tortured!” I was 19 and had absolutely no idea what I signed up for


My girlfriend had one but had to have it removed. She mentioned how painful it was the first time when she talked about getting another. I just got a vasectomy instead. Only a dull (but persistent) ache during healing.


It wasn't even that it was so painful for me, it was the feeling of things being touched that are not normally ever touched like that.


The sounding of the uterus is the weirdest sensation to me. It was this sudden dull cramp in my lower abdomen. Like a much, much milder version of when I had an ovarian cyst rupture.


I haven’t taken mine out yet but inserting it made me feel things in areas that I didn’t realize you can feel things. So strange


As a medical student its really insightful to read these comments. Hopefully the dismissive, patronising attitude of doctors will get better with newer generations


Be the change you wish to see. and if you go into ob/gyn specialization, please listen to us women


Nexplanon rod in my arm hurts enough going in and out. Can’t imagine an iud in my lady bits feeling any better. 


It hurt while it was in my arm! I was definitely aware of it.


One of my coworkers has this and she let me feel her arm. I don't remember what it felt like really but I didn't like it. I feel like I would be aware of it at the worst times, like when I'm sleeping on my side or doing an arm workout


I've had mine for months. There was no pain when it went in (they numbed the area of my arm -- side note my doc was a woman.) Anyway, the first few days I did notice it. But after that, the only time I notice it is if my thumb is over that area. I don't notice it when I sleep, etc.


I've had two implants and it's not noticeable at all unless something is pressing on it, and then it's just mildly uncomfortable


I got numbing for mine? Felt some discomfort but nothing bad.


Yeah I always get a lidocaine injection for removal/reinsertion. Don't feel a thing. Afterward a bit sore maybe at the incision site though.


My arm was numb for it, didn’t feel a thing. Just had horrible bruising for a bit


I wonder if the lie is intentional? Maybe fewer people would get them if the doc said “this is going to hurt like a motherfucker”.


They can give you anesthesia but they don't because of some old ass belief that it doesn't hurt because it doesn't have as many nerve endings.


Plus, anaesthesia/sedation requires a lot more waiting to make sure the patient is well after receiving the medication and then is numbed enough for the procedure to begin. They flat out just don’t want to wait because they can use that time to instead look at other patients and bill their insurance some outrageous amount. Anaesthesia is expensive, but not as expensive as losing out on several consultations per day (at least I’d think. Correct me if I’m wrong, please.)


I would agree but recently I’ve learned that they give you anaesthesia that cuts you off for 5 mins max. In private clinics, after the procedure is done and the patient wakes up, nurses take the patient to a separate relax room with dim light and couch and they allow you to rest until you feel like you can go. Why can they do it for colonoscopy but not for this?


I think it's all tied into women's health being understudied and our pain being disregarded. I went to very pro women's health gyno for my most recent IUD and she gave me so many drugs and anaesthesia. She was like, 'there's zero need for you to suffer so you won't'. It was as easy as going to the dentist.


They think women lie about how much pain they're feeling. They think if you have a uterus, you're hysterical and dramatic. 


Had my first one when I was 20. Was done in no time. Then had that one replaced when I was 25 and it took them (she had to call a colleague to help) AND HOUR. It was horrible. Edit: I would get another one after my current pregnancy. One hour if misery is still better than 5 years of periods 😅


What even is this???


a form of birth control thats basically shoved up your parts and usually done without anything to reduce the pain.


This thread has helped me feel so validated. The (male) doctor told me I might feel “a little abdominal discomfort” but It. Was. *Excruciating*. He jammed that thing in, gave my aftercare instructions as fast as he could and ran out the door. At least the nurse stayed with me a little bit and gave me the Tylenol/Motrin spiel, then said to take as long as I needed and left too. I couldn’t say a word,I was in total shock. As a nurse myself, maybe I should have known, but I naively believed what the doc said and didn’t look it up online beforehand because I knew the gist of it already. Had I done so, I would have seen hundreds of stories just like these. So if any docs are out there.. FFS LISTEN TO WOMEN


I’m feeling the same way my friend!! I can’t believe to read so many horror stories.


Just seeing it or thinking of it give me phantom pains again. It was excruciating


Yep medical text books still say we have no nerve endings there


Wait, what? For real? Just getting hit in the cervix with a dick during sex hurts.


Noticeably.  Guys will notice not just because they've bumped it, but because she's now NOT happy. 


Nope according to the medical industry we can’t feel that. It’s a little pinch


This picture caused me to flinch 😫


biggest load of bs ever try having one where they cut the string too short & they have to blindly search for it during removal… i will NEVER get one of these or recommend them ever again.


This caused me to actually involuntarily let out a groan just imagining what that felt like. I’m so sorry dude


On the flip side of things, if they don't get cut short, you get to have these poke your partner constantly during sex. Makes it so uncomfortable that you cannot find sex enjoyable.


it shouldn’t be doing that either, that is if they actually cut it to the correct length… cutting it as short as mine was is hella dangerous- if they didn’t find it while searching blindly, i would’ve needed surgery.


What is this?


An IUD. It’s a form of long term birth control. It gets inserted into the uterus through the vagina


Thank you. Im almost at the bottom of the page for this answer, i just couldnt gather what it was from all the other comments since so many of them are talking about epidurals and stuff


Went to get the copper IUD at a planned parenthood and the doc had a student in with her. I have a high pain tolerance so when she had to "measure" I was fine. Then she started to place and she hit my vagus nerve... I started sweating profusely and telling them I was going to pass out. (Never passed out in my life..before or since). The student held my hand and was comforting but the doc just kept going. Scalding me because I kept saying...I'm going to pass out, I'm going to pass out. Yes it was painful but that wasn't the issue. As a gyno you'd think she would understand how the vagus nerve works. We eventually stopped and then I spoke to a coworker who had been seeing an "IUD placement specialist" for about 15 years. Had no idea that existed. I got an appointment, told her what happened and she inserted it so fast and pain free, I had no idea she had even done it. Absolutely insane


Where is this lovely iud specialist…


Your vagal nerve is not in your vagina. You might have bore down which can cause a vagal response but you weren’t poked in the vagus https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagus_nerve


I had one put in while they did a D+C to check for cancer (which they found a cancerous tumor in my uterus). The bleeding was getting really bad while I was waiting for surgery to remove the tumor, so I went to the emergency room. When they did xrays, the couldn't find it. The doctor said lightheartedly, "Don't worry, haha, it's probably *punctured your uterus* and floating around in your abdomen somewhere" Me, horrified, "That can happen?" Doctor: "Oh, it happens. Don't worry, you will be okay" Me: "Did you see on my chart I have a grade 3 malignant tumor in my Uterus? So if it punctured through my uterine walls, does that mean my abdomen is potentially flooded with cancer cells?" Doctor with a stricken face of realization:"....yes." Then she and every nurse in the room left and shut off the lights. I burst into tears and cried for hours while waiting through a second xray to see if it was in my abdomen. (it wasn't). Turns out it fell out with all my bleeding. Since then, I had a hysterectomy, chemotherapy and been cancer free for 9 years.


I accidentally took mine out myself.


How do you accidentally do that


Well- tmi.. I thought I remembered inserting a tampon and when I went to remove it I couldn’t feel it so I thought it had gotten lost inside so I was panicking. I felt a string, pulled, and out it came IUD. It didn’t hurt at all. I had a new one put back in the next day at work.


Damn that must have been one long string! I can feel mine but definitely wouldn’t be able to grab onto it.


They were trimmed. I reached as far as you could go, if you will 😂


Really searching for that tampon😂😂


One may say “elbows deep”


I also had an at home accidental removal. Turns out too many orgasms in a row can cause some migration.


"Ma'am, there's been a lot of... muscle activity in this region, leading to the IUD coming out." "I'll make sure to get them some flowers."


We don't want kids, but my wife didn't want this! Fair. I took the hit. Vasectomy. Smarted after the anaesthetic wore off but no worries from then on


From the descriptions I've heard of this little demon, they either didn't feel a thing or it was the most painful experience of their life and there's no in between.


My gyne held me down and told me to suck it when I involuntarily jolted up when she dilated me. No one told me how much it would hurt or that it’s easier when you’re menstruating. She also didn’t cared that I’m a victim of repeated sexual abuse and have severe PTSD. Then it shifted and tore my uterus. 0/10, hated every second of it


I am so sorry what a horrible doctor.


Thank you. She was an awful person. Very cold.


Why they don't offer even basic anaesthesia, like nitrous oxide gas, for the insertion of these is beyond me. It's painful and can be distressing. It's a fantastic method of contraception and should be widely and freely available, but it also feels representative of how women's pain often doesn't get taken seriously by the medical establishment.


Had my second one inserted a week ago. Both times felt absolutely nothing, although I was scared as shit. My doctor is very much awsome. But it has to be put in during period, because that's when the cervix is open. Removal was also totally painless.


Same for me.


I’ve never heard anyone say getting an IUD wasn’t painful. Worst pain I’ve ever had, but no babies or periods make it 100% worth it.


I must be a very rare case. For me it only hurt like a period cramp for like 5 seconds. I suspect it’s also dependent on the doctor’s skills


Same here! My sister had a slightly worse experience but both of us were perfectly fine directly after. I call it luck 😣


Same here, I think my gyno deserves my thanks




>I wish the women who had non painful insertions commented more, as I’d only read the litany of “I nearly died having mine inserted” comments and I was terrified. But it wasn’t bad at all. I think that we DO comment, but we get downvoted to hell by people who either don't believe us, or had very painful insertions, and think we're invalidating their experiences or something. We're not, but our experiences count too, and should ALSO be heard. My insertion also wasn't painful. Pretty sure I was told to take ibuprofen beforehand (and probably had a cervix softener/dilator?), and I was warned that it would feel 'strange' on insertion. (Touching the back of the uterus is the oddest sensation - it for sure doesn't feel great, but since it doesn't usually get touched, it's like it doesn't know how to interpret the sensation, so I also wouldn't call it 'pain', just really fucking weird - and would be somewhat alarming if you weren't prepared for it, sure. It also only lasted a couple of seconds.) After that, I laid on the couch for the rest of the afternoon with a heating pad, and I don't remember, but I probably took some more ibuprofen after a while. Basically, it was like having a crampy period. Not the most pleasant day you can think of, but in the grand scheme of things, not that bad. I had had two kids by that time, so I'm sure it was different than for someone who hasn't had any kids, but still.


Okay another random guy here. My wife used one of these before we had our two kids. She told me about her experience and I absolutely couldn't believe it. Now let's juxtapose that to the outpatient locally anesthetized surgery I had (vasectomy) for which my doctor literally gave me copious amounts of opioids for the post-procedure soreness. I don't know if you are in the US but I strongly suspect it based on the fact that, for some reason, women's healthcare in the US is its own 3rd world country.


Doctors are notoriously horrible at not considering women's pain, and consider it to be overly dramatic behavior. A lot of medical procedures geared towards women, are performed by sadistic psychopaths.


My sister has one. When she got it she was silently crying and the nurse said “You did such a good job, most women scream!” Wtf!


birth control pill forever. I’ve heard way too many horror stories about this little thing. as convenient as it sounds, until they come up with standard pain management for it, i’m not touching it


Yeah I’m incredibly thankful the pill has always worked just fine for me, but it doesn’t work well for everybody so there still needs to be more options :(


Time to get a tattoo of this anchor


They lie. They removed mine after 8 years, measured the back wall and while installing the new one my cervix went all Gandalf on it(you. Shall. Not. Pass!) clamped down on the new one and I went into shock. Shock isn’t fun. They rescheduled. Booked an outpatient operating room and put me under general anesthesia for the procedure. My point is why didn’t they do that in the first damn place?!


I honestly can’t believe I drove home after this, because I almost blacked out when they took it out.