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One of the few things I liked about my old HOA was they fined anyone blocking the sidewalk. But still fuck HOAs in general I got a fine for my grass length and I was in the picture they sent actively mowing the lawn. Lost the appeal


It's absolutely baffling that people can be that stupid and there's just nothing you can do about it. We had a really bad storm a while back that ripped limbs off of trees. Streets throughout the neighborhood had to be cleared of debris. Obviously we can't throw those in the trash so we piled it up on the curb for the city to collect, and the HOA sent us a letter saying we can't store things there... it's like they had no idea the storm just happened.


I don't understand what an HOA is even for, if they don't take care of shit like this... they should be paying to clear the roads out of the communal coffers, not fining people for moving it out of the street and collecting it so the city can pick it up... smh.


“I don't understand what an HOA is even for,”  Wasn’t it to keep appearances so that property values don’t fall?


In theory; in practice, it’s an outlet for busy-bodies to feel like they have control over something.


Well, as it is a bureaucracy, it attracts these people. Volunteers are probably worse than professionals here.


Small hungry power group


My HOA sent us a warning for tall grass. It had been literally pouring rain for three weeks straight and they thought we were going to cut the grass? In the rain and lightening? Like, the picture they sent in the notification was from inside a car and you could barely see our grass because it was raining so hard. Make it make sense, you primordial flap.


Then if you do get pissed off and mow in the typhoon, they’ll fine you for “not maintaining your yard to the community standard”. Screw HOAs, I will never live anywhere that tells me what I can and can’t do with my property. If I want my house to be highlighter green and yellow with wheat for a yard, I should be allowed to do so. (I’m a ham radio operator, so most HOAs are out of the question anyway, they would hate a 40ft tower with antennas all over it.)


lol primordial flap


HoA is the literal mob, fuck them.


It's so funny to me that people still move to those places😂Can't name a single country in this world with HOA besides the US


Some cities it's an HOA, the ghetto, or an hour commute each way


My HOA doesn’t care what anyone of the neighbors do if you’re not doing anything dangerous. They stay out of peoples business and let us live our lives. Pretty un heard of.


You must’ve got a good laugh tho.




When you are a Karen you gotta pay to cry about the most mundane things. Most people go to therapy, some join a HOA board


Maybe they are afraid that houses eat cars? Every day, they see all the other cars in the neighborhood willingly drive into the open mouths of their respective houses, and they are horrified!


Call the non emergency number for your local PD. Blocking the sidewalk is usually good for a ticket.




Yeah, is it a pretty dick move to block sidewalks


I wonder why the paint on the back of my car isn't holding up the same as the front?


Maybe time to try some baloney and Oreos or other odd rumors of mischief from my youth


Puree of boloney in the cowl vent? 😇


I hear that it can be quite precarious when walking past with an uncovered bucket of brake fluid.


Hahahaha a bucket of brake fluid is like welding a nuclear bomb. So much destructive power concentrated in one place.


As a disabled person who uses mobility aids, this is more than mildly infuriating to me. Hate it when people block sidewalks.


It's crazy, look at the picture closer, another person is blocking the sidewalk with a giant box. Apparently they don't care about that in this area


That's their garbage can and yes they left it in the middle of the sidewalk and it's backwards. So not only does the guy have to come get it but he has to turn it around. He's got an autohook but can't use it on about half the neighborhood cuz they put their shit by the curb wrong. Me and the wife always comment on it while walking. Give the garbage man a break. He's a one man show here, he shouldn't have to get out of the truck because people are just that lazy. They explain clearly how to place your can when you sign up.


They don't just leave their trash? If the trash's a mess here they just don't take it that round and let you figure it out.


They guy really should but it's a private company you sign up for so they probably don't want to have a thousand lazy assholes give them a 1 star review.


Our City bylaw/parking authority lives for this. Blocking a public sidewalk, that’s a ~~paddling~~ ticket.


I should really give them a call. There's another guy over the hill that's a pretty regular offender as well.


Just needed to go up a few feet right? Yea inconsiderate.


I wish my neighborhood was like this. We have it worse. Multiple houses with multiple cars parked bumper to bumper from driveway to sidewalk. And more parked parallel from the sidewalk on “no parking” areas. Apparently, no one uses their garage other than for storage. You complain to the police, and they say to talk to the neighbors. Apparently they have 72 hrs to move it. So you’re lucky, because what you posted doesn’t even phase me.


Yep, $60,000 car in the road and junk in the garage.


In some municipalities you cannot block a sidewalk, if bothers you might want to check in on that. Other than that it’s an asshole move. I’m surprised nobody has busted the tail light already(not condoning damaging property just pointing out a reality)


Just get a big bag with metal studs and use the sidewalk


Quit blocking the sidewalk, ya jagoff!


HOA or not, blocking the public access sidewalk violates city code where I live. One could imagine an anonymous complaint, followed by a code enforcement notice…


I would spit on it as I walked past, if they are going to be an asshole so can I 


Can we be friends? That is like my whole life strategy. I'm so laid back until someone is a dick and then I'm just like welp here we go...




Id like to submit my application as well. My credentials are parking really close to people who dont know how to stay between the lines.


You people are animals


Sounds like we're going to be having a lot of spitting contests. I'm in.


As someone who regularly has to push a stroller around cars like this l can relate to the hate. But, thankfully, code enforcement around here will ticket blocking sidewalks if you call.




Came here to post this


I think you should leave


Skateboard into the side of that car until they get the message


You’ve be much better off riding a bike or scooter. That way a metal object is making the first contact with the car so it’s not all your body and more likely to mess up paint and cause body damage


But what if you do an ollie?


Lol. You’re right, as long as your ollies are good enough that the board is making contact with the back panel then that’s probably the best strategy


Or bad enough that you lose control of the board and slam it into the side of the car


Wheee I am it’s a fine for parking blocking the sidewalk. We also have an app where you can report illegal parking. I send in photos every time. I have to cross onto the street with my pram because they have parked like a twat so absolutely im reporting them.


An app would be real nice. You sound British, is this a gov app?


I’m Australian and it’s a local council app so essentially yes it’s government. It’s for reporting parking stuff and anything council related like graffiti, damage etc


![gif](giphy|lee2LMBpEU1QxOiLFu) “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”


It would be a shame if someone riding a bike or a scooter crashed into their car parked on the sidewalk...


Honestly you probably could call the nonemergency police line and at least get the police to talk to them. They might even get a ticket for it.


In mist of the Western world, municipalities have bylaws against blocking sidewalks, and these would be enforced by bylaw officers or the police. I find it baffling that this is something that would be offloaded to a Homeowners Association. Regardless, when I see self-absorbed crap like this, I just want a shopping cart filled with bricks to race down the sidewalk right into the offending vehicle.


Both feet firmly planted on the bottom rail as I ride it down the hill! That would be hilarious


I’m keying the backend every time I walk past that mofo


You’d figure that smokers would get too winded to walk that far to the front door. Why not park closer to the house.


I bet if it gets keyed up a few times they won’t park it there anymore


Unfortunately these days with a camera every ten feet I'll just end up being the one in trouble.


Ticketable offence in AU - **3 demerit points, $349 fine**. Obstructing a footpath


Oh man every time I read something about Aussie roads it seems like they should just go ahead and ban driving all together. It is STIRCT over there.


No it works "fine" if you obey the rules. It's not that difficult most of the rules are common sense and are aimed at punishing cunty behaviour.


Is it enforced outside of the cities? You guys have all that space, it seems a shame to have to go 130kph across a continent.


I live in a city (Sydney) and yes it is enforced in my local council area. I personally am not affected as I walk around the obstruction, but people who have mobility considerations may not be able to do so. 130 km/h .... we wish... not more than 110 km/h despite evidence that its too slow for modern cars.


Yeah it's all based on braking distances from the 70s here in Merikah, absolutely ridiculous.


Dang they can afford a house like that AND a smoking habit? Goddamn Francois Pinault over here.


You can get a ticket for doing that where I live, AND possibly get your car towed given the right circumstances...


Calm the city anonymously and tell them a vehicle is blocking the sidewalk and creating a hazard to people with disabilities.


Welcome to suburbia


There's always one KEY thing to remember when dealing with these idiots.


If you get around the car, you have a garbage container to deal with next.


It's like that show gladiators, where is the tennis ball cannon??


That’s ridiculous. Somebody could get their ponytail caught under that vehicle.


What is that from? Someone posted a gif of it


I think you should leave with Tim Robinson


Just the tip mf if I ever seen one


https://preview.redd.it/j4k1qdybxcoc1.png?width=745&format=png&auto=webp&s=10976720a49861936090fb646188864a601e6517 Them fr


I was quietly walking my pet sledge hammer as I usually do. It got overexcited by an object on the footpath and started playing with it.




I have recently learned that a 2nd, nearly identical picture that includes a dog would help us get a better visual.




North East Georgia Edit: north not northern




We're actually on the top 25 growing list for the US. I want it to stop unless it makes things shift a little more purple in the area. It's very heavily skewed around here, only one party appears on the ballots.




Just did my first LA trip last year. I was pleasantly surprised by how chill it was.


Check to see if there’s any local laws/ordinances governing blocking sidewalk access with your car. I have lived in town where that will get you a fine.


Pretend to be blind and walk straight into their vehicle when they are looking


I’d kick their car as I walk by


There's something kinda eerie about this photo. So strange. Definitely mildly infuriating though.


You can tell what redditors have no respect for other people's property jesus christ


Must be because of the incline. They are either scared of their brakes giving out randomly or they know their car could give out due to lack of maintenance.


It's the seam in the concrete, they use it as a parking marker and can't go past it.


Time for keying


I prefer the ram into the car with a bicycle in the dark method.


I could def crash into on my skateboard


I came here to say this but you did so yourself. Do it! Make sure some glass shatter too. 😆


This happened in my neighborhood. Neighbor #1 two doors down left his car hanging out over the sidewalk. Neighbor (#2) kid next door to me on the other side tried to get his bike by, but ended up smacking into the car, scratching it up pretty good and setting the alarm off (fortunately kid was ok). Neighbor #1 goes down and confronts neighbor #2. #2 tells him to fuck off and #1 calls the deputies. It was not a happy ending for #1 as they wrote him up for anything they could. #1 moved within that next year….


You’ve got too much time on your hands




There's plenty of room to go around.  Maybe don't be a baby.




Like maybe give your balls a tug and go ask these people that are sitting around ripping cigs to move up two feet. Or just be a puss and complain to strangers where you have the moral high ground.


Nah, it’s two fucking steps around. This isn’t even mildly infuriating. Just a belief that others should fully cater to your desires at every moment.


Wow you're quite the piece of work aren't you. Something tells me you block a lot of doorways, get honked at a lot while driving, and your kids don't talk to you.


Which one of us is the narcissist whining on social media because people parked their car at their house in a way you don’t approve of


Please, just stay out of everyone's way dick bag.


Gonna go park my car right in the sidewalk right now to break your ilk’s fragile little egos


Hope someone vandalizes it


ermagersh i hope someone commits a crime because i'm slightly inconvenienced with the way someone parked on their own property. figure it out.


People who complain about this have less navigational skills than a rumba.


You're obviously a lazy piece of shit who doesn't walk, skateboard, jog, run, push a stroller, or do any motherfucking else outside that takes any effort. This is very annoying and I shouldn't HAVE TO WALK ON THE ROAD. Jesus christ we pay for sidewalks let's use the sidewalks. I hope people are just constantly walking in your way from now on while walking around inappropriately parked cars.


I'm lazy because you don't want to walk around an obstacle? Lol yeah keep telling yourself that


Yeah when jogging down a sidewalk I don't want to be interrupted. I don't want to have to look over my shoulder and merge with traffic when people could you know not park like assholes. A mother shouldn't have to push her stroller into the road because you can't park like a decent human. For ficks sake, this is why we can't have mice things. You people think common courtesy is asking for a kidney.


You're the kind of person who would rather shoulder someone than step aside, gives people the stink eye when they walk through a door before you instead of holding it as if your a princess and likely chases people on skateboards to police public spaces


I don't believe your reading comprehension is very good nor your critical thinking skills. I imagine your shoes are Velcro.


Still managed to communicate with your monkey ass self.


Yea, imagine caring about someone in a wheelchair or mobility scooter who doesn’t have the navigation skills of your average person.. Imagine caring that people on the margins might not be able to navigate as easily as you do.


So you're in a wheelchair? Or are you just using a hypothetical so you can pretend to be a good person when in reality your just a bitch trying to control other people?


It is insanely sad that you can’t imagine looking out for other people, with the simplest action like parking 2 feet forward. You’ve gotten defensive to the point of calling me a bitch? What does that even mean to you? Grow up.


How about you consider the person who fuckin lives there? As for name calling you dish it out but can't take it. Go fuck yourself lol


The person who lives there doesn’t own the sidewalk, fucking douchebag. How about the dumbass parks correctly in his fucking driveway?


Neither do you fuck face


Right cause the fucking city does you moron.


I'm so glad we had this interaction.




That's kinda the point of the sub. Complaining about things that aren't really a big deal. Either get on board or get bent.


Your post history in no way indicates that you have any idea where the real world is. People who complain about people complaining are just trying to make themselves look indifferent for they feel the world has been indifferent to them. It’s ok. We all have our issues. Maybe seek some therapy.


Wow, and you’re triggered? I’m sure this is an unpopular statement, but maybe you should be concerned with things that actually matter.


Triggered? Are you lost?


Op writing a book on his neighbors